DARK WATER - Hollywood Action Movie | English Movie | Lorenzo, Natalie | Thriller Movie | Free Movie

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] approaching Mar Abyssal plane approaching Marana Abyssal plane depth 734 ft ready as she goes so owner's up unidentified contact act make a path take the con I captain it just came out of nowhere Captain it's not ours file sorry Captain there's no record she's new is she passive or active passive sir this men made not organic so it's not a fish huh she's moving like a fish doppler's bouncing all over the place all right run a track on her take us down another 100 ft hide this bat in the trench I I captain make depth down 834 ft Rudder left I 834 ft Rudder left there's some major volcanic activity in the area captain and I detect temperature surges the water temperature is rising sir 67° 68° 70° in Rising [Music] sir status report pressure normal ho intact all clear sir Ste as she goes we're out of range all [Music] right all stop all stop I repeat all stop let's just sit silent for a while see what she does engines down power to low engines are down sir what's the time 0836 Captain send the fingerprint to Admiral Hopson tell him we found a bogey please advise yes [Music] sir Captain sir you should see this is that a shipwreck I don't know sir I checked the CH for sunken ships and down oil platforms there's nothing this area has never been mapped it's just blank have you seen that what sir we got Bogies on our Left Flank 10° look like a fish down this deep no it's mostly planted down here Bogle Captain damage your assment waiting Captain nothing Captain 12 tracking Northeast estimated 20 it's clearing the engine room pressure is normal death 2300 what's on the chart multi Bogies closing in Full Ahead all ahead full Full Ahead we're coming in the starbo right full Rudder right full Rudder flood torpedo tubes tubes one and two are flooding what the hell is out there hold the tanks hold the goddamn tanks the pressure is building we're losing her Captain the T won't B we're going down keep trying the tanks off by other the rescue bully [Music] hey susten be careful you parked that thing Too Close it'll pop the bubble didn't want you to get too comfortable just wake me up in an hour sorry sir your hour's up time to come in and review the data all right okay get me inside little too much solinity every time we knock it all over 2° what is the word guys 20 minutes in the batt St no oh you how was it C you non head I know you should have go back and did it the B is unstable youing too much car AC and you thought you left your mother back on land by the way I want to go next we'll talk about this is the USS Abraham Lincoln come [Music] in officer arono this is Captain faragut calling from the USS Abraham Lincoln an American nuclear submarine the USS Scotia disappeared this morning just north of us I've been order to pick up you and your crew and head straight to the Mariana's Trench and find her I've informed Admiral Hopson that you are the best recovery specialist in the entire Navy he wants you to use deep one to bring her up congratulations yes sir the Abraham Lincoln will be directly above you Ronney bu and Doc Link at 1100 Zulu I'll brief you further then sir I promise you if the sco is down there we'll blow the water right out of her and get everybody to the surface there's 160 men on board that boat for their sake I hope you're right we'll depart right away and dock with you in 2 hours Ramirez sust change your plans all light boats on the ready guess start having the men sleep in 6-hour shifts I want those bunks clear by the time the survivors sir sir what's the procedure if there are no survivors sir you're dismissed docking orders received approaching USS Lincoln 500 ft in closing approaching docking hatch moving starboard initiate docking sequence Captain the aquanut 3 has just docked AO Captain permission to board Sir Mr granted all right sus I want you to start backing up the aqua okay everything that you can fit and Ramirez fit those casing to steal external pipes you got it sir any word from the Scotia so how far down can your bubble go 30,000 ft simulated on the field 15 give or take your oxygenator is the key in saving those men it's not ready yet sir it's just a 6x6 tank your orders are to attach the oxygenator to the Scotia convert the water and save the crew captain of course but it's best to send another ship no we're the only boat that's going out there there's an experimental tried and four loaded on that class slbm is only limited to the P class sir not this one that's why we're keeping it quiet how many Warheads are on the Scotia I've been authorized to tell you six understood oh and there's one more thing amiral Hopson has decided to put his own team leader in place I'm sorry sir I'll just focus on the human cargo and let hopson's man focus on the metal who is he chief it's Lieutenant Commander conceal Rollins conceal I didn't think she was a field operator sir I she won't even get wet without a wet suit she's the best person that we have from the Admiral's desk she knows your Aquin not inside and out Michael she's willing to put things aside if you are hi ke so when is the lieutenant commander boarding she's already waiting for