Dale Jr. Download: The Intimidator's Rivals Ranked

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and there is celebration down in the dale earnhardt pitt area i gotta ask you something chocolate okay if we get back to some of these uh these dale earnhardt moments the other thing that i remember being captivated by was and i think you're sort of alluding to it is that there were a lot of times when the team would have to almost go play the political side with with people to sort of find resolution in which uh you know and it's usually because dale was in the hunt for a championship and so when we had ricky rudd on you know that dale and ricky had that you know well-publicized uh you know dispute we'll call it and there was another occasion where where the crew chief or richard or whoever would have to go to them like listen i know you go you owe him now you owe him but we're in the championship and so we're going to ask that you know don't get him back get him back later if you have to but just you know whatever is that how you remember it too because what we're thinking is that these guys are scrappy man they're going to fight it sounded like you guys were better at the politics and you guys could honestly uh be diplomatic about situations is that right i don't remember any of the diplomacy to be honest okay here's what i remember here's what i remember if you got him back you were in serious trouble right look he was the intimidator yeah because he didn't you hear these guys talking about hey we're going to martinsville that'll be a lot of people pay get paid back if you wronged him and the next race was at daytona you're getting paid back you didn't care just it didn't matter it didn't matter where he was at look dale earnhardt he didn't dale did not do as much as as a lot of people thought he did he didn't have to after he'd done it a few times he would just get behind you you know you you watch the race today and you're trying to figure out whether they actually touched them or the air spun them right we're gonna get it really you know we just watched it like a couple of weeks ago and you guys in the booth up there talking about it well i think just the air is what turned him well those guys looking in the mirror is what turned them when earnhardt was driving because they saw him coming and and they you know how much you got to focus well they started focusing on what was behind them that was what was in front of them and and you know he he wrecked a lot of people and never touched them and didn't need the error to do it right psychology yeah if i were to say okay jeff beaudine ricky rudd and rusty which of those sticks out to you and do you have any moments that really of impressions of any of those uh altercations because you would have probably of the order i'll give to you an order let's hear it it would have been bodine and then rudd and then rusty okay that bodine deal was a real deal oh yeah they those guys did not like each other on or off the racetrack on or off the racetrack right i think the ricky rudd deal was was really i got to give them both a little bit of credit for both those guys were pretty hard-headed on the racetrack they weren't going to take anything and i'm not seeing anything wrong with that that's just the way they are you got some guys out there that will and some it won't neither one of those guys would take anything so i i guess and i don't know this for a fact ricky rudd is a friend i like the guy uh but but your dad took his job yeah he was automatically you know he's probably not liking your dad too good and then when they go out there and race you know racing your dad he's he's if he can catch you he's going to move you if he needs to and they had that relationship but beaudine it was one of those things with with bodine even later on your dad he was going like man oh bow down is going through such a struggle starting to feel a little bit sorry for him right but but but he still raised him like he did not know him i'm sorry i can't remember what year it was but it was the year that uh that ricky and your dad got into it up at north wilkesboro there's a big almost a fight oh yeah almost to fight out on pit road i'm right in the middle of it it's like you see one good red shirt and you see about 15 of those quaker state shirts right larry mack too oh yeah so the next week i get called into the nascar trailer one of the only times that i had to go to the nascar trailer so i go in there and dick baby which i love dick baby he was uh uh he ran the garage for many years he was a great guy x racer x biker right motorcycle uh there was nobody in the garage area any tougher than dick baity but old baby calls me in the garage and he said man he said i want to know what you were doing he said france called me from from out of the state said we've worked so hard to make this sport better and here you are in the middle of the here you are in the middle of pit road out there getting in a fight and i said that's not what happened he said will you tell me what happened i said well it was getting ready to be a fight and i was out there trying to break it up he said what do you mean i said well all of them pushing and shoving and it takes one guy to give another guy the finger and then here we go and i said i'm out there to make sure we don't have a fight and he said well i'm gonna tell you something they said uh he said uh i appreciate that i said by the way if the same thing happened to you you would have been in a fight and he went oh no i wouldn't either no i wouldn't i said baby you almost got a fight with a record driver at martinsville last week he said best thing you can do is get out of this trailer uh yeah that's right yeah the um that was so interesting when we had ricky rudd on the show uh earlier and he told us about i he told us he he was so honest about how pissed off he was about dad taking his job he's like man i had went to richard's and we had built something really great and dad uh ricky rudd said you know i'd go over to your dad's house and uh on the lake and dale would ask me all these questions about man y'all got it going pretty good over there what are y'all doing and that and he's sitting there pouring his guts out to dad about all the great things and then dad turned around and rooted him out she horned him out of the deal and stepped in there and won all them championships and he said that that really ruined their relationship they were really good friends because i remember ricky would come over to the house all the time ski in and carrying on on the lake and then it just abruptly quit and then next thing i know they run over each other everywhere they go yeah well i'll i'll say this for me and i go back to that lifeline again i i was working for children's about three weeks and we were able to win a race with ricky there at martinsville the first time that i got to go to victory lane but but that relationship with with ricky uh wasn't was strange like you said but i i think even when your dad came to work at our or came back to rcr it's one of the things that that we talk about a lot on the channel right on sirius and we talk about the greatest drivers ever of course you know you've got you've got richard betty uh you've got jimmy johnson and you got your dad and you can choose whatever you want to choose whoever you think they are but but i tell them this jimmy johnson came along and stepped into a championship car and a championship team we were still building that race team richard was still building that race stream team when your dad got there if i told you some of the things that they did or we did or we didn't have it was unbelievable and to be able to go out there and and make a championship team out of what we had was was was crazy and i don't think it would have happened with anybody other than your dad because they were good for each other yeah and i'm a friend i like ricky rudd but i don't i don't think that success would have been there with ricky you know it it had to be what it was and that was your dad and look your dad and richard had had one thing in common right they both grew up pretty tough and neither one of those guys finished school and that was the one thing that they had in common that they they they talk about it every once in a while the regrets in life not been able to finish school so they had that in common and and they were going to be successful in whatever it took and they were able to do that right has done it the crew has delighted they were a big part of this victory
Channel: Dale Earnhardt Jr.'s Dirty Mo Media
Views: 256,753
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dale Earnhardt Jr., Dale Jr., Dale Earnhardt, Chocolate Myers, Intimidator, NASCAR, Dale Jr. podcast, Dale Jr. Download, Dirty Mo Media
Id: W8-KXkuC-nE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 23sec (563 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 26 2020
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