Daddy Jack's Pizza Dough and Pizza Sauce

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[Music] all right Happy New Year flustered exits it go with the blues here and then be had some requests I don't know couple was requesting for a go recipe and B is gracious enough to share with us [Music] alrighty I have our flour in and that I'm gonna say roughly about 10 or so flour maybe more there I've got our salt and sugar only use about 30 grams of sugar in our mixture and then 350 grams of salt another it sounds like a lot but it's really not [Music] then I go with the oil which is 350 grams as well [Music] and here I've already got our yeast in the water I don't use hot water I'll use right on the edge warm and hot so I'm going to dump that in and that's 23 grams of yeast to about 7 quarts of water we put the yeast in for a little bit of pull right yeah yeah that's why I was sitting in there already I do that that's the first thing I let it set for about 10 minutes right I let it sit while I'm measuring out everything else yeah crank it up [Music] I'll tell you what there's a lot of hustle working they can go to work out it is so we're gonna let her mix until it's completely blended I'll know it's ready when it's no sometimes my waters a little off so that's what I'll add I'll be able to tell it about a couple of minutes whether or not all right be right back [Music] all right so the job is ready now and like I said earlier I would know because you see there's no whatsoever [Music] we walk short pulling off the hook because that hook doesn't come off that's it son what up will it be want to lift the ball out on to it yeah [Music] this is again where the muscles come in [Music] [Music] weighs about I joke around all the time and say this weighs as much of my granddaughter [Music] then I just kind of working a little bit more once it's on here [Music] get that no good spanking I do actually [Music] rub it down oil and [Music] earlier that then I'll cover it in plastic wrap let it sit for about an hour until it doubles in size [Music] and that's all Trump it's a what a gold medal yes go about a flower all Trump we used to use the double zero flour and that was good we checked out a couple pizzerias you know and I used to do study all Trump years ago and if we loved it yeah I do like that be made across the other pizza the other day for her body our dishwasher and it's giving him a ride home I said you guys get it's good cause you ate it inside the box under the heat lamp firm already and I called beer said that is the best pizza and when I was weak and up against the oven to cool down right but yeah so with smoke but she's over you up Bobby Bobby called man late probably won a link to another was already shut down and it was a slow bake and it was like a bread it was like soaked because the crust was even after seven the heat lamp was Chris that was just like I swear yeah what I mean I had a little nice little char on the top wood it was the best piece I ever had I'm not kidding yeah it really is yeah at the end of the night when when the employees what everybody else wants you know he took whatever I don't have it too hot usually running about okay we don't have time go by goethe service does it it gets uh they say balls to the wall yeah yeah it's so thing sometimes and then some of tickets pizzas but these got you know the combination of the quality the quality and speed you know it's a rare combination yeah yeah yeah you know all the good ingredients yeah hello or SUNY sausage right Paula nice patrol right alright so I won't go to let her rest how do I let it rest for about a hammer yeah and I guess in between that I'll go ahead and make some sauce water blues we'll be right back that's going to blues here B is gracious enough to share sausage burger sauce recipe here so of course after Cucina I think those ran out of a can I swear to God and I always say well you know the nice get a nice pair tomato you can put that over fresh mozzarella and do like that caprese salad or whatever that tomato is so good a little bit of why some of your pesto oh that personal vinaigrette over the top yeah that'd be awesome but go ahead be alright so we do two cans of the ultra Kachina the whole plum tomato just kind of a thick puree that it comes with [Music] [Music] all right so now it's our way of measuring [Music] so for the soap we do [Music] sighs tablespoon [Music] and then for Chad it's not like a dinner bell right there hello right [Music] for on the granulated garlic [Music] I do one pepper and this is the only one that's not a heaping tablespoon well not much [Music] two on the basil [Music] [Music] and to on a regular and I know I've got my seasonings right when I'm right at the lip on this cup nut-free I'm just gonna shake it out and I'm gonna hit with the hand okay so all the time I'm back here I asked me give me this give me that so [Music] this thing likes to get us sometimes [Music] [Music] and that's our sauce you guys here again all right that's it now you guys going blue they're showing or go recipe sharing our dough recipe sauce recipe what else we're ready we're ready to see some hot rotis come back thank you so much B for sharing all this and I jest go to blue Sears blend filter you're on camera came down with Paul on the first day of the year yep 2020 and then you know what it's gonna be a great year people saying awesome he asked me the other day I think it's any other day what do you think of all doom and gloom I said ah no you got keep it in the positive because yep like like I said enough I wrote a little something in the soundwaves magazine article every Monson I said you know take care of those you know charity begins at home in our community you see somebody out there needs a little help at hand if you got it up not a little bit it goes a long way you know and you're in your town your city you know you got it you got you know philanthropy and I read a book with that philanthropist it could be $5 here $10 here doesn't mean you know how many millions of dollars to be a philanthropist that way that guy's going to blues peace prosperity and happiness happy new hi guys welcome back the dough has now risen enough and how I know is I had about an inch and a half from when I laid her down and now we're right at the edge and you can kind of see how it's stretched this way as well so we are good to go on the cuts I'm going to go ahead and cut one of our large and one of our smalls and show you how to shape it look at that you telling me doing it awhile first time nobody else it's a full pound for our large again yeah so then I take it this is the way it was facing up so I take it upside down and I kind of turn it in out take the end twist and then just roll in your hands and that's how you want to set them and let them sit just a little bit longer you know let him sit about another half before I put them in the fridge so again I stuffed it inside out twist at the end and that's kind of how you want it to look on the bottom there it is so now we'll leave it in there what up there is that up to what four days yeah I go up to 44 - longer sees the betterment that used to kind of that moves to say that the the hard flavor a yeast gotta ferments kind of a cold fermentation yeah and rise to stop some of the best beaches are what create free dance out can days off yeah [Music] alright surrett - come on closer later on beam is good nothing out of pizza try to put this all together absolutely alright let's go to the blues thank you very much fun hope you're on camera or Mac it all or new camera and again Happy New Year [Music]
Channel: Cooking With The Blues
Views: 145,949
Rating: 4.9060507 out of 5
Keywords: daddy jacks, cooking with the blues, new london, chaplins restaurant, connecticut, how to cook, cooking videos, jack chaplin, Pizza Dough Recipe, Best Pizza Dough, Easy Pizza Dough, Best Pizza Sauce, Easy Pizza Dough Recipe
Id: zX9iDyGCZjM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 15sec (915 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 05 2020
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