7 Daily Habits Self Made Billionaires Use to Create Massive Wealth! | #BillionaireMindset

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welcome to the billionaire mindset your 30-day journey to thinking like a billionaire now you can just watch this video or if you want to sign up for the entire series for free and get the bonus pdf companion calendar check the link in the description below today is day two and we're gonna learn the wealth habits of billionaires enjoy [Music] there are a lot of things that are a waste of time you know when you think about your life i think i i often tell people um that i work with if you can get because people people have very high standards for how they want their work life to be and uh and i said look if you can get your work life to be where you enjoy half of it that is a home that is amazing because very few people ever achieve that because the truth is everything comes with overhead that's reality everything comes with pieces that you don't like you could be a supreme court justice and there's still going to be pieces of your job you don't like you can be a university professor and it's still going to be you have to go to committee meetings and you have to do you know there are every job comes with pieces you don't like and we need to say that's just how that's part of it and and not resent those pieces or try not to but also try to minimize them i tell senior executives you should have the least stress you know there's this weird i think false idea that ceos i'm a ceo there's this false idea that ceos are under the most stress well i look at that i'm like why you're in charge why don't you delegate the stress it's your choice and uh so it's you have to figure out how to set up your life in such a way that you can minimize the things and i find people don't dislike hard work what people dislike and what is being out of control like they can't control their life they can't control their environment this happens to me when i get over scheduled i hate being over scheduled i want some time to be able to think and free myself we all have the same amount of time in the world nobody has more time than anybody else and when you become a very successful person one of the things you start to get over scheduled you have this event you had to agree to do this and maybe last night you were like why did i agree to do this i have to go on stage tomorrow i wish i were really with my family and you know or i hope maybe not this case let's say that you like this one but in general that kind of thing happens and so you have to guard your time and and and try to say a little bit flexible so that's for me it's not a waste of time but i like to have some freedom of movement rather than having every minute of every day scheduled by far the best investment you can make is in yourself i mean that for example communication skills i tell the students that come that they're going to graduate schools and business and they're learning all these complicated formulas all that if they just learn to communicate better and both in writing and in person they increase their value at least 50 percent and now i mean if you can't communicate somebody who says you know it's like winking at a girl in the dark nothing happens you know basically and and you have to be able to get get both your ideas and uh and that's that's relatively easy i did it myself with the dale carnegie of course some people wish i'd taken a shorter course now in terms of my talking later on but it it's just hugely important and you if you invest in yourself nobody can take it away from you certainly uh being focused on something that you're confident will have high value to someone else and just being really rigorous in making that assessment because people are attend tend to a natural human tendency is wishful thinking um so a challenge for entrepreneurs is to say well what's the difference between really believing in your ideals and sticking sticking to them versus pursuing some unrealistic dream that doesn't actually have merit and it's it's that is a that is a really difficult thing to to tell you can you tell the difference between those two things right so you need to be sort of very rigorous um in your self self analysis um i think certainly extremely tenacious uh and um and then just work like hell i mean you just have to put in you know 80 hour 80 to 100 hour weeks every week because and then a lot of work that that all those things improve the odds of success okay um i mean if if other people are putting in 40 hour work weeks and you're putting in 100 hour work weeks then even if you're doing the same thing you know that in in one year you will achieve what they achieve you will achieve in four months what it takes them a year to achieve i feel like hustle is the willingness to work really really hard and then also your willingness to get the job done like um kind of navigating and doing what it takes and um and so i i yeah i've there's so much about my journey where i was like i am not going to let the outcome or my success be contingent on other people as much as i can control it help it navigate it i'm going to so um so yeah in the beginning especially still now i mean obviously i'm hustling i'm like at the at this where i am now and i'm running around the airport asking people to follow me on instagram you know i just feel like it's innate in me also to a degree um but the uh in the beginning ex like there's a few examples that come to mind you mentioned that i paid my i called my friends and asked them to go buy spanx and i wrote everybody checks and sent them a check um because i needed to drive momentum and i had no money to advertise so i'm like this product is going to sit on the shelf so i need to to get people to go in and buy it i also when i went into the stores i realized very quickly that my product was in the sleepiest part of the department store it was back in the corner and nobody was going there so then i immediately went to target and i bought um envelope dividing dividers that you put on your home desk and i ran around neiman marcus and put them at every register and i put spanx in them and then i walked away and neiman's has like impeccable visual rules and regulations and um and i did that because i had to get my product out of the department and because i did that women in shoes started buying spanx and women in contemporary and and um those decisions made such a big difference and by the time somebody figured out that nobody else had approved it because i you know everybody thought somebody else approved it um it was so successful that the head of neiman's was like whatever this girl's doing let her keep doing it i mean the balance of work and play is critical and i think a lot of people don't get that balance right you know i'm 63 years old now so critical to find time for yourself get out there and keep fit and and i find the best way of keeping fit is by playing i try to encourage our chief executives worldwide to make sure that there's as much flexibility in in the workplace as possible we've set up something called the b team which is examining the way companies treat their staff and trying to make suggestions to make the dignity of work better than it's been in the past if you're too close to a situation you know like in an office you get bogged down with the manuta if you can step away from the situation you can think about the bigger picture and that's what i'm able to do on there the most extraordinary people come to necca the elders was conceived here on necker with archbishop tutu with president carter with kofi annan the carbon wall room was conceived here an organization that tries to work with industry to try to extract carbon out of the earth's atmosphere you know sitting in muhammad looking up at the stars at night things like virgin galactic so great place to think and a great place to conceive ideas well we had a fantastic day it was a sunday so it wasn't all work so a great way of capping off the day watch the super bowl with a cup of tea and uh today the 18 founders of alibaba a lot of people think they are legendaries i mean wow you all hibaba founders you must be super good at honestly most of us cannot find the jobs early days we're not that smart none of us graduate from a you know a great university um but the thing is that we are ready to learn we believing in the future if we work together if we will learn with improve we'll be there i told them for the first year everybody forget about that you will be vp vice president right you will always be a tiny manager in your life because if we're successful people will hide they will be smarter than us if we only hire people who are stupid than us then we'll be in trouble right so when we hire people who are smarter than us the company will grow and you will be happy because this is the mission that we have so i will say there's no best people in the world that is suit ready for you the