Buffalo Bills @ Dallas Cowboys, Week 10 2003 Full Game

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our nfl on cbs doubleheader continues from texas stadium the home of the dallas cowboys who play host today to the buffalo bills welcome everyone to the second game on the daca today there's greg williams in his third season as the head man of the buffalo bills on the other sideline familiar face to football fans 16 years as a head coach his first year in dallas has been wondrous thus far as he's led the cowboys to a six and two record greg gumbel phil sims armin katayan we're glad you've joined us the bills have won the toss and they have elected to receive and i think all we heard since we hit town phil was how rejuvenated the entire dallas community has been this season because of the cowboys no doubt about it the crowd was here early they're in the stands they're anticipating more good play for the dallas cowboys we are underway in dallas from the seven yard line it's antonio brown 25 35 40 and almost out to the 45-yard line a terrific return by the buffalo bills and that will set up drew bledsoe in prime field position the buffalo offense led by bledsoe and his line reuben brown the veteran he'll have marcus price alongside today in place of injured jonas jennings and left tackle and they will try to pave the way for travis henry who has rushed for more than 100 yards in each of his last two games [Music] from the 45-yard line blood so to throw far sideline in and out of the hands of the intended receiver eric moles mario edwards was defending it'll be second and ten eric moles playing for the first time in several weeks he's missed two straight games with a groin injury and over the bye week old said well everybody took off and he spent the time rehabbing we welcome those of you who watch the bengals defeat houston we're just underway here in dallas travis henry off the left side and a penalty marker flies just a one-yard pickup our referee today is bill levy personal foul leg whip number 79 offense 15-yard penalty second down that's the penalty going against reuben brown you look at this buffalo offense greg williams what did he say to us last night he walks in the room we got to protect the dang ball and that was and he said it with some heartfelt feelings that's the number one goal of this offense this team on the road protect the football first give yourself a chance to compete second and 25 for bledsoe and that's complete to josh number 82 just across the 35 to the 36 yard line a look at the dallas from 4-3 defense the front line anchored by three-time pro bowler leroy glover the dallas sack leader the linebackers singles coakley and deck win who makes more tackles than any other cowboy on the field the secondary has the outstanding rookie quarterback terence newman and one of the hardest hitters in football in safety roy williams because of dallas cowboys defense likes the blitz today the buffalo bills simplified their offense and they want to try to move move drew bledsoe when they get the chance bledsoe rolls one way throws another and that's complete out across the 40 to about the 42 is bobby shaw not even back to the original line of scrimmage and that will force the punting unit onto the field well greg williams said it drew bledsoe said it third and long against the fast aggressive defense just take your medicine and putting is a good thing means you didn't turn the football over and also you got one of the best punters in the national football league the second best according to the numbers and rick williams says that brian foreman is in the bright spot in his special team this one end over in bouncing just short of the 20 and taking joey galloway 30 up across the 40 and forced out of bounds at about the 45 yard line 42-yard punt 28-yard return and on to the field comes third year quarterback quincy carter take a look at his offense the cowboys o-line a mix of familiar and not so familiar names at 357 pounds a mountain of a man at left tackle and flozell adams at wide receiver the cowboys showcase a pair of former ohio state buckeyes in number 84 joey galloway and number 83 terry glenn [Applause] dallas likes to be aggressive on offense bill parcell said we will be aggressive today too harder to throw on first down blitz he got rid of it and it falls in complete at the 40-yard line the buffalo defense will look to third year defensive end aaron shovel to apply some pressure up front on carter all three starting linebackers are new to the bills this year posey fletcher the biggest signing to keo's fights out of cincinnati the secondary will address those former buckeye wide receivers with former buckeye cornerbacks antoine winfield and nate clements both former first round draft choices interesting watching that first play tequila spikes we talked to him last night he says i've been getting moved outside with all these wide formations not today i'm going to be near that line of scrimmage and he says i'm going to get after quincy carter carter tipped over the middle of falls incomplete it'll be third and 10. antoine winfield with a hand on the football and we've been talking about this all week phil there are ohio state buckeyes all over the place today well you could say that every single week in the nfl greg they went to a period where everybody that went and played for him was the number one draft pick but you know let's go back to this buffalo defense when you get a week off you get renewed energy and you figure out a couple of things that you were doing good you go well why are we doing that more often and that's what they found out about tequila spikes why not keep him near the line of scrimmage he's fast he's active he likes to be in the action and so that's where he's going to be today and see if he can make it happen third and 10. carter far side of the field that's complete and out of bounds tight end jason whitton the third round draft kick out of tennessee and that's good for a first down [Applause] tequila spikes in coverage this time against the tight end it's a zone coverage when you're a linebacker and you run a tight end up the field like that watch the quarterback if he looks your way find a receiver and run to him first down dallas at the 43-yard line in the buffalo bill first running play of the day goes nowhere and in fact it loses yardage pat williams and aaron shovel combined for a loss of two and it'll be second and 12. you know greg we talked about the dallas offense they like to be aggressive regardless of what you think of bill parcells he likes to score early in football games and he likes downfield throwing the cowboys have been doing both and he can yell at players pretty well on the sideline too troy hambrick antonio bryant in motion carter played fake got rid of it deep incomplete inside the 10 yard line that was bryant diving and missing it [Applause] and we welcome those of you who watch the kansas city chiefs continue their winning ways with a 41-20 win over the cleveland browns great gumbel phil sims arm and contain here in dallas where we are scoreless in the first quarter greg were you early in the game you've seen the cowboys go down the field a couple of times we watched practice on friday a lot of double moves just getting deep quincy carter is an excellent down the field thrower and that time they had a touchdown but quincy carter just slightly over through the receiver put the shot down on third and twelve here comes the blitz carter on the move looking looking throws sideline incomplete pass intended for terry glenn and terence mcgee a rookie out of northwestern state made the play terry glenn number 83 going up the field boy the cowboy receivers having a hard time excellent throw by quincy carter but mcgee all over the receiver doesn't get full that he's going to go deep toby going averaging just over 40 yards a punt and antonio brown is deep sky high he's going to let it bounce it bounces it the section will be down at the one make it the two yard line pete hunter was there to take the bounce bledsoe and the bills will start in the hole when we come back welcome back to dallas along with phil sims i'm greg gumbel tremendous opportunity for the bills both the indianapolis colts and the other team in front of the miami dolphins have lost today but the road hasn't been kind to these buffalo bills this season no it has it they have been turning the football over on the road at a tremendous rate and you just got to point to one person who has the best chance to really fix that that's the quarterback drew bledsoe one of the big keys today get rid of the football don't let him hit you don't take sacks straight ahead travis henry out across the five to the seventh in fact turnovers have been the huge problem for the buffalo bills the last three road games look at their opponents 14 takeaways total yards per game all your game planning everything you work for during the week just goes to for it's wasted when you start turning the football over and it's greg williams said we had three step drops and drew bledsoe was taking socks a quarterback you can never do that henry again trying to fight his way out across the 10-yard line he barely made it there al singleton the first to hit him now you know everybody in all the pregame shows and they're talking about this bill's offense and drew bledsoe not as many touchdown passes uh as he had last year at this same time but this is a different team it's a different offense now they need to manage the game more they don't have peerless price at wide receiver larry center is coming out of the backfield so they run it keep third down short and now it really comes in very important to him they've got to pick up third downs to sustain drive jay reamer's move on a huge part of the offense a tight end on short yardage this is morris right side not going to get there 59 stat wins for a loss of two hard to go outside against one of the faster defenses in the national football league dead win just sees it comes across and darren woods at number 28 he might be one of the older players on the dallas cowboys but he's still one of the eager most eager players on the team what did he tell us people have been calling him methuselah the far two more off far too often than he'd like it to hear it joey galloway deep for the punt from mormon [Applause] galloway pulls it and down he goes kevin thomas terrific special teams play 9 10 to play first quarter 52-yard punt by mormon the nfl on cbs is sponsored by southwest airlines friendly non-stop service all across the country southwest airlines a symbol of freedom t-mobile get more minutes more features more service and by the next ford f-150 built ford tough [Music] well quincy carter has heard it before but with drew bledsoe coming in it seems like this week was the week for everybody who ever played for bill parcells to be talked to and weigh in on the long time coach hambrick hambrick with a hole on the right side and then stood up shy of midfield a 48-yard line by london fletcher there's quincy carter and lawyer malloy was in on the tackle how about that lawyer malloy usually during the bye week players they go off to take a little mini vacation whatever he says man i had to go home and rest because you got to remember lawyer malloy was picked up the opening week of the season by the buffalo bills he says i've been in training camp for the last six to eight weeks he recharged his batteries learned the defense a little more and is anxious to play hamrick once again this one is stopped back at the 42 and a half yard line [Applause] pat williams this time no gain it'll be third and six well this buffalo defense they can be very good against the run when you look at sam adams and pat williams probably as big a pair of defensive tackles as you'll see in the national football league even though you got larry allen your offensive line is doing well hard to move these two guys when their strength is just to stand there and take up tremendous space buffalo with the fourth ranked defense in the national football [Applause] league quick pass outside and that's complete looks enough for a first down antonio bryant stretching for the catch couple things i like on this play [Applause] quincy carter the quick drop throws the football extremely hard that way and high so the defense has no chance to go after knock it down or intercept it and antonio bryant