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what's going on guys welcome back to custodian and another day in the life of anak engineers we're going to be doing a full rack and stack scene as we got a lot of interest and a lot of good feedback from our how to properly rap server video so I'm gonna go this way if you want to follow me we're gonna go see James is currently setting up we've got a load of service to install for a customer so it's currently prepping all of that getting all the rounds ready and stuff you do some maintenance work going on here some servicing of our fire systems so you me hisses beeping we're going to go up and find Jay [Music] [Applause] okay so here we are and I found James so this is one of our unfinished our sail finished our unwrapped pod so we've got various we've got twelve points of data floor four and they scale from 18 racks on the top floor to 22 I believe on the ground floor the customer is actually in the pod next door so we're going to use this space to get everything ready once we've done that we're then going to move the rails in get the rails put in then with servers in switches and then we'll get cabling so we're gonna well I think James has pretty much got it all under control so I'm gonna go and have a cup of tea while he does it okay so here we are ready to take the rails in I've got my gloves my boots and my ear protection purely because I need it there's health and safety reasons I don't want to go deaf about one cup of hands up on the rows because they're sharp metal objects and if they put on my feet I'll know about it so where my steel toe-caps I'm going to take these next door JJ scream just finish off doing the stuff with the server's getting them ready and then we'll yeah we'll get started just pop those bad boys there right I suppose I should get the blanking out the right because it's going to be hot to install the server otherwise so in order display things a little bit easier I'm leaving and take the door off just because it kind of swings and it might get my way so it's just Li take the roof out in the process I'm just gonna put it over by James Hayson now we're going to get the rails Manny James let's go around the back we've got three three use the rest of two years so we're just gonna work for that so we'll get these mounted why don't why well the front ones are left now the front one could come forward a bit okay so what's happened is we found that the rail is a little bit longer for how the rack is currently bolted so what we're going to have to do is undo the bolts on the rack physically move the mountain as I suppose you can call it so these bits here forwards and backwards and so the rails actually fit inside the rack itself and that is like so I can do is we're going to go get the server that's going in here just to make sure that hey we put the rails in the right place and be that the rails just focusing quickly so what would probably do get one out put it in and then we'll just put the rest of rails in then all the service yeah so now we're going to carry on putting the rails in and then we'll just do that over and over and over again if so finished putting all the rails in now hopefully you listen it my lovely time that we're going to go get the surface we're going to slide them all in and then we're going to mount the network switches and look at the cabling so we'll be back in a second [Music] we should have loaded a three you lost but nothing right so what we're going to do now is we're going to mount the switches that customer given us in the back of the rack this is their design so they've requested them for them to be in the back so the cables just stay in the back rather than going back to front so we're going to do now is mount the cage nuts and then we'll get the switches and mounting them physically in the rack oh yes what we've done now is we've placed the cage nuts into the rack a she's just going to go and get the switch themselves and then we'll screw them into the rack after that we're going to cave up all the servers as per their design and that's just where we're at okay actually fish stick in the bottom when they Wow these are the bottom screws and the neck gate dr. bottom alright so now we're done the servers the next thing to do is get the cable in so we're going to go get the boxes of cat5 get all the boots to the plugs and the crimp tools and then we'll be back in it to a cable it all up now yeah see you in a sec so the plan is to cut all the lengths to the longest length possible to the bottom server from the top so we'll take one length of cable plug it in and then that'll be our measure and then we'll cut all of the other lengths to that length and then we'll just slowly chop them up as they go to each service so they're all the correct length there's no slack sitting anywhere in the rack yeah there's not much else to it really up and making sure we write on them as to which port goes where so momen I'm just putting a load of boots on the end pull the boots on stripper ball back then I can untwist them put the plugs on plug them in to switch we can run them down get measured out for length come put the other end up if you guys want to learn how to do this bit for work or for at home we'll put a link in description or maybe a card in one of these corners we've actually done a how-to on crimping cap 5 and yeah it's been tried and tested over 10 10 years of operation well 11 years of operation and it keeps customers online okay so me and Ashe have made all the ends off on one side of the cables we've marked them up with a little sharpie so I know what's what so both ends are marked with numbers and then we'll plug them into the correct numbers on the ports and loom them in and then we'll feed off each cable to each server with the correct numbers again right so you'll notice that I'm actually going to take it down this side of the tray however we have also got power cables to go in as well now the reason for me taking it down this side of the tray with probably the power cable as well is there are some fiber cables going so although we were not going to show that because I don't have the cars and fibers yet we like to keep those separate it means that if you've got a random engineer paluma or a piece of copper it also means they're not putting on fiber as well you don't have been to fire but accidentally so it just helps random people from not bending things in correctly and then they're also some new space PDUs to go in as well rather than our zero new ones that we normally fly in the rack so we've got more space in the tray this time so I had this cool tool it's called a cable comb it's a u.s. painter too tall I had to order it from the US and they're actually quite hard to get hold of but it does make life easier than doing this kind of looming you can do it by hand and there are some really clever people out that have done it by hand and they do it all the time and it looks fantastic but if you're like me and you've got any time one of these is great yep so now I've finished looming the cables with the velcro we're going to tie them into the tray this time and reorganize the cables at the top so they come off at a nice angle and switches and then we'll start tying them into the service one by one [Music] now let's hide into the rack next thing for us to do is to actually pull out each cable one by one until plug it into the server and properly crimp them so we'll do that one by one to keep the looms intact so that's the next job okay so as you can see we've now done all the cabling everything's now nice and neat ready to go ready for the customer to bring their PDUs in and get everything set up powered on and ready to go just sort out all these off cuts because we're going to make them up to sell them to customers because we don't like waste and so yeah we're going to go ahead and do this we'll probably put some b-roll of the cable port and yeah we've seen the next video and remember to subscribe guys see you next time you
Channel: Custodian Data Centres
Views: 714,789
Rating: 4.9093132 out of 5
Keywords: data centre, rack, servers, racking, data cabinets, full rack, rack and stack, tech, IT, noc engineer, datacentre, cloud, dell, HP, cabling, cable management
Id: pLBYulLueQo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 28sec (748 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 15 2019
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