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well welcome back brewers distillers hobbyist all of those in the community who are here with us again today we say welcome it's another episode of our napoli this is episode 3 of our beginner's guide to this exciting new hobby so stay tuned and we're going to show you everything you need to know about sugar before we get started don't forget to check us out on that new podcast I introduced you to on home brewing DIY by culper Wilson I think I'm going to take a snapshot of this and show it to you real quick and then we're gonna move right on into it how's that well let's get right into it okay remember when we left off last time remember the first thing we talked about now this is great information for just about anybody and we're only gonna get about this far into that deep of a topic but this is how much you really need to know and understand let me show you remember we talked about what if you're going to okay I hear you I got it yep it's hard to see way back there I got you okay I can even move it a little closer is that enough there we go okay look I've got a little bit a few things here here's my props I've got two cylinders um I've got a little bit of table sugar because that's what we're gonna talk about and I've got a hydrometer and we're gonna discuss every bit of that and how useful they are and what the purpose is in this video remember we talked about this is that the three basic ingredients necessary in order to brew or distill because what you're doing is you're preparing either a wart for beer Ally's for wine or a mash for distilling you see we gave them three different names because they're three different hobby subtopics and of course we all need to have our own language go figure the three basic ingredients are always going to be water sugar and yeast now we have already covered yeast in the video that we posted about a week ago so you're already one third of the way there to understanding the three basic pillars necessary now this is before we even get into any process or operation but if you understand this and you can manipulate work this yours accessory just shoots off the chart okay let's too many people go down the road they bias til they get going and they have very little understanding here and they're very very disappointed with their results there's a simple reason is is that we got to start off simple so let's move on from here all right we're going to talk today about sugar and sugar only because sugar is one of those basic molecules that is the fuel of life for humans for plants for animals it sugar is the base molecule that's converted from its form into energy in order to use to sustain and perpetuate life so that's why it's so important the easiest example of sugar is table sugar and we're going to use table sugar as our Z as yeah there you go as our example although sugars are found in many many areas we'll discuss a little bit about that won't even give you some examples and show you alright let's move right in now when we talk about sugars let's talk about table sugar in particular oh wow this this gets so there are three basic sugars okay three basic monosaccharides see there anytime you see saccharide it's a sugar you got a monosaccharide a disaccharide and a trisaccharide oh mono saccharide mono mono it we all got that monkey mono the one one okay that's a single molecule okay if you had a die saccharide it would be two and if you have a trisaccharide it would be three molecules three different molecules in most cases alright so let's talk about the three basic sugars that are in the sugar family in their monosaccharides okay which means that they this is a monosaccharide is a molecule of sugar that cannot be hydrated down to a simpler molecule okay that's all it is it's sort of like the lowest form of sugar which oh by the way is the easiest form to firm it or to absorb in your bloodstream or to be utilized if you follow me it's the most broken down it's the smallest okay what we have is we have let me let me just draw this out of the way so we don't get confused we have glucose galactose and fructose and os-- is a form of sugar okay all of them are OSes all right you may be familiar with fructose high fructose corn syrup since fructose does sweeter than glucose and galactose you can increase the amount of fructose in a product and make it taste sweeter that's all it is but it's still a fructose it's still a single molecule sugar now these are the three basic ones now what is table sugar well table sugar is really not an ANA sucrose why don't we give everything such different names let's make this simple a sugar sugar is sugar well it's true but if you understand the building blocks of sugar the world opens up for you follow oh oh this gets better with time and I'll trust me this will be short so we've got sucrose guess what sucrose is yep sucrose is a disaccharide and it's made up of one molecule of glucose and one molecule of whoops fructose that's what sucrose is boom boom now your inverted sugar what is inverted sugar well inverted sugar really is just breaking this chain how do we do that very very simple get your saucepan those are water in it he didn't start to heat it up add some citric acid to lower the pH level and we'll get we're getting more about pH when we start talking about water but you lower the pH level which is you make it a little bit more acidic and that acidic environment starts to break apart once you add your sugar in there and you just heat it it will break apart these change these chains and you'll wind up with simple sugars which they call invert inverted sugars you can continue to do that all the way down until it's almost like a syrup and it's