excellent catch on the sideline [Applause] so it's a first down for dallas just shy of midfield antonio bryant second year wide receiver out of pits takes it across midfield and into buffalo territory coming up on seven to play in the first half jim nance in new york jim all right guys carolina has a three-game lead actually make a final let's send it back to greg and phil all right jim look at those standings what a comeback by the carolina panthers they basically gave the money the game away and dellholm brought him back for the win tony o'brien 40-yard line first down dallas excellent job by quincy carter you talk about a quarterback developing he's had time been in the league a couple years he's gonna look right two receivers over there nobody open find the outlet receiver coming across shallow that's antonio bryant excellent job by the quarterback [Applause] you see the play selection there and everybody in the world including the buffalo bills expected the cowboys come out and establish their running game right off the bat here hit head-on at the 40-yard line just inside to the 39 once again to the nfl today in new york and jim all right guys the raiders struck first in this one phillip buchanan running back a punt but right back it's chad pennington watch this move santana moss spins free for the touchdown from 65 yards it's 7-7 out in oakland let's send it back to gregenfield well you watch the development of santana moss and you wonder where he would be had he not suffered that injury his rookie season his development we got a guy right here in front of us quincy carter he's trying to develop well trying he's doing a good job on it [Music] harder to throw still running free in and out of the arms of hambrick that falls incomplete it'll be third and nine this is a young man who has all of the tools well here it is the recipe for success he definitely has nfl size he has the arm the mobility people forget he's got the playing experience he started quite a few games the adversity of last year has definitely toughened him up now you take all that talent he's been down he wants to come back up you coach him up which his coaching staff has done and this is what you're getting a quarterback that is performing well under a lot of different situations on the field here comes the blitz carter other side incomplete intended for richie anderson out of the backfield it'll be fourth down you know as i watch quincy carter as i've seen a few dallas cowboy games i think he is a very good downfield thrower beautiful arm motion it's long gets it down there with ease but he does struggling he does struggle throwing short passes not as accurate and there are a lot of reasons why technically you get better at throwing those short passes quick decisions as you get experience in the lead going another sky-high kick fair catch called for and made by antonio brown at the 13-yard line when you're playing fantasy sports it's a slam dunk decision to head to cbs sports line it offers games for every level of player from beginner to expert you can join a league or start your own click on fantasy at [Applause] henry across cbsportsline.com 20 and close to the 25 yard line and he was hit hard and driven back by number 28 darren woodson methuselah can still apply a pop yes he can roy williams number 31 mississippi but slows him up just enough for darren woodson gets solid contact and the cowboy safeties they're blitzers they cover well and they are extraordinary hitters of the guy with the football first buffalo first down of the day buffalo being very patient i like what they're doing on offense quick drop by the pass outside is complete to eric moles and that one's going to go nowhere now i'm going to imitate bill i'm not going to try to do bill parcells here but drew bledsoe is coming to town kevin gilbride's the offensive coordinator but i even laugh with darren woodson i said oh boy what was bill telling you all about drew bledsoe hey i know this guy this guy i'll tell you if you're not on top of your game this guy is going to rip you you know so and you understand because you've been around everybody enough to know but he's warning him drew bledsoe he might struggle some this season but that right on it can always go deep travis henry trying to find running room on the left side and doesn't find it he comes up about the 30-yard line before dexter coakley makes the stop well drew bledsoe going up against bill parcells who is the first coach in the pros that he ever had and bledsoe saying well yeah kind of interesting to see him again well what did you say could you give us a quote what it was like to play with for bill parcells there they are before the game and uh drew bledsoe's court was oh it was just a barrel of labs fun and games before the game sammy morris in the backfield on 35. bledsoe spun around lost the football dallas appears to recover leroy glover on top of the football the dallas cowboys tough defense to get to today five yards behind the center and this is where drew bledsoe is that's where he's going to stand to get pressure on him up the middle they didn't do it initially but they finally get there at any time a quarterback fumbles it's his fault when you got pressure you've got to keep both hands on the football at all times the road woes continue for the buffalo bills yeah i'm sorry greg but that's your number one key for the game today don't fumble it don't do something that you can control hamburg right side and out of bounds shy of the 20-yard line you made a point of asking greg williams about all those turnovers said there are two kinds there are some where the other team is just playing hard and some that are due to just carelessness and he said we've had way too many of the careless tech yeah that's right and he talked and i even said i i made the quote to him when a quarterback fumbles and i learned from all my coaches it's your fault no matter what happens be aware of the surroundings take care of the football take in certain sacks it's your fault too [Applause] buffalo has given the ball 15 times in their last four games on the road inside the 15 to the 10-yard line in the first down well the cowboys came out starting this game play action passes trying to go down the field now look at the hole up the middle the pull by the tight end jason whitton gets a tremendous block on lawyer malloy opens up the hole i think that was dan campbell not jason whitman when you make a blocked hat you got it like that you got to give him credit cowboy spreading the field and look at dallas in the red zone to the five you always want to know when you see the fake reverse coming around on the offense watch what it does to the buffalo defense it just makes denny just hesitate a little and that little hesitation takes no game and makes it into about a five or six yard game terry glen antonio bryant to the far side galloway to the near side carter gives to hamburg to about the two maybe to the one-yard line lawyer malloy with a hit we talked about lori malloy went home and got rested up and it shows he is making some good hits in this game number 36 good blocking up the front flozael adams just pushing players down and lori malloy stops him cold [Applause] a lot of energy here in the stadium today both teams playing at a very fast pace you can feel it and buffalo's defense just trying to hang in here in this first quarter clock stops at 20 seconds showing and you agree greg here is we're going to reset the oh sure the energy i said you always one of the things you pointed out was the number of people who were here long before kickoff would the clock operator put the clock to 27 seconds please you know your fans are back into the football team when they show up or sit in their seats before the players are introduced when the players get introduced they're just going crazy for their stars and that's always a good sign for the home team and on third and one we're going to get a timeout on the field 24 seconds to play in the first quarter the cowboys threatening [Music] 24 seconds to play in the quarter lots of shuffling going on during a timeout that i thought was a little strange in third and one phil because the play had already been called yeah it was greg i think the cowboys probably got mixed up on formations a formation they wanted in the game that's why they call the timeout it's scoring territory you don't want to make a mistake down here hambrick and martin in the backfield play fake throwing end zone touchdown you're playing the dallas cowboys they love the play action pass that should have been really the number one thing you were thinking of down here near the goal line time to make a good throw in the back of the end zone ryan lindell for the extra point [Applause] not since the second week of last season had a dallas tight end caught a touchdown pass dan campbell has taken care of that with his first reception in the end zone of the season this year and dallas on top seven nothing antonio brown 25 30 and out of bounds [Applause] to return 20 yards antonio brown ran about 50 yards let's take a look at the touchdown you must deceive the enemy somewhere when you get close to the goal line dan campbell tight end here's london fletcher azim and coverage watch the block by dan campbell he hesitates just that split second that was enough to fool london fletcher lets him get open by a step and quincy carter's happening [Applause] [Music] now bledsoe of the bills just across the 30-yard line and bledsoe houston henry henry zigzagging for a couple to the 33. and with that time winds down in the first quarter we played 15 minutes here in irving texas the cowboys on the quincy carter to dan campbell touchdown packs back for the start of the second quarter you see bledsoe's numbers in the first 15 minutes three out of four for 16 yards [Applause] we have three tight ends on the field on second and eighth bledsoe pulls it down throws far side complete that'll be just short of a third down and third down is what the buffalo bills have been working on all throughout their bye week here's why and it makes sense you've got to get very good at picking up third downs when you're a team that's trying to manage games now so when you're going to run it on first and second down you better be excellent at picking up third and three and four yard passes all the time so the bills again i've said it they told us we've changed uh they're being more patient on offense so greg it goes back to what you said you've got to be good in situations just like this again three tight ends henry in the backfield bledsoe throws far side and that's complete for a first down to dave moore [Applause] now what bledsoe bledsoe's explanation last night was very simple he said we're built to be a running play-action team and in order to be more efficient on third down we have to be that that's right you know in a couple things here they're putting three tight ends into the game why you do that the other team substitutes personnel to counteract that and when you do that usually a defense plays zone coverage you know what they're going to do because you've got all these big guys in there it makes it easy to throw short passes now the other thing we're giving all these explanations talking a lot about this bill's offense because i think it's been a concern to this coaching staff of course to the fans up in buffalo and i'm not usually one that says blame it on one god i'm not blaming on anybody but drew bledsoe really has to take control of what's going on more than ever when you play this way he's got to be strong he's got to be forceful he's got to be very precise in what he's doing on the football field and that's why we made such a big point out of protect the football once again three tight end look blood starting to throw truck one over the middle and mold to about the 45 of the dallas cowboys will be about a yard or so shy of a first down protect the football do all that stuff and find more ways to throw the football to eric molds this is your game breaker he is the guy on this offense that can do special things and we talked to eric modes last night he said hey i'm i'd like to see more passes he was you know not knocking anybody he's very careful with his words but he did say he's gonna get to move around and do some different things today that he hasn't been doing so far this season third and one henry left side block