[DARK DECEPTION] CLOWN! #GAWRGURA #hololiveEnglish #holoMyth

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[Music] oh wait hold on i messed this up how do i read this now here we go there we go there we go yeah hi hold on i'm working on something hold on give me a second give me a second playing with the audio [Music] you guys ready for some some dark deception all right i think we're ready i think i'm ready okay time to say hello [Music] okay [Music] [Music] hi how is everyone hello gooda how you doing i am doing great i'm very excited to play dark deception [Music] you have your hoodie on i do i decided today that we're gonna wear the hood because it's been a while since i wore my shark hoodie just in case you anybody needed a reminder that i am indeed a shark did you all know that yes good we did know that ah look at all these new members my goodness hello everyone thank you shrimp priest for your super chat [Music] [Music] so today we're playing dark deception uh scary pac-man i believe this is the last available dlc they have more plan but this is the last one that's available and it's got clowns and ducks is anybody here scared of clowns what is that called clown phobia i know it has a name should we google that let me google that [Music] hey how do you do a new window [Music] there go go uh fear of clowns name phobia okay i can't pronounce that we're just gonna call it clown fear nobody's scared claustrophobia clown phobia or how about ducks is anybody scared of ducks anybody's scared of ducks they go quack quack quack quack quack or they go good phobia you better not have good a phobia imagine having goodaphobia while you're here with me gouda goodaphobia a fear of gouda cheese not good a shark rubber ducks are scary what they make noise they make squeak noise they go wait can i make a squeak noise probably not give me give me a give me a few minutes in dark deception and i'll make it the rubber duck noise i joined the first thing i hear is fear of clowns oh hey that's me geo you have a fear of clowns really does anybody else have any fears like i'm genuinely curious about like phobias and stuff like phobias like arachnophobia arachnophobia is a fear of spiders you have claustrophobia which is the fear of uh tight small places uh what other phobias are there um there's spasmophobia which is the the horror game the fear of being left alone by your fellow teammates in a haunted house [Music] now there's no good a phobia ah i have um i don't think i don't have any phobias but i'm definitely it might be the shark in me but i'm definitely scared of heights i really don't like heights because i like to say we have well humans are different but it's a fear of falling is that different i don't know if that's different i like um what was i saying i'm saying something about ah a fear a fear of uh uh train of thought is gone and has left the station choo choo bye little i'm scared of rubber ducks oh no are you ah oh yeah trip triple phobia tropophobia is fear of the clusters small clusters of tight holes so it's kind of like claustrophobia but also not at all like claustrophobia yeah though uh i have a fear of heights gooda has a fair height um i get really shaky and then i start getting the the barf so if i'm not if i'm not careful and i turn into a giant chicken [Music] um because because listen all right hear me out we humans i should say you guys have what is it skin is water resistant right so skin is meant to get wet [Music] you know what humans don't have they don't got wings no wings you know what what if you're in the sky what do you usually have wings no wings means no sky sorry not happening i'll be in the water if you need me all right all right all right all right all right fear of airplanes oh yeah is it the fear of airplanes or is it the fear of what could happen in the airplane like if something went wrong with the airplane like does that something that's like when people when you say oh i'm scared of the dark it's like no you're not you're not scared of the dog you're scared of what's in the dark it's like what if i am scared of the dark it's like shut up if i'm scared of the dark i'm scared of the duck i choose [Music] ah i'm so excited today hmm i have a fear of disappointing others oh sid sid i can relate to that i can really relate to that um if you wanna i think in the end of the day as long as you are doing your best that's all anybody can ever ask of you i've been watching a lot of inna she does and i'm starting to pick up on them but yeah for those of you that maybe are i understand that can be a pretty heavy thing uh the fear of disappointing others um maybe even disappointing i don't know maybe your family your parents or even yourself uh as long as i understand that it's it's easier said than done but as long as you can do your personal best as long as at the end of the day you can say i really tried my hardest and i did the best i could then i don't know that i think that's really important it's not going to fix everything if you if you if you have that but i think it should maybe help or a little bit maybe okay all right i want to talk about one more thing i think some of you already probably know but [Music] so my mama my mama surprised me today with a gift and because of my amazing mama i now get to surprise all of you with a gift and [Music] are you ready [Music] [Music] oh [Music] tommy this and then we have time on [Music] salmon oh i still have the flags up [Music] so this is all thanks to mama this is her twitter handle in the bottom if you would like to go and say hi to mama and she makes very cute art and she made me she made me shime good at floaties when i don't need floaties what are you talking about [Music] yay so those of you that join membership you'll have access to all of these emotes and any other emotes that i add in the future also we have a membership stream tomorrow we're going to be watching the original ghostbusters and then in a few hours after that i'll be doing a mini karaoke chatting session i'm so excited so members i will see you tomorrow or in a few hours for some of you or today okay so shall we play dark deception are you afraid of are you afraid of no ghosts i ain't are you scared of no ghost [Music] who you're gonna call gal gura [Music] okay let's let's let's play okay let's play dark deception now and okay audio but that's the wrong button [Music] okay here we go here we go here we go we all place our patience with me yeah wait so this is the duck i'm in front of the duck i'll show you the duck ready is that scary shark fact uh oh okay um okay i got a shark fact off the top of my tippy top of my head over okay let's get some spooky spooky music where's the game okay ladies and gentlemen gentlemen and ladies shark did you know did you know have you heard of the lemon shark the lemon shark i hope i haven't said this one already did you know the lemon shark gets its name from the color of its skin or its scales the color of lemon i believe the lemonade shark yes did you know that the lemon shark tastes like lemonade and did you know lemonade comes from lemon sharks did you know there's pink lemonade sharks that come from it's like chocolate milk comes from chocolate cows and strawberry milk comes from strawberry cows come on it's simple science where's ame it's elementary watson oh boy no you're making things up now no i'm a sharkopedia ensurpedia at your service she's so smart i told you all right there's some smudgy on my screen okay so for this game i want to crank the difficulty back up to normal because i i didn't really feel enough of a challenge this time so we're gonna see we're gonna see how i do with them with this ah ray thank you for your super chat ready to try again hiya beers no no more baby mowing now baby mode all right uh i'm gonna have to ask you about the audio too how's the audio game audio kind of low you beat me to it wow okay let me just just real quick audio good okay i'll bump it up just a tiny bit just a tiny bit uh okay with this [Music] okay so we're gonna go up a level what wait wait what level progress no [Music] what level beers what do they mean what do they mean like everything like i have to restart restart no okay i take it back we're playing playing not normal i mean we're playing on easy mode guys sorry i don't want to start over e no all right we're out of points to spend it's okay play easy mode i just wanted i wanted to get the the more shark facts jason jason thank you for your super chat but um okay i guess we're playing i guess we're playing on baby mode baby mode hi beers i'm back for more verbal abuse so we have power-ups we have power-ups we can we can run with um wait one okay two so we have a teleport which is on cue and we have a speed boost which is on e i knew good ol is baby listen i genuinely wanted to boost the um the game level because i did feel like the last time i played it it didn't it didn't really chat or maybe i feel like the the bosses or the enemies didn't really have the um i don't know they just they didn't have the the what how do you say that they they weren't scary enough i feel like i wasn't playing it to its full potential in easy mode but i didn't realize that you