Cox 02 The Beast from Bottomless Pit

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our gracious Heavenly Father tonight we come to you asking that as we open your word that you will give us the understanding that we need may we Lord see your hand may we see how it has led guided directed in the affairs of men down through time and Lord may our faith be increased may we realize that as we look back upon what has happened in the past that it may increase our faith to stand firm with you prepare for your coming for this we ask in Christ's name Amen last night we took a look at two witnesses and it says in revelation 11 verse 13 and I'll give power to my two witnesses and they will prophesy 1260 days clothed in sackcloth and we found out that those two witnesses mentioned there were the old and new Testament or God's Word and we found out that it was God's Word that gives us light because it says these two witnesses are the two anointed ones is what the scripture says and that word anointed means one who produces light that's the word I gave you the Hebrew Hebrew word for that and that Hebrew word was hater char which means one who produces light and we found that God's Word produces light your word is a light unto my path and so we looked at those two witnesses and we talked about the part that they played now it goes on and says that they would prophesy in sack cloth and we found that great persecution I want to give you a date and I'd like for you to kind of remember it it's the date is January the 21st fifteen hundred and thirty-five January the 21st 1535 a very very important time because that is the date in which France rejected the Reformation and turned her back on the Reformation that was the date that we talked about last night when the King of France took walked down the streets of Paris and had them point out the homes of the Reformers and they drugged the people out and they crucified him and they burned them at the state and France at that point turned her back and made a definite effort to try to do away with the Reformation and those that follow them and we talked about some of the great people that live back then such as the faith the fervor and Farrell and Calvin and bit the Queen Burke win and these different people who were great men of God that stood up for the Word of God and lost their lives in defending the Word of God that was under this time of persecution sackcloth sorrow that they witnessed to the Word of God and this took place now once you've got to understand folks as they turned on the Reformation but through the preaching of John Calvin 500,000 Frenchmen had accepted the Reformation I mean this this was great numbers of people that turn to the Reformation but they turned their persecution against them and things took place such as the massacre of st. Bartholomew and all that happened what took place and what France didn't realize is when they begin to persecute these people for their belief many of them left France and they went to Germany and they went to Switzerland and they went to other countries and what was happening is when those people were leaving France and going to those other countries those were the professor's the artisans the businessmen these were the people that the Reformation had called to and had stepped out and they left France and all of a sudden France found itself in a terrible position without leadership without people to give the kind of leadership and the kind of guidance that the country needed it was gone and little did they realize it Napoleon also is rising at this particular time Napoleon wants to rule Europe that's his desires to bring Europe all under one power he said Europe was soon to become one nation that was what Napoleon wanted and so Napoleon understood and knew that he could never accomplish this unless he broke the back of the papal power because the papal power held Caen tremendous control over much of Europe and so as it says here 1798 he birthday a made his entrance into Rome abolished the papal government established a secular one the persecution that the papal power had put out against the Reformation begin to come to an end now this took place before even before 1798 the persecution was dropping off because of stands that many people were taking but the problem that I mentioned to you is the intelligence II of France had fled the country and so France found itself in very very hard circumstances and it says in revelation 11 verse 7 when they finished their testimony the Beast that ascends out of the bottomless pit will make war against them overcome them and kill them now this beast is going to come up out of the bottomless pit it says it's going to make war against those two witnesses and we'll overcome them and kill them this is what was going to take place what happened folks is rather a strange thing I shouldn't say it's strange because it happens every time if this is done and that is the persecution against the Reformation against those people put out at that time France was left with just how should I put it the people that didn't have much education they were left without the common everyday people and they didn't have the intelligence II that was needed to run the country and we found that the people turned they turned against the papal power they not only turned against the papal power they turned against God because the only God that they knew was what the papal power had told them and so they rejected that also and at the same time that all this is happening there is a book that has been written called the age of reason written by Thomas Paine that has circulated all across Europe and particularly in France it has been picked up in read and this became the motto this became the cry of the common people that from this time on all they would have would be reason they were not going to have theology they were not going to have the Bible they were not going to go by this they were going to go totally and completely by reason and so you have in history what is called the age of reason in which they said them down on all the decisions would be made on the basis of reason now now let me tell you something conscience or reason is a safe guide providing the guide of conscience or reason is safe did you follow me you see and people get this idea that conscience is a safe guy no conscience is a safe guide if the guide of conscience is safe they and they turned to this and they didn't have a guide they had thrown it out they said no we're not going to do this and when they threw that out they threw out the basis for what they believed stood by and so January the 21st put it down January the 21st 1793 the French