August 2023 Inventory Check Home Dept vs. Lowe's

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hello you guys welcome to life with Miss D I'm at Home Depot and I'm just gonna look around and see what they have today is August the 1st it is almost 100 degrees here in Little Rock Arkansas and I'm just trying to show you what they have in their inventory here at Home Depot in Arkansas it gives scorchingly hot and it's hard to keep your plants alive and as you can see some of these look like they haven't been watered enough here the vincas always do well in the heat [Music] now these are purslane they go in and out the buds go in and out look like those are 12.98 but it's fortunately hot out here so you guys I don't want to make this a long video because I'm out in this heat but I just wanted to show you what's going on here at the Home Depot [Music] it is hot [Music] it's very very hot the vincas in the the vincas that are in the uh Planters are 1298 also I don't want my camera to overheat these are 1.98 they have them in white they have them in the fuchsia color on the bankers look like they're still not selling a lot of things but let's go inside [Music] this collie is still this coleus looks pretty good but Cody is I think like shade because they look pretty good the Cody is I'm noticing that I was looking for some angelonia here at Home Depot but I don't see any I don't believe that's lavender they got a little bit of Lantana left the lantana 698 [Music] thank you okay let's see what they have in here Lowe's okay there's nothing really outside anymore again today is August the 1st I just wanted to do a quick update and see what they had there's really nothing outside anymore it's just too scorchingly hot to sit anything out here so let's see what's back in the back okay look like they have those mandevillas again I'm trying to see what the price is proven winter proven winter is this proven winter I don't know I see a 50 clearance sign but I don't know what that means is that for this or something else [Music] I think I have some hydrangeas [Music] and then they got some mandevillas not sure the price it says 15 98 on the the hot pink mandevillas now these hydrangeas excuse me I've had like a bronchitis or something for the last two to three weeks so all right so these hydrangeas looks like they're 26 98. I don't think they're on clearance no clearance will be in the bag I don't know I saw a sign now this says proven winners on the Roses [Music] I'm just seeing what's here let me go in the back and look at the clearance items and see what they have back there in the back it gets so difficult to keep plants alive in this 100 degree weather you really have to be constantly watering and checking to make sure that the plants don't burn up okay so here's the clearance section in the back here at Lowe's like I said Lowe's has clearance items but Home Depot usually does not and so this is what we have on the Shelf looks like they do have some hydrangeas on clearance they look pretty bad but if you want to bring back to life actually this one's not too bad this one here like I said 26.98 but it would be looks like this would be the blue one and it's this one doesn't look too bad I could actually do that if I wanted another hydrangea I have one already at the house but it's not blue it's white and so it would be 50 off so it'll be like uh fourteen dollars for that clearance hydrangea what else do they have over here excuse me look like they have some angelonia that's an annual the regular price is 9.98 I'm not sure what the clearance price would be and then they have some of these perennials these lilies Asiatic lilies and I bought some of these and they still have not bloomed so I don't know if I missed the bloom cycle for that Lily or not they do have some flocks this is a perennial I believe the flocks pink flocks what's the price on that flocks will come back every year creeping flocks 6.98 full sun trailing perennial comes back year after year I might invest in the flocks because I kind of like that fox we will see if I buy something today on clearance so if it was 6.98 it would be like four dollars according to this if it's if it's 5 to 9.99 it would be four dollars my yard is pretty much saturated with everything I don't even know if I have space to put anything else out there but this is what they have in the clearance section here at Lowe's hope I'm not going too fast this is what what's left Asiatic Lily 698 creeping flocks got a few hydrangeas that you have to really give it some TLC here's the sun Asiatic Lily it looks mostly dead on that one but this one has more Greenery I would love to find some some uh day lilies instead of the Asiatic lilies I don't see any day lilies I would love to get some day lilies okay so not much here looks like they got some Mexican heather and this looks like an evergreen but it looks pretty Danish I don't know about that one this is a what is this oh it's an arborvitae Golden Globe arborvitae because I can show you the tag and it is 28.98 and it's on clearance hope I can get that shot now this isn't on clearance but it's it's interesting Althea Aphrodite Althea oh that's a hibiscus okay I got three hibiscus already at the house I don't think these are on clearance either okay well this is Lowe's I wanted to step in here and just give you a quick tour of what was still in stock what's available uh looks like uh a lot of things are gone [Music] and pretty sure pretty soon they'll be bringing in the fall moms the pumpkins those type things pretty soon so make sure you please like comment and subscribe if you haven't already done so here's a hibiscus I have this at home I have a hibiscus at home this one is the Head Over Heels adore I think I got The Head Over Heels desired huh this one is like a hot pink color I have more of a burgundy color in the Hibiscus that I have at home 24.98 it's not a plan I've moved out of the clearance section petunia 12.98 hanging basket these are impatience 12 98 . I was trying to grow in patients from seeds and I never really been having that much success here are the begonias the annual begonias but for some reason my begonias are still growing strong from last year these are 9.98 for the begonias and I thought they were annual too but they're still going strong from last year oh yeah here's some ferns here are the ferns let me see if I can find a tag on the ferns okay here's a fern it is a fern and it's 16.98 sure which type of fern it is but it's 1698 it's a fern this is lavender English lavender 1998. so this is about it this is the dipladenia dipladenia 1998. I don't see any flowers on it but that's the difference and just a few impatience not much not much here as you can see so make sure you like comment and subscribe thank you so much for watching my channel subscribing I appreciate your comments I appreciate your likes thank you so much and you be blessed I'll see you in the next I'll see you in the next video thank you so much [Applause]
Channel: Life with Ms Dee
Views: 1,143
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Clipchamp, Home Depot, Lowe's, Online video editor, garden supply, gardening
Id: eSquaJESZS8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 6sec (846 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 02 2023
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