Désirée | English Full Movie | Drama History Romance

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[Music] well here you are finally heav D do you realize how late you are where were you I'll catch up your brother and sister and I have been very concerned about you I for walk a walk in the park are you trying to say that you took a walk through the park da it's bad managed to crumble your bread a walk in the park at this hour but that's foolish anything might happen to a young girl alone I wasn't alone I was a young man yes a young man he came into our shop just before closing time he wanted to look at some silk you walked about the town with this complete stranger he's not a complete stranger he introduced himself finish your soup Daisy Ray it's cold enough already but that's scandalous someone you met at the shop I still have my virtue Julie honestly you are impossible although he did hold my elbow I'm ashamed of you who tells her about these things Marie it's not proper this is not the way to behave you're no longer a child that's the first time anyone in this house has admitted that I'm no longer a child and you needn't be so unpleasant I did it all for you for me I told him all about you how beautiful you are and how bright was only half aive very clever of you Daisy re it's time Julie met some young men isn't it would be so much easier for all of us if she had a husband Marie will you kindly clear the table he's from Corsica the young man a refugee Refugee indeed adventur is more likely it is very dangerous in the times to assume oh not again it's been 5 years since the revolution but we don't know what this young man is about I told you he was about some silk anyway what I've been wanting to say is that I've invited them to visit us tomorrow to visit us then he has a brother he told me all about him two adventurers it's disgraceful they live in Mars the brother is visiting you will have to cancel that invitation but his brother is a general even General is a suspect in these days but I've never seen a real General close up sometimes yes sometimes sometimes my family makes me [Music] sick I'm sorry you didn't mean it I love my family I love you all e you'll have to accept one fact since Papa died I am the head of the family and I it really is not an upright thing to cancel an invitation is he handsome the one for me oh very handsome by daylight but I've not yet seen him by Moonlight these Adventures do they have a name bapad or bonapar something like that bapad what an impos possible name Madame good evening buap party sir Joseph buap party we were very happy you were able to accept my sister's invitation thank you sir my brother Napoleon we were also glad that you could come citizen General it was not difficult I had nowhere else to go my uh my brother means of course that no one else had been kind enough to invite what I mean is that after hearing Joseph tell of your Charming daughters I could have gone nowhere else met clar yes sh shall we uh be seated thank you citizen General thank you we shall have some wine presently well you you have a lovely Garden it's early yet but when the lilacs are out and the climbing roses around the summer house that is the Roses arriv now but in the Autumn the lilacs your brother is very young to be a general that is not necessarily Madame Lafayette was a general at 20 has your brother been a general long since last year when he commanded the troops that drove the English out of tulong too long that is mzelle I'm sure you've heard of it have you not sometimes my ignorance is beyond belief would it be Indiscreet citizen General to inquire whether or not you're an aity on official business I have no command at present but I shortly expect to be in charge of the Italian campaign Italian but we're not at war with Italy it's my own personal idea I've made it known robespier is it true that robespier has forbidden dancing in the streets and has closed all the houses of pleasure in Paris this please forgive my sister sometimes shees your sister has the happy faculty of saying the first thing that comes into her mind she's without guile a quality almost unbelievable in a woman uh daer does not drink wine yet why not wine is very helpful very strengthening please young girls do not need strengthening if you will permit me one slight contradiction Madam they often do yes citizen Clary we must PR son to offensive war in Italy offensive War it is our sacred duty to instill into all the European peoples our great idea of Liberty equality and fraternity and if necessary with the help of Canon and now which one of you two ladies would be kind enough to show me your garden you were staring at me in the Parlor what were you staring at your uniform I didn't think a general could be so shabby you must be very poor I am Des tell me when do you think my brother and your sister will be married married yes soon I trust they're made for each other I spoke to Joseph about it last night but last night they had not even met last night you and I had not even met and here we are arm in- arm in a magic GB flowers blooming music playing we must Harry or we loose exactly confess you must have thought yesterday when you invited Joseph it would be a good idea for your sister to marry him I thought nothing of the sort you must never 10 with me Des wait we'd better give them a chance to get better acquainted before they're betro I should like to know why you were so concerned about this marriage sh I'll tell you your family is obviously very well to do and I'm sure that your father left a considerable doy for you and your sister do you mean your brother would want to marry Julie only for her DIY how can you say that she's a lovely girl in many ways she's almost as lovely as yourself I'm sure that Joseph finds her delightful and they will be very happy together I'm going to tell Julie every word you said exactly that's why I'm explaining it to you so carefully you see I want my family to be well settled Joseph will be the first the others will have to wait until after my Italian victories and you think you can make people do just a as you wish that life will come out just as you plan it have you ever heard of Destiny DIY desire desired one it's a beautiful name it becomes you I will probably kiss you before very long and not for your dar they play the marcier every night in the park it's always the last number today that song is played throughout France tomorrow it will be played throughout Europe a ragged Army marching on wooden shoes and you do not believe in destiny no one knows what's ahead strange most people say that I know what's ahead I'm one of The Men Who Make History laugh when I'm afraid I I always try to laugh you lied wine is not [Music] strengthening I wish the night could have gone on and on and on what are you doing I'm starting the diary papa gave me at last I have something to write in it did he kiss you Julie did yours kiss you please a girl