HOW TO USE A CONCRETE SAW | Basic Concrete Cutting Demonstration

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in this video I'll be showing you how to use a concrete saw find out how coming up next what's going on folks come up with middle sorrows and jealous I think you simplify the renovation and remodeling process on this channel we do hands-on product tools and good reviews as well as renovation tip and strategy videos so if you're interested in renovation remodeling repair property maintenance or real estate then subscribe because this channel and this content is for you so in today's video I'm going to be showing you how to use a concrete saw a concrete saw is a tool that can be invaluable when you're going to be doing projects like concrete driveway repair or even some plumbing projects that require you to be able to cut out a specific section of floor to be able to put it back neatly now one of the main reasons why I've made this video was particularly because when you go to the tool rental place even if you don't have experience running the tool they're not going to ask you a ton of questions with regards to what your experience is they're going to tell you what the rates are they're gonna ask you if you want to put an additional insurance policy on that tool and they're gonna basically cut you loose now if you tell them that you need to have some instruction on how to start it how to stop it and things like that that will show you how to do it but essentially gonna be on your own so hopefully you're able to watch this video and pick up some pointers and at least have a general idea of how the tool is supposed to work now as I said this is gonna be your best option if you're going to be making a small cut or gonna only be making a few cuts if you're gonna be making a huge cut it's gonna be several hundred feet long they also do make some concrete saws that you can walk behind at a standing position that's almost like a lawn mower and things like that that you can cut those make a lot more sense for large projects they do a very clean job and they're easy to use however your rental rate is going to be in a completely different price point and you're also going to have to have a special trailer and things like that to be able to move it around so it's gonna be overkill for most people are going to be doing this as DIY so first I'm gonna go over some of the personal protective equipment that you're gonna need for a project like this and then we'll jump into the demo so one of the most important pieces of personal protective equipment for a project like concrete cutting is going to be having a good set of goggles and they don't necessarily have to be like these but you want something that's going to be able to cover your eyes as much as possible because you're gonna have that saw spinning and you're gonna have dust flying as well as potentially some of that concrete water and so you want to make sure that you don't get any of the liquid in your eyes and you also want some DES protection from your eyes as well so a good set of goggles is a must have so this next piece of PPE needs no introduction probably two months ago and no one even knew what this was however this is a respirator and you don't necessarily have to have one like this but you do want to have some type of facial covering when you're going to be using a concrete saw because you do have dust and things like that flying up and floating around in the air and you don't want to be inhaling that dust you don't have to one of the things that is created when you cut concrete is going to be a dust known as silica and this is very bad for your respiratory system so we want to limit your intake of that as much as possible in addition to that when you're running on concrete saw most concrete saws are going to be gas-powered which means you're also going to have the exhaust fumes that are going to be permeating in the air particularly if you're cutting inside and so you also want to get the mask on for that reason so facial protection is also necessary PPE consideration this next piece of PPE is one that is frequently forgotten about and overlooked this is earmuffs or ear covers the concrete saw is very loud and it makes a lot of noise when you're actually in the process of cutting the concrete the sound of that blade hitting and spinning against the concrete can also be kind of agitating for some people so a good set of earmuffs or even just the earplugs will also do a very good job I blink Stu all of these pieces of PPE in the description box below with the exception of the respirator of course now in addition to having these pieces of PPE there are also a few pieces of equipment that you're going to want to have in addition to your concrete saw one is going to be a chalk line or some way to be able to mark off the exact location where you want to have your cut on your concrete and so today I'm not going to be using a chalk line because I could not put my hand on behind fast enough so I'm just going to be marking off with chalk additionally what you want to have one hand is also going to be some type of hammer I've got a sledgehammer with me which I'll grab here in one second you may remember this hammer from a couple videos back when I was doing the demo hammer demonstration but a demo hammer or a sledge hammer is going to be an excellent piece of equipment to have on hand we're cutting concrete because concrete is not always going to be a consistent thickness all the way through the slab and what you want to make sure that is you get when you use your concrete saw that even if you cut all the way through sometimes there may be a portion of that concrete that is not cut all the way through and so if you've got a hammer on hand you can tap the portion that you're going to be removing to make sure that you can get a clean break all the way through