would have it won't restart the game are you lying to me it only resets the current level okay okay if this please i i trust you okay from what i remember all right let's try it [Music] all right uh everything i just said forget about it we're gonna play a normal one now oh yeah i see you you do buddy your face is an eyeball i'm going to enjoy watching you suffer daniel daniels thank you so much what's up daniel daniels okay let's go malloc's blocked the entrance now that's just pathetic don't you think i know mommy and daddy fight so much there's a solution you'll just need to rearrange your frame a bit well i got lots of room in there to do the rearranging what oh i'll do take off the hat no the hat stays on during dark deception the altar now hold still okay you might also want to close your eyes it keeps them from popping out what telepathy what's telepathy e okay like duration and cooldown wait what's telepathy i keep hitting escape [Music] telepathy okay hold on wait telepathy that's mind-reading isn't it let's try it on beers okay all right we got telepathy now detects the ducks oh just don't let me catch you trying to see through anything besides walls oh we got walls now dude we got wall hacks gg easy game over did you hear that i believe in you i believe in yoga thank you kaiser we're gonna go detect some subaru senpais oh yes here we are again the void we got walls go to town kawaii thank you [Music] stranger sewers okay so this is normal mode oh afraid of a little sewer water are you just don't get any of it in your mouth uh i don't remember how to play i do remember how to play i think i remember how to play stay dry sewer water slows everything okay the void how do we duck you've heard the urban legends i'm sure all kinds of things get flushed out everything is on the scene goldfish duckies [Music] duckies are cute even those are cute they're not very scary i'll be honest so this is the door so we're safe still i want to look at this wait wait wait what sounds do duck make in your country where you are from right right duck and cover okay so the water's gonna slow us while it really slows it okay okay what do we need telepathy and uh you like asparagus a life is like asparagus but you said i like asparagus did you know they make white asparagus and by there i mean the ground okay um okay zoom in telepathy that sounds good because we're slowed down now okay let's go some of them will be fake smells very bright i want to switch these okay so now okay stay dry stay thirsty my friends good luck thank you okay let's go oh i forgot we gotta use the gas yes wow that's slow the big one i'm the big one did i get anybody that got me hey why do the doors take so long to open i don't like that come on did i get anybody that got me really bad not everything is what i seen wait what so if they're real they'll glow ah please be nice oh i see okay the real ones glow i see so i'm gonna save that oh that cool cooldown is not very hey so i just got to remember they move what's up [Music] okay okay okay okay nice duckies nice duckies okay so this is open now this is now we have a now we have a loop nice loop nice loop nice duckies okay that's that's a duck okay so they're all here did they move they must if they gave us a if they gave us one of those enemy stuns hey hey sunshine i gotta get by you so there's okay one two three so he's a bad one how do i get by ah don't touch me oh okay we're fine let's go this way what's the deal with ducks i don't know you tell me oh teleport wait so you're telling me i gotta so you're telling me i gotta ah oh great so if you remember from the last level they had these yes what is the big one e okay can i get by don't touch me nice ducky [Music] hey sorry about the mic that works too oh this is gonna be a while hope you guys aren't too busy tonight okay so that's the big one that's the big one the big one is just one of these but they got the legs i hate how slow this is how are you supposed to buy this i'm gonna go right i'm going here there's the big one chasing you these things will they will they kill you or do they just do they just momentarily stun you is the goal here to like open all the doors or is the goal here to all right i'm gonna go around here and just to loop whatever is chasing us now the lights that's flickering is the um that's the uh that's the water reflecting the light reflecting off damn the water collects shards well yeah obviously and then you know what i meant [Music] is this a button i don't remember this being here a new extra oh everything moving so slow and it means reveal okay well we're fine wait audio here something is on my right don't touch me are we playing this is dark deception it's pac-man looks scary it's scary pac-man we're in the sewer with the ducks which we're trying to avoid the the big one it's called am i doing this the right way is this normally this slow come on come on come on come on come on yeah okay see this is fine these are fine these are fine wow i'm fast okay so we're fine here we're fine here this is the beginning okay yes guys [Music] hydrodynamic speed okay we can get by this one don't worry about it i got this easy it's the big one okay we're fine big one more like slow one am i right guys also i'm not playing on easy anymore aren't you proud of me no more babymoon how good is playing on normal mode playing on normal mode what's this dude nothing is said why was that blinking was it gonna run out normal shark uh so there's one okay one on the very end here is a scary duck how do you look behind you [Music] the toys don't touch me any distance i need to get somewhere where there's no water this is so slow go please i need to zoom out okay i'm not scared of anything i'm glad hey guys only 210 left to go so the ducks don't jump out of you they just start chasing you so the okay this is fine don't worry the real ones chase you when you pass them yeah i thought they were gonna like jump out of me but they don't so i have time to run hey are you nice open open open why is this okay we're fine hey what's that what is this can we zoom by this is this like the next level i probably should remember this because that's probably where we have to go next i don't know if i'm going to be fast enough to switch the switch to uh um the teleport button unless maybe teleport's kind of useless if i'm just going to wait [Music] uh-huh is there a cool down on this look at that oh no this is a cooldown come on he's stuck on the duck he's stuck in the duck we're fine come on where are they thanks ray it's like stepping in puddles in the rain stepping in the rain oh you gotta be so these are all fake sounds like my belly what's this do nothing yeah screams never seem to peak your microphone mad props to your equipment thank you my mic says thank you too the amount of screaming it has to listen to all right guys i think i found the message beers can you please tell me something i don't already know hey has this gotten darker but this has gotten darker hasn't it i don't like this they have 100 left daniel says goodness scream is an ear massage thank you it's fine everything's okay this is like do you know you have dreams when you're running in your nightmares or your dreams and you run really slow this is like this they've captured this they've captured this perfectly so i think i can outrun the little ducks no i can't not with the doors all closed maybe i haven't figured out the method i need to open up lots of doors that's what i need to do hey there's a stun right here let's go grab my stunt you might want to take a shower after this beers no rubber ducks allowed no rubber ducks alone okay yeah the blinking is did i miss any i did i gotta get up i should leave i should leave good you should leave good are those my footsteps did you see that i don't have any doors open guys oh come on so i can run at them can i run at them and use the teleport to get by them so they have to do a 180 maybe i just need to open more doors okay so this is fine i need to open more doors um no hey hey hey i'm trying i'm trying to come up with some uh some some strategy for this okay okay so that's a duck i'm not going that way we're going to go around so this middle area seems it seems all right i lied it's not all right uh try it you can do that in the pirates yeah i want to try that because i think hey whoa whoa buddy none of that none of that big duck danger let's go good oh thank you uh you can teleport to monsters back yeah yeah yeah behind the monster i want to try and teleport behind them because these doors open so slowly yeah i think that's something i was meaning to be doing okay i knew it no no no no no okay time to try it well sometimes you eat the duck and sometimes it eats you because the water you teleport into the water and then i can't run because it's so slow what what do you see what i mean how am i supposed to do that how am i supposed to do that teleport speed boost i understand okay so these are fine yeah these are fine okay teleport and then speed boost and then i'm gonna be starting over this level cause i don't think good is gonna make it teleport speed boost teleport speedways lots of doors open i want lots of doors open for multiple escapes