Danger Close A-10 Airstrikes during a 128-man Operation

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roger reaper dude reaper 2 reaper 2 i have priority target north standby radio tower 1 1 4 1 1 0 soft targets three times the enemy infantry squad friendlies on the south east we'll mark for gun runs stand by for more over six six rip two copies friendly's position uh green smoke enemy's impossible wrestler uh pop green smoke on your location a10 gun run danger close your north how copy over good copy first roger that lays on infantry over [Music] reaper 2 reaper 2 this is 6'6 good effect on target repeat repeat repeat over roger that repeat uh epa what's up everyone and welcome back to the channel in today's video we've got some new arma 3 liberation content now if you don't know what liberation is it's an arma 3 game mode that we've kind of picked up and customized and changed and we've got 128 players on the server these days and that's just the players there's 300 ai units out there usually it's a 24 7 experience it's pretty much open there's no basic training or requirements just you have to read the rules and use your microphone there's no dlc you just need bass arma and if you want to learn more or join us on these amazing milsim ops that are literally around the clock check out discord dot gg slash comic and join us over there but in today's liberation session we're actually gonna be playing from the mq-9 reaper as company commander so we're gonna be in charge of 128 players out there on the field we've got helicopters like chinooks and blackhawks running reinserts we've got bradleys and abrams we have to coordinate we've got this a10 that's in the air we have multiple little birds we've got infantry out there two full platoons of 44 people in two different aos that we're coordinating so a lot is going on in this video but i gave you guys the best view possible from that top-down view with the thermals in the reaper so i hope you guys do enjoy today's video and just a reminder before we get to the brief that we have released our new merch design if you want to check it out it's our have a nice day sure it's pretty much based off of our grab ranch sessions which we have to get back to it's just been so busy with our work these days but yeah check out everything you guys know where all the links are in the description as always don't forget to like comment and subscribe for more content you guys have been amazing recently on the streams and yeah let's jump straight into the briefing sit back relax and enjoy the show alright guys so we're gonna try to keep this brief pretty short here but here's what's going on tonight we've got two full platoons out here tonight first and second platoon first platoon is tasked with taking the objectives on the north eastern part of the map here these four red objectives while second platoon is going to be tasked at fab bravo in the north defending against any counter-attacks north or south that the enemy might throw at us they're also going to try to move over to the east to assist first platoon if possible but a second platoon gets decisively engaged they'll hold at fab bravo and just hold that defensive line as far as assets tonight we've got a couple of ground and air assets that we do have to work with we have our f-35 and a10 call science reaper one and two we have stalkers one and two running chinook and blackhawk slash little bird reinserts from fob alpha which is the southern airfield fob and then we have a couple of armor assets out as well who will be assisting first platoon on the northeast that's gonna be our hellhounds they're gonna be in abrams as well as bradley's that's pretty much the game plan and general plan for tonight we're gonna roll through and see how well this goes [Music] uh 35 already took off once should be in here now he's taking off right now if they offer it now yeah here we are that's badass that was a badass sequence you see the f35 take off oh that was good if you can let phantom know that they have even one on station go for phantom phantom this is two i see demon one is going to be holding at bp raspberry to your southwest feel free to call them on station as needed hey firm utilize 7-0 long range over that's correct make sure you're using seven zero to call out for him thank you back six six be advised phantom has been given fire control over savage for priority fire missions for their tasking up north over roger out additional fact once these chinooks return to base one of them should be ready to task for reinserts i don't really have anything else for the second overall send it this is six i have eyes on the first platoon's dismount they are currently exiting their vehicle standby to move as they push their staging over stalkers have got their reinserts correction inserts in under rtb now back six i copy eyes on inserts one six this is six six six one six six six isr reports one times bmp one times e t r break one times bmp or scratch one times brdm inside your first objective over copy that correction one six that's two brdms and one bmp plus one or two squads of infantry oh screaming murdoc go heal chaka he's coming up to the arsenal he needs this is six on 70. roger i have control over the german what am i looking for over roger there's