Daniel 7 - Kenneth Cox

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appreciate that very much wonderful wonderful song good afternoon very happy to see all of you welcome you to this camp meeting we hope you are being blessed as we study the Book of Daniel no I am not too old to be able to kneel before my Lord and Savior so I'm going to kneel and pray Heavenly Father Almighty God Lord and Savior we come to thee this afternoon asking that you will give us the holy spirit Lord we want to surrender our hearts to you and ask that you will give us wisdom give us understanding help us to see and to know what you have revealed that we might walk as you have directed and lead bless each one here those that are watching by television those that are listening on the radio or on the internet Lord may they be blessed in a special way as well keep us each close to you Lord we thank you for the wonderful hope that we have in Jesus Christ our Lord this we pray in his name amen the Book of Daniel evenly divides into two parts the first six chapters of The Book of Daniel are historical they talk about Babylon they talk about God's people in Babylon they're wonderful stories about how his people were tested and how they stood firm for the Word of God talks about the conversion of a pagan King and what took place in his life and how they influenced him all these are historical statements in the Book of Daniel and that's what the first six chapters deal with second chapter has some prophetic parts in it as you have just studied but it's with the seventh chapter and they're on that deals with the prophetic aspect of Daniel from that point on you have visions that were given to Daniel and what he was told by God and those take you step-by-step through a template if you please a template that God laid down that covers from Daniels day to the coming of Christ that's what those six chapters cover from Daniels day to the coming of Christ very very important that you and I understand that template and if we understand that template then we will know exactly what is happening and what's going to take place that's the reason God gave it is so that we could understand what is happening we have to be very very careful not to super impose upon that template to superimpose some method of biblical interpretation we should not do that we need to take what God's Word says and understand what it's saying and follow it not having some preconceived idea of what it should do so we need to be careful that we don't permit that to happen so what we're going to do here this afternoon is we're going to take a look at the seventh chapter and we're going to see how God has laid out how things are to take place they will hold true all the way through the Book of Daniel they will hold true all the way through the book of Revelation and so you and I as followers of the Lord Jesus Christ do not have to be in doubt as to what is going to happen what's going to take place we know what the scripture tells us is going to happen so Daniel starts right out in the beginning we're going to go to the second verse second verse there of Daniel and it just simply said it says this if you have your Bible they're going to have to get my clicker to work it doesn't seem to work Daniel the second chapter and we'll take a look at verse 2 okay and it says in Daniel spoke saying I saw in my vision by night and behold the four winds of heaven were stirring up the great sea Daniel starts out by using biblical symbolism it uses biblical symbolism and sorry that we're having trouble here you always worry whether this is going to work or not biblical symbolism God uses all the way through the Bible and those symbols hold true all the way through Scripture that you and I can know what God is telling us and what is taking place so here as we look at Daniel he talks about certain symbols let's go on to the next verse and it says maybe we can see the next verse and four great beasts came up from the sea each different from the other now that isn't right it jumps all this back up it says he saw the wind blowing on the waters okay in Bible prophecy we're told clearly that water represents people nations and tongues revelation the fifteenth chapter verse seven seventeenth chapter verse 15 tells us that water represents people nations and tongues so we find that when he sees the wind blowing on the waters it's talking about people what's going to take place there when we find in - in Revelation the seventh chapter and verse 1 it tells us that when represents war represents strife so forth and so these represent war strife among the people and as the result of that we're told that four great beasts came up out of the sea so we'll see if the next text will come up for us here ok anyhow it says that that was to take place so among those four beasts the scripture doesn't leave us in any doubt if you have your Bible you want to go to Daniel 7 and verse 17 it tells you clearly that these four beasts are four kings that shall arise out of the earth so the scripture does not leave us in any question as to who these beasts are it tells us they are four kings that will rise up out of the earth so we have those clearly there in scriptures so let's take a look at the first one begin to see what it's talking about when we talk about the first beast and the first was like a lion had eagle's wings I watched till its wings were plucked off and was lifted up from the earth and made to stand on two feet like a man a man's heart was given to it so the first beast is like a lion this beast if all the beasts that are pictured it's the only one that a man's heart is given to okay and the reason a man's heart is given to it is because of the conversion of King Nebuchadnezzar that's the reason it says that a man's heart was given to this particular beast rose up on its two hind feet this represented the kingdom of Babylon as you read as you just studied in Daniel 2 God said thou art this head of gold so this line a man's heart is given to it representing King Nebuchadnezzar if we take a look at babbling babbling was a marvelous City Nebuchadnezzar was a fantastic general he never lost a battle and he took all the spoils