Rob Schneider: People of PA get the government they deserve | Brian Kilmeade Show

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this is the Brian Kilmeade show I'm a traditional liberal which makes me a right-wing fascist now it does automatically you know if you're for things like you know Free Speech or women's rights or equal rights don't judge a person by the color of their skin now they want you to judge somebody by the color of their skin if you're white you're automatically racist you know it's like what yeah you're you're white you're racist really I don't feel racist well yeah because you're that's how racist you are here Rob Schneider is all pumped up because and we're so we woke up in America is available now on Fox News as in this moment Rob yeah you can watch it at light level that's the thing about streaming services they start at midnight you know right you can get yeah I watched a little of it last night it's just so funny because you spend so much time doing the color correction you know making sure the colors matches and everything and the sound and then you end up listening it on people listening on their phone you know I did it in Dolby 5.1 it took a week and like people are like listening on their phone or they're speaking you mean you watch you you watch FOX News app you go to the you go to Fox Nation app you watch on your phone yeah you have to get used to that yeah but the the point is it's frustrating it's like I see movies and I see you know I go to my friend's house he's watching a movie he's got the wrong setting on his TV I said you know how hard it is for these guys to get the movie just right and then you set it on video and it looks like crap I'm watching Javier Bardem with some movie and I said you know how angry he would be if you're watching it on this thing he's like he spent three months of his life on them so but it does you gotta just get over that stuff you have to right no I mean because uh for example even in the news different uh live but now I never thought five years ago I'd be watching so much in my iPad and my iPhone I know but you have to because this is easily accessible and it's your job you got to watch it quickly but like you know I'll look at the you know today the news and like you know I won't even say which website that did the um some little mini review on something that was released on something and they did taking your jokes out of context it's like you know like I talk about how people moving from New York to Florida you know and they said he called them blah blah blah it's a joke and they say that they are moving from New York and California to Florida they don't act like they're not happening but don't lie to people you know but you use these things because people are hot right now and they're angry and uh but that's a good potential you have to be more careful but it's a good in where inroads to get through interesting jokes yeah I mean what this is is a lot of the stuff in the pandemic a lot of stuff going on in society that youth the setup telling the story is the setup is so implausible that a few ten years ago would say yeah we gotta do this joke about why people think it's okay for men to play women's sports you're like well it's not going to work never I think who's gonna believe who would let that happen it would go to bad for that you know it's it's just like with tolerance that Zenith becomes lunacy you know it just becomes um or nothing or words don't mean anything anymore and maybe that's the point of what's happening it's just the devolve Western culture you know I mean I don't know why I hope that's not the point I I but I don't know what the goal is well what is left what are you going to replace it with well that's what the vulnerability in our system unfortunately it's vulnerable you can have an industry like big Pharma by every Congressman every Senator and donate to them and have a real influence and then you have the lobbyists at K Street in Washington DC and they can influence policy and they can shut down the world it really can happen and it did happen and it's just like for people who who I I kind of was hip to it very early because I was attacked by Pharma years ago so I was um I kind of what happened well I was you know I asked questions and here's the thing about Noam Chomsky who doesn't get quoted a lot on Fox as much he should as much as he should but and I agree with a lot of the things he says on some things I obviously I don't but um one of the things he talks about is that American discourse we're allowed to talk about we have vociferous very you know you can talk about uh in depth and violently whatever how how you feel uh talk about certain subjects but it's narrow you're not allowed to talk about certain things you're not allowed to question science or you know or the dogma of of the Pharma pharmacological projects oh I'm sorry um products and if you do you know you can get shut down because that's how powerful it is I mean it really is it's like in a non-election year supposedly Farm Pharma products uh are advertised only in two countries really New Zealand the United States and it's 85 percent in a non-election year that's a lot of power I mean it is pretty amazing too I just realized a few years ago like I found out about schizophrenia by watching about the medicine they go schizophrenia and they show you somebody's mind separating and with the horror that they have to live every day buy this product I'm thinking to myself directly don't I need something don't need a doctor to tell me this is I could buy ketchup on a commercial I don't know I could go I could diagnose myself it works it works it sells cereal it sells you know potato chips and it sells drugs you know but I I love I have lovely cousins they're Filipino that's they have to be lovely because they're Filipino and they have to be nurses because they're Filipinos right and they have to be in New Jersey because they're Filipino and so they they're out there and they just they tell you says you know they're doctors they're such lovely people you know my the lapids lovely people they live out in New Jersey and Dr Renee lapid and his lovely wife boots it was her name here's the thing about Filipinos if you're a nickname the Mexicans and Filipinos get if you do something as a little kid that's your nickname for life like this is this is this woman Maria lapid she's a doctor of nurses she's a she teaches other nurses how to be doctors I had to be nurses okay she played with boots when she was