Dallas Cowboys @ New England Patriots, Week 11 2003 Full Game

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I love that you linked a full game from the past while the first week of the nfl is on.

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[Applause] bill parcells has won two super bowls in a magnificent career he would be in the hall of fame except he keeps coming back to coach again but five years after he's done he'll be there you know it's you're not talking about two social butterflies anyway no i mean uh you know bill parcells is focused on this football game as is bill belichick they both know what's at stake you don't want to get lost in this thing between the coaches and realize that these are two seven and two football teams and of course with miami winning this game becomes equally as important for the patriots and as paul mcguire said earlier in the week neither one of them are going to make a tackle tonight adam benatari will kick off for new england derrick ross and zuriel smith are deep to receive that's ross 21 averaging nearly 25 yards of return all the hype is over with now now we can play a football game it has all the markets of a great one new england for the first time wearing the new silver jerseys in front of a sellout crowd in foxborough and we are underway on the return straight up the middle to the 28 yard line the cowboys offense has a good run blocking line anchored by seven-time pro bowler larry allen he's fighting injuries to stay in the lineup a big play receiver court former patriot terry glenn has the most catchers on the club with 33 in the most touchdowns with five the cowboys most improved player quincy carter he has managed the offense well and cut down on his mistakes and joey galloway will not be dressed tonight for dallas and that's a big loss for the dallas cowboys so it'll be glenn and bryant as the starting wide receivers hamburg gets the first carry cuts it to the outside horse collar there at the 32 the pats defense has survived multiple injuries richard seymour a pro bowler is always around the ball and a terrific inside rusher in his 13th season roman pfeiffer may be having his most consistent year 79 tackles number two on the team and ty law has played with a bad ankle all year long and still goes man-to-man with the best he is a three-time pro bowl pick two tight ends for the cowboy [Applause] hambrick on the toss [Applause] and down he goes near a first down but you know when when you have an offensive line as big as the dallas cowboys and you've got guys like garad and young at 320 325 on the right side you just tossed the ball and and hambrick is not a small guy either at 235 you get them all going they want to run the football you see the carries this year 314 this season most in the nfl bill parcells does it for a couple of reasons number one that's his style secondly he wants to protect quincy carter a little bit and not put too much of the burden on his shoulders and as long as you can run the ball and pick up four and five yards at a time you might as well just continue on doing it all night long that's the other thing is the likelihood of the the mistakes and that's the one thing that this offensive line has to be careful of that they don't get in first and fifteens and first and twenties as long as they keep it manageable they should be fine of course everybody thinks this is the only way bill parcells plays football when he went to new england he said i've got group bledsoe i'm not crazy i'm throwing that thing put it up almost 700 times in the season third and inches opening possession for the cowboys they bring in an extra blocker jamar martin number 34. hambrick will be the tailback [Applause] and quincy carter spending a long time calling a plug i'd say my experience in the past when someone spent a long time calling a play it's most of the time it's a pass but i doubt it here they go to hamburg he lowers his shoulders seymour has him but he got the first down troy hambrick last year angered a lot of people when he popped off about playing time behind the legend emmitt smith and em was none too happy about it but he did everything he could to teach troy hambrick what you have to do to be a successful running back and when emmett went to phoenix he said the last thing he told hamburg someday there's going to be a 23 year old come in and try to take your job do not turn your back on it shows a lot of class from emmett smith and floyd hamrick heard those words and has apologized profusely for what happened last year you know they just they just ran the ball up the middle and when this team ted washington is now back with new england he is the guy in the middle if you're going to run you don't want to run at him because he it automatically takes two guys to block him and i also think troy hamrick is the type of a back that the more he carries the ball the more comfortable he's going to be he'll probably split time with adrian morrell a little bit that patriots rush defense which was shredded a year ago has moved up to seventh in the nfl in spite of all the injuries harder to throw for the first time under pressure got rid of it in a nice finger tip catch by jason boyd i'll tell you this was all quincy carter and he gets to the outside i mean he can see the pressure on him and then he has enough presence of mind to find whitton coming out underneath there's 82 coming underneath watch look at his throat that looks not a little bit like fart that's a little bit like farm throwing backing up low ball don't quite go there yet what a terrific catch by whitten too trying to get the first down coach parcell says look it's a first down no it's not bill parcells does not toss around the word great but he said of jason witten i think he's got a chance to be a great tight end he's got the speed to get deep and you've already seen his hands well the other measurement again short the other thing is you can usually look at the roster of the team and decide what they want to do bill parcells has four tight ends on this rod that'll tell you that he expects to pound the football out [Applause] and make no mistake we found this out the other last night's oven he calls the plays he [Music] [Applause] quarterback keeper across midfield in the patriots territory let's check in with susie my given bill parcells pendant for being hard on his quarterbacks it was surprising to hear quincy carter say he's enjoying it he explains his mom was that way as well as his high school coach he thrives on it he gravitates toward it he believes having someone on his back rooms out the best in him he looks at bill's return to the game and the opportunity to be coached by a future hall of famer as a blessing one thing he certainly doesn't want to do is disappoint bill park says susie except the first time bill parcells met quincy carter and said suddenly the social life is over that was a little hard hambrick and willie mcginnis got a piece of him and teddy brewski finished up so i think they're going to have a problem seriously trying to run wide on these guys and the reason why they're going to do that willie mcginnis you're going to see him at the end of the line he'll be up on the line watch him stay out there he gets out beats the block and makes the tackle what is happening because of quincy carter bootlegging and running around the defensive end on the side that he's going to come to on both actually on both sides they're staying home so i think it's going to be difficult to get to the outside and they've got washington back off the injury list to play that nose tackle in the 3-4 alignment second and 11. and around antonio bryant and bryant only gets to the 48-yard line rodney harrison the big free agent pickup from san diego in on the stop rodney harrison makes this play but brabo actually sells himself inside he's number 50. but watch rodney harrison look at him go with his feet then i'll tell you that is an outstanding play he knows he hasn't got the speed to catch him so he just takes a swipe at his leg kicks one leg into the other and knocks him down nice play the 82nd tackle of the year for rodney harrison he leads the club zuriel smith number 87 comes in as a third wide receiver on third and nine [Applause] over the head of carter trying to throw on the run and throws it out of bounds yeah but that was a very smart play by quincy carter that's what i referred to in the open talking about managing football games he avoided a very big negative play by trying to make too much matt lear just sends it right over his head bounces off his finger but look at the presence he doesn't rush he doesn't get excited he knows he's got athletic ability and then he just throws it away toby going who has done a nice job of kicking the ball inside the 20. will punt hasn't had much of the average this year kevin faulk on the poor kick says get away from it there is a marker down as the ball kicks out of bounds near the 20. the quarterback should be running into the kicker that's all it will be the kicker it'll only be a five yard penalty it should be and not a first down if it's only five please don't plead your case you ran into him no no no they were just checking to see what it is [Applause] [Music] not 15 it's five yards that was a bump running into the kicker number 30 the five yard penalty remains fourth down that's gerard cherry the veteran special teams player well they had a block on because they sent about nine guys third most penalties in the nfl this year almost nine per game bill belichick has one bugaboo about his football team it's the amount of penalty everything else is correctable this has just been on all year clock weights inside the 10 golem games that i again fall comes up diving fair gets the 20 yard line tom brady and the patriots offense will start from there when we come back to foxborough there is nobody in football that makes the adjustments week to week that bill belichick does with his defense now keep in mind he's had two weeks to prepare for the dallas cowboys because the patriots are coming off of buy as a matter of fact this is the third straight team that the cowboys have played that have come off coming off the bot antoine smith is the deep man behind brady and he'll get the call for a couple of them up front for new england because of injury pro bowl center damian woody has moved to guard he has been terrific there david givens had the biggest game of his career in the pants last win 87 yards receiving against denver including the game-winning score and tom braden brady has repeatedly come through in the clutch he's getting hot too six touchdown passes only one interception in his last three games antoine smith off the left side nailed that win after he got a couple for the cowboys number one ranked defense three-time pro bowler leroy glover gets a great inside push three years ago he led the league in sacks datwin who you just saw is playing at a pro bowl level undersized in the middle he more than compensates with his effort and toughness and an outstanding secondary led by five-time pro bowl selection darren woodson he is the cowboys all-time leading tackler kevin faulk will check in on third and sixth if the cowboys hold true to corn they should be blitzing here they've done it all year but they come with four this time ready to fall in the flat needs five more yards and won't get it singleton the free agent from tampa bay with a sure tackle that's what happens when you expect the team to blitz and they don't blitz and they put everybody else out in coverage they only came with four and you only have three guys on out on a route the other thing is the one thing that jumped out on to me while i studied the film the dallas cowboys defense is everybody on that defense tackles well their corners their safeties their linebackers surial smith waits for ken walters punt joy galloway and this has been starting wide receivers walter has struggled all year and this is a poor kick and takes a bounce straight back at it a 26-yard punt by the veteran and don davis was downfield to down it before it did any more damage the chess game between parcells and belichick continues espn sunday night football brought to you by nike gridiron.com hp hp technology services and people help make more things more possible and the next ford f-150 built ford tough that's the uss constitution the warship completed in 1797 the oldest commission warship afloat i know what it takes to repair my year old vote i'd hate to get the bill for that one i was the executive officer on that paul two years ago cowboys true to form on that first drive out of nine plays they ran the ball seven times they'll start this drive with two tight ends campbell hambrick lowers the shoulder range bounced off your gang tackle with the 48. when you look at the new england patriots on defense what they want to do is they're going to take away what they've perceived and believe to be the most dangerous aspect of the dallas cowboy offense in this case i think without joey galloway on the field it's terry glenn and terry glenn got a lot of attention in the first series now parcells really likes to try and throw the football and run the football belichick is considered a defensive wizard they both know each other so well that you find yourself trying to counter what the other guy's thinking and get away from your own normal habits it doesn't look like parcels has done that neither team has really taken much of a chance the flap yet law headed kick off his chest nearly got it the second time and he was right there if richie anderson made it bobby hamilton was right in quincy carter's face bobby hamilton number 91 on the right-hand side of your screen here he comes he's in his face now quincy carter threw that ball a little bit behind look at ty law almost makes the interception oh but it's impossible he hits him in the face then on the shoulder balls in the air no chance as this game goes on you're going to see romeo purnell the defensive coordinator the patriots start to throw a little bit more at quincy carter and they can stop and think and look three wide receivers on third and eight seymour from behind and that one is thrown into the middle of the line it hit a patriot incomplete now they're gonna say it hit one of the cowboys in an offensive lineman michael and it doesn't make any difference if it hits an offensive line he's an eligible receiver and it's a penalty and they're standing right beside ryan young number 75 he looked like the guy who got it in the back of the head and he hasn't been playing a little bit and i know he hasn't been working on his hands while he's