Dance with Rainbow Ruby - Full Episode 🌈 Kids Animations and Songs 🎡

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[Music] it's time for a magical journey come along to rainbow village with me we've got some friends who depend [Music] so let's go for a rainbow [Music] rainbow rainbow [Music] i got glue everywhere glowy neatly does take practice what do you think ruby she's beautiful dad she's perfect thanks ruby let's see how your doll is coming along um mine's not ready yet it's not quite perfect you know ruby there's no right way to make a doll and it doesn't have to be perfect to be beautiful i just remembered i left the windows open in my room i better go shut them or my dolls might get cold be sure and finish that doll you're off to a great start mm-hmm i will dad thanks oops i forgot to wait for the glue to dry guess i'll try gluing her smile on again later bye dad [Music] i wonder what's happening in rainbow village they must really need our help hop on taco ready choco [Music] rainbow village here we go [Music] [Music] good afternoon rainbow ruby choco i'm so glad you could come actually today i called you here because we've been working on a very special show and we'd love for you to see it sounds great we love a good show don't we taco excellent right this way [Music] welcome to rehearsal for princess kiki's first rainbow village ballet show [Music] wow the whole village is so excited tonight is opening night [Music] um hmm [Music] why hello there i didn't realize i had guests wow princess kiki you're such a good dancer thank you rainbow ruby i've always loved ballet it's dancing for a princess don't you think bravo princess kiki princess kiki has been practicing for hours every day to make every move perfect [Music] and now for the grand finale [Music] princess kinky are you all right i'm fine just a little stumble oh goodness i'm afraid i can't stand up let's take a look looks like you've got a crack in your china leg a crack oh don't worry i think i can fix it cinderell can you please find me some glue and dress choco you can be my helper [Music] news and bad news the good news is you'll be as good as new the bad news [Music] nine minutes isn't long enough for the glue on a china leg like yours to dry oh i so wanted to make everyone in rainbow village happy with my dancing i know send my royal messenger to spread word through the village that the show will be delayed until the glue is dry [Music] oh my oh my i'm afraid it's too late to reschedule everybody's already on their way what if i help you dance princess kiki you can hold on to me why i suppose we could try it's no use rainbow ruby i can't dance oh i don't want to disappoint everyone seven and a half minutes till showtime how do we keep the audience happy even though princess kiki will be dancing we need to save the show somehow yes rainbow ruby the show must go on hmm i'll need some things to help me entertain the audience luckily i have some helpful things in my rainbow roller what do i need to do this job today [Music] i can help by being a ballerina i'll dance for kiki so they don't have to cancel the show i have a ballerina tutu and points juice so i can dance on my tiptoes like ballerinas do and i have a crown so i look like a princess perfect rainbow ruby you can dance instead of me i'm not a real ballerina like you then i'll try my best [Music] these moves aren't looking quite like princess kiki's are they choco [Music] just a little bit higher don't forget to point your toes can you straighten your leg rainbow ruby ouch [Music] oh i'll say choco ballet is much harder than it looks the audience is arriving performance starts in five minutes i sure wish i had more time to practice it's okay rainbow ruby just try your best shall i help you to your seat why thank you ling ling hmm huh well choco here goes me trying [Music] [Music] huh [Music] huh it helps to have you out here keeping me company choco i don't think it's going so well [Music] look at you choco you sure do have your own dancing style [Music] you know just because i can't dance ballet like princess kiki doesn't mean i can't dance i just have to dance ruby style ballet [Music] [Music] and now i'd like to introduce princess kiki the best belly dancer in all rainbow village would you come up here please princess kiki she hurt her leg and couldn't perform today but watch what princess kiki can do with only one dancing leg [Music] dog [Music] you did it rainbow ruby you made the audience happy with your dancing thanks princess kiki like you said the show must go on [Music] [Music] too thank you rainbow ruby [Music] all dry and ready for finishing touches does this mean you're not giving up on making your doll give up no way dad my doll may not be perfect but that's okay it's going to be ruby style and that's all right with me [Music] excuse me honk coming through thank you thank you [Music] what's going on in here it's a traffic jam dad some of these toys just don't know the rules of the road so i see but you better start cleaning up it's almost time for dinner oh [Music] if you keep calm and stay organized i know you'll get the job done hmm huh uh oh taco it looks like they need us in rainbow village [Music] ready choco [Music] rainbow village [Music] oh my oh my rainbow ruby i'm so so glad you're here what's going on marilyn nothing's going that's the problem this car went that way and that car went this way and that one went the other way in now now no one in rainbow village is going anyway can you help unjam this traffic jam surely hmm in order to help i'll need to show everyone how to drive safely together and keep traffic moving luckily i have some helpful things in my rainbow roller what do i need to do this job today how can i [Music] i can help by being a police officer this badging whistle will help me get everyone's attention these gloves make my hands show up clearly when i direct traffic traffic cones and caution lights show drivers where to be extra careful and i can use these