D. Wayne Lukas & Formula 707

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the Derby walk is suck it's special when you take a year and horse 50 probably water even raised and then you spend two years getting them to the ultimate race the Kentucky Derby and you make that big walk all through that crowd all the way around to the tunnel something else you hardly touched well if you went to my hometown in Wisconsin they second which is Derby day here and walk down Main Street which is about 6,000 people in the whole community and Main streets pretty short and asked him that there was a great sporting event gonna happen on that Saturday afternoon I bet you couldn't find three people who could tell you they're gonna run the Kentucky Derby so starting from there was tough but I ran into little county fairs and everything and of course that's hide your interests but every kid loves a horse every kid it's attracted to speed I don't think that anybody they had a pony any place didn't want to race it against together kids pony at some point so from that we've got a little bit more serious and next thing you know we're gonna fall back when I switched over from the quarter horses we're having so much success that I thought held we'll we'll do fine than this - and I told a couple of my buddies I said I'm gonna switch the thoroughbreds full-time and I'll be in one of these in two years and everybody rolled off the bed almost we're all in there in the motel listening to the Derby and I ran my first horse in the Preakness we want it it was codex in 1980 so I thought hell this is no big deal I didn't realize we're gonna take eight more years to get this one here when winning colors one in 88 I totally underestimated how tough this is and how humbling this race is this one's perfect for just all the all the guys that ever dreamed it it's from here at the top of the world we're looking down these are the four Kentucky Derby trophies that the trainer gets the Belmonts are here the Preakness is they're scattered in here I'm self-taught I've made a lot of mistakes but I never did train under anybody nor work under anybody and that's why I think I've reached out there's so many young people in our business a lot of the top trainers in the country on if you take the top 10 or 15 standings have come through this program so we're really proud of that this is not for everybody it's just too intense I think I miss four or five days in the last 12 years or something like that of coming to the mark that'll that'll tear up your social life that'll tear up to the golf game the fishing the vacations or anything else but it this is seductive as hell boy it'll get a hold in when you got a yearling crop coming in of good bread horses or horses that you bought in sales and then you could look forward to them to being two and then three into this situation Derby week or Preakness week that's what it's all about it doesn't take a lot if you're a horse lover doesn't take a lot of motivation anyhow we're pretty rowboat motivator we wouldn't be in the business the reality of this we're here about 16 17 hours a day at the barn so why do I have it be anything but pristine clean sharp and so forth when you as a potential client walk by here I want you to stop up there in the road and look at and say wow look at that spot I'd like to have my horse there so there's a certain amount of marketing there but of course the proof is you're gonna have to produce at some point and get some winners but we always felt that we're going to spend a lot of time here at least we're going to be comfortable I like things done well but the bottom line is this if you demand from your help this situation here where it's polished that person will carry that attitude into the stall and we'll do the same thing with the horse as a trainer you might take them too far not enough you might train them on a day you should have walked and walked up on the day you should have trained them there's all kinds of ways to get to the winter truck but there is probably no excuse for not giving him every opportunity from a health standpoint to get the best performance we're fanatic about it and as you know from your product and why we have even chose 707 is the simple reason that we think we give that horse the best chance to be healthy happy and run well we make sure that they are getting everything that we possibly can give them to give them the best chance to run their best race because that's one thing we can control we can't control the gene pool too much but can't control what that little jockey is going to do when the gate opens we can't control what the competition is going to do but we can control what we feed them and how they feel you
Channel: Formula 707
Views: 12,745
Rating: 4.8279572 out of 5
Keywords: The Kentucky Derby (Recurring Competition), D. Wayne Lukas (Hall Of Fame Inductee), Formula707
Id: 4RgZD683myI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 54sec (414 seconds)
Published: Fri May 01 2015
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