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so the yard's been left abandoned and neglected along with the house spoke with both of the neighbors the owner is probably an Arkansas with some family it's like a an assisted living type situation every job I do there's a pee ball [Music] [Music] I got a couple stickers i've got a bunch of stickers going to go on the pink one a heart Uranus from the Uranus Fudge Factory in Missouri then we got this one panty dropper that's what we'll call this machine here okay I've got a cool one today I knocked on the door nobody's here now it could have been longer he said he's been living here for 2 years I didn't ask the other neighbor how long it's been the front porch we got a bunch of poison ivy oh great gotta love these things they're uh those little sticky stick tight things they're not they're not sticky yet though but normally I'll touch your shirt you can't get them off and you have to pick them off trees got to take note people ask me all the time do I walk do a walk through yeah there's a gas pipe right there so I'm going to watch out for that there's a small area here let's take a look inside well the house has been thoroughly ransacked um stinks like crazy I'm not going to walk through the house this smells like Uranus and more than likely someone's living in there my neighbor said there was vagrant over here too so probably true got the yard couch I don't know how crazy I'm going to get with this one but here's what I've noticed if I don't go crazy you guys are like your heart wasn't in it some of them you just do don't ask me how I did it I just did it it was H and then you move on wow just uh wow what is this man had caution tape I'm not worried about it anybody can get caution tape biggest problem we had in the Revolutionary War is we didn't have enough airports I hir people two weeks later the place was blown up that's true that was really prod Smokey can you believe it's been 4 years and we're back to this crap again already I tell you what I'm going to do I'm just going to crawl Back Into Obscurity and watch long care Juggernaut all day a choice has to be made today all right so we have the dependable and reliable Hustler this thing's gone through everything I gave it the nickname the honey badger cuz it doesn't give a damn uh and then on this side we have well I haven't given it a name painting dropper that's what we'll call this machine here but it's like a tank looks like a tank follow me I do stupid stuff anyways uh having said that we got to play a quick game so uh Eenie Meenie Mo yeah let me show you how this feels okay I if I were to choose what color my equipment would be it would all be black cuz that's what I do just black it out having given you guys the choice what color I should paint my equipment you chose pink because that's what you do now do I feel any any less manly on this thing no why cuz I've got extreme confidence and I can pull it off and that's what I do but let me let me tell you what this eenie meany Mighty mode really feels like eenie hi you want to go [Music] me what's up I'm Kevin Hansen the long care Juggernaut The Unofficial mayor of Tulsa Oklahoma you're watching the best damn law Channel on YouTube and in today's video I'm going to be cleaning up this crazy yard I found in Prior Oklahoma a lot of trees a lot of grass a lot of trash a lot of poison ivy but as you'll see I think I'm able to make it look decent I don't know this was sometime last year and I have not reviewed this video yet so I may get there and go I think I missed something if you think I missed something feel free to let me know I'm always trying to up my standards and make myself better at what I do I've been doing a lawn service for over 10 years but having said that sometimes when I'm cutting an abandoned property like this you know it's more of getting it cleaned up and it's not necessarily making it Immaculate and pristine as though somebody was living there because if somebody is living at a house I will always do my best to take it to the next level so that it looks as beautiful as it possibly can for them because I know they're living there I want them to truly appreciate the gift and I want it to be something that uplifts them and moves their life forward now if you have never seen a long care Juggernaut video before basically that's a rundown of what I do and I do it all over the country where I can go now I've traveled to 17 States now I've really loved it I've enjoyed doing this type of work but on this channel what I like to do is I leave commentary hopefully to inspire or motivate you educate educate you in some way having said that I'm not the smartest guy out there and I'm okay with admitting that but however I am good at a few things that I do and I'm constantly improving a few things that I do which make those Hot Topics in my life and hopefully if you're going through something similar to that or you know somebody that's going through something similar to that it might help you or them through some kind of internal conversation that get you thinking a little bit deeper that day cuz I know that while you're going through social media there's a lot of channels that are just um well kind of brainless content where they take away from you and I'm not saying I'm I'm not saying that as an insult to other creators but I am saying it's very easy to get caught up on you know I don't know pretty much any social media platform on a channel that's not benefiting you in any way honestly I think Facebook is kind of the worst because they'll have like 20 minute videos where like hey watch me watch me we're about to do this thing I'm I'm about to do that it's about to happen it's about okay okay and then they go talk about no no no it's about to happen and they kind of suck you into this we've all experienced one of those videos you get 20 minutes in and you're like why did I just destroy 20 productive minutes of my life for a video that had no payoff so I would like to think that most of the videos that I make on my channel have a payoff so at the end if it does let me know if it doesn't say hey you should improve Pro in that one area or multiple areas whatever it might be I get a lot of requests about picking up grass and U you know like bagging it a lot of times when I'm doing these large overgrown properties where the grass is real high my goal is to knock it down and get it back in shape and bagging is not something