allows herself to be kiss own well she allows up you're still too young to understand these things how again it happen so quickly are you having a Daydream up there oh what were you thinking about I was thinking that life is really very simple life is never simple but I agree being in love helps to make it less complicated well this is a rather attractive piece oh it's too brittle this piece is better see those gold threads woven through that gives it Vitality it won't go to Pieces Like Your vitality you're a born silk Merchant stud papar always said it was in my blood this is for Julie's G quite unfashionable we haven't sold a yard of that since the revolution but the ladies in Paris still dress the ladies in Paris are no longer ladies today everything they wear is transparent oh surely not everything General want have a party yes we went first to your Barrack sir but they told us we could find you here little what is it warrant for the arrest of Citizen General Bonaparte Napoleon was this issued with the knowledge of Citizen robes I regret to inform you citizen ropes beer was guillotine in Paris 3 days [Music] ago I must go with him please and my family but I don't know where they live 17 R pavilon even on a warm summer day the uniform of a sergeant of the Republican Army should be fastened according to regulations but where will they take you I don't know it doesn't matter wait for me I'll be [Music] back what have I said from the start Adventurer now this will be the end of him [Music] Nao I've just been released I came straight here you must be cold only my feet come and sit down I have many things to tell you was it very bad no no especially when one considers the little packages I hope you got them all I did the books the wine the cakes and the underdrawers were they the right size almost what happened they charged me with plotting against the government but the men in the ministry of Defense are gentlemen and when they found they had no evidence against me they ordered me to duty I'm so glad you're free I'm report at once to the special mission of tracking down hidden royalists will it be dangerous I'm an artillery expert I'm not a policeman it'll keep me away from the front bury me let me be forgotten will you you could ask for a discharge you might join Ain in The Firm are you mad do you realize that I'm the best General in France do you seriously believe that I would sell ribbons in a silk shop I didn't mean to offend you is anyone there come in the house who's there who is it it's me General bour aarte it can you you're in prison you'll get wet anyway what are you doing here in the middle of the night in this weather Napoleon be still with whom are you talking he's talking to me General you owe me an explanation I will give you an explanation I have the honor to request the hand of your sister in marriage no with all my strength no one Bor a party is quite enough in a family Jer come in the house at once did you mean that or were you just angry about my hand how could one help being angry your brother shouts at me like a loon and you ask me to become a ribbon Peddler obviously I meant it I came here directly from prison with the express purpose of asking you to marry [Music] me will you marry me yes oh yes you better go in no it's lovely out here I must go now say goodbye to my family I'm leaving for Paris in the morning to Paris yes I must speak with a gentleman in the ministry but you can't if you go to Paris you'll be disobeying your orders and perhaps I'll be shot can you loan me some money well I only have 98 Franks in my Bureau 98 Franks will do throw them down when you get upstairs I'll go to Paris and convince them and when I come back we'll be married please please remember that I love you [Music] oh Paulette have you ever seen such silk oh isn't this a lovely piece of material oh dear well this will make a beautiful gown don't you think I told you a 100 times our Sil is not to be handled by any of you just because your brother Joseph married my sister is no reason why I have to put up with the entire buap parte family oh it's not bonapar any longer yes yes I know he changed it bonapart Napoleon bonapart well it is easier to pronounce frankly I wish I'd never heard it the next time you write your brother you can tell him that deser will not wait forever she hasn't heard from him in months well that's because he's having such a wonderful time in Paris you know he stops with all the diplomats and politicians and he spends most of his time in salons like Madame Talan all the famous people gather there and they drink champagne all day long and flirt with each other in the little rooms oh a man who spends his time in such a manner doesn't deserve to marry a girl like d ouch D where you going to Paris d who is she the Bohan Josephine Josephine what is it you wish Melle oh I I wish to go in have you an invitation no but I believe I know someone who may be in there are you a friend of Madame talens no but well if you have no escort I cannot allow you to enter now if you'll kindly but I must go in but I have told you you cannot enter unless you are a personal friend or are with a gentleman ladies like you must keep to the Rose and on array now if you don't mind oh I'm very sorry citizens it was really my fault you're quite right oh I beg your pardon but I should like to belong to you this is hardly the time or the place no I I mean for a few moments only until we get inside you see I must go in and I have no escort please forgive me I I shouldn't have bothered you no bother Whom Shall I announce General your name CZ and the rest of you General John Baptist berat and citizen Des [Music] day you found him yet no how did you know what a surprise what a pleasant surprise General Bernard I've just returned from the front Madam taliana as always was my first pleasure is to join your magic cirle oh the soldier from the front is flattering but I see you've already found a companion in Paris yes by a happy chance the moment citiz as des and I saw one another we fell into each other's arms well oh friend or not my dear you're going to have to share him with us come along I want to show you the most [Music] fantastic he was a waiter my dear a waiter and now he's Madame re's lover oh it is so low my dear that my never be in a hurry people will not stand for the bread shortage much longer after all they did not win a revolution for [Music] [Music] that is he teaching you to speak cican madam [Laughter] it's impossible for you to understand anything simple M ton I love Napoleon and he loves me believe me it's not your soul he loves nor your body it's your influence oh come now you forget yourself yes I fear so but I am Carried Away by the truth perhaps you do seek Glory my darling but we won't begrudge him that will we The Pursuit Of Glory creates only a Great Hero contempt of it creates a great man perhaps the pursuit of an extraordinary woman can create both you're