Daily life in North Korea - “My Brothers and Sisters in the North” (Full awarded documentary)

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Not just another NK documentary. Initially I wondered how she managed to get in being South Korean/German but she simply shows life as they wish it to be portrayed, interviews people in the most dignified and respectful way and lets the viewer read between the lines. She is also more interested in the people themselves than the regime and manages to have some genuine interactions that only another Korean is ever likely to accomplish.

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/noviblokovi 📅︎︎ Dec 31 2020 🗫︎ replies

This is my all time favourite NK documentary. The best ones are the ones without sinister music and narration, but ones that simply show life exactly how it is; allowing the viewers to make up their mind for themselves.

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/EvanInKorea 📅︎︎ Dec 31 2020 🗫︎ replies

Their Photoshop skills are another level in this doc timestamp 34:17

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Entire_Hospital 📅︎︎ Jan 01 2021 🗫︎ replies

I love the all-girls band at 1:14:45. Especially the drummer.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/tervenqua 📅︎︎ Jan 01 2021 🗫︎ replies
Between 1910 and 1945, Korea was occupied by Japan. After Japan lost the war, the victorious powers divided the Korean people into two irreconcilable political camps, Communist North Korea and Capitalist South Korea. To this day the two countries face each other in hostility. People from North and South are forbidden from setting foot on the other side, or even from meeting people from the other side. And while by now even American tourists travel to the North, Koreans from the South may not. The director, South Korean by birth, only managed to enter North Korea by way of her German passport. My home country has been divided for over 70 years. The landscape was split, countless families were torn apart. For over half a century, people didn't even know if their relatives were even still alive. In the West, we always see the same pictures of the North: military parades, rockets, soldiers, famine, well-trained children, and a leader, cheered by the frenetic masses. But what will I get to see? After all, destinations and protagonists will not be chosen by me alone, they will be presented to me by the local partners. Will I even find out more about the kind of life people here really lead? How will the people in the North see me, who was born in the South? Will I be welcomed, or will they be afraid of the encounter with me? The first destination proposed to us was the holy mountain Baekdu, according to mythology the birthplace of the Korean people. Legend has it that the Ruler of Heaven sent his son to this place. Here he fathered Dangun, the first Korean King. This mountain is also said to be the birthplace of General Kim Jong Il, who in his country is called the Sun of the 21st Century. Ah, this is nice. Our Great Leader fought to the east, west and north of Baekdu Mountain, and wrote the history of our liberation. This is the birthplace of the great General Kim Jong Il. It was built in June 1941. Our Mother Kim Jong Suk lived here until spring 1943. From here she organized the revolutionary actions at home and abroad. General Kim Jong Il was born on February 16th 1942 in this modest hut. There was much hardship and poverty when he was born, there was not even a blanket to wrap him in. The soldiers pulled threads out of their uniforms and collected scraps of cloth from their backpacks to make a blanket for him. It is stored in this house. Because life was so hard, Mother Kim Jung Suk ate dried grass and raw corn. A few months after his birth, General Kim Jong Il had to eat flour mixed with water and grains of corn off the soldiers' plates as well. But most days he went hungry. Despite these harsh living conditions, Mother Kim Jong Suk did her best to educate General Kim Jong Il to become the son of the Holy Mountain Baekdu. The things she once used are exhibited in this place of his birth. The stream of visitors to the General's birthplace does not end. The visitors come continuously throughout the year. There is another group coming up now. You must be tired of doing the same thing 12 times a day. It is hard, but I'm full of energy because I have the honour to look after the birthplace of the General. I'd like more people to visit. Come back anytime. -Yes, I will come back. And you I hope you become a mother soon. At my age? When the year and the day Come to an end Then the light shines Within the Party For the destiny Of the fatherland and the people Comrade Kim Jong Un Will stay awake this night as well Until the end of time We will look after his well-being With immutable hearts We will all follow him as one FOLLOWING THE GREAT COMRADE KIM JONG UN FORWARD TO ULTIMATE VICTORY The Great Marshal Kim Jong Un taught us the following: Youth, no matter where you work, you will do your best to make our socialistic fatherland stronger. You should continue the Party's revolutionary economic politics. In June last year, the Jagangdo combat unit took over the construction of a sports park. It is meant to be a sports park for the people and the youth. As there was not enough petrol for the machines, the combat unit worked with their bare hands and filled the swamp with soil and stones. The soldiers slept less than three hours a day. They slept at the construction site to save the time of going to work. With this