best of people is always you you find the right people working together training him developing him and he training you he then you have a chance to build a team grant rant of the day the one you need to live with wake up to every day is that right there okay beat the sun up folks you got to beat the sun up if you can't beat up the roll up of the sun up you're going gonna get beat up in life okay i've been doing this for a long time now say beat that thing up that monster out there that warms this planet that nourishes and gives us light i can see again i can't see in the dark for some reason because i don't practice seeing in the dark most the time i'm on my back when it's dark look i'm at singapore today okay i get on this side of the building the views on that side are ridiculous the views on this side are crazy ridiculous and i'm living the 10x life but you can't live a 10x life if you're not beating the sun up so many of you complain about how much time you have you don't have time man because you don't beat the sun up get started early and when you get started early that means you need to shut it down early okay shut it down early so you get sleep i was i was asleep last night at nine o'clock so i could beat the sun up tomorrow this morning and see the world wake up with me look at it dude look at it my friends my folks my my beat the sun up people my 10xers out there check this out these are all boats waiting to dump oil and supplies into singapore and make some money while you sleeping they hunting somebody's looking all the time so i want you to try this for the next let's just say 30 days 30 days beat the damn sun up beat it up man it just rolls over you just roll over and beat it up before it gets up hope this finds you well beat the sun up facebook instagram twitter snapchat uh linkedin i probably posted about this event more than the entire room combined today in addition to all the other stuff i'm doing how many old people here let me see your hand if you consider yourself an old person okay thank you thanks sir appreciate it you're like dude it's just kind of like i didn't do it i'm 61 years old man [Music] i'm 61 years old and and i'm banging on these mechanisms because they're gifts they're gifts they're gifts from the gods if you have a great service and a great great product and you have a great company raise your hand if you have those three things do you got to tell the world okay because this the the cycle the business cycle your business survivability okay your business success is dependent upon first marketing wow i can't do it i don't have the money it's because your goals are wrong you're not going to pay for the marketing and advertising who's going to pay for it the guy that paid for the 15 000 package what's the roi what is the roi on nothing [Music] okay what's your return on investment every i grew up in the roi school okay i have 14 businesses today started four of them in the last 60 days okay i i want expansion what is the roi this is the business consultant i need to see the roi dude i don't i don't do rois on any of my businesses i make a decision is it a good business decision do people need to know who i am okay i have never studied the return on an ad that i did on youtube or facebook or instagram or cnbc i don't need a return i need people to know me okay you guys need to switch this thing you need to switch it how many have cash in the bank let me see hands if you have cash in the bank good good then you're not committed to your business to the degree that you have cash in the bank how many do you have equity in your homes let me see a hand if you have equity in your house raise your damn hands y'all proud of it okay if to the degree that you have equity in your house you are not committed to your business and you will never take big pharma down dude you need that money to fight the war i don't i don't have equity in a house okay i have equity in my business okay i get cash i put it in my business i get more cash i put it in more business right i put it in people knowing me because if they don't know me who's going to win the war whoever's best known wins best product never wins you want to write this down best product never wins never has one never will win best known always wins see this is the problem i had as a young salesman dude i was like okay i'm gonna make 80 grand a year it isn't worth it like like like if i make 80 grand a year as a salesman i'm making 7 dollars a month and i live in miami you're not going to do it changes nothing the opportunity has to change your life significantly enough that you're willing to read study dive in right you add a zero to that right there you had a zero to that eighty now i'm willing to learn every human being is like this by the way every human being on this planet maybe i'm wrong tell me if i'm wrong comment please i add a zero to that you're going to do stuff that you wouldn't have done just a moment befo ago okay if i can show you how to how to go from 80 000 to 800 000 all of a sudden your creativity you like i think i just met van gogh god damn i got some madonna coming out of my butt okay whoa whoa whoa i got music in my head like like ding ding ding ding you like because why man because yeah maybe the glass underneath my feet don't hurt so bad right because why because the goal is big enough most people do not have goals that will change their lives therefore they cannot lean into the opportunity hard enough for those of you who own businesses you need to create rings in your business okay so that natalie can see hey man i can go outside this these i can go outside these rings and there's more opportunity out here for financial freedom or she stays right here and she doesn't resent me she resents her because i keep throwing them out here i'm like hey there's a 20 000 product you can sell right here there's a five thousand dollar product you can get benefit from here oh by the way there's a million dollars out here if you want to in people's lives you have distractions and you have opportunities to go do other stuff and look at other stuff [Applause] you know it's like in indecisi indecisiveness is the weakness as you wear so well and it's like look you guys want to be you want to be hoodwinked by the covid you want to be hijacked by the election you want to be uh thrown off because of somebody's uh comments about you like the the universe will send you endless numbers of distractions and and to to people that are fully completely committed they're like yeah i saw that happen yeah i heard there was a car wreck over there guys sent me something this morning uh on from fox news about this guy that was arrested i'm like why are you passing this on to me and i said do not never pass on bad information to me i don't need it i don't want it i'm not interested in it by the way you're better than that and all the people you know the people you know don't need that message and at the same time by the way he sent it to a friend of mine another friend of mine my wife got it but nobody said stop it hey guys hey guys papa's on a podcast sorry about that so again you see that like like stop the distraction stop the noise and and if you don't say no to it it will continue uh it will feed you to be distracted and give you excuses to not achieve the things that you're capable of do not try the competition thing it's overrated and it doesn't work and i'm going to prove it to you right here in a second okay this is a private what's called an fbo everybody that flies in here owns their own aircraft [Music] you don't want to try to be the biggest jet okay you don't want to try to beat up most money you don't want to try to be the like the best of the best there'll always be somebody faster and stronger and richer okay don't play the game oh i gotta be number one what does that even mean man i gotta be the biggest what does that even mean i gotta have the biggest car the biggest watch the hottest chick what does that mean it's a game you cannot win at okay you will get your brains handed to you i'm gonna show you what i mean right here in a second that's laying right there that's a little learjet right there i think it's a little leer of phenom i don't have all my jets right i don't know you can buy that plane for about 800 grand right next to it a little bigger look what's rolling up right here a little challenger we got a little gulfstream 4 right there that's leaks 13. don't try to play the game i'm the biggest that's stupid it's a stupid game okay it's a loser's game man i'm going to show you some equipment out here because anybody like here's a little phenom 100 that plays about 5 million bucks great playing faster fast so fast seat seven people okay maybe four or five million bucks great plane great starter plane look at this see that right out there that's a 20 passenger jet right there okay now notice what's right next to it john okay that's a 727 that a hotel owned if you try to play that game