Dallas Cowboys vs New York Jets 1978 1st Half Week 16 J.I.P.

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12:06 third down Dallas needs less than a yard for the first down Cowboys at their own 44 yard line white Honda signals this time Laidlaw gets the call he's got the first now we got a play at the 49 yard line if you don't know if that's a flag or a piece of paper but I think it's a flag there are papers everywhere I mentioned just before we went on the air this times resembled sort of a a flying garbage heap anyway doesn't it with all the paper in the air is that any kind of connotation of my nickname the garbage can you feel right at home so they'll bring it back as the indication is the penalty is gonna be against the Cowboys 10-yard walk-off let's see we get the call here for the referee pen drive offenses holding number 81 Jackie Smith guilty of the infraction so wipe out the first down the ball does move back inside the 35 yard line it's now third down and 11 David for the first down Frank they've got Preston Pearson in there who's our leading receiver he's got 45 receptions to date right now and you know he's one of the great receivers he played with me down to Baltimore played for Pittsburgh for a while and is a real prized possession the Cowboys Danny white from the shotgun good he's going long for deprave can't hold it at the 45 yard line of the jet so the Cowboys will be punting it away here it is again right here on the replay you'll see I'm setting up the shotgun the snaps directly back to Danny white sets up great drop by the linebackers you can see what the quarterbacks looking at right here throws it right over the middle good pass defense good job defensively by the Jets Marc Merrill number 58 was back there contesting with Dupree and white of course does the Dallas punting as well and has done it very well now he's got the wind at his back let's see what he gets here very much very poor kick off the side of his foot got to be out of bounds around midfield they say it's out of bounds at the 48 yard line White's going to be a triple threat man today he will not only play quarterback but he will punt and he will also hold on placement attempts because Charlie waters the regular holder has got a bad finger 12 minutes 20 seconds left to play in the first period at Shea Stadium no score [Applause] introducing a whole new breed of Mustang the all-new 79 Mustang from the new aerodynamic design and Mustang performance from options of b6 v8 even a turbocharged engine Mustang 479 the new breed in two-door and 3 door models capture one at your Ford dealer now a good quarterback does its homework on and off the field that's probably one of the three of us are all drinking a lot beer from Miller lights got a third less carriage than the regular beer and it's less filling plus it tastes great and you know it's important to have a command of facts like that it's middle discipline really you're darn right cuz if you know every position every option every formation you'll never get your signals crossed that's my beer turn beautiful Miller everything you always wanted in a beer unless this telecast is presented by authority of the National Football League its intended for the private use of our audience in any rebroadcast or other use of this telecast without the express written consent of the New York Jets and the National Football League is prohibited first and ten Jets up the ball at the 50 yard line after a 20 yard punt by Danny white Matt Robinson fumbles the snap and falls on it widely at the 49 Robinson of course is the young man who came on when Richard Todd broke his collarbone in the fourth game of the season and he has been something but just less than sensational so far this year so much so that they said they can have a real battle and train again next year for the number one job well he's thrown some long ones I'll tell you he's not is completion average is only around 48 percent but I'll tell you the thing needs doing is he's hitting he's hitting Walker and those deep patterns he's hitting long average completion Cowboys go with their prepend defense on second down 11 handoff the dirty and dirty gets scrambled in the scrimmage great defensive charge that time by the Cowboys as cliff Harris broke through there with an assist from Randy white to make the stop in the Jets now our -3 on this particular series of downs and have a third down 13 of coming the temperature is not that cold it's in the 30s it's easy for us to say though because the witness it's not bluffing on us like it is on the guide to the field but it did the 30s it should drop during the course of the day the Sun keeps peeking for the clouds but it's the wind that gets you Jetts on their own 47 yard line Robinson with the drop long release Wesley Walker number 85 the long ball leader in the NFL averaging some 25 yards per catch on the year and better than the 12 under yards you can see Matt setting up right up here and Walker's just doing a fly pattern he's just flying he's got four three five speed and that ball is just overthrown but throwing into the wind like that you can see that this Matt Robinson has a strong arm and he can throw it reminds me a lot of the Joe Namath with the strong arm and he could get used to playing in this team you can throw anyplace he's even got the old Namath Puma and shoe and you notice the Chuck Ramsey the punter butch Johnson is deep keeps it low bounces at the 25 and Johnson will watch it as it's down at the 19 yard line kevin bell number 80 was down there quickly for the Jets to the Cowboys will come up with their second offensive possession of the afternoon at their all 19 yard line with 10 minutes 51 seconds left in the first quarter a lighter car will use less gasoline that's why designers and stylists in Detroit are using and considering more aluminum than ever before hoods doors wheels and over two dozen other applications Detroit is as interested in saving energy as you are and strong lightweight aluminum is part of the picture it takes the average wheat farmer over 50 days and 14 tons of machinery just to plant his seeds in the ground now Phillips Petroleum has helped develop a better way a system that plows fertilizes in plants in a single step it can lighten a farmer's workload and cut as fuel use and have conserving energy for all of us while we may find products for your car that's performance from Phillips Petroleum the performance company Monday don't miss a Charlie Brown Christmas with all the Peters gang starting at 8:00 7:00 central a mother [Applause] leave her along with Tom addy and it's the last game of the season and Charlie Brown Charlie Brown yeah we got a score on the Philadelphia game at 6:00 enough in Wilbert Montgomery scored on a 2-yard run but they missed a point down there don't load juggling act wound up with the ball plucked his own would-be fumble on a