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okay so welcome back to the channel this is the second hypervisor build video and hope you've seen the first one if you haven't been going over check out the first one in their other data center room as you see we're actually in a different room this time so hopefully there's a little bit less complaints about the noise but it will still get noisy because of course we're still working with service i'm also here with wrath wrath is gonna do the vmware install I'm gonna set raid which was the final part of the last bit of the video so we might as well just get to it [Music] [Applause] in the back as you saw in the last video we have two drives and these drives are the ones with mistake that OS on and then I also have a stack of drives here which we are going to put into the front of the machine and we'll do a raid 5 on those so that's its storage and its OS on the back so if RAF wants to take that set I'll take this set we just turn the machine on hopefully it all just works cool so what it does now is it as a memory check they checks the CPUs and things on the machine as its booting up as you'd normally find on any computer except for it's in pretty blue colors this time from Dell okay so hopefully I'm going to catch the raid configuration prompt and I don't miss it otherwise I have to reboot the Machine again and that's just painful there is almost missed it so you press ctrl R to run into the configuration utility and once it's finished initializing its card thing it will actually take me into the RAID controller and there we are so we can see all the disks that we have put into the machine at the front and then the two at the back which to the 140 gig ones so this one's going to be our OS this one is going to be our storage for the machine itself then these ones are quite simple you can go up to the top and you can press f2 you can create a new virtual disk we can then select the raid level we want and it gives us raid levels in this case from 0 1 5 10 and 50 so for my OS version I'm going to go with one I've only got two disks and then going to select the disks that I want or scrolling down and then hitting space to select I can then set the virtual disk name in this case OS I'm not bothered about the Advanced Settings hit ok it won't just that we want to initialize the disk first so we just say yeah sure ok and then we do what it says to initialize so you get press f2 back on our virtual disks that we just set up we come to initialization and I like to choose fasting because I'm not going to stand here for half hour we then say sure yes we do want to initialize the reason it asks you whether it wants to initialize or not is because if you did that on a live disk with an actual rate array you would delete it all the data on the disk delete then it tells us it's done so cool we didn't want to take our and create our next virtual disk for our storage so we do the same again create new virtual disk in this case I'm going to go with 5 for my raid level just because I get a little bit more storage are then selecting the disks come down call this storage okay okay and then we do the same again which is the fast initialize probably tell I've done that quite a few times so you get pretty fast at it right and now effectively the raid is set up so rack is going to do is next bit hopefully it's going to boot off of the USB stick and we can actually install VMware controller to link to reboot it goes through a boot cycle again and after watch out the bit that says press ENTER to go off USB stick or web breeze that it says I believe could just live with running it was still photography that's good I'm actually gonna use boot manager if I press f11 up going to boot manager so I can actually choose it rather than waiting and I should really disable this initializing thing the pixie boot because I'll never pixie boot off of this machine and it just takes time or stucking promise in syslinux what version of VMware did you put on that six point seven that's the current most that's the most current version of he is excited there is the lipids update number through three yeah cool it's worth noting with the other machines in the video that we've done beforehand that this version of VMware isn't supported by certain CPUs so if you use like that 2160 2950 even swam in then this version isn't technically supported so you'd have to go back a few versions like version six when this boots we should be greeted by installer of the ESXi so you could think of it as an operating system although technically it's just a shell that runs virtual machines hypervisors can be done multiple ways as I explained in different video we you can just run OS on it like fully-fledged Linux or anything and just run KVM and to live vert and stuff like that and that will work brilliantly we're doing the ESXi which is will achieve the same thing just different way all right guys we've made a cut just to spare you the boring faffing around with BIOS settings but there is a one important setting that needs to be turned on otherwise the hypervisor will not be hypervisor because it will not be running a virtual machines there's the setting right there it will be something up around virtualization technology or you have to enable VT on your bios depends on your vendor and on your motherboard so here it is virtualization technology is enabled what are we at it we've swapped the USB from front to back because we think