willpower they managed to finish the sports park after six months instead of one year. They performed a real miracle. Such an exemplary combat unit! The great Marshal was pleased when he heard about its completion, and named it "People's Amusement Park". When the soldiers heard about this, they embraced each other and cried tears of joy. So much for today. There was a request from the service centre for promotional material and photos. Can we deliver this? Please do so quickly. Sundays and Mondays it is crowded with people here. It is hard to move. Today is Saturday, which is "Political Day". We provide a service, so we are working today. But today is "Political Day" for everybody else, so we have fewer visitors today. -What is "Political Day"? A day for political education. What is it about? There are lectures... ... and we learn about texts of the Great Leader. In addition there is instruction on general knowledge, too. In other countries most people go to public swimming pools on Saturdays. From Friday afternoon until Sunday, right? Yes, on the weekend. How many visitors do you usually have during the week? You mean not Saturday, but during the week? About twenty thousand visitors. That many people? Really? We have to change the water very often on days like that. Saturdays are good days for foreigners. It is open for them on Saturdays. Our people come on all other days. On Saturdays foreigners and natives are here together. On Saturdays they are here together? -Yes. The colour and the design are very cute. Who designed it? Marshal Kim Jong Un supervised the whole progress from the design to the completion. You can see his attention to detail if you look closely at it. He reviewed everything many times. Extensions are planned, too. The women here are all wearing swimsuits, but not bikinis. Bikinis? -Yes, the two-piece swimsuits. We are not allowed to wear bikinis. It doesn't fit to our customs. The enemies try to overthrow our country, the last remaining socialistic country, by using cultural influences of their ideological strategies. We are protecting ourselves. That's why it isn't allowed to wear bikinis here. What are you doing at the moment? This is our planning software. We've only finished one section by now. We are here. Here. The swimming pool is very big and it has air conditioning inside. You surely need a lot of energy for it. -That's right. What about the energy supply? This is the source of the geothermal energy. There are six containers. The geothermal waters are driven from the pump station. There are many machines underground. If we regulated the water temperature using conventional energy, we would need a lot more energy. As it's better for the environment, we use geothermal energy here. The advantage of this method is that the temperature is always constant. The geothermal temperature... We've dug very deep. About 50 metres? Not that deep. -Not that deep. The soldiers undertook a lot of effort during construction. The Marshal visited us here very often. One day he was here at three o'clock in the morning. Three in the morning? Yes, it was around two or three o'clock. My colleagues told me the next morning that he had been here. Construction was going on everywhere at the time, so it was very hot and dusty. Welding work was being done underground, and I wondered why he was visiting such a place. The fact that he is active day and night for the people, also while everybody else is sleeping, that made me cry. I was there at two o'clock the next day and did a round. It's quieter during the night, because the soldiers need a rest. As I remembered that the Marshal had been here, I was so proud of my workplace and I decided to work even harder. Here, where you can feel the love and care of the Marshal, people can enjoy a better cultural life. The Marshal makes it possible for us. I think I've found my place here. When I look back at that time... It must be cooked in a large pot. -What? Rice cake soup. Does it still have to cook? -Yes, I think so. Mhmm, it smells of vinegar. -Do you like that? Yes, I do. Leave it for now. We should have brought something. Oh no. You are our guests. Why should a guest bring something? We are the hosts. I'm very pleased you have come to meet us. Unfortunately, we cannot travel to the South. Therefore I am happy you are visiting us here in the North. Your character is a little bit masculine. -Yes, I'm very active. Is your blood type 0? -Yes, that's right. Mine, too. -Ah, really? We are a little bit similar, aren't we? -Yes, we are. We're both very tough. Don't you drink any alcohol? -No, I can't drink much. Do I look like I can drink a lot? No, how could we know that? But you must like beer? Grandmother, do you drink alcohol? Me neither. When I'm drunk I start dancing. Then everybody runs away. Well, then let us drink and dance together! To the successful shoot today! -Cheers! Cheers! -Cheers! I wanted to cook for you with our local products. These are roasted mandu . When Grandma rants, she becomes a tiger. She is kind-hearted, but when she's ranting... When I was younger, before the military service, I was really scared of her. But after the service I realized that she is the best. She always worries a lot about us. Why does she rant? About anything and everything. If something is going wrong. She worries about it and curses. She has also a very high voice, and when she curses, I don't like her anymore. My nickname is Tiger. They call me Tiger-Granny. I've raised the children without their parents. I am their granny in fact, but I have to