Shocking Photos That Reveal the Truth about North Korea

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this is like what shopping meant guys so i told you like the shock that i had when i came to america going to walmart and later costco i couldn't believe the choices and selections they had i didn't even know the most of the items what they were what they were there for eating or decorating i had no clue when i was on the motorcycle i thought i was flying without getting into actual car you know that was so fast to me i i thought i couldn't breathe how fast it was [Music] hi guys welcome to my channel my name is yanmi park i'm a north korean defector human rights activist today in this video i'm going to do something new i will show you the pictures that is worth more than a thousand words i really believe that these photos will help you to understand what is happening to north korean people and how they are surviving under kim jong-un so this first photo can show you the actually the unbelievable height difference between north korean soldier and american south korean soldier obviously you can tell the middle one is north korean soldier and even he is right there the ones that going to dnz in the demilitarized zone are usually one of the ones that the tallest that north korea pick they mainly pick soldiers for their height to go there so they can present to the world that all north korean soldiers are not that malnourished but even that the best of the best the tallest of the tallest is this height look at the south korean soldier and american soldier north korea and south korea there is average 4 inch height difference on average and among the younger generation the ones in south korea not knowing the poverty and anything they are even way taller than us more than four inch taller than average north korean young generation and this is what did the malnutrition chronic manufacturing due to north korean population but though the side effect of malnutrition is not just the height difference it only when you're on t5 you don't get the proper nutrition your brain even don't develop develop that war and this is the the damage that kim regime did to north korean population that we will never know truly the extent of it the now the number two these are the photos of children's manual work in my previous videos i talked about how north korea children's when they go to school forced to work and every afternoon or even all day through when there is a farming season harvesting season we work and children's are also another free labor for north korean regime like you know women military children everybody is like free laborer as you can see i think though they are pushing um this carriage and as you can see that i think that is a teacher and other ones are classmates in dog i think they went to the farm to help out the farmers and i also remember we would get mobilized a lot in the spring and the fall and also even during the summer time you know they would call something moneggy we go to the farm and get rid of the all the other plants that is not a grain and it's unbelievable daunting work i would get this like back eggs was working the fear so much and they give you a quota and if you don't finish your koda as a child they don't even let you rest and have your lunch or water break so teachers would be uh watching there and then like did you finish your quran i don't even i can't even tell these children for north korean standard i bet there are something only teenagers but you know the malnutrition makes it make them look like to me now like five seven years old comparing given i have a son who is almost this size by age almost three um and yeah the second photo here is also this kids when we uh north korea of course they proudly claim themselves as socialist paradise so they make they are doing their best to make the country look nicer for the foreigners and when they do that of course they use children and they make us to go paint those things like the tree under there those uh the side road those decorations we have to go paint them and as you can see those are children also mobilized for this work uh it's more pictures of this uh we recall that like um so in north korea we don't really use the cars or trucks to moving things usually all requiring labor and manually pushing things and when someone gets a break their legs are going to even in emergency room we don't have like 9-1-1 ambulance to call we usually ask our neighbor who has those you know even that is not common that's a very precious thing and then we bottle it and then take somebody go to hospital like that emergency use and that is almost the main transportation that and how people handle things in that country lastly this photo of these two young girls are carrying water and usually we carry them on on top of our head and that's how we we don't have running water at home obviously so we go to the where the river anywhere that has some fresh water we would go and carry those water and i think in that way i always say that's why like if i were born here i could be tall enough to be a mother but you know doing all those manual work just by the time when you're born like three four you started working and helping out your parents and school it really doesn't make us to get taller anyway and believe it or not i'm like only five two tons of my fellow north korean defectors even they are men and a lot of them actually are sort of shorter than me and that's why you know among the north koreans i cannot tell them like i'm too short and even though i'm so petited in america and this is also i think they are helping out the you know in the in the fall maybe harvesting and we dry those corns so we can like sell them in the black market or we can have keep them in the winter time those not undry corns do not last that long so it's our job to dry them and make sure no bugs get into them and store them and through those manual work but i chose select this photo because i mean their skin color has no notation in it like there is nothing good or bad but all i'm saying is that usually north koreans are like light as similar to south koreans as you can see we have the same blood and we have the same country for thousands of years but when you look at the north korean kids or pictures they look really really tan because of course one we don't know what sunscreen is and we are constantly being in in the nature so when i escaped i