you could not have come to class on a more important day in our study of Daniel boy do we have a mouthful ahead and more than that a mindful I'm asking God to open our understanding and give us insight through one of many possible interpretations of Daniels Knight's chapter know in advance that datings vary from commentary to commentary our primary goal is to have the imagination incited in knowing that somehow and in some way history's events all fit together perfectly and prophetically on your mark get set and let's go we are gonna have the ride of our lives ahead of us we're becoming aware of the kind of Babylon that surrounds us [Music] [Music] name of Jesus thank you I'm so glad you came today [Music] I'm very happy to present to you our dear sisters from the First Assembly of God in Humble Texas would you welcome them we are so glad you're here wherever you come from whatever your week has been like whatever your background whether you are Church tour unchurched this is a place where you're welcome and I hope to say that it's a place where you're safe be yourself in class open your heart and your mind to the Lord Jesus now I've got a surprise for you something I'm very excited about that we're gonna work on for a couple of minutes before we get into our present lesson from the very beginning I kept hoping that there would be some way that you and I could memorize what the themes of each chapter are so that we would be able when all of this is over we would be able to go back and and literally phrase by phrase by by some kind of an association recall what every chapter is about because when this is all over I want you to be able to hear somebody say Daniel chapter 6 and already it jumps into your head what that chapter is about I want to share some with you I finally got still enough just this last weekend Keith took me to the bay in the middle of nowhere and I got quiet and still enough for God to sit me down and let me listen and take these down so what I have for you our chapter rhymes for the Book of Daniel but I want you to see them one by one so that we can say them together with a little bit of association every phrase should tell you something about the entire chapter so this is going to be it and we're gonna do this for the rest of our series together it's gonna start with Daniels book just a quick look say that with me and then we'll begin them together it'll be Daniel wanted it's gonna be carried off to Babylon now you know what to associate with the first chapter of Daniel Daniel to remember Nebuchadnezzar's dream statue is gonna be Daniel to nebs dream statue you're gonna picture it when you say it Daniel three from a fiery furnace freed Daniel for a humble Neb some more you remember that one Daniel five says the handwriting you die daniel six the lion's jaws fixed Daniel seven there's a judge in heaven somebody say Amen what's his name somebody tell me his name he is the Ancient of Days Daniel 8 Antiochus spreads hate Daniel 9 and this will all be new from this point on but I want you to go ahead and have them where they're already in your mind so you'll know them when they come Daniel nine seventy sevens in time Daniel ten where's the angel been Daniel 11 a vile King succession Daniel 12 shine bright till all as well Daniel's done now didn't we have fun all right okay amen I want us to say them together we're gonna kind of click get along with some good syncopation amen Daniel's book just a quick look Daniel one carried off to Babylon Daniel to nebs dream statue Daniel three from a fiery furnace freed Daniel for a humble net some more Daniel five says the handwriting you die daniel six the lion's jaws fixed Daniel seven there's a judge in heaven Daniel 8 and taya cos spreads hate Daniel nine seventy sevens in time Daniel ten where's the angel been Daniel 11 a bile King succession Daniel 12 shine bright till all as well Daniels done now didn't we have fun you think you can get that even if you don't memorize it somehow that will that Association will come back to your mind and you'll begin to grasp it so we'll say it over and over and do it for yourself so that you'll get familiar with it and we'll make that association things like that I think help tremendously turn with me if you would please to Daniel chapter 9 today's lesson is intense hard and in my opinion extremely exciting but you can know that in your daily assignments they'll look more toward the prayer of daniel so please know that although we're going to be in a very very intense answer to that prayer in today's lesson in your daily assignments it will be quite relational to you in your own walk of prayer in your own journey with God so look forward to that and don't be discouraged because let me tell you something God's Word is right and our hair is going to blow today I want you to look at the very beginning of Daniel chapter 9 and let's get some context going here it says in verse 1 chapter 9 of Daniel verse 1 in the first year of Darius son of Xerxes a mead by descent who was made ruler over the Babylonian Kingdom in the first year of his reign I Daniel understood from the scriptures according to the word of the Lord given to Jeremiah the Prophet that the desolation of Jerusalem would last seventy years I'll read on just a little bit further so I turned to the Lord God and pleaded with him in prayer and petition and fasting and in sackcloth and ashes and then four begins what he prayed and it's quite a lengthy prayer but I want you to notice some things and these are elements that you'll be studying at greater length in your daily assignments and I want you to notice something this is the most thrilling thing to me in verse 2 in the first year of his reign I Daniel understood from the scriptures a man of the word I know that you know that I know that we know that but I want you to thrill to the mental picture of Daniel poring over the scriptures because he wants to know what time it is and if we're gonna be checking time on the kingdom calendar we're gonna have to look to the scriptures to do it and that's exactly what Daniel did and he said that he understood from the scriptures according to the word of the Lord given to Jeremiah the Prophet that the desolation of Jerusalem would