replace the mother. Since I took responsibility for them, I have to educate them well. You couldn't know if they would turn into fools. How old were you when you went to the military? I was 17 years old. At that age one finishes middle school. At that time, we shouted "soldiers of reunification!" and "we want reunification!" I thought that reunification could be reached during my military service. My uncle said, "We wanted to reach reunification during our military service too." "We weren't successful. But you, you should succeed!" How long did you serve in the military? -For seven years. I would have liked to continue, but they recommended me to the Kim Il Sung University. You wanted to continue military service? Yes. He wanted to stay in the Army. But they recommended me to the university. So I went. I was told that I should study as long as I am young. As they kept recommending me, I said yes. I thought if the military recommends me, it must be right. My grandson is OK. He is not only good looking, but also intelligent. I didn't know you think of me like that. You didn't know that? -No, because she always scolds me. I always wanted to get compliments from her. When I shout, he always says to me: "Say it normally!" Grandma, I think we have to cook more rice for the film team. Yes. -No, it's not necessary. But... What is your work? As you know, I wear a uniform. People in uniform have special tasks. Therefore I cannot tell you what I do. I hope you understand. Do women join the military nowadays too? Yes. Now we have the "military first policy". So the women serve in the Army, too. There are also many military areas in which women can work. I am an officer, so I have to serve in the Army for ten years. Older women also serve in the Army until the age of 55, depending on their jobs. Depending on their work, ten years or with no time restriction. I don't know what you do exactly, but do you work outside of military service or is your work in the Army? My work is within the military. My work corresponds to my uniform and its tasks. Do you participate in military exercises? -Yes, I do. We do everything. For example? For example, combat training... ... marching, and then... theories about tactics and warfare. What do you mean by combat training? It means... ... physical training to make the body strong. You mean like Taekwondo? -Yes, something like that. I can't imagine you doing something like that. It was hard for me at the beginning, but then... The time that I lived in the barracks is over now for me. I'm an officer by now. Since I am an officer, I live at home. I live here with my family and go to work from here. I am now of marriageable age. And my military service will be over soon. That's why I'm engaged, and after my military service, we will set the date for the marriage with the family of my fiancé. And I will get married. So you've finished your service? -Yes. How old are you? -I'm 26 years old. So you started at the age of 16? -Yes. I see. So the active duty, including your current work, lasts ten years? Yes. -And the active duty? Active duty lasted five years. How did you get to know your fiancé? I often visit my aunt, the younger sister of my mother. She is like a mother to me and she cares about me very much. And... I visit her very often. My future in-laws live near her apartment block, and there were watching me closely. They told my aunt about their interest in me, and said that their son and I would make a good match. The Comrade had also been watching me closely. So we met and got to know each other. We asked about him in his apartment block. He is a student. And we also asked about him at the university, and he had an unblemished reputation. That's why... ... I chose him as my partner. WITH THE HIGHEST SPIRIT WE RIDE THE WAVE OF DEVELOPMENT WEAVING IS ART - KIM IL SUNG THE REVOLUTIONARY IDEOLOGY GIVES US THE ULTIMATE VICTORY BATTLE OF THE PARTY IDEOLOGY FIGHT TO DEFEND THE PARTY POLICY STEP ON HOME SOIL WITH YOUR FEET AND LOOK AT THE WORLD SURPASS THE TOP, EVEN HIGHER, EVEN FASTER! The hands higher. Higher, higher. That's it. Put your hands in another position. Your hands are not aligned. Smile wider! Smile wider! Turn around. The photo has to be good for a good painting. More smile. Wider smile. How many days did you need for this picture? Five or six days... ... including today. Five or six days including today. Korean speed? Power plant speed. Slope speed. You are like a public official. You go to work from 9 am to 6 pm every day, Monday to Saturday. What do you do... -If I feel like painting? No, if you don't feel like painting. -If I don't want to paint... I look at these books, for example. How can I only sit... I don't sit down if I don't feel like it. You need a clear mind for art. If I paint in spite of tiredness... If I paint in spite of tiredness... We artists aren't robots. One has to be well rested. Then I get artistic inspiration. Sometimes, when I walk in the streets, I see beautiful women. I immediately take a picture of them. If I have a good model I paint very fast. If I have an ugly model I don't want to paint anymore. JUCHE ART Who is this woman? She looks different. I've edited the picture. Originally it was this woman. -Yes. I've decided on a prettier woman. And then edited it... Who is she? I saw her playing tennis one day. I thought that she also seems to have a good personality. It is everyone's wish to look more beautiful in a picture. Both women and men, everyone wishes to have their beautiful features highlighted. Concerning aesthetics, why do