from sam gash to the 40 in a first down [Applause] it's different this time when i said they don't want to go outside too often last time they went outside to the strong side this is away from the tight end so the dallas defense is caught just a little bit off guard sam gash the big headed guy makes an excellent block the big i'll be saying this lovingly hard-headed guy man he can deliver what did dexter coakley say the linebacker for the cowboys hit me so hard split my chin strap right in half one time and he is a force as a blocker at the full by position on first down bledsoe incomplete and a penalty marker flies intended for josh reid and the rookie terence newman was out there on the corner that's a good call even the fans know it pass interference number 41 defense automatic first down bill parcells trying to argue the ball not catchable part how would you know that terence newman stops the receiver so everybody says everything's uncatchable yeah it's uncatchable when you are running full speed down the field and you're a really fast guy and you get stopped that penalty good for 16 yards moves the bills inside the 25 yard line touchdowns offensively have been a rarity for buffalo on the road henry still on his feet and tripped up they gain about a yard and once again al singleton makes the big defensive play for the cowboys [Applause] you know this is different first time we've had a chance to do a buffalo bill bill's game this year greg and last year it was as drew bledsoe would say pedal to the metal it was down the field let's make big plays and what a turnaround and kevin gilbrad the offensive coordinator you know this is tough for him too he's got to make the adjustment right along with the players slower paced a little more methodical quick drop pass is incomplete eric moles out here on the near side and mario edwards the cornerback right with it well they know each other well eric molds telling us last night he played against mario edwards in high school i said who won those battles oh of course he did because he's a little older eric told us mario got him about 20 tickets for this game that was interesting too wasn't it i said are you going to tell him if he does something bad to you today mario the heck with you i'm not gonna pay you for those tickets though third and nine big rush the pass tipped and incomplete number 31 sammy morris the intended receiver out of the backfield and on to the field comes the field goal unit the cowboy defense just overwhelms you with speed they just overwhelm you with their being aggressive and they outnumber you at the line of scrimmage and there's mike zimmer the defensive coordinator this will be about a 41-yard field goal attempt by lindell [Applause] kick on its way and it's good so the bills get on the board with 10 47 to play remaining in the first half cowboys lead is 7-3 dave had a baby but his girlfriend had a baby dave had a roll [Music] you explain that to me later [Applause] this kick will come down about the six yard line derrick ross bumps into his own man and goes down to the 21-yard line 41 to play we'll take a break let's see carter back at the helm after this [Music] adrian morrell in the game for the first time in the backfield for dallas play action carter throws out here complete and campbell across the 25 and out of bounds of the 27 yard line a reminder for you second and four from the 27. this is morel looks it outside still on his feet and now down at about the 30-yard line and we check in for the first time today with armin katay and armin thanks gregory you know one of the biggest surprises of the off-season was when jerry jones the owner of the cowboys hired beryl parcells well on friday i asked him what the big surprises have been between him and bill than their association he said it's pretty interesting he said at 62 he's still impressed with a tremendous work ethic of parcels that he's a good listener not only to jones but the players and the coaches and the organization people he said he coaches every single position on the field he knows everything about it and here's one for you phil he said as you well know though he softens those cutting comments with a wonderful sense of humor greg of course that could imagine that could depend on what angle you're getting into the turf and incomplete intended for dan campbell oh yeah it's like drew bledstill said he's just a barrel laughs army yes but no i think you're right armin he is he is tough he's hard on his players practice meetings he's always grinding on you but he softens it all and we've heard it greg many times he does have a very good sense of humor and uses it on players for for that effect to soften the blows sometimes antonio brown stands back at his own 24 yard line for the kick [Music] hit the helmet of a cowboy and bounces back that will not count that one hit a dallas cowboy and bounce back the other way i could hear it from here randall williams number 89 he felt it and so the ball is going to be down just short of the 30-yard line that's a 40-yard punt randall williams wondering what the heck was that coming up the next tell halftime report jim dan dion and boomer will have all the scores and highlights of the action that has taken place so far today coming up on the next halftime report few upsets out there today so far indianapolis losing down in jacksonville the giants just getting run over by the atlanta falcons you think about it teams that win those emotional wins the giants the indianapolis colts win last week down in miami can you regenerate and go play a lesser opponent and be ready to play the following week i wonder if those falcons thought about the prospect of dion coming down and coaching them the dion will change the uniforms [Applause] going down al singleton the cowboys can pressure offenses for a couple reasons one they have speed they have good players but when you have corners and safeties terence newman mario edwards darren woodson roy williams all can cover receivers down the field and when you can do that you're allowed to be a little more aggressive up front and they have second and 18. on the reverse here comes josh reid reed across the 35 to about the 37-yard line you talk about this cowboys pass defense look what it was or look what it's done so far this year completion percentage yards attempt wow all terrific numbers and then quarterbacks what that means the quarterback rating they have the fourth best for the cowboy defense the quarterback's rating is the fourth worst for them on offense nicely done thank you woodson there's roy williams look at him crown the line of scrimmage third and ten now they're bluffing bledsoe over the middle that's complete across the 45 and that'll be just shy of a first down josh reid at least from here it looks a little bit short we're gonna have a measurement yes it does look a little short drew bledsoe good protection keep the back in keep extra protect give him a little more time josh reed going against terence newman gets inside in a perfect throw by drew bledsoe and they're going to be a little short and i would think the way they've played offense so far today the way greg williams talked to us last night they will punt the football he got it i never should have listened to you six years you never learned we need to know one eye you know paul mcguire that's it one eye he could always get these things right at 10 yard completion the first or the longest by buffalo today [Applause] well we wouldn't get to see the decision i was kind of curious to see if buffalo would stay patient punted down try to play defense and wait for the football one more time somewhere here we are seven minutes ago in the second quarter they got to take a shot down the field travis henry to the 49 for a couple as we come up on 7 15 to play here in the first half you know you alluded to it earlier about what the cowboys have to do to drew bledsoe and bill parcells told us on friday i told my guys you got to make him pull it down don't let him tap that ball and don't let him take that little hop well you're right very good great because if drew bledsoe pats the football one time and hops it's automatic i've done too many of his games he is going to laser that football exactly where it needs to go you make him pat it twice now you've got a chance to sack him and boy if he pats it more than twice it's going to be trouble for the buffalo offense another blitz and bledsoe threw it away let's see if we get a penalty flag bill levy looking for a receiver in the neighborhood and is apparently satisfied that there was one what what happens on a play like this the dallas cowboys have a defense and when a player for the buffalo bills offense goes in motion now they know there's not enough people there to protect drew blood so if they blitz so it's an automatic blitz soon as i see the formation change more defenders come on the rush they make drew bledsoe throw it away third and eight sammy morris the lone back behind bledsoe here they come again this time he lost it nobody there incomplete wow i was gonna say they're bluffing being the next quarterback i think i can read the body language i would have been wrong and on the turf look at the crowd near the line of scrimmage both safeties greg ellis defensive end gets in there [Applause] darren woodson once again hit the quarterback good job by drew bledsoe throw it away [Applause] so mormon called on to punt again [Applause] and again a buffalo drive on the road falls short of the end zone galloway is deep galloway says let it mount and it bounces out of bounds short of the 20-yard line adrian morrell in the back field behind quincy carter on first down at the 23-yard line carter throwing outside and that is completely tight of course this this dallas cowboy team being rebuilt the way bill parcells likes it and he's made all kinds of changes done all kinds of things since he arrived here and of course he brings that tremendous reputation with him the fact is that he has built winners wherever he's gone the giants the patriots the new york jets and uh is going so far pretty well here in dallas as as we said earlier there's been a change in attitude here in cowboy land second and seven and carter sees something he doesn't like and calls a timeout 547 to play first half carter will consult with bill parcells on the sideline [Music] there's a look at bill parcells we were just talking about it we talked i you and i talked last week about just what it is about him that uh well we asked him this craig how does he do it how do you fix a team and he has a not a secret not a great formula but it works for him because he adheres to morel to about the 28-yard line yeah you know first off he says you got to get good guys on your team and he's really proud of the fact that the players he has brought in adrian morrell would be one dan campbell the tight end uh whoever richie anderson the fullback they've come in they've been productive they work so get good guys on your football team then he says second got to get rid of the rats and the bad guys the guys that give your team that ruin the feeling in the locker room the same negative things you got to get rid of and then third he just goes you got to fix the fat guys you can't have fat players on your football team and he goes i saved quite a few on this team there were some fat guys we trimmed them down third and five the pass out here is complete for a first down to antonio bryant see this is a little different than most teams third and five so many teams in the national football league throw short passes over the middle bill parcells believes throw the football to the sideline don't be afraid that you can't make the throw that they're going to intercept it just practice it keep working on it and it's different other teams are not used to seeing it and you that's the third time today quincy carter has thrown a quick [Applause] yard line by nate clements adrian morel has been out of the national football league for two years came to training camp bill parcell said i'm gonna cut you but don't go too far yeah that's right in case he needed him later in the season have him ready excellent job by larry allen just washing it out to the left and creating the hole for adrian morrell and he activated adrian morell today says look hamburg is not going to get all the carries i want to run the football a lot and i'm going to spread