Dan Bongino reacts to Biden's 'creepy' whispering news conference

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With the Stupidity/Racism...

King of the Useful Idiots

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/SteelFly0001 📅︎︎ Jun 27 2021 🗫︎ replies

Poor Hannity is trying SO HARD to make progress look bad.

Biden has done more in 4 months than Trump did in 4 years.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/BeigeListed 📅︎︎ Jun 27 2021 🗫︎ replies
all right now president sippy cup joe biden today he had one of his most bizarre moments yet after he devolved into a creepy whispering voice when asked about covet relief spending honestly you can't make this stuff up this actually happened yep this is the president of the united states of america you decide employers can't find workers i said yeah pay them more this is an employee's employee's bargaining chip now what's happening i got them 1.9 trillion dollars relief so far they're going to be getting checks in the mail that are consequential this week for child care the bill on the environment why would i not be for it i have a question you think it's moments like this that maybe force his staff to yell at him and he gets in big trouble if he ever answers a question well get this somehow biden managed to even top that claiming that quote latin x latinx people you know don't want to get vaccinated because they're scared of being deported you figure it out it's awful hard as well to get latinx vaccinated as well why they're worried that they'll be vaccinated and deported i assume you mean latino joe but why do you assume that people that happen to be hispanic uh or latino or illegal immigrants or do you have any idea what message you're even trying to send to the rest of the world with that bizarre behavior uh like you know we've seen from you day after day you know i thought it was bad enough for the g7 here's a small sampling let's just look at your president oh this is only the last two weeks take a look i'm leaving out a lot of people here i apologize i'm to get in trouble but anyway we'll get back to that but um uh we um uh you know there's a lot that uh that is is is happening police chief murray of the baltimore excuse me police chief mayor police chief murphy paul of baton rouge louisiana we hold the true self-evident that all men and women we haven't lived up to completely but we've always widened the ark of commitment and included more and more people those who say the blood of the the blood of patriots you know and all the stuff about how we're going to have to move against the government well the tree of liberty is not water with the blood of patriots what's happened is that there are never been if you wanted to think you need to have weapons to take on the government you need f-15s and maybe some nuclear weapons vladimir putin laughed at the suggestion that you had called him a killer is that still your belief sir that he is a killer answer the first question i'm laughing too and mayor daniel and mayor daniella levine cava of miami-dade and the crickets two one thousand all right here with reaction the host of unfiltered i couldn't imagine a show called filtered with danbot can you imagine filter dan mangino anyway right here on the fox news channel a great hit right out of the box uh our friend dan bongino you know some of this sometimes i'll admit i laugh it's funny you know i watched him over at the g7 and he said well asked a question you called uh a putin a killer you still call him that um yeah i don't think it's funny anymore dan it's actually scary yeah yeah i mean uh can you really believe this guy is president of the united states i mean we have reverend kane from poltergeist too who's the president remember that guy is your mommy i mean that's what we have as a prayer what's with the creepy whispering by the way is this like one of those like asthma things or something like what is going on what is he doing he's like i paid them the checks it's it's so creepy like you watch it and it's like you want to cringe you don't know if you should turn it off or turn it up and here's another thing he lies like he lies all the time and he lies about everything i mean he said during the meeting common sense kind of stuff he says like i told them pay more oh thanks joe now we all figured it out so restaurants who can't find workers nobody thought of that before joe biden said if we just would have paid him more like clearly he hasn't thought through that the restaurants can't pay workers more because they don't have any money to pay him more because they don't have workers in the first place to make any money to pay workers more because workers are being paid to sit at home by joe biden but again reverend kane uh he didn't really think of that he's thought of that through and he said another thing too he said that it's a lie that the top cities for crime are run by democrats well what is he saying the fbi's lying just look at the fbi statistics that's kind of obvious you know the question is and what worries me the most about this is you know first of all there was a reason he was hiding in his basement bunker okay and i called it the the media mob big tech uh candidate protection program now it's the presidential protection program same people obviously he's really struggling with public appearances obviously they're minimizing his schedule as much as possible averaging less than one event a day dan the question is yeah you know vladimir putin sees it they're not influenced by the media in this country they they make their own assessments uh president xi is making his own assessment the iranian muellers kim jong-un radical islamic terrorist groups are making their own assessments that is the really scary part where does this end yeah i mean sean think about it china right now is making a move on hong kong uh they're implicitly and explicitly threatening taiwan as well you know like you said part of this you kind of laugh at but it's really not funny i mean it really isn't i mean we have a guy in the white house right now who by any objective measure it's not listen i'm a conservative i obviously don't like joe biden's policies but i'm really not trying to make this personal here by any objective measure a measure demand is clearly compromised i mean again i i i'm not diagnosing him i did my graduate work in psychology but i'm not pretending to be i didn't stay at holiday inn express last night you don't need to be a trained psychologist or psychiatrist to see there's something wrong and it really makes you wonder right sean like why isn't anyone else at the left side of the of the mainstream media why aren't they concerned about it as you said this is the man who controls the nuclear codes we have two nuclear-powered enemies right now led by tyrant killers xi jinping and vladimir putin and no one seems concerned about this but fox news i mean listen this is a serious issue again the man has his finger on the tip of the nuclear codes of the united states with two hostile enemies you think there'd be a greater level of concern but there isn't they don't care all right dan bongino thank you appreciate it and show every weekend right here on the fox news channel
Channel: Fox News
Views: 1,450,157
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Keywords: Biden whispering, biden, biden nukess, biden pay them more, biden speech yesterday, biden whisper, biden whispering, biden whispers, biden wispering, creepy joe, dan bongino, fox news dan bongino, fox news hannity, hannity, joe biden, joe biden nukes, joe biden speech yeserday, joe biden whisper, joe biden whispering, joe biden whispers, president joe biden, sean hannity, whispering biden, fnc, fox news, fox news channel, fox news media, fox news network
Id: phAk-3CB6vI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 35sec (455 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 25 2021
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