that I do because you're going to be hauling stuff away with that said I did buy a bagging system for my mower this year specifically for one thing on the property as you see this yard has some trash in it sometimes I pick that up before I mow sometimes I pick it up after okay so I'm having issues with this camera it's about to be retired okay I do want to throw out that first pea bottle was totally a joke but that one is not there's our legitimate pea bottle from this job again every job has one to be fully clear the first PE bottle was not real that one is I'm not going to do that that's gross dude that's gross I'm going to have somebody in the comments that's like why' you point out the Pea bottle that's disgusting like you've never seen a bottle full of yellow liquid on the side of the road we're all mature adults except for the people that aren't um but it happens in life and it's something that occurs on jobs and I like to point stuff out like that because if I don't you can't see what's actually going on what I'm dealing with so I like to point out poison ivy or certain obstacles or things like that so occasionally I'll stop during the job and show you what I'm seeing because I know you won't be able to see it and with me saying that the first pea bottle was not real that was a playful joke I knew it's been a long time since I made a long hair Juggernaut video I wanted to do something that was fun to me that was some kind of just something fun and interesting so I put a little bit of body armor in a water bottle if you want to trip out your friends throw some body armor in a water bottle throw it in the lawn a couple days later in front of him pick it up and drink it and I'll be like what's going on but you know better it's not real with that set I am dedicated to giving you 100% real content any interaction you ever see with people on my channel is all 100% real I'm saying that because there are channels similar to mine that I'm going to tell you they are not giving you 100% real interactions I think that's untruthful I don't like that I think it's low Integrity I'm not bashing any other channel but nobody's talking about it nobody's saying it in all honesty I think it brings what we're doing down you know because we're out there we're trying to help people and if somebody's faking content and they're willing to lie about something what else are they lying about you know it's just to me I I don't like liars I don't want to vent and I don't want to rant so we're going to get on to the stuff that I was talking about to better your life so one of the topics I want to talk about to get your time back is is going to be checking the screen time watch time that you have on your mobile device and a lot of content creators aren't going to talk about this because they want you to continue watching their content whether it's good or not now I would like you to continue watching my content because I hope it brings you value if it doesn't I don't want you to watch the content because I want you to gain something from what I'm putting out there I want to give you value and if it doesn't bring you value in your life through entertainment or education or something like that I don't want you you to waste your time I want you to come out on the other end with a better experience in your life and something that will move you forward so recently I hired a business coach to help myself out because it's a good thing to do for yourself and one of the things that we've been doing is getting my time back now this is something I did in my business years ago and it was great in my La business I was very efficient with it but after finding somebody that was deceased on a property going through a depression also traveling around switching from the lawn care business to now I'm basically a media business where I make videos and create content for you guys there's a different learning curve I had to create new systems in my business so that it flowed correctly and in the meantime my schedule where I used to show up these properties the same time every week well that went away when that went away the consistency in my life on my scheduling went away so the first thing I did was get my schedule back together you can do that through Google Calendar you can do it with a to to-do list on Google Docs and print it off every day so you can look at it a piece of paper scratch it off and you can write stuff down because your brain is for thinking and paper is for remembering oh man I didn't even see that [Music] all right so apparently I hit a hidden couch cushion so I've got to go use the ramp on the uh setup to kind of Jack the front end of the mower up and we're going to pull all this out of there so let's go Ahad and do it [Music] [Music] okay so I just want to throw throw out that uh I am pretty much now guaranteed to get poison ivy cuz that whole backyard has like ground cover of poison ivy back there okay that wasn't too bad okay all right so that's what we hit the crazy thing about that is I had no idea that was in the lawn it was completely hidden so all right guess we're ready to go to it again for [Music] [Music] [Music] all right another issue there a few Co drop off got see if I can do that all right this is not the funnest thing in the world world it's not uncommon for you to get stuck on a property like this hit something that you didn't see in the lawn even when you did a walk through I always do a walk through on these properties except when I can't and when I say when I can't sometimes the jobs that I do are well overhead high and too dense to walk through so that makes it very very complicated um but it is something that happens now I'm picking up a little bit of trash getting that out of the way you can't get it all sometimes it hides in the grass sometimes not even worried about all the little minute little pieces because when I'm done I'll clean it up with a blower that's just the workflow method that I use but with that said I ended up picking up a bagging system for my mower this year that really helps with picking up trash that's something that I like to do um I I really like that method using a bag on the motor to pick up trash not a huge fan of bagging just grass clippings because it's not actually beneficial for the environment it's not beneficial for the lawn it might look better um but ultimately you know some of these properties like this abandoned one it's probably going to get overgrown