Daddy Issues: Off Limits Material

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ever since uh Joker hit dude he ain't played since I was like I don't think he had the twin he sure did hit the twin huh yeah I don't remember after that because one's with the Clippers the other one's with yeah bucks I believe right one of them one of them almost only paid no more one of them oh because today's date yeah I think that was one place for the Clippers Marcus and markif with an F you know somebody yeah dude uh the twin took a cheap shot on jokes yeah he hit him back what's today's date he came in he gave him the football yeah 23rd 23 all right that was the battle rap I never know how they be shouldering each other in battle rap now yeah that was the big uh phrase on the internet in six they kept saying the Lakers only person man the only person who called it before and it I think it was one called The Sweep now he called The Sweep one game in one game man that's pretty good that ain't bad I knew it was gonna be an L but the sweet yeah they gonna lose it all straight face too I've been watching One game yeah it's like yeah okay they look the way they did against the Warriors but they needed too many elements that were just off and on honestly I didn't think they looked that great against the Warriors Warriors that game one words could have won and it was three or four they bullied us height big yeah but I was like they're not gonna do that with Denver so just like I knew they were winning when LeBron played sinner I was like uh it's over LeBron don't have no confidence in nobody like move I'll just Garden yeah even he came out last game like I don't I don't believe in any other one yeah it was too early he should have I wanted to say he should have saved it but LeBron did his part yeah he did his part if he didn't did he saved it they would have been I gave y'all a 20-point lead what do you want from me yeah what's his name is gone not Davis yeah he shut down he gave them nothing he shut down in that Warrior series he wasn't the same thing in the Warrior series and then he just was once he started guarding when they didn't start they didn't start him last night huh no they gave his spot to Reeves a lot comes with that when you're used to starting and then Reeves and Hachi they about to pay they're not gonna pay Reeves they haven't got the money they gonna keep doing he's gonna go somewhere else they couldn't keep up they went to the Bulls that was a hot spark for them oh dude so they had to let him go Russo Reeves is going to end up on the Pistons [Laughter] doesn't doesn't organization I still always go like oh let's see what we're doing I'm always checking in but you got to give your fans this is how I feel about lions way more than Pistons I know like hey man you owe me something to have me root for you you owe me I'm here I'm still here I got the goddamn hats here yeah I got nice guys good mascot the lion the lion is fantastic you ever noticed how the lion says lion oh not not these that one that lady did but I go like you guys come on man when people doing that and they like be loyal I'm like they're not being loyal to us they're bullying because people go like aren't you excited about the lines like they started oh and eight last year but they won the last they started oh yeah and eight it's a lot of pain why am I gonna get accepted one game away from yeah sure we still lost I like I'm not excited yeah Hannibal said something to me about the Raiders he was like way too football season I was like [ __ ] My Soul when you started five and twelve you can start three no watch me I don't think you're gonna be hiding on 3-0 giving your track record it's hard though excited he dead inside he knows yeah he knows I've been in a broken area for 30 years he [Laughter] for him [Laughter] no they [ __ ] suck they've never won anything my whole life I'm allowed to be pissed at them but you're not with you got a legacy [ __ ] them and they left I wish we had them they have a nation and they have a nation it's emotionally I left a bandwagon but I'm just gonna I'm [ __ ] to go die hard AIDS fan but they left or leaving I get leaving the city okay I definitely give you that way [ __ ] about it but I give you that way I'm Giants now because even like Detroit like I'm not from Detroit but it's like there's you move to Vegas they heard you saying you wanted to move to Vegas that's hard to deal with yeah them teams away for sure no they when whoever that new lady is the mayor whatever she don't care who owns the teams if they're not they're not owned by a person like the Warriors are owned by a person correct was the was the A's and well the Raiders point right and then went down to the sun no as soon as Mark got it he was gonna he was like I can't I want to do man I think some cities on their team like so I want to say that was a big the big thing with like uh I got I gotta have to look it up when teams are just floating the NBA buys them yeah right like Charlotte was like that yeah the expansion teams right something like that that's when I was talking about oh like when Chris Paul was about to do the trade right yeah yeah because they owned the what was he on at that time yeah Hornets yeah Hornets yeah well they tried to make the deal while they were all in a meeting and one of them got a call was like oh hell no this ain't right now that's crazy if he told that trade I mean they own the team no that's right because they own the team if somebody would own the team publicly owned who is the Packers yeah wow they're the only publicly owned major professional sports franchise in the United States owns them or does that mean that this rather than being the property of an individual partnership or corporate entity they are held as of 2022 by the stockholders that's interesting okay um um so we can it's a big franchise too you can own a party we can own part of the Packers and they're in such a small place like there's nothing around them no Green Bay cracking out there there's nothing I'm surprised no one owns because I know the Nuggets didn't like a bunch of people own the Nuggets like Usher is one of the owners of the night well he and he's one of the owners of the Cavs I thought D wait wait who's the weight on do you wait on some of them yeah Utah Yeah Usher is the Cavs Yeah Usher and a couple because D Wade tried to get some of Miami and they were like no we don't do that no we don't do that everybody plays on the team that he part owns he plays on the g-league team so it might be Utah yeah they um but they like I remember because I remember they were trying to make that a big deal like Usher bought a team and I was like no he owns like a small lot Nelly owned a part of some team somewhere maybe you Nelly was the Cavs and then LeBron left it was like where are you going I mean they're back in the playoffs though yeah they said the Cleveland lost so much money oh he he LeBron lifted the whole economy and he was there yeah yeah so I get burned in the jerseys this is a bar it was bar owners burning them jerseys that's painful yeah it's painful the business it goes just just I went I think I watched one of the Laker games somewhere like year goes in playoffs the bars be yeah lit hell of money being made it's gonna be empty now but on the opposite end it's like on the opposite end it's like but look what that person does for your city how dare you right yeah you know what I mean yeah the money he generates for your city it should be a thank you right thank you now after the Ring of course they want to be like oh yeah you'll be hurt for a second but he gave him a ring he gave Cleveland he came back and gave him that ring but when he left to school give him that angle for a second don't be like thank you when you when you didn't have to leave [ __ ] before you got here however but still it hurts like I think it would take my talents to South Beach hanging them on the string for Madeline he did it bro I get why they were way mad but if he just leaves like hey y'all but I gotta go change mine but if you want to be mad be mad when he said front office give me some help and they said here's year 18 Shaq here's three almost 400 pounds Shaq that's not help I asked you for help when Kobe told the Lakers I get help they said here's Prime Gasol when [ __ ] starting to leave and you give him help they stay yeah Brian was like give me something you're 18. bro I forget Shaq was even over there right some players move around so much I just lose Phoenix he was everywhere I couldn't keep up I thought Carmelo already retired yeah he didn't play at all last year oh a year ago he didn't get picked up last year so his last team was the Lakers right I thought Portland right see the confusion his last team he did OKC then Portland in the Lakers oh okay yeah and then that was it dams dang I didn't watch that doc didn't it come out yesterday the day before yesterday the Carmelo one oh I didn't know his own documentary it was on ESPN oh I want to see it that shotgun was good on the HBO one oh it's fire I watched it last night I just finished it Shaq's Dad it's hilarious his real dad it was still dead he's dead you know he only show the real the military [Music] they said that that's what they did at the end of the documentary his mom said go meet go meet him oh wow and then Shaq basically you know how and I think we've all done it you know you get old and you understand your dad more so Shaq said you know you understand life a little more yeah yeah yeah so Shaq said you know he when he met his dad he was like now he 50 he's like hey man whatever so they talk they chat they I get you with 19. and and in and out of jail and like you know oh I don't know okay yeah yeah now what I didn't know from that doc I didn't know Shaq's oldest kid is from a different lady yeah which one I thought all these kids was by shiny I did not know that they all look similar so his oldest one he was with his first like Otis is the boy right no a girl the boy is I think from Chinese previous marriage before Shaq got with her because she was oh I didn't know that I didn't know I thought she was dating a player on one of his teams and Shaq ended up taking her oh damn scandals yeah that part's the fact that he took her from another teammate oh yeah I didn't know she had another I thought Nick Anderson's uh at the heat he sat down he's like a moment because he I mean he said in a documentary he was with he was this lady this girl he wanted when he was young he got with her had his first kid then pretty much cheated on uh her with shiny and got he couldn't be the short brown skin one yeah yeah sharif's oldest boy she was married and came and he looked just like yeah sharif's the oldest boy so that's yeah that's all he is [Music] yeah so yeah but he was like I didn't know that though I thought they were all her kids so I wonder if Shaq came in with the blue shoe when he stole somebody this episode is sponsored by bluetooth Let's Talk About Sex guys talking Shaq sex in particular since we talked about Shaq smashing kids you know I'm saying sex leads to kids sometimes a lot of times you know not every time because some people get you know getting the bun placed in the oven you know by other means but her uh bluchu is a unique online service that delivers the same active ingredients as Viagra Cialis and Levitra but in chewable tablets and had a fraction of the cost yes you can take them anytime day and night you can plan ahead or be ready whenever an opportunity the process is simple sign up at consult with one of their licensed medical providers and once and sorry and once you're approved you'll receive your prescription within days come on now the best part it's all done online so no visits to the doctor's office no awkward conversations no waiting in line at the pharmacy Bluetooth tablets are made in the U.S of a and prepared and shipped direct to your door in a discrete package on the low I wonder where 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safety information and we thank Bluetooth thank you for supporting the podcast man y'all been here a long time man we appreciate y'all man we do blue I'll give you all the full strong right now if I could probably give you all the appreciation children's appreciation what city y'all in that's why I was asking what city y'all in so I can smash gratitude Craig Wayans let me give Craig some credit right now oh he was right again Not only was he right again Craig proved me wrong this weekend last week what was that I don't remember man last Wednesday or Thursday or so Craig is rarely wrong bro it's not I was like there's no way this is facts Craig zero and Craig will be like is right there Craig is right my arguments suck because it's not really a bad she already got some nerves because Shawnee left a player and then she gonna leave Shaq for cheating but did she cheat on that piece it said well I don't know what kind of agreement they had that's what I'm saying she started having an affair with Shaq only oh her and Dad uh Davin divorced oh Devin Devin Batiste that was the player yeah I don't remember him two points a game did they get together he was like you're getting traded but you know we're getting cheated on you don't but nobody knew Baptist they know me Craig was always thought the uh Sharif was the oldest so my house was the oldest brother they don't really know these kids huh yeah miles is the one that handles a lot of the business he's uh he's like the Young Smart he's the short one scholarship somewhere I'm not sure though but she's dope ain't she going to LSU too I believe she might be yeah and they just got a recruit a young the white Caucasian white girl that's badass yeah shooter oh well the coaches popular too she went there to do what she's doing she was at Baylor when she had Britney so she and she she wears really loud like she's she's a part of that yeah like so they was like come here and pretty much yeah get all the kids and so that's she's done so she fun and she had that yeah because yeah barely came out of nowhere and then she made them good and then I want to see women getting paid more hooping they're making decent money with someone me it's all about are they putting butts in the scene