been out yeah oh he had to work on his neck tom white our referee illegal touching of the forward pass offensive lineman pass interference defense number 82 the penalty is all set replay third down [Music] [Applause] number who 82. here comes the pressure for another c82 but here comes the pressure right up the middle they just hold right inside when they rush the passer and that seymour richard seymour look at this he's there there's with the ball gets him right in the grump [Music] 82 is a tight end for new england he wouldn't be out there i don't think he's going both ways unless they're really doing some substitution we haven't studied well you said they're going to throw strange defense at it this would really be strange again these are not the situations that the dallas cowboys want to find themselves in third and seventh third and eight's third and longs most of the yardage the cowboys have gotten in the passing game has come off play fakes set up [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] getting an explanation so they got the 82 right but the uniform color was wrong the patriots have switched to silver so they're a little bit closer little confident cowboy blue golden will punt [Music] 10 yard return after a punt of 37 scoreless first quarter in foxborough between two seven and two teams [Music] welcome back to gillette stadium in foxborough cowboys and patriots no score 6 43 to go first quarter patriots football for the second time they'll start from their own 25-yard [Applause] line intended for dion branch and he couldn't handle it bill parcells and bill belichick long-time associates out for warm-ups marcel's looking toward the sideline belichick glancing in his direction neither acknowledged the other could have said you want some gum you said no they both professed their respect for each other during the week with all the press about their association brady with ellis pressuring him gets it out to christian 48 and he crosses the 30s see what you saw just on that play charlie wise the offensive coordinator of the new england patriots he was also a part of that staff and he told me earlier he told me on friday he said you know the situation is bill knows me very well i know him now i have to think about what i want to call i have to get out of my routine a little bit going against parcells and his defense but you see that they're small up front the dallas cowboys are they need to bring backers and safeties to put pressure on tom [Applause] [Music] line but i'll tell brady this is a this is an excellent throw and catch fourier is in the middle of the field and that's where basically everything is open when you're blitzing and things are happening they're going man-to-man but look in the middle of the field look at 48 it is wide open in the middle when that thing got there in a hurry oh did it ever al single tend to say gotta made a tackle that's another one of the guys that parcell says he likes on defense spent trying to turn the corner and dallas defense tough to run on wide with so much speed every yard the dallas cowboy defense gives up is going to be fought for new england is not going to do as you see their number one 15 points allowed 235 in yards 140 49 passing yards allowed keep in mind in nine football games they've given up an average of six points in the first half of every one of those games it has been a marvelous unit but they know this game and the next three will really be a test for their schedule a lot of people wondering if dallas is for real and they find out tonight [Music] tried to set up a screen but faulk was caught up in the middle of it dallas did a nice job defending it you know what you're seeing more and more of in during football games now and i saw it a few times today is when you're trying to run a middle screen now and as soon as the lineman sees that back not blocking somebody but sneaking up inside they grab him and they don't let him out and with the cowboys because they bring so many blitzes if you can sneak somebody out there's going to be very few people to stop him from going to the goal line so it's almost a risk reward type of situation take the chance maybe it works third and nine for brady they need to reach the down 38 yard line [Music] [Applause] got a problem the roy glover told us yesterday we said you know your blitz a lot he looked it right the eye that says when you live by the blitz you're gonna die by the blitz and here's a situation where they picked up the blitz and they were all watch this line of scrimmage look where the blue shirts are this is a two-man route everybody else is blocking charlie wise what a great call sometimes you want to bait defenses into blitzen and then you just sit back there when you've got a guy like tom brady and he's at the top of his game like he's been playing hard to stop first down new england [Applause] brady with a play fake throws it away the only guy he had out there was patrick pass if you know the when leroy glover looked at us yesterday he told us about live by the blitz and diamond blitz on that last play not just one now the one before that he was the only guy that was in the backfield he's the only guy that made it by the line of scrimmage the rest of the guys were still on the line of scrimmage when that ball was thrown one of the areas of the new england patriots that doesn't get talked about and something bill belichick are sure about it is the way their offensive line is played especially with the rookie dan popkin playing in the middle dallas has been really good in the red zone the patriots have not been this carrier will get down to the five and keep in mind this is an offensive line for new england that's missing two starters mike compton and adam clem were hurt earlier in the year so they have a rookie dan copeland as the center and tom ashworth who was a third string guy playing right tackle the thing you said when we got here last thursday michael is just that you know 40 guys have started for this team they've had more injuries than anyone else in the national football league and six of guys who started were rookies i mean that's incredible the job that they have done two tight ends two wide receivers brady [Music] [Applause] when you've got two good defenses you just don't want to give up opportunities to put points on the board and that's exactly what tom brady did if he could get outside and threaten the corner you take the throw if not you throw it away you talk about a guy terry who has hit 75 of his field goals this year will come on tom brady after the year he had last year being the super bowl winner wonder kid and all that struggle last year has really played consistent football for this team and he has come through in the clutch to take the lead and it's perfect the big play in this drive dion branch wide open over the middle and tom brady threw a strike for 46 yards to set up the field goal patriots have the first quarter lead at home 305 to go after an impressive drive 70 yards in 10 plays deon branch had the big one a 46-yard gain on the pass from tom brady derek ross at the 9. [Applause] flag is down as ross spins to the outside taken out of bounds at the 30 and now we'll check the marker with referee tom white there's three flags on the field everybody saw the same thing they all picked him up and threw him into one little pile oh you're right all three officials told him the same thing and i'm imagining it's the same person holy number 56 during the return to 10-yard penalty that'll be a first down timeout that's the linebacker brady james who committed the violation and that will get dallas all the way back to its own 11. it's sunday night and we're in new england where the patriots lead the cowboys nothing dallas has been true to its form they have run the ball most of the time in fact two-thirds and haven't done much with it carter's short drop to throw on first down and throws out to his tight end battling for yardage across the 20 to the 21 goes dan campbell let's go to susan well mike you guys mentioned it in the first series bill belichick's game plan is to shut down the opposing team's top star for the dallas cowboys it's been terry glenn bill parcells transforming him from an unwanted energy to their most productive pass catcher but not so far the patriots taking turns shutting him down from tyrone poole to tai law willie mcginnis and then the rookie eugene wilson terry glenn has not been able to get going tonight and susie he said he couldn't wait to get back here because he hates everything about new england carter throwing on a run to hambrick and hambrick taken down by harrison at the 36th but that's a first down for the dallas cowboy what a great play by quincy carter this is all quincy carter he he you talk about seeing things he says people don't think i'm seeing a lot of things well you i'll tell you what you can't see because we see a guy gonna nail you mcginnis right there now just watch what he does he throws back against his body look at this throat that he makes joe and this is a perfect spiral bang you can't throw any better than that but you also see like you said well he sees everything in front of him so he's not worried about an off linebacker picking it off richie anderson is the man in motion he'll lead to hambrick hambrick cuts it back and is taken down by harrison the 38-yard line harrison almost the exact kind of player that lawyer malloy was for so long here the great strong safety was released only five days before the season started and caused such a controversy and the guy that's playing his position eugene wilson came here as a second round pick as a corner and bill belichick said very simply i asked him why you know why is eugene playing safety sick because i didn't want him standing next to me he's one of my best players and they wanted him on the field first time they told him he was moving to safety says i thought it was a joke but nobody else was laughing here comes the [Applause] back at the blitz oh richard seymour was there and had a lot of help brewski was in the pile what's 93 richard seymour bang he makes a move back to the inside there's just no chance of anybody blocking them and you know that's larry allen we're talking about one of the best guards in the game and that's that's the other thing about the new england defense is you can put seymour on the nose you can put ted washington on the nose you can put dan klecko on the nose and you almost wind up with a hundred pound differential going from williams to klecko with seymour in the middle bill belichick has built a very versatile defense carter under pressure again steps up takes off spins to the 41-yard line not enough for the first down and taken down by roman fight for the outside linebacker a rapid first quarter here at gillette stadium in foxboro and it's three-nothing pass [Music] three-nothing patriots as we start the second quarter dallas facing a putting situation so far advantage belichick with a three nothing lead over bill parcells toby going to kick and tyrone [Music] over end and returnable to the 31-32-yard line yard return [Music] our sunday stud question who's the coach of the year thus far bill belichick 72 john fox 8 and 2 with the panthers marvin lewis after they knocked off kansas city today is five and five is it bill parcells or dick vermeel who suffered the first loss for kansas city today you can vote right now by logging on to espn.com and we'll give you the results in the fourth quarter i think it's their tough picks up there aren't they ever they really are that's five really good coaches that have been outstanding jobs brady with time double pumps and then throws complete a flag is down after gibbons caught the ball [Music] tell us tom illegal contact on the defense in the last series you saw tom brady taking advantage of the blitz the cowboys came roy williams has stepped up you've got er you've got david givens there you've got dion branch outside making the move it's a two-man route they block eight there's the set slide over you see branch cut across and underneath newman couldn't stay with them and now it's just a foot race but those are the kind of opportunities that come up when a team blitzes nice pick by giving just an over 20 yards this year that he did all of last season the reason why he's able to do that is i was talking to him on the uh yesterday at practice and he said he's getting the ball up quicker and by getting it up quicker he's given his receivers an opportunity to either run to the ball or run to the space where the ball is going to be or make a play on it that's why he's able to complete one their best receiver troy brown not playing tonight because of a leg injury but this team if anybody's been able to have been able to adjust the injury brady short hops one in there that time to dion branch let's go to susie mike i was talking to charlie weiss before the game the patriots offensive coordinator and he said the most important thing is not to over coach too many coaches force their own ego on the game plan but with the relative inexperience and all the injuries to the receiving core the number one thing is that the kids just need to know what's going on that's first and foremost he said you won't notice a difference without david patton and without troy brown that it's going to be seamless tonight that's a marvelous thing to watch susie how they are able to manage that losing their star players on both sides of the ball it's a remarkable seven and two and this one is another strike for branch that's the second week in a row they had this happen against the denver broncos this goes right through kevin faulk's hands number 33. watch the throw you see faulk in the picture look at him go up he goes up it goes right through his hands and right into dion branch's hands it happened against the denver broncos and it happened again tonight tremendous concentration by branch but the play is going to be wiped out and what is that bird taking off i gotta hear this unsportsmanlike conduct number 83 on the offense they made the first down yardage therefore we'll penalize 15 yards you'll be first down in 10. you can only assume that is taunting after branch made the catch now you're two you're talking about a second year player that's the one thing you don't get you don't get that with a troy brown because of his 11 years that's a good call by the officials they're very consistent about the taunton backs it up to the 50 but it will be first and ten fall point coming up from the secondary like a missile was roy williams fortunately for falk he didn't catch him square on i love talking to parcells about