nice duckies [Music] dog wow i don't know if that was the right choice it was not the right choice oh you are oh wait what wait hold on come on what was that had i did i hit my speed boost no i tried i tried teleporting when the door was opening i tried teleporting when the door was opening it didn't work if i want to teleport behind the monster i'm gonna have to make sure that i have both my my my my my speed boost and my teleport my cooldowns all done they're hiding in the shadows okay it's nice starting from a checkpoint though hold on i'm gonna take a sip of water apex predator becomes prey to apex [Music] so the ducks do they always because i just had to uh spam f a few times and it would like it would get me out of there hi celica you got this glitter we go again that's exactly right we go again all right let me take a sip of water everybody else take a sip of water hydration time wow [Music] spilled it all over myself everyone channel big duck energy to gouda thank you ray shark over shark shark is overloaded they reset they reset hydrate through mouth not skin [Music] no everybody duck duck so the door has to be a hundred percent open that door was open and i got stuck in it i'm gonna cry i got stepped on by duck okay we just came this way okay door needs to be 100 open learning i feel the brain expanding do you also feel that guys do you like learning what's your favorite subject i like languages and i like um food i like learning about different cultures through food and language how about you math whoa you might want to take a shower after this [Music] okay noted language in algebra algae i'm sorry i'm concentrating i'm sorry okay now we can see the enemies like science i feel like i shouldn't be spending so much time in here but i feel safe in here right now this is far enough from that character computer do you how do you do code does anybody here knew no know about coding coding is one of those things that i'd like to learn about but it just seems incredibly daunting and difficult okay we're fine so there's one to the right so i'm just gonna take this without getting too close let's go around this because there's one towards the bottom left if the other way is right good this is the left i don't know how many oh wait i can zoom past these ones yeah just start slowly with coding so this is a bad one how do i get past this oh this is tricky um okay we gotta choose now [Music] i think it wants to take you home to meet its family isn't that sweet now how was i supposed to do that honestly hiding honestly what was i supposed to do take it and turn around take it turn around and go back okay yeah what was i gonna say though um i used to um okay this is fine we're safe here i used to do like let me open this door what is it called old internet because i've been around you know for a while um i used to what was it called like html does that count as coding is that like baby coding html um like when you make it when you build a website nice ducky nice ducky i used to build a website and there was like that kind of coding boomer hey shut up hey that's not a nice duck oh you are such a okay so okay east your corpse will flip okay i'm sorry i'm a little bit of a slow learner with games um but once i learn i'm okay yeah i'm not a boob okay if a boomer is what how old do you have to be to be a boomer what's a shark then what's the shark i'm omega booming boomer dusty i don't want to check okay there's almost 100 left we're doing we're doing okay 60s and 70s 40s or 50s wow that's pretty yummy nice becky there's gotta be a bad one here yep yep yep let's open this door the more doors open the better this is getting clipped what did i do i didn't do anything what do you mean i didn't do anything why did i do uh-huh we're fine i just need okay wow it's quiet guys hello make look on boomerang it's really hard to swallow my saliva right now because i'm that nervous about this game okay um this is so much for my brain you guys know i'm not very good with big brain stuff this is really difficult it's a lot it's a lot oh we don't have time for this gouda we don't have time yeah okay we're gonna go this way no we're not we gotta go this way we're gonna jump by it we're gonna jump by when you're ready why did that change okay we're fine things you are dead [Laughter] you know somebody pointed out on twitter because i tweeted out i'm like all right guys let's finish uh let's finish dark deception and they're like you know gouda because you said that you're not going to be able to finish dark deception i was like oh this game i want to try out the clown level 2 what's scarier sewer duckies or harpoon boys that's a good question uh i think i would say that's a really good question no i would say sewer ducks sewer ducks are scarier because at least with the the trident you can with the truck ah none of the doors are open okay yeah with the um with the trident boys you can tell kind of how when they spawn [Music] what is that what is what is that like that stalk duck quack in the shadows this is painful i'm not scared of you are you scared of no ducks put it back on easy mode not yet gordon not yet if we listen if i i if we want if we want progress i'm gonna have to play on easy mode i think i'm fine with a challenge but it will take me of a very long time okay not yet equals soon easy mode yeah i was playing on easy mode and then now this is normal mode [Music] listen even if you play on easy mode it doesn't it doesn't it doesn't change anything about you as a player don't let anybody tell you otherwise okay we're fine this is good we got we got lots of doors for opening so in case the big boy comes nothing has grabbed me out of the wall which is good because that scared me okay so we got two on the on that side i want to take a shower after this thanks beers always full of such such quality commentary thanks beers can always count on good old beers to make us feel really good while playing this game listen if anybody's gonna blow me it's gonna be amelia calling me a donut i love this game you love this game i i wouldn't know i uh i don't think i'd say i love this game necessarily um it's definitely fun [Music] oh this is so bad teleport up i can't just run it's like running through sticky mud in the shadows what's your favorite game that's a good question wait we came from this way okay we're going this way so we still have our live it's gonna be a long date i know this is this is the last of this game so far right now until they add the extra dlc nice ducky i gotta figure out a method for this i don't know what to do can you detect me if i'm here this is not a door i just wasted this okay wait what wait how do i how do i undo this stop e q can you not stop this if i want to teleport something's missing here hmm what could it be can i teleport okay we're gonna spin oh we're fine we're done oh go oh my god this is painful it hurts guys it hurts it really hurts let's go this way i missed one i missed one okay we're fine stop it don't even okay okay see the ducks they're not scary right okay so we got somebody coming oh boy but if you run into a wall if you're me i should say i mean when i run into a wall i'm pretty much just gg is it just i i don't have the the brain capacity to get by something like this like what do i do here hey doc why did i teleport here what is here did i miss i missed okay sorry i'm not trying to go so quiet so much but i can collect these nice this map's a little hard to read i'm not gonna lie with the like which is a door opening which is not nice ducky nice ducky [Music] oh is so bad i'm so dead here wait wait wait wait wait wait bath time so much nice teleport thanks i need some more water water hello finally caught a stream hi taylor welcome welcome to dark deception hope you brought a nice hydrating beverage beverage [Music] huh what are my favorite games okay uh any brain power my favorite games i really like muse dash i really like rhythm games i think oh i need to okay we're fine um i like i like i like okay we're fine this is a good loop this is a good loop i need to remember that not that i don't remember that but i need to remember that i won't remember that but i should um what do i like i like i like um kirby i like starfish i like brain age i like rhythm heaven those types of rhythm games i like the elder scrolls series what else do i like i play os no i don't play us no no no no no no no no that sound is funny so this is a good place to be maybe maybe not i don't really know it's so quiet i played wait there's none in here right this would be ideal if i could uh take all these there are one okay there one there there there's one there's one okay you still have the theme more often i have to switch between telepathy and the running one though and i only have two two fingers and my hands aren't that big and it's hard i heard i'm making excuses good just play the game just get good this is one there's gotta be i don't remember which one is which can i have this hello yeah he's good he's good he's good he's good he sounds like excuses to me yeah and [Music] why is it so dark in here so there's a long stretch of them uh to our to our to the port off the port bow maybe i should just learn the