it among hambrick and aidan 18-yard pick up the longest play of the day and straight ahead as richie anderson close to midfield you know to the one other thing just because there's so many myths when you listen to people talk about football teams on tv it's such generalities and so many times it's just so not true but when you look at the cowboys you even said it to me i tell you the cowboys bill parcells has always loved to throw to throw the football down the field and he'd say this to me sims if i want a three yard game we'll run it why would i have you throw it when you throw it get it down there give me some yards and get me in scoring territory the ground game again and morel inside the 45 to the 44 yard line well each and every cowboy player we talk to on friday you look at larry allen each and every cowboy player talks about how bill parcells motivates them and gets them to play even harder than they might normally play and the question i ask you is is that not the responsibility of a football player well tell them how he motivates them what they all say what was the word what was the word fear it's fear they fear they feel they don't want to disappoint him they fear their job they do everything greg and you go well why does a professional athlete need that because this game's not natural nobody wants to work this hard or get tortured mentally so you've got to have somebody pushing third and two that pass is complete to richie anderson out of the backfield antoine winfield with the stop and that's a couple of yards shy of a first down now i know this one's short of the first down but you you say that well why does a professional athlete need motivation greg they're motivated people they need somebody to push them farther than the other teams are being pushed that's what a coach does and everybody has a ways but coach parcells does it with you know the fear the what's going to happen to you if you don't get it done and he calls you out all those reasons and and you heard them they love it it works antonio brown at the 10-yard line [Music] [Applause] will bounce inside the five and into the end zone 44-yard punt no return and at a minute 57 we get the two-minute warning here in dallas it's still a four-point lead for the cowboys is the owner of the buffalo bills ralph wilson one of the truly nice people in the national football league one of many world war ii veterans including bud adams tom benson mr mara in new york mr modell in baltimore alex panos ralph wilson oliver world war two veteran over the middle bledsoe hits his man shy of the 30-yard line mark campbell the tight end clock continues to move time-out situation buffalo has all three of theirs remaining and dallas is down to one and one oh what a catch what a catch by eric mold and we're at the minute and a half mark that's good for a first down the buffalo bills the number one criteria in this drive here is don't do anything bad the first half has kind of gone the way you wanted to one fumble by bledsoe led to the points by the dallas cowboys bledsoe that's for one of the stronger arms in the nfl will do for you yeah now tell me how many quarterbacks the national football league could make that throw and make it look so easy [Applause] you couldn't fill up one hand and that's why drew bledsoe when he does it right on the football field and he gets an offense that's however does he run he's still one of the best in the league at being playing this quarterback position minute 11 to play in the first half dallas at their own 45. here comes the blitz bledsoe throwing outside incomplete penalty marker down darren woodson all over eric moulds good things happen when the quarterback sees it knows he can't make a play pass interference number 27 defense automatic first down and throws the football away is what drew bledsoe was doing it's a blitz mario edwards comes on the blitz oh and they were waiting on it eric molds was going to do a little hitch and go if drew bledsoe would have seen it well it wouldn't have mattered to pass interference stopped it first down at the dallas 43. bledsoe gives and this is sammy morris out of bounds at about the 30-yard line they get the 31 forced out by terence newman last night we're sitting there with greg williams and he says we gotta remember when the dallas cowboys are in their their two-minute offense bill parcells loves to run the football not only with this whole thing and so sometimes when you study the coach you learn the two-minute offense is always an excellent time to sneak in a run that gets you more yards than you would normally think it would get look at buffalo's problems on the road one minute to play bledsoe under pressure flips to morris morris 20 inside the 15 to the 13 yard line mario edwards dragged him down in a timeout buffalo calls time with 50 seconds to play knocking on the door [Applause] a reminder once again we're 50 seconds away from the next tell halftime report with jim dan dion and boomer in new york all of the day scores and highlights on the next tell halftime report that last play by the buffalo bills when a team is blitzing you there's three things you do you block it up try to block all the blitzers you change the routes that you throw down the field make them short or you fake like you're going to block them let them come throw it past the line of scrimmage that's what the bills just did and only the speed of the defense stopped the touchdown bledsoe gives and sammy morris running out of room still turned it into a positive to about the 11 yard line and the clock stops with another timeout 43 seconds to play well i'll tell you what the pace has been wonderful in the game you can feel the emotion buffalo at four and four you know it was a lot written this week a lot said that this hey this is their season they're gonna sell out but greg williams he shot that right off our heads right away he said look i've done all the studies the stats many teams have made it to the playoffs over the years at three and five four and four and four and five so this is not a do or die and i did not say that to my team either you know you could really tell how excited greg williams was he says these are two of the top defenses in the league it brings out the defensive coach in me yeah that's right he was pretty pumped up he was really excited but he looked at me once and says i like my defense and it has played exceptionally well here in the first half morris in the backfield second and eight bledsoe steps up throws that corner the end zone and overthrows incomplete eric moles was back there it'll be third and eight you know two one thing i was just we we talked about greg williams and this is bill's offense and talked about drew bledsoe people say well he's not mobile well look thank god if he was extremely mobile he'd be unstoppable with his right arm but i think and i know he's a pretty good athlete and greg williams says that he is a good athlete but he's so conditioned to do the right thing with the football that he doesn't move around when given the chance that last play was an example he could have stepped up and maybe run close to the goal line bledsoe steps up and throws low and incomplete close to the five yard line josh reed the intended receiver and now greg williams with the decision to make on the field comes the field goal unit boy excellent drive by the bill's offense though excellent you didn't give the football back to the cowboys before the end of the first half with a lot of time left on the clock you drive down the field you get a chance to put three points on three more points on the scoreboard lindell almost automatic inside the 40-yard line this will be a 29-yard attempt to pull the bills to within one kick is good look a little shaky on the right goal post that looks shaky on everything 29 seconds to play in the first half greg williams sees three more on the board it's 7-6 dallas [Music] a look at the young quarterback quincy carter on the sideline dallas will have possession of the football one more time before we break at the midway point of the game excellent first half really a lot of tension you know everybody's excited but you know i think my favorite games to do not the games where there's a lot of big plays those are exciting too but when you can just feel every play that each team knows that so much is riding on it it's opportunities are going to be very few when it comes to scoring points today bill parcells [Music] thinks a lot of his wide receivers terry glenn and joey galloway as well he should however neither of them have registered a reception here yet today well it's the advertisement of the buffalo bills pass defense that was good was real derek ross one of the deep men for the cowboys returned to kickoff 100 yards a week ago that was called back by penalty is ross from the three and has dropped short of the 25-yard line and it's a great night of television cbs monday begins with yes dear and still standing then it's the emmy award-winning best comedy everybody loves raymond and the new hit comedy two and a half man followed by monday's number one drama csi miami plus an all new late show with david letterman monday here on cbs america's most watched network look at quincy carter who has 22 seconds on the clock and just talking to him you can tell how the young man has matured this season quincy carter in a couple years well he's he's almost like the phrase a dog he's got like 10 years of experience in three it's been long it's been hard and he's really taken advantage of the limited amount of experience that he has he takes a knee for the final play of this first half it's a 7-6 dallas lead we go down to armen thanks greg except for that one big turnover by drew it looks a lot like the game plan greg that you laid out to us last night it's going to be uh two big defenses slugging it out uh we're a one big play from being up on top that we know they're pressuring us we got to handle their pressure but we're a big play away from maybe getting on top it's going to be a great game down to the end because both these defenses are flying around all right coach thank you great all right armin thank you that's the end of our first half the cowboys need the bills 7-6 we're back with the next tell halftime report after this message and award from your local station this is the nfl on cbs so and we welcome you back to dallas greg gumbel along with phil sims greg williams the buffalo coach is telling us that how successful they are in this game was going to depend on how well they handle the pressure coming from dallas how they been doing well that's right greg well they didn't handle it very well in the first half the dallas cowboys when you pressure a quarterback they want to get five yards behind the center they did it on this play cause the fumble but when you have success getting to the quarterback look at this eight people coming has to throw the football away if you don't stop it they just keep coming this time it's the linebackers with the flush hit on drew bledsoe all right take a look at some halftime numbers you see the total yardage belongs to the buffalo bills who had themselves a couple of good drives but just ended up in field goals rather than in the end zone well i think let's go back to this you always hear commentators say who makes the best halftime adjustments are going to win the game well you know what it's true today how about that it's really the truth the buffalo bills had to go in there and draw up a different pass protection or two to figure out a way to pick up the blitz so they can get a big pass play against his cowboy defense cowboys will get the ball first here in the second half and we're underway here in the third quarter from the 10-yard line across outside and out of bounds terence mcgee forced him out of bounds and another fine return by derrick ross 33 yards we go down to armen thanks greg bill parcells none too pleased with his team's performance in the first half he said we're just not playing very well we missed the touchdown pass to antonio bryant we allowed the bills to execute their two-minute trail he said it's way too sloppy he said we need to do something and if he had his druthers he'd like to see it happen on this first drive and greg that's a good start back to you okay armin well derek ross what he did the return was set up to go right the buffalo bills read the return he said