paper wad updated a couple yards of the play Tony has fumbled 11 times this season that's one short of the team record for running back set in 1961 I don't think he could really call this a fumble right no I think that's a juggle right that's an old Maddy juggle dude tricks with that ball up there well I hear it again he breaks back against the grain he picks up his block but doesn't have control that football the one thing you got to do is put that ball away especially when you've had 11 so far this year Danny white the Dorset [Applause] across the 30-yard line to the 31 everything in order that should be enough for the Cowboys first first out of the ballgame that was a great call there Frank they hit him really backed up rush was coming on the linebackers dropped back to that zone back in there which New York uses a lot of and they just dropped it right underneath it picked up about 11 yards first down for the Dallas Cowboys at their 31 yard line no score with 945 left to play in the first period Jackie Smith just came back in the game so once again Dallas operating with the tight end set up Smith is on the wing off to the right side outside of Billy Joe Dupree he starts in motion again Dorsett up the middle breaks a tackle at the line of scrimmage and gets out to the 37 38 yard line before purchase Owens number 22 comes up from the secondary to make the stop it's been a very effective play for Dallas when they send Smith in motion leading the interference here it is again it's just a counter play watch of Dorsett break back to the outside he follows his blockers as well as anybody in the league as far as I'm concerned you and your pride my speed second down three Dallas from its 37 yard line eight minutes 55 seconds left in the opening period Danny white for the first time ever at regular season play hands to Scott Laidlaw and later we'll be close to a first down at the 42 yard line all that Laidlaw has done is score for touchdown to three starts during the absence of Robert new house and has averaged 71 yards per start you know the other thing about Doris said is it the defense's have really been keen on him and you can really tell it because in the last three games he's only been average in 3.3 yards per carry Franken so somebody's got to be watching him which enables late law to get pillows Laidlaw first and 10 Dallas and it's 42 yard line Cowboys to the i-formation white feeding Dorsett's dips and dips back out across the 45 out to the 48 yard line Burgess Owens again making the stop number 22 Jets could use some help in the pass rushing Department that hasn't been one of their strong points so far this year and I think that's probably where their interest will lie in the draft next time around they've beefed up the offense pretty good in fact their offensive unit is number two in the league right now they've scored just three points less than the Cowboys that's nothing to be ashamed of but they really do need help on a defensive line especially Abdul Salam is out now with a spray nail he may be in today but you can see that at the end of last week's scheme that's where they were really hurting because the Browns just marched right down the field there's white good protection completes it too late law for the first out of the Jets 45 and Laidlaw driving forward to the 42 yard line you take a look at Danny white here from the end an end zone shot it's just a play-action pass Dorsett coming off tackle sets up Laidlaw goes through first just goes out in the flat over there and hooks up in that dead spot and the ball is perfectly thrown you know Danny white he looks like a pretty good veteran quarterback out there he's generating a lot of offense you know he had a couple of years in the world football league with the old Memphis South met before he came to the Cowboys so he's equivalent now of a guy in his fifth sixth year in the pros Dorsett stopped at the 40-yard line after a pickup of just a couple of yards on the play here's an isolation of what of running back does he takes a jab step to the one side comes back up to the middle it looks like he's going to break it away right here but he gets nailed right there it's a good tackle Tony Dorsett five carries in the early going for 21 yard to the second down eight for the Cowboys at the Jets 40 yard line Danny white who apparently is the heir apparent for the cowboy quarterback position if Roger Staubach ever retires here's white again displaying the good arm as he hits Tony Hill his first pass reception of the day carries the ball to the 36 yard line Hill one of nine cowboy Pro Bowler is Larry Keller number 56 on the stop for the New York Jets Jets have one player in the Pro Bowl that's so Wesley Walker the great receiver who will be starting Cowboys have nice that sort of tell you this I tell yourself take a look at Tony Hill he has 43 receptions that's his 44th but he's averaging 18 points 7 yards per catch he's had a great year he's the Cowboys long ball threat this year third down Dallas needs four to keep the drive going they're at the 36 yard line the shotgun big rush on white gets it away he'll pull down at the 27 first down officials will give him the 25 from the shotgun again you can see Danny sitting up they have the Blitz on Danny gets that ball off it's a great throw it's a comeback pattern you could see him coming back here's what the quarterback is looking at when he's setting up there you can see the blitz coming from the inside he just gets that ball off Tony Hill makes a great reception coming back it's underthrown that's what you got to do Dorsett taking the pitch inside the 20 down to the 17 yard line goes the Cowboys fine runner Danny white now is four out of five for 34 yards not a bad start at all for a guy that's thrown only 10 passes all year long this cowboy drive started back at the 19 yard line and has now reached the New York Jets 17 it'll be second down three through Pearson wide to the left side Jackie Smith on the wig off to the right you're set late law the set back Dorset burgess Owens number 22 on the stop you can see the great acceleration of Dorset once he gets the ball watch when he turns up to the inside he really flies back up in there looks for his blockers and cuts right through good block by Burton lawless number 66 opening the way ball does at the 10-yard line it'll be first down goal to go for the Dallas Cowboys no score three minutes 35 seconds left to play in the opening period [Applause] Laidlaw to about the six how he ducked the arms right there but he got through we do have some updates on scores here Philadelphia 13 New York Giants 0 and they think to spell the playoff I think they can we also got the Tampa Bay Saints game Saints court on a 32-yard field goal by Steve Micka Meyer that's three oh no score in our game Cowboys and the Jets but Dallas with the first serious threat of the day second down goal to go