C/w Nana: Lao Sour Pork Sausages (ສົ້ມໝູ = Som Moo)

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somebody welcome back with cookie banana today I am teaching you how to make some more so many crises gon hit so mu um the way my mom have been teaching me how to make some more so the ingredients we need to move what I have for my to I have um pork um I it's um a shoulder part you can use any part as long you don't try to trim the fat out we don't want the fat is just the meat that we need this is the the part that I trim all the fat out I just want the meat and then the next one I have not more some pork skin then the pork skin I already cooked it and then slice it and clean it oh this is my pork skin I grew I washed it and I'm but after I washed it and I've put in a pot to boil it so I boil it for like um between 45 minutes until you can tell when you pinch it if it's soft because you don't want to over boil it because if it over bullet it's going to be too too soft so and this is how if we look like and then we try to trim the fat out we just want the skin of so turn when you wash this you have to rinse it with cold water and then when you rinse it with cold water let it sit in cold water for probably 10 or 15 minutes after let it sit rinse it again and then when you rinse it draining in the basket let it cool off and then when it's co-op it's going to be like this see I trim all the fat out from the out from the skin so this is this is how it's going to be like lemons have been off my Pepsi so you're going to keep doing it you see we don't want that fat we just want the skin part so you just have to take the fat out from the skin and then I'm going to keep doing and then once you do it you have to slice it very thin you slice it thin see how thin it is see that's how you keep slice it and then it's going to be like this it's all map and map see this is how the pork skin slice looks like so this is the seam ooh the one I sliced last night and then you have to come and wash it or rinse it with cold water add salt why I do this try to get all that fat that comes out from it do it clean it it's okay it's a lot of salt because the salt is gonna keep it clean and make it clean make them try to get all that from a leftover that so this is how it is I'm going to let it sit for five minutes and I'm going to keep washing it rinse it with cold water again and let it change this is how it is ten minutes I let it sit you see all that wipe fat is coming out so this is like I did this three four times so when you do your some more you have to clean your pork skin real good because you don't want someone to be a toy or boot and you want to so this is how I clean my display with all that I did this four times cleaning this just keep repeating it four times when it's done just rinse one more in the basket like this make sure is cold water not too hot because if it's hot water you're going to make this the support to be soft and polite and you don't want that so so then you let it sit and then let it sit and have this dream and then we're gonna add on the ground pork when we ground up work and this is how my pork skin would be look like if you don't want to use the fresh pork skin that you slice and stuff that it's going to be too hard work for you you can get this friend it but this one is little small very thin and long and smaller but I like to use the one I slice because it's more it tastes better but then if you don't like to do a lot of hard work and stuff and you want an easy step you can go get this pork skin this article like how I do it just rinse it with cold water add salt to wash all that fat and stuff and then keep doing it like how I did the real one so my next ingredients would be the damp our seasoned mix this is the one I have I am going to use this to put on my some more so I have three package my MSC I have half cup you can use less MSU you want but then you know if you don't put msg some movement see off woh saat bow Noah so if you don't want to put it on the MSC you don't have to and my garlic I got this time so I don't have to peel it you can get it at Costco you were I have like 50 40 to 50 um garlic club piece in here and I blend it and I have one cup of my sticky rice this is called neo because I'm I am rinsed with cold water wash it and then I soaked it for like you know 10 minutes and then it would be like this this is co neo take your ice and my salt and then my pepper and my plastic wrapper I'm going to use this to wrap my soul move and this is the machine that I have at home so this is how I do my this is how he's gonna be like and your honor no fat in it you don't want no fat so you cannot use the ground pork that it's in the store that it's already grown for you we cannot use that because they have fat so we try not to get any fat on our ground pork so I'm going to continue to keep doing this and then my next step I will show you to mix everything all together so this is how the ground pork all that that I brown with that machine with no fat so I found them easy measurement my mom had one discover from a friend and how to you can get those small bowl count total all I know it's like 11 pounds almost 12 pound my um my pork so I have I know Somu is it takes time and a lot of how loud we we take time to do it so um my some mole I've got to tell you when I um when I trim the fat out and cut to small up to a chunk and wash it with cold water I put in refrigerator so you want your pork to be cold you don't want to be in the room in the room temperature have to be in your fridge to make them so move so your Somu have you know have to be cold so I have one two three four five six one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven so I have eleven and this is how she did she used the measuring in the bottom of the the Bo the small bowl and put salt on so to measure five I'm just going to use five on this because of the name the name powder season mix it comes in salt already or it would look like this this is the salt this call it would say special salt so I