Daddy Pasta | Carla's Cooking Show

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hey everyone it's carla i am here today in my kitchen for a very special family recipe a pantry pasta that we like to call daddy pasta the truth is about daddy pasta that you do not have to be a daddy to make it but when you do make it you will be transformed into the pasta daddy and anybody can be a pasta daddy in my household it happens to be my spouse and the father of my children who is pretty famous for daddy pasta happens to also be known as daddy but that doesn't matter i taught him how to make the recipe he just got really good at making it this recipe think of as carbonara without the pork or it's like alfredo plus egg yolks and i bet you a fist full of chest hair that you have everything you need in the house to make daddy pasta right now one of the great things about daddy pasta is that the entire dish comes together in the amount of time it takes to boil your pasta and then make a sauce in the same pot that the pasta was in i have water already boiling i am going to heavily salt the water and then drop the pasta now that the noodles are in i want to set a timer for about three minutes less than what it says on the package and that is the key for undercooking the pasta a daddy key this is alfredo plus egg yolks i grew up loving alfredo every time we went to a restaurant my order it didn't matter what kind of a restaurant it was was caesar salad and fettuccine alfredo when cosmo was a child he too loved himself some buttery cheesy pasta but our goal as parents of an extremely active toddler was to get some more protein into the kid so we did that in the form of egg yolks which just really enriches this sauce and makes it extra delicious extra flavorful but also a little bit more nutritious so three egg yolks this is a loose recipe but this is about right for a pound of pasta if you're gonna go way above that or do a pound and a half add a fourth egg what i've also got is grated parm you could use grana padano you could use a mix of pecorino and parm if you had a kid that didn't mind a little bit of that salty funkiness of a pecorino and i'm going to season this aggressively with salt and pepper so this is very rich very fatty very umami so the pepperiness gives it a little bit of brightness a little bit of spice so it's kind of like kachore pepe as well but with eggs so the first step is to combine those egg yolks and the cheese and then the next thing i'm going to do is temper this mixture with some of the pasta water it's going to warm up the egg yolk and kind of get the sauce started there's no big technique here except i don't want to cook the eggs so i'm just going to whisk the whole time time to drain the pasta okay so i've got the same pot that the pasta was cooked in it is hot the pasta itself is steamy and i'm going to make the entire thing right back in the pot i've got unsalted butter i'm going to eyeball i want two ounces of butter which is half a stick and also two ounces of extra virgin olive oil if you wanted to go all butter you could do that if you wanted to go all olive oil you could totally do that but fernando goes 50 50. that's not necessarily how it was when i invented daddy pasta but like i said whoever makes daddy pasta is the pasta daddy the important thing here is my noodles are very undercooked very al dente because they're going to spend more time in this pot and in the first step the key thing is just to coat all of the noodles with fat because once the rest of the cheesy eggy mixture goes on i want that to emulsify evenly coat every noodle etc because this mixture is not over the heat and because the eggs are already warm in the bowl i'm not being so scared about adding the egg to a hot pot and all of those warnings you get about making carbonara and accidentally scrambling your eggs is like less of a problem here because my eggs are already warm we're just emulsifying so i have the heat of the pot i have the heat of the noodles i have agitation like physical agitation not emotional agitation although sometimes when you're making daddy pasta there could be emotional agitation because there could be a hungry other person or people in the house who are waiting for this this is looking very luscious i can see the sauce thickening a bit it's not quite there so i'm just gonna keep tossing the pot tossing the pasta and at any time if you felt like things just aren't happening you can put this over very low heat but that's when you've got to be super careful that you don't overcook your eggs it just got like creamy and opaque instead of thin and watery i do have a little bit more pasta water here if i needed it if this got too thick or if the noodles were feeling undercooked yum okay i'm gonna try a noodle mmm so it's very delicious it's very rich it's very parmy but the pasta is still a little al dente so i undercooked it which was right and that gives us the runway that we need to add pasta water and keep tossing until the pasta is cooked through and coated in the luscious sauce we're tossing we're saucing or seasoning which amazingly enough it does need a little more salt and a little more pops all right this is exactly what i'm looking to see the sauce is thickened on the bottom but it's kind of like the texture of heavy cream it's sticking to the pasta but it's not dried out there's a luscious amount of sauce covering each noodle but there's also sauce down in the bottom of the pot and that is dinner bell people time to ring the gong and i do have an expert taste tester here with me today expert taster and daddy pasta aficionado please enter the chat thank you for coming yeah thank you for having me uh quick question yeah no any dad jokes let me think of them i might i might say something later i feel like um oh wait there was a chef who made this dish but then do you know about him no oh he passed away oh good one cause so the first time i met fernando's dad we went out to a restaurant together and he did the dad joke that he did every single time we ever went to dinner together which is when the check came he took out his glasses and took a look at the check and then looked right at me and said uh so carla you had the uh chicken i believe that was 19.99 classic gadget have you yourself learned how to make daddy pasta yet uh yes you do know how a little bit and does that make you a pasta daddy father now oh you're a father in hell pasta is my child [Music] do you want a little more cheese yes say when yeah i think that's good i truly hope that everyone watching feels themselves empowered to daddy pasta and become a pasta daddy follow the three important steps undercooking the pasta emulsifying the sauce and going ham on the seasonings is there anything else you want to say to our our viewers like subscribe and comment down below smash that notification smash it can we hit 10 billion likes we didn't give you a microphone but i think it's okay do you love pasta do you like daddies do you love pasta daddies still have daddies who make pasta do you love daddy pasta we've got a t-shirt for you daddy pasta on the front pasta daddy on the back you can make this bowl of new news wearing your pasta daddy shirt and the daddy pasta will be delicious uh go check it out at we'll ship them directly to you
Channel: Carla Lalli Music
Views: 179,937
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: daddy pasta, carla bon appetit, 5 ingredient pasta, carla music, carla lalli, carla lalli music, that sounds so good, where cooking begins, carla recipe, carla ba, bon appetit carla, carla lalli music bon appetit, bon appetit, carla lalli music daddy pasta, carla lalli music recipe, carla lalli music pasta, carla lalli music pasta recipe
Id: X5WrUaqep4w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 4sec (604 seconds)
Published: Wed May 18 2022
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