the heck with it he reversed field almost and there was no buffalo bill there to make the tackle roy hambrick in the backfield and carter to throw on first down far side of the field caught and they're going to rule force out terry glenn with a terrific grab and the officials are going to rule that he would have come down inbounds had he not been forced out well it was going to be close but it's not even something that can be challenged upstairs quincy carter just fires it down the field and you know i'll reverse my opinion too i think he would have got those feet down nate clemens on the coverage drives him out good call by the officials terry glenn makes his first reception of the day good for 19 yards [Music] let's take a look at some of the first half leaders today carter was 8-15 for 45 yards troy hamrick nine carries on the ground and the leader in receiving was antonio bryant with three of them for 21 yards you know really what's impressive the buffalo bills defense played so well in the first half and has done a lot of good things this year they're really doing it too without a premier pass rusher they don't have a guy that a defense just worries carter had that one batted right back into his face by london fletcher who was right in his face the bell's defense doesn't blitz a lot so when they do it can catch you off guard you're quincy carter he's looking down the field doesn't read the blitz doesn't see it fast enough and fortunate it's not down the field getting intercepted [Applause] good timing by london fletcher blitzing to be successful time it perfectly with the quarterback snap count the offense can't adjust sometimes when you time it right big third and nine facing carter in the cowboys carter on the move and goes down inside the 35 yard line aaron shuttle grabbed him from behind aaron showball excellent job of staying with it quincy carter this is kind of what you see nowadays in the national football league everybody talks about oh the quarterback's got to be really mobile and run who are you going to run to in this league now quincy carr looks like he's going somewhere aaron shoble he's grabbed by his foot then shovel brings him down billy cundiff has a long field goal attempt this year of 53 yards he's also hit from 51-52 this is a 51-yarder on the way and good 51 yards the cowboys extend their lead to 10-6. two big plays figured in that dallas field goal derrick ross's 33-yard kickoff return and a terrific catch of 19 yards by terry glenn 51-yard field goal by cundiff and it's a 10-6 dallas league [Applause] it's a short kick in the 23-yard line across the 35 to the 40 is joe burns bill parcell sees his cowboys go back on defense readjusting his headset because they had to take it off the yell at the kicker for that kickoff [Applause] 40-yard line here comes the blitz to give this to henry and henry can't find a running room offensive leaders for the buffalo bills in the first half bledsoe's numbers 11 of 18 for 87 yards travis henry had 34 yards on the ground and through the air josh reed had 28 yards on three catches you know i'm curious to see the bills almost got a touchdown on the screen play at the end of the first half so when you almost give up those big plays because you're blitzing do you lose your courage well apparently not the dallas cowboys blitz the first play and the second second and ten passes complete midfield and into buffalo territory is eric moles for first down eric moles clearly happy to be back in action having missed the last couple of games for buffalo you know a couple things drew bledsoe looks down the field gives that one little move that he loves to do finds eric modes across the middle and yeah drew bledsoe might not be the most mobile guy but he's big and when you get pressure around him he can still throw the football down the field [Applause] dallas 49 this is henry and emery forward to about the 45. travis henry the last two weeks has had 167 yards against the redskins and another 124 in the losing effort against the chiefs [Applause] well let's look what he's done the last two weeks compared to the start of the season i think that's one of the reasons why this team they feel good about after this bye week is the running by travis henry 145 yards a game the last two weeks bledsoe throws an incomplete terence newman [Applause] was the closest man to the ball it'll be third and six you keep pressuring the quarterback sooner or later he throws one off target that one was off target because of the pressure but it's where the buffalo bills won it third and six a very manageable third down situation cowboy fans come alive out here complete to read and read short of a first down by about three yards or so i think one thing we've learned this year greg we talked to defensive coordinators and there's so many screens in the national football league now and almost every one of them says to really stop it to be tremendously successful your defensive lineman mainly your inside defensive lineman have to read it and get out there leroy glover did at that time stop the screen on third down joey galloway back at his 10-yard line high hunt from mormon fair catch called for and now they let it bounce and it takes a dallas bounce that took almost a 15 yard bounce back and it results in a 14-yard punt by brian mormont [Music] the nfl on cbs is sponsored by southwest airlines friendly non-stop service all across the country southwest airlines a symbol of freedom cdw the right technology right away and by toyota get the feeling brian moorman came into the game the second leading punter in the nfl has had a horrible day kicking it today his last two punts have been for 28 and 14 yards carter in the cowboy that's complete richie anderson and anderson out of bounds across the 35 to the 37-yard line well you have a young quarterback you're coming in you're trying to rebuild his confidence in a lot of ways you do it but one of the main ways is to do a lot of play action passes you move him around a little bit the the cowboy is doing all that for quincy carter and of course the way he improves too you teach him how to study how to prepare and we talked to quincy carter on friday i said well if you were putting in a 40-hour work week before what would your hours be now and he says 80. he goes everything is doubled in preparation time left side out to the 45 yard line and a first down and we go down to armin greg you know talking about quincy carter most teams projected him as a third or even a fourth round draft point draft pick a lot of eyebrows raised when the cowboys took him in the second round as we learned this week it was purely a business decision as a third round pick he was probably going to get a three-year deal at the end likely still not sure how good he was at a quarterback and they were facing a big ticket contract as a second round pick he got a five-year deal those last two years at a very reasonable price and the cowboys forced not to make a decision they didn't want to make the pressure off carter and the cowboys and working to their benefit right now luxury of time for a change this play will go nowhere as pat williams tracks hambrick down you know part of the improvement of quincy carter too as we were talking to him on friday it was very interesting to hear him say that i think i'm doing a much better job of accepting coaching than i did before yeah that's right sometimes you come in the nfl we hear it all the time talk to players you got all the answers well in this league you don't have all the answers there's sean payton quarterback coach and assistant head coach he's getting a lot of people talking to him over there maurice carrathon offensive coordinator sean payton and then bill parcells too and he's putting it all together and making it work for him second and 15. carter with time over the middle wide open hits his man inside the 40 joey galloway with his first catch of the day you know i tried to explain to you there's maurice garth on greg why it's so much easier for a quarterback look protection on play action throwing it down the field look at the separation so when you throw the football down the field you'll allow the quarterback more time to make a decision now quincy carter football team balls can't get tipped you don't get hit and fumble as much 22 yards pick up the longest play by either team today carter over the middle and just behind terry glenn [Applause] well you we talked about drew bledsoe making pat it twice trouble when a quarterback gets off rhythm watch quincy carter this time he's going to drop back look to his right no no no oh and he just keeps reloading and he's fortunate he throws it high high and away nobody can get it second and 10. carter now 11 out of 20 for 94 yards on the day on the move this time quick pass and that's complete to galloway [Applause] to the 30-yard line it'll be about three yards shy of a first down [Applause] as we come up on seven and a half to play here in the third [Applause] [Music] we talked about this receiving core of the dallas cowboys and bill parcells has quietly assembled quite a group and you say the key to this whole group is terry glenn terry glenn made it they had a good receiving core but he was the finishing touch to it a terrific route runner is what terry glenn is wispy and hambrick fighting for first down yardage and didn't get there no he didn't get there tequila spikes he said i want to be near the line of scrimmage today i'm anxious to play and when given the chance he is taking the hitting to the dallas cowboy offense well the cowboys on fourth and one are going to go for it it's a good solid one yard too and now we take a timeout time out 6 29 to play third quarter parcells and carter will talk about this fourth and one [Applause] from here billy cundiff in his career is six for 11. it would be about a 46 or a 47 yard field goal bill parcells unlike those odds he's going to go for it on fourth and one hamburg and anderson in the backfield carter will throw it quick pass incomplete knocked down by number 26 antoine winfield and the ball goes over to buffalo well there were so many points going there you knew they were going to throw it because they took so long to make a decision buffalo reacts extremely well to it [Music] onto nfl.com and help support the military families of those heroes who sacrificed their lives for our country support the intrepid fallen heroes fund on nfl.com loose football picked up by the cowboys this is ebenezer echo into the end zone for a touchdown no it's ruled incomplete by referee bill levy [Applause] quarterback's arm was going forward incomplete pass [Applause] that's a good call about bill levy drew bledsoe's arm definitely is going forward almost gets to that rule the tuck rule looks like dad nguyen is the one that makes the hit but why you have this why you have to call this an incomplete pass how is a an official going to make a judgment where they determine no he was pulling him down was he throwing the football bill parcells is challenging they're going to tell him to pick it up it's one you can not win he would only challenge just saying he lost control of the football before his arm came forward bill parcells looking skyward for a replay here in the stadium well his coaches put that headset on tell him right now that's absolutely the tuck rule there is no challenge on the play the whistle had blown and dallas would not have gotten the ball back anyway second down that's another good point what he should say two just to tell the crowd to give him some information it was the ruling on the field was correct here's another point dallas is already used one time out here in the second half and once losing that challenge he'd lose another chair stills timeouts in the second half craig after all that it's second and ten and bledsoe calls timeout 10 6 cowboys we'll be back [Music] we take you back to january 19th of 2002 and the tuck rule in all its glory on display between the raiders and the new england patriots that by rule was incomplete and this was drew bledsoe just a few moments ago yeah drew bledsoe was trying to pull the football back he was not going to throw it down the field but again you can't determine that by an official so that's why they have the rule it's a good one second and ten on the ground travis henry with running room out close to the 40-yard line roy williams with the hit and it's enough