Daddy Issues: Age Gaps

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but they feel dude you do feel like you accomplished something when you're not the little ones but yes another one another one bites the dust i eat these this is not easy work this is not you want to do 10 gallons of water i gotcha yeah it might take me 40 days the gallon is easy it's just keeping up with the body be hard for me because i be getting discouraged i'd be like this i'm i i've been drunk all this and i'm only here you know the the uh the other gallon the traditional gallon jug which yes it's easier to finish that's better yeah it seems smaller than this all the time see that don't that felt like they gave up on design yeah it felt like somebody said hey there's a hack if you put a piece of tape on your [ __ ] it's too tall man this looks daunting and you know why it's easier with other gallons because you got the handle yeah yeah yeah yeah because as a kid i used to hit that that milk i hate to say smooth out the bottle with the assistance of being able to go in with the whole claw [Music] but they got better with the the nozzle is that what it's called because that one you should cut all up around it that one they got smoother so you got the smooth nozzle here but you got to two-hand this like a kid when they drink it yeah you got to hit that like a toddler they ought to put handles on the side like a sippy cup yeah [Music] kickstarter they make it for 13 the handles man we are back with another episode of daddy issues yeah yeah uh i did the intro yo i did it early early early you know we two minutes in i'll do the intro normally i do the intro either halfway through sometimes not at all man it's like those movies that just come on now you know movies just come on man they don't even give you the time boom somebody's running [Music] that i can't just go title because then i'm judging from there on you didn't even draw me in you just went straight batman i'm like all right you go old school star wars where they roll the whole scroll for you to read before like we got to you you need this information for you to [ __ ] with this next two hours exposition he'd be trying to finish it before it's off the screen wait what that say wait hold on hold on and then just keep going you're getting the popcorn with your aisle you ain't found your seat yet trying to make sure you get the info yeah that's how foreign films has always struggled for me because i could never keep up with the subtitles yeah like i'll be ah oh hold on wait what happened why not you know what helped me with that was having kids cause once you had kids you got to watch it with the subtitles cause they being there making all that noise so ever since we had the boys it was like put the subtitles on mm-hmm so now they can make all the noise they want and i'm still just like keeping up with the joints because i watch everything yeah but then it's like you're watching with the subtitles but then you lose the action yeah like you like subtitle wait then you got to check this out wait wait i got to get back to the action yeah okay now i got to get out of hopefully talking during the action right if the dub over is off with the mouth you know some foreign movies it'd be off a little bit did that bother y'all nah i'd be guessing that at the time anyway karate movies i'm not the fastest reader i'd be guessing everybody oh okay you must have did something something you're doing they just look upset i just [Laughter] a lot of times like movies now they'd be having low dialogue loud music some subtitles be clutch for me i'll be like wait what and then i rewind oh that's what he said because they'd be like skype come on man why the music is so loud with the dialogue look man i could never get into the subtle i like the friend the the foreign films i can't do it because the part that i like about movie watching is that sometimes it makes me sleepy and i go to sleep oh that's natural and i don't i don't mind that i watch a movie again like oh i fell asleep on it that time but i have zero chance if i got to read oh yeah because that reading when i'm in makes me go to sleep that's one of the things that made me go to sleep like i read at night and that makes me sleepy man so if i'm sitting up there reading a subtitle i'm out yo there's no chance i'm gonna make it through reading the book be kicking my ass i can it knocks me right out i can sleep for 12 hours wake up and read go back to sleep another six out of here i open the book just to go to sleep man yeah i'm not gonna get no knowledge today it's ridiculous the opposite when i read it it captivates my attention mr studious over here that's because you active with it you using the fingers scrolling through yeah that keeps practicing i gotta read it out loud i do read out loud sometimes i do it out loud it just kind of like you know it's good no i can't mumble i don't understand myself i gotta be like and he went to the store i'm humble which is uh crazy when i'm on the plane because you know we all have to read at some point in time scripts and all that type of stuff so i'm i'm out there low toning you know when the joint is [Laughter] yeah that's exactly what i do and then go back and rewind and do it again people like oh no no not like that i'm going to the moon i'm just happy books smell better and i remember back in the day in elementary school then pages used to stank like this you ever read the line then read ahead and be like oh that's what they meant you go back and read it again yeah i'll be doing that i like that i like the authors that take the time to italicize the [ __ ] they know that you ain't gonna know oh yeah oh like this little phrase right here gonna put that in the top go ahead look that up real quick man big time i used to hate doing papers where they always wanted you to uh cite your work your sources cite your sources the bibliography uh what are biblically doing now they they it's not called bibliography anymore what they call it because they know you stole it offline yeah where do you get this [ __ ] oh my god it's too easy i know these kids are cheating their ass off nowadays so it's a whole new curriculum yeah they're allowed to do that oh for real they encourage people to go on google and learn but go to the proper source right i encourage my kids to cheat i'm like get your managerial skills on as long as you get your team in order and everybody's bringing the name right and you getting your ace let's go if you ain't cheating you ain't trying that was our slogan if you ain't cheating you ain't trying yeah put some effort in somewhere i used to cheat tough me too easily i was scared though but i would the best i could i would do it i'd be like man let me get the masses be like no selfish people yeah yeah i hate this man they'd be like nah man do your own work cause i'm gonna get in trouble no you ain't mm-hmm but i know how to make it look like it's separate like it's different i'm gonna write your name on my paper do you how you call it yeah i got caught my teacher put on my page really larry and red and red writing really you got you got me damn you got us we gave you a zero zero yeah zero is a real threat to that kid unless they uh eliminate your lowest score oh man you're like oh yeah this is a throwaway i'm coming back i didn't get that till college well great on the curve yeah it was like late high school they were like nah man the zero stage come on man you're killing my gps i taught my kids since elementary school to argue their grades oh every last one yeah yeah and if it gets past that then then bring me in and i'll uh get to it did they argue they no no just anything under a because it's some of it's choice you got a morgan b's yeah some of them it's just choice how teacher sees you have more uh if you really believe in what you did then they'll raise it really yeah or they'll give you some extra credit work like just do a little extra credit how are you going to argue that right that's what i did that's what i was thinking yeah but now i'm making it because i feel yeah [Laughter] [Music] are you serious well some if they take marks off uh because you didn't show all the work you could talk to them yeah so because i miss this parenthesis piece you you dang me but look at the formula itself [ __ ] like oh i just forgot that but i had it in my head i forgot to write it down okay what subjects do you think we really need to survive in the real world but math for me i i ain't i ain't went back to calculus auto shop wow i mean math is incredibly helpful math has been incredibly helpful for you yeah i don't know i mean i don't know why it's like like i i do like sudoku or whatever the hell i've been already i've been always decent to math but i it's actually useful you know like being able to do quick math in my head is is i use that every day what i'm talking about to survive how we you know what i mean i think money yeah i think basically yeah no basic man but i'm talking about your calculation and all that stuff and that's what i'd be lagging the coefficient and the variables and that's not be like just problem solving skills that's all it's just it's just it's just you know if this don't work then that and i don't know if i've applied it directly you know i haven't you know but i know how to figure some stuff out yeah i know it you know when in the art of figuring stuff out you know the only practice you're going to get is a long math problem yeah damn man yeah them long ones what they used to man i was done i was done after division [ __ ] i just i ain't carrying a goddamn vision that was cool once fractions came ruined my goddamn life yeah my kid's into that right now my my son you know the senior so they they doing math that you don't even you know it'd be two questions take you three hours to finish you gotta get numbers out of those questions i think math is important because math is kind of in everything in like the real professional world tomorrow if you about to fight a [ __ ] if you will what you gonna [Laughter] [Laughter] takes 14 [Laughter] but math is on the day to day so i feel like math is essential right history when you're buying stuff right you're budgeting in your bank account off history i don't know because it keeps changing it's weird to say history keeps changing but we keep discovering new things and all the stuff well a lot of stuff we were taught or our parents were taught was all [ __ ] especially black issues and the numbers on us all the time did we introduce are we got jay and gary in the house fathers yeah if y'all didn't recognize that choices hey man how many kids you got for the for the peeps four sons four sons what's the age range 29 then 24 then uh 17 and then 10. wow yeah that's a range wow that's a gap yeah yeah i've been a dad a long time yeah you veteran in these damn streets damn right boy as soon as i get somebody out of middle school i got another [ __ ] another one coming in huh yeah 29 that means he was born in what year what he is that was 29 years ago i'm like that seemed like it was just that sounds familiar it was a long time i ain't going don't make me pull out the calendar i graduate 99. it's before it's before 98. what about 92.92 in 92. yeah late 92 yeah so he's about to be 30 this year yeah wow yeah yeah wow yep december man december what eight okay okay december four mm-hmm i do remember that yeah sagittarius no my daughter or something i'm a tourist to like die birthday two days before mine uh twinsies yeah man we out here man 92 always equate years to movies well movies was out in 92 so i'll be like aladdin a few good men i don't even remember nothing i go straight to the box office all right 92 you know so that's the atlantic i go like basketball teams oh okay bulls yeah well y'all was pretty decent [Laughter] yeah probably why you got the shirt on yeah you know a little something man we holding on by three but anyway how many kids you got uh one one and one on the way one on one [Music] with the baby dude enroute uh i don't know oh we don't know i think december no i want to say that i found out kind of kind of funny because i always scare her just like randomly you know she in the bathroom i i'll be standing outside the bathroom and then she'll open the door see me he's like i hate when you do that you know i get a kick out of it but um yeah i burst in the bathroom and i saw a pr like she was on the on the toilet with a pregnancy