currently jeremy shulker's one currently prioritizes with zero eight eight break one zero zero currently shooting at me how come six uh i didn't copy that great send it again zero eight eight one zero zero correct read back is correct reaper one this is six i have eyes on some thermal on the west standby reaper six i only see a coordinate on thermals in the western valleys it might be on the reverse slope northwest no wise at this time over coffee six one of your eyes on your legs reaper this is six i can lays enemy armor on the road north out of bravo if you think you can hit that over six river one i would love to however the shook is currently firing me i need to prioritize though six to reap her eyes on he's on the reverse slope blazing now projectile one away reaper eyes on target standing by for splash reaper this is six that's a hit target is still up over break that's uh correction correction uh shulker is dismounted over roger copy i've got another show apparently reaper six in relation to that last target where is this new shelter over there reaper one this is six if you fly low in the valley do you think you can hit this t-72 or t-55 right outside the base over reaper one six i have target lazed he's moving northwestbound armor vehicle looks like a tank of some sort over russia what's the position of that uh target is 100 meters north northwest out of bravo pushing a southwest bound at this time over reaper one this is six he's about to push the the the wall of the fob itself over 260 advice through two is down bravo anything you can do to help over there over break break break i've got eyes on the t-72 keep playing gpu inbound shortly yeah reaper six copies lays on target standing by for splash over keep you away reaper six that's a connect standby for bda reaper six good effect on target target destroyed over okay one six six six sit rep over second platoon second platoon this is six six be advised i have an armored com column made up of bmps btrs and mbts bearing down on your north west over solid copy we're going to need some more support if you want to have any sense accounting then 2666 i'm getting reaper on it time now over reaper reaper six six priority hard targets north northwest of fab bravo will lay's targets targets are moving southeast along the msr on the side of the hill towards fab bravo over six rupee copies currently refilling eight ten we'll be on route for bravo ek one mic i'll be able reaper six six i copy over do your best hold the village and stand by for support do not leave that objective over copy that fact do we have a second [ __ ] oh [ __ ] i need cap i need cap sex reaper reaper this is six six be advised enemy fast mover in first platoons ao advise you switch to cap over roger that switching f35 standby reaper 66 your current tasking is to man the cap move east above first platoons ao i count two two times fast movers and three times heinz how copy over reaper copies will be inbound for fast movies priority over phantom phantom 66 i need you to break from your radio tower tasking your job is to assist the defense of fob bravo while using savage to help second platoon over fan of copies that does not look good we have a banshee up negative but we do have two soccer pilots first platoon just got strafed the ever loving kingdom come suffer see if you can organize uh fact i need you at fob alpha organizing the reinserts let's have them stand by ray in the chinooks as soon as the cap takes out these fighters we're gonna get these guys in okay six this is the ruby advice this is a reaper six six i copy ogre one was that a call for six six over hey firm we are at five alpha with a truck and an mrap that are full of supplies ready for re-inserts at your disposal roger ogre roger ogre one i need you starting to shuttle infantry and aa or launcher assets from the fob at alpha into first platoons ao break take any reinserts you can at fob alpha and bring them to 31 southwest of first platoon ccp how copy over it six or thirty-one would be advised enemy faster down reaper reaper six i copy be advised there is still at least one times hind strafing the village moving west southwest over reaper six i'm taking shulker fire from the north and the drone over roger probably be advised behind been hit going down rebirth do you see that ping on the shilka over you want me to convince the chocolate to get on the 8th uh you can try let me know what he says ogre ogre at your discretion when you think you have enough bodies go ahead and move to 31 over tell first platoon they're being reinstated by ogre help organize those guys over uh chance choco will ryder fly the cap so he's gonna talk it out with thieves okay just get that sorted try to get those guys started with their airframes i've got two spawns waiting at the arsenal i'll send him over to the truck first platoon is being inserted on the ground second platoon is literally fighting right outside the fob so two six six six you gotta sit right for me over this is six six on thirty behind the current bmp you are engaging there is a shilka crest for the next 10 seconds over two six two six six six over thirty sit rep over two six six six i copy let me know if you need any air assets over tickets are finally taken off bob alpha on route to find enemies i'm