Dark and Darker Wizard Complete Guide - Playtest 2

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my name is Jay griffia and welcome to my total class breakdown for the wizard in dark and darker I'll cover the basics how attributes scale and what effective gearing looks like when you're an absolute monster quick shout out to everyone coming to my channel it seriously means the world to me to see everyone enjoying my videos and I look forward to cranking out more wizard content all next play tests to start off we'll go over skills spell memory you need it to cast spells you have to take it your spells have charges and meditation regains those charges back intense Focus basically turned your next spell into an instant cast really not the best because you get rid of meditation and you have to bring campfires to regain any spell charges it can be good if you don't have gear perks what chance is by far the best perk flat 20 spell casting speeds hard to beat fire Mastery five percent fire damage bonus and 2.5 second longer burn debuff duration Mana surge flat five percent magic damage bonus Arcane feedback whenever you land a missile you gain one percent damage and spell casting speed up to five times for seven seconds Sage 10 knowledge doesn't really do anything reactive Shield a 10 Health Shield that procs whenever you take damage when this procs are probably already dead maybe helps against Rangers and Road melt Fireball reduces your enemy's armor by 10 percent pretty useless wizard weapons the Spellbook -10 move speed barely any cast animation so you can get spells off in tight areas I think it's the best weapon by far the wizard staff minus 20 move speed you can smack people for a little bit of damage but it's very easy to collide with objects and cancel your spellcasts gonna use this you might as well just use the Crystal Sword it's a little bit slower with -30 move speed but you can stab and slash people since it's a sword it has split physical and magical damage I never tested it but I heard it actually scales off of your damage bonuses so if that's the case it can be an insane hybrid option and I wouldn't be surprised if it's really good next play test and finally the crystal ball which compare with a dagger the only weapon combo and the slowest for the Mage with minus 35 move speed can really save you in a pinch if you get trapped in the corner against like a melee spells a fireball it's your creme de La Creme you do big damage you burn people alive for five damage per second as long as the debuffs up magic missiles or like I call it the Gat it's basically a magic mini uzi uh it just lights people up and hundreds of zeros then before they know what happened paste increases your movement and action speed by 14 for 15 seconds and then you have invisibility gives you 10 movement speed and well invisibility combine these two spells together and you're gonna be a beast on the battlefield no one can really close the gap on you especially if you throw in some slows haste and invisibility is your bread and butter as a wizard it's going to get you out of rough situations it's going to get you into back lines and it's going to let you engage on people that have no idea where you're coming from slow pretty straightforward slows your targets minus 40 percent movement speed for 2.5 seconds creates a gap in counter spider Sprint attributes now this is the good stuff strength gives you three health and one physical power per point of strength it's pretty good for hybrid play and just to get your General Health pull up well increases your buff and debuff duration magic resistance and gives one spell damage per will knowledge the branch just growing you start juicing out the Spells one knowledge gives five percent spell casting speed and extra spell charges which isn't actually in the game yet will and knowledge are your main stats and this is what you should aim for as a wizard agility Buster movement speed attack speed and interaction speed with doors chests bandages extraction portals literally anytime you got to push F on anything in the game one agility is at least one movement speed pretty sure anyways finally resourcefulness as far as I understand this does absolutely nothing in the game here are all the stats that can roll on your gear this is found on the dark and darker official Discord the link is at the Top If you're not in it you should definitely join it now that we've covered how attributes work and all the basics are about the wizard I want to touch more on spell casting speed it's pretty op as it Alters like the fire rate of your magic missiles that reduces the time it takes to meditate and yeah it makes you cast faster here you'll see side by side what Juiced up spell casting speed really looks like it's pretty fast so I'll slow down each clip after it plays yeah gear is good we get it but you got to know what you're really getting from your stats and I'll kind of give an example of how I look at gear so this spell book's pretty nice uh has a whopping 16.5 spell casting speed and 7 magic damage so when you convert it's pretty op these legs are redonkulous they have plus three all attributes on them when you break it down you get so many stats from any plus all attribute roles it probably beats any item you had in that slot before and when you convert everything over this is what the loose trousers actually look like here we have a level 1 wizard with only a 20 spell casting speed perk quick chance and all the bass stuff this is the gear I was wearing and we'll be comparing to using this as well as using the perk Mana surge for five percent match damage the left column here is the stats from the level one Wizard and the right column is the stats for my perked out level 20 wizard with full gear starting from the top we gained four strength eight agility free will 11 knowledge 13 Health from the strength we're actually faster with our spell book out than we were at level one with no weapon out and no gear we have 58 more casting speed and we're 22.4 percent stronger with our spells what the 22.4 percent does exactly doesn't really matter we just want to make that number bigger for more damage since we're trying to understand wizard to the best that we can I'll break it down and show how your stats are actually showing you weaker than you are all right so we have 25 total magic damage from our gear nine of which is true magic damage and that's important for later and we have an additional 1.4 magic damage bonus on top so to get our 22.4 percent you take the total of 25 you take out the 9 true damage we'll cover that in a second then you add in the 1.4 magic damage which is really just 1.4 spell damage and then you're gonna add in the five percent magic damage from the perk Mana Surge and then you get your 22.4 so I initially thought that the nine plus damage here in the magic power section was actually the true damage but I was wrong it's a coincidence that I have plus nine true magic damage but I definitely have plus 9 magic power on these three items so I learned that true magic damage isn't actually tracked on the stat sheets and I thought that would be pretty good to know it also doesn't look like it is tracked on any class at least from what I could tell on my road this was the first ever guide that I made so if you enjoyed please leave a like and a comment below any questions or suggestions that you may have feel free to drop it down and I will keep it in mind for the next video I appreciate you guys very much thanks for watching and have a great day
Channel: JayGriffyuh
Views: 19,019
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dark and Darker, dark and darker, dark and darker wizard, dark and darker wizard guide, dark and darker ghost king, dark and darker lich, dark and darker wizard pvp, dark and darker mage, dark and darker mage guide, pvp, wizard, wizard guide, dark and darker stat guide, dark and darker stats, dark and darker rank 1, dark and darker attributes, dark and darker gearing guide
Id: 7wQESnmdjnE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 19sec (559 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 04 2022
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