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it's sad to know that darth vader issue number 11 just ended and we have to wait a month now for the next issue which should be very very enticing and we're going to talk about issue number 12 and 13 in the in the upcoming days hopefully next week but what i wanted to do for today may first is give you guys the full comic of issue number 11. i broke it down into two parts because it was just too much to handle in just one video so by everybody's request enjoy darth vader issue number 11 a full large-scale comic book video darth vader has a rough landing on hexagonal and basically with his animal connection powers he he takes hold of the sumo verminoth which in turn leads him directly to palpatine's sith citadel down there palpatine is just waiting for him and even though there are crab-like creatures who attack vader and the zuma vermin of the creature just crushes everybody in its path and finally finally darth vader has the highest ground imaginable he has the high ground and it is not an obi-wan high ground mind you this is a spectacular one however as we've come accustomed to seeing darth vader he could he just cannot utilize the high ground for a long time either he does not have it or he does not know how to use it because palpatine with a flick of his wrist simply takes control of the summa bermanov for himself and wraps its legs around it the summa birminoff is just helpless and you can see that in this panel palpatine wants the creature to end it all but vader ignites his red blade and tells him that no you must fight being stuck in the middle between vader and palpatine the summa verminoth simply blows the hell up and it just simply cannot contain both of their powers a not so amused palpatine asks vader what you were saying before peter with an ignited blade approaches palpatine before he could even speak however palpatine turns around and enters the sith citadel with ochio bestun behind him vader does not skip a beat he continues towards palpatine's path thinking that ultimately he could catch up to his master and end this once and for all but all of a sudden an emotional rush overcomes him he is simply stunned he even lets out a noise that hurts him now palpatine goes in there he tells vader you sense it don't you you talk about fear but even now you forget where it all begins with pain similar to his nephew kylo ren vader is walking among the statues of ancient sith lords who have come to pave the way for the modern sith amongst all these carvings and statues i am again so disappointed that we did not get to see the ancient sith from thousands of years ago such as doroth revan darth malik and even darth nihilus now i'm not saying this lightly because if you remember my videos from some previous weeks ago in the rise of skywalker there is deleted scenes where kylo ren will see these ancient sith on carvings inside the citadel but they were scrapped last minute and i thought this comic would reintroduce those sith lords however the only time we get to see the ancient ruins inside the citadel is basically this shot that you see right here the next panel goes on to reveal of course what we all expected the sith laboratory on mexico that palpatine is making full use of and again justin just like in rise of skywalker it seems an early prototype of snoke they can even yell from inside as you can see by the speech bubble they really look like snoke clones although it is not outright confirmed i do think that the snow creation started even from this point this is nearing the the timeline of return of the jedi this is it says palpatine the scalpel of creation i used it to make all of these things vader is still stunned he is speechless he is not talking in the slightest he is just watching in horror what palpatine has created here as a snow clone can be seen in the background and all of a sudden vader comes upon a magnanimous moment ladies and gentlemen i present to you luke skywalker's right hand that was cut off by none other than darth vader at the ending of the duel between him and luke you can tell it's the right hand by the thumb the thumb is positioned in a way to tell us that this is luke skywalker's hand although palpatine and vader do not outright mention it of course do not outright mention it in this comic it is very clearly luke skywalker's right hand that palpate is using to take off tissue and all sorts of things to create monsters basically as we're going to see in the next panel palpatine says to to a stun vader who is looking at his son's hand palpatine says i can use it to make anything now this comic just indicated by all accounts that palpatine actually used luke's hand to create snoke clones again nothing has been confirmed but this is what it is insinuated here palpatine is actually telling vader that he can make anything out of this hand out of a skywalker hand that was cut off by vader whether that will be revealed in the future or not right now the comic tells us that palpatine used the hand to create these monsters that now are unleashed upon darth vader now at first glance these guys kind of look like the tomb guardians from jedi fallen order the enemies that you face and they are definitely using electro staffs the sith assassin is baffled he thought there were only two sith but these are not seth according to darth vader but they could be said palpatine should you fall further indicating that these types of clothes that are now going up against darth