Lauda's at the Jets Evan you're set picking his way inside the five [Applause] percent seven yards off tackle for the first touchdown of the game now here it is right here again just great blocking at the point of attack and look at the jitterbugging through there he fix this also well gets in there that's six touchdowns in the last six games for him right feel right leading the way this time boy he weaves back in again that's a great quickly he put at least three moves on there in seven yards I wouldn't want to have to tackle him in the open field Frank waters is doing the holding this week so white gets relief in that area cept en with the extra point try it's good two minutes 41 seconds left to play in the opening period here at sunshiny Shea Stadium in New York City as the Dallas Cowboys leave the New York Jets seven to nothing only one smoke and fire detector adjust to minimize Newton's alarms from cooking or fireplace smoke it also sounds this warning for thirty days when the battery's low and assures you that all systems are working only one smoke and fire detector combines all of it trust Honeywell to protect your family in producing a new American Road car the all-new Ford LTD 479 with more front seat room or rear seat room more window area and more handling ease than last year's Ltd plus the power of a v8 engine standard a road car to take you across town or across the country the test drive the all-new Ltd on your own roads see your Ford dealer today now the book of the cowboy scoring drive 80 yards in 14 plays it took them eight minutes and 10 seconds that's a pretty impressive Drive [Music] Bruce Harper chasing this one down at the seven back to the 20 for at the 25 to tackle at the 30 is finally dropped at the 35 yard line he just reported to play there Franky's an exciting ballplayer that little guy he flies all over the field free agent didn't cost him anything Adira do it all he returns putts he returns to kickoff she runs she catches passes everything but sell tickets oh maybe that's that we didn't see him out there early does sell tickets at his own way I'll tell you that he's an exciting player sellout crowd on hand today of some 60,000 Matt Robinson first hand off of the day - Kevin law now long is the leading rusher on the year for the Jets and each 86 yards coming into this game to reach a thousand only one other jet rushers done that before and that was John Riggins here's a San Francisco score right here they got a Detroit got a field goal on a 17-hour 19 yard field goal by Benny Ricardo so that puts them out in front Detroit's coming on this second half of the season I imagine they wish the season's last little six games or so second down six Jets at their 39 yard line Jerome Markham in motion again it is long getting a call and he is sandwiched at the 41 yard line number 43 Louis number 50 and breunig number 53 the Cowboys middle linebacker from Arizona States who school play Rutgers up here in the Garden State Bowl yesterday mr. Jones was having a few words down there Chris Ward I think they were thrown a few our Marvin foul rather number 79 third down Jets need three for the first down Larry Cole is in at a defensive tackle we gave you jethro field to stop line up but Jethro has been a question mark all week and has been out for a get underneath that Robinson intended for derke incomplete interesting thing about Robinson is that he was a backup quarterback at the University of Georgia was a ninth round draft pick last year and look at him go the guy who played the head of a quarterback at Georgia understand is now running the service station there's the kicker Chuck Ramsey and to do the punting at Butch Johnson back anticipating a punch standing on his 15-yard line a minute 11 left in the opening period Ramsey's had a good year punting the football out of Wake Forest the very promising team the Jets and they feel that you know they were in the playoff picture up until last week against Cleveland when they suffered a heartbreaking loss Denis Thurmond short man for the Cowboys fumbled a pun out of bounds so Dallas will get the football at its 32 yard line with just over one minute left to play in the opening period Cowboys lead the Jets 7 nothing on Tony Dorsett 7 yard touchdown run [Music] Avis rent-a-car Avis introduces rent-a-cars you wish you owned like the Chevy Caprice as a department myself but that like sedan to build the Olds Cutlass Buick Regal the Pontiac Grand Prix rent-a-cars you wish you owned Avis now features GM cars three unidentified 19-inch color TV pictures each the best of its brand over a thousand people saw them and picked the one with the best overall picture they didn't make America's biggest selling sealant or the second biggest RCA over 60 percent picked the 19-inch Sylvania super set over 60 percent a lot of people think we've got the best picture the Sylvania super set Christmas Day at 4 p.m. dr. J and the Philadelphia 76ers make a house call on the New York Knicks you say you saw it on CBS Sports pro basketball back on CBS as of Christmas Day one of the officials lost his hat went blue so hard it blew it all the way over to the sidelines so they had to call of a momentary delay first and 10 Cowboys bought up their 33 Danny white for the five on that impressive first drive for a total of 34 yards Cowboys had six first now into that drive Scott Laidlaw taking the handoff and there's nothing for him is Joe Pellegrini number 77 makes the stop let's bring you up to date on some other scores around the National Football League another extra Mark Miller scored on a one-yard run to put Cleveland ahead of Cincinnati which is a great rivalry in that area down there and also the Giants have come back and got on the scoreboard now they're only trailing Philadelphia 13 to 3 that was on a 27-yard field goal second down 11 our score Cowboys 7 Jets nothing Cowboys bought up there 32 yard line good protection for white out the door sir Jets played that very nicely Schaffer sucks particularly number 23 and Joe Klecko number 73 here again you can see the kick this is just a play-action screen over there sets up to fake screen to the right throws back to the left and a great play by collector coming up and making the tackle in the backfield he read that screen fast saw what was happening and that says goes let's play went for a touchdown the cowboys last game but the Jets obviously had it scouted well [Music] you want to stop something darling you under start something you want to start something start using rayovac alkaline energy cells the finest battery rail that makes no ordinary battery can last as long as our alkaline energy cell in fact one rail back alkaline can last up to eight times longer than an ordinary battery so if you want to start something start using rail back alkaline zombie started with their every will today's physical Americans if you're one of them