you only illustrate beauty? There are nasty things and incompleteness in the world, too. I don't like to paint nasty things. Everyone is different and everyone has their preferences. I don't like to paint nasty things. My strength is being able to paint beautiful women. Perhaps my art is something like "beauty-ism". Look at that picture there. The woman in the middle is totally normal and ordinary. My team says she resembles me: Why haven't you beautified her? Mrs Cho, she is uglier than you. If she had been painted beautifully, too, the focus wouldn't be on the beauty on the right side anymore. I thought about whether to paint her beautifully too, so our people would like her as well. Then I thought, no, otherwise the main character will lose her meaning. So I painted the woman unembellished, just as she is. Last time the cameraman also said that she resembles you. No, she is not as pretty as you... THERE IS NOTHING IN THE WORLD TO BE ENVIOUS OF Let us learn Learn, learn! For our country Time goes by in a rush So do not look back Let us take care With the precious moments Good morning, class! -Good morning, Sir! I'm Miss, I'm not Sir! You say "Sir" to a male teacher, "Miss" to a female teacher. Let's try that again: Morning, class! Morning, Miss! Good, very good. Sit down. How are you? Did you learn all of that? Where did we get to last hour? -To chapter 16. Chapter 16. Ah, we heard the number 16. Did you learn the number 16? OK, then... ... what was your homework? -To learn the text. Are you ready? -Yes! Who learned it best? Who would like to volunteer? What is your name? Faster now. Ready... ... go! You're much too fast! I can't count that fast. There are many things in the classroom that we can count 1, 2, 3. Right? - Yes! Walk around with your Comrades, and explain how many things you see. Do you understand? Everyone stand up. Take a look around and say in English all the things you see. THE TASK OF THE PUPILS IS: 1. LEARN, 2. LEARN (KIM JONG IL) Now I'm going to sing an interesting song. Would you like to sing? -Yes! The school building is new and clean. When was the building constructed? Please tell me the history of this school. The Pyongyang International Soccer School was founded by our revered Marshal Kim Jong Un. It shows his love for the young generation and his vision of our land as a strong sporting nation. Our Pyongyang International Soccer School was opened on May 31st, 2013. Then, on June 1st, 130 students started school in order to pursue their talents. As the name International Soccer School implies, here they don't only train soccer, there's a normal school curriculum as well. They practice soccer and study normal subjects. Meanwhile, we have 160 talents here at the school. Open the door! They are just coming back from practice. So... hello! -Hello! Where is student Kyung Bum? Please say "yes" louder. May we have a look at the room? Quiet please! We are doing interviews. Please stand comfortably. You can stand or sit down. According to the age, the younger students have bunk beds, so they can jump and play. But if they want to learn later... Stand up. This also shows the love of the Leader for the young talents. You've never seen anything like this before. You can fold it out. For student who is learning... ... and here... ... for student who is singing. Stand up! Wrestling! Student who is wrestling. The students can organize their leisure time freely this way after school. It is late already, but the teacher for Korean language is in the room. What are you doing here? The students wanted to sing with me. So I brought my keyboard. Beloved mother While you raised me We have only one wish In our heart That the Leader will call us The honour of the fatherland is shining And I will become the hero of the land And the people are blessing me The children like to sing songs about the General and our Leader. I didn't tell them what we should sing today. The songs are about the Mother, the Party and the revered Marshal. Especially the last song was about the deceased General Kim Jong II. It's deep in the hearts of the children. The beloved Leader Kim Il Sung, the revered General Kim Jong Il and the revered Marshal loved the children. The children have never seen them personally, but they know them from television. They feel their love and want to give it back. Sometimes they are so touched that they cry. How many classes are there in one school year? One class per school year. Until which school year? Well... it goes until the second school year of middle school. Up to 12 years. Children aged twelve are the oldest? -Yes. They are very tall! As they get better food than at home and they eat a lot of meat. I am rather small, so for me they seem to be even taller. Don't they get homesick? They are doing fine here. They even get snacks. Here they have snacks and television. So nobody really wants to go back home. The parents visit the children here, because they miss them. The students are coming back from dinner. Have you had a good meal? What did you eat? Tell me, I really want to know. Chicken drumsticks, grasshopper patty! What else? Eggs. -Eggs. You eat eggs every day. Chicken drumsticks, too, right? -Yes. -What else? Herring. -Herring. You ate fish today? What do you like most? -Fish. Where are the others? They still haven't finished their dinner? They eat so much because it's so tasty! What do you mean? They've already eaten their portion, but they are eating more. They have a healthy appetite, because they are growing. Youngor ? -English. Yeongoro ? -In English. Very