three years old just a pair of boots she put on her dad's boots she's been boots ever since she's 80 now and she still boots and so they were saying they said Robert the thing is you have to understand when they come to us and these are our patients and they want to have a medication where and we say well what other drugs are you taking there is no database telling us all the drugs that they are taking and the problem is they expect us to take the drugs because they saw the drug on the television and they want to take it and we say no you can't do that if we say no because it's good to have an interaction we don't know what the interactions are we don't know what that this and maybe you don't need this they go to another doctor and they get it and that's the truth and so I don't think that the medical establishment and the medical you know I just think that there's a weakness in the system that the firm you know the big farm is taking advantage of I didn't dive heavily into this but part of the thing that that Joe Biden just jammed on our throat to the inflation reduction Act is give the government ability to negotiate with big Pharma to get that idea right that's a bad idea right and they they're going crazy they're stopping it don't let the government yeah don't let the government uh negotiate don't let the government negotiate with your contractor for your for what your roof you want to do yeah but right now it's what they say they sign off on so yeah we'll see um what goes on there but the one thing I want to ask you too is when you bring this up are you you're not worried about Corporate America coming down on you who are you worried about I think you have to I mean at a certain point um you just have to wherever the authoritarianism is coming from from which either side I mean I remember like in the in the early 80s with the Moral Majority and Jerry Falwell and was thinking well that's too far and it seems like I can't believe the flip-flop which has happened in the so-called liberal and Intelligentsia they've taken the mantle of of silencing people who they disagree with and even even in a greater way because you have something that like the great dictators like Stalin and Mao and Hitler would have well I mean to have the power where you can actually just if you control the information and everything I mean Hitler was a really interesting one with Goebbels because he understood they can control the the the radio and they can control the movies the cinema and then he said well here's another thing they can control when people you don't have to go to the cinema you don't have to listen to the radio but you know what one thing people can't they can't avoid Billboards it's ubiquitous you know and so the Nazis put that up everywhere in education obviously and in education yeah right in schooling so they just and then they you're able to to to Really subvert uh an entire society and most of the people uh here's what I do I do think there's pushback and there's like a lot of people come back from people like you I know Dave Chappelle went up and said this is lunacy and yeah it is and then they get attacked and then they don't know what else to call you they can't just admit or debate so they just they just demean you and just say well he's a right winger he's doing this right you know it's not like I would say like George Carlin they would call him a right winger now it's unbelievable to me I mean these are liberal traditional liberalisms traditional liberals like I consider myself we're Heretics now here is uh another cut from Rob's brand new special on Fox Nation cut 40. it's not easy being a liberal it's not [Music] cars with their masks on I don't want to give covet to myself hey you in the other car my mask only works when you're wearing I've got nothing against men's seriously I mean for some people it was the best thing that ever happened thank you you know who I'm talking about people with really sexy eyes but a up Grill I was swearing too much do you do you really feel it oh no I just helps a little I was feeling it but also the the thing about it was you know you go on a plane now and said no please respect people who choose to wear masks they did not say that when we were not like they was like put that on her get off the plane or you're killing Grandma so I don't think that they were as kind to us you know for those people who I mean I remember lunacy early I realized it was crazy early I remember they woke up my daughter two or three times because her Mass dropped while she was sleeping inferior I mean it's unbelievable and especially when like that was the thing that got me like just seeing like the the people here in New Jersey and New York you know the Educators and governor crazy lady now is she having seeing her cuckoo cuckoo a Coco is it I liked what you said about it cuckoo she standing in a classroom and they're standing without mask and the little kids The Kindergartners pre-kid Pre-K and they're all wearing masks and that's what that sums up these people that says and that's going to be there for life that photo and Stacy Abrams too when she was born in life and seeing like kids in plexiglass and kids playing instruments inside tents and I said well that is child abuse and I said that and people really tried to ridiculous that is child abuse and that who knows what's going to happen I feel sorry for like because the studies have not come out yet completely but if some of the stuff that I have read is that there is uh like you know for for for kids people of color and who were just catching up to the reading and to the math with with other kids um they now that's fallen off the cliff because the idea that they were able to just go online it said when you see kids trying to they really have they gonna go online how are they going to go online so they're standing outside the near Starbucks to get into the you know to get the Wi-Fi it was really an attack on the poor in so many ways and you know the biggest attack in the poor is the charter schools uh the charter schools that have produced Stanford just did a study and they said that the grades went up uh 26 or something these kids get an extra 16 hours of school a week by far the minorities are the greatest one to benefit from Charter Schools they have money and building set aside But the teacher students put so much pressure on the super majority in New York and I imagine other places but I know here up close and personal and they said that's it for charter schools so they went back and