pirate ship analogy hey that's there's nothing here what do we have we got the uh pork bell the poop deck star starboard starboard starboard side i think answering what my favorite games are it's really hard it's like when people ask you like so tell me about yourself you know like that's really difficult um this is gotta be one prank not pranked not pranked i'm not gonna make it i am gonna make it later loser wait this is wrong that's my rhythm game muscles coming in i want to get where i can run [Music] where's the rest of us there's 30 left guys shut up listen for the screams turn auto tune off i gotta turn auto-tune off and i gotta turn amelia up i'm used to quiet okay post is clear close is [Music] we got 30 shards left oh no i hit the wrong button oh sugar ah [Music] oh why is it pitch black here that's cruel that's cruel that's so cool close to the boss fight don't don't joke with me like that there's no boss fight there's no boss fight impact man and what pac-man do you have a boss fight this one is fine i literally can't see anything okay excuse me totally need to play alien isolation i really really want to i really really want to i think um maybe eno is going to watch that sometime like we got 16 left 15 14 13 12. come on come on all right i think this is it guys pardon me while i go silent to concentrate i don't remember oh if i activate one of these in here it's gonna be yeah it's gonna be game over oh then it's just the whole don't touch me then it's the whole getting out don't stop it that's the last shard get to the ring piece you can't your i hate this game checkpoint you're right your checkpoint how many tries do we have left how many trees run lol just just hold run and he'll press w why did you look back because i thought i could like because it's such a big room i thought i could like loop him you know but i forgot the pillars and then i also forgot about the um the the shard the sharpie things that come up yeah that was my fault i'm sorry i'm not sorry listen this is how i play all right you're in the shark zone time for the water try opening all the doors yeah that's what i tried to do open all the doors without getting the shards hello nice to see you nice to see you okay you saw me i have more than one hiding in the shadows i thought they were going to leave me off with my log i thought they were going to leave me with malach what's the point in this game there is no point there is no point there's no point there's no point okay we go again now we have more time to talk to each other teleport am i a joke to you listen all right listen here i'm slow at switching i'm not that uh what is it dexterity dextrous wait that was my last life but that was my last life no you know when you're when you're good with your hands you have a lot of um i just did a circle um it's not coordination it's dexterity dexterity what's what's the okay come on everybody is so smart what's the plural of dexterity dexter's experience dick's territories opening doors i hope i didn't i hope i hope i hope i helped extras yeah dexter's okay and the dexter's oh is anybody here ambidextrous do you know what ambidextrous means ambidextrous is when you can uh i guess write legibly with both hands this is a safe room you might want to take a shirt yeah i don't know if you really want to wow people tell them you can uh write with your feet ambidextrous mammoth extras listen i can write with my toes so we got that long line right you see that on the map i hope they don't hide a height of duck there the footsteps the footsteps no i'm not dexter's with keyboard it's different uh i i think kind of ambidextrous i write fine with both fins i don't know what what makes somebody like who's the judge for who's the ambidextrous that's so cruel i don't want to deal with that right now i'll come back to it girl with fins easily oh come on come on come on maybe i should um upgrade my cooldowns oh it's so dark i'm stuck i'm stuck i can't see i can't see i can't see and i'm stuck leave you alone or just die that works too luda just push push press two and then press e use your teleport button i know i know [Music] i don't think you can adjust the brightness in this game no yeah option one or zero so yeah i already have it all cranked up [Music] press button forehead all right all right all right what are you guys some of your guys's favorite games because i'm still i don't wanna i wanna talk about games i wanna talk about video games do you know what uh surprisingly one game that i've never really gotten into but i kind of want to is um is a pokemon i didn't really get into pokemon [Music] but i really want to i wanna see i'm gonna try okay what what songs can i hum i can on the hollow live songs right hold on what is hold on a shiny smiley story you guys know the lyrics to shiny smiley story i'll play diamond pearl or platinum yeah there's so how many pokemon titles are there also how do you say is it pokemon or is it because the ads always say pokemon pokemon pokemon it's pokemon pokemon pokemon they say it was a weird cadence like pokemon all right oh oh oh oh okay [Music] look at that i hit the button i think we should be fine i don't think it's that fast no it's not that fast [Music] i missed one have i been here i've been here this is a safe room nice try nerd pokemon pokemon pokemon hey why isn't the chase music stopping guys oh this is bad oh this is so bad oh this is bad buddha why did you go this way it's fine there's a loop there's a loop there's a loop there's a loop there's a loop oh it's dark oh this is so this is so ridiculous that is so ridiculous there's a there's a guy here there's a guy here i can't get by okay goodbye i can't get by i can't get by they move they move they move they move hey oh boy hey later hey my cooldown didn't work did anybody else see that okay we're going in the dark tunnel again okay we're going to try and do that that long stretch again okay it's to my it's too much oh okay it's fine don't worry about it because we know now we can zoom through this again again [Music] ah please don't run out cool down please nice nice no okay not so nice not too nice not so nice ah we're fine it's fine i got this guru has got this i think it wants to take your home to meet its family i need to shut my mouth why am i so cursed they're hiding if you like random games would you consider playing papa papadora papa i want to watch cali play parappa the rapper [Music] i'm doing okay though for easy mode not bad not bad not bad for easy mode um okay so there's another room here [Music] uh oh not good could be better could be better could be a better situation i'll be honest i'll be honest with you okay there's an enemy stun oh you missed you gotta be quicker than that i missed i gotta be quicker than that this is not a loop i lied this is not a loop this is a loop turbo nice i want to sing maybe i can sing i was learning so i was learning uh kiramakira i know the beginning um but i don't really know the ending and i was trying to learn that in time for um the stream the stream the q a stream i did recently um but i didn't feel i wasn't feeling very good and i also was not confident enough that i would have been able to uh perform it very well so i ended up not doing it okay so there's one here interesting do i like rock songs uh what kind of rock songs i like all types of music my toes excuse shadows in me shadows nice ducks nice ducks okay this is this is an okay area a duck teleporter by the way i was gonna ask because i i was able to see the enemies on the screen and i didn't see it at all so it must he must have teleported okay let's go back into this room metallica i don't know if i've ever listened to it i mean i've probably listened to metallica but uh i don't know if i've ever like listened listen from the top to the top i can't name a song if that's why i like red hot chili peppers is that rock what is rock it's like pop pop rock hey young i love inna's cover of what time i want to sing it now but i cannot is this bad duck yep bad duck bed duck okay here we go tactic tactic tactic nude okay let's see there's none are you you gotta be kidding me what's your guys's favorite hololive song have you heard the hollow love songs um i like kirameki raida i like [Music] um hold on i'm so sorry okay am i too short like for my pc screen like you know the higher you sit in your pc the the more you can see i need to look at that again so there's one in here okay so the rest are fine maybe i need to sit higher so i can see the screen fish that's not that's not halloween that's tatsuro that's not that ain't hollow live get out of here gooda needs a booster seat no that's what neighbors sound like when you're trying to sleep it's just oh boy oh boy oh boy okay this room is clear that's your sleep paralysis demon we got a loop okay good to know good to know okay oh wait no there's one more um so there's the ducks here there's ducks here of course of course of course of course look how close it is look how close it is of course they would do this [Music] oh my god i went by i went by him i didn't even have a ch where is the where is the like where's the set off region where's the hitbox i can't figure out i can't figure out