Dangerous mountain side recovery doesn't go as planned.

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hold that in case anything stupid happens i'll make sure i'm uphill from stupid [Music] there he gets it all right so for the uninitiated what do we got here we have oh a door just hit me in the back is what we have that's unfortunate yeah that was super unfortunate uh emotional damage what we have is a 12 000 pound which in the back of the truck wants to move stuff out of the way that's going to come out through this fairlead all right and we're going to run it down that hill to that car over there in the bushes of extension and the income ropes and stuff like that sweet hopefully we can reach it hopefully we can pull it cool before this door open does that hurt yeah that did not look like fun [Music] it's pretty tricky walking up here yeah it's steeper than it looks it really is like there you go there's your straight down look let's take this end and soft shackle it to this end and send this in down the hill copy sounds good okay harbor freight recovery gear and that's that is not that is not like a jab at harbor freight either i love harbor freight stuff me too it certainly does that harbor freight winch there has pulled an amazing amount of stuff i bet it makes you a whole lot of money probably shouldn't say that right before we're gonna try to pull this thing out of somewhere stupid you're at the end i got an idea hold on this 30-foot rope in between well looks like i have some errands to run [Music] so we are back down here with kevin from pls bend and this car that's stuck on the side of the mountain on coyote butte because we got to get it hold up down why are we holding i don't know why i hold it but this car is on the side of this butte that is very steep and a very big drop-off and our cleanup project is happening tomorrow which we'll be already overdone with by the time you see this video because i can't edit that fast so this car is a big danger to all the people are going to be cleaning up down here below it on the butte so we need to get it out of here we can't remove it from the forest for legal reasons but we can make it safer so that's what we're doing today got kevin here doing some rigging ethan's up there taking some pictures and doing some rigging and then we got my truck over the side of the bank up there and not a great spot and we're gonna use that badlands winch off the back to spin this car around point it downhill and then i'm gonna drive it ish coast it to the bottom where then it can be removed out the roads casey what's up how much more wine do you have in your truck i need a few feet a few feet um grab another one of those tree savers [Music] and other soft shackle right there too so kevin tell everybody how many people we got signed up i'm super excited we have as of an hour or two ago 245 signed up that's what i was informed my guess is it's going to be over 250. that's awesome that is super super awesome that is uh almost double any previous events record really yep that is great so we're going to get some stuff done tomorrow and that's another reason we want to get this out of here today is so we don't have 2 300 people down below it with it in a right now that branch is the only thing holding it from down the mountain so we got to make this safe so i got the yankim rope in the mix try to get clear of all this debris all right [Music] you're the smart one staying up here hey i didn't want the right shoes today yeah to be going down that hill very convenient excuse this is megan from central oregon daily hey they're helping promote this whole thing too so big thank you to them go check out their story on it it's probably way better than mine so let's see what happens we're gonna spin it around and go down oh okay the car is spinning the truck is sitting still finally i know you can't see much from up here but kevin is getting the wheels pointed downhill and the car is now kind of facing down for the first time [Music] good okay i got the good sign [Music] well i promise now i got to drive it down the hill you know what hey makes for good footage for me hopefully for me too oh my chariot awaits are you going to do it yeah i'll do it all right i made you a seat and i filled the glass so you could see thank you i was dumb dumb or smart enough not to bring any gloves so that you didn't have to do it this log front right tires on seated fyi okay [Music] oh you got to climb in oh yeah duke's a hazard oh man this is getting better but i cleared as much glass off seat and gave a seat pan this is the part where my wife gets really mad at me when she watches the video okay seat belt doesn't work either no no he's pinched in the door [Music] that's okay where we're going we don't need seat belts it's only only like 100 yards down as steep as the dirt will fall oh turn your wheels to the left you're just stopping oh i'm that guy in all my videos that has the wheel turned the wrong way okay i love you too i'll miss you oh man you were doing so good i got wedged in this bush right here oh man but but look my wheels are pointed the right direction oh it's because it's a dirt bike track i should have gone faster yeah you should maybe we just need to try harder i should have gone faster and you guys need to try harder that's what we learned from this oh yeah it's moving it's moving it is i just need to get him over the hummus what if we get the kinetic room