that he had from campaign after campaign and poured it on the city of Babylon and so this city became known as the golden Kingdom and there was tremendous wealth in the city of Babylon if you took a look or if you walked into the city of Babylon you went through something called the ishtar gate that opened into the city about this is a very very famous gate and when you went into there you can see now let me tell you a little bit about this Ishtar Gate Germany Germany went into babbling the ruins of Babylon and excavated and they took the Ishtar Gate and they took it down clay tablet after clay tile off the walls they took them off and numbered them took them each one and numbered them and then they brought all that back to Germany and you can go to one of the museums there the pergamus Museum in Berlin and they have rebuilt the Ishtar gates that's what you saw that pick was the actual picture of the Ishtar Gate so it gains to give you some idea of the glory of this kingdom that he had built it was it was a fantastic Kingdom that Nebuchadnezzar had built and it was his desire as you found out that it would never end that it would go on and on and on Jeremiah talked about babbling in here Jeremiah the fourth chapter in verse seven he said the lion has come up from his thicket and the destroyer of Nations is on his way he has gone forth from his place to make your land desolate your cities will be laid waste without inhabitant and so he said that he would come and destroy them and this Nebuchadnezzar did place after place now as found out babblin ruled or was in control from 605 2a 539 BC and Babylon was a was lived or should I should say Babylon was in power for 70 years that at that time me to Persia is rising and it's under the control or the leadership of Cyrus Cyrus has made his way and it's pictured here in Daniel 7 as a barre and it says and suddenly another bear a second like a bear it raised up itself on one side it had three ribs in its mouth between its teeth and they said thus to it arise devour much flesh this was a coalition of the Medes and Persians coming together Cyrus great great leader and overcame babblin he and his men went up and they surrounded the city of Babylon were told that the people went up on top of the wall and threw food to him and laughed at him he took his men and they marched down the Euphrates River the afraid river flowed right through Babylon the city of Babylon they marched down the Euphrates River and a selected place they began to dig canals and they diverted the river Euphrates into those canals and then he and his men marched up the muddy bottom of the Euphrates River they marched up there and inside the city it had been the gates had been left open they had been predicted by scripture in Isaiah 45 verse 1 it said that the two leaved gates would be left open thus said the Lord to his anointed to Cyrus whose right hand I have held to subdue nations before him and loose the army of Kings to open for him the double doors so that the gates shall not be shut and just exactly as said those gates were left open he and his men marched into the city of Babylon and took it Belshazzar who was the king at that time the grandson if you please of Nebuchadnezzar was ruling and it says that very night Belshazzar king of the Chaldeans was slain derives the Meade received the kingdom of the out 62 years old so me to persia overthrew Babylon medo-persia ruled from 539 to 331 BC this is the time that she ruled a strong Kingdom did a lot of things that took took care a place this is the time in which Esther is involved and all in your Bible ok but after that we come to a third beast in Daniel 7 verse 6 that says after this I looked and there was another like a leopard which had on its back four wings of a bird the Beast also had four heads and Dominion was given to it this is the kingdom of Greece and by the way folks when I'm talking about a template God is laying down a template here and God is so how should I put it so desirous that you understand that template and what's taking place is that he even calls these nations by name so that you don't have to be in doubt he's not asking you guess what this is in Daniel the eighth chapter he calls them by name so you can know exactly what they're and this is Alexander the Great the kingdom of Greece Alexander at a young age took over the army from his father and begin to march those men and to take them take one kingdom after another in fact Alexander marks that army for seven years without ever going home marched him clear to the borders of India took everything you lay his hands on one historian said this about Alexander the Great I am persuaded there is no nation where his name did not reach there seems to be some divine hand presiding over his birth and his actions and how true that was wept because there was nothing else to conquer thriving at the borders of the country of India his men refused to go any farther turning they headed back home coming to the city of Babylon Alexander the Great is lying on a table in that very Hall where the hand had written many many tickle youth arson he's lying on a table there dying suffering from epilepsy from drunkenness debauchery his four generals come in and they said to him to who will you give the kingdom and he said I'll give my kingdom to the strongest and so when he died his kingdom was divided among his four generals that's why that leopard beast had four heads and also had four wings which represented the swiftness with which Alexander the Great took everything that was before him Greece ruled from 1 331 BC to 168 BC now we come to the fourth kingdom Daniel 7 and verse 7 and it says after this I saw in the night visions and behold a fourth beast dreadful cavil exceedingly strong it had huge iron teeth it was devouring breaking in pieces and trampling it's the residue with its feet it was different from all the beasts that were before it it had ten horns this beast is not like any of the others it's a non descript dragon and it's taken everything before it and this represented the nation of Rome pagan Rome Rome overthrew Greece in 168 BC Rome was different Rome was different than any of the nations before it and