test on the counter i was like oh she dropped the test yeah she dropped it in the toilet oh you're gonna make me lose the baby she's like oh you pregnant oh [ __ ] yeah that's been telling me dang so this is fresh news fresh news breaking news breaking news heard here first on daddy's issues see this is what y'all get when you watch what daddy issues you hear exclusively i want a girl i got a i want a daughter just to uh just to balance the energy in the house how was your son my son is two and a half two and a half years ago yeah close in ages though yeah i mean no disrespect to this no i get it i mean i had i had one time you know system yeah you know what i'm saying you you watch him until he can watch you yeah that's really what it is go to your sister's house yeah absolutely now it's like yo you go you know you go with him to make sure that he ain't you know what i'm saying take your little brother with you right go hate yeah they all got the same mom yeah well except for one yeah okay three three i'm married to and one my oldest he's from you know another got you how old was you when you became a dad [ __ ] babies i was what 20. oh yeah he was fresh he was young that's too young to be having kids [Laughter] oh snap man was you nervous when for both of y'all were y'all nervous on the first one yeah i ain't know i felt like i'm still so i was still so young i felt like i was gonna get in trouble yeah and i was like he's gonna get a spanking yeah i'm a man you know ain't nothing you can do about it [ __ ] but you know this just is what it is but that's how i felt about it at first but then it was like you know obviously i was too young i ain't had my [ __ ] together i mean i was doing all right for myself i had a job and you know all that good [ __ ] but it wasn't like i wasn't i wasn't out i wasn't out my mama house right i was just in this i was stacking you know well what i thought was stacking spending more than you know spending more than stacking right you know i was there and this is in dc yeah yeah yeah it's expensive over there yeah yeah it was i mean pretty much it wasn't as bad then as it is now but where i was you know if i wanted to stay somewhere decent like when i had where i had to move when i when i moved out of my mom's house for the first time it was great it was cheap oh but yeah man it was it was in southeast dc god damn you had to move out right when you had the baby i stuck around for a little bit yeah yeah then i came back mm-hmm yeah yeah oh i had to come back bro this [ __ ] got [ __ ] they broke into my car right outside my window like he's like where you can't even really do nothing about it by the time i get down there it's like you get that nigga's bingo is this happening baby oh yeah so see you so you got the car seat in the back seat and everything let's do it damn all of that that's a different kind of love that is right took my cds and my my my clippers i was cutting i took the baby and i was doing everything i could to make bread you had the chronic album in there man 92 chronic shot ain't love the looks that was all in the whip man all of that god damn yeah jungle brothers oh yeah 92 was 92 man and a couple cassettes in there too i don't imagine probably yeah a couple of crowd besides was grateful edmunds still on the loose then not in 92. he was already locked up this is dc legends i mean what's his name he rafale no he used to go to the georgetown games and stuff who did he run with him he was legitimately the frank wright of dc oh we're okay like i mean i mean legitimately like he might be out oh damn oh he's not alive still y'all yeah he's a young dude he's a huge personality in the city oh damn even craig no from the dude he was up top it seemed like every area got big we had the bay had felix mitchell he was like the biggest the drug dealer out the back was rafael was grateful yeah he was like you'd see if he were past a big basketball player in the area he was he was around him oh he was uh i guess the guy from above the rim yeah bernie yeah yeah it was pretty accurate yeah like you know lynn bias in them and you know they was they was around they were always trying to connect the basketball trying to connect them um that's crazy yeah i i mean i don't speak much on them yeah but you know dc but dc in that in that era like was notorious for like you know dc was the murder capital back in the yeah in the early 90s at dc right outside the white house going down out there we were to chicago like everybody talks about chicago you know notoriously being a bad everybody would talk about us that's why i don't mess with folks from chicago because i know how that feel yeah being you know labeled like he's like every time a bad neighborhood comes up from black people here we go like in chicago and chicago you know he's like come on that was always dc it was you know it was chocolate city you know so it was it was all black and they had no choice but to blame it on that right i remember at one point it was like a badge of honor if your town was like the people were wrapping yeah and i made it now it's like shameful yeah it was always i feel like it was always the people that were disconnected from it though like real street people that's really in that they don't be taking pride in it right man i like this little man you live in the suburbs i need this right yeah you know they they they want to get away from right the people from the outside mm-hmm they'd be carrying that yeah yeah he'd be like man look out man he wasn't in there he wasn't in the thick of it and you literally where are you from gary i'm from san francisco baby bury it baby yeah which is which is even more uh complicated because what san francisco is known as but i grew up in the in the slums yeah hp so you know outside of the bay area not a lot of people know of the the you know the life of um you know san francisco that is it's like it's a metric people immediately attached san francisco to the gay title yeah alternative lifestyles et cetera it's like it's a metropolitan city there's they have their struggles they have their poor people they have their you know disenfranchisement et cetera et cetera so but yeah that's that's wrong is it a lot of black folks in san francisco in sections yeah yeah different sections you know got a lot of project housing um stemming from uh uh one of the wars i think it was world war ii i mean that's what portrayal hills is right trail hill and then um the naval shipyards et cetera yeah it's a it's another area it's an area in san francisco that's historically black what's it called fillmore phil yeah jazz center yeah yeah the most it's like the harlem west like you'll be walking it'll be nice and bad right like two blocks if you don't turn down the street yeah you fine but if you turn down that street yeah yeah it was it was weird to see like people sort of the upper the upper middle class and upperclass because all these everything is all connected so you could walk two blocks and see the full house you know uh row houses or whatever and then walk three blocks and it'll be you know in the midst of the [ __ ] yeah so it was always weird that those people oddly felt those people were oddly like safe and protected there wasn't like all the the drama and the violence stayed within you know it's crazy it is worse it could literally be a street over the grittiest [ __ ] of all time go over there it's around the corner right i ain't been over but i don't really get on the road like that you be like i want around the corner i think it's because they didn't realize the penalty of messing with that other [ __ ] yeah it's going to be wet and warm right i mean yeah they're trying to catch a case right that's where the cops chill they just chill right two blocks over right right there i mean that's i mean what that is i mean you want to put the reel on it is that's the re that's redlining that's where they they they box you in i've talked to police officers that say exactly what we're saying but you're not supposed to say it right you know i'm saying you know we we're in a position that we'd be able to get [ __ ] out of people that they normally don't have to say right i'm sitting there talking to a police officer in dc one day and we were and it was in the area where they where they gentrified this is over the uh pandemic you know it was really locked down so i went over there to chill with my family over there for a little bit i stayed in the hotel and where they changed it down in the wharf uh southwest d.c they changed the whole area like down by the naval yard and all of that that used to be one of the worst neighborhoods in the country like on some real [ __ ] like it was horrible now it is dope this is san francisco and that's where i talked to the officer i was like oh like i can see the projects right there yeah and y'all are it's like y'all are deep right here is it still popping over there he's like yeah we get calls for that over all the time he said but we we can't leave here we got to send somebody else to go they cool as long as they don't come over here wow i mean and so it's it's kind of sad yeah where you can do this [ __ ] at right so that's the real reason for that which is sad but it's it's the truth but they box you in and you don't even know why you don't want to leave the corner yeah but then also some neighborhoods pay for extra protection they'll pay for an off-duty cop just to sit there in a cop car right it's like a facade like they're working that's crazy man yeah then i mean another um element of that is when you know you roll with your crew or you're a part of you know unofficial gang or official it's your the way your navigation of of you know the city is kind of limited like you can't go outside these you know um lines without you know six seven dudes with you yeah otherwise you know you risking like i would see kids downtown san francisco they always go downtown like they always 10 12 deep mm-hmm they are they ain't never just because you know you get caught slipping yeah so even if you do want to leave you got to organize like hey i kind of want to go over to marshalls let me see if i can rally up 15 people together because it ain't seven rounds man i'm thinking about going to marshall today see if they got some [Laughter] you know you want the toughest one to go with you i can get you some science yeah bernadette all right yeah let me get this out the crew yeah i've been seeing a lot of smash and grabs yeah i'd be like ooh hey that's not that's bold to do that downtown broad daylight but it also makes sense cause you ain't gonna catch all of us they also changed the law that if it's under a thousand dollars like they can't call the cops or something oh really yeah they have it has to be over a thousand dollars for the cops to intervene well who's calculating that oh that's that map come in handy huh if there's multiple people then more than likely each person has under a thousand dollars worth oh the owner can't shoot out the door you can't just be shoot you know if you smashing you can't run out to the sidewalk and start busting them [ __ ] you can't do that because i'd be you know that god forbid but you know what i mean if that's what was happening and i own the store uh outside of the insurance if if you mom and pop you know you on your own but you know you can check chick blam somebody while you standing inside but if he's smashing and grabbing right yeah they're running away isn't it something against you yeah you can't do all of that i'm shooting i'm shooting like ice cube on players club but it should only be one person that's concerned enough to do that right you know a supervisor ain't finna walk that's crazy though man yeah i'm wondering how how come uh too many people don't do more like what's not more leg shots is it because you're just not thinking when you're shooting somebody your legs is moving the torso stays stiff most people are shooting the kill too right and you could dive with a good leg shot they hit that artery you can bleed out can you die if you hit a [ __ ] ankle yeah after bullet travel oh [ __ ] the bullets be doing they'd be maybe little micro bullets coming in contra bullets you got you got to train and eat right to rob somebody now yeah because you the fact is the meal plan they deliver to you uh fresh meals it's fresh 24 7. okay uh never frozen never froze prepared meals that are so delicious you wouldn't believe