so it's good easy for me to pull those pieces out otherwise you may be left with the piece that's hanging on it'll be difficult to be able to dislodge that because it's actually going to be still attached well down below the surface of the concrete below a point where your blade can reach [Music] now as I mentioned before there are more than one type of concrete sauce this is an electric concrete song so I'm going to be demoing today most concrete saws that you're gonna find at your local tool in are going to be gas-powered saws this saw is actually a handsaw and it's designed to be able to cut vertically if you're going to be cutting out doorways and things like that through brick and concrete so it's actually a multifunctional tool it can also be used to cut slabs and things like that it's not gonna cut as fast or as efficiently as being able to cut with a big gas-powered saw however this saw is very powerful and it will still get the job done and that's what we're gonna be using today as I said before using a respirator is also going to be an important consideration because of the fumes that are going to be put off by that's not that you're going to be using now if this saw does not create fumes from running obviously because it runs on electricity however the trade-off is going to be obviously that we've got to be able to plug it in a couple more advantages to using a saw like this it's going to be obviously if you're going to be cooking inside of an occupied space you won't have to worry about the fumes permeating out of the work area and into the areas where people are working or living and so that's one plus to it another plus to this saw is that its form factor is quite a bit smaller than a gas-powered saw which makes it easier to store if you're going to be storing it in a warehouse or even if you're going to be storing in a vehicle it takes up a lot less space and also if you're going to be traveling with that this is also going to be a very good option for pros who typically have their tools in their vehicle one downside of using a gas-powered saw is that if you make a cut and you quickly end up wrapping your job up and need to move on to the next place that saw is still going to be putting off fumes and you don't want to have to put that in the back of your vehicle and have the fumes wafting up into the area on the front you're gonna be driving and you have occupants and so if you've got an electric saw like this you don't have to worry about that being a consideration so just another couple of pointers on a electric saw you don't see them that frequently which is one of the reasons why I'm doing the demo today so let's get to the demo one more piece of PPE before we get started is going to be gloves I've got on rubber gloves today because I'm gonna be working with water with our concrete so you can use any type of glove that you want I prefer the waterproof type I'll just keep that concrete water off my hands you've seen in the previous video where I showed you how to attach studs to concrete that you may remember this setting here I'm gonna quickly prep this space up so we can have a clean place to cut concrete and then we'll go ahead and get started when you're preparing to cut concrete with a concrete saw there are some times when you're gonna run into some type of reinforcement it's out of the concrete it may be rebar it may be some type of mesh and I can look and see right here on the end of this concrete slab even though it's a thousand years old I could see that there is wire mesh in the slab so I'm aware that I'm gonna have to cut a little bit more slowly and that the saw may not cut as efficiently as it would if this was just straight concrete so if we look closely here we can see that there is rust stains here and you could see that that's actually mesh in that concrete and so we've got reinforcement in here so we just need to take our time as we cut to ensure that we still get a good clean cut now as I mentioned before I'm gonna mark this all this is typically where we would use a chalk line but I'm gonna have to just use my tape measure here I'm just gonna mark off a location and just kind of be consistent as I go so we're gonna cut this thing from one side to the other and when I just cut a mark five inches and then try to remain consistent even though I know that this piece of concrete is not going to be consistently the same lip all the way across we've got a few obstacles here to contend with mainly these nails so there we go you can see all the way across here now we're gonna hook up this water line this is gonna be an integral part of using a saw like this because it's gonna help minimize the amount of dust that's created it's also going to help keep the blade cool which is going to help prolong the life of the blade if you're in a position we're gonna be renting one of these saws hopefully you're too little place is gonna provide you with a good blade because without a good solid sharp blade I can take you forever to be able to make a cut or it may not cut it all and if you price the amount that these blades cost you'll probably have a heart attack because they cost more than the rental of the saw itself in most instances just a quick tidbit of information so I've got my water line and everything hooked up here now I'm gonna position my sauce I could make my cut properly to get this saw you can see that it is set up with the wheels on this side and this needs to be on the portion where I'm going to be able to have the grounding to be able to level the saw and as you can see we're cutting off the edge here of this concrete slab which means I'm gonna need to really turn the saw around and bring it back this way so that the feet are on this side as opposed to it falling off the edge here on the side and if I plan for this a little bit earlier I could have scooted my line further