there's a new cologne made just for you racket club it gives a man the physical advantage it's like the terrific feeling when you know you're gonna win it racket club the new cologne for men it's Christmas stop accelerating bracket but where it when he says it's my most effective weapon new racket club cologne my English leather the physical advantage [Music] remember this Rhine wine by any other name is not the same well next time you wonder what white women drink think of gallo ride Frank Libre with Tom Matty back at Shea Stadium in New York 2nd quarter about to get underway with the Cowboys leading the Jets Pius scored 7 to nothing very windy blustery day with the wind gusts up to 45 miles per hour even the goalposts are moving a little bit look at look at the top sticks of those goalposts wait Cowboys ball third down they need 13 for the first down at their own 30 yard line hello Baxter white back at the 5-yard line looking was long over the meadow the 32-yard line that was a great scramble by white and got rid of ollie we're really back in that hole there you can see the ball pop right up through his hands maybe fall back his taller I don't know but he makes a great play the ball bounces up in his arm that's just a lucky bounce then he starts looking around and lights up almost completing the pass and Preston Pearson not fallen down he probably would have caught it he caught it fourth and 13 big break for the cowboy [Applause] [Music] Harper at the 31-yard line 35 Mike Katelyn at the 39 so the Jets will take over first and ten at the long 39 yard line pretty good pop there you could see Harper get himself under control here starts looking for some block he breaks up to the inside watch him getting the all right those are the kind that hurt Frank tell me about never return a button your life led the team I led the league for a while a kickoff return about two weeks it was either that or disappear I it's right you want to jog it back their return kicks here's Matt Robertson safety blitz is on cliff Harris was booming through there Charlie waters covering Barkham at the 48 yard line over 83 the intended receiver got about delayed safety blitz yeah I think they went on a quick count there and I think it wondered who's just didn't anticipate the contact quickly we do have some updates on some scores Steve de Berg hit Jack Steptoe 35 yard pass it's seven and three there's Tony Dorsett on the sidelines all bundled up there's our nice stats for the first quarter then look to impressive for the Jets right now second and 10 Robinson is bold for five in the passing department he's having a tough time getting going handoff to dear King but gets out to the 42 yard line you can tell how hard that wind is blowing simply by looking at the jersey sleeves on these guys it's hard to stand up I saw a guy when I was walking in get blown over out in the parking lot fell in a puddle of water I think he might have a couple of bruised it I was more than just the wind I think third down seven Jets at their 42 yard line second-year man out of Georgia at the throttle wide open over the middle is Walker and the Jets have their first first down I think of the ballgame at the 45 yard line of the Cowboys good pattern by Wesley walking and see Matt setting up in the inside right here steps up into the pocket pressures on him really drills head ball a good catch almost loses it there keeps control picks up the first first down there was a flag on the play but the penalty was against the cowboy that's the word from Ben dried the referee Wesley Walker on the pass reception he's got eight touchdown passes this year Tampa Bay New Orleans now tied in the first period Jets trailing seven nothing in the second quarter they're at the cowboy 45 yard line Robinson [Applause] near sidelines for number 33 Kevin long he caught that ball but he caught it out of bounds good pass coverage Anderson back there protecting reaches right inside you know he mentioned Henderson had a strep throat coming into the ballgame he said he got a letter or card or something from somebody the other day with a poem on it they said Thomas Henderson sure is cute but could he play as a mutant and the answer is probably no he's if he can't talk as part of his game second and ten Jets of the cowboy 45 Robinson and depressor loses the ball but I believe the Jets recovered the fumble back at their 46 yard line a lot of pressure on them there Randy white number 54 white and Harvey Martin got a little thing going to each have 15 quarterback sacks in the year so this one decides it you could see the pressure than the tackle tackle game on the inside game around the outside and really wrapped him up it was actually stalls who gets credit for the sack here why it was also in there but stall 65 got their first you can see the tackle going outside the end their tackle in game dolls wings them around on those big guys can throw it around third down 19 needed for the first down Jets at their 46 again pressure on Robertson to hang out of the football until after he was down loss of a couple of yards on that play that's Harvey Martin getting his first quarterback sack his 16th of the year team's 55th here's Matt setting up again he sees the pressure from the inside look at the way he's hanging on that ball up like a loaf of bread now he's going back just ready to throw it and he's lucky he holds on to this thing hits the ground because it does pop out but as long as you're down with that ball under control it's not a fumble Ramsey to do the funny now you should have the wind at his back I say you shift soon cuz they you know the open end of the stadium is behind it but once the wind gets inside the stadium it kind of swirls around we got a case where two flies could be drilling in opposite directions keeps it low puts Johnson back at the 15 try to get to the far sideline [Applause] the bounds of the 16 yard line by Ken Troy number 48 of the Jets you can just see right here watch this ball being set and look what it's doing as it comes back it is really hard to concentrate not only that but when they're dropping it is really difficult to kick so it really makes it interesting all the guys that do commercials for like therefore the Millers a big stars and guys like that me I'm just a humble bartender but I drink light too and I'll tell you why it's less filling it's kind of third less calories in a regular beer and it tastes great Jerry now that you're a big star can I have your autograph why sure mr. Dangerfield yeah would you like mine that really like beer from Miller everything you always wanted in a beer unless how about my initials [Music] come fly with me in one magnificent flying machine at 79 Thunderbirds I love its luxurious cockpit fly with a v8 engine power steering and power brakes all standard glidin bridge style with rappelled roof and opera windows at a down-to-earth sticker