how close i can get can i not can i not teleport do i have to wait till they have legs does this make sense to anybody else like am i just not seeing something these emotes are so cool i'm happy you like them my mama made them mama mama okay didn't the review say this level is a bit glitched i did i did read something i did i did read some stuff about this level but the overall the reviews were really good so maybe it's just me okay so we gotta do this wait no yep nope yep yep nope yup okay so we're good to the end here you can do a good ah thank you yeah when i say uh when i say mama i mean uh gura mama my mama buddha who made gouda is the same person that made the new emotes this is your favorite chapter i want to try the clown chapter the next chapter oh hi doing good good i keep it up thank you thank you prom all right oh the water is so difficult can you give us an oil watson boy watson she's not here though boy watson oh wait i wanna uh are you guys gonna watch uh cali's live show tomorrow i am seriously so excited i am so excited i've been waiting for this i've been waiting yeah she's doing a live show she posted on her twitter uh all the times and i don't remember off the top of my head and i don't want to give the wrong time so i recommend going and looking at that if you want to catch live music by miss calliope maury your boy okay okay okay nice tucky nice ducky i want to sing kita mickey ryder but i can't remember how it starts i've been listening to it non-stop and now i can't remember how it starts that's like that's like let me let me think let me do something in here hold on all hands on pink center that's it thank you and then my brain goes right back into shiny smiley story i think we used to play um underwater version of duck duck goose which is a clam clam clam mollusk is this right i should open this door priorities you go faster running backwards hmm ah i missed it you're okay mollusk mollusk mollusk it's behind you i know i don't want to do this i don't know how to get by it so i'm gonna wait till i alert another one and then it's gonna it's gonna move then we can go back to it okay let's clear this room so there's one you might want to take a shower after this which one is it it's not this one it's that one they're so cute this game is crystallized trauma ah yeah oh baby doing all right though we have a hundred room cleared no there's one in the middle room clear i'm just gonna remember that there's one in this room oh dude you got it you gotta be joking me okay this is easy this is easy don't worry [Music] i don't know the radius i just should not have gone that way i guess oh man goddamn so what does what does easy mode do wait i want this why are you blinking no gone where's the like no no no when you do easy mode you can scroll wheel to change teleport distance what [Music] i'm sorry i missed that how did i miss that how do you undo how do you take it back in i don't i don't want to use it right now yeah now i know i didn't know [Music] well shadow of the colossus no but i hear that's a really good game i'd be willing to play shadow of the colossus spam the telepathy there's no downside to it dude there's a cool down though like dead okay let's go back oh yeah okay i'll try spamming and telepathy more should i maybe not use the speed boost is this maybe more a telepathy and a teleport map like can i can i stay ahead of them if i just run like if i just get a really good it's risky it's risky no pain it's what's for lunch no recommend no is this level hard for everybody else or am i just being is this just good at i'm gonna try and spam e more we're gonna open more doors we're gonna take it nice and slow i'm not going in there until i have my teleport i can't run that corner because i oh he rounded it i did not run the corner how was i supposed to see that okay we're running through here this is another big room [Music] hey buddy what's up what's up buddy bye i got shards today later loser hey thanks for telling me about the scroll wheel i genuinely had no idea i don't know how i missed that but i missed it i want this i want this okay i want this i want this i want this this is an enemy stun yeah you sit there okay there's none here these are all saved this one didn't light up right right there should be a door here yep so maybe i can do this one i want applesauce yeah i can do this no problem can i go do i waste do i do i risk this i believe in you homie thank you thank you thank you all right guys we got this excuse me see ya okay this is a this is dead end this is dead um i want to get by you oh that's tasty wait okay this makes it a lot easier how did i miss that direction that's such like a that's so i mean are we surprised of good on this directions are we honestly surprised everyone no not surprised all the unnecessary risk what do you mean how how else am i supposed to play a game i'm gonna open this door so we have an escape slime i mean unnecessary risk this entire game is unnecessary okay i'm gonna hug this nice ducky nice ducky nice i knew it was just these two left on this side okay okay you're sleepy you're gonna go to bed okay oh that's close watch your step now oh this game is ridiculous this kid is so shy you're late don't worry you haven't missed anything i'm probably gonna have to start over all right the showers are this way um back here oh there's another room okay there's another room let's go in the other room we should have been more patient there's a lot i should be doing all right there's a lot i should be doing will i do it probably not yeah only 30 more but i think i only got one life left and the thing is that we're running in the sewer right and it's really slow oh my goodness okay um here's how we're gonna do this [Music] i'm gonna wing it that's how you do it baby atlantis style this is a door that is not a door that's the dark corner i don't like okay let's be very patient and careful in the room [Music] this is this gotta be rng too like where they're placed obviously it's gonna be okay there's only one in here come on okay let's do this so now we can see where all the enemies are just for the next few moments where are the shard makers but i can't see there's an enemy hiding in this tunnel please don't touch me oh there's okay he's not there okay okay okay progress we like it so the little purple line on the map too is the direction that the shards are in that i'm bad at listening to oh do you see that how am i gonna do that guys how am i gonna do that oh my god okay let's grab these good eye you're still on this level oh yeah baby you better believe it this game is hard okay okay so now we're gonna go here we're gonna go up and around then we're going to go down i'm going like a plan sound sound good like a planned sound stupid sorry i gotta concentrate i really need to concentrate because i really want to get by this you're not getting out of here until you've gathered all the soulful you get that right shut up [Music] all right guys that's the last challenge [Laughter] i'm sorry what just happened did i hit i didn't hit i didn't hit a button i didn't teleport what just happened what just happened what just happened i need water this game he spawned in front of me but he had like there was enough distance there was more than enough distance for me to and i don't and how was it was that on me they're hiding hold on let me double check something because maybe that was me and i had teleport on this and this was speed my speed i just used my speed was on cooldown if i use my this yeah no that was not me because my wasn't my speed was on cooldown wasn't it and i thought maybe i had teleported by pressing e again but if you press e again it doesn't the only way you can teleport is if you uh click on your mouse like that [Music] right it was on cooldown uh skippy you can do a good ah thank you [Music] i kind of try this on easy because i i want to i want to play the next i want to play the next level and if this game if this level is buggy then i mean i can do this i can do this i just you know all right sure blame the game good day all right easy how many times have we done this what round are we on this has to be like i mean these respawn rather quickly on this map so i don't think there's a point not to do them like in the other games i was trying to save them but these these disappear and i don't remember them oh hey i don't i don't know i don't know i don't know i don't know yes your horse will flip too did she just do a that was an up reference all right man i want to play this on easy mode i want to play something easy because i'm sick of this level i think i think i probably believe in you thanks adrian uh how do you go back to the [Music] yep we're doing it i don't care i want to get past this level because i'm sick of this duck level no i'm going to restart wait continue restart restart where i don't care i want to get past this level i want because if i don't do this i'm never gonna get past guys we've been playing this for three four so when did i start listen it's been enough we're getting past this level options baby mode [Music] let's go can i upgrade this at all no game is bugged game is fun good as brain is bugged malloc's blocked