you in the briefing [Music] room time 8:23 he's late call Captain fargot and tell him we need a replacement now well Lieutenant Aron is getting briefed by Captain farot it's a mistake pardon you need to watch Aron closely he's a Navy man but with a marinees Outlook you know the type never leave a man behind and all that Hur raing gistic garbage he will put us all at risk unless it's you I'm saving don't you dare come back for me sa want to risk everyone else we can't play the hero all the time arino looks like you two need a minute I'm Lieutenant Blackwell by the way nice to meet you do you know where I can find Ramirez and no susten I have orders to overlook the loadin yeah they're in the do Port retrofitting the aquanut from now on orders of such nature should go through the lieutenant commander you know where I'll be if you need me do you have a problem with him no do you have a problem with me I don't have any problems I want to keep this relationship strictly professional I'll hold back my urges I want an itemized list of everything you're bringing why because I'm your commanding officer and I want the information all right I'll get it to you in an hour 10 minutes come on I want it in 10 including bios look you've been briefed right you have dossier and all the principles so what is it not everyone on your crew has been properly vetted and you seem to attract sters you know know everyone on my crew because you hired them it's naren and Ramirez well I can't believe they stayed well of course they stayed they're loyal and they're good people and they've been with me on the A3 from the very beginning I know I hired them fine give me the latest operational data on the A3 I 10 minutes make it 9 I mean [Music] eight Mir you got to pull an inventory list for the A3 what's the poll for because our new lieutenant commander wants it who is my [Music] ex-wife okay so this is where the distress Brey was found but the current actually dragged it from somewhere over here the circle of fire it's a ring of deep sea volcanoes Uncharted it's like they' been met a triangle ships go in they never come out how far down is the scoa about 20,000 ft maybe more that's 9,000 of pressure per square inch enough to crush a refrigerator into the size of a peanut yeah but arinos said the aquan could take it we had a pegged at 15 maybe 18 tops try a new Course North by 10° East let's go to 75 knots I'll get you to the circle of fire after that it's up to you Commander Lieutenant I'm looking at your uh plan for your mini sub where's the hatch on this thing there's only the dot b you'll be fine Blackwell actually there's two one up and one down what about this uh bubble box or oxygenator it deconstructs water molecules into breathable air we're going to attach it to the Scotia that's possible how many Dives have you done well me I've been on a dozen or so in training what D about 500 ft in a suit more in a regular sub you know and a real one Lieutenant Blackwell's qualifications are in engineering and Technology rather than dive time in other words be gentle it's his first time oh I got a very very very soft hands is everything set yes sir get you all strapped into the boat get a reading then we'll have you guys in position in about 10 minutes good luck yes sir thank you good [Music] luck okay then get your crew down to the A3 whatever you say uten a commander you miss it of course I do you never forget your first love Lieutenant arono we're operational at your command all system [Music] go you folks locked and loaded yes sir I want you to push this 10° starboard do us as close as we can yes sir can you really converge water into air in smaller scales small we've tested this at over 300 ft we simulated it I wouldn't want to go there going where the bubble Factory you see as water is converted to air a bubble is created that you can go in inside it's amazing yes it is amazing if it worked Michael just did a lieutenant arono just did a test drop in 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 everybody okay yeah yeah I'm fine you should look outside it's [Music] incredible 20 million years ago there was the surface of the Earth trees growing on at animals [Music] [Applause] [Music] roamed Lieutenant Blackwell how you doing yeah I'm [Music] good I want you to bring the aquaa not a little bit closer to the right A3 this is Lincoln 1 go 2x 16 radio 40 with a sideline your copy s we're getting light your turns From Below what's their depth a 5,000 400 ft [Music] sir I've got a read on the Scotia 12,000 ft and closing no way anyone survive the pressure probably cracked the hole sir we have a visual oh I see her yeah she's deep let's get him as close as possible yes sir depth 17,000 ft water temperature is 41° in dropping what's wrong why are we shaking so much because each layer of water temperature we go through it's like hitting a brick wall just the Met break first the break we at 21,000 [Music] ft hey I'm getting some nasty turn of pressure reading in here 23,000 ft water temperature is 35° I think we should go back 24,000 ft we can make it to the scoer circle what's happening what what's going on to BS no we can handle it sir we're losing oxygen fast looke like the exter fire off blue well what through the pressure