extremely sweet and very very firm in table but it's fermentable the way it is okay oh my this now oh let's take it one step further okay we've got you've heard of maltose maltose is just another form of sugar but what maltose actually is is two of those do we really need to know much more about that not really because we just know that maltose is a fermentable sugar it's just two of those that are hooked together okay then you have let's call him alto trios tree three so what would that be I'm alto trios is alright let's now put it there let's put it here is three of those connected together you get where we're going now this is just a combination of sugar molecules which brings us to a point that I need to make is you heard of the term dextran there's a difference between dextran and dextrose now which should be blindly obvious and I'm trying to beat this home is that you've got os-- as a suffix and O's as a suffix glucose as a suffix this is a sugar okay this is a starch based sugar that is very complex and it's a series of glucose very highly bonded glucose molecules stuck together you're not going to break this down not in the forms that we will be experimenting with so this is used actually to add if you're going to used extra and getting these lactose or maltodextrin these are used to add body and mouthfeel to beer without introducing and a little bit of sweetness without introducing any fermentable sugars that's all they're there for so don't get confused don't use dextrans and you're fermenting process you want to use dextrose have we made that abundantly clear [Music] okay we're reset and um we're back with you and I've got a bunch of stuff to show you but now let me show you something real quick now I just went on homebrewing org and there's this four sheets of information that you're gonna find interesting it is like a chart it's a chart and with this chart lays out is the the type of malt like to row 6 row care pills name there's hundreds of them they're color by Lovibond which is equivalent to their dye aesthetic power the the gravity points per pound per gallon your anticipated expected gravity points per pound per gallon that's a very interesting thing that we need to know as Brewers and then you're expected efficiency so those are available please don't ask me for it just go on home distiller org and look up grain love a bond and gravity values oh I'll save that for later yeah okay there for a little bit of shuffling around and getting things organized I'm here to share the rest of it with you now we already understand that we have to have sugars before we even get to our yeast okay we're kind of working this back we're going yeast sugars and then we'll do the water youqing you're going to garner or gain or extract or convert different products into sugar saying sugar is the basic building but I remember talked about that it's also the molecule that's necessary for the energy to produce and or extend perpetuate life to include fermentation so we got some different products here this is flaked corn flake corn is equivalent to crack corn whole corn that's been crushed the only difference is it's been rolled steamrolled so it's hydrolyzed and all you've got to really do is cook it up to a simmer you don't have to boil it okay now that is starch lady that's got all bunch of starches in it and what we do is we convert those starches into fermentable sugars using an enzyme okay we'll be right there this is rye flake rye guess what it's been steamrolled so it's been hydrolyzed it is starch Laden it is full of available starches that we must convert in order to get some fermentable shudders huh now this is two-row barley two-row barley is sort of like the base screen for almost every recipe most every beer just about every distilling recipe you don't normally use it wines using fruits and wines normally no but you look on the back end you'll see it's white on that side that's all the sugars that have been seen this one's already been crushed yeah these have already been crushed so you need to crush every one of your grains put it onto a grain mill or beat it with a hammer you're better off with a grain mill you don't want to make it dust you just want to break open all those kernels because that's the only way you can get at them a down so here's what happens to row and six row 6 row barley is the same thing as two row it's just a little bit more a little more protein in it and it's got a higher die aesthetic power we're gonna talk about that so this is normally used in small amounts in a mashing recipe and it's only there for the diastatic power that it has which is the concentration of amylase enzymes that are resident in this grain so it only takes about 30 gravity 30 die static power points to convert whatever is left in the grain itself at a hundred and forty there's 110 left over so you use that to convert these that's why they go together and that's why they're in every recipe you'll notice that a lot of times you'll have six or seven pounds of a of an adjunct or a cereal and you may only have three pounds of grain you're like how could that be a grain mash well it is a grain mash but you need that and you're only using three pounds or so to convert that so that's what that does that turns this into sugars and of course all those flavors are there and you know those profiles those characteristics and all that stuff is there now we also have oats now these were the whole oats that have not been milled so what I got to do I got a melon running through my grain mill we just chop them up and then these also have a diastatic power and they will do the same thing there it's lower than the two row but it is there because it's resident the alpha-amylase is resident