it's Their audience that needs to be there exactly like you can't you can't demand more money if they're not making the money I'm making more money in college now the NBA is making the money is because people be there at the games so it's like are they generating enough money to give them crazy salaries I don't know what the in uh WNBA is making whoa there was a like it's not it's not even close yeah it's not remotely close it's like you can't you can't have those type of NBA either I don't think they deserve that that amount or whatever but they deserve more than what they're getting I think they're minimum well it's a percentage base and since they ain't making that much they don't because a lot of a lot of players on that they have to take commercial flights which I understand but it's also like yo these private planes right they ain't cheap to fight them things right yeah right and I understand and right I go like I get it also it's like you got to generate that more more than that bag like that's a lot of bread you got to take coming back because yeah that March Madness everybody was in right women's college game people be in yeah but the W it's like once they like nobody even knew the drug I didn't know the draft was happening people was like the WWE drafted like that I was like whoever's marketing for them is terrible the draft was like a couple days after the tournament or something like that I was like you had all this buzz from the tournament and everybody was and no one knew the draft was happening like that doesn't make sense they need a rebranding just like the NBA did they need to bring they got to do something fix it up see what yeah the audience wants to come see they're still trying to sell it to men they need that they need that bird Magic Moment they didn't see anything LSU stuff was exciting yeah I feel like more people would tune in yeah because looking at these averages uh Phoenix has the highest average attendance 14 000. Seattle has 11k Los Angeles 10K New York eight Minnesota eight Indiana seven Connecticut seven Dallas Wings five and the Washington Mystics uh 4200 yeah that's that's nice you pay more on the lights yeah yeah but if you look at Panic you gotta look who they got two to have for how much they got like names they got Stars they gotta they gotta generate more stars and bigger names and yeah they did a good job for a second then they just left with Lisa Lopez Lobo uh Lisa listen Leslie Rebecca Lobo yeah Thompson was winning every single year yeah swim cash had the best name though Cooper was dominating Cindy Cooper yeah she's on Phoenix and Amaya Moore left she was on top she just did in the prime she just left she probably bored she had won all these high schools she won at um UConn right Uconn and then she was she her first couple years in the league she won she was like I'm killing him she went and got that dude out of jail yeah she was fighting for this dude that she fell in love with prison and as soon as she got him out of prison she married him and then that's what she do now she do yeah of course yeah plus she had already won she had one at everything jobs anyway because they're gonna play overseas I know who not going back overseas [Laughter] so the highest the highest average is Phoenix the lowest team on the NBA is the Thunder and they had 15K where's the thunder right 15K what City Oklahoma I thought you were saying it was a WNBA team [ __ ] somewhere which I'm surprised by that yeah so they got the lowest attendance their percentage of attendants in the venue is 85 we'll give them a stimulus package or something man they can give him something bro like okay you're right they don't yeah you're right you know who's number one of the ten oh the Bulls anyway really yeah damn it's the only place they don't shoot in Chicago [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] they need something Duncan's getting big um they're they're coming and see some dunks in the WNBA yeah they still got to be they not they just basic dunks so you still got a windmill or something yeah they they are first dunks like our ninth grade when they hit the top of the Ring yeah yeah when you're happy you go home and you tell your dad once you get that Vince Carter girl chick who's done there they coming out these younger ones yeah it ain't I felt bad that one clip that that's viral I mean dude in the league now I forgot his name but when the girl won the dunk contest and she did his basic ass done everybody cheering he did an amazing nothing no one cared his face was like you know okay really guys equal rights because he was right and it was dunk was amazing [ __ ] it was [ __ ] up actually equal rights equal rights he's like I lost this thing huh oh yeah okay all right now yeah okay he's doing quite the well yeah he still had a spot on his Manta like ah that should have been my doctor the empty spot I kind of felt like that with LeBron's the high school All-American Dunk Contest he was doing some basic he was jumping high he was just jumping out the gym yeah but it's dunks were basic yeah cause I remember I think I watched it the other day I think with Shannon Brown Shannon Brown was killing him oh yeah LeBron had so much hype they were just like all right but it was a basic yeah yeah they were just they were just they were happy as hell it was high bro and they were like God damn Shannon Brown's dunks was because he still won no no no I don't think Monica would see murder though yeah Monica would see murder I don't know [Music] yeah she's been visiting them yeah yeah they've been I don't know where their relationship stands but I think after this didn't they do a reality show Shannon Brown and uh did they I just know he went to Michigan State that's all I know about James Brown High School American Michigan State and it was a Lakers with the Lakers for a little bit yeah actually probably won a ring didn't he yep yeah he got one against all Jordan Farmer yeah he got Monica [Music] um he was good though he was cold oh they got divorced he would come out he'd be a shooter and then he got he had a couple bangers I remember uh yeah who'd he dunk on he's got a class called in charge yeah we just see like oh at Michigan State I like them a lot is he with Draymond no no he was with uh before Draymond he was with my team please no no Mateen Cleaves was with uh Peterson that was two thousand yeah but who was on that who was on foreign college player like do everything right you know and was like he'll never get the uh the cat from UConn I did not like him either uh people loved him because he was a shortcut yeah to check on it was a short time but New Orleans was they had their number one seed for a while in in uh this year right yeah and like Zion was MVP talk like he was like yeah and then but he was getting slimmed down this year right yeah when he came back he had slim down yeah he definitely not playing he'd be he didn't know I can't blame him down playing in the NBA right all that cardio games really easily oh yeah yeah so I'll tell you why because they don't have factories it wasn't a purpose you did that assist like when you go for the shot and then you air ball but somebody's right there during the prime spring season you need a wholesome convenient meals to energize you for warmer more active days and keep you on track reaching goals factor is America's number one ready to go eat meal kit can help you fuel up fast with ready to eat meals delivered straight to your door you'll save time eat well and Tackle everything on your to-do list you too busy to cook this may with factors skip the trip to the grocery store and Skip The Chopping prepping and cleaning up to factors fresh never frozen meals are ready in just two minutes so all you have to do is heat and enjoy then go back outside and soak up that warmer weather I have some Factor how would you like it a good time man if you had like a little tofu joint with some rice 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Thunderbirds are those like g-league teams overseas isn't paying let's say uh you played for Five Seasons yeah in the NBA I'm still I'm still I'm still hooping for them teams because you can always try to make it back and when you look like yeah they love the game of basketball maybe it's hard to let go it was hard for me to let go and I didn't make it to the level they at so yeah they love it so heck yeah absolutely now if I was if I had already did 11 years in the league no I'm just gonna retire yeah I'm not gonna play I can't do that but five years I still feel like now I'm gonna get it back get it back but you you event you know 11 years I'm like man I might go how much am I making how much how much something you make on that roster being the guy yeah that's true I don't know I don't yeah am I making a cup of milk so yeah I'm thinking but nowadays you don't even you know things then nios is so different you can make so much money with endorsements and [ __ ] and yeah you got college football players I'm going to Taiwan with uh Dwight Howard though bro his video has been so funny I'm going to Taiwan and I'm doing car commercials and Taiwanese give me one word at a time I'm doing that like because if you look at what Stephon Marbury did he went over to China and became Ace so I couldn't I wouldn't do G league but I'd go overseas I go be the guy somewhere in the whole country yeah yeah I know overseas Vince Carter was that in Canada and he wasn't even like it wasn't even out like he was still in the league but yeah because he was can you change the entire city if my car washed my college dealership would pop in as long as I could because that money they always got a car dealership is that the first business because Westbrook has the dealership who's the dude who gave like 200 Carl Juniors or something like that there's like a there's a dude he's like probably like the greatest businessman that probably outside of Shaq probably I remember you don't sound that special yeah yeah he's got I met her he came up to the studio once and uh he's got like hundreds of like I can't remember his name dude he played for a long time he played like in the 80s yeah he played like age 70s but um he's been retired but he has like yeah like a couple hundred and it might not be Carl's Jr it's one of those it's a it's a franchise it's not Wendy's or something like that whatever it is um Junior Bridgeman is that what they're saying the name oh yeah I think that is it I think that is it yep I didn't meet him by his name Junior but uh I did meet him um definitely didn't refer to him as Junior but uh Bridgeman I think that was him but I got a chance to Do's a giant right who's this big who's this giant in his face but yeah I was like that's great business bro when you do it right and like you're he's making more money now especially he played in that time right these dudes now about to start making 60 million years crazy it's crazy and that makes sense about to make so much money because I just got a contract to do like games in South America and [ __ ] like that they're about to be stupid crazy Stupid Money hell brownie just sign what are you sign five mil five million and I it just steals ain't left his bedroom yet I'd have to sit there and plot his dad's desk got his own money already yo Tanisha Turner got a question it's a question her name sounds famous celebrities as well as jet Hill Jet and Ebony magazine as well that's why we met him because he was trying to do content that's correct all right yeah okay so yes sir they keep saying two for two where's the one for one out of two where's the first part of the question y'all in these uh two parties man let me get right back I like the second half of the question I'm trying to I'm trying to get the first part yeah I need some editors and then well I got a question until we figure this one out I got a question all right questions questions questions [Laughter] pretty simple what's the last and I want to keep it because we be getting away from uh being dads what's the last I won't say major issue but issue you've had with your kids oh that's easy oh this is not the typical uh the DC question you guys are in a boat you know I like to switch it up all right well me uh my son got his license now and no matter how much we've been driving now that he got his license he thinks he knows how to drive so this nigga's in the old Subaru but when he get excels it starts shaking when it slows down and starts shaking so I'm always on about this and he got a ticket he ain't tell me yet but I seen it oh yeah he got a ticket hidden yeah I seen it you're gonna have to get some jobs for these tickets you think you're gonna tell you about the ticket yeah yeah why do you think you haven't told you yet filling up the courage because he's still reaching out to other family members he hit his brother and his brother probably gave him some bad advice oh no I don't tell him this is what we gonna do that's hilarious um trying to think uh you know what I don't know this is a I think so I realized that my my mom is gone for the month so it's just me and the kid for the most part while your works right which has been great she hung out with this kid that she goes to school with and it's the first time I've seen her interact with this kid like that and it's all the stuff that we always chastise Izzy about and she like instantly because I didn't see that for the whole week and then it was like yeah the temperature was in the power and I was like this is what I've been trying to get out of you right so then I was like damn is it this [ __ ] kid right because because even a kid was like he did something she was she was like I have an app on you don't I was like yo is it your [ __ ] chance Doug like [ __ ] this little [ __ ] like I wasn't like [ __ ] this kid yo you don't need this [ __ ] let's go right so but I'm trying to get her to understand like just because you see someone act like that you don't act like that like that's not how we behave ourselves well you said the kid's name yes I can't wait till he gets 18. I'm pushing them dead in this goddamn beautiful blue eyes this is the issue with you and Izzy yeah because when she's around me she's fine yeah and then especially since my mom's been gone