Arizona Cardinals @ Dallas Cowboys, Week 6 1994 Full Game

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going to have the ball first as chris bonol who has been outstanding so far will kick it off for dallas deep patrick robinson who they like to have handle it and fred mcafee back bono to robinson at about the two touchdowns very quickly by brock marion good coverage the arizona offense as we mentioned will be directed by jay schroeder his 11th year in front of him a huge offensive line sharp die cunningham coleman and rick cunningham the right tackle ronald moore centers troll randall hill and derrick ware are those who receive schroeder's throw first and ten cardinals at their own eleven they're on sixteen leggings [Applause] straight ahead is larry sinners here's the dallas defense at least those who will start in front haley let russell maryland and tony tolbert three very quick linebackers smith robert jones in the middle and dixon edwards secondary larry brown james washington darren woodson the other quarterback is kevin smith's second and five centers got five three tied in for the cardinals one of them in the backfield is chad fan and here is traitor pass he's taught by randall hill and that'll be enough for his cardinal first down that's one thing about jay schroeder he has a big league arm and the ball doesn't stay in the air long if you're going to watch randall hill here he's just coming up he's just going to run a hook you just run up make the guy think you're going deep and then hook and stop before that safety can get there and that ball had to be thrown just as jay schrader threw it that had some mustard that is a fastball major league first and ten the arizona cardinals [Music] you know i think that was the old sucker play pat where they when they take leonlette and they just let him go you watch him leon letters there they don't block him and then they're just going to run right by him remember that was a sucker where see he takes the inside no one blocks him there comes a trap late and then they just let him come they were going to trap him late and boom he got up the field too far and really opened the middle of that defense up second and three [Applause] straighter in the cardinal offense from the 40. straighter [Music] smith he has been outstanding yeah i think if there's anything that that schrader has to watch out for is that's what we said earlier is is don't do anything dumb you know don't give the the cowboys a ball if you have to punt that's okay but don't throw any interception like you said darren smith just came from out of nowhere and not that one man all three of those linebackers have great speed third and three now and straighter in another passing situation ronald moore is the deep back here comes the prince after schrader moore [Applause] darren woodson was a linebacker and you're going to say first of all they get the penetration then they get the blitz coming and then number 28 right here boom he comes up darren woodson and makes a short tackle for a loss so they had the blitz plus the secondary coming up jeff fiegel's ex eagle for the cardinals and back deep kevin williams feels it for that good coverage by the cardinal special teams as they're down in a hurry to knock him backwards nothing nothing scored [Music] fox nfl sunday is brought to you by cadillac in your cadillac dealer creating a higher standard by taco bell tacos burritos and nachos across the board by a1 steak sauce and spicy a1 bold together there how steaks are done and by new york life the company you keep first quarter at texas stadium nothing nothing cowboy's first possession [Applause] [Music] harvard and irvin both left now harper goes in motion right emmett smith starts [Applause] michael irvin came up with a catch over james williams tough catch by michael irvin let's look at the offensive unit now we mentioned him at smith they're led by troy aikman in front a huge offensive line allen the place of q a newton stepnowski canard and eric with him larry allen the rookie emmett smith and daryl johnston the banks urban and harper wide [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] i think you can tell the cowboys are going to come out and they're going to go to work deep on this cardinal defense they know they have eight men up they know they like to blitz the place to work is on those corners they worked on the left corner first got a completion boom they went right back to the right corner and got a penalty here and the cowboys are in arizona territory 35 defense first down against denis williams the other cornerback you see him right there he just has that right hand up there and pushing alvin harper before the ball gets here aeneas williams is a good corner i think they're going to throw more on james williams than they are in the squad they have irvin on james with his side the arizona defensive unit and it's a pressure bunch clyde simmons bernard wilson eric swann he's something to watch michael bankston the blind backers wilbur marshall seth joyner on the outside aaron hill in the middle and the secondary the two williams at corners terry hogue and lorenzo lynch are the two safety men second and ten smith got about a half yard on his initial carry here comes the blitz flag on the play aiken is going to let it go for harper incomplete flags flew early they went through with the play trey aikman was knocked down by eric swann that's bernie zampies who's calling these plays says he's going to go after him he's going to go after him early and he's he's a man of his word offside number 96 defense five yard penalty repeat second down [Applause] i'll tell you you want to talk about a guy who is a power rusher watch eric swan i mean he just comes in he just takes johnson i don't know what johnston is doing on him but if they don't get alignment on eric swann it's going to be a long day for troy aikman that's a definite mismatch i mean i mean eric swan can think about any two guys in this league and put him in the backfield let alone a fullback second at five the penalty was against clyde simmons johnston a little shuffled in the backfield here's eight nova check got one hand up [Applause] [Applause] [Music] mark stephanoski in the head after the play's over you see he's going there now watch him right here he comes down there boom he just gives him a right hand while the guy was down you can't hit him when he's down like you can't slog him when he's up you're not supposed to that that was just a stupid penalty and that's a stupid 15 yards cowboys ball at the cardinal 19. first and ten they are the most penalized team in the nfl and they've added to their total [Applause] harper with the main emotions and that smith smith inside the 15 to about the 13. stopped by terry hogue the safety man there's two ways to approach things in football one is you can run the ball to tighten them up and then throw it late or establish the run where the way the cowboys are starting here today you can do the opposite of that start throwing loosen them up and then boom come back with a run smith got six second and four right now with the cowboy changes on defense the harbor to michael irvin from aikman at about the six it made the cardinals make all kinds of adjustments on this side they put daryl johnson at tight end they had nova check outside as a wide receiver and then they come back and they just throw the slant and i tell you when you get that three-step drop you got to get rid of the ball quickly with these guys coming you really have to get rid of it quickly that was michael bankston who hit him as he threw it first first and goal from the sixth [Music] to about the five four and a half perhaps now they say the ball came loose but it's going to be dead down there number 60. he almost got it walking back to the huddle did you see that he was up walking back to the huddle and some guys were still hitting on that and they rolled up in the back of his leg he would be hard to miss i know at any anything on the back of him i think if you were rolling you would get a piece of [Music] i think there's a slice for everybody how would you like to have to go against him all day second goal from the four the cardinals may be a little too fired up i mean fired up is good excited emotional those are all good things but too fired up too excited too emotional isn't offsides defense number 58 lined up in a neutral zone yeah he's up there inside he's the inside linebacker of the two you see him look like he took a step then tried to get back and then he just left seth joyner was a man on the outside second and goal from a two now [Music] smith is deep johnston in front of him two tight ends [Music] [Applause] [Music] yeah that's that's the thing you can only take so many of those shots but i think that every time troy aikman has thrown the ball thus far he's been knocked down and knowing this defense that has to be a part of what they're doing they have to say anytime he goes to throw the ball you knock him down jamir miller is the man who knocked him down in their first round draft choice [Music] [Applause] turn the moose loose on the goal line that was a tough ride for the cowboys and the cowboys are a tough team they're not a finesse team they are also a physical team lots of protection here you start off with a play pass i formation the fullback was daryl johnston he just goes like he's going to block and then boom he goes right out into the class bono's extra point is good the cowboys lead seven nothing 8 22 left to play in the first quarter dallas on top dallas over arizona to nothing seven plays 83 yards daryl johnson on the touchdown with a two yard catch four passes three rushes four penalties for 44 yards [Applause] [Music] [Applause] finally gets back to about the 20. [Music] somebody left a glove nobody wants it i think that's going to be the glove that someone just lost figures they don't need it i think it's probably going to stay there the whole game until someone trips over lonely gloves you know and that every every first drive the cowboys have had this year they've scored i think a lot of that is ernie zampisi their offensive coordinator and the script that they have because that whole thing was scripted the night before and they went after them at cornerback [Applause] [Music] yeah we're talking about ernie sam pisa he's a guy in the middle with all those pins there and i think that was an excellent drive like i said ernie came out and you know emmitt smith was a little banged up at a hamstring but he says no one can run against this ernie says okay we'll loosen you up started throwing and then ended up with a play pass for the touchdown larry sanders is the lone back behind jay straighter [Applause] in the rush schroeder gets away from it flag on the play [Applause] for one thing you always talk about the cardinals and buddy ryan getting his guys ready to play they are ready to play but this cowboy team is also ready to play today yeah and as you pointed out a minute earlier the cardinals might be a little too ready holding number 67 offense 10 yard penalty repeat second half with lewis sharp on charles haley well you know charles haley is a tough guy to block and uh and he'll probably get more holding penalties against him than anyone in the league other than maybe a reggie white but those guys that are tougher blocked especially guys that take you up the field and then take an inside move will always draw a hole at some point you have to hold them to save your quarterback's life right if your feet don't get there your hands have to go there three wide receivers set up for the cardinals now straighter back to throw a hit passes complete traitor did very well to get loose and here's another penalty flag down this one's going to be against larry center pass complete to randall hill and it hit jay schrader just as he threw the ball was russell maryland he said the penalty is going to be