roy williams number 31 you know he says now this this guy hits you now i love when they talk this guy hits you but he also said he's one biscuit away from being a linebacker when the truth of the matter is he's as big as dexter copeland coakley's 236 and williams is 235. yeah but he runs a little classic so that's that one a little biscuit brady against the four-man rush down the middle this time branch can't hang on as he ran into a crowd well when he ran in there there were four blue shirts and i can assure you he saw two here comes branch over the middle on the left hand side of your screen you'll see what brady sees now look at the guys that are there look at the throw though it's right over al singleton's little pinky and puts it right in the soft pocket of the defense he's throwing as well as he ever has six out of 12 so far approaching 100 yards third and seven here now brady wants to change the club as time and goes deep up for grabs down the sideline intercepted by newman but out of bounds you know what's amazing about dallas's defense joe and i and although they puts a lot on third down but they're they're playing the basic four three four defense yes um you know they don't care look at this place but look at this play here by newman going up in the air well he's out of bounds but that is an athletic well that's why he was dallas's number one pick at a k-state and uh you know of course bill parcell made him his water boy during training camp and that's just to let the world know that bill's in charge he was the fourth award winner for the best defensive back in the country and a lot of scouts rated him as the best pick in this rack gallows got a number five overall serial smith back to the punt backs away from it and it takes a nice new england bounce it'll be downed inside the 10 yard line a punt of 41 touched by matt chatham 12 19 to go in the first half a strategic defensive battle so far [Music] espn sunday night football brought to you by southwest airlines friendly non-stop service all across the country southwest airlines a symbol of freedom saab welcome to the state of independence and motorola intelligence everywhere back at this beautiful stadium robert craft the owner spent 325 million dollars of his own money on this complex said it was tougher getting this built than it was winning a super bowl now he's done both carter to throw from his end zone under pressure still looking and throws complete to bryant of at the 13-yard line this is something that quincy carter has done through the first part of this ball game he's been moving around in the pocket there he feels the pressure from grebel manages to get it out to jason witten now feels pressure from willie mcginnis slides over finds troy hambrick now if you can't find anybody open and you're still getting pressure from willie mcginnis tuck it away and run there he is in the pocket and out of the pocket and and i think this really helps him he's a better pocket passer than he is outside scrambling around but what he's doing and that's why his percentage is so low outside the pocket is he's throwing the ball away and that's smart second and five back to the ground game with hambrick tries to turn it left and then dives forward up past the 17-yard line for more on quincy here's susie mike the big question about quincy carter from this point on in the season is his staying power because up until this point he's never started more than eight nfl games this will be his 10. bill parcells talked to him about that this week that the most important part of the season for him would be november and december but quincy is confident that he can last because he is living and breathing football he's taking care of his body he's eating right and he is studying more than he ever thought he had to and susie richie anderson was one of the guys that said quincy is the first guy at the complex to study film he is the last guy to leave and that wasn't necessarily the same case under dave campbell when he was the head coach yeah but bill parcell still doesn't know about quincy carter because he hasn't really gone through a tough time yet he hasn't thrown a bunch of interceptions he hasn't lost three or four ball games he hasn't had the media all over his rear end he hasn't has teammates looking out of one eye at him and saying how you're gonna do so he's still growing and with a little luck he doesn't have it for quite a while but it's down the road coming third and inches for dallas [Applause] quarterback keeper and they should have the first down yeah i really love this play oh you know that's because you never played quarterback hey i did when i was in grade school yeah the reason i like this play is because there's no other hand off you don't have to go all the way back to the guy in the backfield the defensive line can't blow you up watch what quincy carter does he stops for a second lets the center make his block and then just slides in the hole all they need is what about eight inches and that's the biggest key is you've got to allow the line to make a block so you can find a crease i used to get knocked backwards all the time [Applause] richie anderson has always been a tremendous pass receiver out of the backfield and when you see coaches go to a different franchise like bill parcells move all the time they go back to their past and richie anderson played for bill parcells with the jets he knows what he's going to get out of richie anderson he fills a specific need and he brings him to dallas sitting next to him last night i'm looking at his hands and manic that's a huge fan well the thing he's done more for this football team than any place is he's actually carried the ball more 39 times coming into tonight as opposed to 26 receptions that's unusual for him it's unusual in the nfl robots don't carry the ball anymore now you know what i like about this dallas cowboy offense patience for ourselves you know think about it is we ask ourselves again will quincy carter come to the line of scrimmage in this game we call audibles and he said no and i think more teams should do no he's going to call he's going to run the play they call yeah i think more teams should do it i mean you would have to say that you know these backs of the cowboys aren't necessarily the most talented in the league they're pounders they're plotters and you know if you want to run the football and he runs it 14 times and throws at eight i think his choices of passes have been very good first and fine second and short little ball hambricks seven yards behind the line of streaming gets that running start horse collared by harrison but makes it up to the 40 anyhow a game of about eight yards [Music] monday night countdown at 7 30 eastern on espn the best place to get ready for monday night football then on abc the monday night game at nine heinz ward and the steelers against carol owens from 49ers a couple of teams desperate to get back in their respective races the other thing that bill parcells does so well is he simplifies this game the first thing he told the cowboys these are the things that you shouldn't do we're going to avoid the obvious mistakes now let's find what we do well and he has identified those things that's why they're seven and two and hambrick has the first embassy that's up to the 44 yard line the other thing about bill marcel's he is as cutting and sarcastic as anyone you will ever be around and i love it in march he asked an offensive lineman how much he weighed the lineman said 340 pounds he pointed to the scales and says let's go see the lineman got on the scales it was at 367 in parcels boy you sure gained a lot of weight on the walk over here and the footnote to that is the guy came into camp at 3 45 exactly he's got a way of dealing with [Applause] people play action by carter pretty good protection launches it down the middle brian got his hands on it couldn't hold it and good coverage by ty law oh ty do you think he can't run did you say he has a bad angle i don't think so if you don't want to play in this game this kind of game then you don't want to play football tie law is just absolutely the perfect coverage antonio bryant hit look like he has touchdown look at watch tylog come in bang knock the ball away boy is that timing and that that speed keep in mind antonio bryant is starting tonight because joey galloway's got the ham and uh zuriel smith is returning punts because joey halloween joey galloway usually does that as well ty law is still one of the best carter with time has a double plus goes to richie anderson he's across midfield in the new england territory at the 49 three yards shy of a first down ted johnson who's just coming back off the injured list another one and roman pfeiffer working on the stop up until that last first down when they threw the ball downfield and almost had a completion joe the first three first downs they got five yards nine yards eight yards on first down and that's exactly what bill parcells has to have to sort of protect quincy a little bit but remember this drive started on their own six this is excuse me eric this is a very impressive drive even if it doesn't go any further from here third and three carter takes off and he got the first down there's a flag on a plane there's going to be holding in the backfield and it's on number 65 garage and he really was he was holding richard seymour richard seymour beats him on an inside move and he's got him horse-collared as he takes him to the ground well i'll tell you you can see richard seymour holding number 65 offense the 10-yard penalty remains third down all right it's a right guard garage and seymour seymour is six foot six look at number 65 is on the right hand side of the screen here goes seymour he beats him to the outside he's got him beat and then when you grab him quincy carter steps up the referee is the man who makes this call because he can see it from the back look at the holding that is holding [Music] and that's just as good as the sack for a defensive lineman bill parcells did not care for the call or did not care for the play by giraffe especially on third and short now they got third and thirteen and this team is not built to convert third and third teams and they've got a timeout three nothing patriots against the cowboys so far the patriots tossing a shutout at bill parcells from the dallas cowboys and dallas will be facing a third and 13. big thing here third and three or less they convert all three of them the other three they've had after four yards they've not been able to get the first down this offense isn't built for that yet carter goes to the shotgun pressure coming and throws complete to the 39-yard line a bullet to bryant how good is this how good is this this young man steps up steps up he i mean he sees he reads the blitz coming to this outside you saw what happened when they didn't convert but look at the time he has and look at how smart he is now this is a kid that everybody considers a running quarterback but he knows he's not going to be able to pick up 13 yards he held the ball five seconds defensive backs cannot cover anybody for five seconds and then bryant makes an excellent catch on the ball seven out of 11 so far for quincy carter back to the ground with hambrick and hamburg hit immediately by the left-hand bobby hamilton as quincy carter talked about the first big game he played in was a few weeks ago when they were five and one went and played tampa bay that didn't go too well he said it didn't go well but he learned from there he said this is the next big test for me i learned a lot in the tampa game he says it's important we get off to a good start early and you can see his confidence continue to grow in the comfort level that he's having both in the pocket and running this offense well after this game they face carolina miami and philadelphia so the tests are going to come in rapid succession carter airs this one out overthrown for bryant coming step for step by tyrone poole who was another big free agent acquisition from denver this year well i'll tell you this offensive line at dallas and they are just doing the job at the point of attack and then you're talking about pool covering on the outside watch this brian this is just step for step that ball had to be i don't know where he could have put it to catch it because pool had him to the inside he could have walked over and handed to it but it was all over but tyrone wasn't around him at all originally a first round draft choice of the carolina panthers another big third down for quincy carter [Applause] again flushed out of the pocket there's a flag down he throws in complete that was intended for zuriel smith [Music] see now if you're the new england patriots you cannot commit a a stupid foul here like a face mass penalty i mean that's just third and ten you've got them where you want them they're out of field gold range you're running down towards the end of the half well that's something against the [Music] cowboys here's tom white with the exponents we have two fouls on the play illegal use of the hands to the head number 76 on dallas illegal use of the hands to the head number 73 on dallas both penalties are declined fourth down that's that's both guys on the left-hand side flozael adams 76 larry ellen 73 they must learn that technique together well you know that's the second time they've had double double penalties on their offense yeah but same the same penalty against the guys standing next to each other and did you see the shot of bill belichick he said who said we declined that's right he might take it because right now you're looking at maybe a 60-yard field goal to attempt by cundiff now remember he's hit three out of four or going forward excuse me announcement new england has changed their mind and intended to accept the illegal use of the hands number 73 is decline number 76 is accepted third down 10-yard penalty let me say this i i don't necessarily think that tom white said it correctly new england doesn't get a chance to change their mind well they've never accepted or declined before thank you and i think that's what should have been reported by the officials that no decision had been made now they get the penalty they don't change your mind yes or no mr know it all tell me why larry didn't get called they chose flozell because flozell was a little bit further behind so larry's been to seven pro bowl larry's much bigger than all of us the old guru there's an old adage about quarterbacks you blitz the good ones and you play zones against the not so good ones and quincy carter is in the young stage which means that he's not one