she's been great we had a great week no tantrums and it's always like hey you got all right she was like can we go to the park I'm like if you she's like behave she gets this she knows the consequences she explained consequences to me and yo the other day right she was telling her mom there's good consequence and there's a bad consequences I'm like she knows it so when she got around this other kid she started acting like that and I'm like so I started seeing the piloting in the Tantrums and I was like hey yo are you this easy she's four but the kid is younger also um the kids you're following somebody younger that's what I'm saying yeah so I'm like you're older than chance you need to be an example he starts tripping like you you settle down you know what I mean you need to go like so that's that's what we've been trying to like but yesterday was the first time I saw her with that kid and I was like because they go to school together it'd be hilarious watching like a kid another kid watching another kid throw a tantrum and they just be like [Music] is that like she was just getting these tantrums but when I'm seeing it now I'm like oh okay you're just being influenced because it's easier to do that yeah it's easy to be like what's your plans well just keep teaching her because she knows the stuff right so now that I actually saw it I'm just like I didn't know to tell her hey we don't act like that because another kid does that right I was like you know I didn't I've never seen her do that with another kid so now so I like happy to be with older kids she's she's when she but when she's with older kids she acts much better right so I was like okay I gotta see these young ones man the young influence yeah well sometimes because I don't you know but also I know that she like I said man I whine for the longest I remember I was so old I remember my parents telling me stop whining like it's not it's not a fake memory I was like six or seven like stop whining right so I'm like I just like once I went to football and got cracked and it's like you can't cry no more yeah it's Man sport so I'm about to get her in football that's the that's what I'm doing I was gonna say crackers what you did with the kid uh I I recently had uh it was like a couple weeks ago because Keelan has a Kendrick is super smart like they're vastly different when it comes to graspings things picking stuff up so um with Kendrick it's like you telling something once he got it and then and he just knows how to do everything and he and Keelan it's like he's not dumb he just it takes him longer to get stuff or he gets flustered easily and he gets like he'll start panicking and just guessing and then you know breakdowns and all the other stuff so you like Jesus yeah and so he's doing his work they're doing their homework after school like they always do and he's stuck on like this thing that he's been doing since he was three so I'm like what is the problem like why are you not doing this and then Kendrick starts jumping in giving the answers so I'm like he's he's in kindergarten he should be which I probably shouldn't have said you said this and I'm like what why how do you why what's going on and then he flips out right because he and he was he was doing bad on his tests we corrected it all this said yeah yeah so I'm like What's Happening like why aren't you getting in like what is what is what is the mental block blah blah so he flips out he has a breakdown I go on he's crying I go in the bathroom like I'm down you know what's what's going on I just hate that I'm dumb I like don't you ever [ __ ] say that right right I didn't say the [ __ ] part right right why didn't you ever say nothing like that right right you're not dumb right I was like what it is is you have you learn differently you know smart you know and I'm like don't you I don't ever want to hear you put yourself down right blah blah and you know whatever whatever right so I spend the rest of the day just gas in it everything for the next mod bro for the next week everything he did I'm like Can't Nobody Hold You I was doing the most and then um I asked him I said what can I do to help you because I noticed you get very you know flustered because and it was at first it was math right so he was like wow he was like when you when you talk to me you like you're like killing and I I can't like he was like I need you to slow down ah oh so it was Kia and I said okay he's like you go too fast and then I I I I get like my brain gets messed up he was like so slow down and it's like I can stay relaxed right and I said okay so I I calmed down I talk because Kendrick he because he's so quick I'm like yo bro blah blah right so we fixed that everyone learns differently right absolutely and for me for somebody who is is quicker it was frustrating to like why do you not know that you've been doing this since she was three yeah I mean so I took a step back we went over it I had him do extra work with the math I was like all right what we're gonna do is instead of me being on you we're just gonna do more work so you don't have to think as much right I feel like when you repetition you overthink and then you panic and then you mess everything up every test he's gotten since then this was three weeks ago 60 out of 60. 60. so I was like all right we're good with that you don't have to do the extra work we're fine so he's been killing math now it's the reading and spelling and all that stuff so now he's Panic he panics right so and I know he's not done because we were driving we passed Burlington which is a tough one yeah I said what they'll say Burlington I said it took you one second but you had a problem with Park earlier so I need to know you know no it's not so I was like what's what's happening so I asked him again what's going on with my sister it's because of anxiety a little bit right the one summer who's a a doctor summer now right we had to go in yeah we had to go I was just saying we had to go into the counselors and they would give her extra time is because the time crunch would make her yeah freak out she knew all this [ __ ] right but it was just going into the counselor and she graduated with like a 4.2 oh wow so I asked him I'm sorry bro I was just saying because some kids these days yeah but he yeah he gets fluster so I asked him about that I said so what what happens um with like letters that you already know why can't you make the sound what happens with him too is who once he gets like on a thing he can't get off of that thing right so like he was reading a word that started with r and I was like what sound does the r make and he was like I was like you don't know what sound you've been doing this since you were either three and I said what does your friend's name start with he's like read he's like oh yeah I got it I was like so start going to things that you know then and then because I asked him how did you get that he was I just get stuck and I can't get off of that track right he was reading the word fishing and he stopped in the on the Shish part and then I was like all right start over and he was like I was like why do you keep starting at s now the word starts with f he's like oh yeah yeah but he got so stuck on that sh he just kept doing that right and I'm like you gotta relax get back out of it then start over dive back in and then and then once he once he gets going then it's boom boom boom boom boom but if he gets stuck he cannot get out of the stuck so I had to learn patience just be like all right let's start over and you know you know and so we've been doing that we've been reading more and then now he's picking it up fast right and then but I think what it was too was he's looking at Kendrick and everything comes easy for him yeah and he's getting mad when they got a sibling yeah and they do their homework together so it's a younger one right yeah and so Kendra and Kendrick you know he's he don't mean anything but right but I'm like Keelan what sounds Batman Kendrick's yelling the words out he's spelling he's like hey dummy and Kendra's just doing it so easy right right and so happy outside playing here my homework's done but one thing I've done too is I've just been giving um awards for it too not Awards but like I said you know I make everything like a kind of like a competition thing I'm like well y'all know if y'all finish your homework on Monday you done for the week so it gives him like a incentive yeah so now so yeah every Monday they knock out their whole wheat packet and then he feels like like yeah I'm killing because I knocked out my whole homework in a day yeah you know it's easy and then like when you get the test like when he brought started killing the math test he was like I'm back baby so he does everything like sports wise so I'm like all right so we got this powder yeah all right so we'll just make it you know a fun thing and then he just told me you know to just talk slower and to not because he said Dad you'd be yelling I said I'd never yell but I understand that my tone feels like yelling to you yeah so I gave an example I was like this would sound like if I was yelling he's like oh that's loud I was like I never do that right I said this is how I talk I was like but I get that oh you yell [ __ ] but it's it's Stern I don't oh you're right I did the same thing with Izzy because she was like you're yelling at me and I was like that's crazy I was like that's crazy because you think this is my yeah like if I say if I go bro what's that sound he thinks that's yelling right and I'm like no that's just me being so he was like just talk calmer well tell an aunt that's you know and that's what I'm saying so so I was like all right I'll talk homeless this is an earthquake oh yeah so but I asked him me he said this is what I need from you yeah and I said bad so I was like how do we fix us because what I told him I was like you did nothing wrong Daddy's failing I was like how I talk how I whatever I'm doing wrong with the right way yeah and he was like okay well I need this this and I said I was like you guys don't do it and I was like and first of all don't get frustrated for messing up we all mess up right I was like my what I want from you guys is to try your best what now one thing he does do is he's lazy and he'll try to skip or you know I was like you just try to blow by that and that's why and I was like I was like don't do that like try don't because I was like one word he was doing and I saw him going like this trying to I'm like you're not even looking at the word you're trying to guess what it's going to be yeah I was like don't how you how are you trying to read a word you're not looking all right that'll make sense I'm like don't stop guessing bro he's like you're failing there I said because Kendra got one wrong right before that but he was on the right track and I said he's trying right I was like I don't care if y'all get it wrong all right just try to try it give me the effort I said all I ask you try your best so we've been doing that and but they communicate with me really well like and I always I always tell them I'm the adult so I'm supposed to know better I'm doing you know I'm gonna do better right I'm just trying to help you guys you guys didn't you know nothing wrong blah blah they're like all right cool I was like so we good we're like yeah so and then every day we do words of affirmation like all that that dumb [ __ ] almost maybe [ __ ] cry because I was like I feel you I was like don't don't say that [ __ ] Bro right you know but now we got it he's good like so I'm like all right but it was a learning I had to learn on the Fly you know we don't know what we're doing right so I'm doing on the fly like all right what do you want and so that was our last thing you know I mean now me and Katie amongst each other be making jokes like [ __ ] that we don't let them hear but like we was in the car and I asked him a question the way he answered it I was like but to him to his face I'd Be Like You the greatest smartest person I've ever seen in my whole life bro he's listening to this bug yeah go back to it right now looking for retirement homes uh uh so sincere man sincere man me and him ain't never had no issues never no like my biggest thing with sincere is just like he procrastinates like he waits to the last minute to do stuff but he'd be pulling it off so it's hard for me you know what I'm saying it's like I can I can get on them about life stuff procrastination as far as like school stuff like even even down to the wire of his graduation here from congratulations College congratulations but he was he was you know it was coming down to the wire on all the deadlines and stuff like that and so he would just tell me because he had like a little uh panic attack recently of like all the things that was coming up you know yeah I think he was on the road when he was talking about yeah yeah we was in uh Pleasanton and he called me and he told me and so I was just like well you know just uh it's like Tony bacon he's like yeah man tell me all about it yeah it was after the show so let them wait I'm talking to myself because it was like people wait but B Lou got the the gist he just went back outside like Tony ain't coming out but um so it's just that you know procrastination is like his biggest thing and like he's a procrastination if he does it differently you know what I mean like yeah it still gets it done he actually got the right right method of doing it man but he'd be stressed though that's the thing like Enlighten your stress yeah yeah and the tough part with him is a lot of his assignments depend on other people because they filming stuff so he needs people to be accountable yeah schedules it was more than just like writing the paper it's like you know they can't do it or they backed out or you know stuff like that so it's like you know how filming goes you know yeah especially yeah everybody's important no money online lose somebody it's like yeah ain't no money online yeah I hated you but the thing the thing was to say it's procrastination or even down to the moving like he had to get he had to be out of his apartment by like Saturday and he didn't even started the packing process yet so it was just like you know what