Dark Nights Metal Origins: The Batman Who Laughs One Shot | Comics Explained

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what's going on guys this is Rob and if you're enjoying the content here on my channel then make sure you hit the like button and make sure you hit subscribe so you can decide what direction the content on my channel goes in in the foreseeable future man let's raise some dude the Batman whoo laughs do this story do this story man this story is so good you know every once in a while you come across Batman's story James tinny ins man dude this guy man do you man okay let's let's let's let's get into this let's get let's explain the Batman whoo laughs all right first things first y'all need to go out to the store buy this comic because it's like it's like three bucks do this crazy how good this comic is you guys got to go buy this thing because it's absolutely insane like it's it is definitely one of my favorites but the cool thing about this is that this opens up with the bat and who lasts himself the Batman who laughs is jumping into like tarot card reading but the cool thing is that the the way that it's done you know with my lack of knowledge about heroes the way that's done is it highlights the nature of the Joker right about how the Joker is insane that Joker is crazy but the Joker is always you know also one of those wild cards that can shift up everything in its entirety and so what it does is it switches to earth- 22 which is you know quite some time ago and the cool thing about this is Joker has Batman captive now we've seen this a million times before that's one of the crazy things about this is a lot of the stuff that unfolds here for the most part it's par for the course it's just Batman defeating the Joker the crazy thing about this is the Joker in this universe seems to be experiencing a level of insanity that we've never seen before and the reason I mean that is because in truth like historically speaking if you look at the history of the Joker in DC Comics he's basically waxed and waned over the years when he first popped up in DC he was really dark he was really sinister the old Bob Kane Bill Finger Joker was super sadistic then the comics code kicked in and for something like you know 60 years the Joker was basically toned down in goofy who was a port where he came back and he was a little dark for a while maybe I like the 60s or 70s that was about it I mean when you go and read most Joker comics he's nonsensical he's goofy the Joker that we got in scott Snyder's new 52 run of Batman death of a family in-game though that's the Joker that's just reminiscent to the old-school Joker that we saw way back in you know the 1930s but the crazy thing about this is that with Joker having seemed too emotionally snapped not only has he captured Batman he kills the family of a girl and then in turn exposes the girl to a joke to the Joker toxin so it's pretty intense because it's basically his goons his henchmen that have all these families lined up in Gotham City waiting for the Joker to do them in because all the Joker's doing is repeating Batman's history now there's something that I hope you notice about this the kind of things bad that that Joker says I can break anybody you know I just I realize what was going on one day Jim Gordon tried to get into the way and then of course I made Jim Gordon break this is very reminiscent of The Killing Joke for those of you guys who never read The Killing Joke that was a story where it was the whole point Joker was making was that all it takes is one bad day one bad day and a person can be broken that was the origin story of The Joker back in the day and a lot of people still say it is the Joker's origin because BC is really kind of hinted at that being the case for the most part over the years but the whole idea was that the Joker was just a guy who was in the wrong place at the wrong time he'd lost his job he fell him with some mobsters who promised easy money he had a wife and a kid on the way so the temptation for that easy money was very very high he ultimately agreed to the demands only to be set up as the fall guy he ended up in a fight with Batman he fell into of that and when he emerged his hair was green his face was white and his lips were red and he lost his mind and that's the point of The Killing Joke all it ever takes is one bad day and the goal of the Joker was to break Commissioner Gordon by basically injuring his daughter and then in turn subjecting him to photos overall he was sitting Jim Gordon through this horrific rollercoaster and then to try to do the same thing with Batman this story ended ambiguously it ended with the question did Batman kill the Joker did Batman let him go Grant Morrison argued that Batman killed the Joker earthing it was but the writer Alan Moore has never said either way and so in truth there's no definitive answer it's just whatever answer it is that people want to choose to believe which is why they're killing jokes one of the best stories out there because the nature of the story the ending creates this massive argument between fans over what happened between Batman and the Joker Batman just starts laughing and then it says the Laughing dies and that's it and so we don't know what ends up happening in that story the interesting thing about this is that it is again an attempt of the Joker to break Batman and it's almost like Batman's this immutable force because we're Joe where Batman says you have to stop you have to quit Joker's responses never I will never ever ever stop all the things that we've seen over the years especially recently when it came to the Joker's story you know in new 52 the Joker and Batman are two sides to the same coin in a lot of ways one represents order one represents chaos one can't live without the other whether it's because Batman NEADS the Joker in order to believe he's making some measure of progress whether it's the Joker because he just needs order in order to inflict chaos whatever the case may be they essentially need each other and that's one of the reasons why the Joker