Assembly voted to do away with the Word of God they voted to completely do away with it wife of Napoleon's Sir Walter Scott the world for the first time heard an assembly of men born and educated in civilization assuming the right to govern one of the finest European nations uplift their voice to deny the most solemn truth which man's soul receives renounced unanimously the belief and the worship of deity here this whole French Assembly said we're going to have nothing to do with religion from now on we will worship reason this will be our guide this is what we will follow did France make war on the Bible she did and in 1793 a decree passed the French Assembly forbidding the Bible and under the decree Bibles were gathered and burned in every possible mark of contempt heaped upon them and all the institutions of the Bible abolished baptism communion were abolished the beam of God was denied and death pronounced to be an eternal sleep the goddess of Reason was set up in the person of a vile woman and publicly worshipped what they did is they took this woman who was a dancer and they took her and dressed her up put a crown on her head robes on her and set her on a cart and pulled her through the streets of Paris to the Cathedral where they set her up and they worshipped her as the goddess of reason they said that different that time on that's who they would follow that's who they would worship folks I cannot describe to you what happens to a country and to a nation when they do that kind of thing because France I mean from that point went straight downhill and the Bible talks about how this would take place what would happen because she did this listen to what it says here in verse eight of the eleventh chapter and their dead bodies were lie in the street of the great city which spiritually and I highlighted that word spiritually because many people miss that spiritually is called Sodom and Egypt where also our Lord was crucified now if you're going to read that text and you're going to understand it you've got to take that word spiritually into account because this is not talking about literal Egypt and literal Sodom and literally where our Lord is crucified it's saying this is a spiritual application of that so what it's telling you so you've got to apply it that way so why would he say this city referring to Paris and what was done there why would he say spiritually this was Egypt well if you go back and you read it you remember the ferrule do you remember what he said to Moses listen to his words and the Pharaoh said who is the Lord that I should obey his voice to let Israel go I do not know the Lord nor will I let Israel go you see you have the very basis of atheism and that's what France was playing with she had tossed out God she didn't believe in God she was strictly atheism and that's why the scripture said spiritually this is compared to Egypt that didn't know God or didn't believe in God so France used to believe in God said no we're not going to believe in God but anytime you throw out the Bible you throw out all the standards and everything by which people live and all of a sudden there's nothing to base your belief on and so when they threw out the Bible morality went straight down I mean it you can't even describe the horribleness of what went on there during that time in which they just forsook it didn't believe in any kind of reason was the whole thing that God had governed them no standards nothing by which to go by and thus God compared it to Sodom spiritually Sodom is the same difference and you remember as those two angels went there to Sodom and Gomorrah and pulled out lot and his daughters so God said this is like Sodom of old spiritually same thing and then it says also where our Lord was crucified folks these years that went on during that time are described in history as the age of Terror there was ten years in there which was beyond description for instance if you believed in God or you had a Bible you could be arrested and taken downtown and guillotine because you believed in it in fact for the smallest thing they would haul somebody down in guillotine and they had people there in carts every morning rolling down through the streets of Paris they're headed there to guillotine him to death and they did so much of it that blood ran down the gutters of the streets of Paris this was an a of Terror horrible that went on there because they didn't have anything on which to base their belief in what they stood for horrible period of time remember it says our Lord was crucified it's interesting do you know what the Lord says about that listen to this and the king will answer it and say to them assuredly I say to you in as much as you did it to one of the least of these my brethren you did it to me now we're talking about spiritually says if you take one of God's people and you do something to them that's the same as doing it to Christ did you realize that the next time you think of saying something against somebody might I think that through twice do you remember Paul you remember when they're on the road to Damascus when he was struck down with that bright light huh do you remember what he said to Paul what do you remember what he said to him said Saul Saul why persecutest who thou me what did he mean thou me was he persecute in Christ no he's persecuting Christ people same difference in it that's what this text means where our Lord was crucified applying it to what they were doing to God's people they were persecuting them this was what was happening to them this was the age of terror the gospel of peace when CH Frank which France had rejected was to be only - surely rooted out and terrible would be the results on the 21st of January 1793 interesting I told you remember a date didn't huh told you remember January the 21st 1535 exactly 258 years when France rejected the Reformation that now they have thrown out the Word of God 258 years from the very day that fully committed France to the persecution of the Reformers another possession with a far different purpose passed through the streets of Paris now folks the one she's referring to here was when the King and this profession walked through the streets of Paris and pointed out the homes with reformers and they arrest them and crucified Him and and burn them at the stake that's what she thought when she said now it's 258 years to the very day here is another possession that is walking through the streets of Paris okay watch again the king was the chief figure 258 years before the King walked through the streets of Paris pointed out the homes now the King is also the chief figure again there is tow mph and shooting again there was