I'm saying so it's like man come on man you gotta I had to learn tackle stuff earlier I'm a huge procrastinator as you know which really hurts me in every field especially like writing like it's awful because I was like I'm never gonna be able to achieve this but I had to learn that the opposite of procrastination is proactivity right so you got to do little little things I do a bunch of little things every day I tell people I don't work hard I work often right I like I do a lot of little bit stuff and sincere just did one tiny thing yeah a day when you're done in a week but I had to learn that I was like bro cause also I was like because it's the it's the big thing that looks impossible I don't want to do that right a big move I'm like that's a lot moving 100 page 90 Pages script I go like that's a lot yeah I don't want to do that right and it's like all right I'm not I'm not gonna do all that I'm about to do these two lines a day right and then tomorrow and you get done and then like later on I was like because you're getting you know as like a procrastinate you'll get motivated at times and there's times you got a ton of energy and you're like oh I'm on it yeah and I was like you do the bulk then when you feel that thing and then ride that way right you ride that wave and then when that wave is gone go back to doing your two little like your little thing is like you'll be straight because yeah I'm procrastinator so it's just like I get it you know I'm like man I'll be I'll be pushing it to the Limit I did that all throughout College yeah and so it's just like yeah but on the live stuff it's the same thing it's just like man you be dreading it yeah then you dread it so much you don't do nothing you just sit there and freeze and [ __ ] man you said I was like oh I'm gonna ruin my entire career because I can't focus and I can't get something done I need to get I actually want to get done right yeah man it's about sincere I was relating there's other people can use some good look what's a good advice made a video about that very thing yesterday hey I'm trying to hear some serious issues somebody says for everybody who has a kid I can tell DC two now last week I want to get into that because I literally made a video about that yesterday when also hear his story yeah and we gotta add oh we got one more hat uh we deep in the show go ahead and then uh as far as the rain now it's the rain he he went through a period where he was smoking a lot of weed like dude they was weed hobby man it's weed Central and so it was just like all right and then he was getting a lot of uh tickets he was getting parking tickets you know driving tickets and like you know not telling us and then not paying them and then they build up and then you got you're getting suspended licenses and and stuff like this so it was just like what are you doing man like you know we had to have those kind of conversations where it's just like and you know Reed felt like she was always on them and she she don't like feeling like that but it's like what are you doing all right you know what I'm saying you getting these tickets pay the tickets go to court and so that time I told y'all that one time I gave him money for the tickets and he spent it on something else that's when I was the most heated I've ever been in there really was just like yo man I gave you the money what'd you do with it you know what I'm saying that I had to I gave you that money to pay for the ticket how mad did you get before you realize I got to come down it was it was quick it was like you know but I wanted him to know yeah I was feeling yeah I wanted him to feel the heat because yeah because I'm I'm notoriously known for not yeah going off on them what do you say just like all right you right there right man forget you right man but it was like you know we just had to have that conversation like yo what are you doing man I gotta take you to court to pay these tickets off and like you know we making trips to Glendale and like pay the tickets and pay attention to what you're doing and so it was just like those moments where I was just like pissed I was just like bruh you doing too much man lay off the weed stop smoking weed so much pay your tickets pay attention to the signs where you park I know these signs get confused you know it'd be like three different signs he was new to reading them bro pay attention and then when you do get the ticket pay it right you know and so that's when I was like most heated because uh other than that it was just like you know having talks about like you know his friends and like you know y'all doing y'all over his Snapchat and fights in the in the parking lot in in Burbank I'm like what are y'all doing man don't don't don't post this first of all don't be doing this in Burbank right secondly don't be recording it um and so just like just like stuff like that so I would come in and be like hey man this this is not it yeah yeah this y'all can't be down here in the in the parking lot fighting you know what I'm saying so it was just like y'all got to be careful yeah and start thinking about what you're doing so those was the times where I was just most heated and then you know when a Serene was going through the stuff with his girlfriend at the time she was going through like you know suit bounces suicide attempts and major depression so just like you felt like he was taking on her problems dude like me you know what I'm saying like giving him advice yeah because it's like yo man because it was like every time I would pick him up from there he would be late and like you know it was always something it was just like yeah she she's doing this she's doing that and I'm just like how did you feel did you want him to cut her off or did you want him I definitely did but I didn't tell him that I was just like you know yeah but it in a moment where he was just like can we move in with y'all oh yeah we're welcome to move in but not not both of y'all and then it was like I guess he finally they finally reached a point where it was over over and once he was out he was out he was done oh he was bigger because I remember I told him I was like yo I seen I seen no girl she's still alive and Ticking and kicking yeah I've seen it as a matter of fact when I saw her the cops had had her pulled over and she was on the on the curb oh snap sitting there I was like yo I've seen uh old girl he was like oh that's crazy that was it I'm concerned I was actually I seen your ex on the corner yeah that's crazy that's wow anyway normally that's how he is like when when it's done it's done but they had broke up and got back together a couple times so yeah but yeah so those was like that was the biggest thing though the weed and the not paying the tickets was just pissing me off yeah I was just like what are you doing what you doing yeah so what about you DC uh I look I think I told y'all what how Avi was carrying all the weight paying the rent yeah and why Nene was looking for a job and I was just trying to explain to Nay that that ain't fair or it ain't right for you to put that all on your sister because your sister not gonna be like give you the full fledge like if you'd like not family you know what I mean yeah just in life you can't even if you just because it's your dream and your vision you still got to carry your weight on that rent so I was torn and being like your sister is homeless and squatting right now on you and not wanting to be too hard on that you know what I mean so that was the biggest thing so when When the Smoke kind of cleared I was like you can't do that to anybody you have to carry your weight when it comes to like rent her biggest thing was like well I I was paying a rent but I was like obvious make doing it off of like a job your rent was being paid when you recover Navi off of loans and and that's a big difference you know what I mean like someone's going to work every day right and covering stuff is a big difference so yeah it's hashed out now but I was like now you can't do that yeah you can't do that was she was she looking for work uh towards the when I started being like hey yo you you because you know she was going through her little depression thing for sure so when she when I when I started getting on him when she came out of that I was like you got to find your job she found a job yeah but only like it wasn't making much it wasn't her little checks I was like you might as well keep that I might as well cover your little half of the rent or whatever to help Bobby but she understood at the end so just like yeah okay I had to defend I had to say what Avi couldn't say because Lobby was getting frustrated right yelling in the house and all that stuff they were arguing more yeah but the reason she was frustrated because she like I ain't gonna kick my sister out but like come on yeah like come on it was my job to be like hey you can't do that you gotta you gotta be bringing something you got to bring something can't be a freeloader right you gotta bring some today especially and it comes off as taking advantage right because you know she ain't gonna kick you out you know right you can't I'm get it you you got a dream and a vision but this ain't everybody dreaming right you gotta carry away you still got to work right yeah she got a job now yeah uh yeah the reason why because she struggled I know just over the uh she had to get her apartment an apartment that she thought she had uh for I think I thought I told you she got a job with the Colts right right coach yeah yeah he's got a job with the coach yeah you wouldn't tell the zoo I did you told us that they were it was looking nice it was official I think he said it was official that sounds familiar yeah no he never gave us dude I said it was official that's all I've been putting all the memes in there you told us about it he was like I'm gonna just play it cool I don't want to get too excited yeah and then you never I don't think I never doubled back I thought it was confirm but that sounds right now yeah it kind of is confirmed but it ain't because the apartment that she it was kind of my mistake because she was begging me to go down there and look at the apartment with her in the area where her in Indiana I was just too tired bro like this road I was like yeah I'll fund it but I can't go before so the apartment she went and got she went looked at it yesterday and she didn't she was like that it wasn't in the hood or nothing but she was just like it smelled like smoke in the room and I was like take your deposit go get a hotel with your mom your sister and then regroup today so they're looking now right now and then she thinks she has one so once she once it's official once she moves in then I'll be like oh yeah cool yeah right yeah but the job is official the job is official oh she starts on the 30th got you but I don't count it until she got a place I don't live in a car you got the job it's different girls like stuff together she's not officially in Indiana in Indianapolis right yeah get a jobs official the apartment she got a starting date right you know there's a day I feel bad I went down there to help and all that you should feel bad I do but that's it may I tell everyone in the streets yeah Indianapolis is a weird looking City a little bit don't offense it looked like a big small town it's weird like I didn't expect that from Indianapolis I hope you guys [Music] come on the way you put them on is great because you know what time it is prescriptions upcoming summer trip abroad uh my go-to travel hack whether you're a seasonal traveler or embarking on your first communication is key to fully experiencing a new culture that's where no I always got smaller okay that's where Babel comes in Babel is a language learning app that sold more than 10 million subscriptions thanks to Babel addictively fun and easy bite-sized language lessons there's still time to learn a new lesson language before you reach your destination with battery you only need 10 minutes to complete a lesson so you could uh start having real life conversations in as little as three weeks Babel's expertly crafted lessons are built around real life you learn how to have practical conversations about travel relationships business and more their teaching method has been scientifically proven to be effective with 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was funny and so that carried in you know what I mean because we were laughing at this and then we gotta he slowed down and says yeah and then everything became funny yeah all right [Laughter] so the question is uh uh first part of the question daddy issues has a cult following hey and they kidnap y'all oh okay in order to leave y'all have to do the following DC has to eat a teaspoon of mayo oh yeah Craig can't light up Chaz has to drink an alcoholic drink Keon has to spend a thousand dollars Dion has to spend a thousand dollars on the Snickers bar Tony no water who's escaping first I'm gonna Escape I'm escaping me and Craig are escaping first I've done no weed yeah Craig just did a cleanse why do I have to spend so much money yeah oh yeah you're gonna have this 50 bucks wait so we held hostage though shot like what counts as an alcoholic drink a shot I'm done yeah my Chad is doing that if I'm stuck yeah for sure yeah man crying out yeah right get the soup out thank you wait does it have to be warm yeah he's clearly how long does Tony have to go without water no that because dude I'm gonna die right how long am I in this with no water please huh or a Coke some soda a Coke Brandon Lewis Miranda Lewis drinks Coca-Cola this is so weird Coke that's it not so you know how everybody calls every soda Coke he drinks you know what it's really nice like to have like yeah but it's not that unusual it is it's not it's unusual amongst us but it's not it's not that unusual I can think of my parents my dad would definitely like give me a coat ooh young I know this girl to me who we work with she always gets to cope with her whatever we order but Coke is so popular if I have a headache I'll drink it I never see people order a Coca-Cola caffeine deficiency sometimes when you get a headache sure sure but not just coffee you know he's got a drink though it's easier to get a coat