it might make a difference we'll see where it was it is not what I expect it to be and I but there's the pixie setting that I wanted to turn off the system will now reload again because I changed loads of settings on the BIOS and on network ports on the back they're going booting from disk right so now it has actually booty call so we are in actual OS installer which is pretty much like every older system installer that you have seen just gonna run some kernels and stuff and hopefully we'll get into the progress bar and want it which is hundred percent we should be good to go ok so now it prompts us with the welcome message so I was gonna press ENTER to continue yes I actually read it it's ok to press f11 to agree but make sure you read it yourself yeah sure if they already digitized [Laughter] okay now we're gonna select the device that we're gonna install it on we're gonna install it on the two drives that are right here at the back which will be the first one the first 139 your 30 gigs drives and for ya would help it's giving us the options to run it on one on the park the one on the front that's what we configuring the right so we will see right one here for the one on the back right five the one on the front and it also sees my USB stick and obviously I don't want to install them I use mystic so yeah that's the one when can i stall it for you want you taking keyboard yes you cranium United Kingdom there you go set your secret password there you go it streams the service are we gonna allow him to type in the my very secret very secret passwords and I'll promise not to look okay the Installer is configured things to leave sex I we want to go forwards I'm just gonna press f11 and there we have a long-awaited progress bar and this should didn't take long mmm it's worth noting that although we have chosen to install it on the drives you can install it on a memory stick inside as well and some people do do that and you can set up different things on internal storage as well except the fact that actually we just chose to use the disk for the back it's my service I do I like essentially and now we wait all right guys so the installation finished successfully we've got the prompt that installation was successful it asks us to remove the installation media before rebooting which was dead it's bistec out and it's gonna present at the reboot there we go the server will shut down and reboot that's what we want and hopefully it will boot now from the two drives out there that are configured in raid 1 and we'll get the ESXi on the screen call so it's actually booting from the disks now this is its boot up process and then hopefully we'll actually take it into the 8 X I system where we can configure a few more settings for it but we could also mention that if you want to guys repeat our little lab in here ESXi is a free hypervisor as a free hypervisor license so all you need to do is to register on VMware website where you can download yourself an ISO with the ESXi and then you don't even have to have a server obviously let's change the slab change the server he's putting on there but if you have like an old laptop that's still capable of running virtual machines you can confirm that when you go into the BIOS and you'll see that you have virtualization technologies to enable you can put that on a laptop and you can replicate our entire lab yeah so you don't need anything special you can just have an old desktop yeah so you can do it essentially for free if you have any hardware that I'd run it okay so we do have ESXi fully booted loaded up and running what we can and what we should do now is to just configure the network interface for it so if James is kind enough to login and put his super complicated password as if I can remember it that's the sound of doing it right there we are so now from here what you should do is configure a networking interface or network management so if you're gonna go over here and we're gonna do ipv4 and we will use static yes we will use static and then we will configure there we go and you can set the IP address that you want your ESXi on now ESXi in version 6.7 you fully configure it from the web interface so you type into your browser the IP address that you select right here and from there you'll be able to make any changes previous versions had sticky note this is so I don't forget what the IP address previous versions had a standalone Windows a program that will allow you to configure ESXi from that program they've chose to do it from the web interface going out which has it both advantages and disadvantages but we're not going to touch on it in this video we'll talk about it later on in the next one no VLANs and we are selecting network port 0 as the management interface and then while rack was talking I set DNS settings for it as well and I disabled ipv6 but I'm not using v6 in my lab and that is essentially it so now if we come out of this it asks do we want to apply it the changes and we hear yes we do ok so once this hypervisor boots again where it's going to be fully functioning ready to go hypervisor and we're gonna pick it up on the next video so stick with it guys and we'll see you again next time
Channel: Custodian Data Centres
Views: 53,615
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: MS6vfW8pKt0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 15sec (795 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 05 2019
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