they just simply moved in and took over one part of the country after another until they had great masses of the country but there's something happens here folks Rome not only came in and took over these areas but they brought civilization to these nations Rome is the one who made the roadways safe they made the waterways safe Roman soldiers marks down the road carrying high standards that said pack Romana which meant Roman peace now that may not sound significant to you but that is tremendously important because that's what opened the way for Christianity to be preached up until that time basically impossible but with Rome making the way safe for travel those Possible's and all could go anywhere they wanted to and preach the gospel and that's what they did so Rome made that possible but Rome was brutal it had great iron teeth and it ruled with an iron hand you can remember it was Herod under Rome that had the children in Bethlehem killed it was Roman soldiers that crucified Jesus stuck spear into his side Rome ruled from 168 BC to 476 ad Rome ruled during this time now we've been falling pretty much even at what Daniel 2 says when we get to the 7th verse it says that this beast was different from all the beasts that were for it it had ten horns all of a sudden this beast who is nondescript and all also has ten horns those ten horns represented the ten Germanic tribes they came down and ran over the Roman Empire they were known as Gosse they were Germanic people and they were made up of tribes such as the Hurley I the Vandals the Ostrogoths the al-amin AI and so forth these became the nations of Western Europe they ten kings as it refers to the ten Kings that ruled at that time those nations became the nation's the anglo-saxons the English the Franks became the French the Alamein I became the Germans and they became the nations of these of Western Europe today now this becomes important because as you continue to study Scripture and you move into the book of Revelation you're going to find that there's it carries right on through like I told you we're laying down a template and it will all fit within that template folks and so you and I need to follow it very very careful now we come to another part all of a sudden that comes up and by the way this is all Rome do you understand me we're going to take a look at what in scripture is referred to as the little horn okay but the little horn comes up out of huh out of Rome so it doesn't matter what you're talking about it's still Rome and it's Rome all the way through and we'll take a look at that as we go through so the scripture describes this little horn with these words give us another slide it says and I was considering the horns and there was another horn a little horn or a little one coming up among them before whom three of the first horns were plucked up by the roots and they're in this horn were eyes like the eyes of a man and a mouth speaking pompous words so now we have this little horn rising he's different than the others he does certain things God does not intend for you to have any doubts as to who this little horn is I want you to understand that no God does not intend for you to have any doubts about it in fact he will give you I did vacation or give you one point after another that will identify this little horn goes on and says here in verse 24 the ten horns are ten Kings who shall arise from the kingdom another shall rise after them he shall be different from the first ones shall subdue three kings so it says and he shall speak pompous words against the Most High shall persecute the Saints of the Most High shall intend to change times of laws then the Saints shall be given to his hand for a time times and a dividing of time God there gives you eight points of identification now folks I had a couple little girls come up here platform before we started and they said can we ask you a personal question and I said yes they said how old are you now and and and I so I told them how old I wasn't they said oh I've been preaching a long time folks and I've been preaching the prophecies a long time and I have told people this over and over and over if you can take those eight points that God gives and you can make it fit any other power on the face of the earth come and see me I'll listen to everything you have to say that this is the only power that it will fit so what I'm trying to say is God is tying it down so you and I don't have to be in doubt we can know exactly what is taking place and where we are in regard to this this particular power so God gives you eight points to identify it and you'll find it it puts that all together for you the first one it says would be among them I this is what the first clue is it would be among them maybe we go to the next slide next picture okay and it says the ten horns are ten Kings who shall rise from this kingdom another shall rise after them if you look at verse 8 Daniel 7 and verse 8 it says another would rise among them that's what it says would rise among them therefore I don't have to go off to Africa looking where this is to come up or I don't have to go to South America I don't even have to go to the United States the scripture is absolutely clear that it was going to come up among those ten horns and if it's going to come up among those ten horns then that tells me clearly that it had to come up in Western Europe that's where it has to rise so we don't have to be in doubt as to where its to be it had to come up out of Western Europe it would rise among them the second point the scripture gives it says and another shall rise after them these 10 Germanic tribes came down and ran over the Roman Empire and basically brought it into it in 476 ad therefore this little horn had to come on the scene of action after 476 ad so what it's saying another would rise after them he has to come on the scene of action after 476 ad lots of things are happening at this time folks then they share the hope kingdom is being upset in all Justinian is the Emperor and Justinian is trying to keep his empire together and he's doing everything that he can and so he feels like that if he can take and make the Bishop of Rome put him in power I'm sure