this way and that way it would have enough place to rest on the portion that we're cutting off not a big deal we're not gonna go back and change it we're just gonna go ahead and cut it as it is and let the chips fall where they may so I'm gonna go ahead and get ready to cut the water on you can see I've just turned the water on this is what's gonna help keep that blade cool and help minimize the dust [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] so here's my ugly little cut do you can look along here you can see my line here not razor strop you can see I started off pretty good here but it kind of veered away here and I said this thing is not level the rebar and mesh and the concrete didn't really give me any issues it was just more so the level or unleveled mess of the surface and trying to hold my straight line there so a quick recap guys you saw there when I first started out I went over the concrete slab lightly and then I came back through and went over our second pass and cut deeper that's the point of that is just to be able to score and try to maintain a straight line as possible then you go ahead and make your full plunge cut all the way through when you make your second pass as I said this is all about trying to make sure that your lawn as as straight as possible is it's easier to maintain that straight line when you're not trying to cut all the way through the slab at one time additionally when you do that you're also trying to make sure that you can pull that saw across the entire length of your cut line without washing all the chocolates for doing that but essentially trying to achieve the same goal another thing that I want to point out with regards to using concrete saws and if you notice when I was cutting that I want to make sure that my cord was out of the way as well as my water hose as well as hands and knees and feet I've got it on steel toe boots which is one another piece of PPE that I forgot to mention you don't necessarily have to have one steel toes this is just what I prefer to work in but you want to make sure that you keep all of your materials and equipment out of the path of the saw and you want to make sure that your work area is clear of any type of or debris or obstacles and things that may present an issue for trip hazards and things like that so make sure your worker is clean and you should have no real problems - the main reason that I want to make this video was for people who are doing this for the first time because what you will find out is that when you go to the tool rental place to rent a tool it's not like when you grew up and you were a kid where your parents told you what you couldn't couldn't do when you go to the tool rental place and you want to run a tool they're gonna point to it and they're gonna tell you how much it costs for an hourly rate or a daily rate or a weekly rate they're gonna ask if you want to add an additional insurance policy on top of the rhythm of the tool that's pretty much it now if they sense that you don't know what you're doing they may ask you hey do you know how to start it and stop it and things like that and show you the basic overall functions of the saw but essentially that's it they're gonna cut you loose and so you're gonna end up having a tool like this that is dangerous if you don't know how to use it you're gonna have to figure out on your own essentially on the job and so hopefully this can serve as a bit of a primer to help get you familiar with how the saw works and what to expect as it cuts as you saw the blade spins at a pretty good rate of speed but not into uncontrollably fast not nearly as fast as the blade spins on a circular saw or something like that but as you can see it did a very good job of cutting through that concrete and making a very clean cut and didn't have a whole lot of mess now the water and the runoff is going to be something that you do have to be concerned with particularly we're gonna be working inside you want to make sure that you have the idea of where that water is going to run so that people potentially try to capture it or direct it into another direction where you won't make a huge mess I'm outside so it's not that big of a deal but another consideration to keep in mind also it wouldn't hurt to wear clothes that you don't care about as you can see I still got concrete water on my pants but not a big deal because I've got on work clothes so it's one more thing to consider hopefully you found this video informative don't forget to Like comment and subscribe and I will see you guys on the next one all right one more quick thing I almost got out of here and forgot to demonstrate the last piece you can see we've made our cut line here and you've cut through as much as possible but if you can look and see the concrete while it's scored probably the majority of the way we can rest assured that this piece of concrete is not the same thickness all the way through and so this would be a situation where you would want to tap this thing with your hammer and so since I've got my hammer and I showed it to you let's go ahead and tap it and see if we can get this thing to break off all right you can see I've got there karrimor everything so that period about balance here you can see it is not moving let's just tap this thing a couple of times and see if we can't break see that and there we have it so now you can see that piece is loose now where it wasn't loose before hopefully you can see that and the other pieces are also loose as well you can he kind of you can hear smacking together in there so that's it see you guys on the next one
Channel: RENOS 4 PROS & JOES
Views: 116,899
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: IWjp_RiSIEg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 10sec (1210 seconds)
Published: Sat May 02 2020
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