This HAS to happen TODAY...

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[Music] the inspection we've been waiting for is finally here here he is the inspector yeah and we have a short break in the weather to plan our next big delivery we're having our drywall delivered tomorrow so hopefully we pass we are doing as much as possible to prepare I called it I knew this was going to happen going for it oh that's disgusting because this has to happen today but he's not going to try to whip it he's not whipping he's whipping it right there okay [Music] [Music] are you a snake or a dragon [Music] [Music] do you know who's coming the inspector not Inspector Gadget good morning guys we are waking up bright and early because we want to be super prepared and ready for the moment our inspector shows up we have our insulation inspection this morning and it's the inspector that we have known and loved for the past few years normally he comes in the morning we don't actually have an estimate from him but we want to be ready just in case he shows up like at 7:30 a.m. so we got up early we're getting we're dressed Leo are you excited are you going to tell him good morning when he comes you say good morning good morning we're a little nervous cuz there's a lot hinging on this inspection if we pass we better pass I hope we pass we're having our drywall delivered tomorrow so hopefully we pass probably either way we're having our drywall deliver tomorrow in the meantime I'm whipping up some eggs for breakfast Leo is having a oatmeal over here we're going to get fueled up and ready for Kent to arrive yes super hot hot still hot [Music] you want Nana do you remember what we practiced if you close your eyes really tight no I I know she's not here do you miss her me too me too she still loves you okay if you close your eyes really tight you can imagine her giving you a big hug a big hug and a kiss nonu took an airplane yeah no needs to come back soon I miss no too Nana and Nana I know yeah Nana non what do you want to tell Nana do you want to tell her I love you [Music] Nana nice [Music] hat me it's too big for you yeah how's going dude you good how are you okay false alarm the inspector isn't here yet I feel like whenever you get super like prepared for something then it doesn't happen as early as you're expecting it to versus um if you're not prepared and you sleep in things happen first thing in the morning so we're prepared and we're still waiting for the inspector to arrive in the meantime Jason is here to finish up some tile in the Casita Trent and him are just walking around in the addition giving a little tour right now any minute now [Music] all right so yesterday Jason put in full day's work here and for me a full day's work would probably just be laying this place out and not even setting any tile but he got the entire floor done he got the floor of the bathroom the floor of the shower now we have these like wood look tiles which are really really cool so these are the large format tiles that are going to go on the walls in the shower they look like wood so he's actually going to build this entire bench out of those tiles this bench right here and then he's going to go all the way up the wall on the ceiling and the back wall with that wood look and then it's going to be like kind of accented by the brown and the floor tiles I think it's going to be pretty cool all right well it looks like the inspector is just showing up so let's head out into the addition and get our drywall or our insulation inspection underway here he is excellent yay yay everybody just got here at the same time the inspector yeah guess who's here H the inspector you're going to say good morning good morning how you doing Kent how you doing pretty good good morning block you not need to look at yes he said we can just use plywood yep you can careful these boords are all over the place 2x4 blocking in between these STS got to be got to be same thickness as the studs okay 2X six what's this broken vent but there so this is uh this is HRV oh okay so this is going to have a vent that sucks oh so it'll go right there get is on fire so you'll take it out throughout the whole house to your duckport oh okay just pull that Flames through there so we we don't want that to happen Okay I fixed that I got rid of all the um or I foamed all the holes the penetrations in the return ducks there's one other duct chase that needed to be blocked over here all that stuff and then our 1070 valve here is that where you going to put it right there yeah I'm just going to put an access in there I just put like a little grill right there like a little heat Grill like a return vent yeah okay just put it up there so if you have to get in there and adjust that or something you can get in there okay perfect those those valves on a freestanding tub they don't have anti- temperature devices on them right so if we don't want anybody to go in and get scalded by that right I have the tub and I set it in here yesterday uhhuh and we're like 14 and 1 12 in from the closet flange is that a we don't talk about it or the problem is too is that like this we can go down in the crawl space and I can show you but our joists and the beam that's underneath this post everything's so tight in here that I don't think I can can re