trying to have one to assassinate six messages that a is still up you do not have eyes on currently seven will uh so uh we have 810 cap and two stalkers still reaper reaper one reaper one lays on target bmp2 stacked against another bmb2 on lays northwest to fob reaper two reaper two six six i copy standing by for two six six six have you handled the mbt north of your paws over this is too sick i'm not aware of any heavy reaper two six six i didn't see impact with those guns over roger roger reaper two advise for re-attack ingress southeast egress northwest west helicopter reaper 2 over 2 copies ingress southeast egress north west go for company medic on thirty six six this is reaper one i am getting up in the f-35 to provide exclusively cap over reaper one this is six six i copy you'll have guns of any kind do you i have one time gal 22 with about 150 25 millimeter rounds over reaper one six six i copy reaper two reaper two this is six six good effect on target one target destroyed second target disabled how copy over two copies reaper two reaper two i have a bmp2 moving north to south along the msr into fab bravo lazing now over gonna be engaging with apkws laser guided munitions level reaper two this is six six i copy advice ingress south egress east how copy over roger that ingredient aggressive about now phantom 66 phantom 66 the assault on fox bravo appears to have died down uh advised you return to your previous tasking to coordinate with savage break and attack the village scratch the radio tower to the north northeast over reaper two reaper two this is six six failure to hit target is still mobile he's holding on the south road center of the road advised for re-attack ingress east egress west how copy reaper 2 over roger that 6 ingress east egress west meeting with cow 8 0 reaper 2 this is 66 advised laser guided munitions again civilian infrastructure behind the target over eight traffic for six over roger copy lane munitions five times roger reaper standing by for effect over and i think we're stabilizing now roger fascinated me out six ribbon coming back from reaper 266 good effect i have connections standing by for media reaper 2 reaper 2 this is 6 6. target is tracked advise re-attack with guns stand by break guns attack ingress south egress east northeast how copy reaper 2 over east northeast over [ __ ] he's [ __ ] hauling one six six six sit rep over uh one one nine send it one nine situation on first platoon over uh i think we had a mass cast we're still living now i think we wiped out most of the armor and the air fix i'm trying to gain control and get started for my squats roger one nine reorg and reconsolidate on that objective go ahead and hold there until you're solid to move to your tertiary objective over reaper two six six didn't copy say sagan over six inbound from the south now reaper two roger that standing by reaper two six six good effect i've got smoke stand by reaper two six six advice re-attack repeat repeat over roger repeat granting from the north level reaper two six six cancel my last target destroyed over this is six six on thirty situation on your armor over arm and uh this is the telehealth one april three of your wagons bradley one and bradley two are still up and functional we'll start pushing to new hellhound overwatch okay hellhound this is six six hold your position i'll have ogre send a re-arm refuel vehicle to your position how copy over hello six seven six seven six six on three six can you get a hold of ogre and get them to get a resupply and re-arm vehicle whether it be the nemara or the soft vehicle out to hellhound in first platoon's ao over grand resupply for hellhound understood soccer one created part for lg freedom over phantom phantom this is 66 coming over 30. go for phantom phantom be advised you've got three times enemy infantry squads north of your position 100 meters and closing over that's good copy fact do i have any available air assets roger you still have a 35 in the air doing cap actually it should be coming back in right now for that all right i'll i'll confirm reaper one reaper one this is six six on seventy do copy i copy on seventy reaper one reaper one i have targets for gun run do you think you want to hit it with the f35 over break break break break reaper one beat fires kind of going to mi24 flying over fob alpha rover well that's not gonna happen now then roger that reaper one six six disregard my last ever splash tail rotor out over hellhound this is actual i copy hh resupply marker radio tower one six zero zero seven five explode it might be solid reaper 2 reaper 2 i have priority target north standby radio target radio tower one one four one one zero soft targets three times enemy infantry squad friendly's on the south east we'll mark for gun runs stand by for more over one one seven roger that six six rebounds i need you to mark your location with green smoke in about 30 seconds how copy over good copy one one seven interactive reaper two this is six six enemy infantry targets danger close to blue four targets blue four will be marked by green smoke southeast of the target standby we've just dismounted one four and we are gunned gun run on radio tower one one four advise ingress from the east egress southwest targets will be marked with red smoke if