last seventy years so he is doing his countenance or I believe our time is almost up what's gonna happen here and he begins this profoundly important petition and intercession before God now I want you to pull down to the portion we're going to look at today in verse twenty Daniel 9 verse 20 while I was speaking and praying confessing my sin in the sin of my people Israel and making my request to the Lord my God for his holy hill while I was still in prayer Gabriel the man I had seen the earlier vision came to me in Swift flight about the time of the evening sacrifice I cannot wait for you to study this I want you to understand with me he is in the midst of praying when I'm can you imagine that here's Gabriel while he's praying in verse 22 he instructed me and said to me Daniel I have now come to give you insight and understanding as soon as you began to pray an answer was given which I have come to tell you for you are highly esteemed therefore consider the message and understand the vision I only want to read one verse of it for for this moment and then we're going to pick up the rest of it this portion forward to the end of the chapter is our text for today therefore consider the message and understand the vision 24 seventy sevens are decreed for your people and your holy city to finish transgression to put an end to sin to atone for wickedness to bring in everlasting righteousness to seal up vision and prophecy and to anoint the most-holy okay picture this with me Daniel is in the midst of prayer and it will make more sense when you've studied the prayer Gabriel comes while Daniel is praying and he said because you were highly esteemed I have come as soon as you prayed your answer was given and I've come to bring it to you so he's brought the answer from God and it begins with seventy sevens are decreed for your people and your holy city I want you to notice something with me because it will make more sense to us that God is going to talk in these time tables called seventy sevens if we'll think back to the very beginning of the chapter when God was sought by Daniel over the seventy years that's very important because the context is carrying over here but of course Daniel is also want to know when is the Kingdom going to calm and he's been given all of these prophecies concerning the four Gentile empires the boy he's wanting to know when is the ultimate Kingdom coming so when God sends an answer it's in keeping with what Daniel's got in his mind that Daniel is seeking him over the 70 years of captivity to the Babylonians and he answers back seventy sevens will be decreed so not just seventy years but he says there will be a segment of time called seventy sevens now look for a moment under verse 24 a the Hebrew is far better translated seventy sevens than seventy weeks many of the major translations refer to it as seventy weeks certainly that is a traditional rendering but it's not as good a rendering this is a place where glory hallelujah the NIV gets an a yes Lord yes because you'll see the seventy sevens are decreed for your people there and that is the better translation I want to read you an excerpt out of the book called the footsteps of the Messiah it's talking about the translation that that we'll see in some of our versions as weeks or sevens in others and I'm quoting a translation of weeks quoting right here would require the Hebrew word sha vout2 you IM all you need to know you can jot that down if you want to but what you need to know is it would have been two different words which does not mean weeks but simply means sevens as such it could refer to seven of anything just as the English word dozen simply means 12 and could be 12 of anything 12 eggs 12 tribes 12 bagels if I just said 12 then we'd have to check the context to figure out 12 of what so we have to look at the context and figure out 7 of what because only the context would tell us that because it's a word like dozen dozen what 7 what days would not fit because the prophecies that are given take more than 77 s of days the same would be true if we looked at seven-day weeks or months it just does not give us the timeframe that we would need to see the things to see the program that he is laying out in this prophecy that I'll read to you in just a moment but many scholars believe that this has got to be a reference to years makes sense to us because the 70 year captivity the context of it was years and so I'd like to suggest to you and then show you how it would work out that this 77 s decreed for the people is 77 s of years now math is not my favorite but we're going to keep it nice and simple and we begin with this equation seventy times seven is 490 years 490 years are decreed for your people in your holy city and it goes about setting aside the six things that must happen and then it says in verse 25 know and understand this from the issuing of the decree to restore and rebuild Jerusalem until the Anointed One the ruler comes there will be seven sevens and sixty-two sevens just follow me let's read through it for and we're gonna take it apart we're gonna be as elementary as we know how to be as we take it apart and see what it means in verse 26 it will be rebuilt with streets and a trench but in times of trouble verse 26 after the sixty-two sevens The Anointed One will be cut off and will have nothing the people of the ruler who will come will destroy the city and the sanctuary the end will come like a flood war will continue until the end and desolations have been decreed verse 27 he will confirm a covenant with many for one seven in the middle of the seven he will put an end to sacrifice and offering and on a wing of the temple he will set up an abomination that causes desolation that phrase already has some familiarity to you he will set up an abomination that causes desolation until the end that is decreed is poured out on him alright look all the way back to 24 and see a very important word the word is decreed seventy sevens are decreed for your people look carefully at the word for decreed and I want to read an excerpt out of the new American commentary it says this the verb translated decreed occurs only here in the Old Testament but is used in later Hebrew and Aramaic to mean cut