the competition game i'm the strongest i'm the best you lose that game you got to find what you need in life what's enough for you you guys got to define that i can't define it for you most people are coming up short on that game but there's a lot of other people that are making the mistake when they get in the game and they start playing they got to keep reaching not because they need it but because their ego is like oh i got to be the biggest and you know what you are you're going to turn into a hotel owns that that plane's probably 200 million dollars back there the point is don't play i gotta be the strongest because sooner or later you won't be find out what you need look look look the ass on that plane over there hey look at my little plane look at my little plane see you're like man grant man man your little no no no flash over to this one see if i'm doing the comparison thing the competition thing it's a loser's game what do you think it'll take for you to get over insecurity moving forward i'm not trying you're not trying it's not trying to i thought you said if you could get rid of it you'd be able to do bigger the unbelievable but but it's not it's not it's not a target i have letting go of insecurity no i think it's just a human condition i think it's part of the game i think it's part of being a human being any more than i want to get rid of my arms you know or my legs or my arms and my legs my body my body is a limitation yeah you know so um how do you manage it better than like for people that are saying i you know i want a 10x but i always have insecurity and fear that i'm going to fail and people are going to show up and yeah the deal's going to i'm going to go broke how do you personally get tell the conversation to yourself to the insecurity and fear yeah it's not stop it's come you know for me for me fear fear the things i i'm scared of i'm like come on you know it's calling me says hey come play over here it's an indicator it's a good indicator not a bad indicator lean into it lean into it come play with me okay so i either have fear because it's really dangerous and stupid or like physically dangerous yeah like let me get to the edge of this thing i'm gonna get on the other side of that thing i'm probably gonna be scared yeah now why am i gonna be scared though like because i don't know what it feels like to fall you know this many floors and hit yeah maybe it does maybe there's no big deal about maybe dying is not even a big deal right but i don't have the exp i don't consciously have the experience so you know i used to be like i can't buy a 78 000 house i was terrified the first house i bought i don't know what i'm doing because you have experience i don't have the experience man this this is the problem and you're not going to have the experience if you don't move through the fear and a lot of people do it once and then they don't do it again you got like it's not going away yeah it's just gonna you're gonna get used to you're gonna get used to the ski boots you know the first time you put them on man they're freaking banging your shins like i can't mend but you just wear into them the theme that runs in my life is just disappointment throughout the whole thing particularly the first from fifth to from 10 years old to 25 and then 25 to 50 you know yeah i was doing better because i i had a drug problem at 16. oh you did yeah was that the disappointment or was it like no no no the drugs were just the drugs were a byproduct you know it was the disappointment was uh you know the school thing school was disappointing no uncles no dad right no i didn't know direction just boredom that's why what you do with these the races at least keep somebody occupied for some moment of time that gives them a goal big enough and a challenge sure i didn't have any challenges you didn't have anybody like setting some goals up in front of us no no no when my dad died i kept waiting for one of the uncles to step up and they didn't god and that pissed me off because i'm like dude somebody's got to step up and give me a little guidance here but you but you had older um brothers my older brother died when i was 20. right so 10 years after my dad died so there was no men just a bunch of women and mom mom wasn't like setting big goals for you no no my mom my mom grew up in bread lunch so you know i'd go to my mom i remember i did a deal when i was 30. i bought my first piece of real estate and um mom i bought this piece of real estate it was three million dollars a 1.9 million dollars and she's like wow that's great but you know i just i love you just the way you are right and i hung up the phone she said that to me a thousand times and i hung the phone and said yeah but i don't love me the way i am and then my counselor buddy dale says you need to love yourself the way you are i said ain't never going to happen dude right i said that's the big lot i don't want to love me in the way i want to become the guy i should be i just want to share a couple things with you about creating wealth this is not something i was taught this is something i discovered through trial and error through finally becoming aware that what i was being taught didn't work um look i was brought up like most of you watching this if you're if you were brought up poor in the middle class you were never ever exposed to possibilities and opportunities you were trained to get an education work hard get a job that's my buddy jj right behind me he's in transition in his life 50 years old getting ready to make a move getting ready to do something different see him putting his tongue out here's my little girl right here this is what i'm talking about wealth well real wealth real wealth would include the freedom to go where you want when you want stay as long as you want and you deserve that okay you deserve it listen to what i'm telling you right now because everybody told me i couldn't have what i was dreaming of everybody told me it's not possible give it up that's only for select people you got to have a big break to make that happen you're thinking ridiculous don't have high expectations well the truth is my entire life i've had monster monster expectations and again i want to remind you when i talk about wealth creation fund i'm not talking about money okay yes early money would include but i'm talking about family i'm talking about love i'm talking about marriage i'm talking about kids man i'm talking about having the life you want going where you want doing what you want wealth creation formula listen to what i'm saying to you if you pay attention to this if this message is getting you at that time in your life where you're like you know what i'm sick and tired of being sick and tired i know there's something wrong with what people are telling me your mom and dad got a job bought a home put some money in retirement and they're worried every second of every day that is not wealth okay that is not freedom most of you watching this are going to be in the united states but if you're outside the united states see if you're outside the united states you want to be you want to be have a middle class like the united states if you're in the united states and you're in the middle class you're like wait a minute what what is this thing the middle class and why am i not feeling the freedom that everybody says this should be so good i got a good job maybe it's paying you 50 grand or 60 grand or 70 grand or 200 grand the truth is in all of those levels you know there's no freedom there's no wealth if you look up the word wealth it might be a good thing for you to do here i'm going to give you a couple of tips and i'm going to give you this link to a wealth creation formula that i did literally discovered that i wrote the blueprint for you to have a formula so you could create wealth so you could create what you want in your life so you can go where you want get your family with you if you want hopefully you want to take your family with you so what is this is it possible is it possible for you to have a plane with your name on it 365 gc is the tail is on that back engine right there called the tail number and that tail number it says i'm going to be grant cardone 365 days of the year that little plane right there is 8.3 million dollars to buy it used costs 2 million dollars a year to operate how do you do that when you grew up broke you grew up poor i'm talking broke i'm talking every week your paycheck goes to your bills it goes to your rent for the first from between the ages of 19 and 23 or 25 19 to 25 i couldn't make my rent for six years and then one day i'm like i'm sick and tired of being sick and tired okay how do i create wealth how do i create freedom how do i get enough money and it's tough it's tough when everybody's telling you you can't do it you see what i'm saying my mom and dad nobody talked to me about having your own brain nobody talked to you about millions of dollars but it's possible it's possible