wasn't this like pale like now i used to be like so so brown and i somewhat thought that was my skin color but you know in north korea there's no other way so we never thought being a darker skin was something a negative thing it was just something oh maybe this is my skin color but when we finally go to south korea using sunscreen realize like how it truly looked like before uh now this is a section where it clearly shows the food shortage situation i think these women are of course mobilizing the farm or actually they might be just uh looking for some you know nice way to say salad or plans to help their family and feed them through this outsourced things and this man's photo really like reminded my father actually a lot even though this man is wearing his garment official um a uniform and he is looking for plants to subsidize a lack of food and you can see the just you know just like i never see those kind of oppressive faces unless in other north koreans like the factories don't have that face of course once we get afraid but whenever i look at north korean's face they have this expression that nobody else could make unless they are that oppressed and this also photo shows why i was so offended when i came to the west seeing people you know eating salad because i just think that was something i mean i had to do it to survive and now coming to the west people eating plants too for health it is kind of funny word that we are living in for sure and these last few photos this is a girl trying to show the foreigners that they have a computer and they're as modern as the rest of the world but the electricity was gone and they did not know what to do and they still try to pretend they are doing the computer and this photographer uh you know brave enough to take this picture and show the reality how when the foreigners go the regime everything is horse show and lie and these two photos in the black market shows actually i think the real poverty and oppression this is uh i think i think it's a mom and her children next to her just accompanying her and she's hoping to share something this is like what shopping meant guys so i told you like the shock that i had when i came to america going to walmart and later costco i couldn't believe those choices and selections they had i didn't even know the most of the items what they were what they were there for eating or decorating i had no clue and this is like what normal black market shopping looks like for north koreans usually this is one corner they sell few types of candies maybe one type few cigarettes like really few things right there and the other one also this grandma or maybe my mom say i have no clue because north koreans by the time when they're 60 we think they lived a long time enough so she shouldn't be even 60 and selling the similar stuff and these things are also a lot of times illegal so officials come and demand the bribes but the thing is also officials don't get paid where their salary doesn't even afford them to survive one day so without bribes they don't survive so everyone can't survive in that system other than kim jong-un and this we talk we talk them as like grasshopper traders they have to be running away like grasshoppers whenever the officials come and demand dry drive so you as you can see their stands are very portable easy for them to run and go somewhere else and stir this is i think to me is i really grassroots of the free market touching in north korea and but the speed is very slow to come to the free market that we have here i don't know how long it would will take but at least that free marketization the seed has been pla planted in north korea uh the last picture i just picked it was just like out of um just interesting thing so as you can see the guy who drives his motorcycle he's really high-ranking uh official in the in the in the intelligence i think seeing his uniform and they have this high ranking of fissures they get motorcycles like that and you see that mom has her child in the behind back as a mom i actually noticed those things more that is like actually the fanciest you know when i was on the motorcycle i thought i was flying without getting into actual car you know that was so fast to me i i thought like i couldn't breathe how fast it was and in north korea there's no such a thing called like car seat this is what shocked me when i became mother in free freeward that there was so much like safety things that you had to do for your child like getting a creep and you know preventing for them like not able to breathe getting the firm mattress like what is a foreign mattress never even knew what mattress was or creep was in my whole life never had those fake butters if the mom was not able to have natural milk we would give them some sugar water or cook the rice and spoon feed them there's no such a thing like sippy cup and of course car seats nobody has a cars in general population there's not much to understand how to keep the child safe and even that i think we can see that you know they're this mom and nobody has a helmet going into this motorcycle having this infant behind and now i'm thinking about doing that here in freedom i will go to jail for sure anyway guys i hope that these photos you know helped you to understand we are north korea and also i'm very grateful for the photographers who took these photos and got them out i know this very dangerous act what they did but they they had this amazing responsibility and shared real north korea with us so thank you so much for watching this video today and let me know if you have any content suggestions i look forward to seeing you guys all next time
Channel: Voice of North Korea by Yeonmi Park
Views: 753,570
Rating: 4.9393182 out of 5
Keywords: North Korea, HumanRights, Culture, Freedom, NorthKoreanCulture, SouthKorea, Yeonmi Park, CCP, China, Defectors, NorthKoreanDefector, Trump, USA, Fox News, Conservative, Church, Libertarian, Patrick Bet-David, Valuentertainment, Park Yeonmi, NorthKoreanRefugee, Refugee, Women's Rights, Aisan Women, East Asia, Japan, Kimyojong, Kim Jong Il, American First, Socialism, Communism, Capitalism, Asia Politics, News, North Korean Human rights, Justice for North Korea, In Order To live, Children in North Korea
Id: 6wFcoByylbM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 38sec (938 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 15 2020
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