Former prostitute gets engaged in church - Testimony with Alph LUKAU

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myself I do not know if yes we recognize that stand up stand up stand up young lady this young woman's life is about to take a turn God will show her mercy what is your name your name is Ellen you come to this church I come only today you came only today yes Ellen God has a plan for you I heard him say today is your day of deliverance are you hearing me yeah thank you for your grace are you married do you have children yeah how many children four you have four children but you're not married yeah tell me Ellen have you ever spoken to me before no I don't know you don't know me so you say the first time you came here do you know people in this church you don't know beep on this church do you know this man do you know her you just came to church I need to establish this is very important I need to help some subjects ease are you hearing me you say you have four children but now you are not married yes is that correct do you know Sylvester Sylvester was your first husband and the father of three of your children is that correct yes is that correct do you know Willington yes you don't Willington yes who is willing Tony it's my second husband your second husband willing tone came after Sylvester three years ago three years ago you and willing tone stop the relationship do you know Pilate it's my son pilot is your son with willing tone so you were first with Silverstone you had two children now you started then you started a relationship with willing tone and you had pilot those are your four children but both the first and the second man and no longer part of you but right now do you know Hilton I can't hear you it's my boyfriend truly nothing is hidden before God no stone is left unturned we know that God is speaking Hilton is your boyfriend have you ever spoken to me before you don't know me this is your first time yes God is working on your last has been so tough so difficult so tight but you have been led to do things that are normally you will not do because last year in 2016 June you started prostitution is that correct yes you became a prostitute last year in June I am NOT saying this to embarrass you because today is your day thank you Jesus when the Sun sets free is free indeed a story is changing in June 2016 you to end prostitution but you see there is it wrapped in something the enemy had planned for years to catch you you are doing that because you want to sustain your family because the two main are not responsible and as a woman as as a model you are fighting for yourself with no help is that correct don't cry I'm here too huh grace of god I've been anointed foolish this is tough on her but God has sent His Prophet to help her I've been anointed for this so in June mutual position you begin to go for position but there is than why God sent me to come to you is because of what happened to you last night oh geez last night one standing in the corner you had your first client your second client came driving a black mercedes-benz is that correct it was exactly man o'clock in Pretoria is that correct yes sure just listen to the accuracy this is shockingly amazing Oh God speak through your servant this happened to you at nine o'clock yesterday yesterday none o'clock you've been picked by your second client and this client drove a black mercedes-benz even gave you three thousand rain which is more than what you normally receive yes so this man yesterday gave you three thousand run I'm seeing a man short with a bald head is about 55 years old with a big stomach is that correct after being with you this man gave you three thousand rain but let me tell you what I three thousand rain was three thousand rain was not for the time you spent three thousand rent was for your soul the devil is wicked your mess because God is telling me the main God took you and gave you that money straight after I left you realized that the one of your earring disappeared is that correct one of your earring disappeared this man is true name is dish the calling dish it belongs to a cat group called a ring this group called the ring is led by a half-blind I'll be no man who is 76 years old that I'm about to deal with right now God will punish that either man and who know that there is a powerful greater than his own man of God the whole world will know that is this generation there is a prophet of God at 94 difficult matter a servant of God has appointed him are you here this man gave you three thousand rain and went with your soul it took your earring and thread after that he went to Buffy took that water he presented it to this Alban no one I blind 76 year old man who is the leader of the ring the ocultist group it belongs show today coach great haven't done this family we will see fire the away and God will destroy them jesus loves you do you see that he loves you you will turn these tears in God will restore and the Spain will not be remembering here he's a God of mercy prostitution is not the way to go you should turn your back on it see there are thousands of people here you came for the first time you know nobody in this church the pastor leaves and come straight to you it's because God loves you thank you for your love O God we glorify God for His mercy and not only that God loves you we also love you do we love do we said to her