the same [ __ ] so Keon in DC oh it depends on how long Tony's got to stay what's that what's the answer there how long has Tony got to go without water well so long as you think you can last man we all need to work yeah we need that your body can last three days right without water all right remember my teenage so the only way you can get out if you don't drink water but how long is the question yeah how long you got to do that to get out because he'll die in there right no he'll have a Coke that's gonna kill me faster I had it last time I had to cook I lost my voice that was over 10 years ago that [ __ ] tore me up I was like hey yo man what the hell yeah Tony can only drink RCS that's crazy two days your brain started dying Janice that's a long time for me that's a long time for well I guess some people go days without drinking yeah some of y'all be out here yeah yeah one in three days but you can still drink liquids just not water yeah oh you'll be fine what was you about to say about uh about that when when DC was like oh what was you about to say oh no I saw this video it was a whole thing not a video was a post and it said this this girl basically was being very self-aware about how she does um what Chaz is doing um when people are telling stories and she was like two certain people it comes off as like you're making it about you blah blah when when the person is honest just trying to connect right I have a similar situation like blah blah and so I just made a video like I'm very self-around because I know it bothers you in DC like a lot yeah and so when you guys are talking I will be quiet versus like a Chaz and Keenan we'll uh I'll bounce off because I don't want to make it seem like because basically the point she was making was it's not that I'm trying to make about me I'm invested and I want to show like oh I have a similar situation like let's all connect because that's how I'm connecting with you but not everybody likes it like that so basically my video was just about adjusting to each person yeah like how they communicate and um basically Like There's No Malice behind anything it's just that's how people do and just let people know if you don't or whatever you know and like that but it just so happened to happen right now like I literally just did a video about Chaz was being innocent like I want to connect DC is like hey man so when one guy said because there was a goal at hand the goal was to go here his thing was just oh yeah but also it's like here's here's what I did with that situation here's the advice you guys have different well so that's that's one thing we said at the people said in the comments was like when you talk to people ask them um are you venting right now are we you know bouncing back like what's the goal of this conversation I mean to listen yeah but not everybody's that's that's the point was on everybody's thing is to listen damn I could ruin a lot of conversations right it's like because some now I'm now I'm going to be invested so so but you're asking the person who's talking what do you need from me listen that way it's clear so yeah so then fine no problem yeah but like if I was talking to Chad I don't want him just listen I would like to hear like give me some feedback you know yeah something because I want to maybe in this particular case it was different because I was asking each individual right what's your store what your story was you know what I mean I gave Chaz his platform you yours Craig kids and Tony his he hijacks Tony's okay so you know what I'm saying communication Styles and so that's why yeah you have to base it off individually like when you two are going um that's very offensive the thing that I hijacked yeah I was like this is I thought this was like a difference Tony says this we we talk about no but it wasn't a problem-solving moment it was just like no it's not a problem looking for man the thing with the thing with Chad cause we all chimed in even when Keon was talking about the boys we were just championing here and just a little just a little bit Chaz was like let me give you this full on two-page dissertation mid-store right like it's fine like you know you gotta you gotta let people get their [ __ ] off right then you come in with your experience and then that's how I communicate was like all right you're you're saying what you got to say and we already know the the format is all right I'm gonna reveal this about what I went through you let people finish and then you come in my perspective when you come in in the middle it's just like I pause I pause my points I'm trying to get out it's an art and you may forget too yeah and then you lose track you'll be like what was I saying and then you know because when Chaz came in after when you came out Tony had hella more to say right yeah you know what I mean like that he was going to get to it and his story was taking him to different places now I stuff I had never heard before I was like oh okay I didn't know that he didn't know I thought you were asking I never knew the girl got arrested to talk to get to that right yeah I didn't know about traffic tickets and stuff I mean no I didn't know it was a thing I'm well aware now so no the girl that's the thing is the girl the girl in the that wrote the post was like I'm aware that I do it yeah and so I'm just saying it's never done out of you know trying to hide because some people do try to hijack yeah you know I mean some people are very selfish and some like when you guys said that when I asked y'all like how can I be a better friend I brought that stuff up and how you guys said it and like I was like oh [ __ ] I never meant to you know what I mean so like it made me really like I'm gonna be quiet yeah not cause I'm I'm trying to be respectful of you know how you guys communicate and whatnot like you know things of that nature but the whole point of the post was just like if you have you know if you're if you have real friends and real family y'all should be able to talk about stuff like that for sure different communication Styles and you know I mean and really take in when y'all said that I took that to heart yeah so I was like all right this is how they get down you know I don't I never would want to come off selfish or anything like that so I'll do this but you know talking to them it's just different it's like just how people everybody's different because I'm definitely big on that because uh me and Sabrina were like butt heads because not really butt hands but I'll be talking to her and she would cut in and I'll just be like and then you just start shutting down I was like man I'm still yeah I'm still talking you know what I mean so that was that was a constant like thing with us it'd just be like you know yeah when I can't get my points across I shut down yeah it's like in Anger builds and I'm like yeah I don't even care about what you're saying no more you could be giving me facts yeah and I'm too I'm like you didn't even hear me out yeah so it's like my cinema in therapy no we have a big family so a lot of times you got to get in when you can sometimes it'd be in just the middle of the store and you'd be like hey what about this story yeah especially somebody like me that I'm not long-winded so when I am telling you something let me let me get my [ __ ] off because I'm not an over talker so it's like yo this is this is you know let me get my verse let me get my bars in and then you know you can have you can have that yeah but uh yeah I noticed a lot it's a like that in a lot of rooms of comedians they always jump in whenever it's not really they're gonna hear the whole story they're gonna hear the whole story to trigger something and they just oh it's really bad with comedians yeah they scared of Silence and they and with comedians is is annoying because it's not even like you're not even trying to help you just want to get your jokes it's just like [ __ ] I'm serious right now just wanna but no it was just interesting that that happened because I was like oh [ __ ] I just I literally just made a video about it I was good to see you and I knew Chaz wasn't coming from a place of life I didn't feel that either but it was just but I felt DC yeah you know what I mean like so I'm like at length yeah yeah it was a long time it was long enough for you to turn your chair this way it was a long time for me because you know when I'm writing the script okay you know what I'm saying [Music] that's how I was feeling man duly noted right but it's something that has to be brought to your attention you know what I'm saying like he didn't know he was doing it in real time he's not aware that that's happening so it takes somebody else away I was just like yo some listening books tell you to do that to [ __ ] well not as as long as but they tell you to see like so you're showing you're interested yeah come back so that was one so little Jabs other comments came in so some people were saying like one dude I forgot what he said but he um it was real good I pinned it what he said what he does to people like to let them know that he's still invested because some people were saying on the counter argument was like now if I just sit there people act like I didn't care or I wasn't listening it's like no I was letting you talk like I thought and then so there's like and then some were saying yeah but if I interject and now now you're cutting me off and then some people's like well wait till they're finished and then you know bring your party so it's just all these different people but it was just interesting how everybody was like I wasn't even aware that some people see it this way and some people see it that way and you know it's all in the eye contact and then the like the little like with Tony says something I'm throwing little questions there yeah or you like like when somebody's explaining something to you like they they ventilating about work and then you know and then it turns out you know they didn't even ask me if I needed a break I was like yeah cause you you're supposed to get a break right out yeah and then it's just like yeah because I can see Yo she she did what he did that little words little keywords yeah it was just like and then they can keep going and they know that I'm listening I'm investing I started saying that's crazy man that's crazy right I've adjusted to asking questions and then if I do cut somebody off I'm I'm uh way better at like apologize I'm sorry go ahead like whatever but um yeah it's called the spliff star Buster's still gonna do his things ineffective yeah that's why he's still on the road all right the greatest Hitman he didn't say he says star be helping him breathe I see that you give them that break yeah and vocal so oh okay makes sense yeah yeah they also do skits throughout their whole performance like that Mike turning down yeah that was dope they be doing a bunches though they dope Chad's all quiet now I'm listening you just you just you really if when you give a [ __ ] about people you will no bro yeah I'm tired [Laughter] it's like all right cool are you and that therapy question is just funny to me uh this question is which ways is the funniest which one is the funniest correct to me yeah too uh uh stand up on movies the movies the standards don't get in trouble now stand up I give to Sean uh just because I like the way he works his craft he uh controls rum he doesn't leave his pocket you know leave that pocket uh you know sometimes you get distracted from a laugh or something he won't go and change his whole set to chase that one laugh yeah he stays there he's like they came to get a show he's very professional with it uh like Damon because he's so honest and he digs into his family and if you don't know Damon you know if you've seen the stand up you know Damon from how he deals with problems in his family to how he deals with problems in his life and he what I seen I was younger but I was coming up and I seen how he held comedy down for a while so I'm like Damon but then I seen Keenan the OG and actually no it's like Marlin Marlin I like Marlin the best where he's grown to now and we're standing he's gonna get to because he hasn't even reached his Peak yeah uh he's just breaking what was in 10 years now 12 years 12. yeah that's only been known as well yeah that's early and he's already had no what does he have four star dude 13 max if he started after a little Damon and Shantae 13. yeah 13. no 15 in I was yeah Marlon when I was a baby yeah that's how we even know he wasn't doing stand-up when you when you was a baby he just was starting to come up there you was doing stand up before him because Shantae not that long Tony maybe have been two years in when Marlon started coming maybe I think I think you started around the same time Damon little Damon and Sean no Damon damage because I saw him on Def Jam before I even started oh yeah because I was in low-key Logan College when Damon did that Def Jam yeah I saw I saw Marlon early in my stand-up journey I would give it uh 2009 Marlin started that won't make sense yeah because we will still march and we were still what was that close when we were doing what the funny he wasn't doing stand up he didn't start doing stand-up till around when he was going to do no he did it before that yeah when I met y'all that he was doing standing because he would be with Sydney in them Sydney would be on the road Sydney okay oh he was on the road yeah when I met you guys you Marlon was on the road with Sean Sean was closing Marlon was opening and he had but he wasn't doing it that long but he had started already so we got about 13 13 years 14 yeah which is which is you know not a lot no it's a decent amount four specials but I'm saying he I think just starting to hit his stride yeah right and over these next couple years I think he's going to be coming with some some really really dope [ __ ] and uh I like his acting I like his draw man I think he puts it all into one show on stage like when I watch him now uh I see people in the audience crying yeah and actually coming up with real conversation besides just you a fool [ __ ] you stupid as a [ __ ] and I was like I see where he's growing to and I see where where a lot of the comics are leaving telling personal