has always been a kind of a mainstay it's like this meta commentary on the nature of Geneva he can't have one without the other and so in this instance Batman manages to overpower the Joker and in doing so breaks his neck he kills him and so what this does it just kinda loud a little bit of this Joker toxin to basically make its way out and that's really about it nothing really seems to come of the death of the Joker and so what we do from here is we pick up with this aftermath Batman talking to Superman the idea that a lot of these kids who had been subjected to Joker's toxin and really just kind of had their minds broken that there may not be any way to bring them back and that's the case the Batman makes there's no coming back from this you know for these kids there's probably no way to cure them now of course Superman being hopeful basically says look there has to be a way we have to find a way what this does is it picks up about three days later with the bat Family Dick Grayson and then Barbara Gordon and so on and so forth and they're basically just training and it's kind of cool because they're facing off against robots you know but again this is one of the interesting scenarios because they make the comment that has been years since they've experienced this and in truth it's been years since we've seen it in the Batman comics because remember that's the way Batman works Batman brings in these kids you know he brings in Barbara Gordon he brings in to Grace and he brings in Jason Todd over the course of his existence as Batman Bruce Wayne brings these characters in for a multitude of different reasons sometimes it's because you know they lost their parents or the same way Bruce Wayne did and so he basically adopts them trained them to learn how to get revenge to a degree but to also how to stop crime make Gotham a safer City it's Batman's surrounding himself with possible replacements should anything ever happen to him that's one of the reasons why every single one of the members of the bat family have been trained in a way that makes them almost as good as Batman is in terms of a detective almost as good as a fighter at the whole nine yards because of that the whole thing begins to sort of unwind when Dick Grayson makes the comment things aren't right because it's been years since they've been subjected to you know to training you know by Batman in their whole you know training room and it's also been a while since Batman's basically communicated directly with them for the most part the indication here is that it's all been behind like screens or it's been smoke and mirrors and when they sit down and they talk with Batman Batman's answer is when Joker died he infected me with something he infected me with a perfect strain of the Joker toxin now the cool thing about this because remember on the surface the Joker seems to be nonsense for example Heath Ledger's Joker in the Dark Knight Returns made the comment I'm not a man with a plan I'm a man who just does things I'm a dog chasing a car I wouldn't know what to do if I got it and so depending on who's riding the Joker at the time either he is that way where he's just goofy comedic he has no real plan he wants to copyright fish different things like that or if you're reading scott Snyder's Joker in new 52 he does have a plan he has this great big huge laid out plan on what he wants to do and everything that happens seems to be chaotic but it goes towards an ideology how do you separate the nonsense from the truth because the truth will lead you to the plan but it's so surrounded and so clouded with absolute nonsense there's no way to really know which is true and which is a lie that's what makes the Joker so difficult to find not only that where Batman explains this to the Batman family their responses look we'll find a way we'll find a way to cure you Batman statement is the reason why I brought you here is because you guys would be the first ones to know if there was anything wrong with me and if you told you know if you thought there was anything wrong with me you would tell people and I can't allow that so he kills them all he kills every last member of the bad family dude you guys never saw that common did you he kills them all Red Hood he goes Dick Grayson Tim Drake the whole nine yards they all get done in from there he takes it to the Justice League now the Justice League happens off panel we don't actually see it take place but it is crazy to see it happen because basically everybody's been taken out by Batman except for like Superman he's like the last man standing now because of the fact that Batman who last because his version of Batman is really more attuned to the Joker as opposed to Bruce Wayne himself it's not just about defeating superheroes it's also about inflicting as much mental anguish as he possibly can and so what happens is he actually brings the family of Superman in Jonathan Kent and Lois Lane what he does in turn is he not only taunts Superman he exposes him to black kryptonite now black kryptonite is one of those weird scenarios really black kryptonite made its debut in comic book form in Supergirl number two in 2005 but if you go and you look at the history of black kryptonite as far as I'm aware it originally appeared in Smallville now black kryptonite in Smallville was a plot device more than anything else and what they did is it basically established that you can split a being into one good one evil basically split their personas in half regards to the DC Comics landscape if you read Supergirl number 2 from 2005 sure it'll split people in half one good one evil if you read all-star Superman it inverts the moral compass of the of the Kryptonian that it's used on and then basically decreases their mental faculties so they basically become an evil version who's stupid and so that's exactly what happens with Superman with Batman exposing Superman to a modified strain of black kryptonite it adjusts its traditional properties of splitting a being into and instead inverts Superman to make him a villain who in turn takes out Jonathan and he takes