DAQ6510 and Kickstart demo. testing my R/C car. Keithley

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hello welcome back this is Frederick from tech Nordic today I'm going to talk a little bit about Keithley instruments like the DMM and the Dec 510 here and just again say that you know we bought Keithley Tektronix both Keithley a few years ago and it's been a great success so today's video I will run through a presentation and afterwards I will you know hook up one of the DAC 6510 and we install the scanner card and I would connect it to my PC and I will run a really great software called kickstart and some of the things you can do that and I will also test my remote controlled car and see you know like the power consumption you see how good they are in reality so let's kick this off so first of all you know there are new products yes but it's actually more less of a replacement so the people have 2000 2000 scan they should now mover it to this DMM 6500 they're compatible and you can still use the same scanner cord as you had on the old one so you will get a new graphical user interface which is like a touch and sweep and touch screen and just works perfectly I love it and then the 2720 701 was replaced by the DAC 65 10 and you can still reuse all your existing switch cards well it's a great opportunity for you to look at really a more than nice fun instrument and it gives you so much more dimension in your measurement it's so easy to set up a measurement it's unbelievable we go to the next slide here I mean you know 65 can make your job easier there's a lot of things we can do multi Scannell i will move through these slides a little bit both the DMM and the DAC has this kind of oscilloscope functions where you have one mega sample you can sample a device turn off turn on power to get this rare events of transients for example which is nice I'll try to show you that as well I mean from the user interface in front panel you can take the curtain pinch and zoom and look and you get all the measurement as you want the test speed here you can also put everything together and build your own kind of small tester with the source Maitre D' mm you know and some of these can use LAN Li excited L excite there's also tsp scripting which I will cover in another episode but TSP is actually inside of all the instruments there is a small PC where you can upload your project and tell that unit to control other instruments so instead of sending all the commands or you know back and forth you will set one command start my program it will run through that and when it's done it will dump you all the results really nice a lot of people using it I mean like it's a test system yes we do that you know we have a code compare emulation for for 2000 all for the keysight the DAC really nice I mean it's really easy to set up what kind of measurement you want to do and you have them immediately on the screen on your DMM or DAC you can see the template you know if you have the temp chamber for example you want to monitor something you will see that live I mean you have this I will try to find a slide I want one of the things that is good it's heavy cause it's a two-year specification so you don't have to calibrate it we read use the calibration cost by half which is research really nice I will move a little bit alright and this is the back this is probably one of the interesting you know there's you know accessory and communication cord so the communication cord if you look at this and back side it's like LAN and USB LAN and USB some of you guys Taylor or aster GPIB where is the or is through t2 where is this and where we still support it but you actually have to buy a communication accessory module to push in it's the same at people ask me where is the TSP I don't see the TSP link that I told you earlier about it's also an accessory for communication box and you can see the difference theory or the DMM there's one slot for there's a 2000 scan slot and other one is all the 7700 slots in terms of these communication options there's the TSP link I talked about there's a GPIB Norris to t2 but most people tend to try to get away from this the TSP link is a different story it's needed if you want to build a really rapid and simplified test system you know you're gonna like it the other one the GPIB yeah some people still have GPI waves that are an old standard and rst - to say but it has to dig it'll eat input output same as the TSB link so you can use that for other stuff so this is you know touch test invent portfolio for all your needs it's the 6500 is Dec 6510 in the mm 75 10 well this is five minutes are gone and I've not tried to shorten this one so the next episode I will show you how you do it so here we are this is I have them on the money all here is one they're quite heavy so this is one of the boxes this is the 75-65 6500 this is how it looks like and this is how it looks on the back SSO yeah I'm not gonna run this instrument today I'm gonna run another one which I have over here by accident which is this one is the funny one so if you look at this one it's the DAC 6510 brand-new just given to me by them a pool and here's the back of that one so let me try to get this working I'm not sure but but let's see and in as well here I have this card which is a slot car if you never seen I can actually open one of these I should be able to open like this is how it looks like inside here you can put all your if you want to measure temperature or voltage whatever you want to do and you put them out and in the in here you plug the cables out this is it 20 channels toward plucking a bad sight get back together and I'm just gonna type this up a little bit like this this goes in the back I would try to get this in the back and I had some issues dirtiest I need the power cable it's in and I'm gonna push the the LAN cable in as well so you have the layer okay now we can power it on oh you see it's Keithley it's quite quite silent instrument by the way so what I'm gonna do now is just show you how I installed the IP address so I can run the program from the background it's booted up it's quite rapid and here's the menu there's a menu I maybe I can take it a camera like this here's a menu a press menu and I press communication I go to LAN and this is where I put the manual separated into manual the I just changed the IP you can go in and change the IP in this case it's number 11 ok and apply settings and that will update everything and from that point on it's very very easy to run it so I will leave this camera on for a while if I can get it in table