cut off decide God had and I'm still quoting here God had cut off or cut out that's your blank and it's important God had cut off or cut out a certain period of time which happens to be in this context 490 years from the remainder of history for a specific purpose that's a new American commentary page 258 now I want to see if I can demonstrate this to you a little bit now remember that he said a certain amount of time seventeen sevens which you and I are pitching out there as 490 years have been cut out of history for God to complete the things that he states those six things that he states in that beginning verse now I want to put this up before you and I want you to begin to look take a look at this with me I especially want you to take a good look at it because you are going to be big building a timeline in your own homework on day five this will be a tremendous help to you as you do that now he has said 490 years will be cut out of a remaining history for God to complete and fulfill those things now want you to imagine with me he says a decree has to happen we're going to see what that decree is and just a little while I have to tell you something funny when I first came up here today I had worked all of this out written it all out I just knew it would work on butcher paper instead of this kind of hard more like cardboard kind of of stock and I'd written it all on butcher paper and I'd done it on my den floor in magic marker I just need you to know that the 77th of Daniel are permanently marked on my hardwood floor in my den and when I looked and I thought oh and I thought I'm the weirdest person that ever lived that my family is going to go what in the world is it I'm just not gonna tell Keith until he notices and then we does I'm just gonna say it's like the handwriting on the wall all right or I thought when I was looking at that floor I thought I wonder if my class knows what I do for them so if you need a little review on this you just need to come by my household to sit on my floor together we'll go through it together all right he's cut it out of time Nate says know that from the decree there's going to be a decree later so this is pre decree so I want you to picture with me that he's cut this out I'm gonna set this over here here's the four hundred and ninety years and I'm gonna set aside the everlasting Kingdom that will follow it that is Jeremiah's big issue that's what he's want to know about when is the everlasting Kingdom coming that's a question that we would have as well God answers him back before it can come there will be a period of 490 years that are going to be cut out for me to fulfill certain things so I want you to think in terms this is the cut out in history that God is referring to in the prophecy this period of time had been set apart specifically notice it says seventy sevens are decreed for your people and your holy city I cannot mark anything of greater importance in this part of the prophecy for you to notice than this because you'll see with me according to your blanks this period of time has been set apart specifically for the people of Israel and the city of Jerusalem this one is not about us we will be so confused if we start looking for the church age in the midst of what he was talking about in this decree because he's talking about the nation of Israel and the holy city of Jerusalem so what he's going to talk to us about on this kingdom calendar in Daniel chapter 9 is about the nation of Israel that you and I are gonna see where we fit into it before we leave this place today because we certainly have a place in it but you're gonna notice with me these 490 years are about Israel and Jerusalem only and now remember this is what's on Daniels mind because he is after that final Kingdom coming with that spectacular and sudden act of God that's what he is looking for and God's gonna tell him through this this prophecy that the following things have got to happen first I love what a scholar by the name of Baldwin wrote she called it God's purpose for all history that in this 490 years and in these six fulfillments we see God complete what his purpose is for all of history now he does it through his people and centers it in the holy city of Jerusalem but if it affects the entire world that's what we've got to understand he chose one nation that through that one nation all nations would be blessed that draws all the way back to Genesis chapter 12 now let's look at six things I wish so much we had the time to go through each one of them but but we do not we're gonna have to highlight them but look and see first of all we'll see that he says that there must be a time to finish transgression finish transgression I have it in two columns for you because I want you to see that they are very intentionally two groups of three to finish transgression to put an end to sin and to atone for wickedness now all three of those have to do with Israel coming to the end of the time of its rebellion against God's Messiah the Lord Jesus Christ every single one of those three drawback to that the completion of the time when he will have been rejected that time will end and they will receive him as their savior and their Messiah so every single one of those make some reference to that happening than the other three to bring in everlasting righteousness to seal up vision and prophecy and to anoint the most holy to bring in that everlasting righteousness that is the kingdom of righteousness that is the kingdom that will be what I believe in him thoroughly convinced will be a literal Kingdom on this earth so that remember the whole point of the times is for God's will to be done on what on earth as it is where see that's the point girls that's the point it's got to happen because the whole point will be goddess it's not enough that he just completes in heaven he could have done that from the beginning he's bringing us to the point in his kingdom agenda where we will receive the king of kings upon this earth and he will set up a kingdom of righteousness so that's what that's referring to to seal up vision and prophecy in this particular context means to finish it up in other words it will be it will answer all of it every single promise that God has made