stories especially at that point in their career yeah he's just new to it and talking to people it's a dynamic I like the person yeah me too especially for y'all family I love when they get purchased it's just interesting because like you know a lot of comedians when they ascend to this high level they they come with the kind of surface level material like but then when they get personal I'll be like yeah like when D.L got personal on one of his recent specials yeah what do you talk about he talked about his son uh uh disability uh he talked about um it was something else he tapped and told me yeah you know what I'm saying it was like I like that you know because Kevin Hart like his last his special that he did at the house right he talked about his family right he wasn't no it was surface level when he talked about his daughter dating it was it was still surface level he didn't really dig into going to his fears yeah and he was talking about Jerry Seinfeld's Pizza Oven oh yeah man get in there yeah and I feel like he set us up like he was going to get in there so we were excited like we gonna get the real we were sitting in this damn level the environment to really go personal can I get it it can be tough because if he does go in there you know how does his wife feel about that right or like how I know some of your family members right about before yeah a lot of eyes on them do you take that into consideration when you go on stage man I can't I had some material that you know my mom wasn't comfortable with me doing so I was like you didn't do it I faded out he on the suicide jokes with Ivy and they they would kind of hit me and be like dead and I was like yeah all right and cut back so so you know I want to get to a place where I just do it anyway but I that don't sit right in my spirit right now so I give a [ __ ] about people that I love I give up yeah other [ __ ] it's tough because you like it's still with my art forms this is how I vent and this is my truth but I still luckily people attached to that truth right yeah why is it that when they say comedy it's looked at as like bad but if this was If This Were dramas and you're telling these stories documentary dramas and yeah they're heralded as being beautiful and they're heralded as this thing of like oh it was so brave to talk about this but if it's a comedy is not yeah like people think you make it fun yeah which is which is not the case I'm allowed to talk about what I'm going through I'm allowed to talk and this is my way of right of of healing myself I'm allowed to do that I don't let my life app definitely have had my family talk about like I don't like you do that and I'm like that's this is my story yeah like you get a chance to tell your story I get a chance to tell my story you can't I'm not gonna stop telling my story whether it makes you feel you feel like that though you you you gonna do what you want to do I mean it's like this is this is my time it's my chance it's my life like I get to do that it doesn't I love you any less or do I still show up for you any less like I'm still I still show up for you some people don't want their business out there like no I haven't had I'm like if it's your business that's one thing if it's my business yeah but the thing is like if you go deep in family [ __ ] it is their business it's like when Marlon is New Year's that's when he jumped up a notch for me is he was getting so much information and went on stage and did it right then yeah yeah was that San Diego Miami okay in San Diego my mom went yeah I think it was after your grandma just yeah she said that was like then at the flappers one of his Grandpa's family he was there on stage now one thing I will say as a stand-up I feel like we should be honest event luckily my family doesn't say they'd be like dude whatever like we don't we don't give a [ __ ] but um I will say I feel like some stand-ups need to find the funny in it first before getting it out because sometimes it either comes off as angry or really sad in the audience ain't they just feel bad but that's how you find it though but I mean but but do it before you do like like you're gonna find it in the bathroom mirror you know yeah you do got to find it no I'm not saying no final say but I'm saying before it gets out to the thing like okay we used two big ones that came out recently right Chris Rock was still mad it was I I wasn't laughing I was just like she's angry she like I feel like you got to get it out first before you go special with it before you go like yeah work it out to where it's still funny for us and we're not just sitting there like God damn like that's the number one rule is that it's got to be fun It's gotta be funny yeah if you're just going out talking like my family ain't [ __ ] let me tell you about this time but like hey dog this ain't even when I can tell you're still mad I heard I'm like this is not entertainment right I mean I just feel like let's go to therapy or something like yeah I mean some family members want you to talk about them sure oh yeah they want to hear they're like yeah until about that time we was you'd be like are you sure yeah yeah my dad biggest thing with me when I because I was starting to do jokes about kind of on my sisters and then he was like I don't know how I feel about them you know I was just like yo I'm on stage this is my truth yeah he was like okay you could do your sister but you can't do their kids on stage she was just like I mean if that's that's what helps you get through it then I'm with it I'm gonna be healing bro yeah so like [ __ ] I still be scared to do that material though really I did it keep your distance it killed I ain't been back since so it's like I get that I'm saving it up but it's just you know I gotta make sure it's like yeah I get that yeah it's good yeah yeah it came out good because I was nervous boy and then it came out good I was like no you never want to be on stage to see the audience just like right yeah yeah talk about it Tony yeah right it's okay and now Tony break it down one it's okay take your time I'm out yeah all right yeah so it's like like let me get this out find that perfect balance about the ashes and stuff so but when I did that it felt it felt fantastic to be able to be funny with that it was scary though not many can do that bro man I was like that was like real craftsmanship I was always like hey Tony man that was a super craftsmanship of standard to see you do that joke after making like that painted to Comedy is oh it's masterful it was a masterclass yeah for sure it is and it's not and even to chaz's point when you know with family members you know if I'm if this was my experience with that that's still my [ __ ] I can't yeah yeah maybe you feel bad I'm making this scenario like you feel bad that you used to beat me or that you was on crack but what about how I was what I was going through I was part of why you was doing this you know what I'm saying and it's like that's my truth you embarrassed but right you know like I'm like you're smoking crack when I went through it that's you know so you got your own and that's why my dad always be like hey man whatever you feel whatever you your perspective of what I did have at it because if you painted it they'd be like this is I get it the person you'd be like he's like in one to my Dad's credit [ __ ] I did it you know what I mean like I did do that [ __ ] like he said people ask them all the time he really said yeah I'm not proud of everything but [ __ ] I did it you know I mean so at least we can laugh at it yeah you know and if especially when it comes to our parents it's like we're fine like so let us talk about like you did a good you know parents always did I do a good job did I you know yes we're good now now let me roll sure yeah let me let me talk about how I felt yes I didn't like this that in the third but you know I'm gonna make it funny because some of it was ridiculous however it's funny in my case we had something about your Apostles wild I think I'm all being mature that joke about uh his brother was hilarious that he didn't keep you distance what do you say I didn't see it yeah well I don't know we don't want to butcher yeah but he did a joke about Jason that was hilarious like hella funny oh yeah his brother passed okay and you gotta yeah you gotta talk about it yeah but I like the audience got to give you the room to do it too don't feel bad think about it if they don't know you yeah you know they don't they don't give you any room to like do it because I I know this one with Marlon and they be patient like if he has to uh sometimes he might cry on stage yeah he's talking about his uh species uh especially his mom right yeah your grandma he'd be he might cry on stage and the audience will they'll be patient with him yeah and we did when we came back from uh because we had to cancel Cleveland then we had to go back to Cleveland and do like a weird Monday Tuesday Wednesday or whatever and they were just happy that he was there right he was like I'm sorry I canceled it it's okay I saw that man out with him when he first went back out oh the audience was like oh in Atlanta they was like yes where he oh that was yeah what do you need Atlanta was the second place the first one Laugh Factory yeah yeah when we first went out I was like this audience is like whatever you need so I don't know how I pulled through every show without folding I was like they were so supportive I remember the electricity of just seeing when y'all was posting the videos of Atlanta yeah and I think I think they were as audience members I think what I even think some of them said it they weren't just happy to see him and talking they were happy that he had a support system like everybody so they was happy about the show in general too but I think they genuinely hell when I posted the promo for All Stars they was happy that y'all was in the promo like they like like I love seeing the unit the you know everybody works together you know but they like all of that yeah like so yeah I think it's yeah for them it's just more of a like yeah look at all them not hating each other or being there in front of each other or you know whatever whatever and I think that helps when you have my rep went I didn't I couldn't make it I was working but yo yo was out there yeah DCC it was another one she pulled up to oh you were in Atlanta you know you probably have it you know wait maybe when they played basketball 's my favorite kid wait a second bro makes you laugh the hardest who what family member has made you laugh the hardest in life consistently just like if you tallied up the hard laughs oh man I peed on myself so many times laughing uh uh it would be it would be um it would be Damon no damage no little Damon we've had a lot of laughs but just watching like little Damon's a little cartoon he's so animated and he has like the little bit of everybody and quick jokes but it'd have to be Damon doing characters like we've seen handyman before handyman came out I was wrong in the living room the dude was using the big words handyman was the handicapped bully yeah and then he made him a superhero then he made him a super that's great that's so smart bro to put it on TV his initial joke was about the handicapped uh bullies so it's mad funny I like this scene that Dynamic you uh okay you said something interesting last week when you were talking about there's you have a way to relay each wines to one of us you remember talking about that um you might have been you might have been uh intoxicated at the time I don't know I don't remember exactly what I said but I kind of can relate because you were like I'm gonna do it on Daddy Issues okay that's when it got good yeah yeah I said it was drinks involved so I'm not much crazy man like you come to oh that's what I kept saying you want a shot yeah like I don't drink oh you couldn't get you couldn't get tabs and take a drink he didn't drink oh so when the shots are going around like you want a shot now no I was wrong about the wedding because it was over bar at first so me and Craig got a drink and then he shut it down he's like they shut down open bar I was like you know I'm out yeah the next thing I look up and Craig like on the drink four I was like what happened he's like they open the bar back up did you tell me I gotta drive it so I'm good he went from one he's like I'm a chill you know next you know he four five drinks is like [Music] you know his daughter and stuff like that and then um he's like do you want another one you know so I told him about the protecting and everything but as we were just talking about it you know I'm cracking jokes in between but he was [Music] if Mike Tyson was a hit or laugh or would you tell jokes he's like come on come on pay for the comedy show you life nah but he probably like a like you know you know like some animals not a soft bite yeah [Laughter] you're always halfway terrified who your favorite wins this is ah this is Martin funny [Laughter] [Applause] stand up uh uh movies and TV offset between big Damon and Marlon um yeah because because okay top funniest sets I I always tell people does not tell the truth top funniest sets I've ever seen I've been around comedy for many moons the top says everything was big Damon June big Damon at The Comedy Union he had maybe number one or and I had Chappelle slightly under him at the punch line right after Africa so I always get big Damon like ever seen not even outside ever seen like it was so funny did this joke about the Beatles and Michael Jackson's catalog that I will never forget the funniest joke I've ever heard with my life bro one of them got him up there obsessed I've ever seen so big Damon and out and then of course Marlin because I'm white you know with Marlon I'm getting to see the the evolution of his stuff of his stand-up actually like he'd be doing [ __ ] I'd be like wait [ __ ] where'd this come from I'm with you yeah like oh okay because a lot of times I don't watch I just listen so I listen to the little changes he'd be making like on the Fly the adjustments with like with like tough crowds you know what I mean because we actually had in Cleveland it was some rough crowds yeah both of us for both of us and I was