against centers larry senators number 37 say what did i do he hit later [Applause] they look better with those kind of caps [Music] [Applause] see the play come in larry centers as he is a fullback and he gets down field to block after plays are over a lot he sees that action there and he just came over the top to make that block i mean that wasn't anything other than the whistle had blown the linebacker darren smith was just standing there and he came over the top and blocked him that's very late larry sanders is one of those guys who probably does that not hitting late but blocking down field as well as any pullback in this league he does everything schroeder out of the shotgun this time second and 19. centers makes the reception robert jones and darren woodson bring him down sanders is you know one of the most valuable guys or maybe the most valuable guy in the offense of this cardinal team he's a fullback but he's a blocker he's a runner he's a pass catcher and and he's really a tough guy we were talking to butch davis the defensive coordinator yesterday the cowboys and he says he's like a rolling ball a butcher knife yeah i never heard that one that's a new one that sounds like something would be tough to tackle third down strata has time pass is picked off he was going for ricky pro darren woodson with the interception a couple of big plays by garrett whitson but watch her rush here by charles haley pat he's the guy that is coming right in his face as he throws the ball watch him he comes on there he's looking back there haley gets his arm up doesn't left doesn't let that left foot step forward and of course darren woodson's down field number 28 gets a good jump in the ball sees it all the way and makes the interception but i don't think i don't think jay schroeder saw his receiver or darren woodson or anyone because of charles haley so it's first and ten cowboys at the cardinal 23. [Applause] setback reverse kevin williams [Applause] got away from one man and got it back for perhaps a couple of yards you know if you look at this defense they really do give you the outside receivers deep i mean you know they have the the eight men in the box they have the the corners say they're on an island they're isolated out there and the cowboys ran a reverse i would have thought they would have run a fade to either harper irvin in that situation you might see that right now [Applause] that was a heck of a throw by troy aikman because you're going to see harper come inside he's going to run the slant and you're going to see joyner number 59 you see him run out there so he has to wait until harper gets past joyner and then hit harper with a ball oh you're right that's a good throw i know and joyner what the cardinal linebackers do is they turn and run towards the receiver and the cowboys add six his record is 7-1 against the cowboys but not 7-1 against this cowboy team that was a different group or last year's cowboy team we're the cowboy team the year before or emmitt smith who has led the league three straight years in russian extra point down the middle 14-0 with 417 left to play in the first quarter dallas over arizona here's how a good run gets started you start right here with eric williams collapsing this side pulling vague nate newton the lead and then some excellent running by emmett smith but watch eric's move whoa i mean eric williams just collapses a whole side there's 61 nate newton out there and a couple missed tackles and you know emmitt smith when he gets that close to the goal line with those kinds of blocks he's just not going to stop him the shark is back covering the kickoff by bono patrick robinson as it bounces bounces into the end zone the sun blinded him rapture saw him shade his eyes as the ball came down opening friday at a theater near you john madden ed o'neill star in the new motion picture comedy little giants and tonight they'll be hosting the fox sunday night lineup all part of the little giants night brought to you in part by warner brothers tonight on fox you believe that movie star yeah looks like the sun blinded the guy in the right there nice looking guy yeah baloney this cardinal defense so you're sitting there having a meeting now they they don't [Applause] picked up about four you're always talking about players saying regroup that's what this cardinal team is trying to do now is regroup because the cowboys have really had their way with them 51 left in the first quarter now cowboys leading cardinals ball second down they need about seven [Applause] more and centers behind straighter hit hard by robert jones and not backwards [Applause] they're doing that you're going to see a blitz here and then you see jones here come in and make the hit i think i think the blitz was a good call because they blitzed right into the hole where the cardinals are trying to run and jones just steps right around the blitz and he makes a perfect tackle that was a declare he failed it third and six three wide receivers for arizona shotgun sweden completely larry brown the cowboys will have the ball deep in cardinal territory now the one thing we said schroeder couldn't do he's already done twice don't throw it to the other people because once the other people get it they really know what to do with it this is their nickel defense baits in there at linebacker you see brown he's just in the coverage he knows he has help deep he has a safety so he can play underneath that thing now watch it because he has a help deep he can come right underneath he bumps gary clark lets him go because the safety's behind him and just gets a jump on it short first down cowboys at the cardinal 18. [Applause] novacek shook eric swann michael bankston finally brought him down smith was saying yesterday that the one thing that he kind of hopes he doesn't do would really bother his hamstring if he broke a long one if he broke through and had a run a long ways that would be the worst thing that could happen to him although that as a running back that's what you're always looking for he said just via the short runs and the hits and all that stuff he said he won't have any trouble with that second and seven to fifteen [Applause] [Music] [Applause] know one thing pat watch this watch eric williams and how he and then the the throw is going to come to that side now apeman is going to throw it you get a lot of help by your tackle now watch when you have a tackle who can do this boom take that guy and just knock him out of there you see he knocked his guy so far out he created the passing lane to jay novacek first and goal at the one two tier a one hand up no touchdown signaled yet except by aikman aikman's don't count and they're not going to be a touchdown because those two outside officials on the line as they're gonna come down again the football has to break the plane go over the plane you don't see it well you don't know when they blew the whistle but when his raid was he's in this time touchdown [Applause] those are two evan smith touchdowns but i'll tell you you have to give credit to the defense for getting two turnovers then to the offense to take advantage of those two turnovers emma's going to keep that ball as he always does yeah if he'll put it they'll put the date on it and put it in a box and he'll take it home to florida bono for the extra point nova jack's still over that we're watching surgery on both sides of the ball by dallas 21 to nothing they lead with 38 seconds left in the first quarter [Music] bono's kickoff is going to be brought back they're going to re-kick yeah you have to wait he he he kicked it before the officials told him he could kick it you can't do that the guys ran downfield the cardinals were standing around that's what a rookie kicker will do every once in a while ready to go look at that the cardinals have thrown two interceptions and then when you get an interception the next thing you want to do is take advantage of it and the cowboys have done it with two touchdowns of 14 points set to kick at this time short fluttering kick handled by robin out of bounds he goes at about the 29 where the cardinals will take over 21-0 dallas first quarter he's the guy that does all the dances and the shark and all that stuff when he gets down there he looks like he's a marked man punching them and throwing them over guys and getting them on the ground they got a takedown and a back flip and he wondered what in the heck caused that probably the dance he did before the kickoff or maybe that short fluttering kickoff ronald moore's and he's the ball carrier chase and down after he picked up about 10 by darren smith close to first down yardage you know barry switzer's son played last night in fact he plays a quarterback doug switzer for missouri southern berry went to the game and it hasn't affected the start of this conflict yeah i think i think if i were barry switzer the same situation and i had a son play and i had an airplane to take me there he was there yesterday when we were there he was at the meetings with the players and all that stuff i would have done the same thing well he's very much emotionally involved in that he is going to do that yeah and he and he said jerry jones knew it and they talked about it when he first took the job in fact to get to the game it was in joplin missouri last night he took jerry jones jerry jones of course the owner of the cowboys anyway i think i think he's really done a nice job of you know the transition from jimmy johnson to to now because these guys are playing great that's the end of the first quarter with the score dallas 21 the arizona cardinals nothing [Music] first down arizona at their own 40-yard line dallas leading 21-0 [Music] this is ron moore perhaps a yard [Music] first quarter statistics as you would expect i think here's a big thing you look at the two turnovers of the cardinals and that has equaled 14 points of the cowboys and the other touchdown for the cowboys was their first ride and that was caused really by 45 yards of penalty by the cardinals second and eight [Applause] the ball carrier and this is going to be another cardinal penalty powered row prior to the snap we got a false start on number 64 off in five yard penalty repeat second down number 64 offense is a right tackle rick cunningham again you're going to say that you know the third starting quarterback for the cardinals also means the third starting count and you know they still look like they're not used to the rhythm that the different quarterbacks have given them first was berlin then mcmahon and now schrader [Applause] centers in motion this time straighter back to throw it up the middle to ronald moore got back to about the 40s tripped up by haley you know we know that this is going to to be a defensive team but look at the in the first game steve berlin was a starting quarterback in the second game burling was the starting quarterback mcmahon tobacco schrader third that was a week they got schroeder game three mcmahon started schrader the backup burling number three then game four schroeder the starter berlin to back up mcmahon number three and that's the same today and there's jim mcmahon and he's the emergency quarterback who would be the 46th man third down sailors throws another screen pass hillary centers who broke a couple of tacklers and mary nearly broke away with enough to get a first down finally stopped by james washington i think when you talked to all the cowboys yesterday that the guy that they respect the most is larry center and we said butch davis called him a rolling ball of butcher knives but every other player talk about larry centers with a lot of respect i think they know that he's going to block it he's going to catch he's going to do all those things you always better watch out for him jeff siegel's back to punt for arizona and deep is kevin williams for dallas looking into the sun high good kick get away from it [Applause] their cardinals are gonna