price 79 Thunderbird what a way to fly I can afford use a bit of a breeze a change day the jet snapper is Joe feels and he's gonna have to start allowing for this in May you saw that you saw the flag now watch the football we showed the Sun just going into commercial and look at the way that ball is going all over the place a great adjustment by the punter the snap was straight right to gotta take that big step to his right just to catch up with it that ain't no fun to play either that Appeals has found out a way to put a curve on his first in 10 Cowboys at their 16 yard line once again the double tight end offense for the Cowboys Jackie Stetson motion garcetti and has stopped after a pickup of maybe a yard in the play Jill Pellegrini number 7070 end of the tackle 49ers and the Lions up at the Silverdome at least they're playing without it he went up there that's right mr deburr keen on that long fasts again he's a young quarterback with a good arm and they're you know they're in a rebuilding program - they're a young ballclub like the Jets yet but they sure weren't as six-six as successful as this team has been this year second down nine for the Cowboys at their 17 miss Danny white looks over the defensive alignment 11:25 left in the first half nice fake by Wyatt out to Tony Hill to the 23-yard line they needed to net the 26 you pick up the first down so it'll be a third and three up coming as Bob Martin number 59 of the judge made the stop you know you're Frankie you take a look at these kind of conditions that they're having and you take a look at also it's a shotgun offense that they use on that direct snap back to the quarterback that's set up about five yards deep you know what a day like today it's awful dangerous to do that as you saw with the snap of the ball in the front and this has been have been the reason why that thing took off on that last one that he had he's going under the center this time third down Dallas needs three for the first down to keep the drive going or they'll half the punt against the wind Danny White's passes took the intercepted at the 30 Larry 4:56 of the Jets makes the interception in the Jets of a first down at the Dallas 28 yard line Dallas has not done in a recent game turned the football over it is again the reason why this interception took place was that big defensive lineman got his hands up in the air catches it now watch he almost gets tackled by his own lip there Joe Pellegrini number 77 made the tip here he is again watch him get enough there Felger he hits it ball pops in in his own defense number 63 right there almost makes him tackle on him back to live action now Jets first down at the dallas 28 they give to Kevin law and law gets a yard I'd say he's going to have a tough time getting his 86 to get to a thousand because the Cowboys are number one and the NFL against the Russian you know that thousand yard mark even though this is a 16-game schedule there's still you know probably one of the greatest feats of back in have I got close to a one-year I think I got a little harder so I got 992 yards [Applause] second and Jetts at the Dallas 25-yard line [Music] that's Erin Kyle back to the 15 [Applause] yard line he takes it back to the Jets original line of scrimmage you talk about great interceptions here that ball was even thrown behind him here you'll be able to see him throw the ball Matt throws it right in there but watch where he catches that thing he gets back and then he makes a great run back right here gets him in great field position [Music] there are lots of things to munch on to feed your hunger crude burgers tacos pizza pie just a name or few but I come for good fresh chicken I know I should 11 herbs or spices make it finger lickin some guys [Music] I am dick Riley chairman of Firestone the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration has made an initial determination that a safety-related defects exists in our 500 radial tires to resolve this matter we are replacing free certain tires purchased up to September 1 1975 and at half price others purchased before that date a detailed announcement appears today in major newspapers on New Year's Day CBS Sports presents the Cotton Bowl with a Fighting Irish of Notre Dame taking on the Houston Cougars you'll say you saw it on CBS sports there's a portion of the sellout crowd of 60,000 plus on hand here at Shea Stadium be nice to sit in the sunshine today because the benches are found in the sunshine here's cowboy Hurst in tears Dorsett breaking a tackle at the line of scrimmage gets it out to the 35 and his drag down to 37 after a pickup of 10 yards of the play Billy Jackson Bobby Jackson number 40 may be stopped third meeting ever between these two clubs Dallas won both one in Dallas when the last game of 1975 which ironically was the last time the Roger Staubach missed the start oh is up here at Shea Stadium in New York against the Jets the Cowboys were quarterback that but if I Clint along Lane beat the Jets 31 to 21 second down less than a yard Danny white amidst the flying debris [Music] double tight end set up Jackie Smith and motion for the cowboy Scot blade long except the first out at the 38 yard line quarterbacks have those special slits cut in their jerseys so they keep the fingers warm between plays it's not a very very pleasant situation of course a big game for Danny white I'm sure he feels he has the opportunity to show what he can do I think what anytime you get a chance to get into their play you want to make sure you do a good job one of the things that back does I used to wear gloves on the sideline to keep those hands warm because once you lose those feelings boy it's tough to get you know to get them back warm again first into Cowboys at their 38 yard line white with the pitch the dorset bar set is caught behind the lattice finish line penetration by Larry keller number 56 the left side linebacker for the New York Jets he got through there quickly there he is right there door said just gets nailed a good tech 7 minutes 55 seconds left to play in the first half Cowboys 7 the Jets nothing 80 yard touchdown drive climax by Tony Dorsett 7 yard run off tackle the thing is that the Jets had an opportunity there they'd be able to capitalize on that fumble our that interception that they had and it could have gone in there and score they could have made this a real close ballgame second and 11 deep drop by daddy white and flushed out of the pocket by pleco gets the pass away Scott Drew Pearson at the 40 35 down to the 30 and out of bounds at the jet 29 great throw by Danny white found Drew Pearson open in that spot coming right across the middle of field here it is play-action again Dorsett off tackle Danny White's looking downfield sees that pressure coming from the left side there rolls out picks up Pearson perfect throw we did a great job under pressure there added the open man didn't