rapidly becoming an expert at [Laughter] that yes as well everyone a toast a toast to General Napoleon bonapart and our beloved Josephine may they be as happy married as they are single please remember that I love you Melle what is it [Music] matter [Music] [Music] [Music] e [Music] let me go come I'll take you home no leave me alone put me [Music] down drive along anywhere yes sir back to Madame Talan no anywhere yes sir yes ma'am [Music] I I disgraced you Madame tellon I should apologize I apologize I'm not sorry for anything else I threw champagne at her dress on purpose champagne leaves spots she's far more beautiful than I am a lady of the world I really must try not to cry so much I'll get your coat w don't worry Tears Don't Leave spots we would have been married I believed in him as I never believed in another human being now without a word he just really doesn't have to be the end of everything oh it does it does in the life of every woman there is only one great love it's so how can you that certain he says so in all the novels it must be true I uh really don't like discussing another another man's Affairs but there is something you should know about General bonapart aside from his interest in Josephine he was engaged for a long time to the daughter of a wealthy silk Legend oh in mys his brother's married to his sister so you see he wouldn't have married you in any case his choice was was between a bumpkin with a large DIY and a Paramore with useful connections unfortunately you have neither diary nor connections how do you know that I can tell by looking at you perhaps that's why you're so [Music] attractive would you allow me to call on you tomorrow aren't you in love with her what happened who Madame tell you no I'm in love with you oh I can't bear generals none of you well there are generals and Generals again would you allow me to call on you tomorrow no perhaps I'm too old I'm leaving Paris tomorrow for my I'm I'm leaving Paris tomorrow and I'm never going to return good night thank you truly many thanks don't worry I'll go in and stay no it's not that it's just a what I said just now I was teasing of course in a way but you are the very most attractive oh it wouldn't do General really not it isn't that you're too old for me but you can see for yourself I'm much too short for you December 15th 1797 I suppose by now the whole world knows Napoleon bonapart his face is everywhere they call him the strong man of France ever since he conquered Italy just as he said he would and he certainly has taken care of his family whoever thought Joseph would be ambassador of the French Republic here in Rome anyway I'm glad Julie asked me to come and stay with them Mar has too many memories and who knows diplomatic life may be interesting diplomatic life is dull dull dull and this Gloomy Palace these cold floors and high ceilings and these awful statues at any moment I expect them to turn into fountains spouting water from all sorts of unlikely places and it's always so so drafty one thing is certain I hate [Music] palaces you are glad you came to Paris with us aren't you yes you're quite sure you wanted to come to his dinner party yes we'll be close by if well now that he's married to Josephine of course do you feel anything for him anymore no [Music] no his Excellency and Madame Joseph bonapart and Melle Desiree Clary Julie Madam Joseph M welcome to malm Mand it was good of you to have come the Delight is completely mine Madame good evening it's inconceivable the little girl I once knew desire you've become a tempress you've not seen me in a long time Jen too long your success as our ambassador in Vienna has seen I intend to stay in Paris as long as Joseph and Julie are here General and I shall see that they remain indefinitely then the tradition of the great French diplomats now benad out you know my brother and his wife and you seem to be acquainted with the young lady no I don't recall what I am Joseph Judy come and meet everybody well allow me to present her then mm CL General Jean Baptist [Music] Bernard the British Isles can never be invaded with the sea but there is another way now can you imagine Battalion after Battalion transported across the channel by air by air huge balloons constructed to remain a loft for hours each carrying a half a dozen men inventors have shown me the designs fantastic possibilities all of this of course we'll have to wait it is now safe to reveal something that Bernard d and a few others already know in a few weeks I shall leave for the Egyptian campaign we will sail from Tong with 400 ships and 2,000 pieces of artillery with the pyramids as a base we will unite the East and the West 40 centuries will look down upon us and we will not disappoint them what do you make of it burnard up Egypt oh um it will prove that Canon is more effective than bow and arrow you misjudge my motives victory in Egypt is necessary it to one more step in bringing order and peace to Europe order and Peace by Conquest I tell you frankly if I were Minister of Defense I'd forbid you to sail well then we must make certain that you not made Minister of Defense at least until after I depart General bernot doesn't approve of Conquest not even of ladies it must have been painful for you without one in Vienna at court I mean at court and elsewhere perhaps you never found the right lady I found her once but she simply vanished I drink to her memory this one over here is called the da of a l I've seen it somewhere yes it used to hang in Italy and I borrowed it her smile reminds me of your wife's your tone is cold did you expect it to be otherwise I thought I'd done everything I could to make matters up to you by sending me every eligible bachelor you knew I chose only my most trusted Aid soldiers who have distinguished themselves in the field of battle I am not a decoration to be awarded to some deserving officer it's time you were married believe me only in marriage can a woman find the real meaning in life I should like to throw these candlesticks at you well if you must at least let's not set fire to the place D day I must make you understand without Josephine I could not have achieved command in Italy as a result of that Deeds await me of which the present generation cannot even dream these chuckleheads who call me bloodthirsty mad ambitious I'm none of these I am the French Revolution and I shall know how to protect it the crown of France is in death reput it lies in the gutter it's needs only to be picked up with a point of a sword do you understand that do you I don't I'm not certain we must be friends always the gardens are lovely here in elmone but a chestnut trees and a lake with black and white swans and a Charming little building no I I don't want to walk in the garden with you again [Music] ever would you object Madame if I invited your sister for a little Drive well of course General any afternoon I meant right now yes right now but it's after dark only a little