down it at the three yard line good kick by jeff beagles well done terry irving down to down at 21-0 dallas fox nfl sunday is brought to you by the totally new ford contour a world car for the 21st century by russell athletic for really tough athletic wear that can survive anything get rustle athletic get tough buy goodyear number one attire and by warner brothers new motion picture little giant starting friday october 14th at a theater near you dallas ball first down at their own three yard line they lead 21-0 emmitt smith is deleted back daryl johnson in front of him [Applause] close to midfield that's that's the guy that said they were going to work on bad is the right corner james williams watch here's james williams he's up here in tight coverage he gets a bump that irving is is quick he gets by him and and and williams just never catches up i mean that was just quickness right at the line you're watching here it's just man-to-man you see they got the eight men up here and irving just comes off right now you see boom he hasn't beaten right now and troy aikman makes a perfect pass [Applause] you better have good cornerbacks if you're going to play this defense emmett smith this is a tough defense to play with average cornerbacks or even pretty good cornerbacks against great wide receivers and michael irvin is a great wide receiver and if you get up him tight he has the quickness that he just showed on that play plus he has a strength strength yeah so he's tough to play tight coverage on and if those front groups aren't getting to the quarterback it's going to be a long day for this defense second and eight harper is right this time at urban left statement back to him smith slides to about the clyde simmons stripped him again in the rare event you might not know is suffering from a pulled right hamstring and running carefully yeah look what this defense does though pat they have eight guys up now when you're running against him now instead of just having the one guy back here they put the two guys back so now you only have seven up there to run again so they wanted to loosen them up and they did loosen them up now they have a looser defense only seven minutes flags on the play because to get an eight men up you have to bring a safety up the cardinals we got a false start on number 60 offense five yard penalty repeat third down derek kennard is number 60. i think when he gets that stuff going forward there's no stopping him and when he gets to there there's no stopping it when you're going against eric swann that's going to be a tough deal you want to get that stuff going as quickly as you can it's going to be tough enough to stop it anyway very intended or in the direction of jay novacek he's hit by sebastian barry 73 just as he released and you'll see just as he throws the ball you see from the from the top of the screen in fact he beat nate newton and he doesn't see this at all you see this is his blind side he's looking to the right side he doesn't feel it or see it or anything so john jet back to punt for dallas patrick robinson deep not his best single snare catch and the cardinals take over in the best shape they've been so far their own 22 23-yard line 21-0 however dallas leads [Music] back at texas stadium pat sumrall with john madden 21-0 the cowboys lead the cardinals beautiful day perfect temperature pretty soon the sun will be all the way off the field [Applause] jay schroeder still the cardinal quarterback back to through it haley has picked off daryn woodson's second interception of the day and they rip it back into good field position again three interceptions and that one schroeder really got hit on that one i think charles haley had something to do again here's charles haley he's going to come from the outside he also gets pressure from that side we gave charles craig haley credit for one here he gets credit for another one because he was there tony tommy was there from the other side and they put the sandwich on jay schroeder and dallas takes over at the cardinal 26 first and ten and then cowboy defense is doing what the cardinal defense thought they were going to do make turnovers create turnovers pause have it make [Applause] [Music] first down stopped by eric hill [Music] i think the next time the cardinals get the ball we'll probably see steve berlin warming jay schroeder is injured on that play plus he's thrown three interceptions uh you know he doesn't have the mobility to get out of the way he's been really taking a beating in there in this first half and that's about as much as one guy can take you better get a fresh guy first down dallas to emma smith who changed direction a couple of times looked like the hamster he might have bothered him a bit then when he tried to change direction well you know the cowboy defense already has three interceptions and i think this guy right here charles haley had a lot to do i mean i don't think i know he had a lot to do with two of them because he knocked jay schrader silly on that last one as he threw it and then on an earlier one he got right in his face as he threw and he couldn't see the defensive back second down [Applause] james williams the defender they were going to work on james williams they're going to do it all day you live with the blitz you die with the blitz you're watching here's michael irvin up here he has man-to-man coverage see the blitz is coming williams plays him inside he brings him a little to the inside holds him then goes to the outside and gets his first touchdown of the year [Applause] bono for the extra point nova checks the holder everything works perfectly 28 nothing 8 35 left to play in the first half dallas leads arizona 28 to nothing see the blitz here when eric hill blitzes when eric hill blitzes right here the guard takes him the tackle takes this guy and that frees up eric swann the only guy that can get him is is the tailback emmett smith i'll tell you that is tough on the quarterback that's why a quarterback has to be top watcher blitz emmitt just tries to do the best he can he goes low swan jumps right over him set to kick off 28 nothing cowboys leading patrick robinson back feet for the cardinals good game to the three yeah nfl trivia for this week for whom was the 46th defense name guy who was named after is probably watching today or maybe has gone outside after watching this 46 defense get eaten up in this first half 28 to nothing steve berlin is the cardinal quarterback word on jay schroeder is that he injured his right elbow and right shoulder cowboy is leading by four touchdown steve perlin who used to play here nothing there again the question the trivia question the aflac trivia question for whom was the 46th defense name her buddy ryan was coaching the chicago bears 46 doug blanc who was the safety man who played up close to the line yeah that's what the 46 defense does it it really takes a defensive back like doug plank was a safety number 46 and it moves him up as a linebacker and creates that eight-man front second and 11. berlin the quarterback incomplete no penalty brown the defender randall hill the intended receiver pete's getting ready for dallas yeah when you watch this i wonder if uh i wonder if troy aikman was hurt on that on that play where emmett smith tried to block eric swan and eric swann hit aikman looks okay you can't tell i mean he's a he's a tough guy you have to you have to be a tough guy to play quarterback in this league i mean to be able to be able to stand there and so far he's been knocked down five times and not flinch and not look at it and look beyond it and throw down field that that really takes something third and 11. almost picked off again that time gant hit it first and then woodson almost had his third interception [Applause] this cowboy defense is so quick you know the things that the offense does you kind of expect but maybe the biggest surprise of this cowboy team this far is is the fact that they're number one in defense in the league the speed yeah i mean they're just all over the place and just why i mean they have to have speed in their defensive line they're linebackers they're secondary everywhere jeff beagle's back to punt to kevin williams shanks this one out of bounds at midfield not even midfield the 47th so dallas will take over right there 28 nothing hey buddy ryan will be happy to take this thing to the house [Applause] 28 nothing with 7 27 left in the first half the cowboys have outscored their opponents 59 to nothing in the first half the last two games last week it was washington both division games and another thing that shows how explosive the offense is and why the defense is number one in the league has the pass deflected lincoln coleman has replaced emmett smith as the deep back for dallas that's just derek canard here i mean he's not a great pass protector he's a good run blocker but he is so big and strong that eric swann is a strong guy you can't get around him he tries to get around tries to get around tries to get around can't do anything else so boom he just puts a hand up and knocks the ball down [Applause] [Music] isn't a great pass protector but he is a good run blocker now here's swan here here's canard here now these are two big strong men but canard wins that battle he got a little help from eric williams but he just gets swann going takes him down to the inside and coleman runs off it holding penalty against the cowboys daryl johnston came out for a little break emmitt smith we're told nothing wrong with him he just came out for a little break and lincoln coleman has replaced him i think if if i were barry switzer i would take emma smith out for a long break 28 nothing he has a pull hamstring i [Applause] [Music] [Applause] 27. now that is a passing game i mean if pass protection you just get down there with the michael but he he's even so proud of himself in that catch and getting open and troy aikman seeing him everyone loves that one but he just comes down he's just going to go right to the middle of the field he's a slot here he finds the open hole he sees it right there kind of slows up because he doesn't want to run into that other safety slows up and aikman hits them right before lorenzo lynch can get there [Music] first down cowboys the pitch back to coleman and coleman rambles for the 20. daryl johnston has a a burner in his shoulder you know one of those stingers where you get it in the shoulder and it goes all the way down your arm it's a burner first and then it becomes a stinger yeah and then it just goes away and they they think that he'll be okay in fact he looks like he's okay right now looks like he's okay but those stingers do go away you know it's just like you know you get numb for a while and then it comes back and off to eighteen a.g at the 20 fumbled it he was down thanks didn't [Music] [Applause] yeah that's the thing that buddy was looking for is some of those turnovers and run backs and all those things and his team hasn't gotten them in this first half the cowboy team has gotten him i think all the things that buddy wanted to do today with his defense is what the cowboy defense has done you know three turnovers and turning the scores and get that thing snowballing he has it snowballing against him [Applause] third down and three two tight ends for the cowboys who take a timeout 4 46 left to play in the second quarter before the half and dallas leads 28 nothing [Music] coming up on the dockers halftime james and terry will have all the scores and highlights from around the league on the sixth week of the 94 nfl season all coming up on the docker's halftime this one's going to shock a lot of people 28 nothing and i think that everyone you know has to admit that a year ago the cowboys were the best team in football two years ago they were the best team in football and right now today they're the best team in [Applause] football so you guys were flying all over them it comes from the outside