walkie-talkies if i need to call for extra help my police bicycle will let me move through traffic quickly and i'll have my wonderful partner officer choco by my side first i'll help drivers remember the rules of the road hello everyone i see her in a bit of a jam but if we work together and take turns we can clear this up in no time first the red car if you can please back up a bit thank you now blue car you can turn that way now to get the rest of this traffic cleared up can you help me choco [Music] [Music] huh [Music] [Music] [Music] top-notch rainbow ruby top-notch just look at them go each taking their turn [Music] huh you're right choco jesse needs help crossing the street hmm how am i going to help jesse cross the street and all this traffic huh [Music] [Music] that should do it nice and bright come on jesse remember to always hold hands and look both ways when you cross the street [Music] thank you rainbow roofing happy to help that's what police officers do hello harmony family [Music] hi there baby harmony i like that game too you did it rainbow ruby top-notch traffic control vehicles are finally moving freely through rainbow village [Music] am i glad i found you there's a big old mess by the park the road is completely blocked oh here gina gina here's a walkie-talkie so you can keep me posted on traffic in town square roger that rainbow ruby [Music] oh no this is a disaster fruit whoa what happened thunder bell i was going this way but the thunder fruit went that way don't worry thunder bell if you keep calm and stay organized i know you'll get the job done i'll use these traffic cones to make a new path for cars while you pick up the thunder fruit oh gotcha thanks rainbow ruby [Music] right this way just a little detour slowly please that's it [Music] good job taco [Music] [Music] it's baby harmony she was playing by town hall a little while ago and now they can't find her anywhere i'm on it lingling huh hi mr slaw oh could you please go a little faster faster i thought i was speeding rainbow lily come in rainbow ruby the rainbow traffic light at the entrance to rainbow village is blinking old bunkers traffic jamity jammed up oh no i can't get stuck in more traffic i have to find baby harmony [Music] you were right gina the rainbow light is blinking all bonkers and someone thinks it's all fun and games that the lights are messing up traffic can you hear them giggling huh hey i know that giggle [Music] and i know someone who likes fun and games [Music] someone like baby harmony [Music] that's how it should be calm and organized [Music] i don't know quite what to say rainbow ruby except top-notch [Music] helped us in top-notch very special way whenever there's a problem [Music] well look at that it was quite a job but you got it done it wasn't so hard i just had to keep calm and stay organized right taco [Music] almost i can't reach the snack cabinet choco i'm just too short i wish i was taller so i could reach ah but i am got your snack ruby huh uh thanks dad but i'm not as hungry as i thought so until i am choco and i are gonna play my room okay have fun it looks like we're needed in rainbow [Music] village ready choco [Music] rainbow village [Music] [Music] oh thank you for coming rainbow ruby as you can see we have quite a problem oh what happened lingling why is there water everywhere oh this isn't just water rainbow ruby it's jessie's tears she stubbed her toe on a building a little bit ago but how could a baby cry so much she drenches a whole town well you see the thing is jessie's not just a baby anymore she's a big [Music] that's baby crying again that's jesse but how did little jesse become such a big jessie oh dear oh dear i'm afraid it all happened during a game of hopscotch [Music] you see while jesse and ellie were playing jessie got hungry so she snacked on one of the beans but little did she know that the bean wasn't just a bean it was a magic growing bean that accidentally got mixed in with the other beans and it made her grow and grow and grow into a giant baby [Music] [Laughter] [Music] luckily the effects of the magic bean only last a day but the question is will we last until the day is over don't worry ling ling i'm here to help all babies whether they're big or small need to be taken care of baby jessie grew so big i'll need to think of a very special way to take care of her luckily i have some helpful things in my rainbow roller [Music] how can i help what do i need to do this job today [Music] i can help by being a babysitter i can use the baby spoon to feed jessie the music box to suit her the blanket for her nap time and shampoo soap and a washcloth to give her a bath [Music] i've just bought a big baby jessie she's in the park to the park [Music] gosh i expected jesse to be big but not this big huh oh hey guys jesse was hungry so i thought i'd feed her some nice berry sauce jesse want more oh there is no more i guess a big baby needs a much bigger meal just hungry [Music] did you hear that she's still hungry don't worry thunderball we'll find a way to feed jesse more berry sauce there just has to be something that's it we can use the rainbow sand squisher to make lots of berry sauce for jesse [Music] thanks choco set me on a please [Applause] [Music] gosh jesse's mouth is really big and this spoon is really small open why jesse okay everybody keep that berry sauce coming [Music] [Music] oh no jesse has the hiccups we have to hear jesse's hiccups i know my mom taught me to drink water when i have the hiccups oh you're gonna need a whole truckload of water for jesse you're right gina a truckload of water is exactly what we need [Music] [Music] don't worry jesse with the big drink of water you'll be rid of those hiccups in no time water please taco [Music] no hiccups [Music] gosh now where's jessie going [Music] oh [Music] pretty who knew jesse was such an artist good job jesse but she sure made a mess i think jesse needs a bath but where in the world can i be such a big baby [Music] it's time to