good. Uija? -Chair. Chilpan ? -Blackboard. Yeolda ? -Open. Datda ? -Close. Cheongsohada ? -Clean. About 70 km south of Pyongyang is our next destination, the farmer collective Migok, comprised of 800 households. The landscape is overwhelming. The unspoiled mountains and rivers recall the images of my childhood, long disappeared in the South. The unspoiled landscape, the oxen in the fields, the dusty country roads. It warms my heart and fills me with melancholy at the same time. THE AGRICULTURAL FRONT IS THE SOLUTION OF THE PROBLEMS OF THE PEOPLE LEAD THE WORLD WITH KOREAN SPEED! Comrades Kotbuni! -Yes! Comrades Kotbuni! -Yes! Hold your hands together. Two at a time, hold your hands together! Put your hands on each other's shoulders. Put your hands on each other's shoulders. Hold your hands like bunny ears. Then jump like rabbits do. Let's start! Win, win, win, our player! Our player is winning! Win, win, win, our player! Our player is winning! Please form a line. Turn around. Lift both shoulders. Twinkle, twinkle. Jump. We say "good morning" To the esteemed Leader Kim Il Sung Imitate me. Pure happiness, pure joy The sound of our country Marshal Kim Jong Un! We thank you Marshal Kim Jong Un! We thank you While singing and also while dancing We are longing for you Marshal Kim Jong Un I tap on the flower buds My esteemed Marshal Kim Jong Un My esteemed Marshal Kim Jong Un We are longing for you ACCORDING TO THE GENERAL 10 MILLION RI Can I ask you something? -Yes. How did you become a tractor driver? I saw the farmers during my military service, and I became a tractor driver to better serve the Leader. They called it a harvesting battle. I thought that the whole collective would be here for work. But I can only see one machine. We are working with this machine. We could accomplish much less without it. We can accomplish three to four times more with this machine. The collective workers must help out during loading and haying. The great Leader Kim II Sung visited us in the seventies. The former director in charge told him that the farmers want to live longer, because life has become so wonderful. The Leader was very pleased to hear this, and asked again. "They want to live longer, because life has become so wonderful." The work is performed by the machines. Life under the reign of the Workers' Party is so good that the workers want to live longer. The Leader was so pleased and ordered to use machines. He came here many times. In which other country does the Leader come to a field? Nowhere. But the Leader cannot come everywhere, can he? This is the business method of the Leader. You must be aware of everything! He creates single examples, which then function as models. All over the country, these models are copied. That's what happens. In the west, east, north and in the centre, there are model collectives, which serve as examples. These are the models for others. Ah, I see. -Do you understand? How is the harvest distributed? Does everyone receive the same amount, or does it differ? Someone working more receives more, someone working less receives less. It goes by how much you work. In socialism, a person who doesn't work should not think he can eat. We work together, and it is distributed according to achievement. Justly. Everyone received approximately one ton of rice last year. Someone who got more received 1.5 tons. I mean per person. A household with four workers got 4.5 to 5 tons of rice. This family worked hard to fill the granary of the state, and in the process, their own granary will be filled too. What do people do who have received too much? Patriotic rice. What does that mean? Please explain. It doesn't exist elsewhere. Patriotic rice means: The collective workers say, How can I eat 1-2 tons of rice in one year? The farmers donate because of their love for the fatherland: "Our family will donate 200 kg or 300 kg." "We need only 400 kg for the whole year." "There's enough left over, we have enough rice even after the dowry of the daughter or son." "We donate the surplus to the state." "Our family wants to donate that much." How is it possible that you think of the state first and then of yourself? That's very special. We say, if the bowl shines, then the contents look tasty too. That's our view. If the state is rich and strong, then the individuals have a good life, too. The stronger the state is, the less likely it is that the imperialists will attack us. We can lead a carefree life only if the state is strong. What's that? We charge solar energy with it and use it for lighting and television. We used to produce energy with the wind power plant, but there is too little wind in the summer. So we bought this. Now we use the saved solar energy for television and lighting at home. The panel is not that large. Is it sufficient? Yes. The storage battery does not have to be charged every day. If the storage battery is charged for one day, it is sufficient for 15 days. We charge the storage battery once a week. What do you use for cooking? We heat the rooms by cooking with straw in winter. And in summer we cook with methane gas. If we have to heat more, we heat with specially formed coal which has holes in it. Can I have a look at the methane installation? -Yes. This is the methane installation. It is operated with the excrement of humans and animals like pigs and cows. A mixture of gases emerges, which is methane gas. The percentage of human excrement is about 70 to 80 percent. They are the excrements of the family? If that is not enough, we go to the city. There are collection points. We bring