that just never saw virgilius as anything other than a puppet that he would do what Justinian wanted to do and so we read here in history it says forgive us ascend to the papal chair 5-watt 538 ad mark it down put it down it's an important date under the military protection of Belisarius and so virgilius ascended the papal chair history tells us that's not what happened history tells us that the Bishop of Rome stepped to the seat of Caesar and seized the scepter so you have a complete change taking place there not necessarily because should I say that he sought it I don't know that he sought it but he didn't do anything to stop it but a change begin to take place it says here the third point he shall be different from the first these 10 Germanic tribes were strictly strictly pagan powers civil powers that's all they were but now all of a sudden we have a change taking place listen to this statement the Bishop of Rome in the seat of Caesar was now the greatest man in the West and was soon forced to become the political as well as the spiritual head to the Western world Rome was still the political capital hence the whole habit of mind all ambition pride sense of glory and every social prejudice flavored the evolution of the great city in the classic book Capitol civil as well as religious disputes were referred to this a cluster of Peter for settlement I don't know if you caught what that is sand but it's saying that he basically was forced not only to be the religious head but the civil head of government and so all of a sudden we find church and state being put together different different than all the others that were before it and thus we find all of a sudden I hope you understand folks that church I don't care which church it is church has no civil power the church this doesn't have civil power it has to turn to civil government to get its power that's what has to happen and that's what happens in the last days when a church turns to civil government to have its power and that's what you had here in 538 ad by the way I don't have anything up here on it but I have the quotes and stuff in 538 ad do you know what how also happened I mean he not only became the political as well as the religious head but you know what else happened they enforced a Sunday law 538 ad they enforced a Sunday law at that time so you find that definitely a change took place it was different than from all the others before it says that it would subdue three kings as these Germanic people the Franks the Hurley I the Vandal the Ostrogoths and all these people came down on the Roman Empire and begin to break it apart the Christians that lived in the Roman Empire saw this as an opportunity to share the gospel and to their surprise they found these people with open hearts and so as they preached Jesus Christ to these people they accepted it and that's why today Western Europe is basically Christian in concept is because they went in and they brought Christianity to it and they reached out and accepted Christianity but among those that accepted it there were three tribes that didn't go along with what the papal power was preaching and under Justinian under the Pope of Rome they went in and they annihilated if you please three tribes the hurly I the Vandals and the Ostrogoths and by the way it says it would up root them that's what it says and you can go if you want Joe and check it out you can find that to the anglo-saxons their descendants are who the English to the Franks the French Alamein I Germans but you cannot find any descendants to the early I the Vandals and the Ostrogoths it said it would up rout them and that's exactly what it did also it says that this power would speak pompous words against the Most High another word for pompous would be blasphemy would speak blasphemous words against the Most High the Bible defines blasphemy as when one attributes to himself the prerogatives of God in other words if I claim to be God or if I claim to have the power of God in the scripture that is blasphemy now all I can do in this case is let them tell you what they say these are a couple statements says for now Arthur Shepard thou art the physician thou art the director d'Arthur husband finally thou art another God on earth in other words saying they're the same is God on earth another statement says hence the Pope is crowned with a triple crown as the king of heaven and of Earth and of the lower regions another one says we the Pope great and sick of the letter we the Pope hold upon this earth the place of God all mighty those are pompous words in my books folks so when it says he would speak pompous words he has done just that shall persecute the Saints the most high you have to find a power that has made war with God's people and history tells us that that's exactly what took place this is a statement from encyclopedia Wikipedia says in the medieval period the Roman Catholic Church moved to suppress the Cathar heresy the Pope having sanctioned a crusade against the Abba Jin seized during the course of which the massacre of Bashar took place with between seven and twenty thousand deaths over a 20-year period this campaign an estimated 200,000 to 1 million people were killed numbers unbelievable of the people that died that they made war John Huss the Bohemian preacher of reformation was burned at the stake on the 6 July 1415 Pope Martin v issued a bull on 17 March 14 22 crew sayed for the destruction of the Wycliffe lights the Hussites and all other heretics in Bohemia and so indeed she did just that she made war against the people of God well we've looked at six seven seven and shall intend to change times and laws says this power would endeavour to change times law they make no bones about it they make it very clear that they believe they have this power listen to the statement the Pope has power to change times to abrogate laws to dispense with all things even the precepts of Christ says that he has that power to do that and so the Bible lays it out very clear for us it just sent said that he would have power to do this did they well if you pick up your Bible turn next to the 20th chapter there you have the Ten Commandments I don't care which Bible you