we love you I want you to take a decision to turn your back on prostitution it to bring you more trouble give your life to Jesus Christ met Jesus the Lord of your life do you want to receive Jesus in your life do you want to receive Jesus in your life yes your grace Oh God heaven rejoices today I saw the one into the kingdom of light Hustons all be forgiven everybody stretch your hands toward her I want you to close your eyes say these words after me make these words your word say Lord Jesus thank you for your mercy in my life thank you for your mercy in my life forgive my sins forgive my sins today I take a decision to repent to depend from prostitution from prostitution I open my heart to you I open my to you I receive you today I receive you today be my Lord and my Savior in my Lord and my Savior changed my life in my life Holy Spirit help me follow Jesus help me follow evil have me be obedient to Jesus help identity that please receive salvation today and receive salvation today in Jesus name now everybody lift your right hand let's show the devil what we are made of as fire will come down the same fire will come down to you let me tell you something this woman was gone the man who slept with you yesterday makes money by sacrificing innocent lives that's who I come to Jesus wherever you are she came to Olivia ministries she met Jesus just like the Samaritan woman who encountered Jesus the story is changing don't stay home the devil is at work but today I am NOT just putting fire on Tish I am putting fire on the ring family they want to know what has hit them today God will punish the devil that's why those people do not like me some people in the ring have outstanding position in our society I'm seeing that I'm seeing one that you know I can see he you know him on TV but it belongs to a secret society people can be so cruel and ruthless in a quest for fame and fortune but the fire of God will consume them firmly lift your hands fire will come under me - come on anybody who's standing against you somebody had a fire [Music] bread bread bread bread he needs a break [Music] as that fire consumes the rangas woman who sees her deliverance and the soul has brought back from the hands in a name of Jesus there's the woman sister Ellen I remember pasear picking her towards the bookshop close by that direction myself you went into a life and God opened your eyes to see that she was at that point in time a prostitute and pastor you prayed for and she cried bitterly and you really you casted something out of her you even mentioned the client she had the previous night and you told her how much that client reader but you also told her that that client was after her soul and men of God they turn around like the woman at the wildest woman has received a new name I said that turn around game buzzer she stopped and followed the instruction that you have given her she has received the Lord Jesus in her life she's living a good and perfect life before the face of the Lord and today she came to testify but pastor day is the surprise the am I surprised somebody want to tell her something can I have the brother who wants to speak to us quick wait would I suspect a marriage proposal about to take place oh my goodness [Music] God is able to remove you from the dust of life from same from ridicule and slender he's able to claims you to deliver you and bestow His glory upon you this woman has found her Boaz and God can do the same even for you do not let your shame keep you from him she was bound in prostitution and had lost her soul to a client in the process but God revealed it to his servant pastor Affleck how who led her through her deliverance not long after that filthy veil is removed now we're celebrating her engagement wow that's a big only a few words we now know this man's intention no more dot no more skepticism this man is ready - where'd Ellen she is in such shock more grace apart though I do not think she was fully aware of what this gentleman had planned we celebrated them this is the work of our Heavenly Father beloved you can also tap into this grace your time has arrived make you to testify God's truly showing his mercy this woman's life oh my oh my Jesus Danny is getting extreme now it's getting extreme I said this is x-ray [Music] you remember sorry I dealt with the albino guy up there with that guy the ring doesn't exist anymore my name is a fluke in general and God's army a force to be reckoned with what a mighty God we serve if your God is dead come try mine we bow we straw it's beautiful to see what Jesus is doing she gave her life to Jesus and life changed she came to glorify God before my boyfriend I mentioned this man remember the boyfriend the boyfriend now walks and say I was doubting but there is no doubt in my heart anymore [Applause] hallelujah lift your hand if you were blessed by this video be sure to subscribe to our channel you can catch pastor off the cow on a my TV on the public bouquet or on our live stream on ami you can follow pastor alpha car on all social media platforms at of the cow
Channel: Pastor Alph Lukau
Views: 2,628,693
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #church, #pastor, #prostitutes, #alphlukau
Id: lz_ZXLV6ydc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 40sec (1060 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 31 2018
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