Dangerous & Rare Chess Opening | Halloween Gambit

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if you're a type of a guy who can make an onion cry you're gonna love this video because today we're going to cover an opening that can humiliate your opponents like nothing else this is an opening that none just wins a game and takes their soul I'm talking about the hallishly dangerous Halloween Gambit and the first great thing about this gamut is that it comes out of this position which you can easily achieve in pretty much every game that you play it comes out of the Four Knights game so usually you start off with a move Point evil or your opponent's pawns 45 you go Knight of three attacking this Pawn in most cases they play Knight C6 but even if they go for the petrov's game or the Stafford game with the Knight of F6 it doesn't really matter because we want all fortnite's to be out so either way we're gonna reach this position and if black try something else I'll tell you later what to do there and in this case you're playing a paradoxical move Knight takes E5 and at first it looks like a simple blunder because the pawn is defended and black can grab your knight also even people who are aware of the Gambit usually think that it's something it's like very suspicious something that black will easily refute within a couple moves little do they know it turns out that somehow this Gambit is a lot more effective than it seems at first in fact according to the database funnily enough the move Knight takes E5 right here has the highest win rate for white compared to any dollar moves of white can you think of that it really has the highest win rate compared to any other move of white in this position what the heck is going on here I have no explanation but to assume that there is some dark magic involved in this Halloween gaming anyway let's see what's the point so you're giving up the night and then even follow up with Ponto D4 chasing this Knight away and it turns out that although at the moment it looks like black is just fine but when the Knight moves away somewhere you can keep chasing those Knights back driving them all the way back all the way back to their original squares which gives you a lot of space a lot of opportunities to attack and what's good about the Halloween damage is that in fact you don't even rely on a particular trap it's not that you hope that your opponent will blunder something it just gives you this long term lasting and powerful attack and black has multiple opportunities to go wrong in fact all their natural moves are kind of wrong here in this position in order to stay in the game they have to play out of the box which certainly 99 of your opponents won't be able to anyway let's see what's going on here so first off by the way after Pono D4 the Knight has to go back it can go forward because if it plays here after E5 now both of the knights are handing and black will lose a piece so that's not a good option for a black therefore they'll usually go either Knight to C6 in most cases or Knight to G6 we're gonna take a look at both these moves and whites attacking patterns are quite similar in any case so for example after Knight to C6 you push this Pawn forward to D5 and you keep chasing the Knight and if for instance black wants to put it to safety back to B8 then you keep pushing Pawn to E5 here black realizes once again that hey somehow it's getting annoying then I cannot really go forward your knight takes away the square your queen takes away the little squares therefore the Knight has to go all the way back to G8 and if black plays that then it's quite pathetic I mean black is upper piece but it's quite clear that they they're setting it up for the next game they're about to resign right and you can lock the situation by going Pawn to D6 so that black can never move any of their pieces out and they are completely stuck there so that's how you win the game basically very easily moreover if black tries to get fancy let's take a move back let's say they realize that there is nothing they can do besides Knight or G8 and they're not feeling like playing that move they may try playing Queen E7 trying to pin your knight between your opponent attack it's trying to kind of get away with this tactical solution but in this case you still play 22 playing this similar move which still forces Knight to go and after Knight G8 the move which is very useful to remember because it's one of your main attacking ideas in all of these variations is the move Knight to B5 we're hitting the square which will Fork the cane in The Rook but also you are preparing for your opponent to still go forward D6 press in black and starring this winning attack black tries to go D6 to prevent you from you know pushing forward and defending similarly this pole on season you break through anyway Knight takes C7 and after Queen takes Here Comes Pawn to D6 check to the king and you're winning the queen so that sounded really hard to explain as I told you in the Halloween Gambit when black plays normal natural looking moves somehow they're just going down that's why I've told you that is the best opening to humiliate your opponents because they feel like your opening Gambit is something suspicious and they should be winning they're playing normal moves but they're losing right so it kind of makes them feel completely dumb after losing games like that now that covers the move Knight to B8 which allows you to push your other Pawn forward and bring the Black Knights all the way back to their original squares therefore in most cases they're gonna play Knight to E5 trying to keep the knight in the game but then you just keep chasing those Knights pawner four the nine goes back 25 pushing this Knight back it still cannot go forward has to go all the way back and then you play this key move Pawn to D6 just to lock the situation and then after this exchange you can see that although black is up a piece but basically they are completely paralyzed like this bishop can get out so as the Rogue so black Cannon Castle the first version get out so was the rook and like it's very difficult for black to do anything here really usually they play Queen B6 or queen F6 trying to win your Pawn on D6 because it's indeed very annoying for black to face this Pawn in both cases you're gonna play the same move Knight to B5 we already know that it's a common attacking pattern here from here the Knight defense is Pawn on D6 but even more importantly it aims to the square of C7 and from there it's gonna Fork the King on The Rook thus we are about to win The Rook and now black again feels kind of comfortable because the only way to cover that is to play King to d8 and okay they covered Knight to see some move but still their position is awkward and now they have this exposed kill in the middle of the board so you keep pushing forward play point of five attacking the Knight out from angles here you can win one more Tempo by bringing your Bishop into the game with a Tempo now you're attacking the Knight they usually play Pawn to F6 and here will play another move which is a more normal move it's Queen to D2 now remember we talked about that previously that in the Halloween Gambit you don't really try to pull off some quick trick into the feedback now you're actually having a great position that's the you know beauty of this Gambit because black is paralyzed so you're not even in a hurry you can simply develop and black is in trouble figuring out what