casings Lieutenant blackw else nothing to put it on I want to go back they wait too much if we had them on we wouldn't be able to get back with our cargo dive capacity is dropping sir fuel pressure is down to 30% 20 10 bring us back up to the Abram Lincoln won't respond what do you mean she won't respond I think we can get to the scoi we can taper fuel lines and patch in the air what what happened water pressure just dropped to normal outside water temperature is 82° devil gon there she is Sir the [Music] Scotia see that she's intact yeah sir we're losing pressure can we use your bubble machine no listen we're going to put on the scuba gear that'll give us another hour with the rebreathers sir we were told not to load it sorry sir I trying to tell you out of time anything else you'd like to share huh like uh sugar in the gas tank something like that dive gear 20,000 ft it's ridiculous there was a lot of weight we didn't need a what's going on down here we've lost our power and our oxygen in the dive sir I'm approaching the Scotia sir we'll be okay do us on the Scotia okay sust let's hope she's not flooded out why we need still some air contact I'm reading it as a pocket of air in the center of the chamber sir I'm getting vibrations on the Doppler I think there might be life in there just turn that down the Dark Link on the Scotia is broken sir are there any tears in the hole that we can do to sustem use the remote and hook it to the bubble box let's see if we can reverse the water flow that is just wasting time I say we take advantage of the low pressure pocket we swim for it no suit no gear I open the top hatch manually low pressure low pressure looks like it's the only few feet from the sories we need to do is ordered there are people down there attach oxygenator to the hall ready power supply sustance status the bubble box is attached sir we've sprung an oxygen leak losing it fast we've got to go back we need to set the remote turn it on there's no time to go back oxygen continuing to vent almost out sir we have to do something just breathe everybody just breathe swim we swi s [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] sh Michael arono will you come with me please that's Lieutenant arono follow [Music] me this way Michael good to see you all I knew you were okay what is this place we're not dead if that's your next question an under B Refuge we don't know about I mean I just don't understand what do you know we didn't build it I can't figure this out I've seen Chinese markings we're prisoner of war just know it any word from the Lincoln no I should have stayed on the Lincoln this isn't right well I think it's a better option what are you saying welcome to the north m I am Captain Nemo Lieutenant Michael arono US Navy I know who you are and why you're here are you hungry if you're up to it I would like you all to be my guests at dinner tonight thank you Captain Neo but we need to radio our Co I'm sure you understand done and done captain farago the USS Lincoln is a very lovely man you you talk to captain faragut of course your rescue is assured but we'd like to make arrangements ourselves of course not an issue you have a radio right right right it will have no effect now we're in the Titan Straits below us is one of the largest volcanoes on the planet there's literally no radio reception for us at least 5 hours what you're acting as though you're my prisoners how Fantastic look soon you'll come to see how silly all of this is as soon as we get above the termo canopy you can radio whomever you like but for now relax enjoy yourselves you got a beer how many would you like how many you got Poppy I find all this rather a great Stroke of Luck that I should rescue you five it's good karma we should embrace it did Captain faragut mention that we're on a rescue mission no he didn't mention it well there are 100 people trapped on a submarine your sub the Aquino tree is in one of our Salvage Bays our boys are working on it right now so that you can once again roam the ocean well let's see how far they've got maybe we can help you with your rescue operation H sir I can put the casing on the baby in half an hour you'd be fine in any depth already done in fact I've made some modifications of my own modifications I hope you don't mind sh yes sir please take these lovely people to salvage Bay number 12 yes sir and you two can stay my crew are still working you have a few minutes please indulge me I think I should stay behind with you two nonsense I've arranged some wonderful exotic fruits in the transit Bay [Music] so how long have you two been married I'm an excellent judge of character so did you build the Nautilus my concept my vision Vision but the work that took decades with thousands of dedicated Craftsmen for an underwater cruise ship oh don't mock me it's not a cruise ship it's a lifestyle it's a Dream It's a glimpse at our future underwater sure eccentric billionaire designs underwater floating city sounds like something from a book so how many people does it hold tens of thousands down here everything is new around every corner a new species A New Concept a new ecosystem then you're a research vessel sure look at this it's incredible this device allows you to breathe underwater even the