it here and use it at home. What is that? -That's fertilizer. It is the pile where we throw pig dung, for example, and the waste products not used in the methane production. We use it as fertilizer on the fields after the harvest. We produce fertilizer and receive money from the collective. The collective cannot produce fertilizer, so all the households produce it. Well, we have enough animal dung from rabbits and pigs. We also own rabbits and a chicken. I will buy a pig in November or December. We have leftovers of Chinese cabbage after making Kimchi for winter. Can you show me the rabbits? They are in the house. -In the room? The cage is in the house, next to the kitchen and the storeroom. Can we go in so can you show me? -Yes. Through the support of the General, we designed the house this way, so we can feed the rabbits inside. Since the rabbits are close to many people, they cannot starve to death. That's the reason why we have the rabbit hutch in the house. We have three rabbits. It just had babies. By breeding them at home, we produce our own meat. And on holidays, or if the children want to eat meat, we butcher the rabbits. This works like a fireplace. The gas runs through this pipe. When we cook we switch it on, and after using it we switch it off. If we cook in the winter, we heat the room with it at the same time. You can open the floor here. You can heat with straw here, and cook with it. And the room is heated at the same time. And you can sleep warmly on the heated floor at nighttime. So... the straw is distributed after the harvest. We cook with it and heat with it in the winter. Will you show me the other rooms too? This is both bedroom and living room. Everything happens in this room. We watch television here. We eat and sleep here too. We eat here in this room in winter. It is too cold in the kitchen. But it's warm in here. We set up the table here and eat. Should I turn on the television? This is a transformer. The voltage is too weak, but the television needs a certain voltage. So we can increase the voltage with this. And the voltage increases. If we used the energy directly without this equipment, and if there are for example no welding works outside, the line voltage will increase, and the television could catch fire. So you have to connect the transformer to avoid a risk of fire. If we have power we watch colour TV, and if not we watch black and white using solar energy. What are you cooking? Peppers. The Lion pepper? -Yes. What are you putting in it? -Chili paste. Ah, chili paste. Your parents were farmers too? How did you become a farmer? My husband is a farmer, and I followed him. How did you get to know your husband? He performed his military service where I lived, and it was love at first sight... What did you like about him when you were falling in love? How can I put it... He was able to do everything. He could drive a tractor very well. His will is very strong. He was able to do anything that a man can do, so... What do you wish for your children? My daughter wants to become a teacher. My son wants to go to the Army. His dream is to wear a big star. I don't know if he will manage to become an officer. Why not? If not, he should follow in the footsteps of his father and drive a tractor. What was your dream? My dream? To be on stage and sing as much as I like. THE GREAT COMRADES KIM IL SUNG AND KIM JONG IL ARE FOREVER AND ALWAYS WITH US. We greet the workers of the collective. We will now begin with the concert. The love for my esteemed one Flows into our heart Day and night His breath warms us His virtue and his will attract us We will follow him our whole life We cannot live without you Comrade Kim Jong Un There is no life without you We cannot live My destiny Comrade Kim Jong Un We cannot live without you We cannot live without you Comrade Kim Jong Un There is no life without you We cannot live Our destiny, comrade Kim Jong Un We cannot live without you We cannot live without you Five hours of driving to the east for around 200 kilometres of highway. People at the side of the road, waiting. But for what? Our next destination Wonsan, capital of the Province Kangwon, is a harbour city on the east coast situated on a beautiful bay. With a population of around 330,000, it is the country's sixth-largest city. THE YEAR OF SUBLIME BATTLE GLORIOUS VICTORY FOR THE MILITARY FIRST POLICY Compared to Pyongyang, the city is less grand, but it seems more authentic. Here you realize that the model city Pyongyang, with its glamourous buildings, is the absolute exception in the country. HURRAH FOR THE GLORIOUS COMRADE KIM JONG IL COMRADE, ARE YOU ALREADY RIDING THE HORSE OF THE REVOLUTION? TO THE PEAK OF THE POWERFUL STATE! ONWARD WITH THE TOTAL STORM! Today's topic is: "Let us live as revolutionary riders" Last August, our esteemed Marshal praised our soldiers, who worked on the construction site of the Kim Chak University: "I am proud of you. You are the pride of the party and the nation." "You are the riders of the revolution who advance our country." The Marshal spoke of them in high terms. The vanguard of the revolution riders asked us: "Comrades, are you already riding on the horse of the revolution?" Only if we all ride on the horse of the revolution, like the soldiers on the construction site, will we be able to continue building the legend of our fatherland. Be proud of yourself, riders of the revolution! We young people will also live as riders of the revolution. We will now sing "The youth of our fathers and mothers". When my father was young He had a good time