Dancing Wings - PT-17 Stearman - 1600mm - Third Thoughts - Beautiful Spring Sunset Flight

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youtube brian phillips look at this beautiful thing this pt 17 is just amazing to look at look at that amazing beautiful piece of artwork by dancing wings took us four million years to build beautiful wood prop absolutely love the way this thing flies the windsock is displaying just very light winds we've got a cat out here trying to get killed by an airplane and we're gonna try not to kill it but what an absolute joy to look at this thing my goodness so without further ado 5006s 30c excuse me 50c we'll do a little back taxi action for you i must say of all the planes i have if i were to put a gasser in that's fine there cam crew this thing would look pretty amazing okay take off flaps now here we go my scale looking take off [Music] out of the flaps [Music] oh yeah you know what i did there i tried to retract the gear and it was safe oh man that thing looks so gorgeous holy cow [Music] okay let's go up here man that looks so good you'd be on my right please thank you perfect right there oh yes folks when it all comes together this plane when you're building it you're gonna hate yourself you're gonna be like this is never gonna be done it's never going to be done is it except that it will just will oh hold on how's your focus and stuff fine my camera flipped around what it like turned around when i tried to zoom like it went upside down no it turned towards me oh goodness gracious that was fun okay let's go a couple more paces out so we can do that again except actually between us hey stop stop stop man that looks good yeah okay now go up there stop right there going around the eagle killing zone winds coming from our left to our right in our face so we'll do a nice little pass here that looks so good so realistic [Music] right into the wash from the edge of the house you got to be careful about that around buildings okay out here by the edge of the runway if you could oh man it looks so gorgeous absolutely phenomenal into the ground effect just on the top of that hill use a little bit of rudder to keep that nose pointed straight cats watching 100 throttle and out about 10 throttle 15 throttle just a little bit to get that thing kicked around absolutely phenomenal love watching the shadows cast by all the wires absolutely gorgeous down the runway good so folks you may not be used to seeing me really push this plane and i don't generally because you've seen every flight i've done with it mostly because we flew it at the end of the season that's why there were basically a bunch of trees turning in our video now it's the next spring and look at that gorgeous thing looks ultra scale very realistic playing did you see the cat jump at it oh man she totally did i hope we get that right overhead [Music] she might have been jumping at something else but i'm pretty sure it was a plan she was watching up and over [Music] oh yeah over the moon here we go i'm gonna keep moving around [Music] oh i wanted that one to be just a little bit smoother but i had to get out of the way of a pile [Music] barrel rolls in this plane are hard because you really got to use rudder to help get it around okay so let's relax four three two we do have telemetry on this for a voltage okay just relaxing [Applause] my goodness it's just an absolute gorgeous night we've had such terrible weather what a nice little reward mm-hmm came up three steps in toward the house to your right slowly perfect right there over the uh killing zone there for the vampire just gonna feel how it feels to go down the runway absolutely feels amazing oh man that looks so real right through the sunset folks oh that is so sweet my eyes are paying the price for that pass let's do it again i'm gonna close one eye like a like a garment like an rc sailor what don't see the rc sailors doing this that is phenomenal [Applause] [Music] if it seems like i'm getting a little bit more janky on the sticks it's because i am when the wind kicks up you got to get a little bit more aggressive or you're not going to be in control the plane it's going to be in control of you let's see if we can do a low pass and watch this idiot cat scratching herself on the concrete because it's hilarious okay here we go did you see her going after it you hear a noise i thought i heard a noise i did not okay i'm gonna try to scroll over into telemetry here you keep watching and i'll keep flying and then look 22.1 can't help but feel like that's a pretty good amount of voltage okay let's just do a nice little pass over the low point here here we go right here just we're gonna just cut right over the top it's like i'm watching it i don't even feel like i'm flying it it's so dang easy to buy absolutely phenomenal right next to the windsock i do know that my bogeys are on backward i've had a few you guys point that out so i apologize i know it's gonna be pretty devastating to look at those things backward like that beautiful beautiful okay camp crew if you can stay where you are maybe go about three steps toward the door there you go i'm gonna just try a landing if i can get it to relax we do have takeoff laps and landing flaps this will be the type of planet i don't want to crash take off flaps planting flaps [Applause] nice three-point landing and absolutely no problems to speak of out of the flaps really nice and relaxing flight 22.7 volts left let's see what other telemetry data we've got throttle cut is on looks like we're underground five five feet which is about right we don't have the vario turned on that would have been fun look how nice this is the only axis we really did was the z-axis so elevator that is so cool that is really cool actually we don't do that very often okay i want to see if i can uh full up elevator and just taxi