most advanced scuba gear is now Antiquated it's brilliant like you I love to invent and discover things take for example the A3 your minis sub it took me 30 years to design the Nautilus to dive this deep and here you are swimming around with those treacherous squids sounds like you already know a lot I know that our time together is limited that you will be on your way but there is a place here for you I have great admiration for those who push the limits and expand our Horizons I'll think about it yes yes the scoia let's go save a bunch of people shall we the noralist is actually more like a floating city than a submarine we have multiple levels with guest rooms restaurants [Music] entertainment it's C you can get anything you want here but we also have science labs medical facilities and of course Salvage BS it's amazing what you can find of the W of the [Music] ocean let's load in if you don't mind I'd like to stay oh let him stay then I can show him around he's going to have hell of a lot of stories to tell when you come back let's get into the aquanut go Salvage to Scotia very good don't know how to thank thank you we'll save everyone that would be a great thing [Music] deal wow good as new here fix the hole in my chair systems check Doppler check generator Juiced Showtime my steering's locked I can't type in my coordinates the Hydraulics have BL Nemo what did you do to my sub this is Captain Nemo I didn't mention this before but I've installed a remote control device to assist you in leaving our Transit Bay yes our bay doors could be quite tricky a remote control find it I'm bringing you out now [Music] [Music] I have you at 3 minutes to touchdown with the Scotti here Captain going to take it from here on our [Music] own well and I now have control of the ship and I'm heading to dogport you really know how to make friends Steady As She Goes this is the aquanut rescue sub to the USS Scotia how do you read aquanut to Scotia come [Music] in there's an access hatch on the starboard side we need to volley to the that dog bring us right to the dock Port I'm sure we can p it into place sir sir Jesus [Music] Christ get me in the hor aquan not to Nautilus do you read me this is the Nautilus I read you calm down I'll take care of everything first reattach the remote control device reattach them now fine Ramirez reattach him it's aouch sir all right Nemo we're attached thank you masterful creatures those squids those were squids well not exactly you see new things discovered every day what are you doing now I am deploying the Salvage Port we're going to bring everything and everyone back on board the Nautilus immediately I am remotely using your tether arm sir we've docked on the Scotia where are we going I don't want you to leave anything behind hide especially this we can't have your unique device left in such a harsh environment sir son of a what is he doing he's grabbing the [Music] oxygenator sir are we heading back do you want me to pull the remote no there's people in there and there's people in here you RI that remote out and those things are coming back and your point is guys what do you want me to [Music] do if we were almost there Neo we could have saved them sorry sir they insisted on speaking with you it's fine it is not fine first you tether my boat then you make me abort my mission before it's completed Michael and where were you we needed you Michael the people in the sco are dead there was breathing there was movement the HS were flooded you heard water that's not true we could have saved them Nemo I'm not going to leave a 100 men out to die I'm not evil we're trying to save save people with the na us I want to go back in there he tried hey Blackwell remember whose team you're on all right what's that supposed to me Michael what shortly after your team arrived we spotted the Scotia I sent a rescue team there how'd that work you were right they were alive we counted more than 50 it was a great moment but those creatures I lost six good men trying to rescue your team Michael one of them was a dear dear friend I'm sorry I used you to drive the Aquino because I was unfamiliar with that technology and I wanted to see for myself this oxygen converter you've created but there was no one left on the scoan no one so what Nemo what can we do for you what do you want from us you want my experiments you want the oxygenator [Music] what [Music] now do you see why I have to be so careful it's a city this is the eighth continent of the world yes known to the Ancients as Bu The Land of lamura it's atlis a place of Untold riches and wisdom 10,000 years ago it disappeared into the sea and now I found it lost no more lost no more and you need my oxygenator well as you see these streets would live again a Utopia in the most real sense but it's just a prototype Nemo we can't build it more than 10x 10 you you can't but I can how ah now you're curious I like that you see the big picture see there is good in the world and you are helping to create it the machine's too unstable down here you can live for 200 years think of it works of Earth the sum of all human knowledge this is the library of alexand Andria the Ark of Noah the shangra LA what about what about the people that don't buy into your your Utopia your