How to FIX Read-Only Animations (and Edit Humanoid Animations inside Unity)

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hello and welcome I'm your code monkey here's a quick video on how to make animations editable and remove the read-only tag and also related to that how to edit humanoid animations so for example one place where you might get some animations is from miximo I covered that process in detail in another video it's a great place to get free characters and animations and when you download them you get an fbx file for example here I've got that file and inside that file we have the animation so you can use these animations for example on a character just drag them out to the animator controller and then you can easily preview the animation so it works fine however sometimes those animations might have some slight issues that need changing or you might just want to change something like for example let's say I want to cut out some frames make this animation a bit snappier so I can select a bunch of frames then right click and nope I cannot delete any keys and if you look over here on the animation selector drop down menu over here this animation is marked as read only that is why I cannot delete keys I cannot move any keys I cannot do anything basically this animation file is completely unlocked and the reason for that is because the animation file is inside an fbx file so the only way to modify this animation would be to load the fbx file in a program sort of like blender and edit in there however here in unity we can also modify this and essentially make the animation editable it's super simple you just select the animation then you can duplicate it so either press Ctrl D or go up here into edit and then duplicate and when you do that here is the same animation file but now it's no longer inside the fvx now it's outside as a completely separate file now you can drag this same animation onto the animator so there you go now there are two animations and looking over here in the animator if I select it if there you go now I've got one that's read only and one that is modifiable so now this one I can do whatever I want so for example I can only the whole bunch of keyframes just delete them push the other ones back so I can edit it and yep there you go the animation now works much better so this is how you can take a read-only animation and make it editable and just one more quick thing related to animation specifically humanoid animations you might now want to take this animation and modify some of these bones positions however when dealing specifically with humanoid animations you cannot do that inside UND Unity does not have built-in support for humanoid animation editing so if you're in the scene view if I try to grab one of these bones so let's say I grab the spine bone I hit on record and I try to move the spine and then I go back and nope it did not change so whatever I try doing I cannot record a brand new animation it does not record although technically you can actually do it over here on the animation you can see all of the body parts for example the chest twist so the only way that it does work is over here modifying this field so you can modify it like this and there you go that does save that keyframe however having to modify each individual mode setting doing that is pretty much unusable it's a pretty bad animation workflow so if you really want to edit and modify a humanoid animation you need to load it into an external program sort of like blender or alternatively if you really really want to do it inside Unity there are some packages on the SSR to let you do that for example here's one that I picked up to try it out it's called the umotion it's a pretty great asset with tons of Animation tools I picked it up in the last assets or sale it features ik and FK timeline integration mocap data a massive amount of video tutorials to learn how to use it and of course like I said it lets you edit humanoid animations inside Unity so over here if I want to make a quick adjustment to this animation I just need to open up Hue motion then let's create a new humanoid animation and now here I can select this game object then over here I can import the clips and open up the animation and import it so here it is the same animation working in this editor and on this one it does have a proper workflow for editing the animation so I can click a bone I can rotate it in any way that I want I can keep some modifications create some keys and so on then after editing I just need to export this animation and if here is the new edited animation so if you want to edit humanoid animations inside Unity check out the S Link in the description sectionally on sale right now and now you also know how to take animations marked as read only and make them editable alright hope that's useful check out these videos to learn some more thanks to these awesome patreon supporters for making these videos possible thank you for watching and I'll see you next time foreign
Channel: Code Monkey
Views: 33,170
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: unity fix animation read only, unity edit humanoid animation, unity fbx, unity mixamo, unity animation read only, code monkey, unity tutorial, unity game tutorial, unity tutorial for beginners, unity 3d, unity, game design, game development, game dev, game development unity, unity tutorials, how to make a game, unity humanoid, humanoid rig, unity umotion, unity ik, unity animation, humanoid animation blender, mixamo, unity free animations, unity read only
Id: bZW2IEmwOEg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 24sec (264 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 29 2022
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