Python Vs R (funny!)

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hey what's up python what's up argh so are i was thinking before i came in does your name stand for something i know we had s who worked here at one point she was a pretty rad chick and then we got you does your name stand for something yeah and yeah i am named after something or should i say someone's um okay you know nowadays they name languages after fun things like in my case a comedy group nowadays you do know that you're older than me right did i mention that i prefer s sucks she doesn't come around anymore so what would you say you do around here what's your purpose in life well really i'm a multi-use language and the data science community really loves me you can say i'm a jack of all trades yeah and you're a master of none i was designed for statistical and numerical analysis um okay that's what i have pandas for plus what's up with your packages names ggplot2 grammar of graphics really and matplotlib is any better you literally stole the beginning of the name from our co-worker matlab well you ain't wrong but what about machine learning it's all the hype nowadays and my packages are the best for this and you're one to talk about machine learning i've seen your work before you have all these different models to your disposal and still every time you choose to run a linear regression slap a machine learning sticker on it and call it good sorry i don't work in academia and use more sophisticated models i'll have you know my models perform at normally above 90 accuracy so i don't see what the big deal is okay that's not bad so what's your precision now um point what point five geez well i've seen your work and come on really the base classifier that's so naive of you hey what up guys did we tell you come out of there i'm just taking a break sheesh dude what's up with those glasses they're not even real prescription glasses well of course not but for blocking out the blu-rays get with the times hey data nerd why don't you start pulling your weight around here and get back to work hey turn the lights off we're open source for pete's sake we're trying to keep costs down you do realize that that is your fault they made julia because of your incompetencies i think i'm more upset that jupiter wasted letters of their name on that archaic language so we can at least agree on what the worst language is for data science totally java just kidding fist bump okay never mind i do agree with you though that uh java is pretty silly for data science cool story bro come
Channel: Luke Barousse
Views: 125,977
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: data viz by luke, business intelligence, data science, bi, computer science, data nerd, Python Vs R, python for data science, R for data science, best for data science, python vs R for data science, programming for data science
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 22sec (202 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 11 2021
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