for a first down that will quiet the crowd down it was i could barely hear myself talk last time it was so loud in here [Applause] you missed it you said good stuff did i say yeah but good blocking up front that time trey teague the center gets a good block quiets a crowd down and gets better field position for the buffalo bills offense bledsoe down this sideline for moles out of bounds incomplete london fletcher pleading the case on the sideline it's second and ten well the bills have got to guess with this defense just do it every play you're going to be right here real soon they are going to blitz protect the quarterback let drew bledsoe get back there get some space and let a receiver make a move down the field and you're going to get a big play bledsoe has been sacked twice today has not completed a pass longer than 18 yards he's definitely changing the play which he said he would last night henry turns the corner midfield and into dallas territory to the 47 and a penalty marker is down mario edwards may have gotten the face mask yeah that could be 15 yards just because it changed his direction as his face mask was grabbed personal foul face mask number 27 defense 15 yard penalty from the end of the run first down that is a huge penalty oh it is the buffalo bills they changed the play usually drew bledsoe said it will be runs and when you get talent that's all this is talon by travis henry the play was blocked terribly he gets outside uses a stiff arm and picks up a lot of yards 12 yards on the pickup another 15 that's a 27 yard movement on a play they almost didn't get off because bledsoe was changing the play and travis henry had to confirm it that's right and it was all going good for the dallas cowboys crowd noise him changing the play they couldn't block it and they get 27 yards out of it from the dallas 33. bledsoe quick slant moles close to the 25-yard line win or lose this football game today the buffalo bill should not change the formula that you are watching i like it a lot it's conservative and it might not be the most exciting thing in the world but they are doing a terrific job of just managing the game from both sides the buffalo bills have not scored a touchdown on their last 47 possessions on the road [Applause] henry just inside the 25 yard line tell you what too greg when you play games like this when you build your football team to run it to be a little more methodical and you've got a good defense overall you get really tough your football team just gets tough mentally physically thin add that with buffalo the weather the stadium and their crowd then you got that's something special if you make it all work together like that third and two and sammy morris into the buffalo backfield bledsoe steps up and goes down football is loose he had both hands on it too cowboys are looking fairly optimistic they got the ball eric obagu and greg ellis hit bledsoe at the same time the second fumble lost by the buffalo quarterback today well this dallas cowboys defense it's got some toughness in it and we're seeing it today and it just too many guys hitting him breaks his arms loose and that's why he fumbles oh he tries to throw it i didn't see that till just now when you get under pressure you're in scoring territory you can't take a risk like that another buffalo possession comes up short of the end zone dallas takes over at their own 30 with 3 39 to play in the third dallas has three quarterback sacks today two thousand fumbles adrian morell and morrell out across the 35. and aaron shulman with the stop that's the kind of day drew bledsoe has had today well look you're a quarterback now you come down to this stadium just mark it down just lay in bed at night and say i got to be tough tomorrow because it's going to be tough you're going to get hit the crowd noise is back it's just going to be a very adversarial situation and how you deal with deal with it is going to determine how much of a chance your team has to win [Applause] carter play action got hit as he threw the ball it's incomplete aaron shoble was in on carter the showboat brothers can rush to passer aaron shobo here he has a brother at tcu not far from him he can rush the passer too but quincy carter feels it and what happens is because of that pressure he had to let it go a little soon and he threw it so hard that the receiver didn't have much of a chance to catch it that's something that the bills have not done enough today takeo spikes told us last night we want to pressure carter pressure will crack the pipe yeah pressure cracks the pipe that's right but uh i think quincy carter's past that stage of where he's gonna let the pressure change his game pump fake carter running out of time wants to take off and is dragged down short of the 40-yard line pat williams and antoine winfield and winfield helping the officials with the spotting of the ball boy excellent job sam adams just using his size and just moving everybody everywhere and again greg it's so hard nowadays for quarterbacks to move to get out of the pocket and to pick up yards that are valuable in the football game you can move to throw but it's hard to move to run to get first down antonio brown between his 10 and 15 yard line and the kick from going nice floater brown from the 14. and out to about the 22-yard line or so and tony dixon makes the stop effort yeah he would you know here's what i want to know look at drew bledsoe stats how much money would it take for us to get you to do a survivor to be a contestant i'm not sure there are that many printing presents bugs on the beach are you kidding me 201 to play in the third quarter you have really gotten soft my man it's okay though on first down bledsoe throws far side incomplete molds the intended receiver second and ten [Music] i'd be a little careful too drew bledsoe is mad about that throw but you're throwing all the way across the field from the left has to the right sideline and this terence newman he's a rookie from kansas state first round draft pick he's not afraid he will take a chance and drew bledsoe said said to us last night how impressed he was with the fast catches the ball covers real hippy in other words he can pivot his hips and change direction very easily henry and henry again busts one up the middle across the 30 out to about the 32 and very close to a first down travis henry this looks like he's back at the university of tennessee he comes through there watch the leg action he has picks him up swinging his arms even though he's not a real big nfl running back he runs with power nice block from his tight end dave moore on the play and we're going to get a measurement [Applause] well i'll tell you what this bill's offense they have opened up a few impressive holes and you know let's go back to just the overall picture greg williams says like my defense like it a lot watch it and the other thing he says hey i don't know what you've been reading or you think about my offensive line but it's going to be because i think it's good and it's going to be really good they're athletic they're big they're young travis henry had 34 yards rushing in the first half he has 38 in this quarter with still a minute and a half to play henry and dale roy stewart number 64. the second year defensive tackle from southern miss makes a stop you know two the other thing greg about this buffalo offense the more they get locked in to just hang him with it and keep running that football kevin gilbride call in the plays you'll see it it might not be today but some somewhere in the near future play action passes are going to be like dramatic with them they'll start getting it down the field henry again turns the corner on the right side looking for first down yardage and is out of bounds well shy of it about the 38 or 39. what was it we heard about looking all these big guys on the cowboys what did we hear about bill parcells who turned his table around so that he could oh his treadmill so that he could look into the uh he has a treadmill in the weight room and he turned his treadmill obviously all the other ones because he wants to walk on it and when he runs on it he wants to watch all his guys work out because he wants to know who's in there working hard and who's not so third and three bledsoe pass and that's complete to sammy morris but it's going nowhere in fact it'll lose yardage greg ellis with the stop and before we get another play-off time we'll wind down here in the third quarter that's the end of the third quarter here in dallas our score the cowboys 10 and buffalo six we'll come back to texas stadium after this a short field very good you're right he's got some room to kick boos this one out of there this is joey galloway galloway from the 24 up the sideline and out of bounds [Applause] our nfl.com poll question of the day who's the best wide receiver in the game today log on and vote at nfl.com [Music] well let's see here 10-6 been a hard-fought game both sides are waiting for that one play and i think it's absolutely the defense has just so much a chance of making the game-winning play here as an offense i was about to say you made the point a little earlier that's worth repeating this buffalo defense has been magnificent and only a fumble by drew bledsoe has set up the only touchdown of the day by the dallas cowboys far side incomplete intended for jason whitten the tight end second and ten yeah bill parcells he's a little upset they've had a touchdown throw that he missed early in the game and when quincy carter misses it's always almost always high and you can see slips out of the top of his hand just a little bit because of the wobble on the football and it's about a yard or two too high for the tight end well parcells so worth listening to you mentioned a little earlier when i got here meaning to dallas i had a cross section of eager beavers and fat guys [Applause] sounds like our booth pass over the middle and that's incomplete he overthrew antonio bryant it'll be third and ten when we come back but first to new york and gymnast all right greg they've started the fourth quarter out at oakland and the jets get in right here third and goal lamont jordan scores they went for two and failed 21-16 early fourth let's go back to greater phil [Applause] chad pennington slowly but surely trying to get back into the groove for the new york jets yeah that's a surprising score there really just because the jets i thought had a tremendous advantage at the quarterback position today but rick meyer must be playing pretty well for the oakland raiders third and ten carter stepping up throws over the middle and it's batted down by number 51 tequila spikes [Applause] well another solid series by this buffalo defense pressure on the quarterback so many things can happen and this was almost it tequila spikes just overruns the eyes of the quarterback and only gets one hand on the pass antonio brown set to receive the punt from toby gohan [Music] punt return at buffalo bills dead last in the national football league coming in fair catch called for and made at about the 17-yard line 14-28 to play here in the fourth quarter 10-6 cowboys [Music] yes the bills from their own 17 travis henry trying to skirt the near side it's not going to work tracked down by kenyon coleman acquired in a trade from the oakland raiders and playing good football for the dallas cowboys yes he is if you're our quarterback they're on the left hash watch the safety or the corner coming from that side what the dallas cowboys are hoping when you get to a short side of the field especially to the quarterback's backside they're hoping you throw a play-action pass so they can get you you won't see it hit the quarterback in the back and cause the fumble field position has not been kind to the buffalo bills offense today bledsoe to throw deep this side incomplete molds with terence newman alongside well this this coverage by both corners especially terrence newman because they keep one to come at him here's a little double move well a little hand checked always hurt or helps i mean now you think about it when he stuck that arm out and hit eric molds that just stops all your momentum and speed going down the field so fortunate to get away with that ham check but these corners though greg was the point i was going to make it reminds you back when jimmy johnson was here and it is super bowl teams they put the corners out there said