vader are some sort of a early prototype of snoke but darth vader refutes that idea immediately by palpatine because he will never fall as these clowns are now approaching the sith lord they go on to have an amazing fight vader tries to hold his own against not one not two but three of these monster sith clones and while vader defeats one the other hits him in the back and this crumbles the entire floor space where he falls down one of the clones takes this opportunity to zap darth vader again but in sheer might and power darth vader unfazed slices him in half and impales the other with his lightsaber well done lord vader says palpatine but you seem weary and at this moment vader realizes that there are heaps of sith acolytes approaching him with no mercy palpatine tells vader that there are so many others that wish to meet you at this moment it is not made clear whether these are sith acolytes that just follow the teachings of palpatine or rather clones that were created from luke's hand or any other variation but again for darth vader this just didn't phase him at all and i am so excited to show you this comic the ending of this comic tomorrow you gotta understand that this comic was so jam-packed that i could just not skip around on these parts and not talk about them in detail luke's hand has finally been revealed in canon and if this is not exciting then i don't know what is because in legends there is a story out there that shows luke skywalker's hand journeying from one end to the galaxy to the other but ultimately the evil sebaoth gets a hold of it and out of it comes the clone of luke skywalker it is actually quite a funny story that i hopefully will tell one day luke skywalker goes up against luke skywalker with two u's if i'm not mistaken and so beyoff is right in the middle of it kind of a mishmash of palpatine character but i'm so excited that in canon and now we have sort of an explanation to luke's hand as we did in legends lore i just want to quickly point out that since it is not confirmed in the comic book by neither darth vader or palpatine that this indeed is luke skywalker's hand i saw a lot of you speculate that this actually might be anakin's hand that was cut off by dooku on geonosis at the end of episode 2. while that clearly could be the case and i'm not ignoring that fact that this might be anakin's hand that palpatine as a chancellor got a hold of it just doesn't make much sense this timeline follows immediately after empire so he's back so it would make much more sense that palpatine got a hold of luke's hand very recently i don't know it's not something that is confirmed but timeline wise it would make more sense that it would be luke's hand not only that but we do have legends material talking about luke's hand as well so it's not out of the realm of possibility either way as long as it is confirmed by somebody in the darth vader comic series we're gonna refer to this as luke's hand and darth vader gets an up-close look at his son's not only hand but the offspring of his dna while he defeats the clones now the sith loyalists are after him they are using sharp knives to go after darth vader vader is unfazed at this moment only to seth says palpatine just as you say but any of these might replace you look at you all in pieces what hope do you have in signature darth vader's style not only does he disengage the lightsaber but he now uses all of his force ability to simply snatch all these knives out of the sith loyalist's hand aim it at them and crush them in one swift stroke a pool of bodies lay before darth vader just like his master vader did this with the flick of his wrist the sith assassin even tells palpatine that vader lives yes says palpatine one step closer to vengeance but what's that vader's heart is palpitating he still feels it even sidious knows this the sharp pain something here is suffering unfathomable pain whatever could it be as vader now approaches inside the heart of the sith citadel where palpatine undoubtedly wants him to go ochu bastoon starts pleading with vader now you have to see that you cannot possibly fight palpatine your best bet is to come with me and broker some kind of a deal but vader ignores him and simply moves on as i predicted a couple of weeks ago darth vader now lays his gaze upon the enormous hexagonal fleet of palpatine a fleet of star destroyers a thousand times more powerful than the galaxy has ever seen now vader started mocking palpatine is this all you have more monsters and more machines he felt about this similar to how he felt about the death star a mechanical abomination but ochio bassoon saw it differently these aren't just machines each of these carry a cannon that could destroy a planet and there are hundreds of them but a last vader was not preoccupied with the with these material things he could still feel the pain inside of him it was shaking his very core this was all palpatine's doing in front of vader there was what looked like a sith temple a scream could be heard outside of it peter wasted no time in approaching the sith temple where palpatine would undoubtedly be again ochio bistun started pleading with him this is all too big even for you come back with me i'll tell the emperor i got you to see reason but now they were inside the temple and the pulsating energy was just too much even ochi bastoon started retreating what is that as vader gazed upon it the noise was just too much coming out of a living thing it was none other than the living