this in the grass i don't know if i will be able to oh i'm going to cut the grass i don't want to make it a mess yeah so let's go up here and take a look at this plane so as you guys know the pt 17 is just a gorgeous looking plane and if you remember watching the build series it was long tedious we did a time lapse people didn't like that so the next dancing wings we did was the storch you're welcome was terrible in terms of build it was it i think that build was probably worse than this this one took longer but i felt like the outcome was just so good i mean look at the absolute beauty on this thing it's just like amazing looking i mean just everything about it i did have to tighten the nuts so before your flight before your flight you might want to get some help tightening your knots which i did see look at the nuts it was the one on what you're looking at yep right there no on the inside there you go that's the one we had to titan yeah so i am quite curious with this beautiful sunset would you be upset if we did one more flight i feel like we should finish it off strong okay let's do one more okay guys you know it's real when you have our first bug squished into the wing thank goodness it was a mosquito look at that little turd better you than me airplane wing okay so this is what we're flying on gen 2 50c 6s 5000 i want you to see how easy it is to load this battery now one issue is that these things are a little bit too high so what i figured out is you can lift and kind of go to the side a little bit but at the end of the day you end up deflecting the back one so don't get this too stiff or you'll break it okay and that thing is perfect right where we got it okay ar636t 637 637t sorry why did i say 636 like the old ones and just look how clean it is in this plane and look how easy it is to load the battery touch touch my thing is it warm a little bit okay it's not hot no not hot for sure hey you're gonna need to scooch back just a hair there okay so we're going to go pretty much to the bulkhead there and right there and you see i dropped my strap down normally we wouldn't have that problem but see what i'm doing here look where i'm seeing look what i'm looking at look at my face so they can see where i'm looking yeah you're looking right at the top of the wing so you're always kind of having to talk but i just want to show you that was all i had to do this is so much better than most biplanes once you get into these bigger planes and you're going to get a little easier time loading batteries in the one okay so it's all initiated try not to move it around a bunch while it's initiating what we're going to do is we're just going to basically take right off i'm going to make sure i have my battery display up 25.2 volts okay we'll just take off right here absolutely gorgeous folks one right over the horizon a little bit you good okay i never got a chance to trim this thing really it was so windy okay going on the inside yep watch out cat man that is gorgeous so my neighbors are probably wondering why the heck they haven't seen airplanes flying because neighbors that don't fly airplanes don't understand just how windy it's so terrible which i was talking to somebody the other day at one of my accounts this week and this guy named paul he's a good guy i won't say his last name because i don't want to make him famous [Music] but paul if you're watching this you're famous now just kidding the point is i told them i said opportunities are not seen if you're not prepared and so i was like you can't wait till the weather's nice to buy an airplane you have to have it in your possession you have to have it built you have to have it prepared and i can tell you this right now one of the hardest parts of this hobby is the waiting around for good weather it sucks because sometimes it doesn't happen man that looks good [Applause] this is one of those planes where i actually don't want to go fast with it but there are certain maneuvers that you just do it oh man i want to fly between those things not the wires that's too big we did fly between those the other day by the way hopefully you guys enjoyed that was that the umx pits is that what it was oh was that what it was i can't even remember now let's uh let's bring it in here let's stick it in this hole okay oh man that looks so freaking gorgeous it just looks so real as it comes through [Applause] did you hear that noise up against the concrete that echo that rail so cool well i think that's one thing that people don't always realize is there's a lot of times that we have planes living on our island because we build them when it's bad in anticipation of when it's good so that we're ready to fly when we get an opportunity and you have to be prepared ahead of time it's tough because like we have stuff that's waiting in queue we have people that want us to come through for them we work with these companies and you know they're making a living selling these things and we're making a living not really flying them and bringing them to you as our audience and like to make it my living but it's not quite there yet and we love it we love it guys it's two years now yeah let's scare the cat again you ready she's annoyed because you're scaring her dinner away oh really probably love it stall turn beautiful that wasn't meow it wasn't kids was it i thought it was meow i did too but then she's sitting over there being quiet i think okay coming around [Applause] [Music] [Applause] i can't wave i'm controlling it and i'm filming the airplane so this is why you live in the country folks because then everybody's out doing fun stuff instead of getting mad at each other and protesting things [Applause] we do that quietly inside our homes oh did you feel the wind from it that was so cool [Music] big old slow loop [Music] awesome [Music] [Applause] so folks if you