and you should have it look if i can do this you can do this all right but i couldn't do it because i was operating with other people's formulas that were based on jobs and salaries and retirements and savings and cutting and pinching and save the pennies and save the nickels and put the money in the keo account because my employer will match and i never get that money for 30 years look that right there that is real wealth that is real wealth that allows me i'm not talking about money again i'm talking about real wealth that allows me to go where i want when i want how i want so here i'm going to give you a couple things the first thing the first thing on the wealth creation formula and this might seem really simple and dumb to you but do you need income you need income you guys out there hating on jobs you're like oh man a job job is just above broke you need a job that pays you money okay the second thing you need to do is you need to get that money and only only only spend money only spend money on things that will create more income you understand what i'm saying no debt no debt debt is not for spending debt is not for a home i would never borrow money to buy a home we rent our house okay we rent we just we just left a vacation for 10 days i rented a guy's 13 million 13 million dollar house oh it's nice too got a beautiful house i don't want to own his house i want to rent his house i want to use his house me and my wife grabbed his house put our kids in it and we walk away when we want okay but tell them why we wouldn't want a second vacation home did you already do that yeah about then you're stuck going to the same place you already already went over there oh what are you doing barefooted huh she doesn't know i'm going to give you all this material in the wealth creation whoa okay go what you where you want do what you want stay as long as you want we were going to go extend our vacation for another seven days or so but we can't because mama didn't bring the passport mama didn't bring the passport so you know what now we don't have our freedom again so we'll go to miami and pick them up and who knows maybe sabrina will talk me into going another place so look here's the deal in the link below since my family's grabbing me now i want you to grab i want you to get the link to the wealth creation formulas this is not something i was taught this is something i discovered from the age of 25 25 to about 45 i started my companies thank you i started companies and i did it all wrong okay and i want you to learn from my mistakes so you don't have to make the same mistakes first thing i did wrong was when i made money i spent it okay i spent it on junk and i'm like i corrected that really quick because that was fine i i've always been a fairly frugal person believe it or not i'm telling you about a plane about i'm telling you about a vacation where we just spent 10 days in the past 13 million house but i'm actually extremely frugal i've always been frugal but the problem with the frugal is at some point the frugal traps you and contracts you and makes you stay smaller than you need to be i should have been reinvesting money so this is what you're going to learn in the wealth creation formula first thing you got to do is make money second thing you got to do is add income to that i know that sounds simple but you're missing some points and i'll go into detail on it the third thing you want to do is you want to stay broke now this is a very very important concept this is the concept that allowed me to buy this plane actually i bought this plane two years ago based on the concept of going broke make money create second flows of income multiple flows of income to start trapping more money and when you start accelerating that and getting more money and savings you want to go broke you want to start investing in things that will allow you to buy time and opportunity okay time and opportunity are worth way more than money and again you'll see all this information in the wealth creation department and you might be thinking dude this guy's just bragging about how much money he makes no i'm not okay okay don't be envious envy is not a way to increase your wealth your time your freedom or increase the value of your family okay the way the way the way for you to get out of the trap the trap that i watch my mom my dad my brothers my sisters so many of my friends the way to get out of that trap so i got a buddy here jj he came out we're flying him home i had three of my other employees out here my executive employees brought my kids out this is this is a guy i can't tell you who that dude is in the door in the gateway there what is it called the plane goes up so much going on man there's so much going on so look look check it out okay here's the deal the reason i'm telling you this is not to brag if i can do this you can do this okay if i can do this you can do this but you need the right information and by the way let me just say this for you for those of you watching this and like i don't need all that stuff i don't need a plane you need a vacation don't you you need to bring your kids on that damn vacation maybe you need two or three vacations a year okay how about this how about you don't need a vacation but you need to stop worrying every second of every day every minute see i watched my mom worry from the age of i guess she was 48 years old when did she have me my mom had me when she was 38 my dad died 10 years later so my mom's 48 years old has no income and no ability to have a job no didn't know how to create multiple flows of income didn't know what to invest money in never thought about time and freedom as more important than money so what happened she just tried to save her way and save the family to take care of us that is not a way to take care of a family the way to take care of your family is to create time and opportunity and you're going to hear and you're going to see in detail me walk through each of the steps in the wealth creation formula because you deserve that folks maybe you don't want to fly friday okay no problem just take the money and give it to a church take it and give it to you to people that are suffering hurt okay or maybe do you do this you buy the plane you create more time and more opportunities and that creates more money so you can get to more charities the church help your neighborhood help your family all i'm telling you is this okay you deserve it you deserve to have it all you deserve to go where you want do what you want have a little bed for the kids so they can sleep on the way home okay you deserve this life okay and by the way when you get this i guarantee you you you you you only have to do one thing you got to pay taxes i'll talk a little bit about that in the wealth creation plan how to how to minimize that see people in the middle class and even rich people they get they get hammered so hard by taxes because they never learn how to avoid legally how to take advantage of the tax trap see those guys can be beat but to do that you got to have cash flow again it's in the link below okay i'm trying to inspire you right now to say look you deserve it all you deserve this lifestyle you deserve what i'm doing right now you deserve it you should have it you should have it for yourself your spouse your kids your family okay you deserve to have it all we're gonna go to miami now there's a there's a tail cam and a map if i switch this over let me see if i can show you how to switch over forward video i'm gonna show you the tunnel cam watch look this is the tail cam see there's the mountains that's where i was outside i was walking around out here is that cool or what okay i'm done bragging i'm done bragging but i'm not really right you got to give me a what 30 minutes massage what you want to earn 18 really bad don't you yes first step in the wealth creation formula how do you find the right job to create the right income i'll actually lay that out for you how do you find the right job the right vehicle to create the right amount of income at the right time and opportunity number two how do you add multiple flows of income okay what do you spend money on what not to spend money on when to use debt when not to use debt okay third thing how do you go broke on purpose why do you go broke on purpose this is a phenomenal thing that i've done for years now i discovered this what you need my seat to go down why so it can be a massage oh so it can be a massage she wants to give me a massage turn some income then you go broke now she's gonna go broke on some shopkins i wouldn't advise that i would go broken investments i would pour that money into things that create new flows of income it said that the average millionaire has seven flows of income it's actually way higher than that imagine 25 years old i'm broke got a drug problem today i probably have 70 different flows of income okay half of which are more passive than active it's a life man it's a good