from the inside cardinal jerseys cowboy jerseys everyone was offsides prior to the map we got 44 false start on the offense five yard penalty repeats third down 44 is right here lincoln coleman you know again he he can't move foot up that would have been okay if he would have went down and then stopped but if you don't get down and stop and set for a second then you do what we call a back flop and just lay there and that's something you don't practice by the caller third down gets to about the 24. seth joyner the first man to hit him [Music] you know when derek kennard number 60 runs around that thing and starts leading up through that hole he makes a pretty good hole if he gets through yeah he got through that one i mean there was a there was a heck of a contact on it but someone sneaked inside from the outside [Applause] and the score remains 28 to nothing 408 left in the first half is barry switzer the looks on you know i'll tell you one thing about here you know they have the tailgate and stuff sometimes they just do it right in the trunk look at this this is good food i like the food i don't like the flour you don't need that stuff no you got to cook it too you got to show the reading i was going to say i needed [Music] and that's not i like it when they cook you know when they cook yeah you got the smoke and the whole still the quarterback gives the ball this larry center maybe a yard maybe not that was really kind of a weak tailgate you know when you think of people eating out of their flowers and flowers and stuff in plastic and you know what happened i mean i mean you come down here you expect big old barbecue down in dallas dallas barbecue i just think that we won't be invited to that barbecue i think you're one of the things and it could be here and in some of these parking lots they don't allow them to can't cook it out yeah they don't want them to have any flames out there but that's my question why bring it if you can't cook it oh well then you cook it and bring it i mean you can either bring it and cook it or cook it and bring it here you're in dallas yeah but then you have to cook it before you bring it there's a guy that's eating a lot of barbecue my main canard huh or whatever when they have to be the two biggest guards as you're going to say in football i mean they're the two biggest guards in the world if you go to spain or some place they don't have bigger guards than derrick kennard and nate newton they don't have mountain ranges that big but they play well i'll tell you for as big as they are seriously they can really move quickly third down to ronald moore and he doesn't get the first dixon edwards there to make the stop and figals will come on again the cardinals they have to punch dallas 28 arizona nothing two and a half minutes left to play in the first half over six on third down conversions to the cardinals jay schroeder started at quarterback hurt his arm and shoulder and he's out steve berlin now kevin williams back deep in this first half i was just going to say pat i think the cardinals have been old for everything it's a better kick by feigls william signals for the fair catch and makes it at about the 19. dave thomas is number 41. and do a little shoving match got the pads out moody harris got to put him back inside before he can play 28 to nothing with 206 left to play in the first half the cardinals are still looking for a quarterback you know we we documented how berlin started then mcmahon and nj schrader but in between there remember they tried to sign phil sim yep and if phil would have come for the money he would probably be the starting quarterback here today they were serious about that to coleman not much and here's the two minute warning two minutes left in the first half 28 nothing this game is presented by authority of the national football league and is intended for the private use of our audience any rebroadcast or other use of this telecast without the expressed written consent of the dallas cowboys and the national football league is prohibited well good music that's lincoln coleman and that's the dallas first down there's emmett smith well they're working on that left on that right hamstring that's that's the one that he pulled you know what happened last week he was wearing a a sleeve on that a thigh sleeve and the pants were a little tight in washington so he took the thigh sleeve off and then that's when he pulled it he said he'll never take the thigh sleeve off again because that's the thing that keeps the muscle tight and together first and ten cowboys eight men back to throw again a little mystery miscommunication between harper and aikman harper pulled up aikman threw deep ball was airborne before he committed i tell you the one thing that they're doing if they're going to pass the ball they have to be able to block eric swan and they're doing a good job of that they're keeping him out of aikman's face canard has them all by himself he's really doing well you would think with swan you know he would get some help from stephanos but derek kennard's just taking a man-to-man now second and ten that's the first time aikman has missed to a wide receiver today coleman gets nothing stopped in the backfield by a swarming cardinal defense led by eric hill i wonder how lincoln coleman feels he was here and he came to camp and he was overweight he was in the doghouse and then they cut him then they brought them back and then they were going to cut them again and in fact they had cleveland gary here i believe when gary was here this week on monday they thought they had him signed he went to the hotel they couldn't find him and they finally found him that he end up in miami barry switzer said that's just like college recruiting he said you bring a guy in you talk to him and then you lose something so after all that they signed lincoln coleman again yeah so lincoln coleman's here playing said that the cowboy running game is what he calls a downhill running game and of course it's made for emmett smith but lincoln coleman can run in that downhill game sort of a local hero and then he played high school ball here and then he was playing playing arena ball here right and then one of the players see him playing a basketball game and they've recommended him said this guy could play and they signed him and he could play he had the big game against miami last thanksgiving back to throw it [Music] short of the first down yardage at about the 35 eric hill made the hit eric hill tried to take aikman's head off yeah i mean that's why they they teach him to slide and that's why aikman has been around here for six years watch him get down and then watch eric kill i mean he brought that right arm he was bringing a whole load right at aikman's head and aikman ducked that one the rule is is if you go feet first they can't touch you if you go ahead first they can i think aikman went feet first they probably shouldn't have allowed eric hill to even come in at that time join us next sunday noon eastern 9 a.m pacific for the best one-hour pregame show on television than its fox nfl sunday doubleheader action at 1pm eastern the 49ers meet the falcons and the cardinals battle the redskins four o'clock john and i'll be here back in dallas as the eagles take on the cowboys in the other late games the giants travel west to face the rams so check your local listings for the game in your area next sunday right here on fox sports hey that eagle game that is is going to be a good test for these cowboys we the eagles play like they did a week ago against the 49ers they can give everyone or anyone a tough time with that guy there they need to make sure he gave and then still watch it he wants to be shoes in the right place john jett standing back deep robinson back at the 12. gets the one good block but it's apparently not such a good block as the flag is thrown the coverage is good anyway [Applause] was hit from behind a 54-yard punt by jett i'll tell you there was some hit down there in fact it was so hard it knocked someone's mouthpiece in fact it's not about the helmet yeah that's the year part i mean that is really a hit when you get hit and and and your earpiece gets flown out a lot of debris today yeah we had a glove earlier in the earpiece but that earpiece is a serious one and when you get hit that hard your helmet flies off and you and your earpiece goes flying someone made some contact down there no flag on a plane no flag the block was from the side a legal block first down what happens is the the first official probably saw that that earpiece fly out there's the block right there that's a good block and they were right to pick it up and and that was the earpiece you see come flying out it's good to know there was an earpiece i mean you always worry when you see a part come flying out what part it is and luckily it was just part of the helmet first and ten cardinals berlin to larry centers tripped up at the 20. there is the missing earpiece one if they miss it i don't know but i mean someone should miss it because you can't go around playing this game without an earpiece that guy doesn't seem to care look and see if there's a name on it you don't put a name in here wrestled to the ground by chad hemmings as ronald moore that's the end of the first half with the score dallas 28. the arizona cardinals nothing stay tuned for the dockers halftime as fox nfl sunday continues after these messages from your local station [Music] this first half highlight is brought to you by mci proof positive jay novacek lined up as a wide receiver yeah that's one thing the cowboys do is they move their players all over novacek is a wide receiver he's going to come up run a slant aikman hits him right in that hole and watch novacek just drive and drive and drive and drive to get that ball in the end zone cowboys headed back down the tunnel out to the field the cardinals are already out halftime statistics i think if you look at this this to me is the big one the cards gave up three turnovers and they didn't get any and then of those three turnovers the the cowboys got 21 points and don't forget about those penalties in that opening drive as well 44 yards of it that was the thing i think that opening drive and then the cowboys just came out and proved that they were superior and then after that then they got the three turnovers look at their defensive numbers today no points obviously allowed no quarterback sacks those three big turnovers that you mentioned john yeah that's the thing that they did they forced they forced three turnovers they only allowed two first down i mean that is just complete defensive dominance troy aikman is number eight his past distribution you know they said that he had to get the ball more to the wide receivers he did six times for 130 yards this defense forces you to do that to his tight end only that one that one we saw to jay novacek and three to his running back so you could tell that this was going to be a game that their passing game they had to run inside and throw to the outside wide receivers so just about set to start the second half greg davis will kick off for the cardinals his first duty of the day buddy ryan there coming in after sometimes when things happen so badly there's there's not much you can say you know you say well what do you think buddy said to him and have to wait first of all you don't have too much time and after you get whipped like you got whipped in that first half and every in every area there's not a heck of a lot to say kevin williams they'd like to handle this kick and it will be [Music] knocked out of bounds at about the 32-yard line by fred mcafee and the cowboys will take over there they lead 28 to nothing kevin williams is only in his second year and heard him say that he likes special teams better than offense and that's a young player he's a second-year player yeah he looks more confident he says that he loves returning kids and