guys are thinking about maybe getting this plane i'm at 22.2 volts gonna go all the way up bent over [Music] look at that nice nice roll i'm just real real docile on the rolls in this plane because there's so much wing surface it's just like incredibly a lot let's try landing this way take off laps let me flaps about four steps toward the garage please letting it slow down just relaxing relaxing relax woo just a little bit of jenking around doing some u-turns there see the flaps deployed there we're going to put those right back up looks like my landing gear splayed out pretty good right now okay throttle cuts on 23 volts i could probably go a little bit longer but i'm gonna get in trouble with the camera crew because we have to go get pizza we're filming this on a friday night and friday night we get pizza and it's fun and we like it and i like to eat it and you guys like to buy this plane i promise you it's you're gonna hate me as soon as you open the box and you see the four million piece count like every one of these nuts and bolts is separate really all of them yep everything else feels solid on this plane i just think that there's just a little bit more play here than i'd like to see and there's probably i think we lost one screw maybe there not uncommon to have a little bit of that on these planes you hear that just want to make sure nothing else is loose i think everything else is fine well that's the wing nuts i'm just making sure they're not loosened you can take this plane apart but not if you have those wires on there so just keep in mind it's a pretty big plane keep in mind it's an absolutely gorgeous plane and keep in mind you should follow the link in the video description below help support brian phelps rc if you haven't already done it before and you're thinking about supporting us but maybe you don't want to buy this plane or maybe you do want to buy this plane and you still want to support us even more follow the link in the video description below we have paypal patreon and then of course tons of other awesome things notwithstanding the obviously we have our new website brian phillips rc it's really hard to remember brianboltsrc.com www.brianphilsarc.com if you go there we're going to have a page for this just like we do for most every plane the camera crew has been feverishly working like a busy body trying to get it all done and she's done a really good job of getting it up to snuff i'm really really happy that she's been doing that but it has been challenging for her so pat her on the back if you want to give her a pat on the back don't just leave it in the comments go to brian phillips rc and just navigate around maybe buy something while you're there and please no website design is not my forte she's doing a great job i'm learning she's doing great and by the way that was both planes on both lights or what did i read i don't know kids were at about 20 minutes on video so that'd be about right so you know 10 11 minutes and not pushing at all i don't want to dead stick land this plane it's just too gorgeous and i don't want to put it down on the tall grass the grass thank god it's tall now it's getting tall our little dead patch finally we got some groceries rosacea and plugs wait he didn't do either of those things it's not rosacea what am i trying to remember they used to make your hair real game you said the wrong thing i remember i was loving good execution that's why you come to brian phillips rc so as you can see beautiful pt 17 by dancing wings absolutely love this plane it was a terrible build but it was an awesome plane worth it definitely worth it it's expensive and it's worth it this is probably one of our nicest planes and we have a lot of planes it's not my favorite plane it's my nicest plane i love a lot of planes this would rank in the top 10 probably okay and that's not an exaggeration yeah i don't have a lot of i if you said gun to the head you have to pick your favorite or you die i'd probably just die because it's it's i don't know but the truth is i love these planes i love all of them a little bit and i love more of more of the bigger ones i'm finding that i really appreciate more now as i get to be a little bit better pilot a little bit more experienced pilot because i feel like you can do some of the cool things you couldn't do with the small ones but i also love the small ones because you can fly and land and take off from air like areas that are tight and i know that that you know really helps people to get out there and fly especially the ultra micros and those things just get you into tight areas but for now this is what we're going to be gawking at what an absolute gorgeous plane just love it all the controls moving i'm going to give you one more taxi as we conclude what an absolute joy that thing is to fly to all right guys you know what to do hit the like button if you enjoyed the video or if you didn't also click the like button don't forget to subscribe and come back for more because we had tons stay tuned
Channel: BrianPhillipsRC
Views: 6,375
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pt, 17, steerman, stearman, stear, man, pt-17, dancing, wings, wing, bitgohobby, hobby, bit, go, rc, balsa, wood, aircraft, air, craft, build, arf, plus, assemble, assembly, brushless, motor, gram, 1600mm, mm, 1.6m, meter, 1600, 1.6, bi-plane, bi, plane, aero, radio, control, spektrum, smart, as3x, safe, auto, leveling, level, stabilization, flap, setup, nx8, 6s, 5000, mah, unbox, box, maiden, flight, almost, ready, to, fly, servo, biplane, stabilizer, artificial, three, axis, sensor, aided, envelope, ar637t, ar, 637, pnp, 37, transmitter, reciever, plug, play, flapperon
Id: qF2NwY0_tB8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 18sec (1338 seconds)
Published: Mon May 09 2022
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