they're actually good for you i like the never frozen aspect because you know and they packed with sodium then save time by delivering chef craft meals to your doorstep eliminating the hassle of grocery shopping and meal prep not to mention clean up no dishes to wash each factory meal arrives pre-prepared and ready to eat two minutes that's it sit down greg his eyes together [Laughter] keep going two minutes is even faster than order in fact attacking tough stuff so you don't need to have to and registered dietitians and expert chefs work hard to hand the hands or create meals with nutritious ingredients have more than 29 meal options each week 29. that's a lot mm-hmm every week because i'll be running out of stuff to cook not cooked but just like to man i can't think of what i want you always thinking they got veggies for you what to keto eat keto low calorie options cold pressed juices they got juice oh gold breasts smoothies smoothies that got you that's me all day you're all in there how do you press a juice with cold with cold cold pressed juice yeah what's that means they're in the freezer and then you put them in there and then press them okay don't don't uh don't take that don't take my word for it uh so if you want that you go uh go ahead to oh we gotta get creative glasses you know go dot factor seventy five uh issues 120 and use code issues 120 to get 120 off that's code issues120 at go dot factor 75 dot com slash issues 120 for 120 dollars off that's a lot off that's awesome you got to be a goddamn fool 120 off of anything 120 yeah yeah i know [Laughter] that's what [Laughter] i was about to ask about san francisco because that's one of my favorite cities to go to was it always expensive uh i'm sure as a kid of course your parents were sweating but you had no clue all i knew was like the bus was 25 cent to get on and now it's like three dollars god damn that's so that's that's that's my only connection and i think golden gate the bridge across the bridge now damn there might might be ten dollars yeah yeah they're raising their prices yeah yeah yeah but it's always been expensive has always been the city because i've always been broke so everything was expensive i wonder is it when it's the port not poor neighborhood but the i guess the bad neighborhood than the good neighborhood is the bad neighborhood expensive as well even though it's just two blocks away um no i mean you got you know you got a subsidized housing and stuff yeah so it's not it's not that section hey yeah the section 8 kick in so cause i've always like you know san francisco is just a dope city to me but i'd be like man the prices man we're like how do you survive in san francisco well cali in general is pricey but san francisco is next level it's just like jesus christ yeah i never lived i i lived outside of san francisco as an adult so that was my first time like truly experiencing sort of you know the the allure of the city yeah but before that it was like you know i was just in my little hood i'll go to practice right come back to my little hood you know so i was very isolating it within that bubble but you know we'll go i guess it was fun for a kid being in that you know that type of um that type of area because you can go play around and you know add food and get into mischief of sorts so you know it was an adventure every weekend like what we gonna do oh no let's go do something let's go down to the pier you know mess with tours or we would do the uh the robot thing okay they did that as a kid yep and we uh got our money together and then we went to the amusement park the next day i paid in each other gold the little whistle thing oh yeah but we definitely stand on that crate you know sit you know right uh stand still uh as a statue and then have you know tourists come through put a little dial in your thing we set up shop all over the little tourist areas and then we all come together like at six o'clock you know count our bread i was a youngin too so i was you know i was rolling with my older cousins and i would you know come up and then we'd just go um we it was it was crazy the amount of freedom that we had as kids though like we were just i mean we just let loose you know we were just like free like moms didn't care my mom i never had to like check in constantly i was always jealous of like kids who had to check in with their parents yes like your parents love you that's what uh brandon lewis was here last week he said he didn't have no curfew yeah it's like he was just out wow yeah i tried curfew i sure did i did too yeah yeah i had curfew yeah it was the lights and then they moved up to like nine ten i had the campaign for that midnight i had the campaign i had to give a powerpoint presentation you see [Laughter] look at my track record you know what i'm saying so i had to convince my mom you know boost me i'm getting older you know what i'm saying i remember the conversation we had i was like i just think my curry feels a little too early [Laughter] you know it's just it's just a little too i feel like we can negotiate it that's great so once i got it to midnight i was like yeah i'm doing some things and that's crazy what age was it this was uh i want to say i was probably in like 10th grade yeah maybe like all right once you once you graduate then the curfew is off she she was still just like you know don't just come in at like six a.m every night you know give me something but you know the midnight was gone yes once you know you graduate that's a weird space man 15 i remember i remember specifically being gone one summer for two weeks straight and by like the 13th day like i called in to check i'm like man how are you doing are you good how are you doing she's like [Laughter] i was just down the street that my boy two weeks like i did that man what summer my boy mike's house i'll be over there this is during the summer though i would be over there for like a couple weeks she's like when you coming home no no man we out here with my son he jumped from [Music] not going out at all to 2 a.m oh wow senior year oh wow not going out at all to just that i haven't gone out did you establish a curfew with him uh well i established that i follow him on um what's that app called uh snapchat um so i know where he's at and he answers the answers oh yeah you get the location on that yeah and he's a little too honest with me i told you already yeah dad i'm just over here [ __ ] this [ __ ] [Laughter] you just got out of my mind so right yeah that's kind of dope but kind of like damn you give me all the info okay i got a question oh oh [ __ ] we have dc questions a minute no we had one last one did we yeah all right cause i just got this off my dome you got your son oh man he is banging out one of his teachers smashing yeah oh they're having sex she's older than him of course yeah big big factors both yeah yeah he's he's 16 she's 19 with the teacher teacher's agent teachers it's still illegal that's illegal i mean 16 19. i think there's a jack and jill law yeah that goes when we're discovering the they got a baby on the way wow what trimester is it oh she's she's she's uh early i'd say five months she's showing she is showing with this baby yeah she still worked there yeah yeah she still teaches but it's just just came out got in the news oh the news she's fired man she got fired oh damn uh-huh unemployed with a baby on the way now man oh here's the kicker it's a kicker the baby's born you got the baby and your son are taking care of the baby uh how he gonna take care of her baby six help her you help me he's helping out all right all right he cleaned up y'all if it's up to you her parent to decide if she goes to jail or not oh um is she going to jail are you going to send her to jail 10 years nah 10 years in jail jail time for me right yeah yeah no i sent her to jail but the baby got to go with her oh so she can perish so you she can pan from behind behind them bars you and my grandparents you had the baby you had an option 10 years yes but she can get 10 years or nothing oh wow you can you can decide on if she's going to go to jail or not the son or no the parent my son was 16 16. damn that means if she go to jail we got a whole baby yeah that's what that's what they send that baby baby goes to jail first until she gives birth and then they have programs in jail i don't know how the baby can stay in jail i don't know for how long but they have programs for pregnant women the baby come out like bouncy right yeah what do they do with the baby in those situations they're doing the diaper check checking for weapons okay they're probably they will probably go to the to the parent the father's uh yeah they won't say that i think they're sending the baby together that means we gotta keep the baby as grandpa yeah yeah you do you gotta yep you gotta eat that she's going to jail no no she's staying free yes she's staying free but okay she might as well go to jail cause she can't work what's she gonna do free but but but the baby ain't got to be with us all right that means you gotta blow yourself you could just sit there and be a good mother she damn sure ain't moving in with us but you know oh that's going to take the pressure off she's going to jail his grandparents i'm waiting she's going to jail cause her free she going to be she might be [ __ ] other kids that's true yeah she's got to go it might not even be his that's true because it's just the fact that you're [ __ ] your eternity oh it's his baby baby they've been smiling same knows everything okay he wants her i said he won't he's going to marry her 16. oh he got manipulated yeah you know uh she gonna stay out i'm gonna make her stay free yeah let her stay free the power of having that over somebody's head like i should i could have sent you to [Laughter] the prison you better act right cause i got four years to decide right and then if you drop charges then she could go back to work though she's unemployed to keep her out of jail then so they're gonna have she got the she got the move to another state she could teach her online university can't [ __ ] no kids online yeah yeah that's true yeah cause i would be like yo if you late picking up this grand baby again you got the number counting down on your phone you got six years three months left how about how much of it factors into like who your son is though like if he's kind of a suave wise beyond his years you know what i mean he kind of carries himself with this he's a victim man he's a victim but if he's just like an awkward you know like he can't have big dick 16 that's wrong because i think about my sons in in the situation like you know serene is a little bit more smoother than sincere i would say you know with the balance yeah yeah so it's like you know serene that'd be loud you okay you know still he still got you know but sincere i'm like man that's that's my child right dude you took his energy yeah you took his innocence yeah i'm like man but yeah but i can't i can't be raising no grandchildren without the mom in the picture no you got to be around and you're giving her an excuse because you sent her like i wanted to be there but you sent me you know oh yeah yeah now you got to deal with that as a grand yeah grandpa because the grandchild gonna be asking you the hard-hitting questions i got i just sent my mom to jail yep right as soon as you can as soon as you can get it out of your mouth that's what you would say yeah what subject is she teaching oh she's teaching spanish spanish she's teaching spanish she's teaching me that that's yeah which is which is dope as hell because if you all want to learn spanish for most of us learning as a second language in high school and college wasn't exactly easy i personally took german and i still don't remember not in the middle of those drinking [ __ ] i know gutenberg which is good morning and guten tag i forgot what that was hello but i don't remember nothing so i could use uh freshening up on spanish and uh babel is a language learning app that sold more than 10 million subscriptions uh there's a it's fun easy way to learn and whether you're traveling abroad or just connecting with someone like a family member or something babble will teach you like the bite-sized way of how to like learn a different language like fast 15 minute lessons uh make it the perfect way to learn a new language on the go their teaching method has been scientifically proven to be effective with babel you can choose from 14 different languages including spanish french italian and german in this whole that's dope as hell yeah uh right now say with a 60 off on your subscription go to issues once again that's issues for up to 60 off your description subscription babble the language for life baby yeah got to be a goddamn fool not to take that dude for real 60 off that's a good idea i like batboy where the hell did gary go huh he went to the restroom during that yeah they want to know what you would do dc in the chatsworth shout out to the chatsworth over here you know i feel like we've been ignoring y'all the whole time that's keon's cousins oh keon what's up y'all uh dc would definitely i would definitely not send her to jail because uh one baby need they mama that's one plan i mean they dad too but a mama is a super essential to a child so uh i don't think i can i don't think i could live on myself knowing i sent their mom to jail what if she was talking [ __ ] though oh she was talking [ __ ] and i had to think about it i thought [ __ ] out your little baby [Laughter] he gave me the dick i'm gonna be like he knows what he wants me he may be your baby but he's my man we talking big cash yeah i think about it she going down wait but does she stay with you is that part of the relationship she's not staying she's not living exactly in the house my son ain't moving in yeah he going straight to jail [Music] i don't know yeah send them to jail yeah black man to jail [Laughter] [Applause] in the tenth grader yeah oh he got it he said 21. he's 21. 