Carla Makes Cheesy Broccoli Delight | From the Home Kitchen | Bon Appétit

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okay I'm rolling you're really now yeah no all right [Music] all right Bon Appetit at home [Music] hey guys it's Karla I'm here in my home kitchen today and I'm gonna show you how to make broccoli delight broccoli delight is a dish that I kind of came up with on the fly one day because I had some good cheddar and I had some nice-looking Braque and I was very hungry and I threw everything in the pan without really thinking about what was gonna come next and it was just one of those dishes where everything that happened happened for a reason first thing I'm gonna do I have one head of broccoli it's about a pound I weighed it before I got started one of the things that people don't realize about broccoli is that the stem is very edible and very delicious so even if your broccoli stem was longer you're just gonna cut off the very bottom which is like sometimes a little woody I want to use as much of the stem as possible so I'm not after like just the very top little florets so I'm gonna peel the outer layer of this broccoli the other day Easter morning actually I was sitting in bed and two birds alighted there's no other word for it onto my windowsill and they both looked at me and then they turned around and they perused the backyard so now I have my peels I'm just gonna compost that's my little compost pile and now I'm gonna cut the broccoli into like nice Spears like this it's got a good amount of stem on it there's a flat edge leaving the broccoli kind of bigger is gonna let me get a really good sear on it without it getting mushy so if you have your bunch of broccoli that has a nice long stem on it just slice those thinly now do I cut all right so this is what the broccoli should look like when it's done I've got these nice long Spears and then the pieces of actual bottom part of the stem I just kind of sliced crosswise take three I got a big pan here it's probably a 12-inch skillet 10-inch skillet and I'm gonna put her over medium-high got my trusty cruet of extra virgin olive oil I want enough in the bottom of the pan to definitely coat the entire pan without any bald spots can see the cabinets it's very down angle oh and I'm wearing my Boz apron so you can get a nice view of that I already got oil on it all right broccolis going in good sizzle so any loose bits left on the cutting board those are going in too and they'll just go into any of the in-between spots everybody comes to the party don't wipe down my cutting board it was very Brad way of saying cutting board I said cutting cutting board cutting board I've got my kosher salt black pepper a little more oil over well the broccoli Browns up I'm gonna get the cheese ready this is an 8 ounce block so I'm just gonna cut it roughly in half you could really use any melting cheese like even mozzarella if you'd like something more mild so I've always kind of done it by just breaking the cheese into bits you could coarsely grate this on the the big side of a box grater if you want to so anything in the Brassica family is gonna work really well here so definitely cauliflower cheesy cauliflower would be so good but even if you had green cabbage you just want to cut it in a way so that you leave some space in between all right I'm gonna give this it's not exactly a toss yeah I guess I'm tossing it this is the color that I'm going for how do you do the script you do the makeup thing oh that's pretty good you can see blue it drips um nice and brown and the broccoli itself is turning bright green I feel like there's a clicking burner also in the Test Kitchen and it's one of the burners that I choose a lot and now here I am at home and all of a sudden this burner is clicking it's sort of like if you played piano this would be like a it's got a metronome vibe keeping me okay whoo broccoli now the time has come my broccoli is really beautifully charged it feels tender we're gonna give it another test nothing's where it's supposed to be it's my life now I have a little trusty this is a very fancy cake tester and so it's going through the stem with a little bit of resistance so it feels very crisp tender I'm just making space and I'm gonna add all of the crumbled cheese so I've got my 4 ounces of crumbled cheddar and while the broccoli was cooking the cheddar kind of came up to temperature a little bit so it's not going in here freezing cold oh my god and so this to some of the cheese is gonna land on top of the broccoli and some of the cheese is gonna go right away to the bottom of the pan and that's gonna give us amazing sheets of cheese I just don't know another way to describe it oh my god she's melting Wow see me chard melty bubbly oh boy so this is really what broccoli delay it looks like when it's done there's parts of the cheese that are completely crisped up down at the bottom of the pan and then there's parts of the cheese that are super Mel C on top so I'm gonna turn the heat off there is a good amount of smoke but that's just the charred bits of the broccoli and the crisped up kind of like almost queso cheese what's happening down on the bottom of the pan this piece of cheese over here didn't even ever want to melt hold on you're going down okay okey-dokey people I've got my broccoli delight I have a lot of beautiful browned crispy cheese I've got a lemon half I'm just gonna squeeze some lemon over this and we are still sizzling that's just residual heat from this beautiful pan mmm I've got some red chili flake - can she get the jar open yes and this is optional as well but I think it's really nice it gives it like pepperoni pizza broccoli slice kind of a vibe I haven't had lunch I haven't had breakfast in fact so the choice bits are like you've got a little brown cheese you have melty cheese on top so this is a good bite and then everything sticks together so it's one of those things where you're sitting at the table and you're serving yourself and you're like oh oh wow they're all stuck together I guess I guess this is my portion and whatever cruciferous you might be rationing right now your broccoli your cauliflower your cabbage melt some cheese on it call it a day it is delish okay [Music] amazingly the broccoli still has like great texture but it's also got shriveled crunchy florets and the cheese has double texture too because it's really crispy where it hit the pan but it's like queso melty on top get your veggies know what I mean so good for you also with the cheese cazzo do you want to buy it a broccoli D oh oh you're in class oh well I guess I get the whole pan for myself I feel bad this means here comes someone hi Oh broccoli D anybody want to braid or broccoli D leo you want your own Leo wants his own right I'll bring you over this is Lea this is the dish that Leo said was the best thing I ever made yes your did well you need a fork mm-hmm he says that a lot but you said about this this is the best thing you've ever made I think I said this is my favorite thing that you make you said it wasn't the best thing I ever made okay okay Oh bye that's it okay well broccoli D for the road all right that's it broccoli D for the road see me chard melty bubbly [Music] oh boy hold on
Channel: Bon Appétit
Views: 825,999
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: from the test kitchen, test kitchen, home kitchen, carla, carla music, carla lalli music, carla makes, carla bon appetit, carla broccoli, carla makes broccoli, broccoli, broccoli recipe, make broccoli, broccoli delight, broccoli bon appetit, making broccoli, cheese broccoli, cheddar broccoli, how to make broccoli, how to broccoli, how to cook broccoli, cook broccoli, cooking broccoli, broccoli recipes, cheesy broccoli, food, bon appetit
Id: jD1oF9-oQdE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 0sec (600 seconds)
Published: Wed May 06 2020
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