Dan Answers Phineas and Ferb Questions!

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okay a lot of people ask me this how does phineas put on his shirt well the answer to that is a very closely guarded secret so closely guarded in fact that we have hidden the answer in a place we felt like no one would ever find it in the opening number to the highest rated animated telecast ever on basic cable phineas and ferb across the second dimension one more time slowly but the real question you should be asking is how does phineas get those orange stripes on his shirt and that's a secret we have guarded even more closely you'd have to watch for two more seconds okay i've been getting one question a lot all of a sudden i don't know why it's suddenly come up maybe everybody suddenly got to the same episode on disney plus your name is ferb well yes it's short for oh what is ferb short for so in the second to last episode act your age where we go into the future and we find out that ferb and vanessa are dating she calls him this hey furbs you ready she calls him furbs ferb is short for furbs what i didn't say was a lot shorter it's 20 off if that was a sale you would buy it okay can we just talk a little bit about these internet theories because i still get asked this all the time and the answer is no candace does not have schizophrenia she's not imagining what the boys are doing that's just a super dark meme that somebody made up but this one is even darker because in this version candace dies then and i quote after the funeral candace's mom read her diary and asked walt disney himself to create a program from it what would that have been like mr disney my daughter died tragically could you make a funny cartoon from the schizophrenic ramblings in her diary well you are in luck man because all of our living non-schizophrenic writers are completely out of ideas and people still ask us on a regular basis if this is how it happened and no this is not how it happened swampy seriously we promise plus doofenshmirtz is not phineas's dad and neither is pinhead pierre pinhead pierre yeah i found this online when i was looking for those memes i know right okay a few days ago i made a video debunking some of the online theories about phineas and ferb one of which i said doof is not phineas dad and i got a lot of anger about this i had people arguing with me as though i wouldn't know the thing is we made that impossible in the series a lot of people point to this flashback from what do it do where doof and linda go on a blind date but at the end of that date doofenshmirtz says very clearly and then i never saw her again now phineas and ferb are step brothers but phineas and candace are full brother and sister and they're about five years apart so it is technically impossible for doof to be phineas's dad the thing that i find funny is that no one ever asks who's ferb's mom hmm i'm just kidding it's not her dan dan please tell me who sings evil boys from phoenix and ferb everywhere on the internet says it was candace flynn but it's obviously not ashley tisdale because her voice is much higher than that okay it's sort of early in the morning for this but those boys are always up to something it's bringing me to tears it's just before you get home it always magically disappears those bars are even before you get home they somehow always clean up the mess those [Music] so i hope that answers your question [Music] okay so a lot of people have asked me to explain this joke where is betty what did you say i was just asking where betty is oh what did you think i said well i thought you said never mind it was too weird the thing is a lot of the stuff that went into phineas and ferb was just stuff that amused me at the time and it really amused me that we would never find out what isabella thought he said um but if you really want it here it is so we're in a brainstorming meeting pitching new ideas for phineas and ferb episodes and somebody brings up the fact that nobody knows what a shoelace tip is called and i said well i know it's called an aglet that's what we should have phineas and ferb do for an episode is raise aglet awareness and nobody could figure out how that would even be a story they were like really and one renegade story team we had john and pierro stepped forward and they said we'll do it so after a week they pitched me this story that it was like a da vinci code conspiracy to keep the word aglet a secret and i said it's not that it's just that it's a word that exists that nobody's ever used they just need to raise awareness for it they were like well then it doesn't matter and i was like exactly and that can be candace's point of view wait a minute it doesn't matter and if we do it right there'll be a whole generation that knows what an angle it is i'll bet you you knew so a lot of people asked me how the phineas and ferb star wars special happened we were in a mix when that news broke and somebody saw it on their phone and said oh my gosh disney just bought lucasfilm for 44 billion dollars the very first thing i did i had a pencil in my hand i drew this picture i texted it to the head of the studio with the caption i smell crossover and uh later that week he was in a meeting with bob iger and at the end of the meeting he just showed him that text on his phone and bob said yeah we got to get right on that and for me who was the first kid in line for the very first showing of star wars in mobile alabama in 1977 that was like playing at a candy store there's a couple other really funny stories about making that special if you like this one i'll make it a series we were in the middle of breaking the story for the star wars phineas and ferb special and somebody called me and said hey eric the head of the studio wants you to come into this meeting so you can meet the executives from lucasfilm and i said i am not ready to pitch this story yet they said oh no he knows that the story's not ready he just wants you to come down and have a meet and greet and i said okay and i came down to the meeting and then eric just says hey can you pitch us the story okay he didn't get the memo i'll just i just launched into it the problem was we had a whole bunch of sections that didn't connect in any satisfying ways but because i was telling the story out loud to these guys i solved all these story holes as i was going and was able to connect everything beautifully and at the end of it they were like oh this is this is really great and i excused myself and i went