cover them the rest of us are going to stop the run the blitz on third and 10. the pass near side to sam aiken and d goes down terence newman up from the cornerback position to make the play well i tell you what this is the whole package [Applause] not only can he cover he's tough he's smart and even though he's not a big corner by nfl standards roy williams on the blitz even the coaches have said for a guy that's not big he's an excellent tackler galloway set to return at the 35 and dragged down from behind by terence mcgee 49 49-yard punt six-yard return terence newman the hero of the moment on the dallas defense [Applause] in the fourth quarter adrian morrell in the backfield as the cowboys are back on offense morel with the football across the 45 and out to about the 49 we talked earlier about all three of these starting linebackers for buffalo are new to the team this year and they have put on a show they have tequila spikes from the outside near the line of scrimmage making it watch him feel the gap oh my gosh that is awesome london fletcher reading the play perfectly how's that for a square hit then on the blitz good timing good deception stops the pass play the buffalo bill linebackers have been spectacular morrell again and morrell's at midfield where malloy comes up for the stop and it'll be third and three you didn't comment on my spectacular it was kind of half-hearted i'm pacing myself look what they've done today the defense rested they went they used the bye week they simplified what they're doing on that side they're getting more repetitions on it so the more you rep whatever you're doing the better you get and it's really shown so far today third and three carter on the move under pressure gets rid of it and it's incomplete and for the third straight possession the cowboys will go three and out shoot i think you know what's a successful offensive series now as long as you don't turn it over you just go out he did good because it is rough for both teams on offense that time london fletcher and jeff posey applying the pressure to carter not too often where you see good tackling good coverage good pass rush just about everything from both defenses in a game going to kick antonio brown back at his own 10. 18 yard line 11 25 to play fourth quarter once again drew bledsoe will try to get something going on offense bill parcells said he expected the bills to play lights out because they needed this game today and the bills have seen both new england and miami ahead of them lose they can move into a second place tie in the division outside incomplete intended for moles second and ten now new england had to week off so they're just sitting there you're right yeah okay you have any second guessing myself test yeah the bills win it though they're right back in the division race [Applause] and of course bill parcells also said how important this game was to his football team because we need to win these home games because we got some tough road ahead henry nowhere to go leroy glover with the stop toby going has done some job kicking the football for the dallas cowboys it's the fourth time today that he's made the bill start inside their own 20-yard line you know you just think go back greg to say how tough this game is as a quarterback you'd like to think you can count on that the defense is going to at least let you throw a five yard out drew bledsoe goes to throw one and mario edwards almost he's trying to intercept it third and ten and here they come throwing it down the scene incomplete bobby shaw the intended receiver and again the bills are forced to punt well that halftime adjustment i just have not seen it i have not seen the buffalo bills just stone to splits the line of scrimmage and just give the quarterback a chance good idea though they blitzed he tried to go deep down the seam to the inside but hard to make a perfect throw when you're backpedaling [Applause] neither the bills nor the cowboys have managed the first down this quarter norman gets kick away low bouncing galloway 45 and back to midfield terence mcgee with yet another special teams play for the buffalo bills 42-yard punt nine-yard return dallas on offense after this the nfl on cbs is sponsored by at t wireless reach out on the wireless service america trusts a t wireless and by budweiser grab a cold fresh budweiser it's game [Music] time 23 to play in the fourth quarter and not much doing offensively for either side of late 16 yards total for the cowboys in the last three possessions yardage courtesy of tequila spikes well tequila spikes comes from cincinnati this off-season and today he is just delivering i don't know what to say terrific game by all the bill linebackers reads the play diagnoses it has the ability to to get there before he can get blocked and just another solid tackle an extremely nice guy we talked to him last night but i think it's safe to say we kind of just sat there in awe of the size of his neck yeah you're right he walked out of the room he talked about his neck for 20 minutes 11. carter quick pass sideline almost intercepted that was it that was the play i could see it from up here antoine winfield it's a touchdown and he knows it the only thing that stops it is that quincy carter just throws it too hard for him to handle he read the route by the receiver he read the drop by the quarterback he made the perfect break and just missed it as we said a long time ago you just you have the feeling it's the defense because the offenses are man quincy carter oh for his last seven and you see both teams have just been ineffective on offense it's i really it's true greg just punt it i'll tell you what it's a victory and you can you know the crowd you know the crowd is even here's what i like about it today the crowd is not even like turning against the team or just booing because they're not getting the first downspouts if you're here and you witness in this game you understand it's just it's tough and so just the fact that you're ahead is is good news and what do we get here they got to reset the play clock timer put 937 on the game clockwise 9 37. [Applause] thank you you know just a few moments ago i saw the wave when did that come back yeah it's one of your favorite things at a football game i know you enjoyed seeing the wave again never liked it makes me seize it third and 11. [Applause] carter stepping up grabbed and goes down courtesy of aaron shovel aaron shovel has been awfully consistent on that bill's defense today boy he has it's the rush from the outside by jeff posey what the bills are doing very clever they wait to the last second they send the linebacker from the outside now the back has to pick him up he's not strong enough quarterback moves defensive lineman falls off and makes the sack and going with a chance again to pin the bills inside their own 20-yard line game balls are going to go to the punters today the bills are going to start from their own 10-yard line and next sunday jamal lewis and the ravens make a run at ricky williams and the dolphins while chad pennington parks the jets against peyton manning in the colts check your local listings beginning with jim dan dion and boomer on the nfl today for more nfl.com or nfl on aol they're talking everything over i'd like to hear it i'll bet you would well yeah i've heard it but i've kind of forgotten how for the third straight time buffalo tries to start a drive inside their own 20-yard line still plenty of time i would not lose my patience [Applause] intended for josh reid incomplete and turns newman right up tight on the receiver second and 10. well if i get a vote for the pro bowl i've only seen a little of the cowboys this year but i'm sending terence newman [Applause] as we said not much happening on offense with these teams bledsoe said last night terence newman has as good quickness and body control as he's seen all year and is rarely caught out of position henry looking for running room trying to turn the corner and gets a couple of yards he's run out of balance for the 15-yard line see all this just gets compounded you're calling planes you're over there going well what do you do there's no rhythm you can't get anything to work you've tried some you know little gimmicks misdirections you've thrown screens you're done nothing works so the offense they don't have confidence the play caller has no continuity can't get in the flow so it's just it's what we're getting and good defensive play sammy morris checks into the back field on third and nine quick pass on the slant incomplete bills are looking for a penalty flag that does not come moles the intended receiver covered by mario edwards well they actually pick up the blitz this time drew bledsoe has a little space but mario edwards well if this is the guy you want to pick on he definitely gets there a little too early what's the first thing greg williams told us last night when he walked into the room we haven't been very good on third down the bills oh for their last eight on third down play [Applause] they got news for them dallas is going to blitz next time they get the football hormone another poor kick this one just dribbles over midfield and rolls to a stop at about the 46-yard line for the cowboys there's quincy carter and you know one of the things we asked him was what's the difference between this year and last it's mainly part sales but it's a combination of parcels and our football team believing in everything he's instilling in us everything he teaches us we're going out and we might not execute it that week but we're trying to execute and we're trying to do some of the things he's telling us to do what a terrific politically correct answer that quincy carter gave because yeah it's the coach but we also have to go out and do what the coach teaches us that's right too you know the other thing you learned from bill parcells is how to give an interview and that is basically try not to say anything don't take any credit just don't do too many of them terry glenn trying to throw the pass and it's out of bounds and incomplete sorry i was talking over that play we saw him practice this on friday and terry glenn throwing a down field to joey galloway through a beautiful pass the pressure by the bills defense dallas is trying to make a play to win this football game aaron showball all over him in practice check him out 94. just relentless and i got other news for you if he gets the pass off it's probably going to be intercepted they have three defenders around joey galloway [Applause] second and ten straight up the middle close to midfield is adrian morrell morell played for the first time in two years against washington last week had 20 yards rushing 22 yards receiving you know this game is tough enough i can't imagine how it is just sit out for a couple of years and then come back and try to play yeah it's really credit to him he knew he still had something left he got in shape an old coach who knew about him that he could still do it third and six here come the bill carter quick slant complete to the tight end first down jason whitton against pierson prelo a big size disadvantage and that's all he does he just turns around boxes him out like you would in basketball and makes the catch [Applause] at just over seven minutes to play in the first in the fourth quarter we get the first first down by either team in this quarter this is anderson and anderson inside the 35. it's amazing i was going to say boy buffalo really has to dig down now when a team gets a first down especially when they're in your territory you get in rhythm it gets easier [Applause] we're just under six and a half minutes to play in the fourth quarter welcome to those of you just joining us here at texas stadium [Applause] it has been a defensive battle the cowboys in the lead by a score of 10-6 and to about the 33-yard line is adrian morrell chris kelsey with the stop the dallas cowboys have a touchdown pass from quincy carter and a 51-yard field goal the bills have kicked two field goals it's 10-6 this is where bill parcells and any team he's ever coached once you get to around the 30-yard line he likes to take a shot to the end zone how would you know this is a calculated guess carter throwing far side and that's complete to tight end dan campbell to about the 33-yard line and for those of you expecting to see 60 minutes you're watching the nfl on cbs and the game between