in every green that has not been steamrolled if it's a flaked product it does not have amylase in it if it is a whole product that has been malted which means that they allow it to start to sprout then they stop the sprouting process and what's left is some starch inside each kernel that has already started to convert to sugar with a whole bunch of enzymes left over that have stopped working and all you got to do is get them started again water and heat now last but not least I will show you this this is rice holes then I've had a lot of questions about this there rice holes are in some recipes the only thing a rice hole does is keep these things from sticking together that's all it does so it really limits the the necessity for you to stir it on a regular basis to keep it from clumping together so this is just a filler product they're at their dirt cheap but really easy to use you add a pound or two of these into a mash and it keeps your grains from sticking together so it just gives it you know put space in between some of your grains all right that's all that's all there is to it you can you're not gonna get anything out of rice holes you will get everything out of to grow barley rye rice grain flake rye flaked corn flaked oats my goodness there's cornflakes we did a video on cornflakes you can do it out of cornflakes there's a lot of things that are a base the basis of them all are cellulose which is a form of os-- sugars so there's a lot out there okay now there's something important that we need to understand as Brewers okay the and that is the measurement and there's only one measurement that's really important to us because all other measurements are based from that well there's actually two yeah one of them is gravity points and there's three ways to do that and the other one is points gravity points per pound per gallon oh my gosh and the reason I want to bring this up because here's what's important gravity points per pound per gallon now well in the United States and mostly around here we always use gallons and I know they use leaders just about everywhere else in the free world and I wish we would too but we're not so do your own conversions just typing young-young gallons the leaders or pounds to grams what we want to know is we want to know how much per pound of any of these items we can expect the result to increase our gravity points by that pound of it in one gallon so you'll hear that hear this all the time G P P P G gravity points per pound per gallon GP p PP g gravity points per pound per gallon got it okay that was a long way around getting there and we use that so we'll know we're going to look at our mash we're gonna look at our beer we're gonna look at our wine all of those and we're going to go what are the gravity points I'm trying to get to and if I'm trying to get to X how many of these do I need with these to get to that relatively easy believe it or not now there's a there's a chart that you can get off of home brewing org Grainne love it bond and gravity values and what this will tell you and this is four sheets of just about every grain out there that's normally available don't please don't don't write any ask me for I just go on that website and download it home brewing' org o green Lovibond and gravity values and what this will tell you is it'll tell you the color the love a bond this is a l2 loving bond - so it's a a lightly colored green but it'll tell you in the third column gravity of one pound in one gallon this one in particular - Row is 38 let's move down and we see you'll notice that most of them are around the 30 area 30 32 37 35 somewhere in that area there are some that are off the wall but not many there's one of brown sugars 46 so this will give you an idea and it'll give you off this is based on their efficiencies so if you're if you're going to do that at 65 percent efficiency you'll get 38 gravity points if your efficiency is higher than that then you'll get a little bit more out of it let's talk about that in particular this one is this is where it all comes together so we can fully understand the importance of sugars where they come from gravity points per pound per gallon and how to manipulate that now I wanted to get a little bit closer to show you this okay because this is the hydrometer this one happens to be the triple scale colored it could be it comes in three different colors and it could be totally white with without any other additional colors but those colors are just there to identify what what area you're in for for what particular beverage you're making whether it's just beer or wine okay that's all it is we're table wine now there's three scales on here one of them we don't normally use in the United States is the bricks the but it's the same thing it's just a different way you also use play-doh there's a bunch of different scales the ones that we're normally concerned ourselves with are two of them this was the gravity point scale and it starts off at one point zero zero zero and that's way up here at the top and you'll see it actually goes lower than that it'll go all way down to point nine nine nine zero a little bit lower but it starts that's water water this thing floats at one point zero zero zero at water that's our data point so that's water with nothing in it that's the gravity of water watch this if I drop that in there and allow it to bounce a little bit for a while you'll notice that it will float right here whoops yeah right here that's water so the way this scale works though is that you have the other lines going off here and it sort of just made it simple for themselves and of course there's dividing lines in between every one of those they just write 10 20 30 40 50 what this represents