of those good ones yet and we've got another timeout with 5 16 to go in the half still 3-0 new england the cowboys as usual controlling the time of possession because of the way they run the ball so far it has not paid off in any points for them and they face another third and long here in spite of the disparity in time [Applause] carter deep and knocked away incomplete well what a play by tyrone poole antonio bryant cannot run past tyrone poole he has got some wheels eight years in the league five eight 188 pounds and just really really stayed with him stride for stride look at that now look at how smart he is he looks back and sticks his hands out and then coming over at the last minute is eugene wilson to help him out the young rookie well that's great coverage wow you know what and turning around and looking up through the ball makes almost anything he does legally kevin faulk did for the punt he'll let it go and it makes the end zone now start from the 20th of 46. a game of field position and one field goal so far three nothing new england pat's defensive unit gets a break on the sideline they have held dallas scoreless here in the first half as their offense will take over at the 20. keep in mind this cowboy defense has held every opponent they've played to just six points in the first half of game so far they've got new england at three antoine smith as they try to establish a running game pushing the pile up to the 25-yard line you just joined us you have only missed one big play and that was brady with a 46-yard strike to dion branch who was wide open and that set up the game's only score and adam finitary field goal mike you talk about not about jackson the opponent's territory between these two these two teams only three of 50 snaps were inside the 40-yard line of the other other team think about that both coaches are very good at playing best in a game like that and first up the middle this time by antoine smith [Applause] well that time darren woodson comes right up the middle and doesn't get the play that they're looking for normally when they blitz the cowboys will blitz for two reasons one to put pressure on the quarterback the other to stop the run that time antoine swift smith did a really nice job of avoiding the contact givens is the single out to the top of your stream smith will carry and again breaking tackles and dragging people out to the 38 yard line and what new england is doing now is brady's been throwing the ball pretty well but they're able to run the ball on first down they're picking up between four and six yards on this play here they picked up four they keep themselves moving the chains and that's all they really need to do not only that but they're keeping the dallas cowboy defense on the field that last drive by the cowboy offense was seven and a half minutes you they're not big so they're small you want to wear them down a little bit that's what new england's trying to do second and six where he wants to go play action this time under pressure step to his right and dropped david graham was open the perfect throw by brady and graham couldn't hold it you can't throw the ball any better than brady just did well he hits graham right in the hands when you don't have troy brown available you have to get more production out of your tight ends chris christian fourier is one daniel graham is the other their number one pick from a year ago he's got it he's just fighting it he's got 27 catches that would have been his 28th and that play really hurts because they set it up so well running the ball and only one wide receiver then they get the tight end up well you're against the number one defense in football so every drop is magnified [Music] they've got 10 guys up on the line of scrimmage and here come most of them brady unloads and top down at the start [Applause] there's a flag on the play and it's against dallas it's probably going to be roughing the quarterback it is and that'll be tacked on to the end of the play i don't know how many guys they blitz it looked like 15 but they didn't get there in time they had 10 on the line of scrimmage but i'll tell you what they went they sent downfield and givens is there terence newman is a rookie look at this he got man-to-man coverage downfield because of the blitz david kevins does a great job of coming back to the ball take a look at this david does a terrific job of finding the ball but tom brady just throws it up in the air for him to get it the guy that made this all happen was joe andrusi the right guard number 63. he blocks on will blades 99 then he picks up the blitzing secondary guy and allows tom brady to slide a little bit left to make the play and now check out the lead blocker for antoine smith it's dan klecko the rookie defensive lineman [Applause] smith off the right side touchdown [Applause] you know when you said dan collector in the backfield i mean you talk about getting off on the staff he looked like a back you know most big guys and defense what's what's number 90 what look how fast he gets into the hole that's what smith's no dummy i just followed right on in pleco has played in addition to fullback defensive end nose tackle and linebacker this year and antoine smith gets the first touchdown of the game both scores set up by big pass plays from tom brady and that's what he's done all year long military for the point after and it's blocked the first miss extra point of the year for adam vinatieri and that means it's nine nothing well you take a look at if this is if this is on minatari you're gonna the ball has to come out here the hole is there the ball is set down perfectly he hits the ground before but look at the guys up in the air number 76 is that flozell it is yeah when you hit a guy in the armpit it's not high that's not high but tom brady we said he'd have opportunities for big plays he had one to dion branch now look at the guy in the middle right there you're gonna see david givens just take off and run right up the field they do a terrific job of blocking all he does is run tom brady does an excellent job of just hanging the ball up let him go make a play on it and then let terence newman try and bring him down and catch him that's just that's a quarterback saying i'm gonna throw it up there isn't anybody in the field but my receiver and a defensive back gibbons and newman you know two things could happen your guy can catch the ball or pass interference or it's gonna be incomplete he's gonna fight it and keep it away from the other guy so really nothing bad happens if you get it out of your hands brady has hit a 57-yarder and a 46 yard tonight i mean as a quarterback you just you can't wait to see a team blitz i mean if you have the confidence that he has ross on the run on the short kickoff up to the 36. let's check in with susie michael irvin played for the cowboys for 12 years you've seen jerry jones interact with a lot of head coaches what's the difference these days at valley ranch well you know the greatest thing is the greatest things when you hear jerry talk about the possibility of the cowboys going to the playoffs as a matter of fact you don't hear them talking about it bill parcells he has all that under control and jerry has gave jerry has given him total reign and that's a great thing what are your impressions of quincy carter against a pretty complex defense well you know what i think chris is doing a good job i just talked to antonio o'brien and i told him to tell quincy on the deep balls to just put a little bit of air under the ball just like tom brady just did just to give him enough time to find the ball and hopefully the quarterback will lose the ball carter under pressure ducks outside of mcginnis and throws underneath to anderson richie out of bounds at the 40. the same thing we've seen out of quincy carter all night is just good pocket presence he feels the pressure he slides around and makes the throw watch this here comes the pressure steps up doesn't like what he sees again willie mcginnis just playing terrific now he gets it outside to richie anderson and i don't agree with michael irvin that's coming from a wide receiver right but michael says just throw it up to me somewhere in the area i'll go get it i think the deep balls that quincy has thrown have been right where they're supposed to be tyrone poole's done a great job of defending anderson with a carry flag is down as he dives to the 45-yard line well there's another guy we had on the show joe disagreed with sorry but he's a receiver let's get some more guests down there michael's always going to say throw it i'll go get it i mean you as a quarterback you can't count on that all the time and this one will come back the two-minute warning officially comes at 157 and wouldn't you guys agree that there is no comparison between quincy carter this year and quincy carter last year number 73 offense the 10-yard penalty remains second down timeout two minute warning all right we'll get the answer to that question when we come back 157 to go in the hand we are nine nothing dallas after the penalty second and 15. [Applause] three-man rush against carter so he goes underneath the hamburg who wisely gets out of bounds for the 34. and that's that's what they're gonna let quincy carter do they're gonna let him throw the ball out they rush three drop eight as i said before when you've got a young quarterback or one that you don't think is that good you don't put pressure on him and blitzen because you don't want him to make that one big play against him but when quincy reads three-man rush with that big offensive line he has he's got to know in his mind that he's got more time than he really thinks there you are talking like a quarterback again it doesn't quite work that way yeah it does [Applause] third and 13. and carter just done loads ryan overthrow i see all the time he had to throw the ball he knew he had more time he was a three-man rush you were wound up well you know he's got he's got all day to throw this thing and all he has to do is find the open guy now that's a lot harder oh thank you paul that's the part that's hard but he's got to know in his mind look at look at the line of scrimmage he's got all kinds of time to throw the ball just sit there just wait wait wait wait wait and he tries to heave it antonio bryant tries to take off and go after it but no play that's just a very complex defense he's going into if you're a patriots fan you'll like this they've won each of their last 15 games when they've led it to half and dallas has lost its last 20 road games when they trail it to half and kevin klopp with a good return up past the 45 a return of 20. let's go back to the studio i'm chris berman coming up at halftime the run of the kansas city chiefs what a great threat it was at 9-0 but they were held by the cincinnati bengals we'll have our fans in three minutes and a trip around the league everybody was playing our halftime heroes and bonus coverage from north of the border grey cup highlights the cfl championship game back to foxborough all right boomer thanks very much a minute 31 to go in this one new england would like to tack some more points on to their nine nothing lead with the mid of 31 on the clock and two timeouts at their disposal brady got it greg ellis and greg ellis is the one guy from the outside who can give them the big pass rush that's his fourth sack of the year right around tom ashworth tom ashworth is on the outside he's number and ray ellis just beats him right to the quarterback didn't even slow him down matrix with a big advantage throwing the football of course the cowboys have put themselves in a lot of yardage situations they want the screen to falcon overthrown that sack was very big because going in at halftime down nine versus 16 obviously there's a point differential but when you're the dallas cowboys on offense you just don't think you can score 16 points to be honest with you aries just goes hard around the outside on ashmore like you say paulo and i mean tom brady has no chance to even get rid of the football to avoid the sack dallas you know they still have two timeouts so they can take a time out here get the ball back and still have some patton and maybe do something third and 16 for new england and the ball comes out after he's down but you you don't have a whole lot of time but you would have been able to get the ball back in the bag who just goes offside third down and 10 you have a lot more plays to choose from on the play sheet that charlie wise has as opposed to 15. defense number 92 the five yard penalty remains third down well tom white said number 92 but it was number 90 obagu where do they get these numbers they don't even have a 92 i don't either talking to bill belichick on friday he said something that jumped out he said don't let the dallas cowboys play the game the way they want to i want them to play the game the way we want to right now he's forcing him into long yardage situations he's hitting the big plays right now the pats are dictated to about 43 dallas is taking the time out they want him to punt really stop the clock with 42 seconds to go so dallas will have a chance to get the ball back nine nothing belichick and parcells together for a long time three different teams head coach and assistant 81-90 with the giants two super bowl wins 96 with the patriots afc champions 97-99 with the jets they won a 98 division title and when bill parcells went to the front office of the new york jets he hand-picked bill belichick as as his successor that lasted one day and belichick then took the job at new england i know you notice when you talk to belichick i mean to marcel who's joe is definitely afraid of but anyway it would be scary but when you talk to him and you give him a compliment he says i don't necessarily think that so you know he never really builds these guys he does deflects everything serial smith needs to receive signals fair gets backs away at the last moment that was very close to getting in the way of that football clock stops with 30 seconds to go in the half let's go to susie well mike both head coaches could be considered coach of the year but it's interesting to note the history that has made bill belichick as successful as he is 29 years as an nfl coach he said in his first five years he worked with five different head coaches four different coordinators about 50 different assistants it was like having four graduate courses in football he lived it day and night but what was interesting was the question posed him was who influenced you throughout all those years he never did mention bill parcells and we know how many years they