her to cry for more victims again there was the black scaffold again the scene of the day were closed by horde executions louis xvi struggling hand to hand with his jailers and executioner's was dragged forward to the block was held down by main force till the axe had fallen and his December dead load on the scaffold it took the king himself beheaded him right there you see all these people could see was how they had been treated let me give you try to give you a little idea at this time folks there are 200,000 people in Paris that live by begging that that's the monks that's the way they live at this time there is a hundred and fifty thousand people in Paris that are the wealthy and they're exempt from all taxes they're exempt from all this thing and so all these people can see is what's there and so they have rebelled a revolution has taken place and they've gotten rid of God and they're getting rid of the government then from the then those from the people that tribes the tongues the nation's will see their dead bodies three-and-a-half days not allow their dead bodies to be put into the graves interesti the two witnesses going to lie there the streets of Paris for three and a half days they will not be allowed to put in the grave now to be put in the grave meant that they'd be totally completely done away with and those who dwell on the earth will rejoice over them making merry and sin gives to one another because these two prophets tormented those who dwelt on the earth it is always amazing to me how that if somebody makes enough noise and shouts and carries on that the people will come and quite a large number will follow just all you got to do is shout loud enough make enough noise and there are some people that follow and that's what France did they just shouted out to the whole world how wonderful they were how brilliant that they were now that they had the age of reason they had tossed off all the shackles they were no longer bound by this and other nations if you please sent them gifts and told them how wise they were literally what happened believed that they could do this and get by with it now after three and a half days the breath of life from God entered them and they stood on their feet and great fear fell on those who saw them after three and a half days those two witnesses came back to life you see France all of a sudden realized that she had crossed the mark that if she continued on the way she was going the nation would be forever ruined that there was no hope in the steps they were taken and so they decided to put the Bible back you see this book has been around a long time and it hasn't missed yet folks it hasn't missed yet what says the Bible a blessed Bible this should my only question be prophecy is fulfilling the time of the end is nearing what says the Word of God to me that's what we've got to find out and as you get into the Word of God and you see it you can see it fulfilled so accurately watch what happens here and so we have the prophetic word what confirmed what you do well the heat as a light shine in the dark place until the day dawns in the morning star rises in your hearts the prophetic word made absolutely sure January the 21st 1793 France voted to do away with the Word of God and it was gathered up and burned and thrown out and people did away with it that three and a half years that ensued was so horrible that at the end of three years the legislation decided they'd better put it back and so they voted to put the Word of God back strange that was voted and then for some unexplainable reason it was tabled I mean they vote voted to it and then tabled it and it lay there on the table nothing was done with it for six months I don't know if you're catching what's happening here but on June the 10th 1796 the French Assembly acted on it and put it back in as they had taken it out exactly three and a half years exactly three and a half years just exactly as the Word of God said it took place I can't tell you you can depend on it you know prophecy after prophecy has fulfilled without question they've happened just as God said they would dear friend I recommend to you the Word of God and something that you can build your faith on you could believe on them now it says and they heard a loud voice from heaven saying to them come up here and they ascended to heaven in a cloud and their enemies saw them now here it says that this loud voice spoken is speaking and tells these two witnesses come up here and they ascended to heaven in a cloud and their enemies saw them strange this book folks all during this time that I've been talking to you very very few people had this I mean if you had a Bible you were a very very fortunate person in fact until you hit the 1500s the Bible was only written by hand copies made hand copies that's the only way you could get it when we hit the 1500 you have the Gutenberg press and then they begin to make copies of it but that was very tedious tedious and a long process so very few people had a Bible he just didn't have it when did they vote to put it back June 10 okay 1796 look at this British Bible Society 1804 I mean just a matter folks of eight years from the time that they voted it back you have the British Bible Society come in existence and all of a sudden the Bible is made available to people all over your up I mean they accepted the Word of God and it was printed and put out so people get it like it had never been done before told those two witnesses the Word of God come up here they came up and they saw it look 18 16 you have the American Bible Society all of a sudden the Word of God has been given impotence like it had never had before and men and women could get the Word of God and read it I see it find out for their own self what the Word of God said to them up until this time nothing was done folks about foreign missions I mean they just didn't send missionaries anywhere that just wasn't something happen watch this is what happens at this same time I'm talking about exact same time Judson goes to Bermuda Kerry to India Burma excuse me Judson goes to Burma Kerry to India Morrison to China Moffett Livingston to Africa foreign missions begin to move out and the gospel is taken to people all over the world who never heard of it never had an opportunity to hear the word of God and so those two witnesses were caught up come up here and they saw them what a change had taken place 1798 he birthday a made his entrance into room abolished the papal government established a secular one and with that act the persecution that had been put out by the papal power came to an end and it says and when they finished their testimony the Beast that ascends