to do you can just develop bring more and more pieces into play develop your attack however you like it black has to think hard and find some solutions Queen D2 is also a useful moving all these variations where black goes King d8 because sometimes the future or down the road your queen can jump over there and all of a sudden deliver this crushing attack for example in this position black usually goes Pawn A6 thinking that now your knight will go back and they'll finally you know win this Pawn on D6 and again back to normal life but in fact they're already lost they just don't know about it yet so what you do is you play Bishop E3 hitting the queen try and move this queen away because after it moves you then play Queen A5 delivering this nasty check forcing the king to move back to E8 and after that you execute your usual threat Knight to C7 forking the king and the Rook therefore on the next move you grab the Rook now you're up material and your position is still dominant the Knight will go back through B6 you can Castle Queen side and you have a completely winning game here's not another little detail if you played it once against your opponent and scare the hell out of him with a Halloween Gambit he may not feel like playing the Knight to F6 move against you anymore so instead he may choose to play Bishop to C5 which is another classical move of black in this positions the second most played move but what's really surprising is that you still play the same move Knight takes C5 it's really mind-blowing by the way that in this position basically after enemy with black not any but after two most count moves which they play in the vast majority of the cases you're gonna sack your knight here on A5 I mean something weird again I cannot explain that very really good it's just really good so here in this case Knight takes C5 is even better for white compared to the usual Halloween gamut because now that's not even a sacrifice with the move Pawn to D4 and this double attack you're getting a piece back instantaneously they usually capture here and after Queen takes D4 you've got a completely dominant position with an easily uh you know developed attack so now you grab the center of the board you attack this Knight if you're not move somewhere somehow you know you're going to grab this Pawn on G7 and attack the rook and lack some big trouble I've got another video where I cover that in Greater details so if you want to gonna dive into the inspiration you can check it out later but for now let's come back to our Halloween Gambit we've just covered the move Knight to C6 we know that after that you keep pushing your pawns forward so what if your opponent moves the Knight to the opposite side Knight to G6 well then you keep doing all the same thing you keep playing keep pushing these pawns forward 0.5 once again pushing the Knight all the way back and in this position you go Bishop C4 aiming to the square and uh before I dive into variations let me just tell you a couple General ideas attacking parents in this position because here's the thing again your opponent is up a piece but he's completely passive there now in contrast to this you are having a very dominant position thanks to these Pawn wedge you know it takes off this natural Square f64 from his Knight therefore like can't develop normally and you've got a couple attacking options so the first one is Queen to F3 aiming for the Fool's Checkmate and although black can't defend but his position is so clumsy that you know maneuvering is very difficult for black so queen of three is quite dangerous very straightforward threat also in the middle game or even straight away one of the things that you can do is you can castle and then simply Chuck these pawns forward you've got these Pawn advantage in the middle of the board you can use that to keep pushing and keep pressing black punching them all the way back to the ropes so that's the second thing the third idea which is also similar is that you can push your rage Pawn forward this way and drive away this night so that's not a thing that you can consider in this position I mean in most cases they go D6 trying to get rid of this annoying Pawn which lives their space but then you play Queen of three attacking this Pawn your Bishop is supporting it so version B6 is what they usually play but then you snatch this Pawn on B sound happily and then they think hey wait a second this bishop is hanging I can just grab it But Here Comes Queen to C6 check and turns out that they can't move their Queen because that will leave this through count defended therefore they have to play this ugly move King to E7 keeping the king like extremely Overexposed and after Queen takes C4 you're just having this position which should be easily waiting for white I mean again black is completely passive you've got already two pawns for a piece and you have a lot of attacking ideas and what you can do against this King by the way they cannot really grab your Pawn here because if so they are opening up this file so we play Queen E4 and you just win this Knight on the pin so five six you go opponent four and you win the nine and then you continue your attack besides the move Pawn to D6 they may try them of Bishop B4 which also makes perfect sense they simply hope to develop the Knight this way and then to Castle in this case you still play Queen of three all the same stuff threatening this Pawn in this variation black may play Queen E7 because they have developed their Bishop already and therefore Queen E7 would not block it on the original Square so Queen 7 makes sense but then you utilize another attack and idea we discussed is Pawn to H4 and for Pawn H5 and that will again Force the Knight all the way back to f8 which is completely ugly besides that pawn H4 potentially May support this bishop G5 move in some lines which is also annoying and again very difficult for black defending they usually trade here on C3 which doesn't change anything they're still left with all the same problems this E5 Pawn deprives this Knight of the F6 Square it can be developed normally or threatening H5 maybe with G5 in some lines very annoying for black and if Knight takes H4 by the way trying to like counter attack you that clearly backfires after Rook takes H4 now this deflects the queen and here comes Queen's xf7 which is some sort of Scholars Checkmate Queen to f8 as we can see the Halloween Gambit is in fact a lot stronger than it seems initially and it will indeed scare the hell out of your opponents now I do agree that just studying openings is not enough to become a strong chess player so if you want that you may check out this free Master Class about the positional play have a great rest of the day and I'll talk to you soon
Channel: Remote Chess Academy
Views: 105,328
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: halloween gambit, halloween gambit chess, halloween gambit chess opening, halloween gambit trap, halloween gambit theory, halloween gambit tutorial, chess gambits for white, chess gambit for white, aggressive chess openings for white, aggressive chess gambits, aggressive chess opening gambits for white, most aggressive chess gambits, powerful chess openings, powerful chess openings for white, dangerous chess openings, best chess opening gambits, best chess gambits for white
Id: Ce219v1r-Gk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 27sec (747 seconds)
Published: Mon May 29 2023
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