hooked to the front and you guys run down the hill hit the end of it okay thank you sir you're welcome casey uh i don't even saw you driving but man you suck i know i never said i was good at this that's that's true oh man now we just gotta walk farther to get back to the truck oh hey while you're down there [Music] okay now i gotta head down the hill in my truck kevin is already down there he's gonna get his air down and and uh how do i get down this let's go let's go straight off the edge we are skiing all right now we can get up here and not go through all the nails that spot right there looks bad okay let's take the heavy truck down the steep hill [Applause] all right we made it there's a car see here's our problem we're at the top it's like oh it looks like it'd be way shorter and easier to take it out the bottom and now we're at the bottom and it's way up there it looks like oh it'd be so easy to just take it right out the top this hill is very deceiving and the camera does not show how steep or big or how loose it is so let's probably park my truck not so below it you're getting your stairs today sir yep i i applaud you following him hey don't you have ribs cooking i do my girlfriend's making them though okay i mean i started them but she's wrapping him but good eye my timer went off about 30 seconds ago see i know this man's he's a man of good [Music] the farther taste go the heavier it gets now ethan is bringing up his land cruiser and he's going to pull me down backwards so it sounds like i'm out of breath i'm very very out of breath and that's a big hill and and i'm sick so it's not a good combination as far as like getting rest a lot of stuff i'm i'm always sick it's part of the deal so we just don't worry about that just keep going kevin's gonna hook up the rope so so we've got 80 feet plus 30 feet plus 30 feet so it's 140 feet of uh rope to reach this thing up here i have to put you guys down here and there to be able to steer this thing as we go okay this front wheel completely locked up so i can't steer so i'm just here for the brakes the problem is that means it's just dragging it off this side so it's not doing what we want i want to be over there on the road the beggars can't be choosers so as long as we get to the bottom of the hill i can grab it with my truck and we're good check it out we're going to be famous there you go i never get to be on this end okay cam everybody ran dead at the bottom there but uh we got the car out of those trees way up there and that's down here and then uh it's safe and we'll see when the sheriff's everyone's here tomorrow if we can get him to tag this one so we can get it out of here before it gets stripped and messed up but we got it so all good so ethan we're in the same canyon and the same land cruiser saves the day again that's a reoccurring theme with this thing yeah it's been a very good truck to me and it's made me a lot of friends and connections it works well it does it's a good machine makes me super excited about a land cruiser project oh micro land cruiser projects huh okay now can this tank of a truck get back out of the canyon we shall see there's like a road over there it's kind of a road but this is the trail that alex tried to go up and got stuck and screwed up on so [Music] i want to try it [Music] see all you see is sky it's because it's steep oh ethan's climbing the other one over there we made it look at how big that hill is it like does no justice all right so i'm back in town i forgot to film an outro before i left because i was tired but uh we removed that big danger which was the big thing we wanted to get done before a couple hundred people are on the side of that hill underneath it and uh uh it turned out a little bigger project than we thought it was gonna be but we eventually got it done and uh big thanks to megan with the central oregon daily uh she was a trooper and stayed the whole time through that whole deal it was hot and dusty and windy and she stayed right there along the whole way and got it all filmed for us probably mainly just in case we ended up being the news story instead of just being in the news story but either way make sure you check out their story on this whole deal and uh i'm gonna go get some lunch in the morning i'll be back out there for the cleanup and clean it up all day and it's gonna be a good time so uh thank you to everyone who signed up everyone is helping out every business that's pitching on this deal it's an awesome deal and i'm excited to see it progressing the way it is so uh definitely gonna stay involved in this whole deal as much as i can uh thank you guys for watching hope you enjoyed that one i'm hungry i'm gonna go eat i'll see you next time see you i really wanted to just like ride off into the sunset [Music] another day another day yeah [Music]
Channel: Casey LaDelle
Views: 178,838
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 4x4, 4x4 fails, Harbor freight, Mountain, Off road, Stuck, Tow truck, Winch, apex winch harbor freight, badlands winch, electric winch, harbor freight, harbor freight apex winch, harbor freight tools, harbor freight winch, off road fails, off road recovery, offroad, offroad 4x4, synthetic winch rope, tow trucks, towing, toyota off road
Id: p213dvYCKuE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 40sec (940 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 28 2022
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