C/w Nana: Lao Caramelized Pork Stew (ຕົ້ມເຄັມໝູ == Tohm Khem Moo)

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somebody welcome back what's cooking with Nana today I will teach you guys how to make pumpkin this is the way my mom always do it there's a lot of people does the own thumb came so this is the way I do mine so you can use chicken pork whatever you prefer but I have a pork belly pork belly then loud we we call the move sound son you see the layer of the fat um and I have boiling aids from Kylie and then smash the garlic I use six and one ginger and half take a teaspoon of MSG is an option if you like you don't have to and one no a half teaspoon of salt we just kinda I just introduce the salt and you know if we don't have to put on if it's too salty and then 1/2 cup of sugar and 1/4 cup up regular month and go to Mountain season soy sauce and 1/4 cup of black soy sauce add 1 tablespoon of fish sauce and then 4 cup of water and then you know some people like a pork belly but you can use chicken also you don't have if you don't like court you don't have to use pork you can use any cup chicken wings chicken drumstick chicken thighs and this depend on your meat I did not know oil i caramelize my sugar until it's um dark brown but you don't want to burn your sugar you burn the sugar is a no-no taste though it won't taste good so you have to stay here and keep eye on it and keep stirring it slowly and turn your heat down low because you don't want too high on your sugar see how I am her um caramelize the sugar I put it on low heat I didn't have no oil I just keep my eye on it and keep stirring once is there I will add my ginger and garlic when that's all the garlic and the ginger hits the sugar of the Roma smells of the both two in the sugar smells so good and then I will add my work in and then once you add your pork in turn your heat to high hi Pete okay once I cook this I will add my msg half TSP is the option if you don't want MSD you don't have to and then I will add my golden mountain soy sauce that's 1/4 cup and then my black soy sauce 1/4 cup and then I'm going to add Harvey little bit of a little bit of salt first cause I don't want it to make too salty stir it in everything that I will add the water my taster they're waiting to taste the hare to wait to taste me once I add everything in I will add my fourth cup of water okay and I will let this cook I will get the lid and let em steam for I'm going to do 30 minutes first and then I won't bring it let it boil and then wait for 30 minutes checked out check let it cook and then I come back and add the eggs and taste the season how what do I need to add more and stuff like that check you can I'm open you know how if there's some fat those thing floating up you can use your spoon to scoop on the side okay I'm gonna taste that okay I'm going to add my fish sauce that's one tablespoon and the rest of the sugar of rest of the salt sorry if you want to broth to be a little bit darker you can add more like soy sauce hey going to steam another 30 minutes um no I'm going to add that's why you taste it so it's one tablespoon of fish sauce that I use I'm going to use one more tablespoon of fish sauce if you don't want it use fish sauce you can use your salt it's up to you the first add a little bit more fish sauce so I'm going to cover it and low my heat down to medium and let it steam for three minutes if you can open the lid up a little bit get some steam out so just wait for 30 minutes then you know you can taste again it's depending how you want it boom came a lot of people like sweet it comes out sweet and salty but it's a pen a lot of people do different way of home came this is my mom's way there's a simple easy way and and let me check on it I'm going to taste the broth again mmm perfect I just add a little bit more fish sauce like total Boston be like two tablespoon and 1 teaspoon of salt then I'm going to add my eggs in here I only have 8 eggs left at the house mostly we use 12 this pin how many people did like eight I haven't I didn't gone to the store grab more eggs so whatever I have this is what I use from eggs so once get the froth covers the eggs okay so my meat is looking coupe mmm so now I'm gonna steam it slow it down on low - too low too low like medium same thing medium and then cover it again and let it cook for another area I would say 30 minutes but you can do 20 but I just like lift the eggs change the collar and stuff so I'm going to go ahead and do um 20 minutes and then everything should be done because the meat is done and and my season is fine so like I said once you taste the season if you like it you can add more fish sauce more salt if you want dark you're brought to be a little bit more um darker add more like soy sauce but this is what I have and I'm you know I'm just going to wait and I will show you the last final step of how we eat I'm funky oh I let it um simmer for like 20 minutes song I'm gonna turn it off okay that's how like cocaine is like don't came quite minds off muffin backseat so I'm gonna seize the bra like I said you know you can taste it and see how you like it I'm happy with it like and then I am gonna serve this Lucas and you can eat it you can serve um in a small bowl by itself or you can put it on your rice like this then you can use the broth same thing is this one if it panned of you like a lot of broth and less fraud I put eight on Elena's okay and and then you can use um this is um just a fish sauce with them fresh chili garlic sugar and lime and fish sauce and then you know you want to come in try it so this is how my thumb came turn out this is you know mostly we do this at home we don't put too much ingredients in and something simple is easy like I said a lot of people like to use a Chinese five-spice name but I don't really use it on my thumb came because my kid doesn't like the smell of the cinnamons the ankus or whatever all this ingredients they is too strong for them they just like simple and easy the way how my mom does it so this is why we do a thumb came at home so I loaded for my mom here talena Kobe do you wanna here's my taster so they can dip the sauce in the rice is up to them if they want the sauce but they can eat it they want more juice the broth of thumb King they can you know but it's up to them whatever they prefer how is it ha mm-hmm well you paused to blow on it how is it talena yeah okay so I mostly like to have some chili on my rice like this mmm this is how my thumb came in like so what you guys think good good like this you can put up in the refrigerator and warm it up the next day and stuff but this is how my thumb came turn out like I say you can use chicken and some people can do vegetarian like use tofu vegetables and stuff same um um season instead of fish sauce you can use salt soy sauce and black soy sauce as your vegetarian kind but I used for like I said if you don't eat part you can use um chicken or do vegetarian but this is what my thumb Kim is like so don't came quite messy up InBev see so like I said hop de l'ile I I'm mopping and video clay and this is how we do up don't came at home if you like to try it go ahead um and please let us know on cooking Madonna on Facebook and thank you so much for watching my videos tonight how Jacob my lock on
Channel: Cooking with Nana
Views: 187,426
Rating: 4.908999 out of 5
Keywords: Stew (Type Of Dish), Food (TV Genre), Lao, stew, Boiled Egg (Food)
Id: aliIxvgEgfc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 52sec (952 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 20 2014
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