Cutting Hay on 100 Degree Day

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign you're staying in here for a bit [Music] here's some new calves dad got in there's about 30 of them we're running through quick we got a vaccine in here treating anything that's sick Dad's bringing poor get them flies off of them gotta get some cattle in here grazing [Music] it's an interesting name one nut a relative [Music] [Applause] [Music] but yeah hey let's go hey hey that's it thank you [Music] thank you [Music] all right we're gonna cut some hay and when I say some I actually mean it just a little bit a little bit here and there we're gonna Bounce Around getting up to 96 today the hottest day we've had since well for the last year I suppose or since last summer a good day for tractor work bye Ellie hi Mom that's getting the gates open it's just hey lands of course right next to our pasture like a lot of our pastures and haylands we're gonna go around the edge see if it's worth cutting just some of it we're gonna have to graze it here in probably a few weeks foreign we've been talking the fence lines have caught a little bit more snow so there's often a little bit better growth around there so some of it is worth cutting and we're we need hay so we're gonna cut but we don't want to cut too much because these cows they're just going to run out of pasture so quick I mean it's getting up to 90 something today going to be 90s upper 80s all week really no rain in the forecast so we'll be grazing these big pieces of grass that we normally cut and bail you see this stuff is headed out after it puts a seed head on it pretty much quits growing even if we start getting rain so these areas that we do cut and we do finally get some rain they'll start growing back because we cut those seed head off seed heads off anyway we're just doing a little of this a little of that you know as they say don't put all your eggs in one basket [Music] [Music] thank you foreign [Music] there only made it around the field four times we have three different places to do we got one done head down the road get to the next I just don't know if that's worth cutting but I guess we'll go around it twice and if it wasn't then I guess we just waste a little time and a little bit of fuel [Music] thank you [Music] wow this low spot is awesome could use more of that in windy found some good spots out there a lot of bad spots but we'll make some hay a while ago I said we have three places we're cutting the day I forgot about two two other ones so we've done three now and we got two more to do and with hang season coming to an end so soon usually we do that basically the entire month of June and July we're going to have a little extra free time which means uh we're going on vacation no I'm just kidding actually dad is in a couple weeks for about eight days good for them we'll be back home we're going to be doing projects we got some welding stuff figure out a concrete job to do make some improvements while we're not making hay not just gonna sit on my hands and watch grass and corn wither away that's pretty depressing so we're gonna try to stay busy this summer oh what the heck let's cut this too [Applause] [Music] we've been getting asked a lot are you allowed to graze or cut these Road ditches and yes we are we normally don't do it because it's number one dangerous it can be hard on equipment uh also people litter love to put cans and garbage in there so it's usually not very good hay but in a year like this we got to do it we need it we need that feed so we will be cutting raking failing the ditches my dad's done hundreds maybe even thousands of bro ditch Bales like I said in those years we don't have to do it we just rather not do it we're gonna start doing that in July though you know the lowest part of the ditches there was actually some water sitting at one point so we're hoping there's still some moisture that stuff will grow up a little bit more we want tonnage we need it we're gonna do it foreign [Music] [Music] I'm thinking after we get all this bailed I'm gonna move those last couple bales this is often full wall-to-wall with males but now it's grown up we got a little grass little weeds out here so if I grab the rest of them out of here we can just shut a gate and graze this little extra grazing that we don't normally have anything growing in here boy whoa look at that and then I just discovered right over here we got a couple of them coming in you got quite the green thumb squash starting to come about some fancy stuff you got here yeah there's must have been a lot of snow sitting over here it's it's pretty nice in some spots but if you look like right there it's brown I've never seen it before where it grants actually died standing there due to lack of moisture and heat first time for everything I guess but yeah look at this that's taller than the header so there's some spots for some really nice stuff dad was fixing fence not too far from here and uh Tiffany was picking up some new cabinets these will end up in our bathroom upstairs so we're gonna try to unload that they look heavy foreign this this way so I can get my fingers on it you just lower it so I can get my fingers under and then I'm ready okay here it up [Music] daytime bro g96 tomorrow Apple Sunshine expected temperature is a bit above average Wednesday and Thursday with highs in the upper 80s thank you so they bought this cow and a sale barn the other day and I had a calf we don't usually cab this time of the year but anyway here's a little fella just hanging out on the radio they say it's getting up to 98 today 96 tomorrow that's brutal stuff so we're gonna go hide the rest of the day just after I dump this dump load of uh got some black dirt here at my place foreign [Music] [Music] we're gonna go home and then the next stop is the pool do a little swimming it is scorching out here [Applause] just so happens the hottest day of the year so far my window finally starts working lucky me thanks for watching folks we're gonna hide from the heat love to see you next time have a good one [Music] Cannonball
Channel: Sonne Farms
Views: 121,450
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: farm technology, farm, ranch, sonne farms, farming, cattle, calf, america, john deere, case ih, tractors, machinery, skid steer, loader, wheel loader, loader tractor, calving, baby, manure, grain, soybeans, corn, combine, harvest, baling, hay, bales, alfalfa, drainage, drain tile, tillage, planting, plant 21, header, grass, ranching, storm, plants, regenerative ag, agriculture, midwest, south dakota, heavy machinery, big tractor, Millennial Farmer, Larson Farms, Welker Farms, cow, feeding, cold start
Id: 1i4fnH4Iql0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 16sec (1036 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 03 2023
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