after dark [Music] [Music] [Music] Julie [Music] silk Merchant's daughter from my why didn't you tell me I was too proud I was too confident I called next day at the house on the route to back they would tell me nothing about you I asked them not to thereby caused us to waste three complete years but I thought of you many times have I changed you're more nourished and I no longer hate Paris it must be the loveliest place in the world I never want to leave all right except that I'll probably be in command of troops again soon but I found a house which would be perfect for you and the child what child our child of course ordinarily I'm a man of maners and protocol i' I'd call on you and your family I'd bring you flowers take you to the theater i' i' do whatever is required of a man before he proposes but 3 years is enough time to waste oh no [Music] please there no help for [Music] it you're the second man I've ever kissed do it again [Music] I was born in a small city called po in gasy my father was a clerk in a lawyer's office I joined the army when I was 17 not the second girl I've ever kissed I don't mind really I I'm not apologizing one more statistic ever since the moment I left you that night in the rout to bik I've been in love with [Music] you I met him first I loved him you would always know that you still love him I haven't found out yet I hope not you think you could ever be in love with me I think so my sweet general of the bridge then we better risk the other perhaps it doesn't matter that I no I meant perhaps it doesn't matter that I'm too short for you the truers is already I embroided the Monograms long ago bees but I didn't know they'd be for Bernard [Music] dot look at him his face is crab red he looks so offended perhaps it's because we named him Oscar you can be sure I had nothing to say about it it's a hideous name it is a noble name it belong belongs to a Nordic hero may we join this happy occasion of course we're honored we've come to pay our compliments to the Bernard do Dynasty thank you well how small he is they're always small at the beginning oh I brought these for you oh they're beautiful they're from our Gardens at meso oh lovely I'll put them in a ours excuse me may I come with you please Dad come all right quiet I hear that you're not pleased about my return from Egypt the Commander's places with his troops I returned to the place I was needed most the situation here is desperate riots corruption political murders the government won't last out the month I've tried and tried to grow stems like these I do Envy you your roses I EnV you your son someday I hope we'll come to visit one of yours in Napoleon's it's kind of you to hope that but strange isn't it that with my first husband I didn't really wish for children and I to quite quickly before I was 20 in fact not speaking of leadership you suggest is dictatorship with you as the dictator I tell you what is up to us berad the general of the army to save the Republic what do you object to your methods I see well I must know who supports me and who does not if forces finally to be used where do you stand if you came here to ask me to join you in treason I must ask you to leave my house your husband is very stubborn man [Music] right that on the 9th of November in the year 1799 Napoleon bonapart was proclaimed the First Council of the French Republic but those who tried to walk out of the Chamber of deputies and protest were turned back at the exits by the bayonets of bonapart AIDS what if we're forced to flee I could dress as a boy you've been reading novels again Del have you heard Joseph's to be foreign minister and we're moving to the twer Josephine is going to do everything over it's all so dingy and oldfashioned her Apartments to be in white imagine me Julie clar in the twer you're not still writing your diary how funny why funny because everything's so different I uh I have an order from the first General Berard is to report to him tomorrow at 11: so very different the nation has chosen me as its Guardian we've averted Civil War Bernard I ask you to join my Council of State why do you do this because France cannot afford to lose one of our most able men listen to me bernot listen to some of the things I plan I a unified code of laws a bank of France we need new roads and harbors I will abolish all hereditary titles all these things and more a new program for the Republic you are the last man of consequence to oppose it I have never opposed the Republic then you accept well I'm delighted I'm delighted for yourself as well as for your wife she was never one to lurk about an Alleyways pasting up inflammatory posters and bernadat if you choose to number your your among my friends well you will be most welcome I give you my loyalty I cannot promise you affection Oscar it's time for your lunch Daisy Ray you're late already for the coronation rehearsal the old Dragon Gets Grouch every year mama will you have wor ground to bed I don't know dear may be too heavy for him not for Napoleon emperor of the French remember that night he came to visit us in Mars would you ever have dreamed it then no but I'm sure he did he always felt nothing was beyond him look mama I'm a marshall of French just like Papa did you know that one was supposed to call a marshall my Lord even his wife well I never hear you do it oh I do but only in our bedroom d the interior of notam dressed for his Majesty's coronation behold if you please his majesty L Her Majesty the Imperial orb so the scepter thus the sword of shamine thus you ladies each a wife of a marshal of France accordingly now the organ peels the procession begins lightly gracefully and above all joyously her majesty starts so the your highest sisters of his gracious Majesty lift the train of Her Majesty's Ro I told you I'm not going to carry the train nor I if she can't pull it by herself let her walk out her knes M I implore you it is his Majesty's expressed wish not if he throws me out of France M I'm berot we haven't seen you in some time how is your family very well your majesty your little boy is he growing fast very fast thank you your majesty what is it m de your majesty she is the Emperor sister but she is also the wife of a marshall well 18 Marshall's wives nine pairs side by side but she is also to help carry your Majesty's train this leaves 17 ladies only and how can 17 ladies form to's none to walk by herself might I be a assistance in this difficult and strategic operation you see we will have only 16 Marshall's wives in the procession the extra one the oddwin will carry one of Her Majesty's lace handkerchiefs the on no pillow now I think that'll be a very poetic touch a stroke of Genius your majesty now I think we should allow uh Madame U Madame Berard do responsibility of this I think she will look lovely in sky blue sky blue isn't becoming to me I haven't worn it in years yes well proceed I will watch Ladies If you please your positions organized