With his tiller in the Gangsung river He built a well in snowy December This glorious worker Was my father Our target for today is 150 pieces. We also want to give pleasure to our Marshal with our success. Let us make the glorious day. Let us begin with work! PRODUCTION, LEARNING AND LIVING LIKE DURING THE TIME OF THE ANTI-JAPANESE GUERILLA ARMY! An overseas Korean in Japan named Kim In Kwon donated this factory. He wanted to devote himself to the welfare of the country. The great General Comrade Kim Jong Il completed construction of the factory in 1992. We started production in 1993. How many workers work here? About 400. What is a workday for them like? They arrive here by 7.30 am. We start at 8 am. The lunch break is from 12 to 2 pm. They finish at 6 pm. But we do gymnastics after that. Sometimes we work until 7 pm. Mostly they go home at 7.30 pm. They always try diligently to reach the given daily target. What kind of clothes do you produce here? They are clothes produced for export. In our factory we also produce clothes for our people, but sometimes also for export. Where do you export to? We export via China at the moment. Because of the economic sanctions we export via China to countries like the US, Canada... and other countries. It would be nice if you could export directly. Yes, that would be nice. If international economic sanctions were lifted, it would get even better. For how long have you been exporting via China? For five years. Don't you have requests from South Korea? There are people in charge of foreign trade. Of course we would like that. But for various reasons, the path is blocked, so it has stopped. When is it the most difficult? We have problems with the delivery of materials. We are not dependent on foreign suppliers. We also use products which are produced domestically. So we don't have real problems. Actually, on the label it should say: "Made in Korea". If the economic sanctions were removed, then we could do that perhaps. "September competition table, sewing group 7", what's that? Every day we record how much the comrades of group seven have produced in September. They get scores for their daily output and good deeds. For example if you are helping someone. Or if someone is coming in early, in order to clean, or if someone is taking care of ill comrades by bringing them hot water, then they get bonus points. The scores have an influence on the wage? -Yes. Who is in first place? Gum Hyang is in first place. Other comrades were good, but apparently she was the best. Then I have to congratulate Gum Hyang. LET US GO FORWARD WITH A SMILE EVEN IF THE PATH IS HARD You have done a good job today. It was a new product. Nevertheless, you have understood it fast and performed well. Comrade Ri Gum Hyang. Please stand up. Comrade Park Ye Soon, comrade Park Kyong Ok. These three have performed more than anybody else. Applause, please! Comrade Hong and comrade Hwang haven't quite understood the process today, so they have caused a bit of chaos. I hope that you don't become discouraged, but dare to do more. You must understand the production better, and must avoid mistakes. We managed to produce our daily target of 150 pieces. From now on we have to produce 200 pieces. We can fulfill our national economic plan only in this way. I hope that from now on you make more of an effort. You didn't push yourself enough today. I want to repeat, push yourself more next time and do your best tomorrow. If you have questions or suggestions, now is your chance. No, we don't have any. -No? No? You had a lot of work today. Please rest tomorrow. We'll call it a day now. You've worked hard today. Thank you, you too. The sea is great. It reminds me of my hometown Busan. Were you born in Wonsan and grew up here? -Yes. Wonsan is my home. Your parents, too? -Yes. I've heard that you like to play soccer. Yes, I played soccer in school, and after graduation, for example at sports festivals. I've heard that you even wanted to become a professional. Why didn't you? Yes, I wanted to become a professional, but then I preferred to master the basics a woman should know. For example sewing and cooking. I wanted to learn these basics. That's why I came to this textile factory to become a decent woman. Did you make your decision yourself? -Yes. After school we're sent where we want to go. We can choose our profession on our own. Oh, please be careful! We cover it with a canvas in summer to have shade. Ah, I see. Ah, that hurts. You went to primary school... -For four years. I went to middle school for six years. Then I started working at this factory. How old were you? I was 18 years old after the high school diploma. How long have you been working? -Four years. Do you want to work somewhere else or do you want to work here longer? Yes, I love my profession. I want to continue to sew clothes. If the people wear the clothes which I've sewn, it makes me happy. Should we sit down? Ah, nice. How are people chosen for the work in the factory? Is there an exam? An entrance exam doesn't exist. If I want to work in the factory, the employment office gives me the job. The manager told me that the workers are paid on merit. Are there big differences? -No, the differences are not that big. Of course everyone works. It's not that some people work and others don't. The differences are really small. In which form are you paid? Is it money or do you receive food stamps? In addition to our monthly pay, we receive food stamps. We receive 14 kilos of food every month. Additionally, we receive our wage. The food is not distributed