21. he's 21 16. he's 16. he's going down man look at him he gotta go he got it oh but he's 21. he's in the difference he's going to jail double standing in my neighborhood that happened a lot yeah with the dual team no just 21 in around that age 16. i'm not really trying to get over the age gap that 21-16 ain't terrible when you get up to the 24s that's pretty bad but what do you listen to is [Music] when you're in high school you see that 21 year old over there with the little bottle of smearing off he's like hey what's he doing he's trying to flex i remember the dudes that graduated a year before coming back to school like the next year hanging out after and i'll be like these they creepy now they were 45 years [Laughter] i'll just yeah it's crazy now like but when you when you're grown when you grow four years ago you know yeah my girl now is eight years younger than me but when i think back whenever i think back i have a thought like i'll be like man when you was 10 you were 18 yeah cause once like you know i met him when she was in her 30s obviously but like um once once i see a girl as a kid i can't shake that image like you always the kids to me henceforth oh yeah yeah so you know like if i was to see sabrina when she was 10 there's no way we would have a relationship further down the line i'm like oh you're the kids right even though she come out of the woodwork i'm 30 now like you the kids right that's how i just view it if i saw you when you was little um unless i grew up with you then it's different like you know six from blossom we grew up together you know what i mean we grew up together right so it's different then but even with that if i grew up and i was like eight years older than you and i caught you later on in life i'd be like you still little you yeah but i'm growing i pay my own business that's great you paying your own little best kids yeah [Applause] that's your little boyfriend well i don't know it's just call it double standard but it just hit different if it was his whale literature on on a on a girl i'm like because it feels like the male definitely did some more manipulating yeah you know what game is more game involved when the dude yeah but i think at that age too a lot of high school girls were will tend to like try to seduce a teacher you know and go above you know to just test the world probably the exact opposite it's probably the girl i mean i don't know but it could be the girl the young girl hitting on the older teacher those young girls especially if they see a 21 year old they think oh he's prime real estate he's not that much older and he got a honda and he got a car he got a car yeah so thinking he's like way more mature than these juniors when in reality not and wait right [Laughter] deal but yeah man can i call you kim yeah boy you better call me miss deal okay [Laughter] it was dudes like that though it was playful with it so it always came off as like real light but in reality it was like if you take it serious i'm serious too but there was always real like man it was a couple teachers could have had all of me brown those are the two finest ones i had i was like yes mm-hmm i know marcy was arsenal yeah but it was college i still didn't think i still went confident enough yeah to holler it's because the stigma of a teacher yeah still a teacher though right yeah college man i don't think i had no fine teachers i had no fine teachers in college at no level yeah i can't even think of the fine teachers in college i didn't like teachers smells so i couldn't yes stinky teachers yeah they never had like they always had like the uh the uh ross uh perfume they didn't get like quiet so well ross is getting some little sick some snacks but it's a little strong it's not quite good this is old rock yeah it's like rose you're like come on just straight bro we're coming clearly um you failed me failed me yeah but wasn't wasn't there always like a distinction like as a when you like when you were dating or looking which you kind of like attracted to wasn't there always a distinction like when you look at somebody now you're like oh i can never look into like like she she's 75. i can never look at you in that way but then there's there's always a pocket like when you was 20 you could never think about dating the person that you're dating now at at that age like it just don't even it don't look right like oh i wouldn't even feel right trying to date right everybody got like like a little pocket yeah yeah yeah that's where it grows with you yeah yeah so that's what gets me out of that it's like you know when i was in high school you know that that pocket grows with you when you're in the ninth grade you're like i can't really [ __ ] with the bite in the 12th grade i can try yeah yeah pocket is that ninth tenth pocket yeah then when you hit the left yeah 11th grade you had carte blanche to [ __ ] with whoever you wanted to yeah except freshman yeah right it was crazy how one school year just felt so different back then like man you you a sophomore yeah i'm a freshman man we just worlds apart yeah yeah as soon as the book hit though like soon as you signed the yearbook you was official for the next year right that's crazy and then now as you get older you just start you're seeing these huge age gaps and relationships it's probably rare to find people the same age right he's gonna be two or three years different sure because when you're 21 what's your age range he's like you can't go back you can't go back really by 18 you can't really go 18. they got to be college level when you're 21 you're in college yeah right what's going on but but 33 you can't get 21. 30 seem old as hell yeah [Laughter] uh when i was your age conversation yeah like you know you you got liver spots can be off that scan be all speaking of skin though go ahead you know what i'm saying looming skin is um all right guys so a lot of us well you know i don't know how y'all do it but a lot of times we just use body wash and call it a goddamn day on the skincare right as men you know what i'm saying man i lotion in the shower you lotion in the shower yeah well you got the lotion lotion in the shower coconut cocoa uh coconut oil yeah oh coconut oil okay so what you you you do the soap and then you do the oil soap wash dinner oil in the shower with the water running before you dry why you do it in the shower and not after the shower because uh your pores are more open with the warm uh it's more of a pat dry oh than a full-on crappy driving toilet tissue the water starts bubbling like little bubbles or whatever oh when the oil and water mix yeah i never even thought about that see that seemed like a problem before luxury [Laughter] all right so if your skincare routine is basically you washing your face in the shower with that one shower gel that you've been using since high school then it's time to level up in the skincare game because as it turns out regular body wash you have the regular body wash you have been using that you thought was good enough you know probably it's probably damaging your skin so uh but thanks to lumen you can drop that bottle of three in one and start using products that actually take care of your skin you hear that dropping soap yeah man that three for one i'm guilty of that and you know i never did it three four oh i'm three for one mcgee i love it really i have hair so i'm like i don't need the shampoo let me ask you this as you both you're on the ball community yes sir i still shampoo and condition my scalp y'all be doing that actually i face wash all the way to the back of my neck this is all face this ain't not in the face i need all of the quality of this hair to be the same quality [Laughter] sometimes i let that i let the face wash you know you know to this area the rest of your land like cutting the grass on three quarters of your [ __ ] yeah man i'm gonna really cut it over here i'll be doing that i'll be getting i'll be getting the three for one and then you know i shampoo and condition the cheered and then i'll just be in this is routine more than anything with lumen i get uh the highest quality products all products aim to help with those stubborn acne scars under eye dark circles wrinkles sun damage dry skin oily skin and more starting with lumen is easy all you have to do is take a two minute quiz on their website and they'll tell you exactly which routine is best for you based on your skin care needs all aluminum products come with instructions so it's extremely easy and will help protect your skin from potential damage or future acne plus all of their products are made using only natural ingredients that actually work like a licorice root extract good stuff rose flower oil charcoal powder ginger green tea and charcoal guys i swear skin care shouldn't be that complicated uh it's the thing we dread doing and thanks to lumen is simple takes me shoot it takes me less than 90 seconds uh out of my day so um so it sounds easy to use so level up your skincare game with lumen skin today go to lumen that's l-u-m-i-n skin dot-com slash issues to get your free trial of lumen products that's dot com issues to get your free trial of lumens products issues jay's right god damn you got them to do that but you right you gotta do the face wash all the way back the beige watch has that whatever acid thing in it so it gets rid of any scars yeah yeah get rid of any scars on your head i definitely need the scar head joint because yeah i'll be shaving i'll be shredding my head up still sometimes it depends on like it depends on if i'm in a hurry or whatever and i'll just i'll just nick it i'll use it always so what's your shave method i do uh i do the single razor i do a bevel and so i just i just go like that around here and then i go down on the sides and back i'll say you with the grain you still yeah i go with the grill i'm a grill i'm against it i've been against the ground floor are you going against me yeah i'm scared of the uh the bump up it's the bump up for about uh for about a week if you knew to it and then you know your skin uh adapts and then it'll be straight really feel like i'm getting right in on the ball community man i thought that was a secret i go straight skull shavers they got the big like the handheld joint oh yeah with the with the multiple uh razors the circular rotary you know you you just rub that down and i'm done and i'm done in two minutes that's what i want but uh i'll be breaking out like i break out easy so the bevel blade is the only one that doesn't break me out did you use i've never tried you said you gotta use a little if you break out just use a little shower gel like they do at the uh at the witcher car not shower gel but the shaving gel mm-hmm they got some good ones feel like menthol when you when you're hitting your jaw you feel like you're brushing your teeth you know exactly where you hit right you know he's like