out Lois and that's insane and that's a crazy thing about this because remember it's not just about taking down Superman it's about inflicting moral harm on Superman's psyche now presumably Superman will never be able to recover from this he won't be able to come back from this we never actually find out what happens we're kind of left to believe that the Batman who lost takes him out but all the other superheroes who unite against him all the other governments who unite against him the whole of humanity for the most part is all taken out and subdued by the Batman who lost we don't know how but what DC seems to be doing is grabbing this concept of Bruce Wayne who's pragmatic who is analytical who goes through and analyzes every single situation and then combined it with the chaotic nature of the Joker brought those two together and unleash an absolute nightmare on humanity which in turn led to the end of humanity almost in its entirety now because of the fact that the Batman who laughs is so extreme and because of the fact that he is sort of this amazing combination of the Joker and Batman merged into a singular being he's the first to be approached by Barbados now again we don't know exactly when this happens we just know what happens before the origin stories of all the other members that we've seen of Barbados is Dark Knight's and the origin stories we've covered so far so we'll probably throw this one at the beginning of all those the whole idea is that because the Batman who lost has this mind of Bruce Wayne and this chaos of the Joker he's basically shown all these different multi-view these different universes out there these different earths where Batman's still exists or where the earth hasn't experienced the kind of destruction and the kind of chaos the Batman who last wants to bring to it because remember the goal the Joker is just spread fear and chaos and so with Barbados coming along and giving him the opportunity and saying hey look if you go there there's absolute pandemonium and destruction then it gives the Batman who lasts exactly what he's looking for and so what he began to do is basically travel around and find all these dark nights that exist out there the Red Death and the Devastator and Dawnbreaker and so on and so forth all these different members of the dark knights bind them together and then bring them in and so what we end up doing is finding out that the Joker is talking to an unnamed guy to a guy who's basically wrapped in bandages the guy I don't think we ever find out who he is I'm not a hundred percent sure but the whole idea here is that he basically says look the nature of the Joker is such that it has no real power The Joker's inspired by fear right like the Joker uses fear to basically get people to do what he wants them to do he's very much the same as Batman in that regard but where Batman is a fighter and he's a detective and he has all these different things at his disposal the Joker has whatever is around him at the time you know whatever henchmen he can use whatever money he can amass and that's really about it he's got no real power unto himself the Batman however is the king of his castle the Batman has it all the matter has all the tools that he needs to be able to pull off everything that he wants to do and so if you take those two things and you combine them together and you make the King into the Joker then suddenly he is the king of everything he gives he's basically his uncontrollable force of nature this being that does nothing more than use his intellect to bring about as much chaos as he possibly can and that's when he says if you believe that what you've seen here is the pinnacle if you believe what you've seen here is as bad as it gets and then I promise you it will only get worse because there's all these different iterations of Batman and not just Batman all these different iterations of the Earth's superheroes that exist out there a version of Darkseid whose Superman flash with the body of a spider I mean all of these just crazy contracted things these versions of Superman and all these versions of Batman these versions of Wonder Woman the flash the Green Lantern and all these versions exist out there all these characters are just out there and again we learned that from the last story that we covered when Barbados forced Batman to see all these crazy things like I've shown you three three worlds where things are awry where things are crazy whether absolutely chaotic but that's three worlds there are thousands of worlds like this where things are just absolute pandemonium they're screwed up all the characters are bad guys if it's just the worst nightmares you there possibly imagine taking form in the dark multiverse then there are thousands of these nightmares running around and so again it's crazy because the prospect is should this and go off without a hitch then it means some of the worst nightmares in existence the worst monstrosity z' of the characters that we know their worst versions their worst selves all come flowing out of this dark multiverse into the main DC universe and everything goes to pieces after that with that being said guys we're gonna go ahead and bring this video to an end if you are new here - comments explain make sure you guys did the sub button to become part of the robb cork - guys enjoy this video make sure you drop a like and I will catch you all later peace you
Channel: Comics Explained
Views: 1,021,680
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: comicsexplained, marvelexplained, fluidicbeats, Comics, Comic books, DC, DC Comics, batman, Metal, Dark Nights Metal, The Batman Who Laughs, Joker, The Joker Batman, Bruce Wayne, Evil Batman, Dark Knights, Barbatos, Justice League, Superman, Wonder Woman, The Flash, Red Death, Dawnbreaker, The Merciless, Devastator, Dark Multiverse, Robin, Nightwing, Batgirl, Red Hood, The Killing Joke, DC Rebirth, New 52
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 20sec (860 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 15 2017
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