life tell you what's a long way from being broke in a drug problem long way from not having the wife i want not having the kids i want not having the time freedom i wanted you deserve that they don't teach it in school they don't teach you in college your mom and dad probably didn't know how to do it okay number one you can have this life number two you deserve this life number three if i can help you get there then you help me fulfill my legacy number four i asked one thing of you when you make it and you will if i can you can okay when you make it i ask you to do one thing pay attention to what you're doing pay attention to what works write it down build a program and give it away to other people i remember having a job i remember like i'm making 60 grand a year and i cannot figure out how to have any money left over there was never money left over it didn't matter how hard i worked how good i got at it i i i said i was making 30 figured out how to get to 60 and didn't have anything trading time for prison people talk about slavery i was a slave i was sitting there man i could not get off the treadmill [Music] so tonight i want to talk to you not about making money okay yeah you need to make money but you're already making money everybody in the room's making money how many made some money today somebody gave you something for your time today making money is not your issue you already make money okay and you already want to do better you need to have the right target okay the target i'm gonna do this in black okay the target is freedom all energy all investments should be going toward freedom not money money by itself is a trap it's useless pieces of paper there's no passion in it who's got a hundred on them my wife race raises her hand i got a bunch of your money with me okay who's got 100 on her okay let me see 100. i want to see if your money's any different than my money this is yeah see i just made 100. okay it's a little more than that 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 white people okay 195 i got 195. okay go ahead and sit down sir please see it's easy to make money right all you got to do all you got to do is understand understand money i don't need to actually manufacture money so when i ask you guys how many of you want to make more money you're like you don't need to unnecessary step okay you want to write this down strangers have everything you want everything you want is in the hands of a stranger your mama don't have it your daddy don't have it your uncle doesn't it uncle g might have it okay uh uh your nieces don't have it the money that you want the freedom you desire is in the hands the bank accounts the real estate the companies of people you don't even know i don't need to make money this is what you guys going to work every day i got to make money i got to make money wrong target wrong target i need to connect with people that can get me to freedom this by itself is passionless there is no passion in it it's pieces of paper it was printed by a machine okay somebody decided okay on this one we're going to put abe we're going to put andrew jackson on this one we're going to put they're all andrews i hadn't seen this many 20s in a long time okay so it says because i don't keep 20s i'm like give those so give those to the guy park in the car you guys should keep 20s just to pass them out to other people say here get rid of little little babies [Music] get rid of the little babies and make friends use use andrew jackson to get your freedom i'm gonna go free no excuses anymore no education reasons no economic reasons i don't care who the president is or who he is i'm getting my freedom okay if you're taking notes tonight i'm not interested in inspiration i'm not trying to get you jacked up tonight how many of you jacked up already like i'm already jacked up i want to get jacked up i go to starbucks i get jacked up cost me four bucks to get stuck i get joe i'm jacked up i need freedom who wants freedom freedom should become your battle cry okay since 25 years old the only thing i've been interested in was being me on my terms i was talking to deion sanders just three nights ago dion hits me because my instagram feeds like man how can i help you all know who dion is deion sanders i said deion sanders good dude right there good dude he hits a little guy from lake charles louisiana nobody knows i hadn't been in a world series hadn't been in a football game i can't do any of that stuff i'm not a rapper i'm not famous he hits me and says how can i help you do what you do i said well i said well dion what do you think i do he's like you do a lot of stuff man i said but what do you think i do dion he's like well well you you you're an honest guy you're a truthful person it appears to want to help a lot of people and i said i do man i said tell i tell you what i want to do because people know that i've written books i've written eight books 13 best-selling business programs that have made millions and millions of dollars for me and my family and my companies we have we have 14 little divisions of companies right here in aventura about five miles from here uh that that'll do 150 million dollars this year and i remember when i was 23 years old i couldn't pay 275 dollars a month in rent 275 i was late almost every single month uh you know i i got my own little bird i fly around the world in it's like it's crazy my life is crazy and i said dion my life is crazy i said but what i want to do with the next 20 years of my life is i want to help create i want to teach people financial freedom and he's like man grant you know our people my people he's like my people he means african-american people he's like my people don't know how to get money don't know how to keep money and don't know how to invest money i said yeah you know what's going to happen the system is rigged and they're gonna say what you need to do son is you need to go to college you need to borrow some money spend six years of your life in what looks like a prison to me okay 12 years of schools public schools go back by your little school how many of you went to school how many of you went to school raise your hand if you went to school okay raise your hand raise your hand if it helped you i'm not sure i'm not sure go past by your little school that you went to when you were in the 8th grade the 10th grade and the 12th grade and you hit me on instagram and say hey tell me that don't look like a jail to you it's not changing conditions for people would you agree so so if i got a if i got a 19 year old kid that that's a african-american 19 year old and i'm like do you need to go to college to have a chance you need higher education to get out of the program oh by the way that's going to cost you money you need to borrow money we'll give it to you two for free for a while sound like a drug dealer here first one's on me first first week's on me right you're being played folks you're being played okay now now up to this point you've been played after tonight it's on you i don't care if you're making 300 grand a year i know people are making 300 grand a year they have nothing at the end of the year i know guys that make a million dollars a year and you're like bro i can barely breathe i have nothing left over i want to talk to you tonight about freedom how do you get freedom to do what you want with who you want as long as you want and say no to the people that you don't want to do you you don't want to do and play with anymore how many of you own your own business here how many business owners okay good how many of you'd like to tell a customer from time to time you'd like to say i need to ask you to leave my office off the premises take your take your andrew jackson's and your lame ass out of here get off my property okay please write a yelp review about me then i kick you out of the place because it'll be good good good advertising for us see but you can't do that what you guys do is you grovel no she's like not me so she flips the other way she becomes stubborn no no one is going to tell me what to do you do that you play that game you'll end up with nothing too okay you got to figure out a strategy here folks you got to figure out a strategy okay i just want to bring you back damon john's going to come up here tonight i guarantee you my little man damon call him little man when he gets here by the way everybody's saying little man stand up little man okay i love this guy okay um i'm gonna tell you where i started you see that little place right there that's where i grew up that's where i 275 a month rent those are two doors guess what that's a duplex who's been in a duplex before a duplex somebody lives on the other side charles whitman was my landlord charles whitman was also my accounting teacher in college the rent was 275 dollars a month the year was 1978 and i was late half the time dodging this guy i took delivery of that a year ago [Music] okay right here in opa-locka that's stupid