don't want it to be too salty and when it's salty won't taste good you want to make it everything's perfect so instead of this package I'm using tow you remember I'm using three of four you can use this in the back it said one pound for a pack of ground pork so my mom she doesn't really like to use this a lot so I'm just trying to do her recipe that's I'm teaching you guys this is what you teach me and then the rice the sticky rice that I soak in you don't have to if you don't want if you don't want to put sticky rice you don't have to so I'm going to skip one because I don't want my thing to be salty so I'm going to mix this in my msg half cup so I know you might say oh my god that's a lot but then you know you don't put a messy you won't taste good minimal you are so going to keep stirring it until you make everything all in together if you have your husband your boyfriend that have big hands and is easy to use use them to mum as and to help you because this you have to mix it real good keep mixing it first yeah but like I said if you don't put any messy it won't taste good but if you don't like Emma see you don't have to but you can tell the difference but you just have to put a little bit thin so how come them in Calcutta until we get up one part everything in it and then remember the the powder in here you have to mix that in there are you using for of this season for now I think this powder makes a the name banana get him a nun tight like Seidman I'm a name you have to mix it real good so sometimes I'm I have my husband do this for me and then we just have to UM if it's been gone just break it so yeah so keep whole month tell you okay so how come my name is Pete can you see how it's deep human is like it sticks together so now I'm going to add my garlic in here I mix the Gaul again I'm going to add that sticky rice you don't have to add sticky rice if you don't want to but um for me my mom she told me to put sticky rice I can't ask her why we put sticky rice me Mom she said that um my nun Nandi hit on some Minette coming at me again I think maybe it's so by two with the garlic and how all done see coming Neil that's why this is a lot of hard work you know if you have your boyfriend husband or your order kid that likes to help out this is a good exercise for your arm muscle and then I'm going to put the pork skin in so in here I'm probably use like five pound of pork skin so you make sure you mix all in if you like a lot of pork skin you can add more so so this is how I'm going to keep mixing it and I will show you the next step so this is how we cut it some more let's go all the way in so this is see your dick condiment out that number to me neo and ba and it gets very sticky that's how you do it and I've had some and more dang because I'm it will later on Tom and Finn not even and how poor you can and you have to make sure your pork is cold and now hmm now that pork skin when you rinsed in cold water later it's put in a refrigerator to see McNeil should be done in a little bit and then I'm gonna take some little pieces and taste it it on I'm going to put in my oven small oven and taste see how it is do I need anything else in step I might add more salt you know and let's see how it tastes when it's all done all mix it's going to be like this see how you get sticky together then we're gonna make it into a until ball is the P and how BIG's iu1 or lettuce I going to keep continue doing this I will show you and then my next step say I'm going to continue but this is my plastic food wrap this is my food wrap put on the floor on the counter use your some more you can put fresh pepper going to tie it up make sure it's all tight real good going to roll it and pinch the bottom pinch the edge make sure it's very tight once it's like this I touched both both side at the end twist it I'm going to use tape my helpers not here today tape it this is I'm going to do one more to show you plastic wrap remember put it in and put in you can put one or two it's a pen how many pepper you want to put you can put each on this side make sure your counter is clean too so when you work with your food push it back pinch the edge keep rolling it and pinch run to the edge of your grab each both edge twist see how I twist and you know it's tight already flip this and flip this hold it like this take tape it so this is how see it's a pen how you want long a little bit short this depend you want it you can make it bigger make it smaller and then we're going to keep continue in there so I wrap all this so mu 12 all I did 47 and then and then and this one I put in the container pack it tight like this and put a plastic on it so you can do if you don't want to wrap this like this you can put in a container say if you want to do like you know party and for any kind of party you can stack it up in this and sell it real tight make sure it's all tight don't err no nothing and then this I have gonna put in a container you pack it up in a pack you know you can put it in a box you can put it in a container you can put in a grocery bags and as long it's tight up together and close it and then this in the room temperature to to not coat ember or not to the co area as long as it's in a room temperature and it's hot then you should be done in to two to three days or you know four weeks then you can bring it out then test it and I would love to thank you to one of my fan in Elgin Illinois her name is unique she have sent me a a pramana pin back seat um cookie with Nana thank you so much for your apron and thank you all my fans that is here to watch me and please do I would love to hear you guys feedback and hope to see you guys next time thank you cocktail alight and I object my lab gone
Channel: Cooking with Nana
Views: 229,700
Rating: 4.8261805 out of 5
Keywords: ສົ້ມໝູ, sour pork, pickled, pork, nam moo, ແໜມ, Lao food, cured pork
Id: fyrmCo1IzuA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 55sec (1495 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 22 2013
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