you can see the LAN is so from the home bottom here can do everything you want you can whatever and from the menu you can have a graphical view if you want to do that and there's some apps also and these are apps you can build yourself but I'm not going into that I will just press the HOME key it like this and we're gonna start playing with what I really like kickstart and for this project I'm gonna use the standard probes that is coming with the DMM I'm gonna take my car which is a remote control 2.4 gigahertz core with free little housing batteries and I also have a remote control and I'm going to plug this together and let's see if I can figure this one out so the first thing I do I plug this when there little bit of plugging hopefully you'll be able to I'm not sure they'll be able to see my car or not but I've put it down but here's the car not to create the camera and gonna monitoring just you know like this one I'm gonna put it in and hopefully this will hold us well I'm not sure see that there's one point four volts well back to the generic this one and here's the thing this is my DAC I can double-click on this one they can ask me to be a DMM or data logger I will be the DMM in this case at your press ok and a mushroom from the front fine measure count in infinite I can just run adjusted normal the Amana thing is that you have a date table which will be populated and the graph this is just looking at the voltage over time which is completely fine my test for today is looking at oh of course I removed it now so I mean looking at what's happening when I'm powering on this car I will have this one like that I'll be back again and this one at that that's the four walls here and that will turn this Don on and on you can't really see it there but we're gonna stop this one and start a new measurement again you can see it a little bit better I will probe let me see which one I would probe I can probe this one and this what that should be if I could have like this and I'll run again but here you see the voltage is running fine I will turn this little bugger on it's on and you can see some strange behaviors up here and I will turn my remote control sensor on and I would try to off course the cable fell off we get we're getting it back again like this and our run you can actually see how bad the batteries or even at one point it will just die I can hear the car running if I stop this one now for a moment and that's you know think what we have I can go back here and out the scale from the beginning this was on this was an inter Sassoon box here and I really like this one and in the beginning I thought there was something funny going on this is actually what I call you know when the RF is on so it's kind of looking at the RF coming in and it's also requesting into the ID the 2.4 the extra communication so here is here's me and this is the core this is it so you can run multiple cores with one you know multiple cores at the same time and this is this actually the transmitter saying that I'm here this is me this is me now can further zoom this one to look at this and you can see it's just you know the batteries are not that great but you can see each of the individual pulses here going going back to this one this is where I dropped a contact I put it back and I dropped it and put it back and here I start driving my car we were into zoom into this part over here zoom into this part over here I can just do it like this and you can see you know it's getting worse and worse so you can see it the flatline anyway it's very very simple very simple and now I will go and I will look at we can close this one we will look at how you work with matrix we delete this one we can redo it again if you want to go in here and I say data logger okay it will open up hopefully and you see that it asks me to put in some channels so we can use channel 1 and channel 2 and Channel 3 a function will be easy voltage for example and I can ply them to entire group saying that range Alto and 1l PLC ok that seems ok save settings and now I will press play this will probably say no no no it's a burning star instrument termos at the front set the terminals to rear to run the data logger ok there's a bottom in the front was good and I will press that one and we will run again oh you can hear and here's the table DeGraff of course it's just all over the place and I stops attack hundred steps so this is kind of a noise anyway I can also go in and change whatever I want and I can test a lot of cool stuff with this one it's just working brilliantly in this case we had the scale and the scale was up to one volt and this is probably what you can see of course I didn't have anything to connect this time but I mean and if you save this project can always go back and look at me in and max it just works perfectly the last thing I want to do is set up set up a thing here when I try to monitor in the full voltage double-click this one and we're gonna do it as a DMM yes see her and we should have the front thank you I don't know what's happening there front we do it again canceled let's private play as from now stop the front and here we can say also to use the digitized voltage and I trigger mode I should have an analogue window and vows should be like five volts and maybe three point five or three volts 3 point 5 volts and when it leaves this area I should trigger I run this one now run of course nothing happy I need to turn this one on and off and there it is and now I captured this one with a graph and you can see that is really nothing really good at bats here but we try it again so what did I do maximum not a hundred I just had a hundred when it fails out to this so we do it again I'm probing I press run it's ready and now I put it on and it should be done can stop and I can look at the graph again so this is the graph of me capturing like 200 milliseconds of a part when it went down below 3 point 5 volts and what's happening on the way up and you can really see how quick but we are between the sample points you can see the root so it's not the best damn of this one but at least this is what I have I hope you enjoyed this video talk to you again soon but try kickstart tried the DAC ask your local rep ask Tektronix for key to direct it's just amazing thank you
Views: 982
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: keithley, tektronix, datalogger, kickstart, dmm, daq
Id: qq8cf2oJYfw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 46sec (1006 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 23 2018
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