Czech Republic - 10 Shocks of Visiting The Czech Republic

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hey there fellow travelers mark here with Walters room today we're in Prague in the Czech Republic one of the prettiest cities in the world it is in my top three with Rome Paris and Prague those are my three favorite cities in Europe and see we have for you our 10 things are gonna shock you when you come to the Czech Republic because this is a really cool country to visit and I do highly recommend it but let's get to the shot because that's what you're here for the first thing is gonna shock you and you come to the Czech Republic is when you tell people oh I'm here in Eastern Europe and the real action you will get the reaction you get from the locals look this is not Eastern Europe this is Central Europe and they'll tell you look on a map we're right in the center of Europe and they do not appreciate it when you call them Eastern Europeans or this is the East so realize this is central Europe and they will you win no friends by calling it Eastern Europe also it's not czechoslovakia czechoslovakian and now we have two countries the Czech Republic and Slovakia so that's another little thing that you probably should know before you come because you might get some strange looks from the locals if you use those two things now my second shock I have for you is look you should when we think of central Europeans we think of this cold kind of oh you know insensitive kind of person like that look Czechs are awesome they are so much fun we've traveled around from Pilsen to O Sava having a great time with the people here but the thing is it's hard to get to know them and you'll see in the service you'll see that the service is kind of gruff and straightforward now in Prague it's getting better and others tourists place is getting better there's tips and stuff like that but sometimes you feel it that's kind of gruff like oh these people they don't smile why aren't they smiling and why are there is such a beautiful country and beautiful people oh my goodness the women and the men are good-looking here so hey you can't beat that the men's fashion I'll talk about that later um but honestly you will be shocked how nice and helpful the Czech can be if you asked him and especially if you asked him in check now realize the Czech is really tough but if you learn a few words like decree which is kind of like thank you I know I messed it up but they're happy enough but I do that or pro scene which is pleased or Pivo which is beer it does put a smile on their face and I've seen that that people around Shack get really helpful if you just try a little bit in check so that does shock people that they seem so cold but they can be so healthful and so friendly if you just try a little bit of Czech now the third shock I have for you is how great the beer is here and also how abundant the beer is here beer is everywhere and it's a hate insanely great price for great beer my bloody hi we went out the other night here in Prague downtown dental dam had four half liter beers it was five euros and 27 cents now the use of Crona here but some places you can use euros as well what I mean you get insanely good beer for insanely good prices so make sure you do try to be when you are here there's a lot of different kinds out there you know we want to pills them to go to the pilsner urquell brewery you can have that but there's more beers than that around the country so do check it out and the people are very proud of their peer but it's also a good way to get to know the locals and talk to them is having a Pivo with them and there's some snacks and have a good time with that and that leads us into the fourth shot we have for you is those snacks the stinkiest cheese you will ever smell is from here in the Czech Republic it's from the town called olam oops I know I messed up the word all the time but you'll see it actually on some of the menus around the country where there's tourists because it's kind of like one of those things that trick the tourists to try it because it literally is the stinkiest cheese you can imagine and then add on to it they put a little bit of onions on top as well oh man I was at all survived visiting some friends of mine like Oh mark you want to try something really check well you need to have this and they got me the cheese and I'm gonna take a few bites to be nice like I can't do it that it's just it's just too stinky and one of my one of my friends like I'll finish that and they loved he loved it so there is that but I think with the shock of the food or the stinky cheese it's a shock of how good the food is here and how much they love their meat and potatoes you will have a lot of meat you know pork and beef you can have great pork and great beef here but you always want to have it with the sauce are you shocking how good the sauces are and the soups a dill soup man you've got to have that when you're here it is so good and then duck and dumplings dumplings galore you don't like dumplings you're kind of out of luck here okay because they love their dumplings but you will be shocked about that really stinky cheese and all the good food you get to have here now the fist Chuck I have for you is how beautiful Prague is I mean people come to Czech Republic and usually addition there's a Prague for a reason I mean this is their town hall you've got Charles Bridge when you're on here with the statues on it looking on Castle Hill wandering the Jewish quarter seeing the fabulous architecture there's so much beauty here and pride that you really have to visit it it is fantastic and that's the thing is people get shocked how wonderful it is when they come here that it is more beautiful than I imagined and you really get that when you are here in pron now the sick shock I have for you is to remember there is more than just Prague and the Czech Republic now the thing is people come in they go to Prague they fly in and they fly out and they miss so much more of this country just seek room allows is beautiful like a tiny town you can go visit pills in we've been here just in pills into doing the tour and seeing the city walk around pills on the st. Bartholomew cathedrals cool going to pilsner urquell brewery if your college dude you won't have a college student kind of fun o servoz a good time if you want to do a day trip from here there's plenty of great easy day trips you go to Karl Stein see Carlos Tynecastle there's so much beauty around this country natural beauty that