pick up in Exodus the 20th chapter you'll find the Ten Commandments but when you pick up a Catholic catechism that whole thing changes you'll find that the second commandment has been a done way with completely it's not there the fourth commandment has been shortened from 96 words to 8 words and has been moved to the third and the tenth commandment has been divided into two so they still have Ten Commandments so yes they have changed times and they have changed balls says then the state shall be given to his hand for a time times and a half a time the Bible folks are marvel at how clear and how accurate God's Word is I mean over and over he puts it there so that you and I don't have any question and knowing what it's talking about so when it says that it be given into his hands in the Bible a time simply represents one year 360 days or times represents two years 720 days 1/2 a time represents 1/2 a year or 180 days totaling that up it comes to 1,260 okay we're told in Scripture in Ezekiel four and verse six it simply says I have laid on you a day for a year numbers 14:34 says I've given you a day for a year and I have people ask me well how do you know that's right I have a very simple answer for that it works it works and so yes so I told you that for Jesus step step to the seat of Caesar in 538 ad the papal power came to power if I add 1260 years to that that takes me to the date of 1798 that was the time that was given to papal Rome okay that's how much time was given to them all right at the end of that 1260 years something had to happen Napoleon had come to power Napoleon wants to rule Europe knows he cannot do it unless he breaks the back of the papal power so we read in the Marikana encyclopedia in 17 when 1798 he birth EA made his entrance into Rome abolish the papal government established a secular one and thus papal Rome came to an end as the scripture said now folks God has laid down a template lemon you tell you that template stays that way all the way through it doesn't change folks and when people start putting other nations in in place of these they just mess it up it's what they do now I want to share something with you in closing I hope that you will get what I'm trying to get across to you the scripture is trying to get across to you this is what it says look at Daniel 7th chapter verse 8 I was considering the horns and there was another horn a little one coming up among them before whom three of the first horns were plucked up by the it's talking about the little horn right the little horn came to its end when huh in 1798 it came to its end right okay look at what it says here that's Daniel 7 verse 8 look what Daniel 7 verse 9 and 10 says I watched till the Thrones were put in place in the ancient days was seated the court was seated in the books were opened what is that telling you that's telling you that when 1798 came the papal power fell and the next thing would be the judgement investigative judgment would be the very next thing on the list he's given you a template he says this is what's going to happen next now watch that was Daniel 7 verse 8 9 and 10 look at verse 14 then to him was given Dominion and glory and a kingdom and his kingdom the one show which shall not be destroyed it says that after the judgment what comes huh God's kingdom so that's the next thing that's the come is God's kingdom after that God takes him and he drives it in the ground folks driving into the ground trying to get you tonight estate yes I understand go to Daniel 721 I was watching in the same horn making war against the Saints and prevailing against them this is what he's talking about watch what happens cut what comes next we're still in verse 22 Daniel 7 21 now verse 22 until the ancient days came and a judgment was made in favor the Saints of the Most High what's that that's the judgment he still going through the same thing with you saying when paper on comes through in 1798 the next thing will be the judgment and after the judgment verse 22 and the time came for the Saints to possess the kingdom the time why came for the Saints to possess the kingdom the time has come for the Saints to possess the kingdom are you getting it where do you think you are in the judgment the time has come for the Saints to possess the kingdom we're down at the end look he doesn't even stop there it does it again Daniel 7 24 and another shall rise after them he shall be different from the first still talking about the little horn ok then after that it says but the court shall be seated and they shall take away his Dominion when did they take away the Dominion from littlehorn 1798 then what's going to happen the judgment and then verse 27 says then the kingdom the Dominion and the greatness of the kingdom under the whole heaven shall be given to the people and the slaves of the most high his kingdom is an everlasting Kingdom and all dominions shall serve and obey him that God is going to come and he's going to set up his kingdom I don't know what to tell you that you and I have the privilege of living at this time you're living at the time when God is going to set up his kingdom the time has come for the Saints to possess the kingdom different you and I should be daily daily pleading with God pleading with God to make us kind to make us gentle to make us loving to make us like our Savior this is what the world needs they need to see Jesus in you this is what the world's lacking there for you I need to give our hearts daily to the Lord Jesus Christ may God bless you stay close to Jesus Christ walk with Him each day
Channel: Nobby1844
Views: 47,023
Rating: 4.8000002 out of 5
Keywords: Jesus, Christ, God, Bible, symbols, beast, water, wind, war, kings, lion, Babylon, Ishtar Gate, Kingdom, Media, Persia, Alexander the Great, Rome, scripture, Prophecy, horns, vision, church and state, civil power, government, last days, truth, apostles, Sunday law, Christians, Europe, papal power, pope, Germany, blasphemy, change time, Ten Commandments, law, Napoleon, endtime, daily
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 36sec (2796 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 04 2012
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