so your majesty if I may be permitted so now ladies we remember our position as we rehear them so your maest Madam Her Majesty's train I implore you Madame benad your position if you please so music one and two and three and four and 1 and 2 and three and four and than gracefully joyously happily left and right and but seems to be the difficulty we refuseed to carry her train Madame we're made to do the job of Paige girl you've heaped honors on everybody and what are we your own sisters nothing well what exactly do you wish to be if you want to know a princess yes a princess I thought I treated my family with more distinction than they deserve you are a Marshall's wife your husband is in the Ministry of Finance a fiddle player you are the CEST Bor gu yes you may Mary the only man I knew with whom I wasn't the tiniest bit in love S I beg that in your graciousness you grant your sister's requests so then we may get on with this rehearsal princesses of what of where very well new now each of you is an imperial highness a princess now will you kindly arise and carry the Train Your Majesty s it is about the virgins what about them none can be found at court well why must we have them it was your Magic's command that the coronation be modeled in every detail after the medieval ceremony at ranas thus 12 virgins must walk to the altar after the anointing of the emperor gentlemen this is your problem I'm sure that there are at least 12 suitable young ladies left in France in sky blue last week the Army even drafted the son of The Coachman do you know how old he is he is 15 what country will he die in Bavaria Spain I tell you they are taking boys are 15 I know Marie my nephew is at the Austrian front my brother's only son they marched him away with roses tied to his musket everything went wrong they can't find any virgins and Josephine's Crown was delivered late and doesn't fit properly she and Napoleon are having a church wedding tonight popor Crown as they do they only had a civil ceremony before you know what's this it came for you this afternoon no from the Imperial household and I'm to have a special role I don't dance in with all the other wives I come in all alone carrying Josephine's handkerchief on a cushion isn't that quaint except that he's asked me to wear sky blue which I detest I don't care for you having a special role he wishes it what did you say the emperor wishes it I can't very well do anything about it the emperor wishes it sure every time he sees you the comedy the Opera his receptions now but that's ridiculous do you realize how long it's been since [Music] here I'm nothing but a memory to him yes memory he'd undoubtedly like to refresh Madame La marishal in Mar you were kind enough to lend me some of your savings so that I might travel to Paris this journey has brought me Good Fortune it is an obligation I take pleasure in in meeting today the amount involved at the time was was 98 Franks thank you if he cannot forget it's because I part of his youth I won't go to the coronation I'll stay in bed with a cold I'm seriously ill with a cold in the head and sore throat cannot take part in the coronation ceremony I love you very much I'm not going to [Music] cry [Music] [Applause] all [Music] GL [Music] he he ground [Music] himself [Applause] [Music] a long time ago I pressed these roses Josephine brought me even then I think she knew what would happen and later I remember the way she looked at him at the coronation just five years back almost to the day well this is one of his Affairs I won't attend this time I am staying in bed with a cold I don't have for several years P I've lost all hope of having children for my beloved wife the empress Josephine yet the political necessities of my monarchy require that I leave HS to the throne on which Providence has placed me the interests of France demand the dissolution of our marriage I wish to state that my marriage is an obstacle to the welfare of the nation as I no longer expect to be able to to fulfill my obligation to fulfill my obligations I am resigned to my luck I owe everything to his Majesty's kindness as occupant of the throne on which he placed me I have received abundant testimony the love and affection of the French people it is with regard to these sentiments that I consented the wishes of my August consel you the only one who stayed away perhaps I was the only one who knew how you really felt it's why I in for you I wanted someone with me who knew how I really felt I'm to leave in the morning the workmen are coming to redecorate the rooms you were the only one who stayed away her majesty wishes to retire now you can finish that that in morning not her majesty anymore please take the rest of this it'll help you to sleep oh I had so much already you threw a glass of champagne at me once I made you very unhappy forgive me I didn't mean to it's long ago and long since healed you you ought to tint your hair desire when you wash it just a little give it a reddish glow it would be lovely yes mam it would be lovely she's she's only 18 you know that Mary Louise that Austrian princess he's marrying she's a she's a hpsb the hapsburgs are very prolific she'll have no end of little princes no end of little hapsburg bonart I must leave now Madam it's he he always knew I couldn't have a child by him I told him so I even told him why he always knew desert always don't desert him Des when he loses power he'll need someone who's there me who's me I was just leaving well to begin with what are you doing here I wonder myself Her Majesty sent for me oh for consolation I suppose how very inventive of her to choose you I always Envy josephina's sense of theater you are unkind s she is truly heartbroken well don't whistle so with pity she leaves here with 700 dresses 250 hats 3 million Franks A year has she been crying yes well she would cry for several days and have a facial massage and go out and Order 10 new girls if you'll just show me the way out of here the door to the hall is there don't you want to put your shoes on first Des citizen deser tell me how is that fine fellow your brother he's been living here for some time there is now a Paris branch of clar and Son oh yes Clarian son I remember you wanted me to go to work for him selling ribbons I believe yes your majesty well we are quite different people now aren't we or are we the same if I may have my shoes please it's a Pity you're married to badot well to the Future then Marie Louise of Austria politically she is very desirable and there is a certain look of fertility about her don't approve of this marriage I do not approve of your divorce S I marry and divorce for France and will you kindly stop calling me S this belonged to the last Austrian to inhabit these quarters Mar onet the new Austrian will undoubtedly want wals I never learned teach me I cannot not here Here and [Music] Now we are different I will not try to kiss you again let us wals no we will [Music] wals