you know and there's there's a lot to that because if you don't love it you can't do it that's right you have to love it to do it that is so true lincoln coleman and daryl johnston will open as runners in the second half for dallas well nathan's going to throw it got another cheque it'll be first and ten dallas novacek was so open after he caught the ball he was waiting for someone to hit him and he ran for a while he couldn't find anyone to hit him so he ran another 10 yards it's about as open as you can get i know i just watch him here once he catches the ball he's waiting to get hit here and there's no one to hit him so he looks and looks and looks at where the heck are the tacklers so they showed up yeah finally hulk came in there and made a hit on him first and ten cowboys wheels it outside the normal track again he breaks the town and another and picked up nine stopped by brent alexander they've taken james williams out the thing that they said they had to do was they had to stop eric swine they had to protect that middle again watch derrick canard swann starts out to the outside he he has help there from johnston and the two of them keep swan away from aikman but you know he's doing a good job is a rookie left tackle larry allen you haven't heard anything from clyde simmons made one tackle second one lincoln coleman might have gotten just that one and mark two had a bad back there was a lot of doubt about whether or not he'd be able to play in the hospital earlier this week he hadn't seen any action another week of rest there he is one of the most underrated players i think in the whole league yeah they probably never talked about mark 2 as much as they have this week he's been playing here for 12 years he's one of those guys who protects the backside of troy aikman very important to troy aikman and he's one of those guys until he's not there you don't miss him and then you say oh no do it i can't play and everyone was worried yesterday he said before the game to be i'm tired of being called underrated this is michael irvin taken from behind you know it's not that he's underrated as much as this cowboy team has so many offensive stars when you take the michael irvin and the harper and the novichok and to johnston and emmitt smith and troy aikman and then to pro bowlers newton and eric williams and you know by the time you start talking about q and a he comes up about seventh or eighth to ninth [Applause] did not even get back to the line of scrimmage before he is knocked down by eric hill and wilbur marshall yeah he tried to make an emmett smith cut and he's not emmett's fifth he didn't he didn't see anything back there he he started the hole was to the left and he started to the left and ran back to the right and there was wilbur marshall just waiting for him third and three now he lost a couple [Music] what does he get rid of it in a hurry and he says that's from his from his baseball days that that that he was a shortstop and he said that was his his whole thing is to come back and just get rid of the ball you know you get the ball on your hands as a shortstop boom you just get out of your glove and he said that's the same thing he does in football he's always done that just get the ball back there and like it's just bringing the baseball out of your glove you bring the football out of your hand and he does that i think better than anyone in the game got a first down at the cardinal 30. back to lincoln coleman nothing there this time clyde simmons was the first cardinal there i don't think larry allen heard that play pat because he was doing a different kind of blocking than than to run he looked like he thought it was a pass i think he was pass protected he was in the backfield somehow and they were running to his side protect when you're running he's the left tackle there i watch him he just starts back like he's pass protecting and he thought the play was going inside or it was a pass he just stood there watching what the heck is this all about lincoln coleman wide open coleman hammers for a first down inside the 22 about the 18. that's harper with the head down yeah he's okay he was on the other side the play was to the right and harper was over there to the left [Music] that's harper there see he didn't have the ball but that was eric hill that's kind of dangerous when you don't have the ball that was on the other side of what was happening eric hill came to snap him jacked him up david is 15 out of 19. 15 out of 20. he did well to get rid of it terry hogue on the coverage of daryl johnston [Music] that's that's the bootleg where you where you start one way see you fake it and then you start then you and your bootleg but the only problem is that seth joyner was coming and that's a tough thing to bootleg into a blitzing linebacker tough in a lot of ways if you're hoping for success and tough physically because seth joyner he's not he's not worried about anything when when he sees troy aiken with a ball he's just going to go right to his chest second and ten nova check is the movement and off the lincoln coleman and there's not enough room for him to operate terry hogg up to make the stop the one thing about the cowboys today and you know remember a couple years ago everyone was having trouble in the red zone and if you look here they've been in there four times today and they have four touchdowns so that's doing pretty well in the red zone you look at barry switzer you think he's erased all the doubts about whether he could make the jump to pro football after five years off and coaching only yeah i think so because you know it's a game of players and uh and the cowboys have the best players and you know and and real great assistant coaches for a first down alexander on the coverage yeah james williams isn't out there in that corner they have brent alexander out there here's ervin right here he's just going to run a slant you see alexander was playing him off of alexander where the corner plays him tight he'll go up if he plays him off he'll run a [Music] slam taken the second half kickoff and moved this far kept the ball a long time as they thought they would have to do [Music] [Applause] coleman again [Applause] not quite in eric hill and lorenzo lynch stopped him well lincoln coleman is a downhill runner that's what you do you get a lead by your full back darryl johnston and you just run that ball downhill keep going downhill till you get to the goal line this cowboy offensive line full back running backs they are completely dominating this cardinal defense they have them going backwards playing on their heels missing tackles michael bankston tripped him up and no place to cut well they tried that you know counter where you're pulling your guard and tackle and they've been having real success with just kind of drive blocking and just going straight ahead getting a lead and letting coleman run in behind that lead i don't know that you have to pull too much when you get down in this area third down just outside the one [Music] saw him coming just threw it away scott galbraith maybe was the intended receiver but the heat was on aikman because they knew that that this is a passing down so the cardinals are just going to rush the passer they're just going to go for it aikman didn't have anything open he just threw that one away jamir miller and wilbur marshall y'all will try for the field goal when you bring those linebackers like that and they're coming on a blitz they aren't going to be affected by play pass this one like an extra point except it's on the hash mark for 19 yards 31-0 dallas leads with six fox nfl sunday is brought to you by toyota and their full line of quality cars and trucks toyota i love what you do for me by magnavox hey we make technology people want and by the nasdaq stock market the stock market for the next hundred years no clouds around dallas certainly not over texas stadium in irving not with a score 31 to nothing dallas leading chris boniol set to kick it off to patrick robinson [Applause] so the cardinals will take over derek brownlow down to make the stop cardinal first down 31 nothing the cowboys over the cardinals pat somerow with john madden now that looks like uh better than what we saw in the parking lot yeah i know but you don't take a picture of it you eat it i mean you got to dig into that thing i mean that person there is so proud of it you're just sitting here looking at it that thing should be gone [Applause] [Music] [Applause] incomplete i think randall hill went out of bounds and couldn't have touched the ball anyway kevin smith right with it yeah look at these cardinal drives at six drives three plays or less two drives four plays or more so they've had a lot of you know three and punt and then of course or three and turnover or two in turnover whatever but what that does is that your offense isn't out there enough to really get anything going and conversely your defense is out there too much and they get worn down second and ten steve berlin the quarterback [Applause] handoff is to ronald moore and that cowboy defense has been hungry all day [Music] there's an old friend crazy ray ray he's like newton he has a tough time keeping his shirt sucked in there's some things there that used to be there right that's one thing yours a big guy you always have trouble keeping your shirt tail tucked in you always want something you say boy i would like to someday have a shirt tail that would always stay tucked in we're starting to yell buddy now yeah there's burling hit by leon let just as you let it go the pass is taught by gary clark gary clark gets up swinging larry brown but watch leon led here he gets a little slow start he's making a move with charles haley see hayley starts to the inside and then comes around haley and down goes burling i'll tell you no one does that better than charles haley i mean he comes quickly he comes to the inside he takes that guard and tackle with him then leon let just holds for a second and then steps right around hayley chad hennings is number 95 in the game now in place of lit tony tolbert russell maryland the randall hill another cardinal first down that's a cowboy play here you're going to see randall hill here he's just going to come up and then find that hole right there see the hole right there and burling hits him perfectly that's what you have to do in a zone defense you have to find the holes in the zone get to the holes come under control and then the quarterback hits you first down cardinals at the cowboy 35 420 left to play in the third quarter perline the ex-cowboy the quarterback he thinks they're coming and he's right incomplete ricky cole was the intended receiver brock marion the cover man i think one thing under butch davis now the the cowboys seem to be blitzing a little more and i don't think they're ever going to be a heavy blitz team because they've always been to keep everything in front of you and and don't blitz as much here's butch davis right here and i think that he's starting to see that maybe if you blitz a little more you may come up with some bigger plays on defense and you may come up with more turnovers yeah and that's absolutely probably good but by the same though you don't want to give up big play that's right here's berlin back to throw it again hit get hard this passport by ricky pro got enough for a first down inside the cowboy 25 pressured by tony tober one thing about these cowboy guys after they hit prayerline and knock him down because he's an ex teammate they all pick him up we saw leon lead hit him and pick him up that time was tony tolbert hit him and pick him up charles haley's been around there hitting him i don't know if haley's picked him up or not no i doubt that's going to happen to charles's son's birthday party yesterday charles's son cj was four years old and he had a party at the cowboy complex what a group larry centers the setback incomplete ended for ricky [Music] i thought he had something here because he didn't get knocked down and he had pretty good pass protection and again that's something the cardinals really haven't had and and this is what he's looking at this is what he sees if we look at the pattern we'll see that the same pattern that he's looking at he's looking downfield and he's looking in this area and i guess he wants him to keep going but to me that looks like there's three cowboys there and there's not much to throw to two guys running post against three guys second and ten berlin going deep randall hill and the ball went right through his hands larry brown i don't think he ever saw the ball yeah he went right by him watch him here it's tight coverage larry brown is up there in tight coverage he gets a bump there and then hill gets beyond him and you see what happens larry brown looked back to the ball he looked back and he was watching berlin and that thing just got him slow enough to let hill get behind him and then he'll drop the ball he never saw the ball brown didn't no he was looking back at the quarterback and if you want your nickname to be thrilled you got to catch those kind yep oh that was a touchdown good protection good throw timeout cardinals furline hits for the sideline 31-00 cowboys back at texas stadium 31-0 cowboys leading arizona here's jay schrader the ice pack on his elbow you know when they took him out they said it was his right elbow and right shoulder and it looks like the the problem now is just the elbow because he didn't have anything on the shoulder third and ten berlin throws behind gary clark they're gonna try or at least they send in the field goal unit that's good to see gary clark though you know all those years for the washington redskins he was he was one of the most competitive or is one of the most competitive fiery players that i've ever met in this league one of my favorite guys i mean i've always loved to watch gary clark play i mean he's a always wanted the ball he never got it enough he'd do anything together davis field goal is good bound it through hit the upright and bounce through from 42 yards away arizona gets on the scoreboard 31-3 if you're looking for action and adventure turn to fox this friday night and meet a new breed of superhero mantis followed by the show usa today calls excellent thrilling and terrifying the x-files tonight a brand new episode this friday on fox davis sticking it off [Music] kevin williams feels it for the cowboy he's off to the racer william gotta beat the kicker gonna beat the kicker pull the hamstring touchdown dallas 87-yard kickoff return davis the kicker had a shot at him and i think he pulled a hamstring kevin williams just took it right to the ah there he comes back bring the ball back in style he says he loves special teams he says he likes it better than offense today when you get blocking like this you start up here you get in close to your wedge you have a lead and you get behind your wedge right there you wait for that block you get the block and then you get to this point here and you just use your speed and there's no way that a kicker is going to catch him with or without a pulled hamstring they're taking davis off the field yeah you're right greg davis did pull his hands ring in fact he can't even get off the field they have to hold up play one thing those kickers don't have i know you did when you were kicking in fact you were a cardinal kicker at one time you had a burst in you i left it somewhere so did greg davis about the 20-yard line 37-3 this cowboy team has done it every way you can do it offense defense and right there special teams for the extra point chris bono perfect again the cowboys leading after an 87-yard kickoff to return kevin williams being congratulated on the sideline after that 87-yard kickoff return bono will kick it off to the cardinals [Applause] 38-3 the sharks getting this crowd fired up he wants him to root for him on this kickoff coverage they'll do it [Applause] had a busy day flag on the kickoff [Music] another flag and the kick the special teams are down in a hurry that may be against the cardinals on the shark because i saw someone grab kenny gant just throw him to the ground just tackle him the first one could be up here being off side on the kickoff and then the second one down here against the cardinals i think for holden nice to see an official wear glasses remember for years they'd never admit that some of them couldn't see yeah never saw an official wear glasses [Applause] well he always had something to say to him then how can you guys always be over 50 and not wear glasses i mean you know a percentage of you have to wear glasses and now that percentile is showing up in the national football league and it's good these fans are starting to get on buddy now double foul we got offsides on a kicking team by rule that penalty has declined we got holding on a receiving team number 50 penalized half the distance first down and that was on kenny kent you see the shark he's going down there you see the hole the turn the tackle that was about everything david merritt was the man who took him down and i think i think that's what gantt was doing before he was getting everyone excited saying hey watch me including the officials merritt says he's my guy i'll get him but you can't get him that way it's greg davis who was the last man chasing kevin williams on that kickoff return he's headed out he pulled that hamstring i mean you called it during the run back and there there was no doubt about that one first and ten at their own eighth steve berlin the cardinal quarterback out in a hurry to derrick ware the cardinal tight end there goes greg davis and there's there's not much you can do with with those things and they'll just get it up there and they'll put some ice on it and put pressure on it and the good news is i guess it's his non-kicking leg the bad news is it's still a hamstring and it's his plant leg talking about hamstrings there's emmett smith and street flow [Music] yesterday we were we were talking to him and he had this electric stuff was this thing right here look at that they have that thing where they just give impulses electric impulse to the hamstring and you see they got those things on there and they just go and stimulate the muscle all the time he was talking to us and wearing one of those and he said i could feel it right now when he was talking to him and then he can adjust it he can turn it up and get more stimulation or turn it down and get less stimulation something stimulated the cowboys today 38 to 3. i mean they came out and they they went after this cardinal team right from the get-go and they haven't slowed down yet larry centers is the lone setback first and ten trolls the motion man center not much not much yeah i know when when jimmy johnson left we were talking in this uh off season and jimmy says that he thinks that their offense will be as good but they won't be as good defensively because they lost some players like everett and norton and so on and now they're number one in the nfl on defense and probably they weren't that good but if they keep playing like this they're going they're going to be number one to believe they're number one they're getting a heck of a lot of confidence second down chased out of the pocket throws complete to gary clark right now for mcdonald's game break let's return to james brown in our hollywood studio all right pat earlier today detroit had gone out in front 14-0 over san francisco before steve young found nate singleton with this score san francisco went on to win it 27-21 that now sets up the battle for first place in the nfc west next week right here on fox back to pack and john and i'll be back here next week right here on fox and i think we'll have a battle for first place too between the dallas cowboys and the philadelphia eagles jim mcmahon who is the emergency quarterback today the third herline flag on the play this has been a long day for buddy if this keeps going the way it is pat this is going to be the biggest point differential he's ever had start on number 85 five yard penalty repeat first down going back him up five yards excuse me and buddy was so confident last night i mean he came in here and says you know we're going to whip him so all we have to do is go out there and show up and we'll beat him and uh i don't know he didn't expect this he was very graphic about that too [Applause] he was didn't say it as timely as you did i think he really believed it he didn't think anything like this was going to happen pass complete the clark again [Applause] if it keeps going like this it'll be his worst loss he lost 35 to three with the eagles 35 to three the bears and the eagles and then 32 to nothing the cardinals uh i mean the browns this year when he was with the cardinals and it keeps going this way this will be his his worst second and seven steve berlin the quarterback three wide receivers derrick clark being the third [Applause] berlin chased out of the pocket chase has to throw it away and a flag on the play right in front of the cowboy bench aaron smith in pursuit of berlin [Music] howard rose had a busy day a heck of an explanation from the line judges i mean that much stuff can't happen in a play holding against the cardinals all he had to do was tell him hey the guy held him looked like he was telling him a bedtime story oh we got to get this thing over i got an early flight holding number 85 offense 10 yard penalty repeat second down holding against derrick ware derrick weir is a tight end here and i think he was the one who was on the on the sideline he was the guy that berlin was trying to throw to right at the end here that's the end of the third quarter with the score dallas 38 the arizona cardinals three fox nfl sunday will continue after these messages from your local fox station they've been penalized 10 times for 96 yards today berlin hit as he let it go by russell maryland [Applause] all right russell marilyn came up there like a runway freight didn't he he didn't have a chance i mean he just powered in there right on furline his wife berlin is starting to step up and here comes number 67 and he hits them with that left arm they're right up alongside the shoulder and the head and everything these cardinal quarterbacks have taken a beating today russell maryland is an amazing player he doesn't look big enough he doesn't look quick enough but he can play oh he has toes that go the wrong way and his left though goes right his right toe goes left berlin with plenty of time this time hits the ball [Music] out of bounds not enough for a first but close darren woodson knocked him out of bounds buddy ryan and and jay schrader was saying how ricky pro has such good hands you know he's one of those guys and of course they haven't been able to do anything today but say that this guy can catch anything you can get his hands on so you just try and look for him if you need some because if you get it close to ricky throw he's gonna catch the ball knows how to get open we're going for the fourth down play fourth and one centers didn't make it i think it was russell marilyn again pat he's a guy with the penetration you look he's the deepest guy into that backfield number 67. they're going to measure but i don't think he made it yeah but that's the one thing that you can't allow you can't allow penetration and watch maryland he's going to get the penetration you see him get the penetration right there he knocked the center right back into the ball carrier knocked in knocked the ball carry into leonlette see and he stays low he gets underneath ed cunningham shoulder pads and just lifts him up that's what you always tell the defensive linemen stay low get lower your pads lower than the blockers pads but they didn't make it that wasn't even close that was short yardage play by russell maryland as it should be done [Applause] jim jeff koch [Applause] medical staff looking and talking to him 38-3 dallas rodney pete now the quarterback for the cowboys kevin williams the wide receiver who turned that kickoff here's lincoln coleman inside the cardinal 40. clyde simmons made the stop again there's a lot of guys on this cowboy team that have played excellent today in all areas but i think larry allen is a guy that done a great job done a great job because you haven't talked a lot about him you haven't heard clyde simmons you you know you haven't seen the quarterback get sacked you haven't seen the turnovers he's played a very solid game as a left tackle there's maybe no position other than quarterback that's tougher for a rookie than a left tackle with a right-handed quarterback he dropped the snap from center i think he got it back right now let's return to james brown in our hollywood studio hey pat here's a classic example of special teams play providing the spark robert brooks of green bay with the punt return breaking a number of would-be tacklers heading down the left sidelines 85 yards to pay dirt nice block here by mike pryor that propelled the packers onto a 24-17 win over the rams all right we return you back to texas stadium pat summer here all texas stadium it's 38 to three third and six rodney beat the quarterback [Applause] back to throw it going deep urban out of bounds flag on the play that's amius williams and michael irvin arguing who pushed whom buddy ryan said in the paper that number 88 pushes off all the time yep and they called it they called it on number 88. it's about the only thing buddy really watch him up here yeah that's the only thing you see he just got his left hand up there and that little push with that left arm just before the ball got back 88 on the offense 10 yard penalty three feet they're down uh i don't think that's a penalty no i think you got to be able to to play with your hands i mean you have to have your hand out there and just just for balance and stuff sometimes michael irvin does push off and we have seen him but that wasn't a pushoff you have to let a receiver do that if you want offense in this league a receiver has to be able to do that third williams was the intended receiver and he had a step on james williams but he's one of the good defensive players on this team and they were working on the other williams today james williams but aeneas williams is a good cover guy john jett back to front for dallas patrick robinson 12 34 left to play 38-3 38-3 dallas around the stadium there are 10 names now in what they call the ring of honor those who have contributed greatly to the success of the cowboys tony dorsett into the hall of fame this year his name was unveiled today he played here for those years in 1977 through 87 and randy white nobody ever played the game any harder than he did burling the quarterback first and ten for the cardinals berlin comes out of the pocket wave and go gets it to rainbow hill should buy him a first down michael irvin called for that penalty whether whether or not it was justified a minute ago it wasn't a popular selection of penalties by michael irvin i don't think it was justified because it was probably what he's arguing about it was premeditated because they said he did it and they were looking for it and it wasn't there woodson almost had his third interception of the day and that would have been six that darren woodson is a heck of a player because he was in college he was a linebacker so you knew he was going to play the run well and be a good tackler and now he's a good defender i mean you said that was almost his third interception i mean he he is up there when you run he's back there when you pass he's breaking on the ball he runs a 4-3-40 this guy is one of the real good players and one of the reasons for this number one defense and he's going to do nothing but get better second down [Music] by james washington ricky pro was the intended receiver the cowboys will take over [Applause] [Music] because one of those things is this cowboy defense has just frustrated him all day and part of it's been the offense too because the offense has moved the offense has scored 38 points and then forced the the cardinals to try and do something and then they're trying to you know make something happen and you're just forcing bad points you know part of it too has been the lack of cardinal offense yeah they don't have any i mean they've been fighting an uphill battle and they and and now they're you know playing them nickel all the time they're they're blitzing them they're showing them different coverages and it just seems like the cowboys are playing with 12 guys out there i mean everywhere and everything the cardinals cry there's a cowboy there to stop him that's kevin smith cornerback he had strained his achilles tendon in practice during the week hadn't seemed to bother him too much before this but now and he is developed into one of the best as well this is lincoln coleman nothing's there now you look at what that defense has done today they've only allowed three points and that's the most important statistic they forced four turnovers they've only allowed one third down pickup knocked down the quarterback eight time only allowed 48 yards rushing i mean that's that's a heck of a day for for any defense there might be one in there somewhere for knock one quarterback out of the game as well jay schrader second and 11 coleman lost the yard back to throw it flag on the play coleman caught the pass for no gain perhaps a loss eric swann back rushing rodney pete and that is kevin smith's achilles that they're checking holding i'm sure maybe tripping tripping penalty on number 79 offense penalties decline brings up third down that's eric williams the in fact that's not the achilles it looks like it's the heel the achilles or could be the insertion of the achilles the achilles runs from the bottom of the heel you know up up the back to the bottom of the knee third and 12. until he's the quarterback here comes the cardinal blitz the pass was into the hands of alvin harper who thought he ought to run before the ball got there it looked like the ball almost knocked him down it looked like he forgot to use his hands he just kept his eight and a zero out there and rodney pete hit him right between the eight and the o and he never gets his hands up watch when he drills it right between the eight and the o and alvin harper forgot to put the hands there took a look around he was sneaking a peek yep get back to butt again good kick boy he really got into this one patrick robinson bouncing it goes into the end zone brock marion down there trying to knock it back out but the cardinals will take over at the 20. trailing 38-3 [Music] 38-3 dallas over arizona we're in the fourth quarter with 10 29 left at the end of this game john and i'll select the miller light player of the game derek kennard wouldn't be a bad choice to throw rush got out of the pocket and out of bounds chased by chad hennings and shantae carver you know it's interesting pat about barry switzer that that you know he was criticized when he went to see his son play and then the cowboys lost the game they lost to detroit and i wonder if you're going to criticize a guy when his when he goes to watch his son play and things don't go well i wonder if you give him credit when he's ahead 38-3 because he went to watch his son last night those things don't balance out dude they don't but this team was as ready today as i've seen a cowboy team on both sides of the ball burling [Music] eric clark the incomplete receiver today's game was produced by bob stenner and directed by sandy grossman the studio was produced by scott atkinson and directed by bob levy the executive producers of fox sports are ed goran and david hill and one of our cameramen uh hulk rothweiler's birthday was yesterday so we got all those guys and then all the cameramen and sound and all the technicians that are with us each week that do such a great job [Applause] burling's pass caught by ricky pro there is george yesterday was his birthday i don't know how old he is he won't even talk about it they don't want to they're just happy to have birthdays and to be here i forgot to ask him that question yeah i know because i was with him the other night he's 41. but that's good i mean but he's been doing this a long time i've been working with him for 41 years gary clark did you see gary clark that was a heck of a catch i mean that's that's the kind of catches gary clark could make watch this guy i mean wherever it is i mean he'll stretch out dives or whatever i mean there's a football catcher run that one back again i mean his towel came off and everything that's a great catch here's a pocket collapsed around it he gets rid of it as complete to ricky crowe now they're sailing hit the ground let's just look at that catch again why i mean everything flies out of him as he's going he's going to die watch his towels even going to fly out stuff starts to leave him he just leaves everything going i mean that's amazing the towel's there in the ground he stretches out and catches that thing the amazing thing at the end is he turns his body around in the air that is amazing someone said that's like dropping a cat off the table you ever see a cat land on his back no never will [Applause] running pass is almost in a separate but he was out of bounds bill bates was rushing berlin are you talking about gary clark being a fun guy there's a fun guy too bill bailey oh yeah over the years i mean he's played for for so long you think that he still shouldn't be there and him in as a free agent from tennessee and does everything the right way everything the hard way everything all out even his first kid remember remember when his wife bill bates and his wife had their first baby they had three of them you know what they call him here forrest gump forest i'll tell you he's fun now now that looks serious here's berlin again and the pass is intercepted by larry brown and the cowboys will take over five interceptions [Applause] [Music] sometimes you just should have stood in bed yep and they were so confident last night well they had no idea this was coming confident is putting it mildly 38-3 [Music] fox nfl sunday is brought to you by porsha imagine the thrill of having to commute day after day after day back at texas stadium it's been a long day for coach buddy ryan cowboy's leading 38-3 coleman lincoln coleman demitfield first three games you can't argue with this no that's that's the thing and that's the thing that the cardinals thought they had to do and the cowboys did it to him today and think about a cowboy team those two guys there are a big part of it and that guy there russell maryland played well today the outlet they took care of the middle big cat did well [Music] running those stunts with charles haley first down cowboys stopping by sebastian barry and chadrick brown you look at that picture right there troy aikman he has a bandage on his shoulder pad i think early in the game when eric swann hit him that time i think he hurt his shoulder because he had an ice pack on there earlier and he has some discomfort now and if you look there under that jersey there's a there's a bandage there and so i think that one of the advantages of being ahead 38 to 3 is that you can take out troy aikman was a little banged up and of course evan smith will put him in street clothes that's tommy agee who might have lost a yard or so i think that's a big thing for emmitt smith you know the cowboys knew that they had a tough game today against the cardinals although the way they played it wasn't tough and a tough game next week against the eagles and emmitt smith has that thing on his hamstring already i think he has something hanging out of there with that stimulator doesn't he i don't know i think it's just a headset what's he doing with a headset who the heck would emmett smith be talking to