new world what about them going to escort these people out Blackwells and arono you stay it's okay go ahead I'll catch [Music] you on the one hand I could see the awe and wonder in your eyes I can sense you want this very badly but on the other you have a false sense of loyalty to a failing world I know I can't convince you to see my my position but Meet Me Halfway is a breach Captain ships are coming fast un classify the boat what is it it looks like a Seawolf class sub sir large and heavily armed could be Philippine Navy or American Coastal Guard out of w course course is for here sir right above us like they're looking for something she SC us yes sir infrared and standard sonar are sweeping the area I your teas isn't she ever so C you got to contact them neemo look I know this is a big ship but you can't go against the US Navy even you can see them I need you to see that they are the enemy they want to stop this all of this before I can resurrect my Atlantis who's the the military everyone everyone on land every sad pathetic warison cret above water they breathe air that is contaminated they eat food that is full of bacteria they bathe in filth the Earth is dead but we don't see it we're like maggots feeding offs rotten cors time to make a St quick starting hydromagnetic engines he us up yes sir starting hydromagnetic engines switching engines in 5 4 3 2 one hyperbolic equalizers engaged secure all Personnel for Rapid Ascent leaving deep ocean Basin entering pelagic environment Nemo stay at this depth you're safe here we're not safe anywhere we're approaching the Midway point we're looking at a Seawolf class sir approximately 350 ft up to 25 knots intercepting some radio traffic sir let me hear it they picked us up Sir what is it fire torpedo one [Music] ready to see what we're fighting for are you scared 4 five lock sir oh don't run little boy don't run you're going to make my little maloa very Ang target has seen us and it's turning hard to [Applause] Port you control these things I control a lot of things did you down the Scotia it's unfortunate but sometimes I struggle with the ethics of so many lives wasted for my perfect place my shangra LA and the Sea should we send a salvage team sir no there's no time take her down to the bottom I think we should hit it again sir before they send out an SOS they've already radioed the Navy we're no longer a secret you count on that you can't take on the whole US Navy GNA take Mr Adano down to the holding Ser with the others yes sir those are the nuclear missiles from the Scotia what are you going to do with those Nemo holding steady at 25,000 ft Captain what's the near ship battles ship approaching from the south at its present course it'll miss us by 8 mil tell if it gets within three yes sir blackb show me how to launch those nuclear missiles because our situation here is changed Mr aro's molecular oxygenator was the last piece of a large puzzle there's no reason to wait any longer on the rest of the plan what now tonight soon these water will be full of ships far more than the Nautilus or the Sentinels could stop by this time tomorrow we will no longer [Music] exist Blackwell yes sir how are you doing with the launch cloes we're 11 minutes and 47 seconds to launch I have half the codes Blackwell you're a son of a traitor Blackwell has seen the truth and so will you very shortly what are you Nemo's Watchdog who are you United States Merchant Marine Billy Cooper sir abducted Subic Bay Philippines Subic Bay huh how long you been here long time sir look we don't have much time I have a deal for you what do you want from me I want to go home sir will you take me with you please look I know everything about this place all the back passages all the door codes I even know where your friends are all of them they're together Nemo's pleasure dos he keeps people there till they come around see things his way I can help you get them all back but you got to take me with you [Music] I stack them according to range long range medium range short range short range how far can they go Grand the Pacific Fleet area bases and the others medium R lead to Japan South Korea Hawaii long range easily California maybe Texas amazing thank you blackw with your help the surface world will be nothing but death and Devastation by the Days End uh how long will it take to help about 40 minutes each and another 40 to punch in the Target sequences okay it's clear take me there [Music] now what's this brain scin it's like a re-education tool I call it the zombie maker the brainwashing is all pheromone based can make you loopy but it works quickly that's how Blackwell turn so fast this is the main frame I can shut this off from here each one of these units are connected to each other you can access your team through these goggles you K me no I'm not and if we don't get to them soon they'll be under Nemo's control she okay now I got to take that thing out of her face right conceal hey conceal wake up come on we got to get out of here okay me you like me okay I like it you love me well I'll go find the others um that's a good idea ow what was that for taking advantage of me you kiss me hardly well we got to get out of here okay can I help you me help I I can do this fine I have it okay why