watching I would go up and kind of struggle yeah and and y'all I'm not no slouch yeah but I would watch him where I struggle and Cleveland is tough yeah and wiggle through ain't no punk yeah what's tougher Philly or Cleveland Cleveland yeah yeah Cleveland yeah man Philly Philly ain't no punk either but Cleveland Cleveland is like Cleveland's like you gotta earn this every bring it every night then they would look at you yeah no I'm just uh I like performing in Cleveland but I already know going in yeah bring it to y'all yeah I didn't know man luckily I figured out okay let me talk about your city real quick and what I saw in my walk right and I opened every show but what I saw on because I was I was watching how they was doing the host and just how they was in general and I was just like ah damn yeah it was tough bro Cleveland I got them top two toughest that's a nine to five Stadium coming to work we went to work today six o'clock shows and it was just like yeah just got off the shift at the Mill yo yo [ __ ] yeah yeah so you got Marlins stand up stand up Marlon big damage so I'm doing all the way as far as what what are we doing here I was going to break do a breakdown with movies Marla yeah hey what movies Marlin because even when even when I click on White Chicks today I still laugh like this brand new and then a sleeper to me is uh Marlon don't get enough enough credit for his for his dramatic role oh yeah oh yeah yeah you know what I mean like people don't pay that record Requiem of a Dream oh man he was delivering bro um Lady Killers with Tom Hanks he was brilliant in there to me oh that to me that's his best work he'd be like out of all that [ __ ] I did DC I'd be like Lady Killers was your best or even it's even in an orbit I mean even that wasn't dramatic but Power tap and Norbit oh it's hilarious power tapping yeah but I got Marlin for the movies okay yeah I got stand up I got big Damon and a little Damon actually little Damon makes me laugh a lot but big Damon I'll give the edge too acting Marlon movies I don't know because big Damon's movies is what I grew up Major Payne and blank man and you know hit I loved his his work his acting stuff so it's like kind of tied with offs State just in life maybe Craig hang out with the most right but Craig should be making me laugh Craig is funny like Assassin too yeah okay with it unless he's drunk you know I wouldn't even count him all right either because he right here yeah but they said wins though he's away I have to base it off you know who will hang out with the most because outside of him little Damon was the most Damon makes me laugh little Damon made me laugh hard no that makes me laugh a lot yeah cheers it's a tough one you better say Chante I know right Shantae is I spent so much time makes me laugh dog I'm like why are you so funny bro um I grew up on because the limit color meant so much to me it's my basis of Comedy period so it's hard for me not to say Damon and Keenan like just off top I don't I have never seen a lot of Keenan stand up um because I don't think he was probably doing it when I was yeah yeah I've seen like Clips here and there so I'm live at The Comedy Store you did yeah it was good that was like yeah you know what's in there because I know he went back on the road for a little while so Damon Damon is like the guy who is the is the when I think of the funniest person I can think of I go like from TV to movies to stand up I got like Damon encompassed at all so Damon easily for me is like not not even like the funniest wings I go like who's really beating this dude in all three facts Yeah Eddie Murphy's the only other person who to me is in that tier of like movies TV actually I don't think it well if you count SNL so uh name is up there man you know who's the most Sean is underrated stand-up bro I haven't seen I was I've never seen him I had to admit and I'd uh I think I've only met him like a couple times I haven't told him last like the other day I was like yo bro I am so sorry for doubting you on stage I was like oh Sean's the least funny one and that is not that is not a fact it is on he didn't have shades on Sean's stand up bro it's not just like it's oh like when Curry somebody stays in pocket but it the jokes like an incredible writer great performer super underappreciated in the stand-up Craig is uh Scott correct Wayne Sean is zero slouch he's a great comedian the only time I could have called him was he went up after me in the original room at the comedy store but I had to go do another spot in a different room so I didn't even get a chance then yeah it's like oh yeah I've seen him probably five or six times now I'm just like yeah they can go up in La a lot yeah and he doesn't really like La Vibe a lot of comedians yeah I saw him at the haha a couple times and he was just ripping bro like hey and it had to follow him oh I was like oh that's [ __ ] him and uh who's the dude why are you why you oh back-to-back murdered everybody left Chez Rogers stage still smoking hey guys he got the glass thing from puffy because sometimes your eyes look weird when they take pictures because they don't say nothing they'd be like look this way look this way and it's already flashing you just wear the shade that makes sense okay that makes sense man eyes be looking crazy man look at my eyeball yeah and then they make their own story easy is he on drugs yeah man look at it did you answer Tony oh for me uh Damon big Damon is just one of my comedic influences uh big time his his HBO specials man I I watched those so many times they still my favorites to this day um period not just in the Wayans category we're just like his HBO special still standing in uh even the short ones too even every every time I saw him when he was on partners in crime when he did the short one and then he did the two long ones I was like man this is the funniest [ __ ] and um even though In Living Color it's like man whenever he would show up in the sketch I'm just dying like you know even even when I just randomly rolled up on the ones from the other week when they was conjoined it was just right I looked at another one where it was the one before the one I brought up last week because last week kingdom was on that life of crime and Damon was working at that Diner yeah the one before that so silly they were both doing stand up and Keenan was killing and then David would come in yeah wait what is this I didn't see this man they started throwing tomatoes and Damon but Keenan was killing every time and he said something at the end they threw one last one then they went man we killed him I killed him he was thinking it up and so I think it's time we we cut that ass funny but now so Keenan started doing action movies even in the action movies he's getting shot they've been catching the bullets he getting kicked so he was just like what so what happened to your brother we don't see him bigger than that interview he was asleep and then he woke up like where are we because they the whole movie so Damon to me is like and I feel like you know Damon don't get enough credit for the dramatic piece because you know it was kind of dramatic and bamboo Bamboozled he was great great character good it was great he made an interesting character Choice with how he talked but even that scene in The Last Boy Scout when he was uh opening up to Bruce Willis when he found him in there taking them drugs and then he goes off on him explaining like man you don't know what I've been through and like that whole scene he was like drooling blood and like I was like man he could he could do even in uh the dramatic colors so it was like I know he has that pocket that he can tap into um so Damon as far as stand up I feel like Marlin is strong and like he can be he can do comedies or dramas with with ease like even in the respect movie it took me a second to get used to his accent but then I was like oh that's that's the choice it was just like and I was looking at him not as Marlin I was just like yo this dude you know my Dad yeah he sabotaging her career by doing all of this but he delivered on that performance and if I can forget who you are you did your thing for sure um I feel like I feel like Damon Jr is like extremely talented on so many fronts as far as like his vocal range and the voices he can do yeah so he's so like uh uh he could just blend in whatever he's working on oh yeah you know he can be in there with the whites he could be in there with the blacks oh yeah he could just do it all how many other guys was and he's a ninja if somebody you know he can do flips and stuff he can do his own stunts so it's like talented artist yes he plays being awesome yeah of course yeah yeah so it's like of course he does we was in the Cayman Islands and little Damon hit a flip off the boat I just you not like everyone else was just jumping regularly oh my God flip off the boat I just I mean you were that what was that yeah swimming with stingrays I wish Keenan I wish Keenan directed more more movies because his directorial track record was fire to me Low Down Dirty Shame so it was like man I wanted to see I wanted to see more directorials from him even outside of the family just like you know some of the stuff he pinned though some of the stuff [Music] a lot of people don't know it's behind the scenes yeah they were coming to America before he went over here and he was good at action like you know when he did wanted and he did uh the Glimmer Man with Steven Seagal yeah yeah like a dope action scene yeah even without gonna get you sucker he was in great shape oh cut up yeah he was just that comedic like his his voice comedically is just mad funny because I'm Gonna Get You soccer holes up to this dance super silly bro so silly so it holds up so afraid to be silly bro like I feel like just silly and goofy is gone yeah yeah everybody wants to be so everyone wants to be the cool comic cool everybody wants to be quick and witty and just like listen to the jokes but this is like man this ain't funny right white man can't jump was trying so hard to be funny I was sitting there is terrible they wanted to be so quick and jabby and I was just like nah nah this ain't it the whole watch party we sitting there we like I missed Woody Harrelson I was like this man it was just like I miss Rosie Perez it was like you know and white man can't jump we was invested in her we wanted to get on Jeopardy all right and the basketball [Laughter] this is this is what you got to do to get on Jeopardy and kind of how are they dropping the ball today I mean I mean like with these because it's like I think they're handcuffed oh the who like they can't I don't think they I think this stuff they probably want to do because media is like in movies I'm just talking about movies movies yeah every movie doesn't have to be a remake but right now the people in marketing I feel have gotten lazy so they're like picking up old marketing decks like this is how we could sell this yeah you already come with a pre there's an audience already you're like wait how much do we have to do people you got to create a new one man you you're right but they're going like how much money we got to spend on this where they're like the parents are gonna bring their kids right all right because when you when you think about everything that has ever popped it was original even stuff now that really resonates with people it's just like it's not it's not a remake it's not a big hash when stranger things comes out and breaks all these records it's something fresh yeah it comes out it was like breaking all these records it's just like yo now sometimes you can create something from an existing property that's dope like Wednesday from The Adams Family yeah that was fine belairs though because they they Twisted the tables yeah we're gonna make it a drama and it works so it's just like don't do it just Fred like white man can't jump they gave the black character more of a meteor story than Wesley had in the original because Wesley it was like we didn't really know much about him he knew he had a wife in the family but that was right the movie was called white man right yeah but in this one it was like they gave the black dude a heavier story it was just like how big was Wesley at this time when he did white man can't jump okay you know what I'm saying because Woody was coming off of TV so it was just like we knew Woody but he hadn't carried right a movie like what did Wesley have at this point he had passenger 57 yeah so so that was 92 so past 157. white man can't John might have been before passenger yeah and I'm like what he wasn't no slouch he was coming off cheers but when you go to movies though it's still like you got we got to figure out if you can train in that area it was a bigger difference yeah doing TV tonight comedy he is so good in common it's insane he can do it all he'd be cracking me up man [Laughter] that way we don't get enough credit bro but like even what's the one that just came out with Zombieland Toronto I didn't know that was supposed to be funny oh man from Toronto I thought it was going to be a series I was cracking up no this is gonna be funny then he has one I haven't seen Champions was that good it wasn't a comedy so white man can't jump in passenger 57 was the same year so white man can't jump was first but Wesley has already done jungle fever new Jack Mo Better Blues he was already Wesley I hate him I started him or the character he played the character I'll start having sex with chicks on the balcony I like I like that conflict I just felt like I know they didn't like each other but they did but I just was like it's too I don't I'm not built like the stuff they was doing I ain't built like that you're not supposed to be that's creep that yeah I was just like man but like in Major League I loved I loved him he was dopamine he's just so funny was like man he looked like the sellout black dude on the police force so yeah like we was rooting against him we wanted him to be a thug that was late that was later on King of New York was 90. you know it wasn't that way wow Christopher Walken oh yeah yeah yeah yeah it's like a gangster movie right yeah yeah remember that Lawrence Fishburne was like you know Christopher Walken's