out of the bottomless pit will make war against them overcome them and kill them now now let me tell you something folks even with something small in the way of doing something wrong a sin or on a large scale which this would have been on a large scale anytime you have an action like that it sets into motion events that will affect things for centuries in other words certain things happen so it says when this beast rose up out of the box pit and killed those two witnesses it set into action certain events that have come down through time that affect you and me tonight that affect our lives and probably will until the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ because with the writings of Thomas Paine the age of reason you find that people begin to have real doubts about the Word of God they begin to wonder if it was right if it was true and you find that certain things begin to happen his writings for the first time attacked the Word of God and said I can't believe it probably a lot of it is fables and because he attacked the Word of God something began to happen because he had a student by the name of George Hegel look at the dates 1770 1831 Georg Hegel folks is the father of modern atheism in philosophy and theology he's the one that started all this if you've ever heard of new theology and all that if you trace it all the way back it goes to Georg Hegel he's the one that sent down and wrote and put things there saying you really can't be sure about this it probably isn't true or all the writings in this book aren't inspired and you find that these doubts were put there and he taught them now he didn't teach him he had a student that studied under Georg Hegel and this student name was Charles Darwin now I'm trying to get across to you when this beast rose up out of the baz pit killed those two witnesses it set in motion actions that take place there coming clear on down and Charles Darwin then oh there's no God says strictly the origin of the species evolution this is how a command came about he's the result of evolution it really really concerns me folks what we do here in this country and what we believe particularly in the area of Education bothers me greatly because I have never in my life found people that were more bigoted than those that deal in the area of science they don't seem to be able to open their mind and to look into reason concerning things and they believe things that are absolutely contrary to all kinds of evidence let me take you a step farther not only do you have Charles Darwin teaching this Charles Darwin had a friend that studied with him his name was Carl Maher Karl Marx said there's no God are you looking at the dates now he said there's no God and so through the writings of Karl Marx you have a whole government set up that is godless and communism came into effect and begin to take hold and begin to influence the whole world you know 70 years 70 years they tried communism and it failed fell flat of its face and what disturbs me is you can go over to Russia today and they will invite you into their universities to talk about God but I come back here to my own country and they won't let you in the university to talk about God you know we need to stop and think through what's happening where we are but these men influence in these two men Charles Darwin Karl Marx they had a student that studied under them his name was Sigmund Freud Sigmund Freud no God can't go by this book you really need to go by how you feel you know new morality and all that comes in and we find that type of teaching being taught today it's come down the place that it affects our lives in a very very definite and real way well we find that the sixth beast atheistic communism went from 1798 to 1991 that was the time that atheistic communism ruled okay that's the sixth Beast the one that we talked about the ninth the one is and by the way folks let me tell you when you're looking at those beast 5 and falling one is one is yet to come you got to remember you got to look at it from John's viewpoint not yours that's very very important you have to look at it from John's viewpoint not yours and he's saying 5 a fallen one is one is yet to come there are also seven kings five have fallen one is the others not yet come when he comes he must continue a short time well we've looked at him babbling which was the lion me to persia the bear grease the leopard pagan rome the dragon paper rome the Beast of Revelation 13 and tonight the Beast of Revelation 11 a theistic communism those are the six we have one more to look at because it's the seventh one and it said this about it it's the to horn beast of Revelation 13 in our next presentation we will be looking at that - horn beast of Revelation 13 that you can see what the scripture says about it because it says and when he comes to horn beast he must continue what a short time I told you when we started I was going to take you step by step right on down to our day and that's where we are say our day the time that we're living in and it says that when this two horn beast comes he will continue a short time you and I can take God's Word we can stand on it we can believe it it won't fail give me the Bible star a blackness to cheer the one on the terrace lost lost or kinda hide that peaceful radiance says Jesus came to seek and save most give me the my holy message shine thy light shall die in the narrow way precept and the promise law and law combine till night shall anytime let us pray father in heaven as we have seen from history what happens when man forsakes your word for sex your law decides that he no longer needs you pray Lord that each of us here tonight those that are watching by television or listening on the radio that tonight they may decide above all things else they will stay with you commit their lives to you follow you lord help us to realize the importance of standing on the Word of God the following you and all that we do bless each one give them wisdom as they read your word Lord that they may understand it that they may examine their own hearts and they may be willing to walk in the light of your word that all of us each one may day by day look to you and be ready at your soon return for this we ask in Christ's name Amen well we're continuing down
Channel: atamotua64
Views: 24,928
Rating: 4.8333335 out of 5
Keywords: God, Jesus, Salvation, Grace, Love, Bible, Truth, SDA, prophecy, prophetical, end, times, world, jesuits, antichrist, mark, beast
Id: 6cCNkF5w0X8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 58sec (2578 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 26 2011
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