I don't think I can move either of those things I tried to make it as good as I could my structural engineer put these posts right where my tub valve is supposed to be like now I'm going to have some weird cockeyed tub valve that's like offset it looks so stupid well you can only do what you can do yeah you also had a re Shear on there what was that that was when you came we just had like a bunch of seams that were upstairs that didn't get blocked and we blocked them but he didn't system wouldn't let us call for the fourway soid we're conditioning this space I'm probably going to put dampers on them just get a regular Grill mhm they got them little bills you can close close them on and off okay just use those okay yeah I just figure I don't want cold floors so I figure I'll just condition this space down here and then I don't have to worry about that and I'm plastick everything so that there's like a complete Vapor Barrier so I don't have to worry about any moisture coming up I'm almost done I have a little bit of plastic left you're you're good enough okay cool I think you can go ahead and drywall it up awesome yay I'm I'm excited to get past drywall I'm not excited to drywall I know now we don't do a drywall nailing inspection anymore okay so you can go ahead and just tape it get it painted get it finished up okay so final I see you next final final wow all right we don't do shower pans we don't do drywall so scary it's easier for me it's scary though hope hopefully I do it all right us too yeah go ahead and uh go ahead and start Ry and wow get her get her going okay cool that's scary all righty well appreciate it you bet yeah it's good to see you thank you so much hopefully it'll be before Christmas that'll see yeah we'll have another baby next time yeah we'll definitely have another baby by yeah all right all right very good well we'll see you on the next inspection okay sounds good have a good rest of day guys have be careful thank you appreciate it yay that's exciting that's way exciting get our drywall delivery we can start hanging drywall and then we've got 3 months of doing drywall it's actually really sweet because that was Kent and he has been our inspector since we started building the main portion of the house in 2020 and he has seen us go from like I mean we still don't really know what we're doing but we he has seen the full progression of our literal ignorance to like somewhat understanding of how to build a house he's seen me be pregnant and then have a baby at final inspection and we're going to have another baby at the next final inspection just like most of you guys have been along for the whole ride watching us through this this whole Adventure Kent has been you know making stops by and checking on us all the way through so yeah it's been really really awesome and he's done a very thorough and very helpful job of guiding us through the whole process so Kent if you're watching this by any chance thank you and we so appreciate it we passed yay so we can drywall is the drywall coming right now uh Friday and then the next inspection is our final inspection so it's like go crazy oh my goodness see you when it's done it's a little nerve-wracking it's very exciting and he basically only told us we need to do two things and that's we need to throw a piece of plywood up inside our uh little bookcase for fire blocking and then we needed to fire block uh like the side of one more wall other than that everything was good whoop whoop Happy [Music] Day does your back hurt Trent my butt hurts why my back's fine actually why did why are you in pain I'm butt hurt your butt hurt I'm butt hurt cuz my butt hurts I just need a little booty massage that's what branded and grer for not me my back has been hurting so my glutes I think are like taking the load of my back and so my glutes are like overworked my back actually feels way better but my my glutes are now like suffering so think I just need to kind of take it easy maybe get a massage drink a lot of water I'm telling you it's sympy pain I'll be good in no time it might be sympathy pain I might be carrying a baby that's why my butt hurts that's a real thing it's enough it's enough talking about my butt though I think we're going to get to work here we got to get this place cleaned up and ready for drywall so we are going to start doing a massive cleaning job getting all of the junk out of here and then uh all the junk out of the bedrooms and the bathroom and the living room cuz tomorrow we're getting a drywall delivery I took a stroll top this evening when I heard music echo through the night the same old songs that I heard the night before so I started running so I wouldn't be too [Music] late I didn't think that I would ever see your face again but I was wrong yeah I was wrong [Music] here you go what are you up to today um we're staying home and doing lessons nice yeah that's awesome and you brought me some eggs we're watching our chickens today nice all right well give your mom a big hug for me okay thank you guys we've had three bananas that have just been like pretty much Brown turning into black for the last like 3 or 4 days that I've been meaning to make banana bread out of and just haven't done it and so this morning I was like great I'm just going to do it really fast do it right