you can feel that joy that's all dope yeah it gets close do you use that oh dead clothes i use that when i'm just like kind of in a hurry you know just like a last minute little touch-up yeah just turn it on i just walk around the house what are they like i could go dry straight out like i could be on the way somewhere and go dry for real and hit it and give me a little little nice little hand wipe you know a little finish little face joint and and be good i'm gonna try i'm scared though man cause once that one for the roll oh yeah just like cause i remember i tried uh what was them joints where you just put the you put the cream on it you have a perfect line going around he'll walk around the house like this for about 10 minutes and the next thing you know he's like and then he got dipped that should be burning oh the sizzle yeah then he just flaked that john off and he'd come off his face be smooth as hell but the house thinks man yeah it always it always seemed like stuff like near and stuff wasn't safe that's what i was thinking about here on youtube yeah cause it was crazy like when i when i put it on there i saw my it was like it pushed my hairs out and you could see and then i just used like a cardboard piece or something and it did i was like man this is the best thing and then i brailled up man never again they got questions oh yeah man what they talking about over here yeah i went through a ball phase did you yeah when onyx was out you know well that's a long time yeah oh i balled it out this is this is my third ball oh [ __ ] i was bald when i was young you know i did it on purpose everybody shaved their head when he was hooping all the ball players shaved their head yeah and then i did it again for whatever reason like when i cut my braids off the first time i was like yeah i'll just go bald ain't no big deal and then when i rocked a fro for a few years after that and i was like all right that's enough this [ __ ] about to go yeah so instead of fighting it i'm gonna go back to the to the old trusty right i enjoyed i enjoyed ball until damon pulled me aside and said what are you doing grow your hair for us who can't yeah yeah i got you it's like it's like prescription glasses people out there just wearing non-prescriptions like hey hey man use your eyes i don't got friends [Laughter] i like being bald man i love it i'll be like man the freedom um you might just be chilling the only thing though i got to keep shaving it but shoot with that though i might try it off with one i can't see the question oh yeah yeah they got one question right there daddy issues i have uh a ten year old wait hold on i have a ten year old wait i can see it i got a ten-year-old son that wants 200 shoes i told him i got half he has to come up with the rest mom said he's too young to earn money and i just uh and i should just i should just get him wrong say no without saying no that's how you say you know what i was saying right is a bit young but it would it'll teach him early the value of money and earning it and it's going to be an early lesson in um if you want something you gotta hustle up to get it and then you know you're putting up half that's a haunted yeah that's a good half right there for 10 year old that's a hell of a thing that's a hell of a girl yeah i initially laughed because it was a 10 year old but i thought back i was like no at 10 years old we were going out collecting i was i was bottoms yeah that's 5 10 cents right there i was ready for work i wanted to work yeah you got it you got allowance if you if your family do that right you have some extra chores in the neighborhood i used to work at a corner store at the bottom of our building i used to work in that store to make money for the video game machines he had in there like i'll sweep the floor i'll do whatever just give me some coins for this uh game he's like yeah yeah i mean yeah so it was like you know i was i was a little bit older than 10 but i feel like ain't nothing wrong with that yeah i'm like at that age that's around the age i gave my son his first business strategy i was like go tell everybody on the block you'll bring their trash cans out for five dollars and put them back for five dollars yeah then go tell your friends you'll give them two dollars for everyone they take out and put back yeah and you just collect the money in your little shirt and tie and you pay your friends and you keep the rest five dollars [Laughter] that was a round trip five was round two oh five is around here okay i thought it was ten yeah i thought yeah five dollars i come back and put him back and that's the recycle bin as well yeah that's an extra five though no everything all the trash bins the green one the blue one the black one that's not bad all right five dollars that's not bad yeah it only lasted two weeks they were two irresponsible nobody got up early in the morning that's hella early they got too many calls i was getting the calls hey where was your son this boy i'm like man i ain't working for you they couldn't came up with a business plan would take it out early check it out late night [Laughter] they called court but the kids they beat when uh wait wait wait say get after school to bring them back up yeah cause they could because what i do with my trash i take it out at night right so they could have did it at night and then bring them back in the afternoon i get my i guess my neighborhood now my son's off the hook because i didn't and i didn't notice for a while uh that the gardeners come by and take out the trash and for like the first year i thought my son was on it yo you ain't missed yet bro hear them 200 shoes you wanted me to correct you he was like hey initiative you remember that word [Laughter] taking all that credit one day i'm out there with my coffee smoking the joint and looking i was like yo what the what you doing here today i'm thinking of driving then i saw him hitting everybody in the neighborhood i was like you do the block did you go back on your son no i ain't saying nothing but we've been out there together when he's been deceived [Laughter] yeah like there was no correction i know i went there i want to young dude speaking of going bald because of onyx what's one thing you did because of a celebrity young deuces uh i definitely did the ll cool j pant leg roll up oh yeah i did that um i did the uh the crazy contact lenses because the wu tang oh the blind eye all white just like a crazy eye color that clearly wasn't mine um i couldn't put nothing in my eyes like that it was a struggle for me and one time it folded up in my eyelid i panicked man you know i ain't built for contacts um i would have got the fangs too but i couldn't get the fangs all out oh i was wu-tang mcgee man i was all in got your fatigue jacket i wanted to quality huh i was in new mexico when they when i was really rude out so i couldn't get access to a lot of the stuff they had you had to carry the toothbrush to brush them man um what else i remember i had a wu-tang w haircut my boy kurt he could cut hair he put a wu-tang he put the wu-tang back it was just a patch of hair that was wu-tang shaving down the corner of my head i was like yeah man y'all see it trying to angle the head [Laughter] coming in first tilted to the side like uranus uh man trying to think of what else she dying over here uh trying to think of what else man oh y'all gonna act said that i was like that's me i remember i came home with the three slashes and my grandpa said you're punished till it grows back oh damn that was the longest and then you take some eyeliner i had those lines in my 20s mm-hmm i'll just let me let me just put two right here boom boom i got a nefertiti gold tooth that me and my friend shared oh oh yeah it's real out there no you got it monday through thursday i got it the rest of the week that's good well y'all had the say you same size unique that is they wouldn't know it's the clip like that we had a nice egg we had a nike one and a nefertiti one yeah yeah so when i had the ankh i had the nefertiti oh i had oh man we we all had that i couldn't i couldn't find one in time when it was hot so some italians somebody saw america i know i had i got the uh the the cornrows because the ai okay i definitely was i was that yeah yeah i was i was hooping at the time too i'm like oh man i definitely need to have i was the light skinned dude from dc yeah yes sir i need that give me them straight back give me that man let me run them straight back did you get it did you ever get fancy with them after that oh yeah hey girl can you uh zigzag me out i had every inclination of them possible yeah you know even down like when i first moved here they out that people gave me hell man i had it was cornrows and then the tails came down shoulder you wore the beads to weigh it down no ain't no beads okay i did for a while yeah matter of fact they they uh at the comedy union before it closed they had my first head shot and they were on their wall you know the beads always through it like threw me off a little bit with the look like if you get your hair done and somebody like do your braids i mean put your beads in there for you like okay i'm cool but like i just couldn't imagine like a man just like putting his own beads in he's like it's just weird it's weird i would i wouldn't know how to do it i think my dumb ass used to put a razor in my mouth because i think meth i knew how to hold that [Laughter] [Music] then penny when penny hurt his knee and i hurt my knee i was like i'm happy my knee hurt [Laughter] i'm happy my leg is hurt right now me and penny did you have to put these pennies on we read that up we rehabbing together little penny might have been one of the greatest campaign for shoes hopefully yeah for sure those commercials were fired a little prize no one did it like more after that like they're doing it right now with uh chris red and barkley they're doing a little barkley that little penny was fine no penny was the penny was crazy yeah yeah that was a great ad campaign there's been some dope ad campaigns with that that one uh grandmama yeah that was fire i mean because those are the ones that like stand out for for like an era those represented that little era and there's not many of them that hit like that they bail on them quick now uncle drew was kind of but they didn't do like a whole commercial campaign that's as big as it gets yeah they did do a movie i like the little campaign lebron had where he was different lebrons remember he dove into the pool oh yeah that was a good commercial it was like it was like a little kid lebron or old lebron yeah and then a smooth when they dove and he dove in the pool all the extra it was like cgi they should have kept that going yeah that was dope i think he had one of the best coming out as a player uh commercials like to introduce like he was a rookie without a game and he had one of the dopest nike commercials remember they was in the church they was calling them the chosen one and and all of that it's king james and it was a big joint and said uh said was the preacher and they were just in there passing the ball around in the church and he do you figure as a rookie coming in being the number one person has been played fast forward to now where he is yeah like yo they hit it on the head because that he could have physically could have fizzled out how many number ones it's been 22 wins since then they don't give no players that type they will give you they know they shouldn't lebron out they knew they knew he was going to be something special straight out of the one that giving love like that to now is mikey williams no no not even close to him he got a puma million dollar deal lebron and he's that's just because he's available yeah he's a junior in high school lebron was something we've never seen before yeah but i'm talking about how lebron the little hype around lebron was yeah we've never seen that before and probably we might not see it again because there's too many of them now but brian was selling colleges yeah in high school yeah you know i remember i was on college tour that's how i met lebron the first time he i know he don't remember that yeah but it was i'm i'm i'm performing at university of akron i just did a [ __ ] joint i'm burning through ohio and then like yo these [ __ ] are an hour and a half late and it's like yeah we're gonna hold your show because there's a high school game going on and ain't nobody gonna