don't you sit down over there okay let me get him squared away there is right there hey NSE my buddy time going to wake up [Music] man right is RZ okay yeah you'll be fine all right man go you could have had everything Nemo is a Visionary you see Nemo it's just not the same when you have to brainwash people to follow you I was willing to give you so much well I guess you really can't trust Free Will can you Michael Humanity isn't about Free Will religion isn't free will military isn't free will government isn't free will simple relationships aren't free will Free Will is Anarchy at its core and who wants that we all desire to be controlled We crave it we seek it out why did you just let us go what do you want with us anyway we need you you're one of us the oxygenator the aquanot you love to create to explore and you're just the tip of the iceberg with our resources and support think of the new inventions to help mankind you know what you make it sound so Noble but whose mankind would I be helping huh yours or the world's the Earth world is dead we've been defecating on it for centuries but the new world the Underwater World the new Atlantis and it's yours all yours and the nuclear missiles in your Transit Bay are they part of your new world those are from your world excrement we picked up from ships we've come across and I assure you that they are to be dismantled and not to be used Michael conceive Ramirez I deplore violence now let's turn around and head back to the Ramirez what are you doing man put down why don't you listen to me Michael you're trying to help no well it appears that some of us have come to our senses it's me it's Michael we didn't get to Ramirez in time he's brainwashed Ramirez give us the gun Cooper you going to regret this ramire shoot him I'll make the deal no conceal I helped Michael with the early designs for the secular restructuring I was an engineer on the prototype for the aquanot 3 I know it almost as well as he does I was bought on this Mission because I know its operations I know you need the oxygenator I know you want it to help build the Atlantis but in exchange he doesn't die bring her down to the transit Bay with [Music] Blackwell we need to do this in stages I will need the first stage to begin soon immediately presently our Air Supply comes from the surface and I'm expecting that to be compromised rapidly so you're on your own in 15 minutes we will be on our own I can have the first stage ready to oxygenate in 10 minutes Captain what do you want done with the traitor and his little friend I need an escort I would hate to take any chances even if you are Del you appear keep your hands where I can see them let's move shoot [Music] them first person moves captain gets a bullet through his neck put your guns down on the ground now now now put him on the ground now put your hands on your head and turn around sust get in the aquanine get it Fired Up Now concealed go go go go go go go by the way I yanked out Neo's device and attached our own what happened to your arm you're sure I'm okay where's Cooper He's dead at least we got Ramirez back he wasn't in the machine long he should be okay soon sust make it to this surface we have to get above the volcano to make [Music] contact detach sir getting ready to make the ascent sust we need to go faster I'm trying sir I need to see your [Music] wounds I need to see how severe your injury is it's okay Michael sir the A1 is not responding hey did we dump the water tanks I'm flipping switches but there's something caught in the [Music] propellers I'll go I'll go I'll take care of it stay here and get us out of here don't be ridiculous I didn't just save you so you could drown I can clear the propellers you need to stay here on your sub and get us to the surface look he's going to launch those nuclear missiles we have to warn the [Music] military okay I can do it here take this be [Music] careful get Blackwell on the radio and turn the ship around we we have to get that oxygenator back sir rem remote is unresponsive it may be damaged then get it working now we must not let them get [Music] away susten how is concealed doing I don't don't have a visual but the propeller is [Applause] unresponsive conceal you have to hurry there they are keep them in your sights black one we will have the a tree under our control momentarily how long until the missiles can be launched I need 8 minutes to finalize the trajectories then I can launch the missiles very good then we have 8 minutes to get that device back Captain we have multiple Ships coming in view then we have no time to lose we must recover the oxygenator open hatches for torpedo launch the Nautilus is on her tail she's heading right for us sir we can take her down but I can't go up cut a propeller prepare to dive but conceal she has a tether hold on Sir the A3 is descending descend 30 m descending 30 m Captain right engines full right full engines oh come on come on man right engines sir the A3 is hiding in the trenches sir they not swam on by I think we lost it conceal we have to pull her in RZ let's go if I'm not back in 10 minutes I want you to leave without me sir sust that's an order come on I need help with a tether come on let's go ah damn it the Wench isn't responding we