now and I got the part where we need just two eggs and realized that this morning Trent finished those last two eggs we only had three eggs we only had three eggs and Trent ate them all I didn't even know luckily our fantastic neighbors right next door uh have chickens and eggs and they were home and so my friend Aaron sent her kids over to bring us some eggs so the making of the banana bread can [Music] resume all right I've got everything on the ex unit disconnected and I'm ready to pull the mini split Minit wow that's a big day he's just going for it oh that's disgusting it's just bug GS oh my gosh there a thousand bugs just fell out of there I'm breathing it ew that filter needed to be changed ew so many dead bugs oh my gosh why don't you vacuum need a screw [Music] I have to disconnect everything first something clips into those it's way less Dusty than I expected for 3 years of being in there put right there that's gross what's your skin Alie G that's disgusting look at all them bugs that's nothing that's nothing I opened it up there's about 10 10,000 carcasses that fell out the lines that connect to this unit is like this huge like 20ft run and they're connected to the machine outside they're like kinked and messed up from this thing getting moved around all the time basically junk and uh I thought I could disconnect them on this end and maybe just buy a new line set it's not the case so we're going to cut it out there you may be able to solder a new line set onto it I don't really know but basically this thing is is going to be free Facebook Marketplace yeah one of our neighbors can try to use it woo oh gross it's a mosquito Cemetery over there none of them are mosquitoes I don't even want to know what they areth and stuff e you want to check it I do want to check it all right come check it hey I think it's probably not cooked all the way inside the outside is looking real nice though a little bit more I think another 15 minutes all right dinner is served I think we'll probably wait for it to cool down a little bit but I'm just happy that's for dinner yeah that's all we got tonight hope you're not too hungry I will never complain about banana bread no matter what meal it's for it looks [Music] delicious we've drunk coffee from here all the way down to Argentina through a lot of the Finas and some of the best growing coffee places on the planet I absolutely love coffee and I'm always searching out the best coffee and that's why I'm so excited to talk about today's sponsor today's video is sponsored by trade trade is empowering people to experience specialty coffee through curating the world's best coffee in one easy to find Place trade partners with over 55 of the nation's top local Roasters a lot of times when trade is shipped right to your front door as soon as the package comes into the house you can smell it but once you open it it's like a flavor bomb just went off in here they deliver the best atome coffee experience that is personalized to your tastes and preferences and each coffee is roasted and packaged to order and delivered on your schedule if you guys are really looking to get the best coffee that I've ever found and it comes directly to your door they roast it to order it is absolutely amazing right now trade has giving you guys a special offer if you click the link in our description or if you go to drink / Tren and Alley you'll get 30% off your first month I wanted to say thanks again to trade for sponsoring today's video and we're going to enjoy our coffee we're going to head out and get to work are you [Music] sleepy sleeping you're sleeping okay I called it I knew this was going to happen we are waking up to a drywall delivery but also like what 3 in of snow a sloppy mess that's for for sure so most people or most places around here got a little bit of rain maybe like some mixed snow and rain we got about 3 in of light fluffy snow up here it's not melting that quickly but at least the roads are just wet they're not snowy so our drywall delivery is happening they are on their way up right now Brandon's actually stuck behind them so soon as they show up we're going to be ready to start getting these drywall pieces into the addition I'm actually really interested to see how these guys are going to do it because lkl is pulling through doing an amazing job for us and they're delivering 4X 12 sheets of drywall so we don't have to finish nearly as many seams because there's you know such large pieces of drywall but navigating through the addition to get upstairs and into the bedrooms is going to be very [Music] interesting oh okay good morning morning how you doing good how are you good I heard you you spotted them I spotted them where are they happen they let me pass okay the roads are not ideal not great at all not ideal it's tough because they've been dry recently so it's been hard packed and nice but today they're so sloppy and slippery with the mud check those out those are for you how sparkly should we put them in your pocket what do you just say to Brandon you say thank you he has no words he's so excited can you say thanks for the Rocks you're welcome where are those from uh my house oh nice we got uh braxon like a kit that came with like a whole bunch okay you break them open with a hammer cool cool really cool so we