and i grabbed a piece of paper and a pencil as fast as i could so i could write down what i had said because they were solutions we had been looking for for like two weeks so i guess necessity is the mother of invention when did phineas and ferb's parents get together we know that this love-handled concert was really important to them and you can see they have they look super young and their style is different here they both have their like older clothes on they have like older style that's when ferb came into the family okay i get asked this a lot so i'm to try to clear it up when lyndon and lawrence went on their first date to that love handle concert they were both single parents they both had kids at home with babysitters then six months later so when they decide to get married they're not that much older they just no longer dress like they're at a concert i know the costuming is a little confusing because love handle sort of dresses like an 80s band we just thought that was funny but that concert takes place in like late 90s early 2000s the thing is i know i'm gonna have to post this video again in like six months because people will continue to ask me this just like no candace is not crazy no the boys are not dead no doof is not phineas dad those videos exist too you can just go scroll through my page if you want i guess my question is are all mom's sims for dr doofenshmirtz well yeah why does that surprise you [Music] if they are this is the very first i've heard of it so someone asked me who's the most famous person i've worked with and i'm not sure how to measure most famous but i will tell you this story when we we wrote a song for the first phineas movie with slash from guns n roses and we were shooting a video with him and we're rapping at the end of the day and we all wanted to have dinner together and so one of the execs and i drove over really quick to this hollywood restaurant that was supposed to be really good there were already 20 people who had put their names in and were waiting and we went up to the hostess and said there's going to be 12 of us she's like we'll see what we can do but it's gonna be like an hour and a half two hours and i just leaned over and i said would it make any difference if one of us was slash we're coming from a video shoot and she said we will seat you as soon as your entire party is here and they made a table for us for 12 people i don't know who else i've worked with that would have gotten a 12 top table made out of thin air for them but actually i do taylor swift would have gotten this a 12-top table and she did take two with phineas and ferb so it's slash and taylor swift okay so about 20 years ago i designed this character [Applause] [Music] and i colored him a teal green because i just thought it looked cool but since then i've had to answer this question a lot so why is he green i just thought it looked cool you know platypuses aren't green and kids heads aren't triangles what what's your point but guess what just happened this is a real thing that just happened they just discovered that platypuses have a special kind of bioluminescence and in ultraviolet light they glow green i called it i called it ah patty the planets why are you green again is it because dan was decades ahead of the scientific community i'm very pleased with myself all right most of you know me from phineas and ferb milo murphy's law and the the new movie but what you probably don't realize is i also wrote this the campfire song song when i was on spongebob campbell writing and boarding for that show i went home and wrote that song recorded it with my band brought it back in and my writing partner at the time jay lender he said that when spongebob points to patrick he shouldn't be just trying to keep up with the letters not able to which is how i originally pitched it he said he should say letters letters letters letters letters letters letters which i thought was much much funnier so i took it home and re-recorded that part and that's the way it was for a long time but at some point in the editing process steve and or derek decided to make it back to the way i had originally uh pitched it up i think it would have been much funnier with letters letters letters letters letters letters letters so i was in the phineas and ferb writers room with martin and jim two of my writers and we were just throwing out lines for this scene and i said that idea just may be crazy enough to get us all killed and they laughed and said we should do that i said no we can't use that that's from something and he's like i don't recognize it i've never heard it we should we should use that and no i said i didn't just make that up that's from something i'm remembering something here i'll i'll look it up and i typed those words into my uh google drive and sure enough here it is that idea may just be crazy enough to get us all killed it's from a spongebob that i wrote with jay lender and had completely forgotten about apparently but in my defense i'm pretty sure that jay wrote that line yes yes i did so we wrote so many songs for phineas that we occasionally did parody versions of our own songs we wrote our own weird al versions of songs we had already written like thrusted or i couldn't kick my way right into her heart ladies and gentlemen love handle but then on milo murphy's law there was a song i had to write that was sort of a love boat theme and we had already done sort of a love mode song for phineas and ferb so i took that music and i wrote my own weird owl version of it for milo murphy's law which happens to have weird owl in it so i got weirdo to sing my weird al version of my own song [Music] it's sort of like a snake eating its own tails okay this video is for dan povenmeier because we have a question we've been watching phineas and ferb and we're trying to figure out how on earth they're able to afford to do all of this there's no way it's just from an allowance that's a fair question on the first day of their summer they built that roller coaster and phineas says this we should have charged more so they charged admission for the roller coaster took those profits and invested them very wisely and that's been funding their summer ever since [Music]
Channel: Dan Povenmire
Views: 2,934,370
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: BpFIrUWe1V4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 25sec (805 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 22 2021
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