Cut Bait for Big Striped Bass

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[Music] hey guys Justin catfish I'm out here today on the Tennessee River and it's going to be a wet one it's already sprinkling now we've got a lot of rain coming and we've got some storms come in this afternoon too so this probably will be a short trip I don't know how long I'm gonna be able to stay here I don't mind sitting in the rain but I can't do storms so we'll see how it goes now today let me just tell you a little bit about what I'm doing out here today and where I'm fishing it now I'm on Tennessee River and I'm in a little secondary Channel TVA they're running a pretty good current flow at Fort Loudoun dam and it won't slow down so very good current flow going through the main river channel there so I'm over here and this little secondary channel where the currents not quite as strong but now let me tell you with as much current as they're running I actually do have pretty good flow right through here but this little secondary channel it's just going to give these fish a place to kind of get out of that main current error so yesterday I fished this area I was drifting the main channel and the boat traffic just got too bad that weekend houseboats pleasure boats they were out there they just blew me off the area and I just been catching Dinks anyway by thought you know before I leave I'm gonna come over here just try out the secondary Channel see what's going on and so I drifted this area now this area it's kind of a tough area to drift this because there's a lot of ups and downs and there's some snags too so you really got to watch your lines and it's just it's a tough area to drift like that but I did catch some fish immediately after I got over here I hooked into a small flathead and then shortly thereafter that I had a rod double over and man it took off and he's pull he's pulling me almost 2 miles an hour brother you guys listen that drag man oh man he has taken off let's hope I can land the fish down man he has stripped a lot of line I wonder if it's a maybe a striper hadn't come out here today with the anticipation of filming a video I mean I've got my camera with me obviously for picture purposes - I didn't come out here playing at home at Kenny's YouTube video oh my gosh if this is if this turns out to be a a whopper it'll certainly make you to love catching pop the hook right at the kayak man he had him I ended up losing that fish right here to the side of the kayak before I get hold of him he was just this barely skin hooked in the corner of his mouth and when I got him up here and he shook he just popped that hook and was going but I didn't have time to feel my head for very long because it wasn't shortly after that one of his friends redeemed me [Music] there he goes he's a pulling on very cows it's another strap learn dancing yeah he's moving me too fast well one of these things hit it they take off don't you just hang on and enjoy the ride he's got me moving mile and a half an hour look at that pretty nice trapper right there buddy at least I was able to go 1 for 2 on the stripers yesterday and I had a good time doing it so anyway guys today I'm back over here in this secondary channel and I'm gonna hit this area again but today I'm gonna be anchor fishing over here like I said it's just a tough area to drift this channel you can probably look behind me here and say well you know this is a really wide channel and actuality it's really not the channel itself here is very narrow I could throw a rock and hit 5 foot of water over here to my right over here to my left of course you can see the bank but yeah I'm setting in 38 foot of water and right here where I'm at so I've got four lines baited with cuts skipjack I've got them cast out here and I'm kind of playing with fire with having my lines this close together especially if a striper hits cuz you know things always want to swim sideways on you I'm probably gonna get some tangles here today that'll be alright if it happens we'll deal with it but you know the advantage to fish in a small narrow channel like this is you know where the fish are going to be traveling through through here so if there's any fish in here I expect we're gonna hook up with them and if there's not any fish here right now even just sitting here because of the way this area is and how much current they're running out there there's some chance fish could move up in through here as the day goes on I just you know with the weather the way it is it's already starting to rain here now I don't know how long I'm gonna get the fish today so I'll fish out here as long as I can and maybe just maybe we'll get lucky right here thank you thank you so her yeah he's on there he's sick too that's cuz I told you I'm playing with fire with my lines as close together but it's gonna be worth it we're getting on some fish today don't know for sure what he is they come right to the surface that's a striper I wouldn't know what to do man if I ever hooked into a state record top striper you know one that's 70 plus pounds that would be a good time I don't know what I'd do yeah look at that not bad y'all not bad cuz him when he first popped up with the surface down there he didn't he didn't look that big once I got him up here as a call man that's a pretty nice one yeah alright well let's let him go I'll hold him into the current here till he's ready it won't take long I didn't have him out of the water for just a few seconds that's one thing about these stripers guys you really need to use appropriate tackle with and you need to use heavy tackle so you can get them in quickly otherwise you're just gonna kill them these fish will fight themselves to death they have a really high mortality rate anyway and if you're using really light tackle and you take forever with them you guarantee you they're gonna die there he goes another one released safely these boats run through here all the time and they you know you look on the map you look on Navionics and you think you know it's a wide channel through here but they run in under three feet of water when they run over there on the other side of that island Thomas's here we go guys here we go fish on oh he's falling buddy he's falling yeah yeah man these things pull beyond if you can see the bend in that rod on the video or not the man he's gonna he's getting worked over he's going east cost mother line let's not be just cross one of their kind of pontoon boat up here behind me tow he's gonna watch the show boats always go by when you get all four lines thing with tail he swam them they swam across myzel honest I don't know that he got him skeet him up here in land there we go another good strapper right there buddy another good one we throw him on this board here to see how long he is only after the food with he's about 33 inches there so even though I'm in this tournament which is over the time you see this video he's not gonna replace one other fish listen keep him back in the water wouldn't go lay in the phone back down I wanna catch you when you're bigger she goes are go so I just pulled anchor and slid down this channel maybe I don't know 50 75 yards just a just to be able to cast my lines a little bit further down through here I've been sitting on that last spot a little over an hour I got those two fish so I'm just gonna make my way down just a little further but I'll show you my setup here today for anchor fishing here I'm using the same setup that I'm using went on to spend fishing and that's what the knocker rig I switched to this last year I'll put a link up here in the corner of your screen or that side one of I'm just uh if you want to learn more about why I made the switch but all it is it's got my sinker here directly above my my hook that's a dog a magatsu circle hook and again all my gear is listed down in the description below if you're interested and then i've got a small piece of cut skipjack on here and i'm just casting these lines out i'm gonna get everything set up here again but they'll all be close together here right here in this little channel well guys I got in a little over two hours of fishing today before the skies just opened up and hit monsoons on me I had to make a run for it but you know the short time I was out there I had a good time I got those two straps both of which were quality Fishman there were really good striped bass and a lot of fun to catch them I had a good time it wasn't ideal conditions out there today the end result of me getting drenched certainly wasn't that much fun but you know if you sit around at home and waiting for perfect weather that sunny and 75 top day you ain't never gonna get to go fishing so you just got to make the most of what you got to work with that's what I did today I got out there for the short time I could and I got a couple of fish to show for so turned out to be a pretty good day but hopefully the video turned out okay hopefully you liked it if you did get the old thumbs up I'll see you next time thanks for watching [Music]
Channel: Kayak Catfish
Views: 58,168
Rating: 4.939826 out of 5
Keywords: how to catch catfish, catfishing, catfish, kayak catfishing, kayak fishing, how to, how to drift for catfish, drifting for catfish, flathead, blue catfish, fishing for catfish, catfishing tips, rigging for catfish, trolling for catfish, kayak catfishing setup, kayak catfishing tips, tips, techniques, diy, kayak mods, how to anchor a kayak, striped bass, striped bass fishing, striper fishing, kayak, cut bait, catch and cook, catch and cook striped bass
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 16sec (736 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 10 2018
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