no you you have to keep on [Music] turning 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 [Music] 2 3 2 3 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 2 our armies are everywhere now even in Spain and my husband's been heaped with honors Oscar likes best Denmark's order of the elephant but John Baptist Treasures this one from Sweden since he's been wounded and sent home this last time I've seen him look at it often with the most curious [Music] smile [Music] di di wake up what do you wake up hurry put something around you why must I wake up what is it papa is there a new war you'll hear all about it just hurry there've been rumors for some time I didn't want to tell you help b a robe anything do you understand no I don't understand a thing as Chamberlain of his meditate Charles 13th I have the honor to report that the Swedish Parliament has unanimously elected Jean Baptist Bardot heir to the throne of Sweden he to the throne King Charles wishes to adopt Marshall bernot as his beloved Son and receive him in Stockholm as Crown Prince oh that would mean that I'd be Crown princess of Sweden Mam and eventually queen queen but I don't know how to be a queen we regret that you have not had time to become accustomed to the idea we shall await your decision I'll make it quickly your gentleman must have had a long and tiring Journey you must join us in a glass of wine Look Papa three crowns and a lion what a beautiful coat of H please tell me why Sweden chose my husband Madame badad has not occupied herself with Affairs of State gentlemen Madame for a century now the importance of Sweden as a great nation has been fading our present King is very old he is childless if he dies without an air there are certain forces within the nation that may provoke Civil War that happens our country May well disappear we are an ancient State Madame we want to survive but my husband is not a swed precisely we need fresh blood we need a man of stature that Europe respects to be honest we need a marshall of France and Bernard is the only Marshall who is not serval to Napoleon but I have to learn Swedish and I I'm terrible at languages but your Royal Highness I trust it will be your Royal Highness may I teach you your first Swedish word skull skull SC SK SK skull skull well youve submitted a remarkable request berad you wish to surrender your French citizenship and resign from the Army I can respect a man's desire to ascend the throne but to change his nationality is strange and incomprehensible my brother Joseph king of Spain that he remains a French citizen Louie is king of Holland but he wouldn't thank anyone for calling him a Dutchman Jerome of West failure Marshall mura Caroline's husband king of Naples all rulers yet all still Frenchmen I'm quite sure Madam Bernard out that you have given considerable thought to this matter I have sire do you know where Sweden is the North Pole crowned princes of icicle land in more ways than one teller tan something of Swedish called ceremony it is very rigid Madame the Swedish Royal house is extremely conventional my feet hurt sire may I sit down the Swedish Royal house is also M the Pres King is incapable of pronouncing one coherent sentence one before him was opposed because he was insane really since I hope to join that monisa I must ask you not to insult it I request your decision your majesty England has been breaking our Continental blockade through Sweden what a joke on the English a French Marshall on the Swedish Throne very well benadon go to Sweden but of course I cannot allow you to renounce your citizenship it would be impossible I will call upon you should the frontiers of France need defending that will not become necessary since France no longer has any Frontiers his majesty is suggesting that with you in Stockholm the um shall we say the interests of France and Sweden would always coincide I should of course always serve the interests of Sweden and the interests of France I should serve the interests of my former country whenever they do not conflict with the interests of Sweden can it possibly be that you have forgotten what your former country meant to you can it be that you have forgotten the battlefields on which you fought and the armies which you LED is it possible that you have forgotten the ideals of your youth I remember the ideals of my youth s there are times when I feel they have been betrayed go on I've watched you juggle the Thrones of Europe I've seen you make kings and queens of your brothers and sisters they rule uneasily their subjects despise them I will not be a puppet to be moved at your pleasure if I go to Sweden it will be as the Swedish Crown Prince or not at all Sweden may not possess the grander of Spain the climate of Naples it possesses something far richer a free Parliament it has chosen me to rule it freely I will govern according to my own ideas and those of my people will you remind him that he is a Frenchman and that his Emperor has a right to command him you were born to command Z I was not born to obey you will remain a marshal of France and when there are new Wars you will lead one of my armies and furthermore you will add your Swedish regiments to ours would you make me a greater man than Yourself by obliging me to refuse a crown Madame is this your wish it is my wish sir very well I see you have your interest and I have mine your Royal H is with love Stockholm it's a beautiful city they call it the Venice of the north I prefer the Venice of the South I put on my Woolen underdrawers and I'm still freezing don't worry no one's going to look under my skirts [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I hate palaces finally the royal family requests that you stop sliding across the throne room with Oscar there a you must learn a little restraint that is the most difficult thing of [Music] [Applause] all I just can't cope with any of it not any of it I walk wrong I curtsy wrong I wrong I can't even manage the names count lenal Baron Len Helm Chancellor V ding home dur Garden everything is with an the royal family has suggested a few tutors tutor Jean I haven't been able to learn anything since I was 10 oh I'll try I'll try Luben l l Ved l v [Music] helped [Music] Springs the flowers will and white the wi night the drifting snow SN I wanted to ask you my dear daughter whether you feel you are fulfilling your duties as Crown princess of Sweden I don't know your majesty you don't know my your daughter well I can't judge I've never been a Crown Princess before it is extremely unfortunate that you do not know but I will tell you how a Crown Princess does not fulfill her duties a Crown Princess does not fall asleep in public at court function she remains awake and Converses graciously she does not act as if she is DEA and dumb I am sorry your majesty but I keep still so as not to embarrass my husband I sometimes say things which prove to be embarrassing my Crown Princess does not allow