every covenant promise that God has made to Israel will be and find its full completion in this sixth stage fulfillment that he's discussing with us through his word in Daniel chapter 9 to bring an everlasting righteousness to seal up vision and prophecy to have it all complete to anoint the most holy now you'll see in a few minutes that that could it could be talking about anointing Christ but more likely it's probably talking about there the real Millennial temple that will be built it's something that is described in Ezekiel 41 through 46 several chapters scripture are given to extreme detail about the Millennial temple I want you to look with me at this block of time these 490 years how they are divided up and sectioned off in this prophecy in Daniel chapter 9 let's take a look at it for a moment verse 25 know and understand this from the issuing of the decree to restore and rebuild Jerusalem until the anointed when the ruler comes there will be seven sevens and sixty-two sevens and then we're told down in verse 27 he will confirm a covenant with many for one seven so I want you to see first of all we're looking at three blocks of time cut out that in totality make up the 490 years but it's three sections of time first of all we would see that it's going to be the seven sevens seven sevens I have this represented to you on my chart here seven sevens now how many years is that going to be that's gonna be 49 years seven sevens and then there's gonna be a period of sixty-two sevens that's gonna be 434 years then we have our one seven which is how many years that's gonna be seven years so this in totality is the 490 years alright let's begin to go through them a little bit let's look at 1 & 2 sections 1 & 2 the seven sevens and the sixty-two sevens because they're going to be consecutive so I want you to see them together the seven sevens at seven times seven plus sixty-two sevens that 62 times seven is 69 sevens or 483 years now here's something that I need you to understand every bit of the calendaring that we see prophesied in Daniel chapter 9 is according to the Jewish calendar there are going to use our Gregorian calendar in this particular segment of Scripture because this is all about Israel so we're talking a Jewish calendar here that is based on a lunar year and we'll see 360 days a year instead of 365 that's why if you went according to our calendar and you started multiplying this thing up you wouldn't come to the same total but if we see it on a Jewish calendar basis on a 360 day lunar year we're gonna see exactly what's gonna be laid out before us now what's gonna happen all right this segment of time has to begin with the decree notice it says know and understand this in verse 25 from the issuing of the decree to restore and rebuild Jerusalem until the Anointed One so the issuing of the decree is going to get this 490 years tickin now I want you to picture that God has a stopwatch and he was waiting until certain things happen for him to push the button on that stopwatch and start this segment of time rolling that's why I've got this segment of time here it's representing everything that is pre decreed to us so it's set over here he has cut out 490 years and the 490 years begin with the second that what happens the issuing of the decree to do what restore and rebuild Jerusalem very very important jot that down and then I'm going to read to you out of Nehemiah because Nehemiah is going to tell us what happened that started the clock ticking now as I begin to lay this out with you I want to say something to you you and I can see this entirely differently we can go to churches and have pastors and and teachers that interpret this in entirely different ways and it's not a maker or breaker to us in our Bible study of Daniel I want you to understand that I'm gonna share with you an interpretation of these 490 years or better yet of the seventy seventh I'm going to share with you an interpretation we don't know for certain I will encourage you just as I have in your daily assignments go and study ask your pastor if he could give you some books that you might read on what his framework is for his understanding of endtime events check it out go study it out I think it'll be thrilling to us to look at the possibilities no matter whether we agree so I want you to keep that in mind this is not a make or a breaker here this is one interpretation that I'm wanting to bring to you I just think it it fits together in a way that made so much sense to me the same God that began time in segments of days weeks then taught it in months by the time we get to Leviticus chapter 23 a god of calendaring if he started it that way in absolute order but ingenious creativity do we think he would not end it that way can you imagine what the end is gonna be like so one should look at this with me this is one interpretation that this is where it began Nehemiah - I'm gonna read verses 1 through 9 in the month of Nisan what does that say in the month of what okay that's gonna be March April that's a Hebrew month that that would coincide - part of our March and part of our April on our calendar in the month of Nisan and the 20th year of king artaxerxes when wine was brought for him I took the wine and gave it to the king I had not been sat in his presence before this is Nehemiah talking so the King asked me why does your face look so sad when you are not ill this can be nothing but sadness of heart I was very much afraid but I said to the King may the King live forever why should my face not look sad when the City where my father's are buried lies and ruins and its gates have been destroyed by fire and the king said to me what is it you want and then I prayed you got to understand that such favor of the Lord for that King to ask that cut there what he wants the King says what is it you want and then I prayed to the God of heaven and I answered the king and don't you see that in Daniel he was a man that could he could speak in areas of authority and with great rulers and in places of power but he had discretion he knew not only what to say but how to say it and we see the same thing in EMI I answered the king if it pleases the king and if your servant has found favor in his sight let him