Dale Jr. and Tony Glover Talk Cheating in NASCAR | The Dale Jr. Download

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[Music] Petrie brought us a deck lid where do you know it's backer still in it you remember that you heard about the declare that Petrie made yeah where it had the hydraulics in it is there anything so we'd like to talk about Innovation is there anything in your career that you created you modified that might have been pushing the rules a little bit but is there anything out there yeah we had a and the 95 car I'm talking about um we had a qualifying or we had a we had an inspection deck lid that got through one station yeah that wouldn't pass the next station and we had but they never checked this station ever again and then we had another day clear that was legal for this station so we would physically go through inspection get turned down go to the garage area take one deck lid off walk to the hauler do a little sand and do a little spray paint do a little painting spend a couple hours take the illegal deck lid off another deckley that was that was illegal and put it on and and then we're good to go no kidding we had some we had some stuff like that so the fact that the stations were separated you would intentionally you would put the decollete on that would pass X station a but fail B then you'd swap deck Lids that was gonna pass B yeah right because you didn't have to go back because you didn't have to go back through a again so you know and just little stuff like that and then like we were the first team to start uh when they first put side skirts on them they were the width of the frame reel okay yeah and we was the first team to bring them all the way out to the edge of the body yeah and I've got pictures of cars we had then that you know it'll show the other cars at the the side skirts or or inboard and ours are all the way out and that was about two tenths yeah that's a lot because you put basically flattened the whole side out on the car now you got side force that guys didn't even talk about the side Force back then I remember when I ran in an Xfinity series The the year before me they had round sides and then my my with the rocker brand with the side skirts underneath way underneath and in the year the first year I raced we had the flat sides that's how recent that that happened at least in the Infinity Series I remember it I remember a time in your career when y'all were really dominating you know that deal goes in Cycles you know but y'all were dominating all the plate races and I remember hearing you talk about somebody's car and I don't remember if it was up or down you're like yeah that car is going to qualify okay but it won't race good because of the fuel cell yeah I know you talked about Poor People's fuel sales were yeah as to how you could draft with them or how they would run in the race yeah what did you think they had happened upon that made their play program so good the same thing that we did uh five five years earlier they had a hell of a plate racer they had good Motors and they had good cars yeah Richard Gilmore we had Richie Gilmore too yeah he always he could he had he had a he had he had something uh about intakes yeah remember when he was when they were doing remember uh i s I can't remember exactly all the details but Richie was building motors for Hendrick back around when Derek cope won the Daytona 500 they got into a little bit of trouble with some intakes yeah um and I think what I think they kept the same sort of idea and Method but built it but made it legal in a way that it would be legal but they'd found something down there with intakes and and uh and I think that that that helped them even when I came along it's funny you mentioned about like going to station a you know then under a lot of times so Tony Junior was really good at that too uh understanding how not having to build a uh intentionally illegal car but to have an understanding how the inspection process would open up opportunities we would do something just as simple as this so we go out to Pit Road to qualify and we they're going to go through and put a angle finder on the on the spoiler and set the spoiler everybody's spoiler got set about five cars away from being launched to qualify and so Tony Jr said uh that the official comes over and puts the angle finder on the they start on the right and they move across the spoiler to the left right and so Tony Junior's I'm looking it's supposed to be 45 degrees right and it's 50. and so immediately like I watched Tony Jr go through this process with this official and official walks away and I said Tony Junior why in the hell was a spoiler at 50 degrees like with 45s the rule and he said well if I start really high they're gonna let me work it down if it's close to 45 they won't let me loosen it up and adjust it and he said if I can start it for it 50 and they'll let me unloosen the the adjustments and bring the spoiler back down I'm gonna set it at 45 on this on the far right Edge and as I work across and set each station or each Mark or each area at 45 by time I'm done over here on the left side of the car the right side's down to 40. right because as you work the whole spoiler down all it gets lower and lower right because they're all kind of working fighting against each other and I was like no and just little things like that that a lot of people don't think about or a lot of people finding finding that's Innovation man and if you do that five times yeah it makes a difference it does I was telling somebody the other day we're we're trying to we're trying to figure out who's you know we're hiring bummy uh who's the crew chief for Josh Berry uh he's he's moving up to be our technical director we're going to find a crew chief for Josh and I'm like Josh I want to find you the crew chief that has a list of all the little things right that don't don't matter by themselves but when you add all of them together and he's going to do it every car yeah that stuff adds up you know you you want to have that guy that says you know somebody might look at that one thing and go oh man that's probably not going to matter but if you had a hundred of them everything matters everything how do you find that out about candidates though it's tough yeah I mean you have to go give that up you have to go on your gut sometimes but um you know you can do a lot of research by asking about people that have worked with this guy right you see a guy that pushed the envelope but he really you know you want a guy that you know you're rolling the car up to the tech shed and you're pretty damn nervous it's gonna fail you know you don't want to roll a car up there you're like oh no we're not in no trouble we're going to get through here easy no I want the damn thing I want you to be worried you know hey some of the best innovators as we've had Stories being taught at this table is it like it's it's one thing to have the idea it's the other thing to be able to go through the inspection process and not give it up but but just by the way you act and so I'm curious on some of those things that you were mentioning is that you were proud of you know whether it was you know the deck did did uh did it affect you or were you able to play the poker game well enough uh no we were we we were able to play the poker game yeah y'all did was there an intent to why y'all painted y'all's chassis flat black yeah we could get away with a lot more yeah we could you can't see nothing can't see nothing and I'll be honest with you and I loved it I mean I started that and we actually our it's funny you say that our the four cars they were actually and Larry had to do this to the bottom of the bottom of them were painted with a gun and they were really shiny everything else was semi-flat with a rattle can no kidding yeah a rattle can with a rattle can the whole top of the chassis yes sir unreal yeah I have a connection to satin black chassis because Robert G's all his chassis rolling dirt cars and stuff for satin black and so um but I when I I didn't really notice that or think about that back in the mid 90s when y'all were doing that with the Kodak car but a boy came Scott Legacy came with that with his car to the Xfinity series and everybody had Dove gray chassis everybody I thought it was almost a rule to have it um and we had a red we had a red short track car chassis but he uh but slagasy showed up with this car and it was black and you couldn't see you'd look in there and be like I can't even everything's just everything just blurs together yeah he was Legacy was running for um for that team he drove he drove the car but I just remember that was the last flat then they I think because of that car they might have made it a rule now you have to have a great Doug Jesse Yeah that car that particular car I'm talking about was the reason they made that rule and it also had tinted windows every window yeah was tinted and it really looked good I mean a black I mean a black windows with a yellow car yeah I mean it looked really it's really stood out but you could you could stand there and look inside of it and you couldn't I mean you couldn't see nothing and then the drivers got to complaining they see through it that they couldn't see through it so they made us get rid of the windows and then eventually they made us get rid of the the black did you like that conversation with Tony Glover well y'all listen to the entire interview because the Dell Junior download is available on all major podcast platforms [Music]
Channel: Dale Earnhardt Jr.'s Dirty Mo Media
Views: 192,311
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Keywords: The Dale Jr. Download, Tony Glover, Dale Earnhardt Jr
Id: MtLQg6e75yA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 41sec (581 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 23 2022
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