her servants to call her by her name Marie but she's called me Desiree all my life a Crown Princess does not wander to the streets alone inspecting the silk stores and why not I used to be in the business I must insist that you forget what you used to be I'm sorry our Majesty but I forget nothing and nobody you will have to in the future your behavior is already one burden to the swed people do not permit your origin to become another if I may leave now no my daughter you may not I am leaving your majesty I am leaving Sweden may I announce your o yourness no thank you I'm accustomed to seeing my husband without being announced but I'm obliged to announce your o who obliges you to tradition your Royers for centuries don't fret I won't upset your tradition much longer Roy is there something particular diing yes I wish to speak to you I'll wait until you finished it's a question of uh breaking off trade with England or defying Napoleon there are no other choices we must maintain peace with Napoleon Napoleon's idea of peace is that no one should venture to oppose him I will not allow him to dictate our trade policy if your Royal Highness keep to that there will be resistance I hope you will consider your own position I fully realize that I'm still on probation here in Sweden you're uh uh gentlemen I believe we'll continue this another time now if you'll tell me what is so important that the Council of state must stop for it I had a dreadful scene with the queen I was unspeakable but so was she don't be angry with me Jean batis please don't how can I not be angry did you hear what we were discussing do you make any effort to know what goes on in the world Napoleon is set on a new blood bath for Europe someone must stop him somewhere and you ask me to concern myself with a spat between you and the queen well whatever it's about perhaps The Queen Is Right I came to tell you that I'm leaving I'm going home you are home I'm sorry Desiree I'm tired I'm upset these days look there's Oscar in the front r [Music] why do they always March into battle with music helps them to keep in step you'll make a good soldier someday he'll make a good prince and a good King like his father do you know what they call his mother The Foreigner that is why I must return to France I only embarrass you here I lower your prestige more every day say that you will let me go Jean do not ask me to say it when your position here is stronger and the people accept you completely I will come back when will that be not until Napoleon has stopped will there be any security for me me or peace for anyone I cannot let you go I cannot do without you dearest you cannot do with me there's too much at stake you know it why do you look at me like that because you're right because I love you because he will see you again when it's spring in Paris I'll go go to our bridge look out at the S and [Music] remember oh let's go back to the [Music] table I'm so glad I made you come after all it's an occasion and you've been here eight months and living like a nun skull Happy New Year happy New Year [Music] desire the EMP [Music] I regret that Affairs of State kept me from joining you until now and I asked my son to be with us here on this eve of a great year for France to the health of his young Majesty he's damp I heard that your Royal he return to France some time ago may I ask what caused you to leave your own country the cold sire so the cold members of visiting Royal houses usually request an audience when they visit my Capital courau courtesy I did not think your majesty overly concerned himself with matters of courtesy you were madame since you are no longer a citizen you remain in France because of my courtesy 1 2 3 1 2 3 you do well your majesty I was taught well your Royal [Music] Highness that must be the real reason why she left Sweden yes she's still in love with him he's still in love with her I'm sure of it oh my brother in his Affairs he's such a fool when do you plan to return to stockhold Madame when it is no longer cold there sir do you not miss your son only a little less than I miss his [Music] father in the meantime your husband is playing a dangerous game reports reach me that Sweden is discussing an alliance with Russia now how true is this I only know that Sweden wishes to remain at peace impossible the time has come for choosing sides do you realize that in a few days I will send the greatest army of all time to Russia and after Russia England urge your husband to win our friendship not our enmity for your own sake I'm sorry but I know nothing about politics you would do well to take me seriously you forget I was the first person who ever took you seriously you've developed Aire ladies and gentlemen answer me has the nation ever had such a a lovely hostage last this matter I was working on earlier tonight is an order to Marshall Dev Vu it instructs him to march across Sweden to cover the Left Flank of our approach to Russia technically that puts us at war with Sweden and her Royal Highness is my hostage but I offer her my protection the emperor's First Act in the new year was to disregard the neutrality of another country no my last act in the old year the church bells will ring with our victories before next New Year's Eve I will sleep in [Applause] [Music] Moscow [Music] la Daisy ray da Marie thank the Lord it was a dream it was terrible Marie I saw Oscar on the battlefield he was all grown up and wounded and bleeding and blood everywhere Bon aart is here Daisy Ray he is here he has returned from Moscow just now allow me your Royal Highness I am General kangor the emperor's Aid no one in Paris knows that we have returned we have ridden for many days and nights did you obtain that dressing in Sweden no it's from Paris better be coming Marie bring some Brandy please you seem surprised to see me of course and yet we're old friends as I remember why should you be surprised at my visit the late hour and the fact that you come unshaven yes forgive me I seem Tove forgotten about it in the last few days may I ask where no no you may not ask anything calling cor should like to be alone with her Royal Highness of mind thank you sir your Royal famus I was about to ask why I am honored with this unexpected call this call is no honor I'm here on a mission I have come from the steps of Russia where my soldiers lie buried the ones that still live are Snowblind and they whimper and cry like children who do not understand what has happened to them I have come from a land where men crawl under their dead cets to keep warm how can I send a Shaw I'm needing a Shaw for my nephew help me to get it to him he needs it there I have the number of his regiment he will be easy to find your majesty has corers he needs it the shaw this warm Shaw I'm knitting a Shaw to Russia for my 100,000 debt for my frozen graders a gray warm Shaw for my Grand Army go to bed Dar go to bed do you know who met with the are before the Battle of Moscow