send me to the city in Judah where my fathers are buried so that I can rebuild it rebuild what the city rebuild the city verse 6 then the king with the Queen sitting beside him asked how long will your journey take and when will you get back it please the King to send me so I set a time verse 7 I also said to him if it pleases the King may I have letters to the governors of Trans Euphrates so that they will provide me safe conduct until I arrive in Judah and may I have a letter to a SF keeper of the Kings forest so he will give me timber to make beams for the gates of the Citadel by the temple and for the city wall and for the residents I will occupy guess since he had the Kings ear he and I as well ask him an and because the gracious hand of my God was upon me the King granted my request so I went to the governors of Trance few phrases gave them the Kings letters and the king had also sent army officials and a cavalry with me takes the letters when he releases Nehemiah when Nehemiah receives this permission the clock begins to tick because this is the decree that leads to the restoring of the city itself to rebuilding and restoring the city that's why it's tends to be believed by many scholars this is where it started we have a date on it we'd have if we know it's Nisan and we know the year of it that he said that the 20th year of King Artaxerxes we know what it was it was March April 444 BC in fact it was March 5th if you want to write it down according to what our calendar would say March 5th 444 BC so at Nehemiah chapter 2 when that permission is given Wham God presses the button on the stopwatch and the time Begins for the 490 year period all right remember then it was in two segments so we've got to look at that for just a moment I'll share with you that the new American commentary I'm quoting calls the interpretation that I'm about to give you the most exegetically viable alternative and yet I'm gonna tell you word biblical commentary which is one of my very favorite sets in all the earth it's going to tell you something entirely different so brilliant scholars looking at this segment of time completely different ways now if you look at those 49 years remember we got two sets that we've got to go through two sections of time that are consecutive that have to do with that clock starting to tick in Nehemiah chapter two forty-nine years are intimated to completely rebuild Jerusalem with streets and a trench now why is it important that we see the little phrase that says with streets and a trench did you notice that was back in your scriptures we're finished with Nehemiah turn on that to Daniel chapter 9 notice that it says in the very middle of verse 25 it's going to begin with the issuing of the decree to restore and rebuild Jerusalem and it's got to be the city is built it says in times of trouble with streets and a trench the reason why we've got to know that is because the actual wall was built in just a matter of days 52 days it took to build the wall but we're talking the time it took to fully restore and rebuild the city streets again housing again trenches again that the the city is completely operable completely rebuilt that would have been the segment intimated by the 49 years so I want you to jot that down and keep that in mind and then it says the consecutive 434 years would last until the Anointed One did you see that let's go back to it know and understand this from the issuing of the decree to restore and rebuild Jerusalem until the Anointed One the ruler comes there will be seven sevens that's going to have referred to rebuilding and restoring Jerusalem seven sevens and sixty-two sevens so together they have got to go from the issuing of the decree all the way to the presentation of the one they're calling The Anointed One I want to give you the Hebrew word for this the translator translator raishin for this I want you to write it down I've given you a blank I want you to write it down mas iyah what is that word what do you see in that word Messiah Christ and Messiah mean the exact same thing now I want you to look at this with me if we take that 483 year period it equals are you ready for this 173,880 days from the time of nehemiah's decree given by artaxerxes in nehemiah chapter 2 something huge has to happen 173,880 days later leave something in Daniel and turn with me to Luke chapter 19 oh this gets thrilling oh this is going to get thrilling okay you don't have to stay after either alright I gotta tell you something so fun okay what angel is it that has come to give the message of the 77s we know him by name it's Gabriel it's Gabriel guess what he's also and you know this you know this if you got familiarity with the Christmas story Gabriel is also the one that comes to Zechariah to tell him of the oncoming birth of his son John who would be the forerunner of Christ John is an extremely important figure because he comes as the last of the Old Testament prophets and then here comes Christ on the scene Gabriel also is the one who comes and tells Mary of the one who will be the son of the Most High God now why is that so cool you got to remember Gabriel is the one that brought this information about the kingdom calendar about things that had to happen and art at our church this happens to be my home my home fellowship and there our church we have a calendaring department every single Tuesday I calendar Bible study in this sanctuary there's a staff of people that work in calendaring Gabriel worked in calendaring God set the calendar and then he told Gabriel when to do certain things and when to announce certain things that brought that calendar into play don't you know he was going let me let me let me let me let me let me let me because he got to be in art from the beginning how cool is that all right 173,880 days later would have been March 30th ad 33 the exact day that the events I'm about to read you happen Luke 19 verse 28 after Jesus had said this he went on ahead going up to Jerusalem as he approached beth phage and bethany at a hill called the mount of olives he sent two of his disciples saying to them go to the village ahead of you and as you enter it you will find a Colt tied there which no one has ever ridden untie it and bring it