possible friendly position mark with green smoke over six six roof two copies friendly's position uh green smoke and a musician possible red smoke uh ingress east egress south west now reaper two six six that's confirmed i'll also lays the target for you let me know when you're on that attack run i'll have smoke pop uh preemptively over roger copy currently going west from ready to tell gonna be following a turn surely i've got eyes on those enemy contacts so roger that roger that reaper two i'll have blue four pop green smoke over roger coffee phantom phantom this is six six pop green smoke on your location a10 gun run danger close your north how copy over good copy six this is phantom we don't have green green smoke we have white snow roger go ahead and drop the right white smoke over here reaper two friendly positions marked white smoke over roger that lays on infantry over reaper two reaper two this is six six good effect on target repeat repeat repeat over roger that 683.2 repeat uh eta one michael phantom this is six six gun run successful repeat stand by for second attack over good copy reaper 266 be advised for infantry moving left scratch southwest of two white smokes of previous target area how copy reaper to over two copies on hostiles phantom 6'6 after this second gun run you should be clear to push that tower over after gun run pushing copy reaper two reaper two this is six six good effect on target go ahead and wave phantom's pushing target now over phantom six six you're clear to push i count five times enemy infantry left on the target over five enemies phantom this is six six i've got three contacts pushing you real close on your west over phantom i stars break era scratch drones breaking from your location i count two still alive in that location over six six is the brief two level reaper two set it for six six or the six six speed rise through two eyes on an enemy bmp two d you market grid coordinate 0 9 8 1 0 0 i'll copy over reaper 2 reaper 2 this is 6 6 i copy looking for target now reaper 266 i count a btr on that road in i don't see the bmp over roger's roger that uh standby two six this is six six how goes your assault over that's two six okay reaper two this is six six advise scrap go for six six over two drone will re-task your ao stand by over copy that reaper two reaper two this is six six i've got a btr pushing the north to south road that leads into fop bravo laze is on target advise using laser guided munitions blue four forces and civilian infrastructure danger close over roger that six six is rupee two uh be advised i can hit it with one by atm maverick if you would like over uh negative um can we hold on the maverick do you have any apkws who's over roger got apkws roger that reaper two hit with seven over roger reaper 2 standing by for effect over reaper 2 reaper 2 good effect target disabled over roger copy 1666 isar scratch drone is overviewing your location over copy that first platoon first platoon this is six six if your ao is currently clear re-org resupply and push to your tertiary objective walking the armor along the purple marked road how copy first platoon over that is a good copy roger one six six six have you passed the msr over six six one six two squats have once what is not armor is holding behind it roger that six six has eyes on now ever six six this is one six i've got some kind of civilian activity um break this is west northwest of assassin 1-2 i'll mark uh sending over your guys to investigate over copy on my son one two over to investigate one smart three for two to assassinate on seven zero one six six six do you see uh that civilian activity over hey firm i copy savage is online ready for testing advice to engage will most likely be radio towers to the north over roger i'm losing to bnp time now rifle one away pulling up on that secondary shot away friday target still active your laser is moving too much of the trees the bombs aren't hitting roger yeah the uav is kind of spazzing out uh i can go ahead uh wait somewhere keep blaze active be advised when that target was coming from that road i've got enemy vehicles still up there six six one six six six one uh happy birthday continue on mission 66 copies out i hope you guys enjoyed today's video and as always a special thank you to my channel members if you want to get priority access to special gaming events and sessions make sure you check out that blue join button down below also guys just a reminder that you can buy any of the games i play and our merch at karmacus.com while supporting the channel directly and just a reminder if you are looking for people to buddy up with and play with make sure you find your friends at discord gt karma cut but that's all i've got for you guys today i do hope you enjoyed today's video don't forget to like comment and subscribe for more content and until next time good hunting out there
Channel: Karmakut
Views: 22,713
Rating: 4.9494739 out of 5
Keywords: karmakut, a10, a-10, airstrike, Calling in Danger Close A-10 Airstrikes with an MQ-9 Reaper (128-man Operation), mq9, reaper, predator, drone, drone strike
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 4sec (2404 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 02 2021
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