spent together which pretty much sums up the press coverage of these two leading up to this game they said some reverential things about each other that was about it brabel almost had the sack then carter takes off and slides into the 28-yard line okay i have been so impressed by quincy carter mike you made the point earlier this this young man doesn't even resemble the quincy carter we saw play a year ago with the dallas cowboys he's so much more mature so much more poised he is tremendously aware of his surroundings this one's out in the flat to anderson he'll get out of bounds and have a first down up at the 33-yard line and he was really kind of offended yesterday there's kind of a hint that he doesn't see down the field he says there are some things i still don't see but people are not giving me credit for what i've learned and and you know when rich anderson was talking about him staying going in early staying studying his whole life is now dedicated to playing quarterback and parcells is the guy that did that the other thing is that he also mentioned paul along those lines is everybody thinks that they cut the offense back because he can't handle this offense is not cut back this is just like everybody else runs in the league well he says there's some quarterbacks in this league that do only have to read half of the field to make it easier for them but i'm not one of them i read the whole thing and you can believe him the way we have seen him play as particularly tonight and this was a guy who lost his job last year to chad hutchinson well maurice carthan really kind of helped him to hit quincy carter because bill parcells has a tendency to look at a guy and and give me the nasty look and yell at you and say some things and what maurice carthan said to quincy carter was just get the message don't look at the way he delivers it just get what's in the message because there is something he's trying to say and standing is right with sean payton who joined him after a stint with the giants you see his coordinator sean basically handles the passing aspect of it and maurice park on the offensive coordinator with the title and was really the first hire for bill parcells handles the running aspect of their offense here's a very interesting defense patriots hit three guys near the line of scrimmage the rest of them are spread out between the 30 and the goal line this one this is where you throw in that big old lateral play this looks like a kickoff recovery guys closer to the line of finish like kickboxing now there are guys wide open only 10 yards down the field here's one up on a little screen got to go all the way to the end zone with richie anderson to make this one work he's down to on a defensive penalty the half i'm talking about if this should be against new england what a huge break it would be for the cowboys no it's against it's against dallas holding number 89 offense penalties decline that's the end of the first half hey you see all these guys for the cowboys is where you're ready to start the third quarter it's like 4th of july here we've seen some fireworks in this game a couple of big plays out of new england the cowboys need to find something [Applause] [Music] short pick taken back from the 34-yard line all right dallas we have emphasized as a team that does not play from behind very well they're not built that way they're played to run get ahead and win that way well right now they're behind nine nothing what do you do if you're the dallas cowboys i think you should play the defenses you've been playing and and i like the way they came out they ran the football they're doing very well all they got to do is stay at a second and third long well six of the nine third downs they've had have been for nine yards or more that's not what this offense is built for i believe it's got plays in it i think it can make some big plays but i don't think it can keep overcoming wrong yardage third down tom brady and the patriots will start from the 35-yard line running back and he is slammed to the ground by leroy glover holy cow there have only been two big plays in this ball game both engineered by tom brady this one to dion branch who was wide open over the middle turned it into a 46-yard game that set up the field goal and then gibbons on the jump ball downfield that set up the only touchdown of the ball game and the thing that was impressive to me but from a new england standpoint is the place but terence newman the corner makes tackles on those things and can just flat run it's a terrific secondary blitz coming brady throwing under pressure and incomplete they said it hit the ground under graham at the 45-yard line of the 16 passes tom brady has thrown you can see how he has spread the ball around you see the two big plays down the field out to the left out to the right up the middle it's very difficult for a defense to get in at halftime and say we have to take away this part of the field he has spread it around very well reading the defense capitalizing on the opportunities and the cowboys decide they want a blitz i believe they're up here to try and blitz but they're not going to they've already been cooked a couple times get them at it they stacked the line of scrimmage and backed off on third and long brady goes underneath them almost intercepted that would have been an easy touchdown right in the hands of tony dixon and he couldn't hold it he was trying to hit kevin faulk and he threw that i mean he really rifled that finally if if falcon had gotten his hands up he would never be able to catch it anyway well dixon couldn't you can't stop if you're a running back or a wide receiver you can't start somewhere and stop and have the quarterback think you're going to keep going walter will have to punch zuriel smith low line drive returnable kick smith from the 24. and just brought down around the ankles as he got to the 33 a 41-yard kick an eight-yard return and larry izzo who's been a special team star for two franchises made to stop espn sunday night football brought to you by southwest airlines friendly non-stop service all across the country southwest airlines a symbol of freedom and mazda there's a soul of a sports car in everything we make the historic town of foxborough massachusetts now bill parcells told us yesterday bill belichick will take away their biggest weapon first well terry glenn has not caught a pass and that's their biggest weapon [Applause] dallas starts at his own 32 hambrick to the 36th you know this just it just seems like don't don't make a mistake whatever you do don't make a mistake exactly what it is remember the first thing bill parcell said you can't beat yourself that's the only if you beat yourself first you never have a chance to win so the first thing we will do is not beat ourselves and then we'll find a way to win and then the two losses the patriots have had this year to buffalo in the opener in washington a little later on here that's exactly what they did gave it away brady had seven interceptions in those two games [Applause] carter play action mcginnis can't get it and quincy carter throws a strike to bryant right through his hand let's go to susie well this game is so much about relationships patriots owner robert craft is good friends with cowboys owner jerry jones when you both had the same head coach what kind of stories do you share over dinner last night well we talked about that we have very close families uh he thanked me for putting uh his coach through the learning curve and helping him to get where he is and i accepted his thanks very graciously but jerry helped us a lot when we came into the league and has been a great friend and a great partner in the nfl is the winner of this one by the next dinner absolutely absolutely yeah we uh we our families have had many dinners together and this is what it's about prime time sunday night winning championships having a new stadium and we want to thank our fans for their 99th straight sellout they've been great to us and we learned a lot from the jones family you guys are both so tv savvy can you have fun with all of the story lines going into this game particularly about the coaches that's what it's about and and the passion that on a sunday night when these people have to go to work and all the fans viewing here throughout the country we're going to get you double digit ratings and and that's what you want it's great and and both coaches are great for this game you know tv thanks okay thank you thank you bob dallas fourth and inches they will punt it away kevin foss signals fair catch and makes it at the 25 a 33-yard punt and no return new england leads by nine in a battle of field position the patriots lead it nine nothing third quarter they take over at their own 26-yard line and in the battle of time of possession in the first half the cowboys had the ball 18 minutes 30 seconds new england 11 30. that is not what the new england patriots want to do they want to keep that dallas defense out on the field a lot more than they did in the first half and try and tire them up tire them down but doesn't make any difference you're not scoring the entire possession doesn't mean the thing that number nine up there zero that means something thank you professor everybody makes a big deal out of time and possession if you don't do anything with it what good is it no it's true for example uh last week we had the uh we did the st louis rams interesting team you got st louis and baltimore which one would you think would have more time of possession you think the the ravens would they did it was like 35 minutes for st louis that's exactly what bill parcells wants he wants to see his team maintain this and then get something out of it you saw the numbers moments ago on tom brady seven out of 18 in this game dallas allowing a league low 49 percent for opposing quarterbacks their past defense has been sensational the run defense isn't bad either no it isn't giving up 85 yards rushing number one overall in the nfl antoine smith pounds his way across the 30-yard line there's darren woodson in on the play now there's a boy talking to him this is a guy who has newfound life he's so sick and tired of losing three five and 11 seasons two before that weren't good and when he found out that bill parcells might be his coach he said he was ecstatic to know that someone of that caliber would be coming and hopefully coaching the cowboys and he's pretty happy about the other guys they put in the secondary too stumbling as he took the handoff antoine smith he'll lose a couple darren woodson spoke at length about the way the attitude has changed at valley ranch guys used to play dominoes they used to have cell phones he said now at lunchtime when you walk through it around lunch there's hardly anybody there it's like a ghost town with the word he used because all the players are in looking at film and studying film and that's really all bill parcells asked he says i want you to be i want you to be diligent i want you to be tough and i want you to make mistakes and usually bill parcells finds a guy to yell at darren woods and said it was me he said he told me he was going to do it he's done it and brady just gunned one off of daniel graham it's like he didn't get hurt by that actually that ball hit but he's recubun it did it was tipped just sort of to the left here take a look at ebony's acrobat he hits the hits in the head it's a header it's it's no good it's like a soccer game there's a header i'd say brady throws hard short and now new england will have to punt muriel smith waiting back in his 30. and down at the 30. a loss of one and a solid tackle by chris aikens who got there just about the same time the ball did timeout in new england continues to throw a shutout at the cowboys [Music] cowboys will take over at their own 30 trailing nine to nothing in seven possessions in this game they've had six punks the other possession ran out with a play half by carter and incomplete to bryant allen bounce off his face i mean antonio bryant has had two balls go through his hands the last series had one slip through now this one again bounces right off his chest this is an excellent throw by quincy carter right into the soft belly actually it goes right off his arm well remember he's playing for joey galloway who's out with a strained quad so he's a better player than that he won the politnikov awarded pit as the best college receiver in the country hambrick on the toss flag is down as he gets back to the 34 let's go to susan well mike one of the stories we follow throughout the game one of bill belichick's ways of stopping the opponent is shut down their star and for the cowboys is so what the patriots done basically is played a zone defense against them guys passing him off law mcginnis wilson harrison everyone's teaming up to shut down terry glenn they allow him to just run inside but he can't do much more than that no deep balls for terry glenn and susie if there's anybody out on that field that wants to succeed tonight it is terry glenn he made such a big deal out of coming back here to new england says he hates everything about it he did not leave of course on the best of terms doesn't have a super bowl ring because he wasn't on the team he doesn't have a catch either here that you're going to dallas cowboys again the one thing we've talked about joseph is here's another penalty 15 yards tripping penalty on the tripping years they do everything to go the wrong way second and 20. carter trying to get the screen to handbrake and it's incomplete it looked like grebel and teddy brewski were right in the middle of that screen excellent diagnosis on their part well he has really has no place to go with this he's trying to hit handbrake number 42 in the middle he's looking downfield first look at brewski 54. he's there he almost makes the play there's really no place to throw the ball you sense right now that quincy carter is getting a little bit more uncomfortable in the pocket he's starting to make throws that this is not what bill parcells wants to see from his spoiler just throw it away he can't be the reason this thing comes apart if it does and remember bill belichick had two weeks to work on his defense for this game [Applause] third and a mile for carter flushed out of the pocket steps that amounts to the 26. he'll have to punt again well they did that they had a three-man rush and then they sent willie mcginnis number 55 up the middle to make it a four-man rush and they didn't block it very well in dallas cowboys but they keep putting themselves in a bad spot well we've talked about the fact that this offense isn't