clean up jesse so into the tub i mean leg you go no bath oh come on jesse getting clean will feel great well well little one looks like someone could use a bath no bath does he have fun my my someone thinks it's fun to get wet good job getting jesse into the water miss swan my pleasure rainbow ruby oh goodness me okay guys this bath time is gonna take teamwork uh [Music] oh [Music] i think the bath made jessie sleepy music is just the thing to suit baby jesse so she can now [Music] close [Music] thank you really saved the day you came along and helped us in your very special way whenever there's a problem we can count on you you're a super friend and a super helper too thank you rainbow ruby hi dad ready for my snack now ruby and i have just the way for you to feel big and tall [Music] thanks dad [Music] hmm fishy swimming really slowly today huh choco huh i sure hope he's not sick [Music] be good we'll be back soon looks like they need us in rainbow village [Music] hurry choco hop on ready choco rainbow village [Music] huh oh i'm air ling how can i help rainbow ruby thank goodness you're here i have a big decision to make and i sure could use your help surely whatever you need huh um what smells so nice flowers today is the rainbow village flower festival [Music] everyone has made a very special arrangement and i'm supposed to pick the best one but it's impossible to pick one rainbow ruby would you please help me choose a winner i'd be honored to lingling [Music] rainbow ruby take a look inside and see my flowers i'd love to felicia [Music] huh they're so glittery they're night blooming glitter buds aren't they fantastic surely i'm the winner oh rainbow room do you like my princess posies i sure do princess kiki they're beautiful and your doggies so cute why thank you this is pom-pom [Music] pom-pom loves princess posies don't you my sweet little pledges [Music] you're right ling ling it will be really hard to choose what's wrong he's never acted like this before [Music] something must be really wrong with pompom dogs don't usually act like that for no reason oh my oh my rainbow ruby [Music] to help pom pom i'll need to get him to stay still so i can take a close look and see what's wrong then i can figure out the best way to fix it luckily i have some helpful things in my rainbow roller [Music] how can i help what do i need to do this job today how can i help what do i need [Music] i can help by being a veterinarian that's a doctor for animals i'll use my stethoscope to listen to pom-poms heart and lungs and my exam kit to fix up any boo-boos doggie treats and toys always come in handy when you need a dog to cooperate [Music] come on taco let's help kiki catch pom pom you go this way choco i'll go the other way [Music] [Music] what's gotten into you you've never acted like this before kiki i like to take pom-pom to the medical clinic for an exam maybe i can figure out what's bothering him that's a royal idea rainbow ruby that a boy first i'm going to take your temperature and listen to your heart [Music] it's beating pretty fast that's probably because he's been running around so much [Music] no temperature that's good now i'm going to feel around his body this might tickle a little bit [Music] no lumps or bumps [Music] oh does something hurt let me see [Music] something stuck in your paw poor little palmy what do you think it could be rainbow ruby hmm [Music] a bee that's it i think poor pom-poms been stung by bee the bee stinger still stuck in his paw oh goodness me that sounds serious not usually i got stung by bee once dad just took the singer out of my arm and i was fine [Music] don't worry kiki i'll just pull the stinger out with these tweezers and pom pom should feel much better [Music] rocking rainbows something sure has pom-pom in a panic huh [Music] you come down from there this moment i'll go have a word with him [Music] what's up pop you caused quite a commotion [Music] i think he's scared he got up but he can't get down come on gina i think i know how i can reach pom-pom to treat him [Music] come on come on hmm [Music] i've got a treat for you [Music] you okay chocolate you distract pom-pom with this toy i can get that stinger out of his paw [Music] there that wasn't so bad and a little ointment will make it feel better [Music] this bandage will keep it nice and clean so it can heal [Music] you were so brave good boy no no pom-pom this cone will stop you from licking your booboo so the bandage stays on and your paw will be clean and healthy don't worry you can take it off in a few days after your paw heals well kiki turns out pom pom was stung by me but i got it out and he'll be good as new oh thank you rainbow ruby come my little wubby dovey rainbow ruby you've been a wonderful veterinarian i'm so glad pom-pom feels better but we still have a very difficult decision to make which flower arrangement is the festival winner [Music] good idea taco how about we let pom pom choose the winner yep [Music] [Music] why it looks like pom-pom has chosen ages flowers good thing bees aren't attracted to paper [Music] you really saved the day whenever there's a problem [Music] hmm huh huh i think i know what would make fishy feel better i bet you're hungry [Music] you
Channel: Rainbow Ruby - WildBrain
Views: 6,432,216
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Rainbow Ruby, Cartoon, Cartoon for children, Strawberry Shortcake, tv kartun anak, kartun, kartun anak, kartun indonesia, kartun bahasa indonesia, berry yang tercampur, rainbow ruby rtv - berry yang tercampur, rainbow ruby indonesia, rainbow ruby bahasa, ruby rainbow full episodes, ruby rainbow toys, doll cartoon, barbie, barbie cartoon, toy cartoon, dress up, princess cartoon, polly pocket, girls cartoons, rainbow ruby bangla, rainbow ruby bangla cartoon, rainbow ruby song
Id: s2Irj63MpQw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 43sec (2743 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 15 2020
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