again and it's more for your personal satisfaction in your viewing process than it is actually I would say more helping people it does help the neighbor but you know that's that's one thing it's it's going to happen again now properties like this that are local to me often times what I do is I'll make a video on it once and then when I have time and I'm in the area I'll go back and cut it again this past year I actually traveled so much that I wasn't able to do that and that was kind of I don't know I am definitely ready to work in my hometown again and I'm really enjoying that I'm not actually from prior I'm from Tulsa I just happen to be in Prior that day but yeah there's that so you can already see the results and how far we've come considering the trees were almost up to the roof close to the house and now you can actually see the lawn again all right this next part we've got to mow over here around these couch cushions and stuff but then we get into this nonsense and uh I'm not going to do any weed eating in the backyard just so you guys know because there is poison ivy just everywhere okay I got some real quick pickup to do back here I'm not going to go picking up a bunch of that stuff um I know from living in the area this is Copperhead season they are everywhere underneath stuff and uh there's just some things you don't do if you don't want to be stupid and get bit is that uh M around find out then all right smell it up cut it up cut it up all right this next part is going to help you whether you are in the lawn care industry have a business of any type you're married and have a spouse or a girlfriend or whatever it might be and that's going to be you're going to need to do a weekly meeting so this is something that I do with my business coach and we go over it's it's religious you know every day on a set day on a set time we go over the expenses and different things in the business and action items on how to make everything better and how to improve it and constantly improve because a lot of people look at you know trying to improve their business they might go well I need to do this this and this and when you're just talking about it nothing ever gets done you know maybe you do a little bit but not a lot and what I found is that if you do a little bit consistently over time it's going to be a lot and you're going to show up and show out and and be out in front of people more and things are going to improve in your life now how this might apply if you don't have a business is that you can still have a weekly meeting with your spouse I would highly suggest this this is something that my wife and I started you know we have always communic at and we had goals but doing the actual weekly meting has been amazing we go hey Tuesday at 8: a.m. every every week Tuesday at 8: a.m. it's religiously we do not miss it it happens no matter what first thing we do is we go over our finances so we look at the income in the income out where it's going we set up percentages so I use a profit first method in my in my own financing where we set up a money in account that's where all our money comes for you that be a payroll account where your money's coming for direct deposit and then I allocate by percentage where everything's going so we put 20 20% towards long-term Investments we're running a business we have 30% for tax 30% for labor for our employees and we're going to have 20% for our business expenses all right I'm not going to weed eat the backyard because all the poison I be but this is Virginia creeper right here and uh we'll see what we can do with it now if you don't have have a business I would still highly suggest you looking into the profit first method you could find uh either the book by Mike MTZ on Audible or Amazon or any bookstore purchase it and read it or you could just watch a 20 30 minute overview uh summary video on YouTube that's going to explain how to set it up and it's really easy so in your meeting that you have for yourself or with your business or with your spouse you want to have action items so you could put that on your action items as something that you want to knock out the house that's probably good old lead Bas paint I don't know the house looks to be old enough um is it I have no idea is lead base paint a joke no some of you guys get really worked up about that stuff I tell you so I hope the topics that I'm talking about in the video aren't too dry and boring but you know it's something I'm really really excited about right now cuz I'm excited about seeing the Improvement that's happening in my life from doing these meetings with my spouse doing these meetings with my business coach and just consistently tracking tracking things that we know we can improve on putting them on our document and saying Hey by next week knock this thing out and sometimes I don't knock out all the items but what I do is consistently get more done than I would have and then a lot of things once you do them they're done they're set up and you just have to either follow through with them or it's a oneandone type thing but what I do know from running my business for several years and then going through this sey SE heavy self-help phase in my life in the past is that really you're just looking for a consistent one or 2% rate of improvement and if you can consistently do that day by day what's going to happen is that compounds over time and you're going to be much further than you ever would have if you would have done it completely different now I think I talked about um getting my time back and I know I've talked about it in other videos how when I had my business for years I was struggling and I was like I don't have time I don't have time I don't have time and then I discovered I'm giving my time away to the movies I watch or video games that I was playing and you know we all have something some type of Hobby and if you're trying to run a business you might find that you have to give up your hobbies in order to have success with that business which is a really horrible situation but it's a shortterm thing because in the long term you're going to make your business your hobby or make your spouse your hobby or whatever it might be and you're going to be able to have those Hobbies back but to improve whatever you're wanting to improve on in your life you have to be able to dedicate the time that you need to to actually do the things that you need to do to make the Improvement