Lieutenant Jimmy jump Wesley was good at Sugar Hill too he wasn't I just wanted Sugar Hill yeah yeah yep he's a great villain too like when he's a bad guy Nino Brown he was a great [ __ ] yeah he was dope he changed when I you know I caught New Jack City Mad late right and so watching him that's probably because you know I was seeing but he did so many adult movies in the 90s I wasn't allowed to watch some of so much of it when I saw him I was like that's a good exactly I said I believed oh perfect in New Jack City yeah he was absolutely perfect that wasn't his coming out party was it I mean that that really he was in Wildcats he was in cell but he wasn't like the guy he was in New Jack City made him yeah the guy when was the uh baseball movie that was Major League yeah that was before New Jack new Jack was 91. so he had Wildcats streets of gold critical condition Major League King of New York Mo Better Blues New Jack City oh damn that was later on jungle fever is right after that same year kill him yeah because new Jack was his Like Money Train that's that's what made him yeah the star yeah New Jack City it was like Wow cause bro you were like yeah this dude is wild bro acting bro because it was like when I saw New Jack City I had already seen major league but I didn't even correlate the two up yours and then I saw King of New York afternoon up yours Joe Blue Man movies like that was so funny I don't make good but it wasn't goofy it was just funny like it wasn't even yeah Matthew made the sequels got goofier yeah but the first one was like it was like it was they got serious at some point yeah it was for sure Major League was dope I like major league man come on I remember when Omar got uh Rove part two yeah like who are you playing he's like I'm playing Wesley Snipes okay Wesley Snipes moved on yeah I love that character Willie Mays Hayes he came in didn't split them but you hit like a sister Major League fire oh yeah but to go back to your thing Chad I think what it is because when I go back and watch a lot of these movies I'm like they couldn't say that now they couldn't do that now like that's the that's the problem that's the problem but you look at the energy of let's go 90s over Adam Sandler 90s take Adam Sandler who's probably the last dude to really be goofy Will Ferrell right he's the last guys who are like there's not there's there's it's a very limit of cast I can tell you who are like especially with newer guys she would be like bro where's everybody where's the Jim Carrey's you go like where where are these cats at like yeah yeah get silly yeah they like the Kel Mitchell was like that's he's the last of a breed of somebody who's going to go he's really coming out like that in theaters unless it's a Marvel movie yeah they put the comedies in Marvel Now dramas dramas get all the awards comedies don't get Awards it's not even an Oscar category for comedy for us well there's a category but it's never a comedy that wins I think I can count on one hand the amount of actors that have won in in recent times and an Oscar for a comedy hey man there's no reason comedy is too important for it not to have wind be winning more Awards Golden Gloves has a separate section for comedies right I feel like the Oscars yeah the comedy is too hard to not be uh rewarded right it's hard to do comedy it's easy to do we're not easy but it's actually easy in terms of yeah because Fast and Furious is just a little [ __ ] he's speaking of that right keep cranking Jason Momoa in this latest fast movie is perfection oh really he is the villain that he's mad silly okay he is just having the time his life in this road he is just like he's never boring he's like the Joker oh wow he is like because you know they'd be playing it all serious and Fabs like they was lined up the race and he was just talking [ __ ] to Vin Diesel the whole time looking at you man I've been watching you the whole time and I know you wondering yes the nails match the drapes oh yeah he killed it man it was just like yo because I got corny from watching the preview so I now I want to watch Jason Momoa is is perfect that's a bad boy right there yeah yeah he killed it I was like yo man this this is he follow you yeah like he you could tell he just like and if you even look at the reviews from the critics it's like they keep highlighting him in this movie he got too many celebrity followers tell him I like him man you made it sound like you've been leaving the messages I'm gonna do the review today but like he he made them because the movie is ridiculous of course this is gonna be ridiculous he added a nice little Element word as a villain that's just off the chain overseas don't think it's ridiculous though they like also already made this already I think I tapped out at five that was the best one I think I tapped out early sometime Fast Five was the best one to me was that what state though like the mall no Stephen came in after that okay yeah that's what I saw him I don't take them serious going in so I just said you gotta leave your brand as you go in there expecting reality and serious yeah John Wicks though I love the John Wicks you can't be like it's gonna happen yeah when people be like hot adhesive I'm like what do you think you watching I love hip-hop the thing with Fast and Furious it didn't start like that that's why I was like no I was here for this and then now y'all superheroes in space it was the real criminal in real the cop came over on your side and then all of a sudden it's like what the hell is this [ __ ] the money dried up man it just kept getting more and more ridiculous and I was like all right man this is you and just from the previews alone every movie I'd be like I'm not watching this [ __ ] yeah like I'm not I'm not doing it you broke a cast for just flexing ain't nobody that strong that happened yeah they've been going too far from head to toe he's in the cast The Rock The Rock pulled in the helicopter helicopter helicopter y'all wild they don't gotta do it just be like come on guys y'all want me to write do this you know he caught wasn't in midair hit a car no blood no no they just they're fine there's a scene in this other one where his son is like he just flies from car to car perfectly and it's just like and so like my beef is like if I'm going into the Expendables I expect the ridiculous for sure right it started but fast furious didn't start like that and so for me I can't you you started out as human you can't be an adventure now you would feel what they're doing they're doing Marvel movies on that movie not the franchise on a movie one of them right one of them like the Ridiculousness oh I'm not mad at him yeah if people don't keep watching it they keep putting out they shot a missile dude caught up to this missile in the car he pushed it with his hands bro he was in a car caught up to a missile first off in a vehicle in a car he caught up to it oh nice it doesn't even matter that that missile is nothing but nice right and then he pushed he pushed it like do you know how hot a missile is I wasn't like you can't push this baby because people go like oh when did it I was like that that was the one I go like that's that's the most ridiculous thing I've ever seen that's when you tap down and I didn't tap out because I but that was when I was like because there was one I mean once like one of these uh it was like one of those big gas tankers was flipping he's like we gotta time it just right right and I was like no you would die right you would die but hey cool there's no way in Human League World impossible that you catch up to a missile in a car and then your ways of of stopping it is to Simply yeah this is all you got to do you never caught up through mess with naturally and nothing at least use the car if you use a girl who detonate you're right they thought that through they had no gloves on movies yeah that's a spin-off how can you sit on it they're killing okay bro people keep going I'm like I'm not gonna go but I'm surprised you tapped out on the best one though well actually I almost tapped out on two just because it was so cool so bad the line two is the worst one the lines of it all and then I never watched three Tokyo Drift so then and then four was which one was Bow Wow in Tokyo Drift yeah yeah I never even watched that and then boring man that's when Vin came back what he did no he never died then we think he was dead which one was Brazil oh that was four I think it might have been four maybe always in Brazil yeah did you see the one with the rock I saw one of them then you couldn't have because I think that was six but I saw it but I saw like pieces okay did you see the Rock and Vin Diesel fighting is that the one where they pulled the safe out of the bank yeah yeah I was like it got ridiculous it was ridiculous you could pull a [ __ ] safe job and so yes this is right it was Brazil they said five wait why did why did Ben take a break was it contract issues at that time or because he had to buy back the franchise or something like that right or he never had any I think he just wanted to shoot something else too and then yeah it's probably triple X it's black you might be right yeah he wanted to do it and then XXX so they did two without them two still did well and then he came back at the end of three okay he like pulls up at the end of three yeah yeah because he owns that franchise now but I forgot it was something he's a producer owner for sure yeah something with some article like what happened he's like he ain't getting that bad you can't pay him that much back in you gotta just say here take it he'd be very involved and Hands-On yeah uh oh so now and then him and rock squash beef that's cool he came back right they had to be I wouldn't go I heard I heard him I heard that a little bit yeah it was in the news yeah [Music] I see the movie it was in the world I didn't make it up right now I'm saying this question yeah that's what I thought you're talking about yeah oh okay but Tony was like it's in a movie oh [Music] I thought see the movie it anyway no I was talking about the movie I mean because it was in real life they had beef and then he came because he wasn't going to do any more movies with them so they squashed the beef and he's back in the movies series I mean my bad guy but I'm just saying I didn't watch the movie to find that out it's in the world so I was like oh this is news yeah I didn't know I thought that was a big selling point was like guess who's back no I didn't I had no clue oh okay I just knew Jason Momoa yeah you ruined that one Chad Cody said that one that wasn't me were you at DC oh man Baltimore Comedy Factory all right y'all going to Baltimore Baltimore I'll be there I'll be there Friday Saturday no I'll be there Friday I'm gonna skip Saturday and you know Sunday I'll be back are you skipping the day yeah I'll skip a day why what happened my sister having a reception oh that's cool a party [Laughter] what'd y'all do at the reception was there reception uh yeah eight eight drinks drink what else they do I missed that conference I know what y'all talking about but I missed it that whole thing party sure but it's called the reception yeah reception party nobody said wedding party what was the beef it's a wedding party right he wasn't paying attention he's not confused he was everywhere he's all over the place was like Chaz went but he didn't go I was like so how he go to the party and it ain't happening because we already said in the conversation that's why I got confused it was a studler party and then he was just like then you tried to say how many people parties like everybody at right now I was like what what is he what does he think this is I was confused on your confusion came in once somebody in the group chat get one person the best all you need is one can you be ready congratulations Shantae win the weigh-ins that's it all right the chair was doing today uh I am on the YouTube uh at Chaz Rogers you can find me there like Ronnie Chan's new episode up if you want the unedited versions you have to go to my patreon because it's wild ass [ __ ] in there and then uh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah so follow up please subscribe and be a part of that yeah um I will be in New Brunswick jersey with Kev on stage I don't know if it's sold out or not probably knowing him uh and then Wilbur Theater in Boston on Sunday with Kev on stage and then Keon's All-Stars drops by the time this airs today on the camel stage hey and then uh on everything to see all the other stuff where I'll be at and stuff like that hey that's it Tony uh uh this weekend I'm chilling uh thank God Andrew uh check out verbal cardio new episodes drop every Wednesday um uh what else if you were in the LA area Tony Baker and friends will be Monday that would be the birthday show uh said Flappers Comedy Club Monday night 8 P.M pull up uh tickets are still available Andrew uh we got DC on the lineup Kion on the lineup Chaz on the lineup and Keenan Baker on the lineup come on um that's gonna be fun that's a good show indeed I don't know why I'm trying some new [ __ ] that's gonna be dark let's do it um something else I need to tell you but I can't remember always check my oh yeah The Ball Brothers store Ball Brothers tour uh get your tickets for that get your tickets for the Tour lineup uh for this year um Columbus and then Detroit should I do Nashville Lexington are you going back to Detroit um tickets are available now so go to my Instagram page click on the link get your tickets early man I implore y'all get your tickets early get your tickets early Philly is sold out for The Ball Brothers uh DC is sold out Atlanta is sold out Chicago and Dallas are selling like hotcakes so do please do not take your sweet ass time getting your tickets and don't be hitting me up after they sold out because I I will fade out cause I'm sick of it why you ain't tell me you was killing me tell me man listen I'm sick of myself anyway uh we out we out
Channel: Tony Baker
Views: 24,585
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: fvXJPIh0yVA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 138min 42sec (8322 seconds)
Published: Thu May 25 2023
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