just have a bunch of GE Theo loves rocks I know that's why I a good gift they're here they're they're coming so slow oh my goodness I'm so excited woo now can they get it up our driveway all right all right all right morning going up there here it's all going in the back and there not really a way around so you got to go [Music] through what is this ConEd right here this is a living room all right this is the living room yeah cuz I I broke it down by a room but I don't know yeah we have the living room right here yeah so this is all upstairs and a stairwell for the upstairs use for here but we can place it up here yeah I feel like it would have helped if I could leave a window open or something but I don't think you can get your truck close enough anyways I just don't want to stretch out that far yeah when we had them pouring the foundation for this the boom truck was like leaning and sinking into the mud just to get the back of the foundation oh yeah so clean in here it's amazing SE space yeah well this is super exciting that they were able to make it up here relatively easily the roads are not perfect but this is actually our first delivery of the entire season May 1st um is the day that we are allowed to start having big trucks um and construction deliveries up on the mountain before then it's just too muddy it's too it it deteriorates the roads too much things are just not dried out and stable enough to have big heavy delivery trucks driving on them so uh May 1st has come and gone and uh the drywall is here [Music] he's done this before this is why you hire the professionals baby so he's going to try to back up as close as he can get to the snowmobile trailer and then kind of whip the front end around whip it and then pull up this direction up to the ramp a little bit I don't know if that's actually going to happen or not this is a tight fit have to do an awesome powers maneuver right here nice dude he thinks he's going to be able to get it right there he's going to use his boom to pick up these like pallets of ins or of uh not insulation drywall he's going to pick up the pallets of drywall boom it up hopefully get it over the railing cool if you can get it over the railing then they'll just pull it off of the boom put it on a cart wheel it in the house and then carry it up the stairs won't be as hard as you know carrying it from the truck which is what I thought was going to happen so but he's not going to try to whip it he's not whipping he's whipping it right there okay slow down why you so many good man ain't it's actually really crazy because today is May 3rd and May first is the first day that you're actually allowed to start having big trucks come up here on our road so this has happened in basically the nick of time like we finished our insulation had our insulation inspection and now it's like the next day and we're allowed to have these trucks up here it's unfortunate that it snowed last night and the roads are super muddy and a mess but we got this big truck up here they're delivering all the drywall and honestly it's saving all of our backs and all the aggravation that we would have had trying to to load up all this stuff with Grayson and I and Brandon in trucks and just would have been a [Music] nightmare dry drywall my favorite a lot of drywall [Music] man it's crazy cuz last night Leo woke up two technically technically three times throughout the night and just needed to be put back to sleep and kind of calmed and reassured a little bit which is fine but that hasn't happened for a while or at least not that frequency in one night for a while and I'm just so not excited to do that every single night M five six seven times a night with a newborn I was telling Trent the other day I'm having a little bit of pre- regret I hope we didn't make a huge mistake by having another baby but no it's always a mistake okay it's always a mistake okay it's a good mistake a good mistake it all it's all temporary nobody has a newborn and a toddler and says wow I really think we made the right decision It's All Temporary it's all fleeting it's all a phase got to try to keep it in perspective you [Music] know a crane truck what's it doing it's moving it's moving things it's going to pick up the drywall and put it on the [Music] deck no I [Music] don't sure is getting those are long come on now M don't you hesitate grab my hand where we land I got the champagne knock it back get on track on gra this thing dble down roll the take now don't hey don't those 12T long sheets are large yeah those are big boys yeah how's it going down there we ran out of oh you wanted to help shuttle drywall in no didn't how nice is it to have people deliver and place materials [Music] [Music] all right so we're just sitting around here waiting for these guys to move all the drywall and we have some compo Grande Ico Tero Classico and Ally is really hungry for some meat she's looking for protein snacks so we're going to get her to try some of this we've had it for a little while but it's like shelf stable you can keep it forever and uh it's free range heirloom Iberian pork no nitrates looks really good looks healthy we're going to see if Val likes it all right my love how do you like your smoked paprika Iberian pork I don't want this I'm sorry just try a piece um it looks