okay so what happened was my drive belt to my hydros the gears that drive the tires uh the belt popped off I don't know if it's broke or if it just popped off so we're going to examine it I think everything's on okay po design on that really hard to get your hands in burnt my my hand on the engine quite a few times sucks but it is what it is let's get back to [Music] work it is not the movement of the clock that produces the newness of life it is the movement in your mind you going to hear all kinds of things said about you throw it behind you the enemies that you see today you will see them no more no weapon formed against you shall be able to prosper every tongue that rise of against you God will condemn this is my time truth of the mighty is everybody in here is going through a change you don't have to be ashamed of yours we are all in the process of transforming to a higher better expression of myself let this be the year that I birth the highest a better expression of myself don't let the habits of my past stop me from this metamorphosis new year new me new year new me what separates us is transformation the possibility of change the desire to evolve the passion to get up off the ground and stop eating dirt I'm I'm tired of doing what I used to do if I always do what I've always done I'll always be where I've always been I'm going to throw it behind me somebody in this room that that nobody would think would be in a church tonight but you drew them to this place tonight because you want them to be a new me and a New Year and have a new attitude and a new mind cuz the real Battleground is in your mind that's where the fight is you lay down with it you get up with it you go to work with it you can't digest your food because of it smiling in front of people and nobody knows that there's gunfire going off in your head it's not a geographical location it's not debt it's not money it's not haters it's not enemies it's not Liars it's not backbiters that's not the Battleground stop wasting your weapons on what people say because it is not what they say about you that matters it is what you say about you that threatens your destiny you will never be defeated by what they say about you you will be defeated by what you say about you I dedicate this to you to the greatness in you and to the dream that you showed up on the planet to produce and it's simply this if you want a thing bad enough to go out and fight for it to work day and night for it to give up your time your peace and your sleep for it if all that you dream and scheme is about it and life seems us useless and worthless without it and if you gladly sweat for it and fret for it and plan for it and lose all your Terror of the opposition for it and if you simply go after that thing that you want with all of your capacity strength and sagacity faith hope and confidence and Stern pertinacity if neither cold poverty famish your Gul sickness of pain of body and brain can keep you away from the thing that you want if Dogg it and Grim you besiege and beset it with the help of God you'll get greatness in you that it's poison ivy it wrapped around my weer and smacked me in the arm uh it's not a guarantee there I'll get it I'll take a shower later but uh it ain't good be wor could be better [Applause] a [Music] I know you want me to pull that last Vine it ain't happening that one's poison out well it's mixed up but it's definitely poison off now that I look at the rest of this it I'll have poison I oh great H we eat the other side of the [Music] yard oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] all right generally I would use a tarp just rake it and tarp this stuff there's not a whole lot pick it up I think we took a crazy property and made it less crazy could I have done better absolutely should I have done better absolutely not this is an abandoned property nobody lives here I got it cleaned up so that stuff's not going to the neighbor's yard but as far as this stuff growing in the fence it's pretty irrelevant doesn't really matter so I would much rather spend my time finding a property where somebody actually lives there it's helping them with that said thank you so much give us a thumbs up leave a comment subscribe and uh the last time I did this some people told me I was arrogant I just want to tell you don't mix up confidence with arrogance I'm confident of it you're watching the best damn long care Channel see you in the next one [Music] I want to take a moment to thank everybody that's supported the channel for so many years it really means a lot I never imagined that when I cut the first La for free that it would turn into the massive um the massive movement that it's turned into there's people all around the world doing this and I think it's absolutely amazing I don't really care what their motives are some people are doing it for money some people are doing it for uh you know to get seen other people are doing it good they enjoy helping people and I can say that I legitimately do it because I help people and 5 years ago when I was working on myself and I had nothing uh I really felt like I had nothing to offer anybody um it's pretty amazing I started working on myself and and then I I'm you know created a worldwide movement through doing this stuff so um it's pretty awesome and I just want to say that uh you could do something like that too you know I don't know what it'll be for you but you know in the Bible says knock and the door will be open um with a small amount of Faith you know faith of a mustard seed you can move mountains and I've definitely moved mountains in my life and done things that I never could have dreamed or imagined and and um truly is amazing again thank you I appreciate it
Channel: Lawn Care Juggernaut
Views: 86,121
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lawn care juggernaut, the boring channel, free lawn care makeover, free lawn care, lawn care makeover, overgrown lawn care, free lawn care guy, free lawn care video, free lawn mowing videos, free lawn cutting, free lawn transformation, free lawn mowing, lawn care business, how to mow and overgrown lawn, lawn care tips, mowing lawns for free, crazy overgrow house, overgrown mowing, mowing overgrown lawn, mowing tall grass, tall grass mowing, mowing tall grass for free
Id: DsWteF-j_7s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 43sec (2083 seconds)
Published: Wed May 01 2024
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