with a headset on it he ought to wear a muscle stimulator gets the ball to lincoln coleman the funny looking play joe avezano does such a great job just walked out of the picture with the with the special teams yeah but who would emit smith be listening to i mean he's not talking because the mic's down here i mean if you're going to talk you got to put the mic up by your mouth so you know he's not talking to anyone and you wonder who the heck he's listening to they don't use aikman won't use that that microphone the communicator they still do it with signals [Applause] alvin harper was the intended receiver flagged down close to where he was big nade up talking to the head coach penalty is going to be against dallas i think he has switzer's headset emmitt smith yeah emmitt smith took barry swift's interference number 80 off smith you can do that brings up fourth down that's i can answer who he's talking to then ernie said yeah or he's listening he's not talking because the mike's not up there he's probably you know jerry jones said it at one time that he could coach his team i remember that the owner jerry jones and now maybe emmitt smith thinks that he can coach this team they're so good well that's a possibility but emmitt smith could coach it possible you have to take a salary cut i guess i'll tell you they've done a heck of a job with this organization of getting all these players and assistant coaches straight up this time almost promising signals fair catch makes it about 23 24 something like that it would be the scary thing if he started taking himself seriously he's got a paper he started sending plays here he's looking at a beeper now daryl johnston looking at the beeper whatever he has going wants to know about it daryl johnston wants to know about it two pretty good players right there yeah now that's that's looking at a high punt you see i mean eyes go up this way eyes go up this way because the punt really went up that way the blimp isn't here there's a hole in the roof the jet really put that thing up in the air here's bloodline taken down by jeff cote boy he's just keeps rolling sandy along and keep jeff code down to about 25 plays a game and they figure that he can really be effective if he gets more than 25 he's not as effective but if he stays under 25 he can be as effective as he ever was pass is complete caught by randall hill tackled by darren woodson 5 40 still left to play 38-3 today i was just going to say pat today has to be a tough day for derrick ware the tight end his father passed away friday night he was here with the cowboy with the cardinals yesterday and playing in today's game that has to be the toughest thing you can do [Applause] clark watches it slip through his hands he was surrounded by cowboys but he's not inclined to know that there's derrick ware there he was talking whether he would come to the game or play and he said that that that's the way that he wants to do in fact he gave a speech to the team last night about it very emotional and everyone's feelings of course are with them beagle standing deep kevin williams back for the cowboys [Music] [Applause] whether to fair catch it or not and then it bounced and he couldn't fair catch it garth jacks down to make the stop 38 [Music] there was a flag on the play prior to the snap we got a false start on number 65 offense five yards stone first down late tonight on fox not so late as a matter of fact just tonight on fox john madden and ed o'neill host little giants night featuring the season premiere of encounters a brand new simpsons starring frasier's kelsey grammer and a full hour of married with children plus sneak previews of the new comedy little giants throughout the night you know i'm in that little giant so that's no big deal do you know who else is in it emma smith is in it a pair of little giants there's lincoln coleman out to about the 34-35 is that fun yeah it was fun i mean it was fun to do with the with the ball players tim brown of the raiders was in it steve edmund of the colts emmett smith and it was you know fun just being around the guys and ed o'neal was there i mean it was a it was a type of thing you know working with a bunch of kids and we were kind of coaching them and being with them yeah it was it was a good experience now see now that's the stimulator i think that right there is that stimulator for his right hamstring in fact he's explaining it there then he got a beeper on the left and a headset on the head that's larry lacewell over for observation he's the director of player personnel but i still have no idea what evan smith is doing i don't either i don't think he does either but he's hooked up to beepers and he hooked up the stimulators and he got stuff on his head he's been the leading rusher in this league for the last three years it's coleman again first down dallas lincoln coleman clyde simmons and lorenzo lynch lacewell and splitzer yeah they're still running right in there behind derek kennard and eric williams i think if you look at a guy who's a dominant offensive player you know you talk a lot about dominant defensive players like charles haley but at number 79 there eric williams is as close to a dominant offensive lineman i think as there is in this lake his shoulder pads never look big enough he's so big for about three eric swann on the tackle clock running at 335 now left i'm sure what the cowboys are trying to do is get as many players out of there as they can we saw nate newton on the sideline we know aikman is out emma smith is already out get all these players out get them rested up keep the ball in the crown keep the clock running and get the game over with there's a guy who's made some remarkable strides in the rehabilitation area mark stepnowski a lot of people doubted he'd ever play again coleman ball is on the ground stone falls on it that wasn't bad by ron stone i used to always have a rule for offensive lineman never be in position to get a lateral stone was in the position to get a lateral he recovered a fumble seth joyner limped away from this you see you never want your blockers behind your ball carrier you know you always wanted to get up in front see now here's stone back there now if i were coach i would say hey never be behind the guy he's not going to lateral to you but lo and behold here comes a fumble and there goes ron stone there [Applause] james williams back there with him rodney p found harper i think everyone else thought they were just going to run it out too and they said what the heck let's throw it deep they came into this game saying they were going to work on james williams two minutes to go and they're still working on james williams still 38-3 two minutes left 38-3 we're back at texas stadium with two minutes left the miller-like player of the game is derrick canard who hung tough against some tough competition anytime you handled eric's swan you've done a afternoon's work and he did it i mean they had to have a strong middle in there they had to go against eric swann that bare defense at 46 that overloaded middle i'll tell you derek kennard did a heck of a job of pass protect and end run protection first down dallas rodney pete the quarterback the handoff is to robert wilson when you weigh 340 pounds they keep you in the game and that's what derek connard he's still in there he's going to work some of that stuff off you know you wonder how a guy can be as big as canard be the player of the game and be that heavy after working out in other words i mean he works out every day he went to training camp and worked out twice a day that's a conditioned guy [Music] lincoln coleman sent airborne as the clock continues to run derrick canard still playing oh yeah they aren't going to take him out i mean they took nate newton out stephanoski out buddy ryan i still don't think knows what hit him [Applause] he'll find out there's no way that he thought that this team was going to score 38 points against him and him only score three what happens is these pictures go up on the screen so all the players see themselves up in the screen lincoln coleman down to about one of his stronger runs [Applause] they know now that there shouldn't have to be any more runs or any more plays they ought to just let the ball sit there and everyone go to their houses they're gonna let the clock run out and the cowboys have routed the arizona cardinals 38-3 [Music] buddy ryan and coaching staff and players headed for the locker room as are the cowboys final score here at texas stadium 38-3 again the final score at texas stadium the dallas cowboys 38 the arizona cardinals three coming up it's the nasdaq stock market post game report james and terry will get you up to date on all of today's action with scores and highlights from around the nfl that's all next on the nasdaq stock market post-game report the afternoon belonged to the dallas cowboys both sides of the ball and welcome to the nasdaq stock market post game report here in hollywood well i tell you what buddy ryan thought he was going to give the cowboys a battle today his personal winning streak stops at seven cowboys smashed the cardinals 38-3 emmitt smith had a big hand in this one terry he did although he has a slightly strained hamstring comes out right here decoy play action holds him linebacker gets caught inside troy aikman in the flat to johnston for the touchdown emmett two-yard td run one of two on the day before he finally takes himself out of the game troyekman lays it up holly how you like this little push off there you go highlight howie take it that's it got a big punt return kevin williams tell us how he does it big guy well i'll tell you that punter's not going to get him i can tell you that much he pulls up late he's down the sideline how was that terry that's great man that's exactly what buddy ryan was asking what was that the cardinals lose it on the score of 38. you guys ought to package this you know well let me turn to you my goodness buddy came into this talking big talk can he walk the walk past this i mean can he get his guys fired up well i'll tell you when you look at it on paper you know the number one defense versus number two defense but obviously on offense phoenix had arizona had a little bit too much to handle in troy aikman emmett smith who's supposed to be injured didn't look injured to me took himself out he's not quite as well dressed after taking himself out as he was last week that suit he had on last week was a little different than this you know you look at dallas uh jimmy coached him jimmy's gone now he's on his way back to florida but had he been here he would say finest talent in the national football league we are seeing that weekend and week out now as they build build their momentum buddy ryan yeah take some shots at buddy yeah he sets himself up make that bed better crawl yourself in there but don't forget about buddy ryan he is an expert at picking talent and i don't think he's that crazy this man will put this thing together maybe not this year but i do believe that buddy right one and four down in houston and jimmy johnson would not have had anything bad to say about evan smith even though he was dressed today all right so dallas in a big way 38-3 over the cardinals other scores that pass along to
Channel: Ryan Bush
Views: 10,630
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dallas Cowboys, Arizona Cardinals, Ryan Bush, Barry's Boys, Barry Switzer, Buddy Ryan, Troy Aikman, Emmitt Smith, Michael Irvin, Alvin Harper, Kevin Williams, Garrison Hearst, Larry Centers, Jay Novacek, Daryl Johnston, Pat Summerall, John Madden, Texas Stadium, Darren Woodson, James Washington, Kevin Smith, Larry Brown, Charles Haley, Leon Lett, Rob Moore, Robert Jones, Darrin Smith
Id: D_Z2oAsbvnk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 132min 32sec (7952 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 06 2021
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