the entrance yep now that's just what yeah don't you think there's a solution you'll just need to rearrange your brain a bit go to the ring altar no no no if you restart it restarts your level it restarts the level if you uh reset your press e to unlock okay that's what it said that's what i said when i restarted it is it is it whoa whoa whoa whoa hold still you might also want to close your eyes it keeps them from popping out okay this is why why didn't do that then yes i haven't acquired acquired i can't either okay go man what is going on with this see i have telepathy see beers i gotta tell empathy right here is this bugged oh my goodness how do i fix this guys hello just don't let me catch you trying to see through anything besides walls okay okay activated secret difficulty hard plus plus you play this game on hard mode just don't get any of it in your mouth you've heard the urban legends i'm sure all kinds of things get flushed down here alligators goldfish duckies duckies smells very bright i think someone's gonna grab us here i'm scared well that's interesting oh it didn't do it whatever whatever whatever what is this hey whoever watches me who's listening stop this stop this jinxing curse make it stop okay so i'm gonna i'm actually genuinely curious how the how the levels change from easy uh normal and hard and clip this oh there's less dunks there's more ducks all right let's finish this level so we can get past it i just want to get past him please understand i just want to get past it one's easy ones number one time come on yes i know i know captain obvious but i want details give me details can you give me details scary pac-man scary black men uh i don't remember which is which okay we're fine we're not fine i don't remember i suddenly don't remember suddenly i cannot see okay do you have to be like fast in this game can you be like in this level i should say like the speed can you be you can take it slow gotta go fast gotta go fast guys that's another game series that i never really got into is like sonic stuff i know people are really in the sonic i want to play sonic racing sonic racing because it looks it looks really good i don't know when it came out though i think it's an older-ish game um let's open this door here defective my brain is defective but that's okay that's all right because i have all of you can you help me when my brain is not helping me this is speed run this is speed run hey that's a lot of ducks wait why why is that red oh that's a power okay i understand i see anything [Music] um um um okay e and then we did this nice and then we do this okay hi stucky hey i don't remember which one of you are bad ducks so i'm gonna wait for this cool down because i'm getting by this level i'm gonna stun you and then there's nothing you can do about it no no no [Music] why why what what okay later no all right he's just chilling there he's just chilling he's just chilling why was he just chilling uh okay okay okay okay is the door open confused i guess i guess [Music] um this is the sorry this is all right this is all right don't worry okay maybe we'll worry a little bit oh nice nice progress okay i'm just gonna open these doors have confidence have confidence go go go go go okay okay you're just gonna we're gonna get these shots and open this door so this shows all of them or like does it only show the ones that are far away uh okay this level had 300 something shards and then i think we have uh another two another 300 i think it's 300 on this level 600 in total i think easy mode on baby cause i decided we're finishing this oh okay like two hours two hours on the same same level yes i am ready for a new level i want to play the clown level okay let's wait what's this way half the shark wait what oh so this is okay now we have to go through the then the portal okay so this is the next part of the level i'm gonna take a sip of water oh i just hit my teeth do you ever do that do you ever hit your teeth while you drink water [Music] that's so weird time is it hydration time okay you ready guys here's four years for everything oh did you know some people don't like the taste of water are you one of those people does anybody in here not like the taste of water i'm like i don't understand water water has no taste it tastes like oh it does it does water have a taste or does it just taste like water this is much easier there's like half half the ducks there's like no other ducks oh my goodness yeah good i like good i like it it does have a taste well sometimes different waters you know tastes different tastes like living tastes like sustenance like i know sometimes if you drink water from the sink sometimes it depends on like different people's houses have different tastes and like different buildings depending on where you are where you live and all that it tastes different and i don't think that's like flavor of water i think that's wait it comes down to a it comes down to like what is this the stuff that's in the water they're not so good for you stuff that's in the water hey here no not bacteria like uh bad stuff like like um like metals and and uh not so good stuff for your health you know gasoline flavor you might want to take a shower after this huh who stopped me with that how did i set that off how did what i wasn't even near it oh this is this is this is ah now that deserves a face palm hiding in the shadows that are you winning i'm trying what time will gouda finish this level the quack-a-don thank you very soon we got comedians there it is nice so i'm gonna go in here i'm gonna suck up all these and then we're gonna go open the door uh this door we're talking about what we're talking about you're talking about video games all right let me get these shards video games can you tell my brain is at full capacity so there's one hiding in this corner i'm just gonna chill okay let's open this door for a getaway okay i want to teleport by both of these wait maybe i don't need to do you like my donut i got my eye on you duck oh yeah kiara and uh are going to be doing a collaboration um ava okay yeah they're playing a goose game untitled goose game have you played that nice and easy gotta go to sleep good luck thank you why are there so many oh this is that okay just go just go just go just go just go just go squish squish push push push push goes close clear good out round all right [Music] okay okay we're fine um i just need to oh i need so there's two in here okay this one okay that was a persistent one it really was just hot on our tail hot on our shark tail i'm sorry if i'm not it is i'm really concentrating right now nice have you guys watched the uh the hololive uh hololive did among us i loved watching that i loved it i loved watching it technology okay let's where is this one okay so we can go this way okay okay okay let's turn back on our telepathy so we can read the minds teleport said no okay we are okay i this is the dark tunnel i don't like the dark tunnel but according to the walls everything is pretty far away everything's pretty far away i think we're going to be all right i got to stop saying anything like that because it's never all right it's never all right is it everyone nothing good is here oh wait this is good this is good okay patience we're gonna have patience we're gonna have patience okay there's none in this room this is a safe room there's a big shard there's a big shard there's a big shard that's the big shark we can use that to see all the enemies for a little bit of time which i think would be good so i'll just clean clean these up see i should have gotten stabbed there because i was being greedy now enemies revealed okay i should have opened this door first you've had a taste taco had a taste of medical water and it still had a taste drinking too much of it can kill you wait what is a medical water like medically like sterilized like sterilized water he's all water sterilized oil thank you for your super chat okay sounds like good i don't like the quiet let's open this how's good is still on the duck i'm trying my best okay um um um okay stop so right now we are sandwiched and suddenly my my palms are sweating i just gotta go slow all right i'm not i don't got a gamer sense very much not good okay okay okay i can do it i know i can do it i can do it i can do it i can do it i can do it i want to clear this room i want to clear this room i'm going to go open the door because we always want an escape room i have a question about games what are the new games that are coming out other than cyberpunk new games that are coming out this year huh uh sharks do lay eggs yes some of them do some sharks like eggs some sharks give birth to life cyberpunk zelda yakuza 7 maybe god of war okay spiderman oh wait really assassin's creed i always want to play an assassin's creed game it's not the game that uh corona senpai didn't she she crazy didn't she do like he's like 24 hours if not more did you guys watch that playthrough i have to finish it um okay sure it's this way uh okay let's go let's follow what the map says yeah 24 hour stream yeah i hope someday i can have endurance like like them i could only i'm fine who else has done 24 hour streams and all alive i'll question