do you know who advised him to burn the city so that my troops could not win to there do you know who suggested that I be taken prisoner during my retreat yes I'm sure I know my husband yes your husband your husband I want you to write him a letter a personal letter immediately perhaps if it comes from you he might remember that that he once was a Frenchman I wanted to tell him that I returned to Paris to prepare the final defeat of my enemies tell him that I offer him an alliance and tell him that I would like Marshall bernadat to March at my side once again and that is why you came to see me yes and of course I was cold and tired and alone [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Jean Baptist has answered the letter and his answer is he will March against Napoleon not with him Napoleon is defeated and Jean has led one of the armies which fought him the Alli troops are about to enter Paris oh I hope Jean is with [Music] them [Music] who I've read that you might seek a divorce in order to marry a Russian Grand Duchess to strengthen the alliance between Russia and Sweden don't believe everything you read if you think it would be wise I would make only one condition that that I become your mistress it's impossible too expensive you simply have to remain my [Music] wife killed many Frenchmen on my way back to this bridge leig he sent my old regiments against me men I'd fought with as comrades I reviewed them as prisoners of War don't torture yourself darling now I go to face him the last link in the chain I pray Johan I want to come back I never knew how lonely it could be to be alone till you left soon very soon now that we're rid of him thank you for choosing the island of elbow remind me of my birthplace the vegetation there is not too unlike that of corica well gentlemen I'm ready for Exile I have nothing in common with those other friends of yours but you a man who Rose from the ranks a soldier whose loyalty I've always cherished your deployment against me at lii was brilliant the tactics for genius that is true I learned them from you French standards in the dead tell me Bernard do did you enjoy your Triumph how did you feel and despair despare well that at least is becoming to the most illustrious traitor Frances of unnown History will determine which of us was the traitor but if it affords you any satisfaction you may know that when I leave your sight I leave France I will never be back there is the difference I will be back he has escaped from Elba it will be more war how will I ever get back to Sweden there has been in a battle at watero and now Napoleon is barricaded at malmon and wants to fight to the death at the gates of Paris there will be more killing and more blood Napoleon Must Be Stopped Jan said it long ago someone must stop him somewhere his own battalions protect him at malmon their bayonets are drawn if we try to seize him more men will die unless he has turned over to the Allied command by tonight we cannot save Paris from destruction he is stubborn and bitter Madame but you you have known him well he has always seem to perhaps a woman [Music] the Royal Highness wish us to see in [Music] the see you he's out you can't see Des he won't see [Music] you [Music] [Music] why dier I'm sorry if I startled you well I'm not accustomed to having visitors here recently but then you and I always met rather unexpectedly won't you please sit down you know I once asked you to walk in this garden with me and you refused yes I was afraid of you well you had reason to be you know Desiree that hat doesn't suit you at all not at all may I remove it I am here for a purpose I'm sure you are do you remember when we first met that was the night you told me you knew your destiny that was the first night I kissed you you were thinking about my dowy general no not entirely truly not entirely I wonder what my destiny would have been had I married you the same I think perhaps but the history of Empires often depends on such Trifles so does the history of people yes well you're here on a mission I bring you a message from the French government you were sent to me as a courier do they think that I'll be swayed by sentiment what a Shabby device I want you to come oh yes indeed you always enjoyed playing the role of the courageous lady I am not at all courageous just the opposite but when there's a great deal at stake I can make the effort I am to tell you that the Allies will not accept the surrender of Paris unless you leave France if you do not give yourself up today the city will be destroyed there is nothing new in that message it's been sent before and you may take it back with the same answer I can still mobilize 100,000 and how many of them will die how many more men will lie in their graves because of you how many more French mothers will hate you how many more children will grow up cursing your name because they have no fathers I've had to shed blood but only where it was indicated what indicates it to you now your destiny I judge my conduct by my conscience and my conscience is not troubled day by day I doo gave my life for my country and yet my mother did not wish me to become emperor she did not even attend my coronation I made caln's husband a Marshall and he joined my enemies I made Bernard Marshall and he fought me in the field I made war in order to secure peace not for a year but for a dozen centuries I dreamed of the United States of Europe Frenchmen Italians German poles Russians and all the others one law one coined one people was that so rash a dream no only the way you dreamed it and now I'm to let myself be taken to that God forsaken Rock in the ocean St Elena I return from elur but I will never return from St Elina is this what you ask it is what France asks it is customary to hand over one sword to the officer taking one prisoner Bernard out will explain it you at this moment I surrender to the Allies please don't look like an umbrella goodbye Napoleon no one has called me that for a very long time tell me Des when did you begin to fall out of love with me I don't know somewhere along the way strange our paaths yours and mine in Bernard dos you will go to Sweden and become a queen the two most outstanding men of our time have been in love with you and you know real Beauty but you have a way with you go and tell my brothers to prepare for my departure I want to be alone for a while DIY our engagement it wasn't only the doy go along now before I [Music] [Music] and la
Channel: DDF: Movie Day
Views: 868,164
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: FullFreeMovies, DramaMovie, HistoryMovie, RomanceMovie, BiographyMovie, FreeYouTubeMovies, Désirée, Drama, History, Romance, Biography, Henry Koster, Marlon Brando, Jean Simmons, Merle Oberon
Id: svfqpfnQd7Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 108min 1sec (6481 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 16 2023
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