built to overcome big yards there's no offense in the national football league that's built to overcome second and 20 first and 25 third down and 14. fourth down and 14. i think what you're seeing here too is the difference in the maturity levels of the football team the cowboys are a young team in certain aspects the pats are tested and improved going to punt the fall signals fair catching makes it to 32 a 41-yard kick and no return it's been a defensive battle throughout nine nothing patriots you like defense you like this one nine nothing new england a touchdown a missed extra point it was blocked and a field goal they lead nine nothing take over at their own 33-yard line here in the third quarter cowboys only a play away from getting back in brady guns another one this one complete up to the 47-yard line another perfect throw and bethel johnson the rookie out of texas a m makes his first catch of the night brady just shows you if he has time to throw the football which he has here he's going to hit his receiver coming across that's the perfect pass to bethel johnson the coverage on the outside was perfect newman young newman is there that's the guy you really like i like terence newman i think he's just something special brady goes right back to the air and this one is tipped to nearly intercepted by dan nguyen who was such an outstanding and that was one of the things that that was one of the things bill parcells talked about his ability and pass coverage really jumped out at him dan wynn is the guy that bill parcells does not like as a prototypical linebacker he's small 511 243 pounds bill parcells likes those six four six five big guys but dad wind impressed parcells immediately with his speed his courage his hustle and his striking power flag is down screen to fall across midfield got a block inside the 30 and now we'll check the marker gain of 25. they're calling holding against new england and this is right at the point of attack too this screen has not worked against the dallas cowboys the defensive line were the guys that were there that should have made the play the reason the play wasn't made because it was held see they not only have speed on that defense they hustle it's one thing to be a fast defense it's another one to get out and hustle like they do and when you hustle offensive lineman have to tackle you to stop you you have to think about something new england they had up until that to bethel johnson that that what 12-yard kill well a 12-yard catch they only had 187 yards of total offense and two plays two pass plays accounted for 103 of them so this dallas defense i mean they really have done the job now they have the new england offense in that same vine that they've found themselves offensively all night second down in the 20. and smith is hit immediately by dexter coakley and there's another flag down they're going to call joe andruzzi possibly for coming in late he's up there trying to protect antoine smith could call him for a late hit i just get the other day talking about friday talking to bill belichick and i see you know nobody has big numbers on these teams there it is nobody has real big numbers on this team i mean they you don't see them stand out anything except for one thing they're third in the league as far as penalties are concerned and when we said that to belichick i thought he was going to get rolled unnecessary roughness number 63 it's a 15-yard penalty this foul occurred after the play was over so the down house third down joe andruzzi the right guard watch it here this is a point of emphasis this year they do not want late blocks and having guys picked off and that is way too late well no he's not even trying to see he's not even trying to block anybody he's actually leaning down and sort of slides into somebody i i that was a ticky tack call in my opinion i just that was really bad bill belichick agrees with it he wasn't trying to knock anybody off the pile that's about as ticky tack as it gets now it's third in the 50 cab ride brady goes underneath now that was not taken back no big roy williams is right there to hold it to nothing roy williams parcells was talking about him he said i'm gonna tell you now that this guy's gonna hit you i mean he's gonna lay the wood to you roy williams is one of those guys he said sometimes he gets in trouble he may get beat but when if you're in his area and you catch the ball roy williams is going to lay you out as bill parcell says he has a lot of wood in his knapsack fourth and 37 and the punt to zuriel smith is just often neither one of these punters distinguishing themselves this year ken walter a 34-yarder that's with the role he came in ranked 32nd among all punters in the league of course parcells and bill belichick have been together much of their coaching career together they won two super bowls with the new york giants lost the super bowl with the new england patriots to the green bay packers that's when bill parr cells resign after failing to come back with the team on the team plane parcels was named the head coach of the jets took fellow check with the business assistant parcells resigns belichick named his successor that lasted one day belichick quits and then he's named the head coach of the new england patriots and they go on to win the super bowl quincy carter trying to get something started now he runs good pump faked by carter across midfield out of bounds near the 45-yard line and quincy carter showed you what he can do that time i will tell you what willie mcginnis he's had at least five shots at quincy carter tonight just can't get him and he hadn't the end of this is a reach willie mcginnis has chased this guy all over the ballpark willie mcginnis there's number 55 now watch this he's back in coverage he's waiting he's waiting quincy carter comes out watch this oops i think he has to i really think he underestimates his speed you know he they estimates his well they drafted quincy carter because he reminded jerry jones of what donovan mcnabb was able to do and you see that kind of running ability richie anderson gets the call from the fullback spot gets maybe a yard talking about how good defenses are this is only now we got what six minutes and 20 seconds and counting in the third quarter this is only the sixth play that the dallas cowboys have had on the other side of the 50-yard line and that's amazing and and really new england had everything going to keep that field possession game going or field position game going until they committed the big penalties that backed him up anderson adrian morrell in the backfield morrell signed in the middle of the year he's given them a boost in the running game play action to morale carter rifles that one complete terry glenn with his first catch he's booed immediately and out of bounds at the 37. if you say i can't wait to get back there i hate everything about new england these folks are not going to welcome you warmly thai law giving them a lot of room little quick rotation excellent catch [Applause] there's your third and short now these are the type of third downs that the cowboys are interested in converting because you can run the football from these distances they're almost in a four down situation these guys no have been a field goal kicker can make this yes third and two carter flips it to anderson he has the first down to the new england 30-yard line you know richie anderson did joe as soon as he caught the ball he went up he knew where the first down worker was and went right at it but i want to show you what quincy carter does with this touch pass this is between quincy carter and willie mcginnis once again paul good play action fake watch the touch he does he elevates himself to get the ball over willie mcginnis but yet doesn't throw it too hard so that richie anderson can't make a play on it quincy carter is putting on quite a clinic of being a very solid smart good quarterback and dallas needs points out of this drive down to the 26-yard line morrell played for bill parcells one year with the jets and two straight seasons with the jets he had over a thousand yards went to arizona had another thousand yard season another one of those guys that bill parcells knows what he is going to get even though he's been out of football for two years i think here on second down it's a this is a good time for the new england patriots to blitz romeo cornell the defensive coordinator i i think you come after this formation if it's a pass you can get the quarterback if it's a run maybe stop at the line morrell again lowers his shoulder pushes tacklers down near the 21-yard line i just watched adrian adrian morrell on that play there he was hit at the 25-yard line and he moved the pile morel grew up in hawaii ended up playing college ball at west virginia i don't know you how i knew you'd get that well i had to i don't know how you get from honolulu to morgantown though that's a million frequent flyers you'll take a non-stop to dulles and drive take an airplane to pittsburgh and take a bus third and two morel on the toss has the first down richie anderson gets an outstanding but you know all he does is tie up the linebacker but he comes down and he just throws his body look at number 20 richie anderson down adrian morrell picks up the first down this is what this team has to do they you know what they have never gotten away from their game they have it in the game and the game has never gotten away from richie anderson talking to us last night also said that the only difference in what he's doing for bill parcells now than when he's done form the past is he is now playing more on third down evidence that with a good block this is the deepest penetration of new england territory for dallas tonight carter mcginnis can't get him again and the pass is interesting [Applause] what a gift that was the one mistake that bill parcells did not want to see from james carter willie mason went and couldn't hold it and bill parcell sees an opportunity to go up in smoke [Music] the cowboys see a scoring chance go away because of the 30 second career interception by ty law now brady goes back to work deep sideline branch was there but tipped away at the last moment by darren woodson it hits him like it hit him in the head it hit him in the back of the head dion branch was off and running he got by the cowboy secondary and then all of a sudden watch this right bunk right in the back of the head it hits darren woods and heads up play huh and but look at the umbrella this is a smart wide receiver he comes back and makes contact hoping that possibly he may get the interference call that shows how complete a receiver he is brady has hit only four of his last third this is a really good new england's isn't bad either brady plenty of time now throws it incomplete that was intended for his tight end daniel graham the big mistake by quincy carter is what gave the pats a ball back that's willie mcginnis that's jason witten that's the tight end release and outside willie mcginnis says i don't care what the play action fake is i'm assigned to quincy carter that time he tries to make a play and it jumped up in venom you see him throwing off balance it winds up behind whitton right into ty law's lap and he found himself a gift and coach belichick says that's the way it's supposed to go our ball going the other way third and ten from new england ready to throw again underneath fault got a block guys who got the first down what an effort by kevin paul and just that flash of christian fourier just coming across the defense's front gives him a chance to make the play he's going to be coming right at you tom brady steps up now there he is now watch the flash that little move right there on that win just allowed kevin faulk to be able to pick up the first down just a little bit of a chip every now and then makes a difference under two minutes to go third quarter and in the game when points are precious the clock will become very important as his ticket down antoine smith remember you know the dallas defense isn't used to being on the field a lot now they weren't on the first half which is fine you get turnovers and all of a sudden they wanted to this game started to look a little bit like the tampa game that got away from quincy a little bit now he's got to bounce back i'll tell you one thing about the defensive line though man do they get off the ball you know it's nice when you're playing away when you're on defense because the crowd noise is down so you watch these guys take off from the line of scrimmage it's unbelievable mike zimmer is a heck of a defensive coordinator second six it looked like they were going to get something out of it but dexter coakley messed it up for antoine smith they just they just moved to the ball and and as a group and that's what you really want to see yeah they do i mean it's one of the things that they work on all the time is when the ball goes to their left they're all going left and no everybody should meet there and they they do there's usually four or five guys now you saw scott standing in front of mike zimmer the defensive coordinator of the cowboys because he was signaling in the defense they want anybody to get an edge and see what the coaches are doing third and three quick out and that's caught by graham the tight end and he has a first down nice throw by brady and graham just stuck out his hand like he had a mitt on it and made the catch for the first down end of three nine nothing you can get the same remarkably clear picture that our guys in the truck have if you get espn hd you can watch next sunday night's football game the redskins and the dolphins in hd it's now available nationwide the entire schedule can be found on espn.com i have one it is a remarkable remarkable thing now you're gonna get another one because you said you have one it's a pretty slick movement you think i think that's a good movement i'll be waiting at the front door [Applause] new england with consecutive first down across the 45 to the 46. there haven't been many big plays in this game but they have all come from the new england patriots the first dion branch 46 yards from tom brady that set up at a military field goal and then another bomb this one to david givens [Music] and it set up the first touchdown and then the intercept didn't stop the dallas thrive the 14th for the new england secondary this year that one by ty law his third individual [Applause] had a guy come flashing right across his face and good and old he thought he was gonna get blown up he gets on top of al singleton but that's darren woodson that comes flying across his face and he thinks