play i'll call somebody 24 hour stream right oh he had the minecraft update too a cave update okay we have 20 20 shards left we're just focusing nice and easy you can't eat shrimp do you have a seafood allergy the medium and outriders is that a game i'm excited for cyberpunk i wanna i wanna see what it's all about have you guys played borderlands 3 are you winning gouda i sure hope so i play borderlands 2 but i haven't played borderlands 3 i really i gotta play and also doesn't one of the borderlands have like a mode where you can um something to do with like streaming when you play while streaming you can do stuff that's the last chart get to the ring piece nice and easy you can't speed please hold while i focus hey that's not what i thought that was that's not what i thought it was ah oh my goodness that whoever said thank you that can you imagine if that had just skewered me i would have gotten up from this chair and i would have walked away okay okay okay don't panic don't panic depending don't penny that's far enough oh cutscene you know you're the first of pierce's pets to actually cause me some trouble i should commend you for your tenacity will why your arms so long well commendable as you may be i'm afraid your little streak are they gonna dump me back in the gameplay because i have i have water in my hands hold on watching you run around obediently has reminded me that i have a loyal pet as well why are you so short shut up golden let me introduce you so you can both get more properly acquainted now you'll have to excuse me i must take mike i'm sorry what is calls elsewhere oh and beers i know you're there peering through your little puppets i'll be settling that's the big one wait there's actually a plus plate [Laughter] all hands on keyboard what do i do bears what do i do bears use the village to slow it down what do you mean beers just stand behind it oh it's gonna ricochet yeah throw it again throw it again nerd come on come on come on you can do better than that all right what do i do with you yes your corpse will float too [Music] um oh it slows everything down i see i see i see i see i understand i understand okay okay what pillar which pillar does it do i thought it hit the thing huh why is this one not being done now hello and that one beers get back to the first zone where is the zone okay okay okay okay getting back to the portal is not going to be so easy don't screw it up all right so there's only one okay so i can't open the doors i can't open the doors um i don't want to use my speed yet i can't talk right now i need to focus i need to focus i need to focus i need to focus i need [Applause] oh this bad that's bad that's real bad that's real then can't be out of here no more no more no more you know what b stands for let's screw this game baby screw this game yeah level 10. so yeah i'm gonna be honest if i if we had a switch that's easy i would not have passed that level it's all right easy mode that's fine don't do that to me game don't do that to me okay let's talk to malik let's talk malik hey malik i press f it vexes me greatly that you're still here mortal i know i don't know why i'm playing this anymore i'm joking i'm jumping there's another piece of that infernal ring dwarf shark easy mode more like fun mode thank you uh okay meet sat hey he's right i am getting more powerful powerful enough to fulfill your every wish my every wish isn't it i gotta be honest with you lady i don't know why i'm here beers why not tell him what fate befell the last person that trusted you wouldn't you if you had one wish what would it be if beerus could grant you one wish what would it be beers beer system being honest with us there's something going on here unlimited salmon to try your luck again or would you rather just stay here with me i don't know i mean you kind of you dodged the dodge malek's question speak every language would be my wish could you imagine open up that would open up communication with with every everybody everybody real cat girls ah i see all right i want to see what the clown level's all about malek's left a monster to guard the entrance reeks of desperation don't you think yeah and we got my majors down scare it off stare into its eyes and convince it that you're the bigger monster trust me i was made for this just ask my late husband go to the ring altar all right i'll be back i'll be back stare deep into its eyes what is this intimidation primal fear yeah perfect okay let's try uh so this are you serious look how long it takes to cool down uh oh my goodness yeah how do you like them apples is that a dog that's a monkey you're my favorite shrimp wait i'm your favorite shrimp you're my favorite shrimp crazy corn evil haha ah this circus those were pretty popular in my day such talent and showmanship as a girl the performers never failed to fill me with wonders terrifying watching them agonizing i wanted to become watch others play video games i don't know if i like this beer uh i just thought somebody said i should go back and reset my skills uh does it if it's gonna i go back i want to go back um how do i go back to the [Music] you have to go to the title i just reset restart no that's level restart we just got called out yeah beerus beerus is uh no no no no bears okay do you need to quit to the um i wanna i wanna see if i can do that can i reset can i reset some of my my points beerus has got no chills she's um more pieces to go love get to try your luck again yeah i wanna get here with me no no no no i'm sorry yeah okay we sorry we can reset because i wanna cool down 35 um what is this oh that's not great well if they unlocked primal fear then we're probably gonna need to use it right so you have 10 points let's put it in something that might be level specific and then let's put it in um i like teleport speed boost max primal fear telepathy is useless is it oh does this ballistics oh yeah it extends the range okay nice wait i always hit the wrong button all right let's go see what these clowns are all about let's go see what the clowns are all about malek's left a monster to guard the entrance ah yes this part again inspiration don't you think you'll just have to scare it off stare into its eyes and convince it that you're the bigger monster but what's this trust me it works just ask my late husband no thanks hey [Music] okay who's scared of clowns you have more points no i spent them all i had four points left oh no it's fine don't worry about it those were pretty popular in my day such a talent for the showmanship as a girl the performers never failed to fill me with wonder watching them i wanted to become a star now children just sit around and what watch others play video games let's see let's see how this is you know soul shards people do you guys like the circus do you like the carnival i like the i like the idea of the carnival let me guess cool phobia that's the fear of clowns cool cool aerophobia not clown phobia why are we so slow oh wait it's this way let's turn this one to then yes primal fear primal fear sorry microphone i think they're inviting you in how is that scary oh funny noises hey monkeys oh the striker i'm wicked strong look out you know you want to jane hi hi tim thank you very super chat actually did it i may have underestimated how little you consider the consequences of your [Applause] actions well he's drifting oh my goodness seem to be far luckier here in this world so there's little clowns maybe that doesn't make them that scary if they're little they're just annoying this is all a bit surreal it's just annoying i'm sorry it's just they're just they're annoying oh is this a slide yay who gets motion sick yeah what an unusual nightmare this is like rainbow road there's only 60. i thought we'd been over there i i knew i was like i don't know about this one it's already good now uh huh oh it's like fall guys these portals what do these do [Music] done why am i slow what is that what is this level well i guess the joke's on you he's primal fear no i use primal fear on the clowns this is cheesy yeah it's not really scary [Music] let's use a portal everybody pour it out bye this is really slow why is it so slow why running on there wait look down oh okay don't look down don't look down this is the new fall guys arena oh that took a while i was like hey wait a minute what ah guys [Applause] did you see it you better believe it this is so this is so painful i am literally this is character this is this is sprinting this is character full sprint right now oh i don't like this i don't like this please mr clan man just hit me with your car please just make the suffering end [Music] so do they just like constantly unload clowns [Music] okay okay all right let's go this way well i guess the joke's on you and all over the world got to sleep good luck thank you i am working on not very much sleep myself so maybe maybe i won't finish this level because i am feeling myself needing sleep it's been it's been um many many many many many many many many many many many hours and that's sewer level really uh come on is killing me i'm like come on the only thing you have to fear is fear itself oh i can't do it anymore bears i can't do it anymore i can't go on big