come to the game over and i'm like are you kidding me wow you kidding i mean i feel slightly disrespected yeah you know and then it was like no this this this dude was supposed to be the [ __ ] espn and all them gonna be here and i was like espn yeah yeah and it was like well [ __ ] let me meet this thing that's gonna hold my game up right you know and then we went over there and watch man when i'm telling you these dudes it was like watching the lakers play against the high school team wow they was nasty the crowd was i mean it was it was packed in there like it was a college game that's why they're paying some high school players now they have to they have certainly given money to where you get a salary yeah like a hundred thousand dollar salary yeah wow and they're like based off their followers and stuff too absolutely and yeah and they're doing they're playing games in arenas good so it's like pay them good they bring all this money in man give him give him a percentage give him a door deal yeah give him a door deal you're gonna start seeing high school kids with clickers going through that hell yeah man hey i ain't mad no they're mad at me you like youtube and all of that like you earning your money right you know when you're doing this like that's how you know i'm because somebody gave me somebody getting paid off somebody's getting it so you might as well get it yeah and then you can't get it because you want to go to college and be an athlete it's like yo that ain't cool it's like i can make 15 20 grand that's that's clutch right and they all and they are not gonna go to the league right so let me make some money somewhere along the line right they also at certain games with certain players they charge a different amount i went to sage was in the tournament with ronnie jr right and it was thirty dollars here or two hundred dollars vip dollars yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah so they changed the prices because they like when they were doing it lebron might be over there so you might be sitting next to lebron two hundred dollars and it's like what wow wow yeah yeah you definitely gotta give the kids plays against brownie open this opening game of the season this year who won oh they beat [ __ ] out of us but i don't look at that because it was like that that we weren't going to beat them it's the experience yeah yeah but the thing is like how did you play against him but then and their numbers were comparable for the day so to me that was a win right you know i'm saying brownie had nine he had eight brony had like you know five rebounds he had one brony had like six assists and seven that was nice yeah all right that's your game yeah right right right yeah that's cool i don't mind brian had three seven footers sitting on the bench right that's right all the number one players sitting on the bench brian was the fourth best player on that team oh wow i hate to say it but he was that night possibly maybe further down the line because there's players at other positions that might be better than him yeah and other right yeah yeah amari bailey was the truth yeah ucla boy yeah i don't know he might not even go he says he's going but i don't know you don't think so we got to do a year somewhere his numbers are so so big right now and social media he might just ronnie league nah amari oh yeah and then drake pumped his numbers way up or drake mentioned him as far as being known is that drake was dating his mom i think is that that yeah yeah yeah allegedly right well yeah he's hanging out whatever something like that yeah drake being these basketball street's tough that's crazy you come home from a game and drake's at your house what you doing here man you know what i'm doing man don't make some music go away go make it out come on here with me cut this [ __ ] little fella you ain't gonna be talking about my mom in your next album if that was your mom i mean like drake's at the house she'd just be it's better than the mail man yeah that's funny like uh okay mom it's funny you you want to be a fan but at the same time you applying the pressure right a typical teenage boy has over his mouth oh you can do yeah yeah she'd be making them albums i listen to your last one certified lover boy yeah yeah you talk about a lot of women no new friends you happy that you got the change yeah right so this for me is for me huh all right it's really [Music] you don't really get mad like oh you rented out the whole stadium for a date with my mama oh that's what we're killing that yeah tmz yeah yeah watch out trying to be tough and like man that's kind of dope wow so then you're gonna be bragging about it later oh yeah your friends are gonna be in the house that's a weird like flex though you know my mom's [Laughter] who's that that's great that's great make sure you get drake in the back of your little store every time yeah yeah we just in the kitchen i'm getting something in here making tacos and whatnot sauteing onions yeah just tough helping helping my mom cook and [ __ ] man i don't think you can get no confidence out of it until somebody messes with you about it because that's where your comebacks come from and you know where you straight or not you know what i'm saying he's playing hey that's that dude he drake [ __ ] your mama he'll be like yeah with lisa's drake right and then everybody's like oh yeah [Laughter] man swipe left so man the comeback gonna be vicious i don't care who your daddy is he ain't drinking right that's it damn man that's it that's cool let's go to another question let's see what we got question for d.c you have to come out to one song every time you perform this is how we do it return to the mac or [Music] you know i'm not you know i'm not excited i'm gonna i'm gonna guess which one you like out of the three i know which one he likes poison yep poison is dope that's okay that's the one yeah yeah poison yeah poison to get me moving a little bit i don't know out of them three i'm from the fool with uh damn man that's tough coming out every time you do a [ __ ] give it up for d c irving the dj gonna be like [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] give it up [Music] [Laughter] because the beginning of this is how we do it for coming out on stage it's more like you know what i mean it's it gets you this is how we do that i don't know how you don't turn into poison got one of the greatest openings especially after a name introduction like you want something big like that like give it up for daisy um [Music] [Laughter] of them songs i ain't mad at it but i feel like it's personal i'm mad at them it's just it's just a song attached to it they just played it too much because there's a reason for hating is just nothing no they played it too many they just and they just forced it on you man i can replace poison with that joint uh step back you're getting a little close what's that uh poke coming through next yeah you can replace to me you can put that somebody's gonna [Music] those are the three songs you hear where you could tell your aunties and the old [ __ ] in your family get excited oh here we go yeah when they played at the end of the club i was like it's time to get the [ __ ] out that's what they're doing [Music] i can't find it you hate this song i hate that one too you just hate hits nah i just don't like when i'm when they just force it on you they just constantly play it i feel like i'm good that's what that's when they go up all right yeah they trying to make it go up i'm just talking about drake [ __ ] that's how i eat yeah they don't but drake it's still yeah in five years most of the songs are gonna feel like return to the mack of poison they never would play it that much god's plan come on man they played this [ __ ] the radio was different back then it was like one hit and they would play like now it's more hits well i don't be listening to the radio yeah you know my phone be hooked up to the car radio so it always apple music always starts over and just plays the alphabetical track so it keeps playing adhd by kendrick lamar it just comes on mine abc oh man another creation huh no no michael jackson what y'all coming out two out of those three oh definitely return to the match it's so annoying i need to do it oh my gosh what you going on here he made a strong point for uh poison i come out to that point in the beginning coming out the poison for sure man poison holds up yeah that's that's clay i just saw them and they just i just saw them live like was it about a month ago yeah was it all six uh yeah matter of fact yeah yeah bobby performed bobby was bobby did it dance yeah because you know there was a very video of him going around he wasn't holding it together too good in the middle of his last little dance even everybody else was getting it and bobby was just like yeah but bobby didn't one part of poison though right bbd yeah that was bbd he wasn't doing that but i'm talking about what did he do when they did that y'all they all check they chill yeah they get to change outfits put your next white outfit on i bet you they love the sensitivity part of the show the rest of the crew just be chilling bbd had their solo yeah and then outside they break it up bbd ralph um then bobby and then uh and then johnny poison is always going to be a classic i've seen will savants and foo perform that in uh karaoke wow it was class the two worst hard to understand people oh my god [Laughter] poison is eternal man i think i think new addition the most successful group of all time in terms of our generation no were you just in terms of like the success outside of the group for that many members oh so yeah bobby brown was huge solo tip bbd was huge yeah ralph went platinum johnny gill went double platinum like who else could could branch off that's the same wutang's the only one that even comes close to that much success usually he got like one or two members popping but everybody and stay popping yeah i mean everybody's second album didn't do as well as the first right but they were still they made enough noise that they come back for on a tour they separate like they do thirty years later yeah okay i gotta make them any white ones instinct didn't do [ __ ] that's always just one right you got justin backstreet didn't have no right like he didn't land a driver album too justin inland he didn't hit though right yeah i didn't know people were people was trying right now let me look out usually you just get one branch out yeah even the beatles like you know paul mccartney did his thing solo and like uh with john lennon you know he got murdered but and george had some success but ringo you know ringo has success too he did have some success the bar just lit with one yeah they got a couple elle and chico oh chico chico chico was never part of the department of that's fake switch yeah no no that was the older brother bobby oh i don't know if bobby ever put out a solo album the switch was first and then switch wasn't all the switch wasn't all of them no it was just bobby bobby debarge and then and that wasn't a family group that was just a group and then they came out with the family jackson's when i no michael michael and james no january wasn't that nice janet joined the jacksons that's family though no she [Laughter] because i remember jermaine jermaine had dynamite yeah this song called dynamite on the solo tip i don't think he really pop pop-pop and then you know yeah ribby had something centerpiece she had centerpiece but she was never in the group i think latoya probably had some songs too but it wasn't right michael and janet is the cream the crux the whole family that's about it i guess yeah cause it's hard to you know branch off of steel he might just say bobby and tommy is in switch oh this is a tommy the bar mm-hmm damn [ __ ] i don't even know who tommy when did the name start getting spanish after bobby and jeremiah went straight to l and chico oh destiny destiny's child kelly kelly and had some success in the gospel uh realm i don't know about michelle you don't listen to gospel music i don't know my brother but destiny's child though latoya went all platinum i wouldn't doubt it i don't know if that's the fact that i'm looking this up and then she's still successful she's working michelle is big and gossiping uh latoya um somebody said latoya went platinum over here in the chatsworth latoya who they have to be talking about lucky but luck it was really wasn't