me that's nice day of that kind of depth that shows market at the 28 yard line first and 10 Cowboys they lead 7 nothing why tis 7 out of 10 for 73 yards gives it to Dorsett looks like white had a little problem with the exchange with the Senator John Fitzgerald got an update on that San Francisco Detroit game now at 7 6 Ricardo hit a 40-yard field goal up there Danny white was the regular starting quarterback for the world Football League's Memphis South Men directing an offense which featured Larry Csonka and Paul Warfield there's there is nothing that is stationary in the stadium did the whole fake have a tough time standing up second at 13 it's 32 white hands the dorset fixes way up the middle Julie Jeff tacklers to the 25-yard for a pickup of seven yards on that play sets get a lot of work the seat likes to carry the ball 2025 times per game and he may get his wish at the rate he's going yes 13 carries for 54 yards give you an idea of the debris in the way it flies around here it's unbelievable you know hot dog wrappers and everything else Laidlaw comes out Preston Pearson goes into the passing situation it is third down seven Cowboys at the twenty five of the Jets white with good protection near sideline throw to Preston Pearson he's down to the 15 to the 10 and out of bounds at the 7 yard line Kristin Pearson Cowboys leading receiver on the year that's expect when he comes in that ballgame they're gonna be throwing to him because it comes in on the passing situation he's got forty some receptions right now he's about 46 47 receptions right now and he they're gonna throw to him he gets open he knows how to get open he knows how to read those defenses sets himself up out there and does another great job gets more than the first down they're knocking on the door he could become the first running back to lead the team since Calvin Hill did it in 1973 officials market at the 8 yard line first down goal the goal for the Cowboys go to our set I gotta get outside gets a yard to the 7 and that's it good containment by Schafer's Suggs number 23 other Jets stops him after a pickup of one door says had a few words there yes our set is now scored six touchdowns in his last six games snapping a six-game scoreless string here comes Preston Pearson and the lineup once again second now goal to go as you look over the shoulder barrel the gent linebacker Marc Mero [Music] Danny white handing off to Preston Pearson erases the 5:42 in the plate Jill Pellegrini number 77 jammed up the middle that time Dorset came off the field limping a little bit I think he must got his ankle twisted down there that's what the conversation was about as he was coming back to the huddle third down goal to go from the jet 5-yard line four minutes 35 seconds left to play in the first half Dallas leading 7 nothing so does Preston Pearson coupled in the backfield now with Scott Laidlaw Drew Pearson is wide to the left side Tony Hill is split to the right [Applause] Danny white masses tipped and short of the intended receiver Scott Laidlaw so a field goal situation presents itself for the Dallas Cowboys Rafael's Septon who is 15 out of 25 on the year number two score among kickers in the National Football Conference with the ball of the five Charlie waters who put it down at the 12 but you'll make it a 22 yard effort he is perfect from this distance on the year seven out of seven inside the 30-yard line this wins going to make it a little bit different though [Applause] he's got it and that too much different almost like an extra point so set the end with a 22 yard field goal and with 413 left to play in the first half Cowboys 10 Jets nothing clues America's greatest bandleader America's greatest smile's newest band leader is tapered twist of flex the sportiest twist of flex ever it'll make your old watch look new or your new watch looks better [Music] introducing came on 672 a powerful new car battery that's completely maintenance free book the 672 to this electric winch and it can pull this 44 tongue diesel locomotive the Kmart 672 fact with power to deliver surefire starts if they can pull this 44 Tong locomotive you better believe it can start your car check it out at most K Mart automotive departments across the USA where quality auto parts are Kmart price frankly bruh with Tom Madi back at Shea Stadium in New York septa and ready to kick off you'll be kicking against the wind with 4:13 left to play in the first half pretty good boot look at this Bruce Harper a yard deep in the end zone out to the 10:15 and up to the 23 yard line Jets have not been able to get it going offensively Robinson has hit 1 out of 8 for 13 yards had one intercepted and rushing wise they have a total of 8 yards rushing and one first down so far here in the first day that's not going to win many football games for you that sort of tells you a little bit about the defense that Dallas does him even with Rogers draw back out of there this defense is going to be in there they're going to stay together they're going to play their final ballgame Wesley Walker is black to the right side like Hickman the cowboy back her head up with him Robinson looking for Walker and overthrows him interesting thing with Walker now they moved the linebacker out to bump him in the line of scrimmage leaving Betty Barnes back there the in the quarterback to pick him up it's right there putting a double coverage on they want to make sure that he doesn't get a hole that fall that guy can fly with it Dallas scoring drive 68 yarder to go with the 80 yarder they had earlier second and 10 Jets at their 23 yard line trying to figure out this Dallas defense ants the Kevin long nice hole is law breaks across the 30 and as close to a first down at the 33 lease are coming throwing out on first down here is a draw right now good call they know they're in a passing situation they got the games going on up the front wall up there granny white broke to the outside good run by Kevin long Anderson number 56 on the stop of the Cowboys this will be close enough to measure you know you're talking about that Dallas defense you take a look at those two safeties they have back there Watterson Harris which I think of to the best combinations of the business today these guys are great they've got good coverage they come in on that safety blitz the Dallas Cowboys mix those defenses well they know how to play him that's why they're up there number one in the league short of the first out by a matter of two or three inches I would suppose at this point if they let the wind blow long enough to roll in second down and inches for the chats at their 33 three and a half minutes trilling Ted nothing in his law picks up the first almost breaks out of the grasp of klaris Marsten ten Jets at their 38 their second first out of the afternoon closing in on half time here Frank we've only got three 20 left in the game either this first