according to effort, but rather on how much one needs for living. We receive our wage in addition to the food. The payment depends on how much you work. Are there things that you really want to do? What do you mean... -Is there something you want to achieve in your life? In my current situation? Yes, in my current situation I want to be successful. What does "being successful" mean to you? I don't want to climb the career ladder, but develop my abilities and make special clothes. Special clothes which others don't make. If I saw our people wear my clothes, that would be a big joy. That's what I want. What is the name of this profession? We call it "designer". -What does it mean? A designer designs clothes and a tailor makes patterns. A tailor? No. He sews clothes. Ah, we say fabricator. So you want to become a fabricator? I want to create the clothes and sew them myself. Everything. I can only sew at the moment. But I want to learn it in any case. Koreans like working together, eating together, sitting together, going to the amusement park together, and having fun together. Do you sometimes have time for yourself? Yes, of course I am alone at home, without my friends. Do you want to be alone sometimes? It is nice to do something together. You get lonely when you're alone. If one is together with people one can share the joy. It is better to laugh together. Perhaps the geezers like to be alone. Have you ever been to Pyongyang? -It is the capital of Korea. Of course I would like to travel there. If I work a lot, I will receive a ticket. Sometimes there are excursions to Pyongyang. If you work diligently, you will be recommended. We commemorate anti-Japanese revolutionary hero, Comrade Kim Jong Suk. A minute's silence. We salute the deceased with all respect. Since the 1930s, my father fought at the side of our Great Leader for independence from Japan. Here you can see that he was the commander in the sector of the army of Jang Paek Hyun at the border with China. He participated in the revolution in 1936. On March 10th, 1945, 150 days before the liberation from Japan, he was sentenced to death in Sodaemun Jail in Seoul and hanged. He was imprisoned for eight years and then executed. I guess the body of our father lies in a communal cemetery in Seoul. I hope the reunification will come fast, so that I can bring back the body of my father. It's a great pity that reunification takes so long. But as he fought for the people in the anti-Japanese resistance and sacrificed his life, the Great Leader erected this memorial stone for him. We want to bring his body here when we are reunited. Please help this dream to come true. Please do your best. I will do my best. After the liberation, the Great Leader Kim Il Sung brought all the family members of his comrades together. He brought all children to the Mangyongdae Revolution School. My sister and I grew up there. I got this apartment for free too. The state provides us with enough food, and with the things we need. Nothing was lacking. I belong to the second generation. Almost everybody from the first generation has died. It is my duty to educate the next generation well. A strict system of work, beliefs and life has to be established through the generations for our country to be strong. I watched a movie on TV. A soldier walked along the tracks and saw that the overhead wire was broken. A cable was lying on the tracks, emitting sparks. And what did he do? He took the cable, rolled it around himself and jumped off the tracks. He was killed, but averted the danger from the train. I thought I would be proud if he were my grandson. If he gave his life for his people and the Leader and became a revolutionary hero. I was very envious. How nice it would be if the hero were my grandson. Ju Hyok, does the younger generation think about reunification? Yes, we think about reunification, also in terms of economic development possibilities. I think that economic possibilities would be very high. But firstly, the Leader and the General think of reunification very often too. If we, the younger generation, don't achieve reunification, then we can't realize the legacy of our Leader. We would feel very sorry. I guess we would also have many problems after reunification. But if we, the people, feel as one, we will overcome the problems. We have the same blood, the same skin colour and the same customs. Since we are one people by nature, we won't feel like strangers if we meet each other after reunification. I guess I would be happier to meet Koreans from the South than the neighbours on our block. I was so happy because you come from the South. Since it is so difficult to see you, it was it was a great pleasure to meet you. Let us meet again after reunification. Reunification must come very soon. -Let us meet again. Please come back. Look for me.
Channel: wocomoHUMANITY
Views: 1,212,103
Rating: 4.7679691 out of 5
Keywords: North Korea, South Korea, Korea, Sung-Hyung Cho, documentary, Kim Jong Il, Kim Jong Un, communism, propaganda, leader, freedom, border, travel, journey, film, filmmaker, separation, democracy, map, Nordkorea, Kim Jong-un, Pjöngjang, Pyongyang, DMZ, My Brothers and Sisters in the North, Baekdu, Paektusan, reunification, military, PLAY_EN, school, education, Sariwon, economy, Wonsan, Kangwon, agriculture, Seoul, Japan, revolution, FULL METAL VILLAGE
Id: IBqeC8ihsO8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 108min 50sec (6530 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 30 2020
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