really was she really in the group like that because it kicked her out early what i mean solo success when bobby brown left new edition uh what's his name now don't be cruel yeah seven million copies sold whoo it's still one of the highest selling r b albums of all time college girls still one of my favorite songs bell biv duvall went four times platinum you know saying johnny gill double platinum ralph tresman play they had hit records outside of new dish like bonafide now i know you know they did a couple features in their latoya that was also considered now they would call that an industry plant group because they took a whole bunch of solo artists and put them in one group but they didn't know they were solo when they were kids and then they put them together in a group ralph was his own person uh and bobby they were going up against each other in talent contests then he threw everybody else in latoya went platinum in 2006. i didn't watch the new edition story i watched the movie but i didn't remember that part yeah that's the very beginning that's why i think everybody got caught up everybody's getting their drinks and rolling their blunts at that part so she did go platinum she diego played oh misleading album 2006. what was her hit song torn was a single on there oh yeah yeah yeah i think i remember that a little faint [Laughter] wikipedia be fudging the numbers though let me let me double check it will certify gold and platinum on 2006 let's see because when you go to the the golden platinum website they'd be like nah i'm taking wikipedia's word for them like all right because the artist being there forging the numbers they'd be like hey say i went double platinum it's like that imdb when you can write it in yeah latoya lucky part of the first destiny child yeah yeah she was original yeah the only one that changed was uh pharah or destiny and uh because michelle was an original no no michelle came in for pharah or destiny was her name and then there was another girl in the group latoya went platinum it's official oh they never knew she got she got a platinum album better respect her all right was 2006 a down year 2000 yeah right i never knew she's fighting to fall like that i think then beyonce b-day come out 2006. that's a pretty big play i think it did come out i think she's up against j-lo or something g-u and it don't count because that was more like a a collective after the fact yeah it's like 50 cent was already established what about hot boys yeah juvie juventus was already pleased before though was he yeah i mean i don't know 400 degrees came out before high boys yeah huh was out before hot boys i thought they had a bunch of those he was already on the as a as like no high boys had albums before that they wouldn't they wouldn't know they weren't selling like that no i'm talking about casa come out as a group like new audition and then because juvenile was before the hot boys out huh was the first song i ever heard from from that group and then it was like oh juvenile part of this group he was already the face because because technically you could say oh the same lunatic but they hadn't even think 400 degrees came out 98 and the group was formed in 97. that's what i'm saying but no but i'm saying how they come out he was already you're saying he was already juvenile yeah yeah when new edition came out they came in this new edition right that makes sense hmm not too many groups how much is success because i'm like there was a black moon what did they uh scout uh were they branched over no they weren't helter skelter was a different group smith and wesson held the skeleton ogc they were just part of this they was on that same record label though that was a record label crew but i'll give i'll give you all destiny's child though i didn't know latoya went platinum so i think latoya went platinum i think kelly ended up going platinum fuji's yeah prizes prize did a ghetto superstar dude numbers they might have won the one it might push that album does it count on him being a producer too because he's as success as that yes it depends on what he produced [Laughter] that's proswell what do you got what do you got is [Laughter] yeah because i remember i bought that ghetto superstar album i was disappointed yeah because i love i love wyclef solo album the carnival and you know lauren hill's album is just because a lot of people had them little groups that you can't call them like uh like they weren't a group but they were obviously all together like uh like the dungeon family oh yeah oh yeah you know saying like they were obviously together but they never put anything out as a you know as a as a group they would all jump on each other's stuff right now out of that i mean there was some you know there's a little success out of that one yeah you got outcast goody mom circle yeah that old circle eight cool breeze that little bug had her little circle she had flavor unit if you want to go ep epmd they broke up and started two whole new fresh entities in hip-hop paris had uh the his questions making dollars he had a thousand effects and uh keith martin you know keith murray murray was on the eric sermon side so he had red man solo question yeah i used to think solo and red man were related i was like yo that's his brother you know uh cool breeze i don't know what happened there but as far as like you know i feel like new addition nobody missed on that initial go out nah they are here yeah and that was the thing it was like man nobody missed everybody could be proud of themselves like when they went solo and came back man we did that yeah yeah i saw what you did there man that sensitivity man yeah you know money money can't buy you love i'm on the mo money soundtrack you know i know bobby came in like i'm closing i told y'all right man because that don't be cruel was just massive still one of the best-selling you know r b albums and it's about being a star too he you know it's like there was no he had more star quality you know as you know outside of the group and then he had to come back to fit back into the group again you know what i mean and that's what made them all so dope they all had their own individual star wars and that that's what i don't think everybody else had because it was you know it's an obvious different part of the show when you get to that person right you know like watching uh when i went to go see the watch the throne tour you know it's like it come out they pop up together yeah and then one of them goes away and it's like oh [ __ ] five hits and then the other one pops up oh [ __ ] five hits and then they come back together and it's like oh [ __ ] five more hits right you know and it's like you you're cool with every part of the show yeah and that's and not too many groups got cool with every part of the show yeah you can tell who the standout uh is going to be it's the first [ __ ] to show up with no shirt on you're like oh okay he's going to lead the group oh he's still got his glasses on he going to leave man his shirt off it's funny jodeci you had two shirt offers really three three jojo was the only one that kept him his shirt and vest on no matter what jojo had that sure you know but kc and what's up devonta yeah but and then casey and jojo when they were when they did their solo joint it was massive that was huge matter of fact but then there's that that's a group though casey and jojo's album i think also uh all my life might have been definitely outsole diary of a mad man but it's up there with uh and then uh i don't think there was a tea box or a chili solo solo [Music] um hey yeah well i think t buzz did it solo right four album i think she did a solo album oh i don't remember yeah i think so i don't remember that either well that it when nobody remembers it then that qualifies you know [Laughter] confirmation well [ __ ] we didn't know latoyah went platinum i didn't know she went platinum i forgot she was in the group me too because she looked dead because she was more she was she was of course when she went solo she was just stuck out more i guess and i knew she was the actress i knew she was acting on the regular but i did not know that man platinum ain't nothing to sneeze at so that's that's a good that's a good little something uh but i didn't know and i remember when they left i remember when they left everyone when they first left it was in the same my name video is when you see the two new members and i was just like i didn't notice it at first right i was just like yo cause i saw beyonce i saw kelly and i was like what are you doing each other i didn't even say i was just like i thought they were back up dancing and then i was like hold on man she got a minute you know it happened mid album run like if you look at the couple of the writings on the wall it's the original four so then you look at the video you just like might have been their last video together right and then say my name they just you just gonna okie doke the community we don't know their yeah name i was just like wait a minute that ain't them and then you know then pharaoh left quick yeah she left super quick she might have just did the same my name video was gone michelle i'm here to stay yo i'm here to stay she'll write or die yeah she she hung in there do y'all think beyonce kicked him out the group nah oh you think that uh i think it was more it was probably on the dad more than beyonce i think beyonce got tired of going out there and splitting that check she's like you know what we do most of the songs where i sing majority of the solos and we cut from that song before it's your part or your part so i think that might have happened later when she wanted to branch off because remember they came back with a destiny's child group album after uh dangerously in love like they came back with yeah album requirements here's the cut 90-10 i'll take 90 and you ladies take 10. split that up yourself didn't some of them come out and actually talk about like what happened no no one's ever came out and said no i i feel like what from what i heard it had a lot to do with uh i think latoya and uh octavia i forget the other girl's name i think it came down to like they were dating like jagged edge the brothers and are the twins the twins and it was like it was a dust up about some tour bus activities or something like that like uh beyonce's dad didn't want them riding on the tour bus or whatever it was just a big old internal yeah it was like you know so i don't think it was beyonce flexing like you know i'm the i'm not me i need to go i don't think about this stuff happened yeah um it was just some other stuff going on y'all see that yeah so they was like man we out in there and they were young you know they were kids yeah yeah so you know they're thinking like we're gonna have another chance to be in another super group yeah right and be successful one quarter of that audience is ours if you do beyonce still super cool with kelly and michelle so that kind of says a lot yeah they they close yeah well you remain cool when everybody continues success now if they would have fell off that you would have heard some disgruntle uh i'm sure they had enough sense to stick with beyonce because you know because when beyonce left she could have stayed gone yeah the fact that she came back let you know oh they they was cool right yeah to do that destiny fulfilled out and uh i mean the albums yeah like four albums yeah so but as far as i know you know they still cool or whatever but i just know of some issues with pops up in there latavia that was her name my bad it was something something of a rather i like octavia better octavia yeah she got tables i don't want to be disrespectful out here as a side though i think in vogue is probably the most vocally talented r b group as a whole yeah where every all every one of those they can sing because they and they all shared it in the midst of their their popularity they were all they would take turns singing lead or they were all saying lead or two of them were like how hard could we go back what about the supremes they were you know that was down the road i thought she was i don't remember the stats pushed to the front but i can't stand it up on the supreme court yeah it seemed like they pushed diana ross to the fourth definitely but in vogue about talent-wise because talent-wise all the supreme courage yeah they could take the same but in terms of like you know displaying