here if anyone asks you why are you untying it tell them the Lord needs it verse 32 those who were sent ahead went and found it just as he had told them as they were untying the colt its owners asked them why are you untying the colt they replied the Lord needs it they brought it to Jesus through their cloaks on the Colt and put Jesus on it as he went along people spread their cloaks on the road when he came near the place where the road goes down the Mount of Olives the whole crowd of disciples began joyfully to praise God in loud voices for all the miracles they had seen blessed is the king who comes in the name of the Lord extremely important extremely important blessed is the who blessed is the king who comes in the name of the Lord peace in heaven and glory in the highest and some of the Pharisees in the crowd said to Jesus teacher rebuke your disciples I tell you after studying it this week no wonder I mean it's obvious to us why he said this but all the mohrís we realized what prophecy was being fulfilled he said in verse 40 I tell you if they keep quiet the stones will cry out as he approached Jerusalem and saw the city he wept over it and it's a very very strong word for weeping in that Greek language and it says if you even you had only known on this day what would do what ladies do what bring you what everybody say it again bring you peace that is of critical importance because it is a kingdom of peace that's what they're looking for the Prince of Peace and it says if you'd only know what would bring you peace but now it is hidden from your eyes the days will come when your enemies will build an embankment against you and encircle you and hem you in on every side they will dash you to the ground you and the children within your walls they will not leave one stone on another because you did not recognize the time of God's coming to you all right so the clock began ticking in this 490 year period with the issuing of the decree you've got to understand that what happened 173,880 days later with the triumphal entry of Christ it was the time when he was publicly proclaimed I mean he rode in knowing exactly what he was doing he was presenting himself as Messiah blessed is the king triumphal entry this is the reference in in Daniel chapter 9 to the coming of the Anointed One it has to be that moment there there are others that say the baptism that it led to that moment that that could be there are others that speak of other that maybe it was his birth but I'm telling you it makes so much sense to me that on this many days exactly that many days later he was proclaiming himself presenting himself as Messiah and allowing them to proclaim over him blessed is the king blessed is the king keep in mind as the nation as a whole many received him but not the nation as a whole all right now look very carefully back in Daniel chapter 9 because this is where this gets complicated I hear you you this is one of those convalescents that you have to read over a whole lot of times alright now notice this after the sixty-two sevens The Anointed One will be cut off now wait a second after the sixty-two sevens all right there's something that happens after these first two sections of sevens stay with me here but it is before the last section of sevens something happens after but yet it is not in with the last one so what I'm going to tell you what we're going to do in in our example as we are pulling off the one set of seven years because something has divided these two segments of time something is happening in between this was the presentation these first two segments of seven the seven seventh or the forty nine years the sixty-two sevens the four hundred thirty-four years brought us up to the presentation in Luke chapter 19 of The Anointed One blessed is the king who comes in the name of the Lord but he's going to be cut off after this section but not yet in this section so there's got to be a gap in between that is being suggested to us and I want you to see this with me the gap in between when it talks about after it says I'm referencing a time gap talking about the Anointed One being cut off after seven and sixty-two sevens but not as a part of the seventy sevens I want you to notice after is this interpretation signal for a gap there's a gap of time you're an interval what happens in this gap introduced with after what's gonna happen in the gap after the sixty-two sevens The Anointed One will be cut off now I want you to hear what that work cut off means it's a word in the Hebrew and I'm going to read of the Bible knowledge commentary I'm quoting the word translated cut off is used of executing the death penalty on a criminal thus the prophecy clearly points to the crucifixion of Christ now what in the world does it mean that he'll have nothing remember everything in Daniel 9 in this prophecy concerns the people of Israel and the holy city of Jerusalem so when it says he has nothing it means he does not have the people of Israel I'm going to read you what would be a familiar verse to to some of you listen to John 1:11 because this is just perfectly depicting what's being pictured back in this prophecy John 1:11 he came to that which was his own but his own did not receive him why nothing because why he doesn't have who didn't have Israel and this is in total reference to the people of the Covenant Israel now I also want you to notice something John 1:12 I just read John 1:11 to you but I want you to listen to John 12 the verse right after yet to all who received him to those who believed in his name he gave the right to become children of God children born this is verse 13 children born not out of natural descent nor of human decision or of a husband's will but born of God all right what happens here in this segment of time you've been studying this segment of time you'll recognize that I hope as soon as I put it up after we've got the 490 years suddenly we've got an interval what happens in the interval the church age this is where we come on the scene he came into his own but his own received him not but to those who believed on him he gave them the right to become the children of God it's not reflected in Daniel chapter 9 except in this veil reference to an after to this