is one point zero one zero one point zero two zero one point zero three zero you understand what I'm going that swai a lot of times we'll use the term if it's one point zero three zero we'll just say I'm at 10:30 10:30 is just a short way of saying one point zero three zero in the brewers world we understand what they're talking about okay so there we go look see it's floating at one point zero zero zero now this scale there's another one it's called percent alcohol out cold there you go it's ABV but it is potential and this is a very very important scale because this scale is in line with this scale so we know that one point one point zero seven zero means that there's enough sugar in there to produce eight percent alcohol by boom remember we said gravity points per pound per gallon all right if we have 70 gravity points from one gallon in one gallon or from one pound in one gallon of water that means that water is eight percent potential Gras alcohol let's make this even easier okay you ready wake up back there cuz you're gonna miss this I know you're gonna miss it and call me I'm gonna use this scale and if this scale says sucrose white table sugar if I go over to the column it says I should expect 46 gravity points point one point zero four six per pound of sugar in one gallon of water now what you didn't see is before we I set this up what I did I did some quick math and I've got what is equivalent to one pound of sugar in one gallon of water he said I took 150 milliliters of water and then I found out what percent of those milliliters or how many milliliters it takes to get to a gallon what is the percentage of that total and I took that because it's like four percent 150 milliliters is about four percent of a gallon I took that four percent of a pound in grams is 18 good 454 grams somewhere around there in that neighborhood and so I added that in there so what this is this this is an equivalent mixture of one pound of sugar in one gallon of water so it would be the same thing if I had a big gallon sitting here with a pound of sugar in it so let's take our hydrometer and drop it in here and now it tells me I should anticipate at 65 percent efficiency to get 46 gravity point which means that it should go from here to right in here that's where it should float here we go that's just by admin table sugar now what is our reading here I'm gonna read this I'm gonna roll it around so I can see it there there we go I've got going it wants to stop on the other side there we go for tea I get 44 evidently I'm not at 65% efficiency that's not too bad so I get 44 gravity points and that puts me right about here so that's where my hydrometer is floating finding that other scale look across there that is almost six percent alcohol by volume that means that this particular volume of water if I ferment it all the way and completely ferment all of that sugar and eat all that sugar out of there I should end up with roughly 6 percent alcohol you see that's why it's so important to take a gravity reading first okay so you find out what the gravity is you correlate that to what your alcohol by percentage potential is they add yeast Erfurt it's all said and done let's say for instance you didn't see this but I switched these now I just fermented it and it's just finished fermenting remember it started here then I dropped this in and I go wow it went all the way I stopped that yeah went all the way down to one so I started here and I ended here I got a full six percent alcohol by volume in here now what would have happened had it stopped here does that happen yeah I'm sure it happens I've only gone I got us take one from this that means I've really got only about 5% alcohol by volume so that's why you need two measurements so you see I've just unlocked the entire world of sugars plain and simple identify my point that I'm always looking for is right at one point zero nine zero and that brings me to somewhere near oh and about twelve percent twelve thirteen ish somewhere in that neighborhood and I'm happy with that that's what I do that for a mash so what I need to find out now is how many pounds that that stuff in X amount of gallons as it go take me to float my hydrometer at this level simple enough now I know you followed through all of that please go back and review it again it it's it builds on itself so we know we have a monosaccharide in sugar sugar is sucrose which is made up of glucose and fructose we know how to make invert sugar all we've got to do is add some citric acid lower the pH level make an acidic environment add some sugar heat it up and you invert the sugars which means really what you're doing is just cutting them up you're separating them again okay so but the most simplest forms of sugars those single molecules glucose galactose and fructose and those are the ones that your yeast are looking for they're the easiest to capture eat consume and turn that energy into co2 and ethanol my friends that is a wrap and we shall see you on the next video well know next time we're gonna delve right into water mm-hmm happy distilling
Channel: Barley and Hops Brewing
Views: 143,548
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: neutral spirit, sugar wash, barlerandhops, hops, home, Sugar (Ingredient), sugar mash, distilling, barley, corn sugar vs cane sugar, corn sugar mash recipe, making a wash for distilling, running a still for the first time, first distillation, using yeast, mooshine, whiskey, making rum, making vodka, bourbon, baby step bourbon, making bourbon at home
Id: ilK6Ud7-ADg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 19sec (1939 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 16 2019
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