tried to Lobby to open it up and they still won't do it so they only added maybe five or six that keeps thousands of kids away from a quality education if you want to hurt that will change their lives if you want to help Society you have to increase education for as many people as you can if you want to hurt Society you you decrease the potentiality of kids to get good education where do you live now Arizona right yeah we moved to Arizona because I I saw what was happening early in California so we got to get out we got to get out now do you want to know how smart you are to not work for Saturday Night Live and live happy forced to live in New York in a lean to whatever you had I know you didn't have much you want to hear it here's Jerry Nadler on the problem uh with chip Roy's legislation that would have prevented any of these autocratic rules like the ones that came down during the pandemic Natalie spoke up against it listen to this and when we have a pandemic like covid-19 pandemic that we had two-year-olds should have been required to wear masks it would be child abuse for parents not to do that because there was no vaccination available for two-year-olds okay wow that's crazy how crazy trying to keep try to keep a diaper on a two-year-old you know that's not easy you know try to keep a t-shirt on them try to cover their mouths but that guy's an idiot yeah he's a professional lady he's a powerful idiot I know well that's why you have to have term limits and I think you got to have you gotta people age out you know like that guy you need to test drive if you're if you're 85 you should be tested every six months to drive and if you're 85 you should be like he needs to be tested to be in Congress you know to be to be in the Senate I think they have to do the same thing you could see it and it is unfortunately um they don't want to give up power and that's either party right they want they don't want to give up power and unfortunately that that's what you know that's what needs to happen people have to put their own interests to take a back seat and and those are the great leaders I mean George Washington is his greatest gift he ever gave to the country was to turn down being King right but the one thing I think people my staff here on the radio they look at me as the joy Rob's got a brand new special out it's called woke up in America he's got a few more minutes with us we come back you right now I encourage you to wait after this this half hour is done you could download it now and you could find yourself laughing because Rob is that good and it goes for an hour and 15 minutes right yeah yeah it's a good one it's three hours of the last three years of lunacy that I've lived under and lived with and it's like it's a for me it's an emotional Mikvah and how about this call corrected it's color corrected the sound is amazing watch it on your big screen that's what it was meant not on your phone you heard him back in a moment I don't know I I would would just um really like the you know the 95 95. you know um you know obviously that you know you're pretty much preoccupied with with 95 and I know I certainly am too and so that is Senator fetterman on the floor when asked by a fellow Democrat Rob Schneider to just say something about the collapse 95 Thruway and when it could be back on and for the people for the guy who lost his life and here we are six seven months in yeah he clearly cannot speak he cannot do this job and he dresses like a poor gym teacher in front of the president I mean how the hell did this guy get elected I feel bad for him but he needs treatment anyone who likes him wouldn't put him out there I know it's like all the great Benjamin Rush Dwight David Eisenhower Benjamin Franklin and the great the state of Pennsylvania has given another gift another leader veteran John feckerman you know it's uh it is it is a sign of the times trying to you cannot defend uh him being an elected official you would not defend him being like literally uh you'd have to go I don't know if you can be janitor at this school you know I know the thing is I don't even think he wants to do it he wanted to do a depression when he got it so how do you this is you know Dr Oz is a communicator top five syndicated host for the last 20 years yeah and he's one of the world's most respect the country's most respected surgeon why would you want to hire that guy this guy's a doctor this other guy here he's he ripped his sleeves off anyways this other guy's got a head in the back of his head we need to get I'm sorry to say but it's he does I know it is it is a sad uh State of Affairs where they just it but it really does peel back the onion another layer of saying they just want a body out there they just want to vote and it doesn't matter it doesn't matter you know I mean it is um but if people have it has to bottom out and you when you think it's bottomed out though it can't get any worse than this I'm not gonna vote for a guy who can't speak are they are they they did I know it's sad but it's it's uh you know you the people get the the government they deserve in the state of Pennsylvania I guess they deserve that that's all we can say except for the people in Pennsylvania I love them he does love them especially if you have to want to sell an arena Rob congratulations on the special I know you pumped up so much we talk about this on the Saturday night show Absolutely and promise you'll wear that same outfit oh you got it brother Brian Kilmeade I want you to do me a favor I want you to click to subscribe to the Fox News YouTube page this is leeway that I sure that you're not going to miss any great commentary any great news bites any great interviews coming your way on Fox you can get it all here on YouTube so subscribe right now
Channel: Fox News
Views: 413,449
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Keywords: fnc, fox news, fox news channel, fox news media, fox news network, fox news today, Brian Kilmeade, Brian Kilmeade Podcast, Fetterman, John Fetterman, brian kilmeade, brian kilmeade fox news, brian kilmeade fox news podcast, brian kilmeade podcast, brian kilmeade show, brian kilmeade show podcast, briank kilmeade show today, fox news brian kilmeade, fox news brian kilmeade podcast, fox news kilmeade, fox news podcast, fox podcast, kilmeade, kilmeade podcast, podcast
Id: QqV2kFEriqE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 53sec (1073 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 20 2023
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