Keithley Model 2450 Using KickStart Software

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hi my name is Giovanni and I'm an applications engineer for Keithley today I am gonna show you how to do a basic IV characterization using the 2450 and the kick-starts software the first thing that you want to do is open up the kickstart software by navigating to your Start menu then your programs list and your programs list you will want to navigate to the key 3 instruments folder and select the kickstart software once kickstart is opened you want to select the new kickstart test you will want to name your test something unique so that you know exactly what this test is doing for this example I will name it test after you've named your test you will want to select your instrument this can be done by selecting the select instrument button and then right-clicking on your instrument and clicking add instrument you will then want to select your test type you can do this again by navigating over to your test type right clicking on it and selecting add test type this test will do a basic voltage sweep ranging from 0 volts to 5 volts in a hundred and one step increments this test will do a voltage sweep from 0 volts to 5 volts and 101 steps in this menu you will be able to select your start folded your stop voltage your number of steps your voltage range the current limits and the delay seconds to get an IV curve you will have to make sure that you have measured current selected and measure voltage selected with measured voltage you want to make sure that you have the it programmed rather than measured to actually create your graph you will want to select the graph tab and set your x and y axis respectively in the x-axis you want to select SMU one voltage in the y-axis you will want to select SMU one eye once you have your graph set up you can press the select test button for this example we are running a voltage sweep on an LED as you can see the SMU is sourcing voltage same time measuring the courage and plotting the data on this graph here we can see that the SMU reached compliance once your sweep has finished you can do three options you can export your graph into a PNG file you can export your sheet data into an excel file or a CSV file which can be later opened in Microsoft Excel for further data and manipulation using this basic information you can then select different types of sweeps or source modes these are voltage bias voltage sweep voltage list sweep current bias current sweep and current list sweep thank you for watching
Channel: Test Equipment Depot
Views: 4,618
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: zOW8W8hSNB0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 2sec (182 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 09 2018
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