he's gonna be in for the collision of a lifetime watch the right part of your screen little fleet flicker tom brady gets it out of his nice throw and there comes darren woodson and believe me daniel graham thought it was all i watch him titans up he doesn't see that ball he sees a collision yeah that could have been huge third and six brady straight back over the middle of four that's another first down well they got the match up they wanted they got that win on on fault and when you get that match up you got the running back on the linebacker i know datwin is a good cover guy and he's got excellent speed but you got fault coming out of the backfield here it comes brady throws he sees fog that win is there that's excellent outstanding coverage terrific throw terrific catching kevin faulk has been sort of the guy that's held all this together he's a terrific runner he makes big plays in the passing game as you saw there spells in on smith when he needs it three straight first down by a yard and now faulk on first down as the flag goes down and that's thrown in the area where they usually call the hole [Music] bill belichick's got to go crazy offense 10 yard penalty remains first down patriots came in third high in the league and penalties almost nine a game and that was dan and the rookie center called for the hold so they wipe out a good gain and take it all the way back to the 43-yard line the time of possession still heavily in favor of the cowboys but uh as paul pointed out earlier doesn't matter much with brilliant coverage he was right there would not allow the completion to patrick pass dad win is one of those guys who doesn't fit the mold he's too small he's too slow all he does is make plays and larry lacewell a cowboy scouting director said the reason we drafted that win is because we passed on zach thomas after he didn't fit the mold zach thomas turned out pretty darn well and they were not going to make the same mistake with that win and i think bill parcells if he wants bigger linebackers he's going to have a problem fitting them into what these guys are doing al singleton and dexter coakley and dad win fall hit in the backfield and spun down didn't have a chance leonardo carson who wasn't signed to the roster until last month was there well it's the one thing that bill parcells told us yesterday about his defensive lineman he dresses out eight defensive lineman because all of these guys contribute to this football team and that's why that they play so well in their number one defense because they can interchange all of these guys everybody's got something they do well greg ellis doesn't have to play all the time at the end position as well as ecubon both of them around 270 not the biggest guys this is the 12th play of the drive and they still haven't even reached midfield brady stepping up hit from behind the ball floats and new england covers it up boy ebenezer accubond got the sack and knocked it loose what are these you know talking about these guys all night long this defensive line and they stay with the four-man rush ebenezer ekubon is number 96. look at the move back to the inside and there's the roy glover number 97 they're both there to meet the quarterback that's on tom brady tom brady stepped up in the pocket his they had help outside and he just held it too long now zuriel smith waits at his 20. she rated the 40. high and very short makes a good bounce from new england and we'll get down to the 25-yard line a 36-yard punt with a 10-yard roll time running out on quincy carter and the cowboys can they come back from a nine-nothing deficit [Music] espn sunday night football brought to you by the all-new bmw 5 series the ultimate driving machine microsoft your potential our passion and ups what can brown do for you [Music] beautiful facility here in foxboro gillette stadium and the home fans have been entertained to a nine-nothing lead so far 11 23 to go in the ball game and quincy carter is going to have to rally the troops as dallas needs two scores and they're starting to run out of time carter three out of seven passing in this half only 21 yards and the one pick on the deflection [Applause] started to throw on first down batted down in his face bobby hamilton and richard seymour were right there let's go to susie mike the strength of the patriots defense this season has been the secondary especially impressive since ty law is the only remaining starter from last year he and tyrone poole work in it tonight and lot told us that bill belichick did cut down on some of the complexity of his defense so the new guys could understand it more he said so they can use their talent react more he still stresses not just anyone can play in this defense you really need to be able to think and that's why he loves the veteran susie the guys who are so versatile pressure coming on carter throws wide of anderson and he is spun down by broski and there's a flag back at the 15-yard line for the pass that's roughing the passer that's 15. that's a nice way to move the sticks look at bill belichick i mean this guy has got personal foul dropping the pass number 93 and that is the pro bowl lineman richard seymour well i'll tell you this is unbelievable to watch what these guys are doing here comes seymour now he's going to throw what are you doing this why are you hitting this guy the ball is gone it's a good call by the officials they're going to protect the quarterback there's no need for it but what i've seen the dallas cowboys do especially in these last two series is they've leaned heavily towards the past they've only run the ball five times and thrown it about 15 times that's not dallas cowboy offensive football the way it's done by carter and they'll blow this one dead this will cost dallas five they're gonna wear these flags out mike i'm nick i never saw they have more but they do tom white's been a busy guy he's been on more than joe [Laughter] and that's hard to say tom white has been on more than joe fall start number 65 offense five-yard penalty remains first down phillips obviously not happy with it i think so my lip reading skills are impressive andre garage not going to be on that favorite player list this week i still think i still think the cowboys you've got 11 minutes 15 seconds to go in this game you you know you're not into a hurry up throw the ball all the time mode yet screen to morel not much blocking still got across the 40 to the 41 they get the five yards back next sunday night at 7 30 eastern we hope you'll watch nfl prime time they'll catch you up on all today's action and then steve spurrier the old ball coach patrick ramsey and the redskins go to miami to take on ricky williams and the dolphins on espn sunday night football at 8 30. well we've had a great schedule all year we hope you enjoy the remaining games that we have we have some duties coming up redskins playing better football heartbreaker today good job taking over the coordinators steve spurrier really running the organization like a head coach second and ten for dallas three-man rush underneath and that one is complete to brian he gets to the 49. they'll need about two more for a first down mike grebel was there for the stop again quincy carter talk about his mobility we've seen him run around look at the job he does just staying in the pocket offensive line gives him a throwing lane that time antonio bryant hangs on they have a manageable third down finally hambrick is back in the tailback third in about a yard and a half hambrick will get the carry he didn't get it he did not make it just got across to 50. you mentioned four down territory earlier it might be here no i think they made it oh he didn't make it that was not where the line's been marked they've got to get to the 49-yard line now are they there they didn't make it well but i look for this let's look at it the linesman came in from the sideline and had it marked short of that perhaps the linesman from the other side of the field marked it closer i'm putting my if i don't get this one right i quit this is your reputation right on the line well my reputation's been on the line a long time ago well you lost it actually a long time ago but that's okay go ahead that's way good give me an answer come on i said it they didn't make it okay well that means it's first i think they did i said no no no no go for it i go for it i don't agree i don't care whether you agree or not i think go for it i think you still play the field position game and you kick it they're going to go for it they're going to play the field position game and go for it now would you go quarterback sneak like you did yes yes quarterback snake he's picked up what two two already throughout his career bill parcells has gone for a lot and also he's the guy called the plays this isn't a suggestion to a coordinator this is the man in charge joe you don't need to be in this game if you've got you got a you got a team this big this line this bacon you can't move that thing six inches you're not gonna win right you're not gonna win well the game could be on the line here you just don't want anybody moving offsides that's the big thing don't don't like you say don't keep him at the line of scrimmage get up get it on with it oh and now carter has to use the timeout 9 21 to go in the game fourth in inches for dallas when we come back [Music] 9 21 to go from foxborough fourth and inches for dallas the cowboys have only made three out of eight on fourth down this year but i like the fact that quincy carter didn't have everything the way he wanted it he had the presence of mind not to try and rush it he called the timeout went over and uh conferred with coach barcells and they make a decision this is going to be loud in here they don't need to make an exchange they need him to get the first down quincy carter has had a couple of successful quarterback keepers oh they jammed in the middle they are jammed in the middle they're waiting for that sneak and instead they go to hambrick and hambrick lost his footing and they were stuck by bruce what up what a bad call what and quincy carter has picked up first downs you you're handing it off in the backfield and it's sort of a it's a it's a fake to the right and then come back to the left i mean it takes so long for it fake to the right come back to the left you've got penetration up the middle teddy brewski puts hambrick on the ground patriots ball [Music] teddy brewski just made what may have been his biggest tackle of the year as he stuffed hambrick on a fourth and inches play kevin faulk in the lineup they fake it cool brady contact and they're going to say that receiver and the defensive back got their feet tied up mario edwards and bethel johnson and when the feet get tied up and there's no other contact they're not going to throw the fly tom brady talked about bethel johnson what they do is they drop back five cents he's so fast they can't overthrow him i would have liked to have seen if he could have caught up to that ball this is incidental contact i mean there was no way the mario edwards was trying to trip this guy with you mario don't move was just trying to catch up to him that's all he was doing [Applause] i like the person with blazing speed man i like charlie weiss called up just go for it they were going for a throat on them smith behind andrews nice hole off the left side dadwin makes the tackle at the 42. you know in this in this second half of the ball game now we're going under nine minutes up until that play which is what five yards new england seven carries for 12 yards that's why rushing the ball where's dallas defense rank number one that's why there it is right there you're right and bill belichick knows that it was going to be this kind of a football game and bill parcells told us last night i said what's the key to the game he says turnovers if you win the turnover battle you win 84 of the time and that was up a half a percentage point from a week ago coming into this weekend's game third and fourth for new england they are really thin at wide receiver now david gibbons hurt early in the volume his return is questionable troy brown not on the active list tonight that one popped up in the air mario edwards again with great coverage on dion branch mario edwards is a different football player in year four talking to darren woodson he said mario edwards was never a guy who worked real hard he didn't really have a work ethic and all of a sudden whether it's his maturity or the arrival of bill parcells his work ethic has changed tremendously this i'll take the arrival of marcel's question i'll give him credit to say it's his fourth year and he knows what's going on here's the 15th punt the other 14 wouldn't with anything either i would that would go down 10. that's in about the 40s and walter better kick this time closer to zuriel smith makes the fair catch at the 19-yard line 809 to go a pair of seven and two division leaders and it's a nine-nothing new england lead [Music] the new england patriots trying to go 8-2 for only the second time in their history have a nine-nothing lead over the dallas cowboys fourth quarter dallas starts from its own 19. check it for 14. [Applause] carter morrell underneath and he's brought down at the 19-yard line willie mcginnis was there 10 possessions seven punts they got to the new england 19 and then they lost the ball on the interception on that drive they also had one possession ended by the first half another possession failed when they went forward on fourth dimension and every one of their possessions have been they've started their possessions in their own territory well you knew it was going to be a game of field position and waiting for breaks and trying to make breaks carter intercepted by tyrone under throne for terry that's just funny cowboys this whole second half really got away from what kept them somewhat close in the game and that was running the ball you had a second down and five you run the play action and again give credit to bill belichick in the adjustments that he makes he only rushes three he drops everybody else into coverage quincy carter makes the throw and tyrone poole going back and showing you why he was a coveted free agent for the new england patriots that's the third interception for tyrone pull the 15th for the patriots and this game looks an awful lot like the tampa game for quincy carter the first half he played really really solid the second half has tried to force some play now look for new england to try to run the ball and work the clock paul stays in bounds taken down to the 41-yard line this is one of those games we talked about quincy carter