kyber crystal palpatine told vader that this living mineral powers every lightsaber but a saber uses just the tiniest shard to power the cannons of my fleet i have harvested a mountain of kyber crystals the sith assassin was baffled why is it screaming that way as he held his head in sheer terror vader knew the kyber was a living thing and to serve a sith the kyber must suffer it must bleed yes said palpatine pain as the sith loyalists were hacking at it with saws making it bleed making it suffer all the time palpatine even told so that only through pain will the kyber crystal find its true power as in a split second the mountain of kyber crystal expelled a pulsating energy in sheer pain that repelled everything and everybody in sight except for darth vader who is still standing his ground it was so forceful that it even removed ochi bastoon's mask and it hurt him visibly it started melting him it was so powerful that even darth vader felt it and would not retreat by any means to the point where vader screamed himself as you can see by the speech bubble palpatine now started relaying a message to his apprentice i tore you to pieces before old friend but this this is something different isn't it unlimited power beyond anything you have experienced all in my hands as from all this red energy emerged a figure you feel it burning your flesh and mind ready to incinerate you in an instant and you know you cannot fight it so now how can you claim it out of the red light came dorth sidious fully postulated not in pain at all vader was still screaming he was very much still in pain yes palpatine said pain fear anger power it was starting to hurt more and more vader's screams were starting to get louder and louder it's the path you have chosen time and time again but somehow need to choose again time and time again if you walk with me you will never escape this terrible pain but only in this way can you share my power the dark figure now revealed to be palpatine himself amazingly not in the slightest bit of pain with this image ladies and gentlemen we understand that even darth vader was susceptible to pain that palpatine was just not he was such a superior being he was basically untouchable even the sheer power out of the kyber crystal that repelled everything melted everything in its path sidious was just completely unaffected i think this panel definitely shows the ultimate difference between vader and palpatine the superiority of palpatine was for him to withstand what vader just could not is very telling at this moment while vader is not repelled or melted in any way vader is standing his ground although he is in tremendous pain now comes the original vision from darth vader that he had in the red mist where he was fighting luke but the sides had changed now luke defeated vader cut off vader's hand and vader was playing the role of luke luke was telling vader search your feelings you can destroy the emperor he has foreseen this it is your destiny what luke now did was extend his hand for his father to join him in destroying the emperor as vader gazed upon his son palpatine asked lord vader have you chosen and the last page shows us that vader indeed has chosen yes my master as vader intently put it he had joined the clan of palpatine once more and this is the last page of this comic issue issue number 11. it is to be continued from this point on but it was a pretty good conclusion to this point it's not much of a cliffhanger as the rest of these comic books have been accustomed to now for those who think this is anticlimactic why why didn't darth vader and palpatine duel and get it out there well not only was it shown again that darth vader can not withstand what palpatine can and basically showed that palpatine was a superior sith at this point to darth vader you might have missed the hidden meaning behind what darth vader's vision represented and what darth vader says in the end i want to quickly explain to you guys that at this moment luke tells darth vader that he is destined to destroy the emperor and that palpatine has foreseen this when palpatine asks if vader has chosen and vader says yes to palpatine as he joins him once again he knows that he is destined to destroy palpatine one day and that being closer to him he has chosen to kill palpatine when the time comes this is why this is a very masterful storyline at this point showing how vader came to grips with reality palpatine cannot be destroyed outright he cannot be destroyed in a duel palpatine needs to be killed when the right moment comes and that moment is in return of the jedi as we clearly see it guys please let me know what do you guys think about this comic issue because it was a bombastic one at least for me but what did you guys think thank you so much for watching this video if you enjoyed leave a thumbs up down below as well subscribe for dailies now you have an awesome day star wars fans i'll see you in the next video and may the force be with you until then
Channel: Star Wars Comics
Views: 635,324
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: darth vader, vader vs, star wars comics, star wars comics explained, star wars explained, jedi, sith, lightsaber, vader lightsaber, darth vader lightsaber, sidious, darth sidious, darth vader vs, palpatine vs vader, darth vader revenge, vader order 66
Id: oxenlEO_lYo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 1sec (1141 seconds)
Published: Sat May 01 2021
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