half brother Martin left the lineup for the Cowboys for one play and was replaced by Larry but Thea the Cowboys number one draft choice there's Robinson back to throw under pressure Brunei got in there on the Blitz they had everybody come bop bro take number 53 you can see it here linebackers they get the safety coming there's water's coming in their pitcher right there at the top but the safety blitz was on everybody was coming after that's the third quarterback trap for the Cowboys gives the 56 on the year they are second in the league in that category to Detroit which had 60 coming into this weekend second down 16 Jackson they're 32 yard line again Robertson back into the pocket delivers over the bed completes it with short yardage to Jerome Marco number 83 Barkham came to the jens's arrived receiver has moved to the tight end position excellent receiver 6-4 217 got great heights range he can block he's improved on it you can see Matt sitting up to the inside throws it directly over the middle bar comes they're a good tackle no place to go there she almost had a leg injury right there you can see him wrapped up around there my cake men on the stop for the Cowboys it'll be third down and eight for the Jets at their 41 yard line and we have come to the official two-minute warning prior to the end of the first half timeout on the field with the Cowboys leaving the Jets 10 to the [Music] Martha's board sweat so the million more wagons than anyone else the wagon master because of a certain ability I possess I've been asked to tell you all the useful shopping information you can find in the Bell System Yellow Pages names addresses phone numbers maps directions credit cards items for sale charge accounts - for a payment plans brand names regular valet parking custom work machine wear quantity discounts colors days and hours of business insurance bonding deliveries endorsement cash-and-carry 24-hour servers estimates illustrations your business ain't when you need to know who what where when and why but your fingers do the walking through the bell system yellow pages [Applause] next Saturday CBS Sports presents the Sun Bowl where the Texas Longhorns taking on the Maryland Terrapins you'll say you saw it on a CBS Sports guess who's gonna be in El Paso an example of a boys from Maryland down ere not day that's gonna be a great Bowl that's a great fun time for the teams it's also a lot of fun for people to see yes yes who else is gonna be in El Paso they're looking forward to doing 3rd down 8 for the Jets less than 2 minutes down the first half drops the ball at the 50 yard line and it was a good throw a little behind them have to adjust on those guys he's upset with himself you can see Matt setting up right up in five steps back at the quick off better and he really put some he really Zing's that ball in there right in this and you don't we're not supposed to drop those can walk down punting situation now for the Jets both teams have all of their timeouts left butch Johnson trying to keep warm standing at the 20 yard line for the Cowboys chuckling she can is hit will world how can they expect me to punt of this oh he gets a beauty he got up in the win Johnson at the 12 dumped at the 14 yard line that was a great kick you got all of that one no question about that so the Cowboys take over at their own 14 yard line after a fine cut by Chuck Ramsey of the New York Jets [Music] 19:34 and for miles around the just desert Jochem are over there he dreams a farm in this dust all he needs is water oh there's plenty of water around here that's it's more than a thousand feet straight down bringing it up it's gonna cause plenty more than Joe's got for sure so where is he gonna get the money to drill for water over a thousand feet down where from the money folks keeping their full-service bank you see America's bankers back Joe and thousands of other farmers too so today you know that desert as the San Joaquin Valley it looks like this for hundreds of miles and the food from here well it reaches every table in America so the next time you're shopping and you see a butte like this remember you had a part in it with the money you put in your full service bank bank helping you change things for the better well everybody huddle up at Shea Stadium and that's the car the wind is blowing look at that light tower swing behind the scoreboard I wouldn't want to be sitting underneath those Frank first intent for the Cowboys at their feet the Preston Pearson to the 17 or 18 yard live we've received no word on Dorset well I see you back in there as a matter of fact so he apparently is okay both teams with all of their timeouts left let's see the jet-set leaveth just used one so that will leave them with two Dorsett they went out a little bit earlier we thought perhaps he had twisted his ankle but he's back in there ready to go he has carried 14 times 455 yards here the first half Danny white is at 8 out of 12 for 90 yards thrown one interception and for a guy play that back to sir he is look carpet I think he's called a very good game but you know these coaches do a good job preparing him and this is a good young ballclub with the chessmen Danny white soon a good job [Music] second that sex to pray in motion and Pearson is dragged down back at the 10-yard line and again the Jets want to call time they want to get the Cowboys in a situation where they have the putt against the window you can see the pursuit right here Preston Pearson gets a quick pitch out to the right side there no hole eyes have cut back against the grain when you're in this kind of position the best thing you can do is get what you can but he's trying to run that clock out too very unusual to see Preston Pearson and Dorsett in the backfield at the same time in a passing situation I would say that's what we're in right now third down hitting ten for the first down I don't think they'll put it up I think they're gonna take this [Applause] Manny wife came flinch back of the end zone gets rid of the ball Harrison had a shot at it couldn't hold it we get a flag down and I think we had an ineligible receiver downfield I noticed her Scott of the Cowboys was five yards beyond where President Pierson was safety they call this a they call the safety they sure did huh let's see how can they got a safety now they didn't I thought the official wouldn't listen field 68 pork down herb Scott number 68 was down hill that was an ineligible receiver the phony was a number two receiver they'd come without the back do you think the Jets might try to block this would Frank they got 10 guys on that line hunting against the wind standing a yard deep in the end zone a minute 20 left to play in the first half gets crowded bucketeer about so far big rush [Applause] [Music] inside the 30-yard line boy did they come in Kent Roy number 48 flew through there and white saw apparently he's going to get it