to this gap because we're not the nation of Israel so here is what has happened here when they reject the Messiah it is as if I've got a phone up on the platform with me so that you can understand this with me this was the way I always pictured it and it made so much sense to me all this time throughout the ages ever since Genesis 12 God had been on the telephone with Israel can you kind of get that picture with me and he has been speaking to them and he's been speaking through them all of this time he sends the Messiah only he sends them into his own but his own received him not at that point when The Anointed One has been proclaimed as has proclaimed himself as Messiah blessed be the King yet he has not received by the nation of Israel it is as if God pushes the whole button and I'm talking about where where this prophetic agenda is concerned pushes the whole button on Israel and picks up the line for the church that's you and me okay amen now here's the glorious news the lot is flashing there does everyone understand God has not hung up on Israel God is not hung up on Israel they are anjo with that lawn flashing while he is bringing about this interval and bringing about this program but he's still on the phone and right now he's talking through us to us and through us and yes to the world in many ways but I think you understand what I'm talking about according to the kingdom agenda so the phone is still off the hook with God speaking but we're in an interval here now there's an important thing that is referenced there in Daniel chapter 9 the people of the ruler who will come will destroy the city and the sanctuary stay with me here not the ruler to come the ruler to come is talking about the one we've come to know in Daniel chapter 7 as the as the little horn who we know in in the New Testament as the beast or the Antichrist that's who the ruler to come is but this is the people of the ruler to come work with me here what Empire will the ten Confederate nations come out of they will be rooted in the what the fourth one tell me again the Roman Empire all right so this is the people of the ruler to come the people of of that particular Empire will destroy Jerusalem and the temple this means this is in reference to what happened in AD 70 under the rule of Titus in the Roman Empire when Jerusalem was destroyed and the temple was destroyed so it's not the ruler yet it's the people off that's talking about the Romans I want you to picture the kingdom calendar as we narrowed this down look with me at the final block or final section of seven years in verse 27 now it already told us the end is going to come like a flood so it's telling us in advance something about the end war will be continued until the end so one of the things that we can know is that there will be war there has been conflict in Israel ever since that time and and was they've just been a people that have been so targeted by the enemy and then to be under the chastisement of God I want you to look at this for a moment I'm a I'm a lover of Israel I cannot wait to see this kingdom come in verse 27 it talks about he the beast or the Antichrist or the little horn will confirm a covenant with many for one seven in the middle of the seven he will put an end to sacrifice and offering and on a wing of the temple he will set up an abomination that causes desolation until the end that is decreed is poured out upon him alright here's what happens now remember that we've got one more week or one more seventh of years remember that we've got one more group of seven years that's going to be what what many people will call the seven-year tribulation it's got to come right here at the end of the church age now what is it that begins this seven-year tribulation you who are pre-tribulational thinkers might think that it is the rapture the taking out of the church that ushers in the seven-year tribulation but that is not technically correct it's the covenant that begins the seven years the covenant that the the Antichrist the little Horn of Daniel the Antichrist of the New Testament the Beast of Revelation will make a covenant with the people of Israel now stay with me here he'll make a covenant with the people of Israel if we were to study it out and see what it was about it was a pact for peace it was a covenant to bring them peace is this ring in any kind of Bell to you if you had only known what would bring you peace let me tell you something when we don't receive the peace of Jesus Christ we will look for it in any place and in any way we can the enemy will have every substitute he possibly can and it will lead to our desolation and this seven years begins with this covenant of peace very magnetic figure they think he's gonna this is the one who is this is going to do it for us this is this is our answer he's not going to be repulsed so I've suggested to you in your homework that after the enemy was the anointed cherubim and he was beautiful and he was proud because of his beauty do you think that his his counterfeit son is gonna be something that is repulsive to these people oh no he's gonna be magnetic they're gonna think all their hopes are in him and they will make a covenant of peace with him that will begin a seven-year period and what happens at this point is when this covenant is signed between the Antichrist or the beast or the little horn and the people of Israel God picks that phone back up we go off the line because many of us believe that we're looking at the father by that time so at this point we're off the phone and he pushes the line back to Israel again and they're back on that Kingdom calender period does that make sense in the middle of it at the three-and-a-half-year point you're already familiar with that three and a half year point it was called time times and half a time in the Book of Daniel we also have seen it as a period of time 42 months in Revelation 13 1260 days in Revelation chapter 12 this is the second half of the tribulation that is often referenced as the Great Tribulation a time of much greater horror the second half because right in the middle of it he's going to come out with his true colors and it's going to be the most horrendous time that this earth has ever known the enemy