buffalo and dallas greg gumbel with phil sims and armin kattayan 10-6 cowboys is the score we remind you 60 minutes will be seen in its entirety immediately following this game except on the west coast second and 11. [Applause] it has been a vocal involved dallas crowd and many of them at this level running room on the right side inside the 30 to about the 27th winfield and malloy coming up from the secondary for the stop after a six yard gain and leaves dallas looking at a third and five i haven't said it yet because we're always talking about something else but adrian morrell's feet today in tight quarters it's really amazing for a person to sit out a football like he did has and to come in and still have those skills able to react and make people miss and get up to get those few extra yards dallas is waiting to take a timeout and they will let as much time as possible tick off the clock before they do well they want to get a call right here it's a big call because i believe he just doesn't want to kick a long field goal in a situation like this 406 to play fourth quarter 10-6 cowboys most watch network third and five for dallas from the 27. whistle blow oh and a false start that's huge against the cowboy prior to the snap false start number 65 offense five yard penalty third down second year guard andre gerard [Applause] so a third and five becomes the third and ten well the buffalo bills they were going to play past coverage and only rush four they're changing their defense i think now they're going to try to drop eight people back in coverage and just keep the cowboys anything keep them from getting the first down make them try a long field goal it's a blitz carter running out of time now out to the side throws down the sideline incomplete almost making the catch was antonio bryant and now a flag the receiver did go out of bounds i think [Applause] illegal touching [Applause] because that was excellent play on the outside terence mcgee the fourth round draft choice illegal touching of the pass number 88 went out of bounds came back in was the first to touch the pass the penalty is declined fourth down [Applause] quincy carter scrambles as he turns up the field he's out of bounds first one to touch it when he comes back in that is illegal it's pretty close to a miraculous catch by antonio bryant i was just so impressed with the coverage a quarterback scrambles a receiver stops reaching changes his route and he was right there so on comes the field goal unit and billy cundiff to try about a 50-yard field goal he kicked a 51-yarder earlier this one from 50 yards to extend the dallas lead straight to incumbent who will punt it and it'll roll into the end zone for the touchback excellent call i like to call just why give up good field position it's going to take a touchdown by for buffalo to win the game if you miss the field goal you give them too good of a start on the winning drive field position is something the bills haven't had a luxury of here in dallas this doesn't kick it to the sideline like he hoped what would make you think look if this score was 38-31-28 then you probably kick the field goal whatever just seeing if the teams were scoring they're not scoring the pace of this game has been all defense so you've got to just live on the fact that you don't think buffalo can go 80 yards here to win the game we're just under four minutes to play fourth quarter bledsoe side incomplete intended for josh reid second and ten to new york and jim nance all right guys with a little more than a minute to play the jets going for a time two-point conversion if the backfield pennington hits anthony beck at the goal line it was reviewed and it held up as a tying two at 24 all with a minute to play back to you all right jim what'd i say greg they never should have gone for the first one blood soul for henry cuts it back and recovered by mark campbell at the 20-yard line [Applause] you always tell your players protect the football don't fumble but when you get hit like travis henry does on this run well gosh almighty he lost it before they hit i thought roy williams hits him no it is knocked out by leroy glover just a good play by leroy glover to knock it away from travis henry here is a big third and 10 for bledsoe quick pass to this side and run out of bounds short of the 25 yard line is bobby shaw darren woodson was there and that will bring on mormon in the punting unit you know you said it a couple of times when we've been away during commercial this dallas defense is really quick [Applause] it's a little different than than fast defenses it's it's powerful too greg they're strong that's that's the difference some are fast but they just can't stand in there and slug it out gets a good kickoff from the 23. galloway looking for a running room caught from behind and wrestled down at the 28-yard line once again by terence mcgee 54-yard punt and a five-yard return here's why that last drive of the buffalo bills was so important now you have two minutes and 50 seconds to go you have two timeouts so if you stop them they back you up you get the ball after the punt you're gonna have you're still gonna be stressed with time trying to drive the length of the field with no timeouts there's a frustrated drew bledsoe who's just two out of eight throwing for one yard here in the fourth quarter [Applause] cowboys looking to take time off the clock and that means the ground game [Applause] forward progress will be marked at the 29-yard line sam adams the first to hit him a one-yard gain second and nine and we have an injured player down on the field for buffalo that is number 93 pat williams pat williams and and sam adams have both put in a lot of plays today 2 36 to play here in the fourth we'll take a timeout off the field under his own power he's standing on the sideline second and nine carter pulls it down and now throws richie anderson out of the backfield and across the 35 to about the 36 yard line antoine winfield with the stop and the timeout is called by the bills of 213 to play a reminder coming up tonight on cbs if there are doubts about whether jessica lynch was truly a hero none about the gi who saved her life meet him on 60 minutes followed by tv's most watched drama cold case and then world premiere movie that takes you behind the headlines of the elizabeth smart kidnapping and elizabeth smart story tonight here on cbs america's most watched network you know that was a really good play by quincy carter i hope you realize that and it could be the difference in winning this football game phil we were talking during the time out you have to scratch your head and wonder how this buffalo team could lose by such big margins to the kansas city chiefs and to the new york jets with a defense like this yeah we watched the play by quincy carter there but you know great that's what we talked about during the commercial because they play so hard they're so physical we can see the talent and the reason why is i think they've just now discovered how they really want to play the football game and you can plan all you want during off seasons but you just never know what your team is going to be until the season gets going along a big third and two for the cowboys straight ahead morrell looking for first down yardage and he is awfully close one side gives it to him the other side didn't we'll get a measurement with 207 on the [Applause] clock but you know it didn't amazing though and it's true because i played on so many teams that you can plan you could think and you work the preseason games that's what we're going to do then the season starts oh it's not working and then you almost have to reinvent yourself and all of a sudden five or six games in the season you go now we got it morrell got enough for the first down and now the bills are looking at 207 on the clock and it will tick down to the two-minute warning they'll go to the two-minute warning with one timeout remaining 10-6 dallas we're back after this play here in texas stadium and the bill's looking at an uphill battle now with just one timeout remaining to stop the clock and that play that play action by quincy carter now stands absolutely is the difference here it was the game-winner it allowed the dallas cowboys to run the football up in there on third and short and just get enough to get the first down buffalo has one time out i shouldn't say the game-winner it's not completely over line of scrimmage the 38-yard line each team with one timeout remaining we laughed at halftime what did we say to each other we looked at the first half was over and i turned to greg and i said boy there is going to be one really upset football team when this one's over if it continues to weigh than it did in the first half and it has hard fought and tough and this will back the cowboys up prior to the snap full start number 82 offense five yard penalty first down i think pictures say it all i'll tell you one of the best things of the funny things that happened on the sideline we missed a really big field goal one time with him and we drove driven down the field we miss it and so we're all upset in the sideline the kicker's walking off and he just kills the kicker yelling at him and everything a handoff straight ahead morel out across the 35 to the 38 and the bills use their final timeout i'll finish it later yes you will we go to gymnast in new york jim all right guys and here the raiders with possession the game tied closing seconds rick meyer and the pass caught by tayo johnson but they ruled that he did not get out of bounds and the clock wound down and out we're on to overtime the toss has been won by the jets and time permitting we'll take you there after buffalo and dallas back to you real quick that's a correct call if you are not going forward when you go out of bounds the clock will not stop so it's confusing sometime to the fans but to finish that story so we missed the big field goal he yells at the kicker so much that we're all standing behind bill we start laughing because we can't help it because nobody ever yells kicko and he turns and keeps yells at kickers he walks by him and he sees us and he looks as he goes what who invented the rule you couldn't yell at the kickers and of course he said it much more colorful and you know we all broke down into the heat of a game because if it's not you sometimes it's funny sometimes that's right [Applause] and after the 40-yard line london fletcher with the stop clock continues to move 145 to play and the cowboys are looking at a third and eight what's in bill parcells quincy carter's future they've traveled to new england host carolina 14 and four between them miami oh they won't be mad when they come down here on thanksgiving philadelphia is going to be tough the redskins rebounded today so that's why bill parcell said we need a victory bad because the road is going to get hard on us [Music] midfield 45 out of bounds at the 43-yard line clock continues to move and that's the ball game how about that for a free agent who begs for a tryout from an old coach adrian morrell bill parcells had to faith in him to make him the backup running back today he shows some quickness he looks fresh he had 20 yards rushing last week in his comeback game against washington 76 rushing yards today carter takes the knee and the cowboys go to 7-2 on the season not since 1995 have they accomplished that and they ended up on top in super bowl 30. the buffalo bills valiant effort defensively they fall to four and five there's our final score dallas 10 buffalo six thanks for joining us everyone to jim nance in new york all right so the cowboys yes they're now seven and two how about adrian morrell what a pickup a couple of weeks ago carries a lot of the load down the stretch dallas prevails there
Channel: Ryan Bush
Views: 4,393
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dallas Cowboys, Buffalo Bills, Ryan Bush, Drew Bledsoe, Quincy Carter, Bill Parcells, Doug Williams, Troy Hambrick, Travis Henry, Adrian Murrell, Joey Galloway, Terry Glenn, Antonio Bryant, Decade Of Futility, Greg Ellis, La'Roi Glover, Derek Ross, Terence Newman, Darren Woodson, Roy Williams, Mario Edwards, Dat Nguyen, Eric Moulds, London Fletcher
Id: 4gZUY6iGaJc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 127min 28sec (7648 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 27 2021
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