in vogue they gave us four equals yeah in a sense so it was just like oh i thought cindy was the lead yeah yeah yeah you got terry singing so it was just like yeah you have a favorite in the group yeah i can't wait that this song comes along right yeah so it was like they were distributing that mug and i feel like i don't see that a lot with groot did that a little bit sw it was mainly coco lee lee sung a lot i don't know escape did it a little bit escape escape would do it because it would be uh candy or uh tiny or the what was the other one the other girl i don't know that's the same lead on who do i run to oh [ __ ] what's the name the same lead on who do i run too [Music] i don't know i forget somebody know her name in the chat's words tamika no that's that's tiny tamika was the other one maybe not tamika's time it wasn't tiny i think that's her real name tasha tasha tasha and tasha that's that's a different it's three different tasha so i'm gonna go you know i'm gonna go with the group yeah i'm gonna go with the t-o-c-h-a tasha there was two tamikas in the group and tasha tamika and tasha wait what's the name of the whole group of them miguel tasha and candy right no tiny tiny tamika tiny and cute it's tiny's real name i thought that's what i thought i thought it was tiny there's two tamikas in the group somebody's standing firm in this damn she hard like yo latrice is like yo prove that there's two tomatoes in the group man my tiny name is tamika okay okay so two so it's two tamika's tasha and candy but yeah that's w mainly like coco did g just pull a rick ross on us and get up yeah yeah we can uh water bottles here here we go we can start wrapping up though jay phillips man tell the people where they can find you what you got brewing where you where you want them to go what you want them to know well what i would really like for the people to do come see me come see my show on my youtube channel man uh yeah jay phillips live so fun backslash j phillips live it's the j phillips live show i'll do it every wednesday it's a live late night style show uh i do it chelsea lately style but i do it loosely as a host to bring on four dope guests a week sometimes a special guest um you know from comedians actors you know how we do our our our role of that right right and um you know we get down and we break down the topics of the week we just jump in and just you know try to be funny we own a timer so we don't go too long 15 minute segments for two comics 15 more seconds we got a little structure i use all my my tv production skills that i've been doing the last dozen years or so i've been writing and producing a real tv show so i just take all of that dump it into my channel i got a little team that helps get it together so let's go j phillips live show uh check it out man wednesdays over on the j phillips live channel uh on on youtube what's your instagram instagram is jay phillips live as well j-a-y phillips and live like you're watching me right now yeah there it is and i'm officially putting it on for everybody you've been on they all all got to come on and hang out on this oh baby man i would love to all right yeah and jay phillips is one of the best dressed comedians in the game he always fresh appreciate that man always fresh usually with a beverage in his hand you usually gotta and always cool it's always been the same never changed oh my [ __ ] he wasn't always the best dress he i've seen the growth i've seen the girl for sure but i'm not saying in a bad way no i get it no i've i've changed the way that i i've matured in my dressing but i always i always dress the way that i want it to i can say that that's important so you know sometimes you you know i i go buy clothes a lot so i'm i got on what i want and that's to me what style is is if you got on what you're doing yourself yeah and then then you can it is what it is they ain't got to be 500 shoes but if they're the shoes that i like that match the rest of the fit today that's what you're getting let me ask you this because i know you got a lot of clothes i feel like i ain't seen you repeat what do you do with your how fast do you get rid of your old clothes cause i'll be holding on to [ __ ] too long hold on but i got um i got like a couple storage bins in in my garage so once i pull them out of full rotation yeah you know but the thing is like my it makes my regular day-to-day clothes look better because i got so many show clothes that i don't want to wear no more for shows because i've been you know took pictures in and done all that so now i i might have on a pair of 300 jeans going to the store because they were 300 james from 10 years ago they ran them just no more right it is what it is now right but you know so it's a few pieces locked in like that but then uh every few years i i do a giveaway i do close i do this uh at this this boy's home uh over in uh what city is that um it's officer poverty in in devonshire it's it's it's you know over in that area yeah you know i met the the lady who was running a cool black lady and i was like yo let me do something dope and put together some some clothes and and i went and you know put all my clothes out and i got a couple other guys we just dumped up dumped up some clothes let them come through and just pick out what they wanted to grab up out of there and the rest of them they you know they donated to the shelter but i was doing them give them a first look at some you know some dope clothes you get some you know instead of doing you know what i'm gonna go trade them in and get [ __ ] you know twenty dollars for a hundred dollar shirt you know what i'm saying nah bro you going to be fresh and you know you you you 19 20 and the little boy's home and you you're trying to give you a little confidence that's dope hell yeah help him with his best first foot forward mm-hmm yeah i'm down to do that i don't want to put my clothes out there and watch them go through it though no i'm not going to do that i just set it up oh you said it okay they ain't going to tell me tell me thank you oh they thanked me before i did it and set it up and you know they gave me just like yo you know he put together this group of stuff so you know just thank these guys and you know they you know i just waved it off and we we we rode off in the sunset with the thing right with the u-haul just dipped on out that's dope i wonder if if the youth are like taken to kind of like the second-hand consignment like element of it now because you know before it'll be like oh this is used somebody wore this before yeah this ain't fresh out there you know but it's like it's a no it's a nice shirt it's a hundred dollars like nah somebody wore that before but you know what the look the look now with the youth is like dilapidated like you know like the distressed old yeah like y'all be seeing these kids they'd be wanting the dingy the unfortunately the homeless that's a lot of the rich kids yeah they'd be going for the for the rundown it's grind a lot of rich kids want to look broke and the broke kids want to look rich it's just crazy unfortunately yeah yeah a lot of kids at my son's school wear old ass vans and pajamas to school yeah oh man you go up the street go to the house oh my lord why why couldn't they do that when i was coming up where the raggedy look was in oh yeah oh i'd have been the king man pajama yeah once again it's the it's you know it's how i define style it's like if you're wearing what you want yeah as long as it's what you want it's dope like it's the dopest version like if i'm having pajamas i'm gonna have to on the exact field and pajama that i want i want to be comfortable it's going to be different it's going to be you know what i'm saying but it's mine that's the one i picked out you know and it ain't going to be let me just throw some [ __ ] on out the pajama drawer you know because it's in there this is next up you know it ain't that no man this is the one i wanted this is the one i wanted these are the dope joints i picked these out so when i rock these i don't care if i put on a t-shirt with them i'm dressed nice because i got on some dope pajama pants right so that's that's how i roll how often you shop for clothes would you say sometimes i do it out of boredom like when i'm on the road like when that's what i hate going on the road so much man i go on the road and it's like first thing you do is look where's the dope mall because i got nothing to do on saturday afternoon right so i go walk the dope mall and then you know if something finds me i was then then i then i come up you know a lot of times it's you know a pair of shoes or something or something i can't get nowhere else but you know the states be having different color stuff like hey okay yeah yeah like the stuff that ain't dope like like if you got a sax off fifth in a in a b market city yeah there's a good chance you're gonna find some really dope [ __ ] cause they don't [ __ ] with the stuff that's like you know to take into a european cut the nice the good fit and stuff down in the country they were like man this is [Laughter] all right cool yeah and i got him yeah i'm just in the streets now we just uh wrap production on the showers right now so i'm just back in the streets trying to find the next the next thing hey uh but i'm gary michael anderson on instagram um and then uh i do another podcast with uh with keon and keenan called brutally honest hey funny that's funny sitting down it's uh you sitting outside in the sun just uh talking talking reckless yeah um yeah man and i dress how i want to dress too but i i repeat a lot uh you know what i i wish i wish my frame was more fitting for clothes i can't find [ __ ] that looked right on me yeah that's my biggest issue like when i got a short torso i got a whole bunch of [ __ ] going on shirt towards me yeah i like like long legs yeah long legs short torso i wear medium and length but i'm a large on the on the shoulders man i can't find nothing man yeah it's tough man they don't even have like my pant size is 30 36 34 they just pull they just pull that off the ship they don't they don't even have them in the morning stores i'll be like man come on man i'm tall and with the slim yeah with the slim jeans man let me get in on this i don't know i don't know who who where are who who be wearing all the 30 28s that's all i see is like 32-28 yeah like just down the line just rolls and rolls 32-28 they'd be having like 30 they'd be having like a big waist and then they'd be having like 36 30s 36 32 38 32 man come on man let me get the 36 34. come on man craig uh that craig wayne's on everything and uh make sure you go to dot pick up some mr toxic t-shirts i gotta get on him about the rest of that stuff come on get my hoodie i gotta work on the long ass time dc dc no odyssey yeah and i got new beanies coming soon new poopy beanies coming leave money i'll be leaving my money on the table uh i think uh i'm gonna be popping up around l.a all this week doing some netflix at the joke shows it started off april 30th belasco theater so hell yeah you can catch me in oklahoma city this weekend shows start tonight in oklahoma city ticket sales are ashy ashley is here oklahoma city is gunning for last place uh but if you're out there pull up there are plenty of tickets available um after that uh i can chill for a couple weeks in dc and i starting malcolm x birthday through the 22nd get your tickets early cause dc dc is not ashy so keep that in mind uh check out verbal cardio uh drop new episodes every wednesday uh pull up on that and uh also if you are in la i'll be in the netflix as a joke uh festival tony baker and friends may 4th at the avalon theater so uh pull up for that get your tickets together and they're uh yeah i think this uh check out macaroni and chess check out laceroni and chaz uh also i'm not sure if chad's been going live since he's been uh m.i.a because he's working so hard all week so check him out out there at uh l.a comedy club in vegas it's la comedy club in vegas he'll be out there all week pull up anyway y'all y'all got questions for us ask us in the youtube comment section with the big red question mark and the big red exclamation so we can find it and they're uh we out we out
Channel: Tony Baker
Views: 39,715
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 122min 27sec (7347 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 28 2022
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