speed is missing points just because it won't it's not changed it's not going to change the game it's not going to change now the speed that's for like the power up or is that for like my character or my my characters like oh i need to follow the shard the shard thing no i don't cry it's all right i'm just i'm having fun i'm just also suffering i don't like this level so i gotta go well there's only 30 there's only 30 shards here so it can't be it can't be all that bad this is that constant car following you this is ridiculous also white kidney this should have made it that you like fall outside like a mario kart like a rainbow road who's faster me or the clowns me is i want to save primal fear unless i really need it you are dead [Music] yes roma right now well all right i'm gonna give it one wait hold on did you hear about the last time a shark lost to some circus clowns it was intense can you hear it can you hear it ah thank you thank you for your super shadow flirt [Music] intense like uh intense like it's intense but then it's in comma tense like a circus tense like intense does that make sense [Music] this is my last try this is my last try okay what's your connection to this place i don't i don't want to talk about it basically let's give it we'll give it we'll give it one one one more good good little good try last game this is like uh when you're grocery shopping when you're grocery shopping and that person with their cart behind you is right on your heels you know like if you if you hit me with your car if you give me a flat tire with your cart okay oh it's on the time queue oh i understand [Music] wrong way that's not right [Music] that's right that's right we're good don't get whacked not planning on it okay we need to we need to round this corner and then we need to need to we need a gas gas gas and then we got a uh can i get a uh how you guys doing i didn't ask you about that how are all of you doing how are you feeling how are you how are you uh hanging in there thanks for uh choosing to spend some time with me today i i appreciate it [Music] well i guess the joke's on you and on the floor and all over you're tired but you're good hungry and working [Music] i am also tired i need to fix my sleep schedule okay okay okay you're scared don't be scared it's just silly silly clowns and then i can reach that dang it let's use his power okay i don't like clowns clown is scary though but they're so tiny i think these are more annoying than anything [Music] oh this is so painful why are they so far away no why are they so fat they're not that bad is pac-man but scary can they go through the portal wait what portal is this oh my [Music] down can the uh can the can the hammer kill them can hammer you that item running out of gas not that no no no steam gas steam i'm running out of steam guys buddhist shark is starting to shut down this is my last game so we we got another big room here sorry [Music] i'm sorry here almost finished you're right almost finished almost there everyone we're almost there what should we talk about i'm so i'm so burnt out i'm so untired i don't even know my brain is so my my hand is cramping oh do you know what i did today i just i just remembered uh i tried to take a nap right i think it fell asleep for like 30 minutes oh this is his chin right and i fell asleep i fell asleep on my arm [Music] that was close i felt asleep on my arm right and uh when i when i woke up from my my very short nap i realized that i couldn't feel you know pins and needles feeling oh my and i started like wiggling my arm and like i was like wiggling my arm because it was so it was so uh i couldn't move it uh hunk hey do i need to go through a portal do you know the feeling when you fall asleep on something like i was expecting it to start hurting because that's what happens when you when you fall asleep on one of your limbs it gets tingly and then it turns into pins and needles and it hurts to move and it hurts to touch i think we need to go through here but it never did that i never did that come on yes it's a lack of blood circulation that's exactly it because you're cutting off circulation when you're uh sleeping on your arm for a long period of time wait i don't want to go here i should just put all my points into speed imagine if i just put it on the speed i could speed boost this three two two one [Music] one one one nice for those of you that are still hanging out are you ready to finish this game this is the tutorial this better not be dingy zen serenity now don't tell me not yet i'm faster than this right i think i'm faster than him is that the way out huh [Music] what are you prone to motion sickness run the motion sickness i can't turn the thing off it won't go away yeah hey time to ride you want to boot me on the nose thank you keith i can't put the tablet down it's stuck roller coaster baby who's ready who's ready scary clown it's like a carnival wow wow wow that's still have the boss okay okay well that was interesting what was the point in that when that part of the level was black and white and red all over i'd start running before you find out okay what is this what is this wait what is this no there's more there's more there's more [Music] oh cannons oh good oh good oh great we love cannons this is my last game my brain is so unoverlooked is there a secret door there this the idea is to avoid it scared me so bad [Music] super chat morale boost for sure thank you shrimp thank you did i get you i got me that got me real good why am i slow what happened i like this what would you what do you call this but it's like what's this what do you call that when it's um any glows underneath the black line is that what this is this looks like doors okay nice cart neon light uv uv that's what it's called uv it's like neon light fluorescent go to sleep i will once i once i give this one second listen i need a drum kit can i put a drum kit here so i can put i don't care beers before you find out ah clowns clowns everywhere look at all these clowns ha ha ha ha ha oh great who's laughing now look at that room i want to go see what's in that room that's like a big it's a big room yeah this room oh no oh no it's one of these mirror rooms have you guys seen the uh have you guys seen the that reminds me uh have you seen the movie um wait it's not a mirror [Music] what's that movie called up no that's not it no oh that's not funny that's not funny at all yeah yeah you know the movie it's that movie up what's that i'd start running that movie uh up with the clowns the clown that eats the kids you know up no no no it's a it oh it's confetti carrot ha ha ha ha does anybody have any good jokes what's your best joke that's your best joke give me your best job what is it called again maybe i'll look it up ha ha ah why does shinji cross the street why why didn't you cross the street hey that reminds me uh in minecraft i want to build like i mean you know whenever the big the big the big yeah the big angel things the no no not the angel things you know the big the big robots i want to build like oh to get in the robot wait what the rabbit oh my god yeah though i want to build like a spongebob this game is making me lose my mind if i'm not okay i'm not okay [Music] huh why which way is the cart coming don't worry good at you're almost finished thanks thrill droll troll thank you look if you like puking with this level yeah it's a it's just it's an assault on the eyeballs and also on the soul okay let's get the shot it a shot everyone had enough for you had enough for you [Music] right now [Music] just [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] and [Music] dog okay i'm done i've had it meltdown is done don't worry guys wow [Music] so everyone how do we like dark deception like it you say great good awesome i love it thank you all for hold on i got a cough [Music] okay thank you all so much for spending time with me while i play dark dark deception thank you all so much i think i would have been a little bit better if i had some sleep maybe probably not i am good after all and video games are [Music] this was the stuck in the sewer game all right i want to say thank you to everybody for hanging out with me and uh for those of you that enjoy membership thank you so much i hope you enjoy your emotes and i will see members tomorrow i'll see you'll be seeing a lot of me tomorrow members we're gonna watch we're gonna watch the original ghostbusters and then we're gonna sing we're gonna sing isn't that exciting maybe maybe i'll i want to stream more minecraft [Music] all right everyone thank you all so so so much so so so so much um i will see you all very very soon i'm gonna try and get some some nap time in a little bit of nap and some food okay okay thank you bye-bye everyone thank you all for today thank you okay bye-bye bye-bye [Music] bye [Music] you
Channel: Gawr Gura Ch. hololive-EN
Views: 946,608
Rating: 4.9771428 out of 5
Keywords: hololive, myth, hololive english, holoEN, gawr, gura, dark deception
Id: hrgLfb-uLe8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 194min 34sec (11674 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 15 2020
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