okay hey hey put your hands together if that's ridiculous no no no put your hands together if that's ridiculous look look if you get to meet somebody that can pay cash for a jet you need to be like hug it out with them hard all right okay look ridiculous everybody say ridiculous see that picture right there ridiculous see this picture right here ridiculous how many of you sick and ridiculous do which which side of ridiculous do you want to play on what side of ridiculous because your life is ridiculous right now folks okay your life is ridiculous every level of your life is ridiculous you go to the store you're paying you're grabbing groceries for the little freeloading kids okay how many of you got kids you how many of you got kids raise your hand if you got kids okay how many of you act like a kid [Music] you're like man wait a minute man you give me too much to think about what should i be doing right now i'm trying to get you to undo some of the thinking you got going on okay the game should be freedom when you're going to the store this is not a political issue this is an economic issue tonight the date's what july what july 18 2019 let this be the night your life changes what have i been thinking man i've been ridiculous it's been ridiculous let me see how many levels are ridiculous in the room how many of you got cash in a bank right now raise your hand if you got cash in the bag ridiculous how many of you have a home have a home you you bought a home and took a 30-year mortgage out on a house raise your hand if you own a home no no no come on let me hear it let me hear it let me hear 10x if you bought a house 10x if you bought a house that's it six people in the room you guys are lying to me now buying a home is ridiculous how many of you went to college 10x if you went to college ridiculous ain't no brain surgeons in this room [Music] what are you sir he's gonna be a surgeon in a year okay ridiculous stupid he could have been a chiropractor he could have been a masseuse i know my sisters would make 300 grand a year do what they want go what they want as long as they want travel around the world like what's the point guys oh well i'm meant to be a surgeon my passion is cutting people open and that and that that that that's what an accountant i am an accountant that's what i'm going to do in life dude good do all that stuff if you want to i want freedom i don't care if i got a wrap to get there catch footballs to get there cut people to get there i want freedom okay and for me being a surgeon cutting people open when they need to be cut open is not going to give me the freedom i want freedom go where i want when i want as long as i want with who i want and kick people out that i don't want to play with it's not about money cash doesn't do that for you you can put as much paper as you want your pocket pablo escobar was not free [Music] he was not free he had a cash problem everybody agree cash killed him finish this statement if you know what it is cash is ridiculous king king now he's learning fast he's like i don't want cash cash is how many were taught that cash is king who do you think taught you who do you think ran that mantra into the american society who the banks how many believe this the information you got from that group that you grew up in that neighborhood that you grew up in that address and the beliefs and the thinking of your moms and dads your pops your mom's the uncles the ants what would could could be some of what could be the issue right now okay help me out here a penny saved is a penny earned right how many know that saying a penny is a penny okay your mama got real complicated here a penny is a penny and if you spend time with them you'll end up with nothing freedom how do you get freedom what would be the easiest way i could be a rapper man i'm gonna be kanye i'm gonna try that okay the chances are negligible to negligible right i'm gonna be a ball player too late for me you're not tall enough right you're not fast enough and by the way it only lasts about five or six years i bought that plane because i learned how to do this is what we're going to come back my team's going to come back in 10 days and talk to you about how to invest in real estate real estate not that you live in but real estate that pays you to live wherever you want there's a specific kind of real estate in america today that has created the life that i have today that allowed me to buy that jet to put fuel in a plane to travel around the world to go to australia for a month be be there for a month and none of my income changes you can't do that with just a job i got a watch on right here it is beyond ridiculous okay you want to look at that johnny it's stupid bought two of them the same week that's how stupid i was that week but i didn't pay for it that paid for it okay i go to work every day i bust my ass every day how many in the room work hard congratulations say i work hard no i work hard no no i'm gonna do it then you do it i work hard oh damn come on guys i work hard [Applause] look look you got to have energy i'm 60 61 years old i got more energy than the center part of this room i don't even know how you guys made it to the damn event you should have run out of energy before you got here i work hard you're damn right and you need to tell the whole world you work hard and you need to work hard and at some point you got to be like okay wait a minute i worked hard why am i going to waste that when i can invest that [Music] what am i doing buying bling you know what what am i doing saving money two ends are the same problem one guy's hoarding it frugal mr frugal and another guy is blowing it both of them ridiculous everybody agree okay how many of you got cash in the bank let me see your hand if you've got cash in the bank let me see your hand if you got cash to make raise your hand goddamn don't don't tell people you don't have anything you guys in the back there do you have any cash in a bank it's stupid what are you doing you're making wells fargo and bank america richer than they already are what do they do with your money as soon as they get it what do they do they lend it to a guy like me they call me up hey man you want to borrow some more money we got some fools in fort lauderdale over at the diplomat we got some fools and diplomat man just giving us their we don't want it because we know it's going down in value so why don't you take it mr c mr gc mr 365 gc 10x man why don't you take it and you poured in some of that real estate and you keep it for the rest of your life and you make your family wealthy long long after you die you understand i could hit the stage right now and die and my kids next week will go to my funeral they burn me up or whatever they're going to do what you going to do with me she'll be like whatever okay okay whatever that's over with okay and you know what's gonna happen she her life doesn't change next week she doesn't have to sell anything next week when my dad died when i was 10 years old i learned the biggest lesson in my life my dad was a successful guy hard worker like most of you in a room worked hard good guy five kids 52 years old heart blows up in his chest his two youngest kids were twins me and my brother gary uh i shared a womb with one dude okay i've been sharing with my whole life i'm tired of sharing you guys are too serious man do you know how much fun you can have when you get rich dude it's fun man it's funny you got y'all need some money so you're not worried about it you're worried about some of you in a room are rich and you're still worried about your money i know people that have millions of dollars they're more scared of it than the people that don't have anything so i'm here tonight because my at 61 years old my goal is to help people get what i've gotten or more you deserve this you've got to get out of the grind this is what i told dion the other night i want to teach people how to get into vehicles that are accessible to them regardless of your race your religion your your education level your age nobody cares in real estate they don't care if you're 19 and they don't care if you're 59. they just care do you want my piece of property can you buy it will you close can you get a loan and we're going to show you how to do all that all right who's interested in doing that yes okay all right 50 years from now this paper might not even exist on this planet you guys understand that you want to take this garbage junk fiat made up pretend paper and you want to exchange it for addresses and bricks and concrete and glass and steel now i've got some special bonus clips that i think you're going to enjoy but before that it's time for the billionaire mindset question of the day i want to know what was your single biggest takeaway from this video and your plan of action for the next week also if you've already got your billionaire mindset companion pdf calendar get ready for another amazing video tomorrow or if you don't