have to pull her in manually sir conceal is not in the end of the Rope I'm going down to find her sir they've entered the cliffs side it's too small for the Nautilus release the [Music] sentence we've got squid Michael went into the water to look for conceal I need to blow the life ra if you blow the raft we can lose the bat I need to blow the raft [Music] sir I need to blow the life rafts sir wait for Michael I need to blow the rafts wait we need to do it [Music] now sir they've neutralized the squid Michael's inside let's get out of here Ramirez check the starboard view for conceal susten anything I see her I see her sir conceal no sorry what is it then the USS Scotia right where we left her what do you want me to do can we Ascend no then dock us to the Scotia and let's pray it still works yes sir sorry [Music] sir Captain the A3 is found the Scotia I know Blackwell the time is at hand prepare all missiles for launch I should have gone I don't know what she was trying to prove she was trying to save your life he was trying to tell you she still loves you sir we can't wait any longer we have to get on the scoa I know let's move it's the [Music] [Music] hatch whoa whoa whoo whoo do you mean it this time oh shut up and kiss me sust [Music] [Music] USS Scotia is live sir don't damage that vessel I need that oxygenator it's the key to Atlantis sir we have the remote on the A3 working we will bring her in now conceal help me with this hatch it's not stuck there's a high pressure pocket got it [Music] it is everyone okay looks like everybody's breathing right the bubble maker it out it worked I can't believe that I don't see how how all that water can be converted to air in this space this size space sir they boarded the Scotia but the oxygenator is still on the A3 they've activated the remote on the A3 captain we're going to have you and your crew topside ASAP hang in there she's all charged off ready to go I'm not getting a strong enough signal yet have you converted the emergency power yeah coming on all right she's on holding steady at 25,000 ft captain good I'm going to need you to move over to that red valve to your right right there whoa okay okay you got to turn it one full turn clockwise it's stuck it's not stuck just use your elbow brease come on what B one and two when to flight sir now that my oxygenator is safe blow up the Scotia about our fit out lock coordinates are flooded sir ready to fire one minut to countdown aim for the propeller can you help me I help I can't help you I'm busy over I got to do stuff over here s it this way Torpedoes are ready Captain fire fire torpedo one it's moving little more got it all right hold on Direct Hit sir hold stop stop all engines all engin stop we're fine no hope reaches we can't take another hit don't worry I reset the remote to Target the controller signal she's on her way to the Nautilus the oxygenator should start a chain reaction with the WarHeads black we Captain once we are fully stopped begin the countdown yes sir launching missiles in 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 one launch the Trident now disarm the WarHeads disarm them warning H breach H breach Warhead room inaccessible levels one to four flooded we're taking out to water go down fast all hands to bottom deck Escape pod Abandoned Ship abandoned ship [Music] ah [Music] we held we held 2,000 ft 27 we're going up fast sir slow it down slowly all right captain we're going to slow it down to 20,000 ft we're actually going home this is the USS Scotia anybody copy USS Scotia I repeat this is the USS Scotia anybody copy this is the USS Scotia anybody copy also Aro yes what's going on down there yes we got her sir arono identify Your Vessel this is the USS scosa where are you what's your status 21 seconds north latitude 142 minutes 11 seconds latitude do you read me 83 This is Lincoln 1 go 2x 16 radio 40 with a sideline do you copy me the discussion was L 4 days ago yes sir how long would it taken to send a tether down there and tell him up 5 minutes do it sit tight we're sending down a line for you yes sir let me speak with Captain Anderson hi sir [Music] Captain sir Captain Anderson USS Scotia we have 17 dead and 148 survivors [Music] sir yes sir thank you sir I sure I'm on your command Captain take it [Music] away if I show you something can you keep a secret just for a while just so we figure out what to do oh my God conceal how did did you get these These are Nemo's plans these private blueprints [Music] justly
Channel: Majestic Movies
Views: 839,069
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hollywood english movie, English Movies, hollywood movie 2023, hollywood Horror movie, Hollywood Movies In English 2023, new hollywood english movies 2023, new hollywood movies, hollywood movie new, hollywood movies 2023 full movie in hindi hd dubbed action, movies 2023 full movie, new movies 2023, english movies in full hd, movies full movies, hollywood thriller movies in hindi, Dark Water Full Movie in English, New action movies, Dark Water New action Movie, Dark Water
Id: 1D203SGXh6E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 80min 15sec (4815 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 02 2023
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