Indian Watching Thai Life Insurance Commercial For THE FIRST TIME | UNSUNG HERO | VERY Emotional

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foreign [Music] welcome I hope you guys are doing good and welcome to my YouTube channel guys I'm to be honest like you know I'm trying to manage all my YouTube channels but for some reason it it becomes really difficult for me to manage everything but you know I usually try my best to manage time during the weekend so that you know I can you know enjoy watching movies or you know listen to different artists which I have been doing on my other YouTube channels so that you can you know I can make some videos as well as I know get to know about new artists and new movies um but it's been quite clear even in fact now it's like almost two o'clock at night as I'm making this video it's already Monday here so it's kind of really weird I hardly get time to do that but you know I I am making sure you know I'm planning to make more videos for this channel so that you know I can connect with you know people who love short movies short films and movies from around the globe today I'm going to check out some of the a commercial short movies which were usually like commercials for insurance companies of Thailand I have been to Thailand I have been there back in 2019 I have spent like a couple of days there the people are really kind and really humble and they're so nice and so welcoming you know so and I have seen couple of Thai advertisements before and it was kind of really emotional so uh I'm not sure of how this is going to be but I have selected this one called unsung hero I haven't seen that and I just hope that it's going to be a nice one I have lined up added some short movies from around the globe which I wanted to watch from a long time I haven't watched it so I will be making some reaction videos for that also and in case guys if you want me to watch specifically something you can please let me know in the comment section it really helps you know for me also to understand what do you guys expect from me as a you know as a reactor and it will really help me to understand your record governments or what are your tastes and preferences and guys just a small reminder that I am Addie and I am from India I make reaction videos on travel culture music and movies of lately I've started doing it because I realized that a lot of good movies which I have missed and why not connect with you know movie Buffs from all around the globe in that way so here I am with a new YouTube channel and I hope you guys would love it so guys without wasting much time let's check this out there you go guys [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] man I mean like that reminds me of myself I mean like I won't say that I do all those things but there has been times when I used to go towards my school or college back like 10 years ago or something every time someone used to ask me for money or something so if I had like 50 bucks with me I used to give away sometimes 40 bucks or 30 bucks without even thinking I mean like if I don't know why it happened many times sometimes you get too much of connected to some random people stranger maybe a poor beggar or someone who genuinely needs help no sometimes you can just connect with it I don't know how when and things that you look into it but it just happens right [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] kind of fun I don't know kind of emotional [Music] [Music] die could I care [Applause] oh man [Music] die native [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] I was really not sure of this one guys like I man this there was like oh man the the last thing that I wanted like at two o'clock at night is to watch that you know I had so much of plans to do something else but I don't think I thought of like watching couple of ads like there are so many other commercials from Thailand that I in my to do list one day like I'll sit and I'll watch them I've missed but I don't think I can watch any further I think I'm done and dusted for the day it was I don't know man like I can't even tell you all I can say is that like um we need to be kind we need to be you know just spread love and good vibe and man this is whatever we are supposed to do in life we should not hurt anyone and we should spread love man never really thought that this is going to you know make me cry or something like that I'm someone who is like really strong sometimes I'm not saying that I cry usually but these These are the kind of videos Man I mean like I don't know even if I am one of the most angriest person or the most happiest person I'll end up crying the moment I see something like this you know I I tend to relate a lot with kind of emotional stories like this and I can't even tell you how much you know I don't know what I'm feeling happy or sad right now I don't know but this is something that's really good man and I I don't know if you guys have already seen that ad because probably I guess it's a very old one so uh what do you think guys do let me know in the comment section I think I just lost all my context of what I wanted to do actually and but nevertheless guys I hope um you all stay happy and stay blessed um this is Addie signing off for now I'll be back again with another video guys until then guys take care stay safe Namaste and take care
Channel: Addie Reacts To Movies
Views: 44,411
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Thai Life Insurance Commercial, Watching Thai Life Insurance Commercial For THE FIRST TIME, thai ads emotional, thai ads reaction, thai ads funny, thai commercial reaction, thai commercial sad, thai commercial funny
Id: R-pHiwUaiZo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 25sec (565 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 23 2023
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