have it yet you can get it for free in the first line of the description below and if you're enjoying this billionaire mindset series give me a hashtag billionairemindset in the comments below so i can celebrate you you have to unbrand yourself from who you've been to get to who you want to be a lot of people may know you for something they may know you for something they know you for being this kind of person being the person who does xyz but maybe you don't like that anymore maybe you don't want to be that person anymore and it might require you to unbrand yourself that you are no longer this person in order for them to start seeing you as this new person that you want to be this is a tangent just came to mind but this is why a lot of people uh kids have a hard time influencing their parents even as adults you know as you as you are an adult as you grow up and become an adult you realize oh your parents didn't actually have everything figured out they're not the superheroes you thought they were they loved you that but a lot of times they're just doing the best that they could but most parents do not want to listen to their kids for advice for what to do next because you've been branded as the kid not as the person who gives advice that's why they don't listen to you it's why it's really hard to influence your siblings too because especially if you're the younger sibling you've been branded as the little brother the little daughter or the little little sister you're not the one that they listen to for advice you have to unbrand yourself from that so when i was talking to matthew about this on on my interview we'll link that up at the end of this video he talked about this long unbranding phase that he went through where he stopped doing romantic comedies where he got offered millions and millions and millions of dollars to keep doing romantic comedies but he just didn't want to be that guy anymore he did not want to be that guy anymore and so he turned down every single movie deal for 20 months for 20 months considered retiring considered like acting isn't for him anymore he's making you know millions of dollars doing romantic comedies and just was tired of it not going to do it anymore and we'd go back and be a teacher that was his backup plan until things changed he successfully lost the branding as the romantic comedy guy and he started getting other opportunities and i think it starts as a self-identity thing who are you do you believe that you're still the son do you believe that you're still just the brother do you believe that you're still just xyz of who you used to be and maybe that was an identity that was given to you not one that you have ever even chose for yourself it starts with the personal on branding so for me i used to have a website people knew me from my website i had a website i was i was heavily into seo search engine optimization we had a hundred thousand plus pages of content i had uh thousands i don't know how many thousands six thousand eight thousand something like that people writing for my website i was i was really good at getting articles to rank and i was telling my story and famous stories and i just got tired of it i don't know it just seemed to be a publishing game there seemed to be less heart in the content we're making and just seemed to be about ranking content as opposed to actually doing something so i i got a little bored of that and i started experimenting with youtube that's the start of my youtube career i mean i just started experimenting just throwing out some videos and they weren't they weren't fantastic but it was just an experiment a test and i liked it so much that i had to find a way to keep doing it and i remember the day that i shut down my website i i didn't want to sell it because it was off my name and i didn't want to sell iphonecarmichael.com uh so i decided to close it down and i shifted my team the people who were on my team were doing the work for me i gave them roles in the youtube side of my business that was starting to take off so nobody you know got laid off or fired they keep working for me in a new capacity and it took a while for the people who were successful authors some of the authors on my site had had posted hundreds of articles i was driving a lot of business for them and we shifted it it wasn't just like a uh a shutdown right away but we we phased in maybe it took a couple of months for the whole thing to happen and i was known as the article guy it's funny because it's been it's been over 10 years since that and now i'm known as the youtube guy or the believe guy i actually like believe better because believe could be anything youtube is too specific to just one platform but being known as the believe guy now there's this great video where grant cardone on his christmas uh christmas day he's filming christmas days he's doing an ig story of him opening up or his daughter opening up a present or something or they walked into a hotel room i forget what it was but there was believe there and he said believe you see that evan carmichael believe and he tagged me in the story it's like yeah i'm i'm definitely down with being known as the believe guy but that became a conscious unbranding rebranding phase where i don't want to just be the article guy i don't want to be known as a guy who can get your content ranked in seo and it's funny now every now and then i connect with an old author like i connect with somebody who was on my site who who knew me back in those days it's like yeah i used to post content on your art on on your website i wrote articles for your website that was fun and it's like yeah that was such a long time ago i don't really think about those days much anymore um it's how quickly i've on on branded myself from my own identity if you want to change where you are then you need to change who you are you are a direct result of the environment that you're in of the people that you hang out with of the habits that you do regularly and of the media and information that you consume on a regular basis you are where you are in life because of your parents because of your friends because of the books you are reading or not reading because of the netflix shows or youtube channels that you are watching or not watching and if you want to change where you are in life you need to grow as a human being you need to change who you are one of the great great great advantages of reading is that you get to take lessons that it may have taken somebody else decades to learn and they've consumed it and they've written it into a book decades sometimes of research and knowledge that you can consume in a couple of hours and immediately apply somehow to your life or to your business it's a cheat it's a hack and for a lot of you you may not have a great circle of friends you may not have the ability to go out and network with people you may live in a tiny town you may have family that doesn't support you and so a lot of you will then say well that's my lot in life and i'm screwed and i can never change that no you can change it by reading right by reading you are hanging out with people who've done a lot more than you and the more that you are hanging around those people even if they're not in front of you it'd be amazing to have tony robbins sit with you every single day and help guide you through life but because you can't have that you can have his books you can learn from him you can apply all of his lessons into your life on a daily basis and start seeing growth and that applies to any of the authors that you might look up to i take this even a step further in that as my video consumption has gone up i've read less and less and less i still read i'm not happy with how much i'm reading i probably read a couple of nights a week i try to make it a daily practice so it's one of the things that i'm working on but i consume a ton of youtube content i much prefer watching videos than reading a book that's where my mindset is at it's why i make videos for you guys it's why i do the top 10 series in the mentor me series especially because i selflessly me i want to hang around people who've done so much more than me and the more that i'm hanging around those people the more their mindsets their way of thinking their attitudes their belief seeps into me to allow me to go off and do bigger things elon musk and tony robbins and mel robbins and e.t and all the people warren buffett that i profile i feel like are my friends like these are my acquaintances these are guys and ladies that are in my ear constantly pushing me to do more to strive for greater things because the people in my life don't the people in my life are great and i'm so fortunate to have people who are extremely supportive of everything that i'm doing but nobody's telling me evan you suck you could be doing more like what you've done is great but i know you could be doing a lot more and the amount of growth that i have seen in the past couple years