continuing to grow as a quarterback 17 for 30 pretty solid the two int is very critical that one there he tried to throw the ball that's what that's an interception that's just part of the game as a quarterback the one that he threw before will william mcginnis put the pressure on him as taiwan made the interception and that's something that bill parcells will have a long conversation with his young quarterback about tyrone poole and ty law have each had a pitch tonight brady slipped as he threw it shouted out to patrick he breaks a tackle and patrick pass inside the 30 for the first down nice effort by the four-year fullback from georgia well i'll tell you what that win had excellent coverage on this play and patrick pass just would not go down here's the play patrick pass to the outside watch who's there in a hurry that win patrick pass just shows you some strength that's how strong he's only like 220. and that's his first pass reception got a little string a little streamer excuse me a second he's got a little streamer coming off of his blue console i don't think he wants it he wants to make tom brady now 14 out of 33 206 yards nowhere to go taken down at the 30 he'll lose a yard but the clock is now under six minutes that was darren woodson again making the play and this guy from the safety position but you know we talked about both of these defenses are just extraordinary tonight we're watching the dallas cowboys now they've been on the field for a little while but these guys are you know they thought they could wear these guys down they can't they are fast well if their offense hadn't turned the ball over they uh the defense would have been able to rest even a little bit more [Music] this time straight up the middle and he got down to around the 28 yard line dexter coakley coming over and making the tackle talked about the speed of these linebackers we've seen to me dad win has just been everywhere every time there's a patriot with the ball in his hand that win has been from one sideline to the other dexter coakley plays that off linebacker position another guy who can flat run charleston south carolina talk about the difference between a dexter coakley and say a pepper johnson who's on the staff of the new england patriots third and long and brady under pressure throws underneath he has his tight end christian fourier he'll be about three yards shy of a first down and this will bring adam benatari on the field you can bet they're going to let this clock run down a lot more it'll should get under four minutes by the time they're ready to do anything and this field they share this field with mr kraft's soccer team so you look at the the brownness in the chewed up area it's not an easy surface to kick off that's the best thing that happened to cowboys you hold these guys through just three points so you know but the problem is you're not moving the ball down the field the three mistakes that they made three interceptions and then the two long bombs there's only really been actually five plays in this game that have turned it [Music] and here are the plays paul just talked about and they have come from tom brady's arm to dion branch and set up the field goal then to david givens which set up the patriots touchdown ty law stopped the dallas deepest penetration with the interception teddy brewski stopped him on fourth and inches with a great play and then tyrone poole stopped the last drive with his third pick of the season and bill belichick loving every second of it they've always talked about bill belichick being stoic when they won the miami game in overtime he was all excited then he won the denver game he's excited he loves football and he loves his football team his guys play hard for him his guys really really respect him and they like playing for him because he's just one heck of a football coach well you're not going to see him any time soon headlining at the comedy shop but you know he is a heck of a football coach he's proven year after year and that's some ugly dirk that that he's kicking off beneterry is already hit from 23 this [Applause] you've got is dallas and if that if that happens that's going to be a first down it is and what a killer mistake that is here's the thing you take points off the board absolutely yes sir in this situation because you can run time off the clock or make them burn the rest of their timeouts were you just asking a question or you just was just talking out loud i was asking a dumb question of a dumb guy me outside [Applause] [Music] hey i can tell you right side of your frame right up top right there you see him whoop little too anxious beneterry goes ahead actually makes the kick dallas has two timeouts left [Applause] but this is going to use up at least another minute off the block you know major tackle that win newman newman the guy just made the mistake here he comes off the corner and he makes the tackle they got to use their timeouts now if dallas goes on to lose this ball game don't look in your rear view mirror but there are the philadelphia eagles and there's been a remarkable turnaround for that what i think the biggest difference in the donovan mcnabb is he's decided to run with the football he made some great decisive decisions today against the giants he's got his complete game back and you're right they're gaining momentum antoine smith protecting the bargains down near the 10. you know we had that coach of the year list up there i'll tell you a guy you know bill parcells certainly bill belichick certainly i think dick vermeer marvin lewis has done it absolutely the cincinnati bengals are closing and tied with the baltimore ravens actually they're ahead of him because they've beaten them once could be the cincinnati bengals winning the division when's the last time you've even thought about that more or less said it not in my lifetime so i saw him playing the super bowl one yeah it was a rather cold day tyrone poole coming up with a big play brady naked coldlight slips and tackle coakley had him dead to rights for a loss of seven or eight couldn't make the tackle but they're right back to fourth down situation again but the clock just keeps turning well they're gonna get help here they're gonna get the two minute warning so it'll go all the way down to two minutes the cowboys will keep their timeouts but because of that offside penalty cost a minute yes it did critical error two minutes to go in a nine nothing ball game shutouts are rare in the national football league they are even more rare for bill parcells twice in 248 regular season games that's if this one holds and remember flozell adams blocked the extra point that's why the score is uh nine nothing instead of ten adam vinatieri can kick it low 12-0 dallas will now need a pair of touchdowns in the final 156 to pull this out in week seven at miami olindo mata missed a would-be game-winning field goal the patriots went on to win it in overtime 82 yards from tom brady to troy brown who was hurt and couldn't play tonight the pats had trailed 13-6 in the third quarter in week nine they purposely snapped the ball out of the end zone for a safety then they got the ball back brady marched his team downfield for a touchdown another come from behind victory they were bailed out in that one because the resulting free kick after the safety was misplayed so bad and the other well the other thing is too is they've sort of picked up where they left off with the buy they came into the buy and mr kraft's team they wanted to get him healthy right well they get him sort of healthy now david givens is nicked a little bit troy brown doesn't play so they're right back filling in the pieces one more time before this game is over i know all of us wanted to mention this hats off to jerry jones for hiring bill parcells and giving up a lot of the control he has always had over that franchise i think that is a critical thing for him to do he wants to win so badly that you go out and get a bill parcells it is a a courageous move on his part to depart from what he'd always done in the past i don't think he gave up control i think he brought a partner in the first time he's hired a football coach with nfl experience surial smith on the return and smith out near the 35-yard line we have a timeout with a minute 49 to go in the ball game new england [Music] patriots with a 12-nothing lead over the dallas cowboys a minute 49 to go in the game three-man rush against quincy carter out in the flat to richie anderson out of bounds at the 36 here's susie mike the story leading up to this game all week was the relationship of bill parcells and bill belichick what a successful coaching combination but how their relationship has been fractured personally since in the pregame the two barely acknowledged each other certainly fueling the fire of what the relationship like these days well we have to wonder what happens in the post game do they continue to fuel that fire do they acknowledge each other i don't think there's ever been as much intrigue regarding a handshake in the poster yeah you have to wonder anderson wheels his way out to the 49 his eighth catch i'll bet you will have i bet you will have a camera or two well i i could i could never see losing the game and going over shaking somebody's hand afterwards well you know coaches do that every now and then part of the intrigue paul carter steps up and shows you the strength of that arm zuriel smith down to the 20. the cowboys have to be a little careful they still have two timeouts left and i mean new england has to be a little careful you can't just give them up give them a cheap score and they have an onside kick and all of a sudden have an opportunity to uh to beat you carter's got smith wide open doesn't see him instead throws it out of the end zone our sunday stud question who's the nfl coach of the year your vote bill parcells 34.8 marvin lewis finished second vic for meal john fox and bill belichick in that order third fourth and fifth i don't agree i think marvin lewis had to take a team that was so far away and teach him how to win bill parcells inherited a good defense he had two great wide receivers to go i think phil's done a terrific job to me congratulations to marvin lewis and uh he would have been my choice i'm gonna wait to vote belichick has overcome so many injuries carter goes down under the rush seymour was there along with dan klecko here's another here's another rule change that they had when a quarterback gets sacked now they don't stop the clock they used to stop the clock but not anymore he got sacked that clock is still running third and 13. [Applause] carter under pressure again holding penalty froze on the run incomplete flagged down and it looked like kurt vollers trying to protect this quarterback will be called for the hole he was holding dan klecko brand new england we talk about these the two defenses in this game tonight really played hard and mistakes made the difference that's all it was holding number 78 10 yard penalty remains third down only 17 seconds to go stewart's gotten john anderson standing by for sportscenter the bungles no more you betcha parcells and belichick what about the relationship and the olympians stalking terror 17 seconds to go ball back at the 34. well you know what guys this game lived up to the billing believe me this football game was as good as anything you knew it would be two tremendous defenses [Applause] eugene wilson just unloaded on randall williams and they're gonna flag him for a hit to the head i believe it's a hit to the head and and that they're going to call now they're talking this thing over with did he hit him in the head or then you hit the ball here he hit him in the chest i think you see the officials no no no he he led with his head look at his helmet he speared him he that's that's what they're doing that's his shoulder no he hit he leads with his shoulder paul that's what i'm going to tell you i bet you that's where that is i'll tell you that he leads with his shoulder not his head but the helmet did get up under his chin now are they going to call if you lead with your shoulder it's so close to your head complete pass we have a personal foul unnecessary roughness a new england player wants to hit the dallas player it'll be a 15-yard penalty from the previous spot first down hold on joe he launched himself that that is what they're calling you cannot launch yourself for the guy okay so you're supposed to let a guy go catch the ball i'll tell you that's what that's part watch it watch his shoulder though paul now what i'm saying he said what i'm saying to you is he's saying after okay after the after the miss catch that's what's not right because this guy still has a chance to get the ball he's knocking the ball away that's a wrong call he was just knocking the ball away from the receiver blitz coming against carter to the end zone intercepted ty law is going to bring it out and bill belichick's going to kill him yes he is he wants him to get down he wants it off tai law and the return and he throws it on the ladder a loose ball flag is down they may call this a forward pass and ty law i'm sure bill belichick is not going to like the way that one went but it will end the ball game [Music] [Applause] and new england will win it 9-0 [Applause] excuse me 12-0 and here's bill parcells and bill belichick going toward midfield as the referees sort out this there's an illegal block in the back during the return that apparently is declining ball game's over there's grill parcels bill belichick they you know that's good to see well you know what it is because there's two men that respect each other that we know they spent a lot of time when we had a chance to talk to them about the fact that there was this rift there really wasn't that was a classy ending to a heck of a ball game the final score 12-nothing new england for joe dyson paul mcguire susie calvert our entire espn crew this is my patrick tonight from gillette stadium in foxboro this has been a presentation of espn the worldwide leader in sports
Channel: Ryan Bush
Views: 8,793
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dallas Cowboys, New England Patriots, Ryan Bush, Decade of Futility, Bill Parcells, Bill Belichick, Tom Brady, Quincy Carter, Troy Hambrick, Terry Glenn, Jason Witten, Larry Allen, David Patten, Darren Woodson, Roy Williams, Terence Newman, Greg Ellis, Dexter Coakley, Joe Theismann, Paul Maguire, Mike Patrick, ESPN
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 136min 29sec (8189 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 30 2021
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