blocked unless you took that extra step he made a danny white makes a great adjustment you could see the man coming right in the corner your screen right now watch him come across there he if he would have blocked it no question about it Danny white makes a great play even though he's shanked and he would have had that thing blocked that it could have been a touchdown now the Jets have an opportunity here with a first down at the Dallas 30 Dallas leading 10 to nothing Matt Robinson sideline throw almost intercepted by with Maris we get a penalty marker throw it at the 15-yard line see what this one's about either offensive or defensive passer defense against the Cowboys you know that are holding I think it's against Charlie waters now charlie didn't much care for the call as he lets the originals know about it Charlie hit the receiver beyond 5 yards so that gives the Jets another first down a 5 yard advantage moves it up to the 25-yard line of Dallas laughter the Hat [Applause] oh is that an exciting little man running this ball right there they gotta hurry up offense right now Bruce Harper is five eight weighs a hundred and eighty pounds in that area go to go for the Jets at the 10 Robinson [Applause] Derrick Gaffney number 81 the attended receiver that stops the clock with 43 seconds left to play in the first half Bennie Barnes number 31 of the Cowboys over defending we've got some updates on some scores right now - that's Detroit's up on front of San Francisco now 13 to 7 and Cleveland still in front of Cincinnati though 6 to 3 second down jets actually could pick up a first down if they got inside the one those are the ball just outside the day robertson under pressure sat back with the 21 yard line fourth cramp of the day for the cowboys it was Mike hake Minh number 58 Oh was in there with an assist from too tall Jones number 72 they've got the least get a field goal out of this they're down ball is back at the 20-yard line Robertson come Blake's the pyres at the 20 [Applause] both say it's a Dallas recovery at the 15-yard line as Aaron health comes up with the ball Mickey Schuler number 82 made the reception and then popped it up Shuler back up rookie tight end from penn state fighting for the ball here and he gets popped right there it pops out not a bad day for Darren Kyle flunked that one out of the year have an interception earlier I never hit the ground he never did hit the ground he just popped right out 25 seconds left to play in the first half will have all the halftime activities highlights scores coming up shortly stay tuned now boys burst intent from their 16 yard line is Tony Dorsett adopted the 17 should run the clock down the half time guests do have a timeout left at all what is they'll use this number 15 ever kind of saving that thing hopes her field over field goal didn't work out that way turn outs have been costly for the New York Jets time runs out here in the first half of play Shea Stadium first half that was all Dallas offensively and defensively as well Jets got field position on an interception a bit earlier and on the short plunge but they couldn't push it across st. looking at Dallas he put Danny wide in there at the prod you got a believe there they're about ready for that Super Bowl I I think they're really prepping up especially the defense Frank they've just done an outstanding job containing rent Matt Robinson Wesley Walker the number one fast receiver in the league he has just been contained to the inside the pressure has been great they've had a number of sacks in this first half they've got to come up with some kind of a new game plan in second half Cowboys have a couple of impressive drives one the 80 yarder climax by the 70 yard touchdown run by Tony Dorsett and a 60 HR drive they got the field goal bicep2 yet out of it I think you can tell a little bit difference between a defending Super Bowl champion and an experienced football team and it's good young but nevertheless still inexperienced a very young team they've got a great coaching staff Walt Michaels he is he has a possibility of being coach of the year he's done such a great job they predicted then they'd have a 1 in 15 record here they've come back and showed the people in New York what kind of a young ballclub they are they averaged 1.6 years of experience they're only I think the average age is something like 24 so I mean this is a young ballclub they're aggressive and I think they've got a lot of potential coming up they've got some great draft choices this year they've got four extra ones from what we can hear from the PR guy you know Tom Landry could be coach of the year I guess every year but that award now seems to go to the guy that does the most with the least enough and the guy who is successful year after year in Landry has been with the Cowboys the playoffs 12 or 13 years he never gets a tumble but nevertheless he's done another great job and has that's the capability of getting a team to peak at the right time they've won five in a row and when this one they they've got six victories in a row and a week to rest and really right now what appear to be the best in the NFC I don't think there's any question about it the thing that they've done is that they've come along they've kept upgrading themselves really reach the momentum that they have to have going into the playoff games these playoff games each one is like a super player and you have to go in mentally and physically prepare today's resting Roger Staubach I think he could have played if he had to play it I think it's a great move on his part give him that extra week off get him ready for the playoffs because it's all or nothing now you know motivation you begin to wonder Dallas really doesn't have that much to gain here they have an outside chance at hosting the the NFC Championship game if they win and the Rams lose to the Green Bay Packers with nevertheless the Cowboys in this first haven't come out professional job pretty well happened to judge well they've contained him they've contained Matt Robinson and this guy is a good young quarterback you know he can wing that ball in the conditions here are pretty they're pretty tough whenever you're playing and wind you don't know what that ball is gonna do I meant out many a time on a fast batter when the United States throw it to me with these kind of wind conditions but what happened that ball would drop two feet before it get to you so it's tough well we're at halftime Cowboys lead the New York Jets by a score of 10 to nothing now Matty and I'll be back with more halftime activities shortly
Channel: Survivor504
Views: 10,181
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cowboys-Jets 1978
Id: fKKQ11-heEI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 67min 5sec (4025 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 05 2020
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