i attribute exactly to the video content that i have consumed and made for you guys and i guarantee you whether it's watching youtube videos like mine whether it's reading a book a day you know whether it's consuming just content that inspires you on a regular basis if you were doing that if you made it a daily habit a daily practice to consume content whether that's from a book or video or friends or conferences or meetups whatever the thing is that gets you feeling like you could do more you could be greater you could accomplish bigger things right if you did that on a daily basis whatever the thing that made you feel bold on a daily basis i guarantee you that your life will be unrecognizable from where you are in one year from today your change will be insane and so there's that famous quote that says you are the direct result of the five people that you spend the most time with right and that's very true if you look at the five people who you spend the most time with they're probably around the same spot that you are and so the hack the cheat the shortcut to get to a better place is through aspirational mentors it's through books it's through videos and so i would encourage you strongly to really do an audit of how you are spending your time what kind of content information you are consuming on a regular basis and is that contributing to you on tapping the inner potential that you have to go off and do amazing things and if not then let's change it you need to tie your self-worth to the effort not the results if you tie yourself forward to the results to achieving your goals then you'll only take on things that you think you have a high chance of winning at you'll constantly quit on your big goals and only go after the small ones tie yourself forward to trying to the effort to doing it when it's hard make yourself proud with the effort that you put in not just when you win but if you keep getting up every day and put in an effort that you are proud of you will win on a level that you never thought was possible so i just came back from doing my 90-day tour 23 cities and one of my goals was i wanted to stay healthy on my tour one of my advices is it's hard for me to stay healthy when i travel and that's okay when you're only going for a day or two or a week at a time i eat whatever i wanted and then came back and got back on my healthy journey but 90 days on the road that's a lot of time i could do a lot of damage if i ate like i normally ate and so i wanted to feel proud of my effort of being able to eat healthy and so i think it's good to take on difficult things how do you become proud of your effort you do things that are difficult to you if it's easy and you win you don't care that's not how you build your self-esteem but when it's hard and you do it that's when you start to feel good about yourself that's when you start to build your pride that's where you build your self-confidence and so one of the first stops that we made along the way in ohio was at raising canes it's this famous chicken place where they told us you have to go to raising cane you have to go there you've got to go you got to try their fried chicken it's the best in the world great at the end of my event we went but it wasn't my cheat day yet eating healthy i had to pick six days a week it wasn't my cheat day yet and so we went and i went in and i smelled the chicken and nina and danny my camera guy went in and they bought it and i said nina can i can i have your chicken can i just i just want to hold it and i want to smell it and so my mouth is running right now just thinking about it i took her chicken instead of staying home and like you guys go out and eat no i want to come i don't want to take the easy path i want the difficult way i want to be proud of my effort so i took the chicken that she had and i brought it up to my nose and i took a big it took a big smell in it was so good my mouth was watering so much and then they had this special sauce this dipping sauce that i took and i brought it up again smelled it i can smell it right now and then i give it back to her not a single bite here you go enjoy your chicken i'm proud of my effort i'm patting myself on the back i'm doing things that are difficult in service of my goals in service of my ambition but i'm proud of where i am right now what i'm doing right now and the small wins along the way i'm proud of my effort now that may seem a little bit crazy of how to stick to a diet but i think teaching yourself that you can't be around bad food is actually counterproductive you're teaching yourself that you're not strong when people say get rid of the junk food from your house i think you're teaching yourself that you're not strong that you can't be around it and then as soon as you go on vacation as soon as you go to an office party as soon as you get out of your house you're screwed because you're teaching yourself you have no tolerance you have no resistance that you are weak in this area and so i want to combat that i want to be proud of the effort i put in and gain strength along the way and so when my friends are on a diet i tell them the same thing a buddy of mine mark drager is on a diet right now and he wants to lose an extra 10 pounds i told him here's what you do take your favorite food what's your favorite food and he said cookies take your favorite food bring it to the office i want you to be around it be around the cookies take a smell and then put it down and tell yourself that you are awesome i'm stronger than you cookies because you're proud of your effort because you're trying because you're doing the difficult things instead of taking the easy way out and teaching yourself that you're weak so how can you be proud of your effort and start making progress towards your goals i'm going to give you a three-step process on how to do it step number one is pick a goal that you're having a hard time with pick a goal that you're having a hard time going off and doing not something easy not something that's automatic not something that you're doing every day that you can just check the box off and say yeah i did it when you do the easy things you don't feel great about yourself it's good it's a little time you win but it's the difficult things what's one goal that you're having a hard time right now accomplishing step number two ask how can you make yourself proud what can you do today to make progress on that goal in a way that makes you proud and that's different for everybody what makes me proud might be different than you but something that you could take an action that you can do that would make you proud of your effort i gave the same challenge to alex who's also on a diet alex helps me run toronto dance salsa and his advice is big macs so i told him go to mcdonald's order a big mac order it he loves a big mac sauce open up the case smell it just smell that extra big mac sauce ask for the extra big mass sauce so they have to make it fresh for you right take it smell it and then go outside and give it to a homeless person because he loves acts of service you smell it you give it to a homeless person outside and then you pat yourself on the back that's what would make him proud take your goal the one you've been having a hard time on stop trying to take the easy way out on it and do something that makes you proud of your effort that when you come out of it that difficult thing you're gonna say holy cow i'm awesome i can't believe i was capable of that and you get up tomorrow you do it again you do it again you do it again step number three is share it and celebrate you just did something amazing you just did something that you are proud of share it and celebrate it whether you want to post it to an instagram story like mark did whether you want to just go tell your friends whether you want to post it on facebook tell your best friend tell your parents celebrate it yourself just celebrate put on music dance celebrate you need to celebrate the things that make you feel proud because when you celebrate it when you tell people about it when you keep doing it it'll motivate you to keep on going that momentum becomes important that celebration that sharing becomes important and i don't think as entrepreneurs we often celebrate enough about the effort we may celebrate the results hey i crossed a million views hey i got ex-subscribers hey i won this award but what you should be celebrating is the effort of the work you're putting in when it's hard if you want to sign up for the entire billionaire mindset series for free and get the companion bonus pdf calendar check the link right there next to me i think you'll love it continue to believe and i'll see you there
Channel: Evan Carmichael
Views: 18,043
Rating: 4.9321074 out of 5
Keywords: entrepreneur, yt:cc=on, evancarmichael
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 78min 58sec (4738 seconds)
Published: Sat May 22 2021
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