you should go out and explore more and sometimes yes you do see the remnants of the Communist era with the buildings and stuff like that but it gives you more of a rich history of this amazing country so make sure you do get out and explore more than just Prague granted Prague is awesome but do explore more than that now the seven thing that might shock you are the price differences now I told you that you can get beer really cheap but the price difference is in different parts of the country the price of goods even here in Prague can be quite astounding because you're gonna have an affordable trip no matter where you go but it can go from affordable to downright dirt cheap just based on the little towns you visit and we go into a Pilsen or go into an Ostrava or just room a lot of things like that the prices drop significantly in comparison to Prague but even in Prague obviously on the town square it's kind of expensive and on the five streets that all the tourists walk on those things are pretty expensive but literally if you just walk off a little bit into a little market stall or you walk off into a little side street the prices drop significantly so if you feel like wow this doesn't seem like an affordable European vacation you're just not going enough blocks away from the tourist part because you will be shot how the price differences can be so big like from you know a little bit of pricey to affordable to really really cheap really quickly now the a thing that might shock when you are here are the little Czech isms like if you meet those chips and Czechs at the bar and you cheers them make sure you look them in the eyes otherwise bad things will happen to you and it is very important for the cheers in the eyes there's a lot of these little Czech isms that a tourist would know but you will find it really funny and the thing is around the country there's all these little fun things because lives the Czechs love their festivals tons of vessels that go on throughout the year we were all serve at a student festival and and it was a great time and you'll see is especially in the summer there's tons of festivals you can go and visit so ask around when you're coming here hey what's going on we're here for the Christmas markets having a good time with that I mean it's really a beautiful place and the people really love their traditions and they relive them so you're going to the villages and stuff like that for the festivals you will see people dressing in traditional dresses and doing all these kind of things having the traditional foods and it is kind of cool but make sure you always Cheers with looking in the eyes and there are some other little cool like things here in check if you go to Brno which is in the south it's on the train line between Prague and Vienna you'll see cuz oh my god look at that amazing church you'll get off the train there they have mummies there's some mummies in the Czech Republic and it is really cool to check out and even here in Prague there's funny little things like they take in the tradition of bathing and made it Czech by having a beer bath yes you can sign up to take go to the beer spa here in Prague and have a bath and beer while you drink more beer so check out for some of these crazy little Czech things because it is pretty fun to do it it helps you enjoy this country even more the 9th thing that's gonna shock you when you come here is the Czech language or the complete inability of you to figure out how you make those sounds with that many consonants in a row it's like sometimes the Czech language is allergic to vowels and you kind of look tango hmm that sometimes why rule for vowels really comes in handy here and that's the thing is as a tourist you know lots of times you might speak Spanish or German or something else and that helps you with the language like to read the menu and stuff like that ain't gonna happen here Czech is a very different language with the s with a hat on it it's like a sound you know and you don't know that you're a tourist and it is really tough so don't worry if you don't understand anything and don't be shocked if you understand nothing in Czech but do learn a few words just like I said if he's just speak a few words in Czech the pro scene the pleased acquis thank you I know I'm saying it kind of off but it's close enough even just Pivo beer really makes a big difference and opens the people up but don't worry you're gonna be here to be out of luck in general also I will say if you're in Prague you won't have much problem with not speaking Czech you could go by in English but a lot of other places around the country not knowing anything but English can be a problem but usually you will be fine don't worry but just know that Czech language is shockingly impossible to figure out for a tourist okay and then the tenth shock that I have for you is not so much here in the winter time but in the summer time older Czech men like myself and and older do you have a special kind of style sense and a lot of times think that how do I say this they like to express the summer no matter where they are yet be comfortable by having socks as well and the tenth shock we have review has to do with Czech fashion one Czech fashion the women are beautiful oh it's time for that to go off but the men they need some time to catch up with the Czech women because the shocking fashion thing for Czech men is socks and sandals yes the men do wear socks and sandals here in the summer time in the winter no but in the summer time they really do it is kind of shackling funny yes it's usually old guys like me and older but don't be surprised you see some sexy socks and sandals well I'm gonna go enjoy the astronomical clock I will see you all later have a great time here in the Czech Republic it is amazing you will be shocked how much you love this place whether you just get to Prague or you explore much more if you want to learn more check this out our website at Walters WorldCom we're also on Twitter Facebook and Instagram and I really gotta go because I want to watch this so bye from the Czech Republic
Channel: Wolters World
Views: 284,430
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: travel, europe, mark wolters, wolters world, travel advice, tourist attractions, travel vlogger, honest travel, fat travel guy, czechia, prague
Id: YSvOmk4n788
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 11sec (611 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 01 2019
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