like something I would love to eat when I wasn't pregnant but I don't think I want this it's a good flavor I want we tried we're running out of high protein snacks so I'm looking for something that Ally can eat and uh I don't know if you guys know this but pregnant women can be a little picky you want to be a green guy okay yeah you want to operate the crane truck okay these guys unloading the drywall have the like neon yellow green vests on like the construction vests and Leo keeps calling them the green guys the green guys they're moving the stuff he's very very excited about the truck out here the drywall and uh he wants to be operating the crane himself is that cool yeah [Music] it is really crazy actually after we got this whole place cleaned up we've had so much like stuff and windows and the mini split and all different type of things like piled up tools materials in every single room and now that we've got all the rooms cleared out and like ready for drywall the space is feeling really big it feels like every room is much bigger it feels like this living room is enormous and this living room kind of feels large but it won't feel large once we get couches in here because it's actually not very big we have to have room for these doors to swing in and all different types of stuff and now the fireplace has bumped everything out so it's not as big as we were hoping but it's going to serve its [Music] purpose it's funny no matter how many times we try to tell him Frank just wants to lay right where we're trying to work soaking up the sun having a great time but definitely in the way drywall is in they're just bringing in the last of the mud uh the screws the tape these guys are about ready to take off and get out of here wow how excited are you I'm really excited it's just sad that it like basically took all day we're like pretty much ready to call it a day once these guys are done it's pretty Co we got all the drywall I don't know if you guys have any idea how long it would have taken us to get all of this drywall up here into the house we had to do it in truckloads man it would have taken probably two weeks and everyone's backs would be broken [Music] Lea what are you doing what are you doing out here and a Frank hello oh boy Frank come here get out of the way no Frank bye thank you so much welcome you guys are amazing thank you thank you the green guys really home yeah do you want to wave goodbye say bye green guys bye green guys see you later well we got all the drywall we got all the mud the tap I I was like give me 1,000 ft of tape doesn't look like enough wow yeah it's probably enough for a couple rooms okay not the whole house I feel like we have some in the garage still we do I think we have two of those rolls now is when the pain Begins the thing is we have all of the tools to do like Fast professional drywall installation and we've got a little bit of the experience now so I'm hoping that it goes a little bit faster than the house or even the basement we did pretty good in the basement none of it really looks good except for maybe like the bedroom we like spent some time on the walls and made sure the seams all looked good I got really long sections of drywalls so there's going to be minimal seams in pretty much all of the addition so I think that that's actually going to help us out by making very minimal seams it's going to be a lot less finishing and hopefully we can get it done in a relatively short amount of time but bear with us because drywall has begun you know what I am just feeling extremely grateful serious um the person at lkl is clayon he's a guy that has absolutely been a hero for us we had a little runin trying to get drywall back in 2020 most of you guys probably remember and clayon reached out absolutely hooked us up he's like not even our local lkl dealer he's like a whole valley away and he loaded up trucks brought everybody up here they did an amazing job so we used them for the garage we've now used them for the addition and these guys always knock it out of the park they're just amazing guys so if you're in the area and you need something lkl and Orum call and ask for clayon have him set you guys up because he's amazing yeah seriously clayon if you're watching this thank you so much but I think that's going to do it for us so if you guys enjoyed coming along on today's adventure make sure you show us by giving us a big thumbs up on today's video consider subscribing to our Channel if you haven't already and we'll see you guys on the next one [Applause] [Music] I wonder where you are
Channel: Trent & Allie
Views: 185,934
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: van life, vanlife, trent and allie, eamon and bec, trent and allie van, homesteading, tiny house, off grid, wild wonderful off grid, tiny house tour, life uncontained, good simple living, fabrats, let the building begin, revealing our floor plan, framing our home, chainsaw demolition, winter is coming, big things are happening, DIY, fail, miami, travel vlog, HVAC, renovation, a blizzard in april, we're stopping construction, we're hiring professionals, This has to happen today
Id: -t5RLmjn7bY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 4sec (1984 seconds)
Published: Mon May 13 2024
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