will pour out of his fury upon this earth and not only that but the wrath of God toward that end of time the wrath of God will then fall and let me tell you it will be an unequaled period of time on this earth the wonderful news is this at the end of that seven-year period the king of all kings and the lord of all lords not in the air where many will not see but visibly where every eye will see him every tongue will confess his feet will touch down on the Mount of Olives he will usher in the end of that seven-year tribulation and there will be the campaign of Armageddon there will be the the throwing of the beast and the false prophet into the fiery lake of burning sulfur and then we'll begin the kingdom on earth the thousand-year reign the millennial reign of Jesus Christ when God's will in heaven will be accomplished on earth then at the end of that thousand years you've got your Last Judgment and then it's uh sure's in until the eternal state that is the plan of the ages praise you I got to tell you a story as we close I've been asked a number of times what makes me decide what I'm going to teach in the next Bible study that does a publisher tell me something that they think they'd like to see no none of that it's just something every single time and it wasn't until at least four or five Bible studies in then I thought maybe this is what we might be doing for a little while probably longer than that but every single time it's been the same way I just get a burnin that's all I know to tell you I just get a burnin inside about about a next theme or a next portion of scripture and some months ago I was all I was finishing up patriarchs but I was already burning about the Book of Daniel I thought oh no not this again not this again and when I speak out and about I love to just speak on whatever I'm feeling passionate about at the time and so I was speaking at a women's convention with a couple of other speakers sharing the platform with them I'm Mary cassian a wonderful teacher if you've never done some of her Bible studies you need to Jennifer Rothschilds also a wonderful teacher that also does Bible studies we were sharing the platform each of us had different times to speak and since my mind was all on the Book of Daniel I used my segments of time in one evening to teach the 77s of Daniel chapter 9 what an idiot can you spell idiot they were like this you have never so it was a women's convention a women's convention they had brought their friends for crying out loud what was I thinking so I had to leave the next day of course because I just what could I do I just ran for my life and so the next day I flew out of there and my praise team my worship leader calls me on the telephone he said you're not gonna believe this we'd had an interpreter the whole time in all of our teaching segments we had had we had a number of spanish-speaking people and we had an interpreter for him y'all the interpreter cried after my lesson cried I've never felt I was heartbroken I made her cry she hated me that much I made her hurt so Travis calls me on the telephone he says you're not gonna believe this the interpreter was saved I said you are kidding me he said see why and I said during Jennifer Rothschilds message I said it wasn't the 77th of day and we laughed our heads off together praise you fine and I thought to myself no it's not really the setting in a one time opportunity where somebody could put those pieces together perhaps but for us who've been through this series together child if that doesn't do something to your faith to see an exact number of days from a decree to the coming down the road of the Mount of Olives to the words blessed be the king who comes in the name of the Lord if that doesn't build your faith and I happen to think today is a wonderful day to be saved I'm going to pray a prayer as we end our lesson today and if there is anyone listening that has never deliberately received the Lord Jesus Christ as Savior what better day then today to see the plan of the ages and to be part of it to know that you know when you can know and all you have to do is add your faith and say some of these very things after me you'll be thrilled to know it does not make you a Presbyterian Baptist Methodist Lutheran Catholic Assembly of God just make sure you're saved just makes you what we call a Christian this will be our benediction but I'll ask you that if you pray this prayer with me today for the very first time I am asking you to let me know that I want to know that would you pray with me father I have no greater privilege than this in all the world and as we look at this kingdom agenda we realize God how brilliant you are our faith is built and we are thrilled in you so father I pray I want to give opportunity no pressure that's that's not my game I'm not gonna do it that way but I want to give opportunity there is a precious one listening or watching it has never deliberately received you as Savior but that precious person would just pray these simple phrases after me I'm going to ask all the rest of you to do it as a memorial to a decision you may have long since made the do it is a celebration of that remembrance so let's do it together God in heaven I come before you a sinner who cannot save herself I acknowledge that Jesus Christ is your son and that he died on the cross for me today I accept his gift of grace and receive Jesus Christ as my personal Savior I desire to turn from a wavered a rebellious path and walk with Christ Holy Spirit I welcome you you have come into my life to stay use my life to bring forth much fruit for your glory I pray all these things in the name of my Savior Jesus Christ and for his sake amen you our welcome [Music] precision of God's Word amazes doesn't it I just shared with you one understanding of the complex issues of dating the seventy sevens of Daniels prophecy I hold in my hand another excellent commentary that dates the announcement of Messiah to the baptism of Jesus in 80 26 that puts a crucifixion in the year 29 or 30 so instead of writing letters why not just keep studying and see what do you think ours is a God of perfect timing to celebrate with me that God pinpointed the ministry of his son 500 years before he came amazing